Newspaper Page Text
Volume I."|
I I V'ktivUi
JflilCE—< r.H*t:i. 110U.411S IVV AXM.M, IIAI.F
I*vili in a|iv*ni:.
It being deemed expedient by
the Board of Directors that ano
ther in lalment of the (lock of
the Bank of the State of Georgia
(hould be called in, and that
the Stockholders Ihould be re
quired to pay a proportion there
of in specie.
Notice is hereby given that,
agreeably to a Relolution of the
Dirociors of this date, twenty
three per centum on each share,
of the flock of the Ban':, is *<?
noired to be paid by the Stock
holders, on or before the f con 1
Monday in >r n. x:, that
five doll, <rs in? pecie be‘paid on
each /hare, as part of the fain
twenty-three per cent ; and the
Balance in hills of tether of the
banks of Georgia.
The Stockholders are forth t
Uotiued, that Cafliier’s certifi
cates of Stock will be iiftaed in
lieu of the Commissi oner’s cer?i
ficat<;S,held by the Stockholders,
upon the delivery of the Com
iriiftionerhs ccriincares at the
time of paying the inftalmunt
fcs above required.
Well era Stockholders arc in
formed that they'may pay laid
iuftahnent, and receive their
Stock-certificates ora delivering
the Cos mm ini oner’s certificates,
‘at either of the offices eltablifhed
‘at Augusta and Milledgeville, so
soon as they (hall be iia operation,
vhieh will be in a short time
fravinnah, the 20th 38.
•S apt ember, 1816. 5 10/
WILL be fold on Thursday
the 28th of November next, at
the plantation’s belonging to the
eilafeof Raphail Wheeler deck:
of Wilkes County ; part of the
personal property ot l l .i dec’d;
oonfilling of flock of a!! kinds,
plantation utensils, household ee
kitchen furniture, brandy, corn,
fodder. &c The sale will com
mence on f’d day at the planta
tion in Lincon County, cn the
next day at the late reftdence of
f’d dec’d in Wilki s, and will
eontinue from day to day until!
alirsfold. Twelve months cre
dit will be given the purchasers,
to give notes with approved fe
oiiity, to bear interest from the
date, if not punctually paid.
Susanna Wheeler o . . .
, ( ( AdnVa
John Dyson,
©dlober, 17th 1816.
Administratrix Sa Ic.
WILL be fold on thurfday
<he 7th day of Nov’r, at the late
ttffide’t:e of Robert Middleton
elq’r dec’d, in Libert county, a
flock of horses, cattle and goats,
house-hold furniture plantation
Tools, and a number of other ar
sides too tedious to mention.
Alo the plantation whereon ftie
said dec and lived, to be rented to
tiie higheit bidder for the space
of twelve months—also thole in
• d-bted to {aid etlate, are once
j more rcquefled to make immedi
ate pay'ivut ; and those having
demands againfl the estate, to
render accounts in as the
law directs ; the sale to continue
from dav to iigv untill finifhel;
J - ■
‘Terms nude on the
day of sale.
Betsy C. Middleton, Admx.
25th Stpt’r 1816.
WILL be fold on thurfday the
ydi day of Nov’r next, at the
; luineuce oi Hams Coleman be*
; ceased in Vvilk* co- tv the p-^r.
f. .ml P r, :err of laid dec’d’ con-
I filling oi in ufiiioiu and kitchen
j furniture—corn and fodder, and
| i number of oiher articles too
numerous to mention ; the sale
j to contuue from day to day, un
i nil a'l is fold. ‘l’velve months
1 credit! be given by giving
bond and app’c'rd feenrity.
John Coieman ) ,
r r , T , r > Lxecuti <5
00s. a ootten 3
Scpt’r 24th 1 8.16. At.
WILL be Sold on the lit.
iTud’davoi November next, at
the town of WafKington the
1 C
Itud llorfe cuIL-l Pizarro, be
longing to the eflate of Garland
Pear for, dec’d.
Michael Pearson, ? . , ,
TO:., vo iv r >Ad IBS.
1 .iisabeui Pearfou, y
iOaoberv ‘l.Bth, 1836. pd.
1 D .'.l ?. aTo 11. :> Sale.
WILL behold on the 2d day
jof November next, at the late
refideace or Shcrod Wife, dec j
All Ihe fji‘rson(tf property
jof !aul dcccaf'ed, (except the
! negroes) and credit of twelve
| months, bond arid Lcurity will
; be required in all cases, for the
; heirs and creditors of said dec.
Nancy Wise, admx.
John Wirt!, admr.
! Sept 20, 1816. (36.
AdmimstmtoA.s Sale.
| WILL BE SOLI), at the late of Thomas Hi.l, of
I Oglethorpe comity, deceased ;
, all the Kitchen and lloufehold
J Furniture, Stock of every kind,
and many other articles too te
dium to mention, Also, the
j prelent crop of Corn, Fodder,
i Wheat and Cotton—and Bran
-1 dy. Sale to commence on Mon
day tire lecond of December,
and conriuue from day to day
until every tiling is disposed of.
Alio, the Negroes to be hired
out. Conditions made known
on the day of Sale. HfLL, admr.
•let 4, 1810. (39 -f>)
] Will be luid to the higheit bidder
on Saturday the 9th day of No
j vember next, at the late refideuce
jot liubella Patterson, deed; all the
[property belonging to the eflate oi
i said deed ; confiding of 6 negroes,
ihorles, hogs, cattle, corn, fodder,
jind a entity of feed-cotton,
1 Also, one negro boy belonging
.to the est ate of John A. Patterson,
deed ; fold by order ol the honor
able the court of Ordinary, for the
county of Wilkes. ‘Terms of l'ale
” ill be made known on the day of
tale. At the fame time and plate
| “'ll be rented, the plantation
! whereon James Patterson formerly
John W. Cooper, ex’tr.
Sept 6, 1816. ( 34-ts)
Si J El< l FPcT S:UX
(l *S l poll oil
} ILL HE SOLD on ihe first Tuts
(hiy inU numberne\‘ at ihe court
house, in Wilkes County, between
1 the hours of ten and thru: o'clock ,
ihe following property, viz :
ONE houlV and lot in the
1 t own Wafhisgton, Wilk- s coun*
j ty, adjoining Dr Abrs.itand others
! —in the ivcupancy of Jha C
j Leitncr, and ’cken as his p-ojir-ry
to I.uisfy fun Jr y’ executions ag,;* it
i him, in favor of Heard and
| Joel Bond, and point.'■! out by laid
I Leitner— executed and iv’-iiint and to
me by jofeph M Dent, con ‘ible.
| 4’ 1 (38-c*)
/- ’ll be so LI on the first ‘Tuesday
; hi November next, at the Court
; t.ouse in II tikes county, the follow
i property , viz :
HVE iiuudred an ! eighty
; four acres of land, mo e i t lets,
j in Wilkes county, on the waters
1 of Piltol treek, adj lining John
! Hinton, Daniel Stalker ar.d
i others, whereon George 1)
{ Taylor now lives, taken as his
j property to fatisfy i’undry execu
tiuns again ft laid lay lor, in fa
vor of Young Stokes and others.
Also, ore likely negro boy,
by the name of Bob, about ten
years of age, taken as the pro
! perty D William Thurmond,
i dec ; to fatisfy sundry execu
-1 tions in favor of David Sims and
; others, against said Thurmond ;
> ointed out by plaintill ’s attor
ney. October 1 ft, 181 (i (ys*--
l'nos WOOTTEN, SMI 7 )
t> Wasiunoton Ac a of m v.
On the 6ih of November nc ct
; the. examination of the fludent*
v.iil commence, wiil continue
the 7th, and on the Bth will be
public exhibition. Ar which
the commifiioners of said Acade
;uy are particularly and re! peel
fully requeiled to attend, ailo
parents, citizens and neighbors
are invited. Oct. 25, 18 id.
STRAYED from the fubfcnber
in Lincoln County, a cnrim colored
Horse, about 11 hands high—-well
set & in prime order, and blind in
bis left eye ; ha3 a ltre.ik on his> Inck
like the Mutes, and is irnooth food
all round —has a lingular white Ipot
on one of Inr liipo near the tail, near
ly as large as a (1 & 1-4 cent piece.
Ten dollars reward given, besides
all rcafonable charges paid on deli
•-< r y to Alexander Morse of Lincoln
Parity, or to Jt.Te Pro Her in Wa
fhingtoq County, or to Lphruim
brown efq'r. of Savannah.
October 2/uh ibiti.
’The Milh-dgeville Jeurnd will
pleas? to insert this notice S times*
and present its account to Jefie Pr.f
fei near Miliedgevilic, who will pay
it. ‘ F. B.
Clock A Watch m aking.
AS A HALL rdpectfuliv in
forms Ids friends and the public
in general, that he has returned
\ to Washington, and pur poles to
I ptirfue the above.bufin Ts in it
extenlive btanches ; hs tiatters
himlelf that he can every
fatisfaction in his line of bufiuefs
—he refpectfully solicits patron
age. Oct ‘j.'J
THE fubferiber has five or K*
j likely young Negroes, which tic
I would fell low forcafh—Colutn-
I hia County, a2 miles above \u
-1 gulbi. JOHN PI l MAN.
Augu(l, Sept. 24th 18 s6.
j LETTERsinthe Post-Office,
| oti the Ist October lb 10.
‘LLY \li \aiul. Sul .iit-l A ik-u.Uimi ic*
ab* -bn .lcnec A’ -'ck.
>hu 1 .'wfaC.iuuTs* Bosatll E*l.v:iul Itiark
t'iii)iias tii>: ‘.’ii Lurun.i UluUnt James lint
Ed .s-.uO Ura'ittv Jo* 1 llonil.
It uh 11 Con. ~ C'dlini* Fiamis
i ‘’-oily Guilford Ciuli- .1 .to Ci \V,iii..i®
Voi’i* 1 sCarterCiiarb-s |>< atu *
:■.* > liforgt H Davidson W ilii.u 2
n.v ( • **.:s Dicki iihfm harj !J ■mu,l , 1 jit
D.ivis N*. ... i J>"ti{lavj
St, ptiin C. 1 > Iv.lwaulE kii-a lau.. I'.-Ij*
ois Falv a I Ev.ti ‘.ilftv. R, u
Daniel ii -2, S.iinr. 1 l.uimuy ( ■
l atliu s< (.t .>•! I’o-. 1. Jilin* J'a.ialt.
Ani. T .'lll r Wiui.Mn Grnnl I A \V_
Gordon I’ TV C. >'d.;ii l i.. ... i„ E
imm eaq Gordo*.
Llum’ ff,.non ( atliuim.. Vnlrv L* y
If nn H iriii Jnlm I .'.ot. Ahnu ti,.r
rismi I-id .1 If Id.* li.cliil. M Ucail, la./;w
lict I* 11 ii 1 \ ‘ lint Cln i .toplu-r I j.. kie.
M son Joiiiisoit Geo x*’ Hi'din -onSli* i:nd
Jcy. Is.
ticorgeLou'is Osborn la>rk* 1 .Lic< l> I.mti
s *.'y \ iiisoii II Low Susannah l.uiij'iiiiie ——.
l.lgllliiei- IL’ey I. tth*.
Enut Ali'iad McLomlim ,Lout Au-hnr
Martin Nulaiiiel Me Mi. k.n i, Lab.ll \ ,n.
*er t harit , Maitox Rev Jami. .MaMirw. L
itMnlkej W 1 Ilium Mallory Jeiuioah Milie*
J* >s ml, Moore,
G *, gs- l Napier Samuel Nurris ll.v'J
Nesler John Oreral.ieei.
Kliz.aln-tli i'ale Cliarles Porter Jnl n I'roc
■'i’ Henji miu Peterman llann li Ivrkms
hiinmas Porter Andrew I’uril* •• U. ijarnio
liter \\ 1 ilium Park* r John li. • \.u S.ry
f ens miss .Mary Raymond* 3, Tlioma#
Reeves Kdicldrial ltoa juniea lt< ‘ulirSaui.
i t It'ibS.
Nani” Smith William Shin.* Amos Stew.
’ * Henry Shorter Fr< ilerick \V Siounet
Leans Stewart John (. Slajipy John S ee|
irc.!*fl Himpaou Hide 111 Strange Jin 1 ..- Soli.
*ml Mar* 111 Spell Andw. Sle pliena 1 (iota, j
Simons (f W Sooiv! Eliza S aph a.
Jtciijamm I ,ii i .ilerro G*ejii Jcae ph (. i'eh
tn- Ucv J lines 1) Turner.'!
Gavel VViiite Peter Whitcomb, AViiliatt,
VXTHis. J VU.NGj'IEL!), 1 ‘i.
Unober 25,1 TO. (4i< )
*jrty*('Xu V. ‘•r-K p-TW . 1 BLUO+
American literature.
Weobferve that Mr Carey,
of Philadelphia, is about to pub
lish a “ Universal History of the
E’er Id, Americanized /’ from die
earliest. records, to the 19th cen
tury ; written by Dr David
Ramsay, and continued to the
treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith,
L. L. I). &cc. Tlie merit of l)r
Ramsay as a hillorical writer, fb
highly and so universally praised,
fhou'.d be fufficient motive, so
every friend of American litera
ture, lor lending the aid of his
patronage to the publication of
j this work. The name of Ram
! lav is already dear to us. He,
whom the incomparable Dick
j irjson Ityled the pot vkius of
* America j u'<v> 4 U repofis
[No 42.