The news. (Washington, Ga.) 1816-1821, August 16, 1816, Image 2

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fy and much attached to general Smith, who was preparing to af c■ nd to Praire du Chein, to erect a strong tort in that neighborhood. Three hundred ot ths rifle regi ment have I‘ai'e-: irorn Belle Foun tainc, to join him. Nicholas Boulvin, efq ; the In dian agent rest dent at Praire de Chicn, inform’ us that the remain ing h ‘ftiie bands of the Winebago arid Fuifavoine nations may be ex pelled shortly to treat with the commiflioner*. ; The following is an extract of a lifer from Natchitoches, dated June i*. ! he bodies of Henry Irvin end Pary Nath, were yesterday found nc.; this place murdered in a moft (hocking manner, apparently with an axe, or tome other heavy fljarp weapon, as the heads of both w< :e nearly fjparated from their bodies, anti their ikulls much frac- j lured, befules other wounds—they < they had been miffing from th? 6th to the \ irh in ft ; when they were difeovered by the numerous Buz zards an Vultures hovering a* round their remain*. and by whom they had been f<> mangled as only to be identified by their apparel, i Sufpicians retted ftiongly on a fer geatit Pox and a woman by the n.w. ■ of Fanny Newman, who had quo, •'lied with the deceased, and l, ! been heard to utter threats a gc.iidt them. They have both been t\ mined before jnftices Davenport and Calc. Irvin is much regretted. From late London tapers. LONDON, MAY An article dated from Vienna, tnentto: the aflembting a Ruffian a: my of 160,000 men on the sou th .'‘n frontiers t the Redan em pire, which ha*, excite I the atten tion of the neighboring pbwers ; bet. ir • $ added, that all the aufwers ot the cabinet of St Petersburg have been fatisfafilory, and fnch as might have been exp .-filed from the g at and faithful Alexander. It : de-rd however, in the German p , i is, that the porte has accepted toe mediation of Austria a id Fug land between Turkey and Ruflia. MAT 25. It has lately been conj afhirccl that the pvafilicc of fwinghtg, much indulged in by children, produces that dreadful complaint, wet.a* on thehiaift. Thisis cxempi fied in the death df two chihin n lately, who woe very healthy tip to a certain period, but having a I uiofl daily fivung in their fathers garden, the above complaint carried them off. FR ANCK. The following extract from the ! London Merging Chronicle, 0/ May will throw feme additional ILht on the kind of t>an;u:!ity en j wed in that quarter of the globe— ve believe < ur readers have not before lien (he article : “ The private accounts from Paris place the affair at Grenoble in a more serious point of view (hart the puldic journals are allow ed so do ; they date that a body pt men, novlefs than 4 or 5,000, \ (Jefcin led frbm the mountains, wearing the colored Bag, vaii Otfsl'y armed, a'd among them, m my disbanded officers. They advanced on Gre noble, and made a deperate attack on the g rrifon, ‘which marcht, out to meet them. A severe con Bird took place, rhe garrison fought with gr at biufrry, and routed the n twice, when f!ie insurgents , retired, leaving near 150 dead, and between two and three hundred ; wounded hehid them ; bus th* main t>ody was fuff-red to m£rch off unpurfued.” rbe following is an ext rad of a letter from London , May 28. I wrote you 15th in ft; that an unexpected rife had taken place in the corn markets and hopes were entertained that prices would Toon rife so high as to admit importa tions of foreign wheat and ft our 5 but prices have dill fallen* and ! there is now no profptftof any ad ■ vanes to juftify the admission of supplies from foreign countries. Market for tobacco and moft A rnerienn produce, full and little de mand ; tobacco is still quoted 6 and 16 and. litth demand ; cotton i6d and 3s. as in quality. ■ ■ ‘The fallowing is an ext ratios a letter from Bordeaux , dated 6th June, 1816 : The mofl rancorous enmity is entertained by both royalifls and revolutionists agasnft the Enghfh, as they equally impute the humili ation of tneir common country to her intrigues, and the unchanging determination ofherhateed agamit a neighbor, whole rivalfhip in com merce the always had realon 10 fear The Americans, t:i jeverle, are held in that veneration which the valor of their army and the dig nity of their ciiaraders invite —the French arc ail admiration ol our navy. Dangerous A1: raSlion r. A Damih ionrna-l olieis the fol lowing anecdote-. “ During leve ral tuonths pait. a Atsmbcr cf in dividuals, eipecwlly young m-n, bewildered by ambition, have put themldves to death, by tiirowii*g themlclves from the roana i owu; and to jn* vent tiieie misfortunes, it has been found necctfary to ita tion ic-tir* r-is at the place. The iiiue precaution is frequently re fo/.ed to in Norway, with regard to a lake in the neighborhood ot Ber gen. hi a hafon extremely deep, illrrounded bv oroieitting rocks, the lake spreads it?< ftiU and too tionlefs water, so effectually con ccalisd frori the l?ght oi toe day, that the tiers may be difeerded in the fluid at norm day- The birds, conics-jU.; rtf a kind of ntrrafiih e re fuit-nt in this vail guit, an d not attempt to pals if. Whoever vi sits i( after having with great ex | ertions, clambered up the barrier i of rocks around it, experiences a ; moft uncontrolable desire ro throw | himfelf into this heaven reversed. It may be re f erred to the fame kind of dclufive feelings which is (offered when a ftnall boat, trolling a (till water, so perfectly tranlpa rent that every stone at the bottom may be seen ; it seems to invite the p ffc tiger to enter ; and the pail | enyer feel himfclf willing to com j ply. The Norwegians attribute this fen fat ion Ho the magic power of ih r>vmph, or Nixes , who are (till fuppoled to people rivers and lakts in the romantic dilljiita ol Scandinavia.” Interesting historical anecdote. All the world has heard of Baron rrenCk, and his severe fufletiiigi- ; bu: lie c lufe of his misfortune is not so ge nerally underltood. l'renck is deferihed as haring been til his youth, “ a young cavalier of fin uhu accomplifiimeuts, who, when he lirfl made Iris appearance in the coun of Berlin, became the object of general admiration.” The princess Amelia, having, it is fa id, “ been cajoled ou: of a itxa ch, with the king of Sweden, by her t ided filter Ulrica, who lucceedeii in nbainhy h for herfeif, fixed Vr af fefiti ms u£on the baron.” AineblTwaa a favorite of Frederick, and owing to ’h- indifereet, but, perhaps, irresistible passion wtveh (he encouraged, and Treock indulged, the Prulfian monarch infhcled those punifhmenrs upon the ill-fated lov-’r which have excited for him the (jommiferation of rhoufandsin Europe and America. The effefls of the lady*3 love, and of the baron’, in diferetion, are thus described by Tiue bault. The lady for whom he liad fieri fe ed so milch, had never loft fight of him ; fill * had administered to him eve fy pofiible alfiftance in his firft pnfon, and while he was a fugitive abroad... and when lrenck was est -filing the completion of their mutual ruin by hts imprudence, he was indebted to her {'< rbe meanj of his subsistence. Bat from the time of hi being buried, as it were, in tlv* fortrefs of Magdeburg, neither the hr oft afilive Zeal, nor the molt persevering efforts, could find & pafpige to their miferabie objerl. She now felt w.ih double poignancy the cohvidtion that (he was the o.igin ai cause of his sass rings, when (lie could no longer re ieve them To the mental torture. (hr endured, mull be attributed those extraordinary and ma c:e infirmities to which Ihe was a vifilim In the course of a feW years her perfo.ial charms ltad wholly disap peared, her voice was gone, her eyes once remarkable for their beauty, hid now fta r ted from their sockets, and (lie was threatened with *-otal biindnefs, (lie nearly loft du- use of her arms and hands, fcarctTy could (he with her left hand raise the right to a certain height, and even .his not without extreme pain., and the weakness of her legs was etfeeflive. Never did despair and grief produce fuoli fatal effefils on anv one whole life they had (pared, and as (he furvivcd those cruel attacks, it is natu ral o eoric ude thai the ti-fire and hope (he felt or b ing ufefe! to him for whom Ore had endured such fufieri; g, mfpheu her with fapernatuial itrengifi and ?■•('>lu icn. A lingular circumffance. and which proves h w dark a veit was thrown •'v r the v hole of hn affair, if. rhat the pob‘‘c. though witn: fie:; of thd piiyfic a! a'fll ttions she ab red under, had r.o i idea of the cause, and even j Sfcrib-d them to the ecoentrc cast of h r charafler. ‘ She lias become what she is,’ people affirmed, * entirely by her own attempt to ilivfigure her felf Her chair. Her is so Itrarge and eccentric, the. she wilfully mifap plied the remedies applied for Iter lecoviry, at.d this for the foie puipofe of ten th iing herfelf hideous and infirm even at the risk of licr life.’ blie wa, accused of an extraordma y eccentricity of char;.6l er, btcaufe in fa£l flie pc defied an extraordinary ‘ urderltanding, Trough at the lame, l time, it mud be admitted, that her temper, owing to the violence and du ration of her afthclroftfi had altered contulerabiy for the worfe...A woman of more gentle and pleafh.g manners, or cf a more ingenuous temper, than she had been in her early years, was not to be met with...but these qualities she had now exchanged lor a severity that v knew no intervals cf indulgence, that i was prompt to presume evil rather titan-good, atvJ exerted ks influence the more fei.fib'y as her turn for epigram made her f, leot> more eafiiy fek. Ttenck having lingered in his dun geon above ten years, the empretV, queen cf Germany, at the rnflance ol the princess, applied for his liberation. 1 he king let him at liberty, with firi'Ct orders to quit the country forever. Af ter the death of Frederick, an inter, view took place between .Amelia and i-.ei lover at Berlin, which is prurtray ed in the following affecting manner. On arriving at Berlin, it may be eafi'y imagined hit full and molt eager object was to visit the lady who hi been the cause cf his mi fortunes Alas ! what lavjmage ccu’d deferibe * the interview Tit iaifed for lonae nours! j aid was cordecrated to mu ual teats. The pall, the prefect, the future, was viewed with; ut alleviation to thetr tor rows ! What perplexities, what griefs, were theirs ! What a pcifp- cbve lay : bucre them 1, his hau olescu |ed ivith a{r? r !us hj !y curved with th*x ! weigh: of duty pound of iron, which lor ten years, liad hung from it, hta features changed by grief. This, this was the man, who in his youth, had displayed so superb a person, and whole imag.- Ihe had so faithfully preserved ! He, cn the other hand, beheld in her, for whom he had ftifflered so much, a female prematurely old like himfelf, a head ed"irelv ba’d aud (baking so an fc.arcely to support itfelf, a face disfi gured and gfuftly in its exprefbon, and miserably tvrit.kied, eyes diltoved, dim, and haggaid, a form that totteied with f“eb!efiefs upon limbs, unabic throtigh contortion and disease, any longer to perform their < ffice How, in so changed a being, ss he to re trace the objt cl of his a (Feel ion, wh- m he had left in the bloom of youth, w h features the moft xegu'ar, a complexion the moll dazzling, the molt bewi'ch ing grades of air and person. ail thA cha r nis atid atrradlions of the rnoft captivating phvftognoririy 2nd mos; con fbitimate beauty ! And w-ho, in the accepts of aullere afilsfilian, ihe cold, unfeeling train of reaiomng, the words of defperatidn and dillrnft, to that now escaped tier, in the hatfh illiberal fpirift in which (lie now judged of men and things. Could he recal tlie rich fafties of imagination which so effen had en chanted him ! Where were no<v the impetuosity of youthful gaiety, tiro sweetness of her manners, tne enjoy ment of the fi -etiug moment, and the raptured dreams of future biifs 1 Alas* every thing now is dead ! Each finds in the other a fnurtk, enneiated formt Whr efforts were necrfihry on either fide to luftain so dread fell a (hock !’ From South America. BULLETIN, NO. %. Os the delivering army of Venezuela. On th- 1 2jth nk the squadron irt fail from the north point of Margarita, anti oil the 510, at 5 p. m. anchored in Cauipano oppofi-'e the battery of Sam a BUfo, where the Spar.ifh ilaod ard was fi ut feting. On the morning of the !ft. the Su preme chief df the republic who com mands tiie delivering expedition, inti— mwed to the Spanilh commander it furrende? the place, and in cV.e of re fusal, lie would take it by assault A veTDui answer in the negative was te ar ned. The colrirtm df difsmbarkaticn un der the orders of general Marino, gea Putr, ‘and coi Soublette; begun its ope rations windwardiy on the left, and afteif bearing for two hours an irrngu lat fire ot little effedlghe supposed ’im pregnable freights which command ed the city were unoccupied. The battery of Santa Ross and fhr* Spn'mfh flying artillery kept up a con ftadt adlion ‘with the squadron Gen Pi. r attacked the enemy in the rear wi<h the great! ft success, and we took noth the place and forts without any loss. Gor viHory was complete, and the flight of the enemy {haroeful* in spite of alt advantages in pefitions, ?.r;i!!eiy and cavalj*?.- The whole property of the Spaniards fell into cur puff fnon, rrlfo rh< brig Indio Bello, and the fchoCneV Fortune., which were at an chor in the bay. Cur booty is very Ccnfidervible. hi c nfeipuence of taking Carupano* the Spaniards have withdrawn from Ca-aico, to Guiria, and cur ccmmuni cations of Maturin and expeditions bjg land are threts gh Golfo-Triefte. • Gt head quarters, Jur.e 5, I8 I (>. year 6th of > . f the Independence. j In the pietkrce of his excellency the major- > I general. J * Lous Dunudray de 2nd chief of the staff, “* Embargo in Canada. M. jer general Wilfcn, adminiftrattu; of the government of Lower Canada, 1 and commander of the forces in both ’ provinces, Sec. has ifiued his prccla | tr at’en, dated at the Collie cf St I cuts* | in Quebec, July 9. 1816, foibidding I the exportation by sea or lard, or bf ! inland navigation, from the Taid pro— ! - viuev, cl whtu 1, wheat- flour, bitciiir.