The news. (Washington, Ga.) 1816-1821, October 18, 1816, Image 3

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* f hi7 r.U fy r nT r " ! T fi ’ \ ‘ disappeared. The caule is ex plained in a few lines Afterwards, when we fin'! f h\ta troop cf dra goons from Hamilton, n stjtti- ; llr ,nos none from Pierfhill, and p id \ome detachments ot the 78th regiment had arrived to reinforce the garri-on . of Glasgow It appears that every consider able town and village in h ng* lain! is girrifoned with regular troops, to lupprels the riots of the unemployed and itarving m .nuficUirers, overburtheued farmers, and fuffering laborers. *” the NEW S. XV AS U IN GTON, OC T. 1 8. Jirs'rit of th- H i enri' , s -rifh th- C/ierokn s i aid I'i Ti-ie Cherokee nation acknowlege the following as jh-c weilerti b >un darv fouihof the I'emieT-e river— menc'ng at C.--niq Coffee on the south fnfe of the Termellee, oppofne the Chickd'.iw 111 and, and running from thence a due lbuth course to tli<? top of the dividing ridge between the waters of the renneflee and Tombigby rivers, thence eaHwardiy of said ridge, leaving the head wa ter* of the Black Warrior on the tight hand uiml opposed oy the weft branch of Will's creek, down tiv* ealt branch of said creek to the Cn.fa liver, and down laid river. All lands lying south and welt of the above lines, are ceded to the Unbed States. .j \ i>4 credit, k S,MV) prompt. ‘Chickesaiu cession. All right and title to lands on the -north of the Tennefiee river- and all claim to land on the south fide of the TenneiTee river, and east of a line commencing at the mouth of Caney creek, to its source, thence a iouth course to Gaines’s road, thence south well ward I y to Cotton Gin Fort on Tom bigby,and down the weft branch of Tombigby to the Choctaw bound ary. jo yy\ trn x ' f 'n vc cv* ,l, ‘. & 4,500 prompt. COWKKSSIOS Ai.EL.ECTK>*:. rr*e iteiurns from 28 counties, viz. Paid* wiiTc.-ecnv. Hancock, .Irfkw.-on, Putnam, Warren. Washington. Emanuel, -Lofcson, Morgan, Jasper, YV ilkinsoo,l'ul-iski, i \v iyg'- X)..,l,:ihorpe, Clarke, Joins, Liix r*v, Lincoln Mdntoh, Columbia, Wilkes, Uurkc, llrch- Tjond, F.ibert, Chatham, Pr\an, and Lff.ig ham. Ijive the following agumgatc result Terrell 9f>Bs MiHo 64119 Crv.vfard 9215 Lumpkin 611:.’ Abbot 8349 nolv 5906 Cook 7371 Cmbbert 5-/0 Forsyth 7220 Hubei 4VM; Cobli 7192 Teltair 19'-6 Wilde 6491 Wood 1 lob There is little doubt but Terrell, Crawford Ahho', Cook, Frtrsyth, and Cobb are elect n] Klevcn counties iut yet to l*‘ from, viz. Franklin, MontßOTnery, Madison llulloeb, Camden C.lvnn, Laurens, Scnvcn, Tk nal. Telfair :md (C Journal, ~ Summary. In Massachusetts there arc prospect of f!,,. most ple:it\Tul harvest gatheud foi many years. The’hcr for several dav h;iM'been remarkably line for riprjuop die products of the earth, and bringing forui-, Plentiful fall seed In quantity am 1 , qualit) in ii-v articles exceed the limits ot recol lection. . y. \ Lo-idon paper informs us that I)i r<u t\ man, a bishop of Lincoln 1 in bis cb'Vpeto tlie cVrjjyat a triennialvisitation at tJeot- .0 1,-s d’ltnnoccd the It'.ble Societies as dan* p.'.-rous to the esfSlWWWtt lelitrr-n, and to orthodox principles of those who at tent, them 1 (Th , <>, T'rettyman,! ’•>-*.) \ federal calculator says the public debt ifrisid 111 copper, would fd l sixtecirlinll.oni *f soldiers ’ knaptneks. Now, what is tht use ofdoinp those tilings by halves Wli) ace we not vnbii-med li/iwniany- i.n.ipsacks t woukl if paid in piaster o"t_ I’aiis or bal last stones ‘ Such a calculation wonkl 3o fi;aqni!y the affair, that the people would doubtless turn out every mother’s sonofdie democrats, and put in their places K< ‘! nnidcnt federalists, who,wiien they had tin management, <1 il not run the nation in - abt to the value of a single knapsack fell m c—not thev ’. ( nKI - watciim. P-.stov, Si:i’T. 25 Yestcnlav tin- Hrmsl, V.vato Niger, rapt .lacks-ai. -rriverl in this h -por, three days from Kastp-rt, and Hire writs from Halifax, an<l r.chortd below, b',, in-- on boaui Admiral Collin. \,.nlit, >ir.rr 28. <f th • rv p:,rs On Wednesday tiiiimutg one of our sc-'-ntiiic anglers. Mr Ellis, in three /V .•<,-! eve }ml\ the largest a tb-e Hat v, - ii- oini.- about tbr.-e pound*. The hook vd P - i'i baited wii: a small live Chub, which was s* a |k,\vrd *>y ! one half or one quarter of pound we. K ot .t s v."-|!.i\V : f>T ID'ttvT purilN a? <l A C / r , X . r*K bv V >*'-• 41 a “‘-J ♦•ill ofthe ittr/dle* Tints pr'icfflng fmnt its month. This sjX-Claen* es ablishcs a fact in natural history, we believe not general! k own, that the voracity eftiiistisb induces ii to devour iis own species. CuAiii.Ksrny, Oct 4. The fallowing e\ tract of a letter from a gen’ leman in Malays to Ids friend in this city, dated July 29. tt < have observed some allusion to the altercu ti >n mentioned in the English papers, bit ti.ey did not give t> it so seiions a coni pi. \ion. | ‘ There lias been a sad affair for the Eng - , list* a* tlgivrs. Lord F\moullt with sou s;- I of tile tine, two or three frigates, and to ne bomb ships, King in the harlxir .i A p vs, himself with some of the officers, w it mi s!we, and after some ceumtuni with the -Mey respecting ntgociations flu a in atv, siiniiar to that by the 1 uled 5..-.tes, an ‘aUercalioh tot k pS.c-. Tl- Iky o don-d l/ord F.Miumtb on board, aitu to o t his dominions i two of 1-is posi-eapiains at - losing fingers, and one his-’ in in battle with some Tilths, by the stroke;- of . ibre ~ wove iiod With th'eir bands fa hind tin at, and sent o, lit;',-l What is t!e most sti wising part of this.ivncontp- is that the lb dshdiii mu fir - upon the town from their ships. Their force was certainly suf fi<- -n* for die \!gei--u Wi‘ copy the following paragraph from the Halcyon, a paper i nut j ed at Si Siephe'i*, M. P dared j Atigull fit). (Co’uttihla Gr.x tte. j • Laie and certain information j has h.'-.m received ftcro Penlacola, I that the rumor which had reached uv of the patriotb having taken rha* piaca, is en : ire!y wtfiioiH foundation j —Nothing has ocen heard of tJio ti -<h GncC it was Watering at the Ba lize below New Orleans ‘ FROM POR T aU PRINCE. tv -./ yot X, :t P if 1. The fchoflner General Jackson failed frtnn Jicquemel on of Auguil Capt Guildea iufonus us that the day previous twelve de fer ter.s arrived there from C'hrif | toph-dominioiir", who reported thar his fable rc.-j -ily was moving with all his force row..ids Port as Prince, and that lie had already reached St Matks, where he had been j, ined bv a Span’lh Genera! with tome trifling force from the Bpaniflt part of she tfland.. 1 ire people cf Jacqucnnel were in high ffiirits, and looked upon this pro feeding o( Chritl -pin ‘s a,, the fore runner of 1 is total overthrow, and entertained ttrong hopes -hat it I would be the means oi placing Pe tion in potillfion of all the French 1 part of the Aland of Sr Domingo. : Sn.ce the above was in typo we liavc seen Captain Rogers of the j schooner Remit'ance, who Bates that no fucit intdiigerce had reach ed A ux Cayes wlien he it*ft there, ! which was about the laftof Augutt ‘! ia empetor < f Morocco fans is sued a prcclartiafion prohibiting on dcr pain of civ a it., his M; hometan fubjeOs from vifitii-g Eutope. One of the einLeror’p mtnifiers lately had an audio.t cc to fit’ majeity, and died the nex, morning, and his large propeuy came to the public treasury. ; It is underflood that a divorce of the Prince Regent front his wife be ing opposed by her daughrer, has caused a relirquifliment oi the pro j-dl. She has been treated with great refpcEl at Cor.fiatuinople, by the Grand Turk, and is to vtiit Jerufak m. i he /.uftrian g-mv is about to be reduced to t.j<),(h o c fhvtliive rrien. which ; rtfage a iong peace In the a'oience of the King from Madrid, by indifp; fitioti. his brother Chath.s plays the Regent He is a dear friend of the li-quifition, and hat commenced a reign ci terror. The Pope has imposed the 1 eye rest shackles on the Book fellers and Printers, left they may bung into disrepute the ‘ dogmas of faith, the ceremonies of rc igicn and the a£ls of fovereigr authority It is wer thy of rematk, that though England i lias done so n.uch lc/r the fovertigns jof France Spain, and Rome, an Englilh newf.paper is not admitted j into either country. } !t R fta'ed that the Eritifh arc • fliipping tnve hut.ded pieces of can ] non io Canada, wi h other Bores. I Are tht fe to supply the places of the ! great guns 1 burnt’ as Quebec ? We an happy to leafn ‘hat thf j has no power in Portugal. HiT snfo-mt trlhunT epneiri tr gre.u diiiepute with the Porruguefe andtth.s is extlaordiunry The wri ter who Antes the fatfl, favs thn 1 they arc far superior in moikliry and parriotilm to the Spaniards. The courts of law, in many parts of England, are opened .ti er nuliia ry prccefTKa:is, with soldiers in arms placed round them. The taxes am colU-Cled in the fame way, and the soldiers also help the c ntß.-.blea in many cf their d'ves I'his is a blcßVd Baie ! Fieft. troop, are daily sent to Ireland. Phegt-a eU—perhaps, the mofl delpera e and decilive battle ever tough* in Englat and, is focn expected to take pi*Ce between the landholders and th- v fundhjldaft. One ot the other mull gi The AVw }\i k • fpeak ing or Lng!.t;,< ! , lays, tome of the people ate pcii-*ic.ning Government ft r tin* p'tvilege of being sent ‘o Bo tany Bay. Biitifh Docks fal+ing. and \tnerickn rising m London. ( Sites. We tmdnftand that the no yor of S-ivanna!, Mr Charlton, has been appointed the commit lionet, to 1.-ttle ‘diims for pro petty deltroye in this <• rffrict by the enemy,during th'.‘ ! .n war Sjv R>. >htican. ! IMTMR AN ! WAE ! ORF.i'K AO..'IN f CfRKEK! I We find the i- ■ ing ini 1 portaut piece’s (’an;:•' news ‘ in the Balt, lui Gu? of the 23d in(t. Montr'eai., Sept’ inber 7. I'roiii a gentleman heh-nging to tRe N. W: ( loinpafiy, wh■ ar- t rived in town hot ev, niitcr, and ; f ■ j who left Fort William on the ‘ 2ad August, v/e b arn, that Lord Selkirk had taken poflWlion of Fort Wtiiiam. at the head of Lake Superior, by force of arms, , and made pr-loner of the lion. W Rf. M/vgili.vw . all the partners of the North Well com pany prelent at the t> id, and af. ferwads sent them oil’ for York, under guard. Ihe fort was fa ken tiv (urprize, and without blood filed. S i* r c 1 e- Witbin a tew days there have j been iuiporn d-into Fhdadelphia . alone, 28,594 dollars from Bor deaux ; 1 do,ooo dollars from Lisbon , 6,000 from Antwerp, , 17,006 from London—in ail j 152 504 dollars. Into other ‘ ports large -Importations have ah lo taken place. We ihoulrf therefore think that fpeeie accu- 1 mulating so rapidly in the conn* I tty, there can be no necedify for i the banks to ad with their pre* i sent love iky upon the communi ty. Bolt mitre. Patriot* British (I csl Indies.. We li-ive seen letters fiom F’rtr badoes to the nih diy of August, which mention tlv.e r.iopr w ere fail ing (tom a!! the islands for Jaimaca, where ?ti infurredior. of the llaves was expedrd —Gazette* We Icel 1i.;,/(>■, io iruorm nut i < t-rs ti.: ’ tin- Mi O.iilmii’i (<i Si ii'li (• r ••111 -. liuh 1 m-vt/ i <li-:l ill his <U ct oil. VV • L -iwe m j -fpr. -i* die cti.,U- -•> ot Ltgdktu at* j Xe.l-tviile. i (£*•• Ttie perfurmancc of the tinged; o’ M AtIOMF I , ?-c tiy lt Th vjiiaii su< i-.l; j iiiis place, is [iiisipma and not it lit first o ncM hiouili, ow. ing to liic indis[>ustiioi> o cverul 1 f the iii'-hiKi-i-h. GEORGIA. At a Superior Cou and held in and for the County of ti'ilkts, sane term 1816, fit stilt bis honor J giax o Gm-sham. J L LI A M. I tO M A 7 \s > B. VO .if L. \LKXAM>KRM Ut.MAN, J j Ir appealing to the court. Grom ‘he return oi thy Sherifi, fhrtf she rVfendrnf is not to hr* f'Tii.-d—On motion, it isorilt i- it ■ hat the defendant: do appear at the next Superior court, to be held in and for the county of Wilkes, then and there to an iwer the plaintiff, or in default thereof, the court will proceed as to juffice Btall appertain, ami that this Rule be inferred once a month for three months, in one of the public Gazettes oi this circuit. True copv from rbe Minutes. 1). IKRRELL, elk. Od 18. 18 16- (4o) ADMINISTRATORS SAi L* WILL he Told on the 28th of Noven.bcßnex!, nt the pl.uuation’s belonging to the clTateof Raphail Wheeler dec’d of Wilkes County ; part of the perform! property ofl’ddcc’dj coniifling of (lock of all kin *s, utensiis, houlehold h kitchen furnirure, brandy, gorn, fodder. &c. ‘The Tale will com mence on f\l day at the planta tion in Lincon County, on the next day at the late refidenci of I f’d dot ‘d in \Vilk- s, and vvii! ! continue from day to day umiT all is fold. Twelve months cre dit will be given the purchasers* to give notes with approved fe curity* to bear interelt from tlie | date, if not purßlually jraid. JStLanna W heeler ‘7 . • John Dyson* S ‘ u “‘ Ocliber, 17th 1816. NO TICE. WILL BE SCU) to the high'. If bidder on the 26th inflam, at the W ilkes Manufnftorv, a like . ly negro man, ft ven head of tat , tie, among v.hiclt is a prime yoke of.oxen, a cart, 3 firft rate new cotfon*p ; n, several looms, CarpcFicr*B,F;u'ming atid Black fmirhks tools, a quantity of wood, ami a number of other articles; on a credit %T three months, the purchaser ghdng bond with good Leonty, with ilhi rdt from the date if not pupOuallv paid. ABRAHAM SIMONS, MA IT HEW TALBOT; Off 1 B, i(Bl 6* (2t 40) NO TICK. The Subs riber wid rt-nt, betwi en this and the fir ft of January next, his Planta tion about 15 miles from Wash ington, and nc-r A. Wedborn’sJ it produces well, and lies near dm main road to August a ; and pcrhar pMOiild suit very well sos a piarutt public entertainment. It is a healthv fituarion. Apply to CHARLES DUKE. Oft 18, 1816. (a.) WILL be Sold on the iff. Tuddayof November next, at , the town of Wnfl.ington the Bud liorle called Pixarro, be longing to the eltate of Garland i Pearson dec'd. Midiacl Pear Ton, 7 , Elizabeth lVatfc.n, \ mi% j ()ctober, 1 8th, j 816. pd. r , - . High ’*ages will be given at | this oHice, to a lirlt rate journtf j ma pritrter. ii ii Lb, For ti e Tax Collectors and bhcritfs* ot ilia btaic, for j sale at this office. Aiso t | Deeds rA Convt} ante.