The news. (Washington, Ga.) 1816-1821, October 25, 1816, Image 1

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    Volume I
rrar.MHKn \vr.r.u>.T,
jonx fit. .17 C’L ItLTOX.
; —. . ‘.i. ?: ■.—•?’ ‘ ■’ m “: ~
I v being deemed expedient by
the Bomd of Directors that a no.
ther irdhlnumt of the flock of
the Duokoi the State of Georgia j
fliou and be called in, and that
the StickHohlers fboukl be re* \
quired to pay a proportion there
of in fpee’e.
Nc-tvt. is hereby given that,
agreeably to a Refoiation of the
Directors of this date, fwensy
fhvee nor centum on t eh (hare,
of the (lock of the Bank, is re
quired to be raid by the Stock
holders, on or before the second
Monday in December next, that
five dollars in fpreie be paid on
each (hare, as part of the laid
twenty-three oer cent ; am.) the
balance- in bills of either of the
B inks of Georgia.
The Sto kholders are further
notified, that Cashier’s certifi
cates of Stock will- be ifined in
lieu of he GomniiiTionerh? certi
ficates, held by the Stockh. Tders,
upon the delivery of the Corn
iifiiiioncr’s certificated at the
time of paying the ir ftalment
as above required.
V ‘efiem Stockholders arc in
formed that they bay pay laid ;
inCLdmcnt, and receive their
Stock-certificates on delivering
the ConimiffioneHs certificates, ;
at either of the cilices ellabfifhed
at A nVidia and Milledgeville, so
foot* ns they diall be in operation,
which will be in a fliort time.
cash inn.
fh~.: n ?!nnh i the 2c ih) gf>.
1 TIE fubferiber has five or fix
Hkciv voting Negroes, which he
Arm Id fell low for cafh —Colum-
bia County, 2? miles above Au
Amnji'H Sept. 24th ? 8 i fi.
WILL be fold on Thursday
the 2?>th of November next, at
th” plantation’s belonging to <h>-
eftah- of Rauhuii WheeLr deck!
i ,
of Vv’ilkes County ; part of the
pufotial property of Iki dec’d j
con-filling of dock of all kinds,
planration utensils, household &
kitchen furniture, brandy, corn,
fodder. No The fide will com
mence on Pd day at the planta
tion in Lirscon County, on the
next day at the late re fid once ol
Pd deck! in Willies, and will
continue from day today untill
all is fold. Twelve months ere
dlt v. ih be given the purehakra,
to give notes with approved se
curity, to bear iuterelf from the
-date, it not punctually paid.
Susurn.a Whfder ) Adm .,
John Dyson, $
October, ! yth i Sl6.
W:iL BE SOLO to the T igheft
birder on the 26th inflant, at
tht u iikes Manufactory, a like j
‘y negro man, 1* von head of cat 1
*je, among which is 1 prime:
WASHINGTON, (geoucta) FRIDAY, OCTO3F.U 25. .1816.
yoke of oxen, a cart, a firft rate
new cotton-gin, fever a! looms,
| Carpenter’s,Farming and Black
1 lYnith’s tools, a quantity of wood,
and a number of ether articles j
on a credit of three months, the
purchaser giving bond with good
! fi-curity, with irtt-refl from the
date if not punctually paid.
o£t 18, ISI6. (21.40)
Wild, be Sold on the isl
I Tuefdey of November next, at
the town of Wellington, the
find Idorfe called Pizarro, be-
Tinging to the ci'tate of Garland
Pearson dec’d.
Mich a 1 Tear fen, v
Elizabeth Pcarlbn, b
oaobtr, 18th, W’ 0. ip/.
A Sinner D cuLfimCl.
The Rev, Rowland Tlill, of
London, and fuccdlor of the
Revki. john YvElTiey, was ti
ding in his poftchaile over high
gate common where a highway*
1 man nu t and flopped him, and
with horrid words and oaths, or
j derei film to give up his money
and watch, or have his brains
blown out in a minute. Mr.
, Hill calmly tvpfi and I will com
j ply v/itii your demand whan you
i remove your, and ccafe
; vouj vile rod blaibhcutous bn
!J* f .
1 guage. Mr. Hill gave ium us
; watch and money, faying, tins is
all I have with me—you arc
1 vvelcom to the money, but 1 wish
‘ogive a ran Com for the watch,
; which m’s grandfather left me :
iit will be worth to you but ten
guinea. find I will give you fifty
j for it, v b .mevfr you will return
it f > me--and v.i’l not expose
von. The robber laid damn you
and rue if Itrufit you 1 Mr. Hdi re
plied, you may fa! dy rest on my
j word as a chriitian. The rob*
1 beraked his name. name
|is Rowland Hill, was an five red.
| Ah! fiai-J the robber, 1 have
heard you preach and prey —&
I I dare trufl my lifer on your word
j and honor. I will call on you
! with the watch,and if you Gould
; recoiled nm, and add re! s me
j ji. r}-j—How da you do Mr. I.a
----| oarus ?—I will deliver the watch
!to you They then departed
i one from another. Soon after
the robber called on Mr. Hill,
j clothed in a different dress.
Mr. Hi!] rccogrdied him and
j find—How do yon do Mr. La
izarus? The robber replied—
jMy health is good—do you
know this watch ‘{ . Mr. Hiil
janfwered —Yes; and’ here are
’ fifty guineas at- vour service
II for the exchange.
! Jlifi requeued him to be
j feared and mke a glass of wine.
| And now (fays >’r. : lill) teh me
why you ever undertook fuc i a
•;!?ngorou- vnode o r living ? Ihe
robber replied —I am a
uan to a nobleman, who did not
| pay rue, f was indebt by sup
! porting a wife and four children
(’ —tnuflgo into prison, lose my
j fituati ‘.ri and ruin my family, urj
j less I paid the debt in forty eight
hours—and tav Lor.! not
pay me. Mr. Hill told him
Vour plea is the bed you con’d
have olfered, but very infuffici
ent to me— The robber replied
be it so—but my plea is in fact
t; ue Mr. Idi 1 asked the robber j
—Will you leave my lords ler {
vice, become my coachman, and j
serve me fainhfully ? He answer- .
ed—Yes. Mr. Mil! then gave
the robber a bank bill of thirty
pounds, and told him—Go and ]
■ bring yorr family and goods so j
my hovt'e, and here abide, free j
o{ rent, during your fidelitv to
me you; fcTf and your God.
The robber complied with this j
order, and served Mr Hill feven
i teen yu.-ars with fidelity and pro- 1
vided haudfcrnly sot his wife and
Having [pent fevetitcen yerrs
with ‘ir. Hill in belief oi chrif
| tianity, and doing good to his j
fellow creatin es in did refs, he I
became lick and died, with a 1
1 cfr.wafiler high’y revered and cf
feemed by an the people pt God.
His funeral was attended by I
more than 10,000 sincere fimur- 1
tiers. The lvev Rowdand Hill
nr cashed an excellent let men on j 1
* , j
the occafn n—printed and pub- j
hihed it. T herein he for,the firil j
time made known the pall folly
of the dec brother, and t xp'.lin
ed vvln.t G id had gnck'.ii fly done
; for ins fouL The godlike bene
-1 voience and forbearance of Mr.
1 Hill towards an e then ding bro- 1
thev saved f'nc lout from death,
: and covered a multitude of evils
. from a wife and four children.
What’s iitk Dirru P
j Tile federal writers continue
to comfort's with the
; notion, that Democrats have
• practically a I opted their princi* !
pies. One of than declares that
i good !ou id federal doi.ri .. i
have obtained a complete tri
! tun ph. vr In deed, tlu n pray gen •
tlemen, whaiks the ciili u.lty ?
What are you oppofmg, all his
! rim • ? If f,; good found federal
j tlodlriae” prevails, what more
have you to wi(h tof ? —(lop 11
little let us tee what the Delaware
Gazette lays —“ Shall we de
| ffroy oußSEi.vrs ? Snail we
give up.the OFFICES to demo
! crats and thereby sxl our final
\ destruction !” Ah ah—That word
in capitals is the key to the my-
Hery ! she quefiion about which
you arc contending, is net whe
ther good found federal doctrines
or principles % ih ill prevail for
they, ir fee ms, prevail already ;
bat it is con fed .fily, whether
YOURSELVES, or which you
j arcTefe to cofid or A synonomon*,
‘your OFFICES frail be given
up ! We arc much obliged to
you gentlemen, for informing us
1 even at this late day, what is the
obi ct cf your exertions i
UJcL Watch,
i Federalfis have Rrenudufiy
afTerted often, and again, that
\ their printipl s were the moft
| conducive to ilie happiness and
! independence of the cou? try,
]• and thi fc who acted r.r*m tin fix
1 of enurfe defi’rved the urfir. 1
confidence and support of the
Democrats, fav they, have a.
dopted and added upon these
l’hercfore (from the premires
granted) the Democrats deikrve
th<’ united confidence and fan
port ol the people. Del. II \;tch.
A Soinhern federal piper hap late
ly invented a supp-Ted dialogue, in
which federal arguments againit the
admiiiiiirafion and the late war are
answered by a republican, by reply
ing >* Blue Light.” The federaiifb
complain that we will not hear their
arguments and r afoning cmi the fub
jeCL I'iiis calls upon republican®
duofig the war and lince, to ‘ hear
to ft Top,” 1 amindi us of the nun
and his son who got into fome difTi
culty wi:h a load of wood ['lie
father iofilte ! upon pitting out of
this difficulty in his own way, and
the foil repeatedly called on his fa
ther to hear reafpn. Do for God'j
fiik fa her, said ho, for once hear to
reahni ! Ihe father bring so fieri
importuned, U lall laid and, ,vn loa
whip to attend to real on, arsu arnci*
ouliy enquired what it was. “VV ny,
fays the L-i, • l wifli, father, that
you. and the cart, and mien ami
wood were 1 in hell together.*
We have much lafisfaißton in
copying the following article
from a vveTern paper, believing
(bar the appreciation of the pub
l.c lands, while i: develupcs the
vafi; importance ol that branch
of the national refom ces, a(l •• 1a
a more valuable evidence of the
foiij prosperity of the nation,
than the mod exulserant revenue
from foreign commerce would
prove. (mat. imt.
We under band the sale of
public kinds under the procla
mation of flit- prefulent, at Lou
if’/d'c, was well attended by pur
chasers. A quantity was fold at
from 2J.tojod. 87 1 1 c At
Vincennes the fide v/a- equal'y
luccefsful. One tract fold as
high as 32 <1 ; odiers at 20 and ;
12 and &e. Eh is land is gene
rally rich, well adapted to the
cubu!; of hemp, vheat, coni,
tobacco, and tlie va fious otlicr
productions <d a mild and falu
hrious climate ; and we are m:-
ly grafiiicJ to learn that settlers
arc daily coming in—that im
provements are rapidly increas
ing. Ihe moft encouraging
profpcfiTs are open in the weft: aa
rliis time, to mduftry and enter
prize : To .he mechanic, artisan
and laborer, as well as farmer,
manufacturer and capitalHL A
o-eneral and elivening advance
ment is every where observed.
We 1 ave now more trade, and
better markets—new resources
are cor.Timiy developing tiiem-
Llves on this fide of the mound
tains. (ment. report.
On the ulr. in a pair,
Mr Wocdwar.l, a brother in
( law < f capt Clover of the (hip
FT.iio. arrived at Boflon, was loft
i overboard, and Mr dV’s wile,
dir J he fame day at Boflon.
[No 4.1.