Newspaper Page Text
Volume e]
JOHX K. At CIUtU/l'o'\:
PJtlCi: —"Hitn: noLU’i I’/.H an'xi’m, ka;i
rvn> iv aim anck.
It being deemed expedient by
the B \iru of Directors that ano
ther inftalment of the (lock of :
the B ink of the State of Georgia
{], Hi hi be called io, and that
the Stockholders fliould be re- 1
q 1 tired to pay a proportion there- j
ot in specie.
Notice is hereby given thu,
agreeably to a Resolution of the
Directors of this date, twen y
fl.i'ee per centum on each (hare,
of the (lock of the Bank, is re- 1
quired to he paid by the Stock j
holders, on or before tiie iecond *
Monday in December next, that
five dollars in specie be paid on
each {hare, as part oi the hid I
twenty three per cent ; and the 1
balance in bids of either of the
Tanks of Georgia.
i >
The Stokho! iersare further ■
notified, that Calhier’s ccrrifi
cate r of Stock will be ilfned in
lieu of the Commiffi >nerte certi- ‘
fi?ates,hd i by the Stockholders,,
upon the delivery of the Com
tniffioner’s certificates at the
time of paying the. initalment ;
as above required.
VVeilern Stockholders are in I
formed that they may pay find
i ‘tlnh.Kut - , and receive their j
Stock-certificates on dehverhg i
the Commifiioner’s certificates,
at either of the offices fc'ftabhfhed
at Augusta and Milkdgcviilc,!')
{>on as they fiiall be in oper tion, I
yhich will be In a thort time
Savannah, the loth 7 38.
Sep Umber, 1816. \to t !
NOW in Wilkes Li!, two ne
groes, one man about 35. years
of age, who fays, that lie be i
iongs to a man by the name j
of J ack.fon, of Green com ty.
Ado, a negro woman, by the !
name of Ritter, about $ 8 years i
of age, who fays that she was
brought to tic’s State by a man |
by the name of Lucas.
. The owners are requefied |
to come forward, prove rh< i ‘
property, pay cods, and take j
them away.
Jailer, Wilks county, j
GAV 4, 1816. (38
Everyone has beuff the fchool
buy (pouting, ‘ oft has it been
mv lot to mark.’ .Many confi- ,
cter the reptile there ddorihed as 1
altogrth: r fabulous, and used
only for the pu pofi of expefing !
fi conceited, pertinacious travel- j
Dr ; but a late writer has added •
his feftimor.y to the reality of its !
uxiflence and powers. Chame- :
lions are very common in the
gardens of Rcutta, and upon
the blind in the midst or the ri
ver, (NiL*; where we procured
two. that iv.-d with us until wt
finally left I* gvet Thtis were
WAS l II N C/-Jfb&c‘i£o sorg i\) FRIDAY, OCTOBER IS, is 16.’
v/iJLJV■ ‘ “
large, mod vivid green 1
color||hen fi ll taken. After-j
Wards their ordinary appearance
I was that of a common Lizard,
j and we found, as they became
unhealthy, that their power of j
changing color diminiihed. In- j
deed this efts £t is feldorn rapid
or inftaritaneous It fee ms al
ways the refulr of hidden appre
hension or furprile, whence the
poor Jefencelds animal, having
no means of reflftance, gradual
ly afltimes the color ol feme
jubilance over which it passes.
being thus provided by Nature!
with the means of concealment. ,
Frogs and Loads appear to post j
iefs this quality In a certain de- i
gree, although it mav have a- j
caned the obtervation of Natu i
ralifts. Al ter ihelb reptiles have |
remained a ceiiain time upon a !
recently turned border of earth,!
their color so much rctembles i
that of the foil, that they are tier !
eafiiy perceived ; and so met fines i
among grabs, when alarmed by j
the iu dt:n appro: ch of any oth
er animal, they ;dlu;ue a green
ish hue. fP. folio.
Mr Folsom —Much lias been
Did within a few years of the :
blue hews of Concecti, ut, and
pains h ve been taken to ransack 1
the archives of tba State, and ’
to publish exti ucis from laws j
that were in force when they j
were fir ft organized ; but it is |
apparent that in many in fiances !
they rook the Dws of Miffluchu- ,
u tcs for a model, which were J
rquaily ilgid, mq-uff, toliing and j
• absurd. I have made?. i*vv ex- ;
tracts from a code of laws ell a- I
biifhed by this B.ate, to w hich, f
have added fome inliances of
their judicial proceedings in cer ,
tain cases. B.
Law firft. Pride in wearing
long hair, like a woman's hair,
others wearing borders of hair,
and curling and curling, and !
imrnodeft laying out of Lair . j
Grand juries to present, and the |
Court to nunifh by fine or cor 1
Lav; second. Excels in ap
partl, ft range ne w falhions, nhk
vd breasts and arms, and pinion- .
I cd fupejfiuous ribbons on hair,
&c. The Court tc puniih at i
j difcrction. third. Profanenefs iri
! perfor.s turning their backs upon
: public worlnip bcioD the bleff
| ing is pronounced, the feiect
1 men are to appoint officers to
! shut the meeting house doors, or
! take any other ineaiures to attain
j he end.
Law fourth. A loose and fin
j ful custom of riding from town
! to town, men zsvl women togt
j ther, under pretence of going to
I lecture, tending so debauchery
’ and unehaflity, all firigle persons
! oemg offenders, to be bound to
| their good behavior with lure
pies, or fufi’er imprifonntent.
j Law fifth. Tobacco fakers
—uu ..ot’.nioi) iwearers, the Con
J ftabie direclfd to present to the
j next Magt(l rate, to be puniflieJ ]
at t>'ftre*ion.
Law sixth. For drunkenness
the ofienders to pay ten {hillings;
| excefin-e drinking, three an 1
\ four pence ; tippling about Half
an hour, a crown.
(j Courts us they stand recorded
for the following crimes :
I'irtl. J fiah Plaifiowe, for
ft cal ing lour hr flats of torn, to
return eight balkets, to be fined
five pounds, and hereafter to be
called J lias, and not Mr. as he
• tiled to be.
Second. C-pt Stone for a
billing .'Jr I.mi low, by calling
hi;n juflafs, is fined an hundred
pounds and prohibited coming
within the patent.
1 nird. Sergeant Perkins or
dered to carry forty turfs to the
Fort, tor being drunk.
Fourth L'lwar. Palmer,for
his extortion, in taking two
pounds thirst on and four pence,
for the wood work ot the St eks,
is lined fivg pounds, and ordered
to set in the Stock ; qr.e hoiir.
Fifth. Tii ‘tnas Fetiti, for j
fulpicton of (hinder, i*’lenefs and
ftuhbornnds, us icntcnced to be
severely whipt, and to be kept in
hoi 1 j
Sixth. Catharine, thq w ife of
R-chard Gornifh. was found liif
p.cious ot incotuinency, and fe
rfoully admonifhc 1 to take heed.
(Seventh. John Wedgwood,
for being in a cornpan , of drunk
arils, to fi t in the Stocks.
Situation of England.
Lxtrafl of a letter from a gentle-
V- 10 ip Bath , ( Fr.e ,) to his
Son in New Turk, dated _July
22. c. I left at the National
- A d-oocatc ’
“ Hade and commerce in
tLiis country feetn to Ire anrfi
hiiafed, people out of employ,
rioting in sveu-y pa’t —the hang
ing at Ely fas by no means
quelled the spirit of difiamiaOi
on —it bar shown itleii in a inoft
alarTiing degree at Chippenham, j
Bradford, and nlfo at Stowbridj-e j
in this neighborhood. Then:* j
tional debt of .hgh.ud is above ,
! a thdufand millions, and that of
Ireland above two hundred mil- ,
j lions more Our national expence
i exceeds the revenue [wontun mil
lions fur annum and the taxes er
-1 cud the rents in tvety county A i
! ration lo cmbanailcd cannot
long exist. Eleven of the firft
; ficoles in London have Hopped
p-yment —many more are tot
teniig —aid the bankrupts in !
| F.i:gh'nd alone. v,re upon an ave
rag-. 80 per weekd*
.i his is no doubt, a pretty cor
reG picture of the ftatr ol Em--
land ; for wc fliould not fujipofi
a iaihei would undertake to de
I *
ccive bis son adnadfui picture
. is. I on. Paine's <ahulatioi
■ •so the national ifi bt ol ‘ j >!ai i
: wc :fid dtiiroy it Dll l;y its v
! gular it:create it: die present v.
j 1016 ; or in other words that
in the year 17Id. it iud eiitere l
1 up m the L't iwenty vears of its
D'ntical ex “-Mice, „ud w, lus-
P“ £ 't Air. Paine's opinion v*ll
prove nearly coned. IVhtn m.
tion a! e xjti. nc eis scan'ntecn m Viio ns
founds sti.rlng y or seventy flee tr.K
ion four hundred and ago,y / bod
sand dollars more than the r t ve
nae and taxes exceed the rents of
landed property in a kigdom- if
a radical change, efivs not t.iko
pi tog it is not because it is not
Nr.W OIU.I-.ANIi. Fug 30.
The expedition agamft the
Mexican confi. which renitez
voufed fn one of the neighboring
islands carrying eight
well - fii.’cred and appointed
troops, besides the crews of the
fqua'dron, failed the last days of
th preceding mom!), unfit 1 con
voy of a fleet oi. cigh’een M. xi
cau arms I vdtels, which alio
carried stores for the expeciitinn.
One division iff
had arrive and at Paunta Gfa fia in
the hay St. B ‘rnardo province
of l exas, and took p< {fifii m of
tnc imp. riant ptFiri-m without
opposition. M. Heirera the M< x
icao n Jtlifter, is here, and is a
bout t.) organize a governnu rt
for tha quarter and to cftablifli
an admiialty court for the trial
of prize causes. Ihe other ui-.
vision lias probkblv proceeded
agaifiti: latnpico ; Ihe royalifls
have forne f. rtificadons at ! ,-m
----pico, and forne regular troops,
but there is reafofi to believe
they will not make any refifi
a- c? HuaiTa. Huaffcs on the
fourh fide of Vte*ra Chuz, one of
the be ft ports on the Mexican
(here, is in the power of fin pa
triots. M L'ercr has lately re
ceived finpatchis from his go
vernment of a Very fatisfaOery
nature for the republican cause.
! his and (it'icr information re-
C’ ived by private individuals,
has produced a rev*, lution in (..pi
nion lu re as to the lucrefs cf
Mexican indep’ ndence, and to
want of confidence has fuccced
ed a confidence unbounded ;
and-a few further operations of
the (Mexican force, will open to
the Hutted States the rn hell
commerce in the uni.crib. Ifiect,
R v. ho jaded loroe time fincein
the Saranac, has been in the in
; tcrioi or Mexico, and in inter
coutle wuh the Mexican govern
ment ; the r< yai agents who
spread .rbroad reports of difafie:fi
and tnaftacres, to ifi r r men from
| thinktr.g. !iad 1- led tfie doctor
‘by a rtpoit ; however he re*
j ports himteif well, and returned
to the coast from the interior
with abuniDnqfuncsm hi.- hands,
letters from him of a late date,
are here.
| It is aftlrted with confidence,
: hat in the piintij<al li ies of
I Mexico including Vt ra Cruz,
! ! he majority of the rnrft intefti
! ,g:f;t an opulent perpir, are in
ra’.or ot the rcvd stlor, zndiLi
rN't.. 40.