The news. (Washington, Ga.) 1816-1821, August 16, 1816, Image 4

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MISCELLANY, *: , STM NON BOLIVAR. Captain General of the Armtet of hew-Greneda andVenezuctfitfifisft, “V R £ ZpL ANIA NS Til i* 18 the period of the republic. The im mortal island of Margarita, head ed'by the intrepid general Arif, mendi, has again proclaimed the independent government of Ven eznela, and has fopported it with the moft exalted valor, againfi all the power of Spain. The remnant of our forces, dis perfed by the fall of Carthagena reunited in Hayti. With them and with the auxiliaries of our •magnanimous admiral Brion, we art formi lg an expedition, which from its elements frems destined to terminate forever the dominion of the tyrants over our patriot land. - Vhni'.zolanians !—Your bro thers and your foreign friends do not torne with a view of conquer ing you! their defzgtt is to ‘fight for your liberty, to place you in a situation to re-establish the repub lic upon the rnoll solid foundation. The congress of V nezuela will be inflailed anew, when it may be vour u ifh. As the people of inde pendence have done me the honor to entroft me with the fupretne au tliority, 1 authorize you to name your deputies to the congn fs with out further convocation than the present, confiding to them the fame fov t reign powers as at the hid epoch of the republic. I have not come to dictate laws to you, but 1 beseech you to hear * my voice—l recommend to you uoirv of government, and absolute liberty that you may not repeat the com mi {ft on of an absurdity and crime, fine* we cannot at the fame time be freemen and {laves. If you form but one mnfs of people, ii you establish a central govern ment, if you unite with us- j roiv upon victory. Spaniards, inhabit Venez uela, the war of dodrudion (had cease if yon but fay the word —if not, we Orall exercise just reprital, and you will be exterminated. Vi Nrzoi.ANiAts's !—Fear not tht fwtrd of your deliverers ; you she always innocent in the eyes of your brethren. Stmnon Bolivar. fit.uf Quarters at Villa Noete, S d <<J Way, lb 16. IMPRESSED SEAMEN—Amm f An authentic ami interesting docu ment is now before us, which tends to thew the extent to whch the monit ions practice of impressment was car ried by the British betore the war and wili .third foin fatisfidwvi to these who ] tvnt/Hy enquire—•• What ha* beome 1 ot ur imprell'rd feamen P On the 28 th >f February lad. a ref elution w:\’ pafTnl by the house of re present a ires tequefting th<- President to e use to be .aid before the house a ffa ement of th” number of im pm fled American feameu confined in Dirt tnoor prison, the nuniber surrendered, given ii", or taken from on board Bri tlfli vofiMs cap'ured during the late * war, with their places of residence ref pt t.voly. In compliance with this Teqtteft, the P> fident tranlmitted to the house on the 29 h of April, a report of the sec retary of state on the fubjoft, conlllt ing of three several Uatements, and containing, as the secretary fays, all the information which he has as yet been ab e to obtain re’ative tn the ohjetf Ha ted in rhe resolution, This report has since uceti piiutuu, itml 4 v-wpj of it *S in our p l : a lion. i he * rlt of th fe statements i a u lift of American seamen impressed on hoard of British public fttip-,and tranf fcired to and confined in EuglUh prli ons prisoners of war, taken from of- „ ficiai lifts publiihed by the British au thorities, to the American agent for prisoners in London -This lift con 4gjjta> fourteen hundred and twenty two. The second statement is a “ lift of American seamen impressed on board of British public ftnps, and transferred td and confined in pnfons in the Well- Indies, or Nova Scotia, taken, from • ifts farntfhed by the British su thoritics to the American agent for prifoner* u This hft contains one hun dred and fifty eight. The third (Vaternent is a “lift of A merican flymen impressed on board of British public (hips, and difeharged therefrom in England, since the peace ; fttrnifhed by the American agents in London ” —Th’s lift contains two hun dred and nineteen I;i these ii(t e not only the names of the impriffed American seamen thus difeharged are gtven, but it h: also stated by what British man of war, or under what circumstances they were impn ff and aod detained—where fiift confined—when released--in what Vi ffi'l returned to the United States, and at what port arrived. Here, then ip indubitable evidence, which no man of sense or candor will difpurc or doubt —that seventeen hundred end ninety nine American seamen who hat* been im piefied by the Britifti have been liber ated. Having dated these facts , we leave our readers to make their own reftec tions upon them. True American. CONDIi\ON UF IRELAND. We have seen a letter from an Ame rican citizen in London to a gentle man in New York, dated the OL'h of April, which fays—“ Times here are bad in the extreme among the farming and trading inttrelfs, bur Iceland may be considered as nnmhildted. If the people couid swim to America, I be lieve, thin unfortunate Country -would lose the Whole of itrpeafantry, Many a wre'ch mull hang, becaufe“he can not nay ten guin -as for his pafTige ‘* Such are the bleflings of British fwny f .Columbian. It is worthy of remark, that Timo thy Pickering was a candidate for the senate of the- United States, but was dropeby his political friends. Consid ering that he once held the feat, and was fuoceeded by a republican, the old* demagogue had a” good right to ex pend to be reinflated.. Phis potn'ed neglect mult be a feveye and mortify ing ftioke to the old veteran iri politi cal iniquity. It is a specimen of the “ modern gratitude” oi anglo federal ifm. Timothy, however, deserves e ven a worse punishment for his glaring deviations from the path of patriotism. ‘ Bait. Fat. >.—■■■ 1 -X. n*m From the YKzcUtcrranean . Captain Shearman, of the brig Oa lypfo, arrived at this putt in tturty ; five days from Gibraltar, confiders the A mettcan commerce in the Modi terra nean, in a very precarious filiation - The Algerines are Hill restive, and only agreed with commodore observe th.e treaty with the | United States for three roo'nrhs If a flier is not sent to the Mediterranean fuflictent to attack Algiers, and compel them o keep-'he peace, there will be more of our cittrons in flarery there before fall Small vcffels are of great importance in those leas. (f order id to crwft in sur'intr, itifiead cf lying in pert) for our large (hipscan watch the move moots of their large (hips, but not of their frnall ciaft. He remembers when tire schooner Encerprize|\vas mjthe Mediterranean in the Yripolitian war, that the Tripoli, lians approached no nearer to a fail than they clifcovered to be a schooner The Enterprivc, or rather her enter prizing commander made a cruise down on the coast of Morroceo. ?s far as Sa'leeand Ca Nath and prevented sev eral marauders from fitting out of those ports againit the Americans Markets at Gibraltar very dull, flour 8 dollars, beef of full quality, lib retail, and every other article proper* tioiubly low.— saltimtrt Patriot. Specie and Molafles from Scotland, a-e certainly rate entries on our cul tv m house books - Sav Rtfub. (The Yankees caufi these things.) The at m of tlic republic shine every where. M .cu blood luis been slied at Pra<lo-de!*Ucy. i'll- royalistt collected livr tfiousand men to attack tbai position occupied by tlie Patriots, vw ice they attacked, and twice were their as satt ts repulsed With great loss; 4 not licing able to succeed by open three, they had 1 econrse to ntrifftte and seduction. Jo-epli .Mana Lttscu no, the lieutenant commanding the force which defended the Ivridge, sold himself to general \.'i ares for B.IXXJ H. The garrison wtvs mcor r ipt'ble, but seeing itself abandoned by it perfidious leader, who had gone over to the eu ritij’* qamp, it nude dispositiciis for retreat, which was effected without other loss thau llist of the artillery, ol too heavy a calibre to be re moved. f!y these means, the. royalists saw dii ntsclves traders of tile bridge, and passed with a rich convoy, which, however, did not arrive intact at Wra-Cmu, Many *k.irmidies have taken place since, in winch the royalists were completely deft ated. (■cnt-ral Victoria has lately beaten them iu the neighborhood of \Vra Ci u * Capt. -Fraticisc* ue Paulo, imcrcepted a convoy, which teas on :s way from Albarado to Vera Cruz, and put to the s .cord the escort of‘J()0 dragoons. Col. Puses ocsieges the garrisons of Orizavu and Cordov a, and they are reduced to then-nar row entrenchments. After listing overrun the whole province, and defeated all who opposed hm, lie op* ned the. prisons and set at liberty those who groaned in capt ivity Col. Gomes has cut in pieces 1,300 men, who were assembled around Puehia, after having defeated adiv ision of 1000, which he met on the road from Mexico to Tesmelucan j and has s.iw.c taken by surprise the latter, a place of great importance, not one escaped of the gar rison, troni the cornander to the private. Marshal (tsorno attacked and took the town es Apan A dniiMor. of 1000 tnt n, which mar ched from Mexico, against him, was obliged to retreat by forced marches on Monte-Alonzo ; where the Commanders Ignacio S<lnchez aim Pascasio Revce, had cut to pieces another di vision of 700 nu n. Col. Teran beat GOO royal ists, at Topexi de la Sedas. Lieutenan coloner Guerero, engaged an action at Disteca, (ptw ince of Oxaca,) in which he defeated, 111 an in stant, more than -lobti men, by the sword and iance aione. I he provinces a*e now occupied in the con stitutional election of deputies to form the con gress, which was before only provisional. This measure will put an end entirely to the differ* ■ ences winch tended to disturb the peace and nninn of tbe patriots. It will give .0 the legis lative body that character winch is n -cessaty in order to merit the confidence of the people and other nations. 25 DOLLARS REWARD RUNAWAY from the subscri ber, on the 25th of June last, a ne gro fellow, named COLLIN, a bout 20 years of age, and five feet four inches high ; has no particu lar marks remembered, save a fear on his left arm, just above the el bow, on the under part of his arm —this negro is a well made, a&ive fellow and was brought from Ten neflee, where it is expected he will endeavour to return ; the above reward will be given to any person who will apprehend him so that the fubferiber can have him. or de liver him to the fubferiber in per son, ‘in Wilkes county. JAMES HULING. _i_ !y 5_ _ _• 3 £ SHERIFFS SALE. Will bk sold at Elbert Court house, on die firft Tuerday in August, next between the hours of ten and three o’clock, the fol lowing property, viz : FOUR acres of land, inclu ding three islands in Broad river, Elbert county, adjoining when lur veyed F.afton and Crowe, levied on as the property of Reuben Eafton and John Blake, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Robert Kennedy, and pointed out by the plaintiff, and in the poffcilion of Martin Deadwiler and John Ed- j wards. Alfo—7s acres of land, in El bert county, on the waters of! Dove’s Creek, adjoining John I ‘Webb, Sherod others,: levied on as the property of Samuel I J. Elders, to farisly an execution/ in favor of Wm, King, and in the poffeflion of Bazeld Browner, and . pointed out by said King. Also—one sorrel horse 4 feet; ten or eleven inches high, 7 years ! old, flax mane and tail. Ana one ‘ black cow with a white face. levied ■on as the property of Burn. 11 \\ tubs, to iatisiy sundry execu tions, and pointed out by find Webb, and in his poflTdftion. Conditions, cash. THOMAS HAYNES, D. S. July 3rd, 18 iT. (25-51) she riff’s sales! ‘ W“ .L BK SOLD at the Court house in Elbert county, ob( the firftTuefday in August next, between the hours ol ten and tiiree o’clock, the following pro. perty, to wit : FOUR negroes, Adam a negr© felh'.w , twenty-1 wo years of age or upwards; Fatima his wife, twenty years of age or upwards, Fermando and YViilam her two sons, one two years of age or upwards, the other one year of age or upwards—Le vied on as the property of James Ca(hin,to fatisfy sundry executions in favor of Todd & Mott. The pro perty now in my possession. Conditions, cash. Thos. A. Banks, Shff. July 5, 1816. (25-5 O SHERIFFS SALE. 8 11 LBE SOLD on tJ>e first Lues* day in August next at the Court- Louse, in Withes County , between the hours of ten and three o'clock , the following property , viz : | WO Negroes, one a fellow, named Cesar, the other a wo ma’n, by the name of Coy ; taken to fatisfy an execution in favor of Seth Stafford, for W. Davis,,a gainft William Barrre*, ifid pqmU ed out by Fheoderick Montfort. Conditions, cafir. JOHN DYSON, D. S. June 21, 1816. (5^23) SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be fold at the court house in Elbert county, on the fuft Tuesday in August next— THREE NEGROES, to wit, Phebyq Amy, and Edney— levied on as ?bs property of Lewis It ions, and now in the pouelfionof William Irions, to fatisfy sundry executions againfl Freeborn Luce and Lewis Irons. JOSHUA CLARK,!). S. June 1 it, 1811>. (21-9 W) ~~SH£RJFPS SALES. * Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next , at the Court house in Wilkes -county,the following property* viz : JIlKk SEVEN Negroes, Mary a man about twenty-nine years and her fix children, (viz ) Sucky, about fourteen yeais old, Nancy twelve, Oliver ten, Miles seven, George five, and Fanny three years old ; taken by virtue of an execu tion in favor of Thomas Grant, administrator debonis non. of James Ballard, deceased, againlt Fanny Gafford, executrix oP] ho. mas Gaflord, dectafed j pointed out by the executrix. ALSO r ° ne gri named Anna, iixteen years aid, (raffed *c the houie) taken by virtue of an exe cution in favor of Robert Tucker against Peter Stubblefield, Weft Harris, and John Haldiay j point* ed out, and in the pofleflion of laid Stubblefield. Conditions cash JOHN DYSON, D.*S. July snd, 1816. ( 25 - st ) NO I fcF. Ai.l persons indebted to the e.iate of Garland Pearlon, deceaf. ed, are Tequefted to make immedi. ate payment to the Subfcrif ers, and those to whom said estate is indebt, ed, are requefte to caii for ferie ment, their accounts made out ac cording to law. Michael Pe arson-, admr. Elizabeth Pearson, June 24, 3?, adais