The news. (Washington, Ga.) 1816-1821, November 01, 1816, Image 3

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    troops under a’ leader Jo
S-.M *f. aip rica, it appears by -
fcbftraft of news iu Nik’s Regis
t r, that Geo were armed wit‘
pi her —th • lame weapon wit!
u hich the undifeiplin’d Irish m
lone; iince deicated regular corps
of Scotch and F.nglifh,
A Nantucket While (nip,
/fays Mr. Niles) just arrived fi otu
the South Sea, and lever and times
boarded by veiled;; attached to
the Buenos Av* ean (qua iron,
under Admiral Brocvn on the
emit of Peru, and al ways treated
with the greatrlf kindntTs and
frefprd, being fnrniihed with ie
refh.nents &c. It is pleasant to
ohferve, that it is thus patriots of
South America generally treat
our vcdTeU —we boait bell nr, !’ r
<b-i.ndirg with them The Admi
ra! was blockading C diao, t the
p >rt of Limn) vit|j two (bps,
three brigs and two feinoners,
and drd- ,• peeled a p it; or ur
rov, when a joint attack wop Id
be made on the city. CJ.
-ieva*. ■. s* > rnjtrmmv-s *- a. •* >• *
TH i: NE Vv S.
SbVF, RA L at torn nt $ v. -re
to ie on Tuesday, 29 h idt. to
fire a tan-house in the vicinity
this town, the nroperry of Mr
John HaliJiiy. Twenty months
pad, this gentleman had a tan
houfe burnt 6 s the lame fp it by
(dme mceridhrff an 1 rhe p vied
since then Has witnefied the *.!•;-
Ifroflion of fever al valuable
buihjings, ahd five atounpts ; o
fito the town. It is triu / fur
p:i r tu.” the frequent rccu’o. ice
ot these alarming a:is (hoy Id
Have produced in our citizens
no arrangement for their pic-
Col Cuthbr.rt's resignation.
t. Will ■ U IjV UIU iijitoiVliljC Ui'f,
Tb i AHr<v| Cuihbm. has tvs h.s seat
in the present Con^'-tss of the I’nltert
t9 , a , ‘*s. We
produced it. and wl; h cLprivcs Georgia ot
an ‘.hie, Tmd wo;- iv )• ■pre-ent:.•
(Savannah R epublßan.
Snvann: October ’M, l ilt'.
Sift—The reoiiii or’ the r| -etioii T;i.: nin
Wt.K State on the first \f unlav of tit** preset’,
in mo*, having-been i!Ti('ieiitiv ~l taoied,
permit :n , thron-h yon, to resign tin* seat
‘.vtiicli 1 occupy in ‘he congress ot tin- Unit
ed S'a'.n*. a-; one <>t the ee:„v. -caiives oi’
th State of Georgia ttespcc full".
XL. I'v -Henry David H Mitchell; £
Governor of M*o.
• This looks not \v !l It hr'ravs a f:ot
•tir.ess of ininfl, otic that has
hitherto held so t£ . a station as Col Cat!..
hert—The tyood man, < r tree patriot, ,-ceks
ftnly ’he intere .t ot’ lus ejttotrv, uml h •
fcttoid ! . p..rsevert in its behalf to the tutcr
• -—.a.,*..—.———
©T’rae.t. of a lelter from an American ei'i
on boat-i 5 the sloop of war iVueo Uc, ‘„e , '*,, s
irietui m * I>i•-> eitv, dated oh
(dm,* M l’ Art, Vuei's’/’ 191 <>.
We se.ll 111 Inc cr-; live: of ...Mir or two
tv Vaoies. I. >~.i Mtrae .j’ . „.fi hence u
v-0i or 5 ‘lavs atpi, ?*', a I et of JO sail
/vicivnally sltijts oi ’ .■ iin, ) Uie
T CVl.p’ ‘ -s’ It is etpecii- I,the most
6*o Toioafv eo ii’ , vt-r rectirdetl will take
pi we in tfu-o’ , f>e off. few days, andi think
Ui. t'Mv HC .able I shall he ill foil view ot
the i; ‘.f His fy>t(l-;iiip, fiviHi scveiui tl!',-
/’ -'ll atompts, lias rather f.i ■ a ot the
es’ r on ot'tlie a Iniiraht, and Jitet is
’ l liiirt in fetri. v s Ins rear ( : .r.
,V>:ve-OliuuNS S-p 17 We have at las*
ne’ “:Ve<! such info.’’nation tv'-.- ,v; to tin
ottiro o- lately coni.~iiUed ■ u the- Vtnericfci,
slats by the Spaniards as may be relied up.
on. to eive .settle into -mation
m- forbore any alhisktn to t- e mhj ct u
yeste day’s Ca/e'.tc. Ahe hratttl tv;,
ant in corapattv with ; tiy otner vessel -,rlu
tl e feh in with t|, and Spattis i conctt. s
A\ > 0 tie and itpt i; T..oiil t'urmi'iy ni.itt sin
ce) tiis colors and ha tied th? comtn rliit-.
tiK-ntii the character ofltts vessel. A
ter f ii.-ic tin stjtv..- ‘itu.- ’he .Sl*
aiic-d se-’i'. an t!:'erun !i->ai'd Uie chn brut
town ‘in ‘ii •; ie. noyium’s c i'oi>u.,sloii u
iit- vt, t 1 r.i elMsi-.1, ’.l- Camp's. and Jt
oomt;vi id of th 1 I’li-eliruitd, ;*• a ser,t at;o<.
the o;: .Uc on the tt. •> of die S|>; -
nisb ejp'.-.Jn Wit. r, MrC arrirecl oft the
k fir wa. i.isiim and In t.hi iiittsl opp, ‘hr
i abase, anti a centinct was placed over I
III; llis !> ’,-u’s CievV Was also compelled t.’ 1
, > on b'.iard—•imittciliateiv put in irons a id .
•e it cruelly beiucit. It is added that M j
‘inniiiy iiaui repeatedly assured the Spanish
sptain that lie had struck. Ins tla>, . that he !
.HtsiiUoed the Ihrcbrand ns a prize to Ins
t'hiiiie majesty, mid entreated that site !
mjpit be taken possession of agreeably to i
a usages of belligerents. This wnsde-i
cliilcd’liy lie gallant c.hamjuo'tsif the Intpii
si.ioo—but he still dvlained tnr Cnmplieli |
and hts haul's crew.
At the expiration of •’ fours however,a
-m i iio-ii aredat a distanco, tile pi i.,oners
wore reU-a c Ct|, and the Firebrand permitud ]
to depart by the redioubUibie don, who did
not lad t> load her eoiniiiander w iili ilic
; foulest ii proa cites, and protested ‘hut he
I had ordeis to tltive every American vessel
f’rora the gulpli ot’ Mexico. W ■ IViis-h
j vulgar pbr.iße, * mavey they wont smell null
for it’ news)
A.iiericati stcCk i wi re in <V maud in Mur.
land at the latest dates, at 8o for ash, and
evpeeted to rise. It t.'uy cu tlinuc even at
that price tin v wilt and- uuicn to .'pializr the
exchange b-nttven that’cowiitrv mid die If
Stl. is. Dollars u. a ipiotgtl at ‘sbspero/,,
j :1 ~c 4> 1 1-2-.1 each 3 percents consul.,
. Angus, 24, o! 8 u 62. !Vi* !e is said to be
: reviving .it K igiaiul , ;cd the ts'dueitun of
some r.oiv,nil.i-;.hie c-xp. nditurcs is spoken
, of. .Sixteen p- rseits w.-tv eapita!;;, convic:-
jeJ at N inv.di tor in-mg c.i.i rrued in riots
M D.iwnuum. .Several seizures of Urittah
! go • hai ■- h. ett made al Iliac .v.
tuns tribeui r*-l nn.l IVt'-.lfiu have been j
tried and eoiidnui: and to dcadi in f-’raucc,
. p.u contti ii.ico—met are l> in t lie Mpisil
■ u :iy.s. V > lari ■ I at’ eiif Uil With hi “, -is lied
f to>a place u. tw. eii the Uussian AnsiriMt
j soldiers at M, t,-,—but the < licet si restored
lor ier. It ... p.0p0.-d to raise ,o; aimij es
I s.d.U id mo'it-'r itie Frei.< I; peace establish
jnn ut. ’I ,a- I,rlm ('ottvier suvstiiut rt-.n ci
’ has ref-ol ‘ily p .id ! er c. otrih'dionsi .o the
a'.lii-s I; .s said die purebarers of >he nil
: tionul ilnmairis wilt tun be disturbed lbO
pi ivins were kilh and in an affray bci\i e it the
uatii-i'. and gtiauls and ’.lie foreign troods at
Sti !>ng. iicn Merlin, ctd'ctl into actu. 1
’e: vice, bus taken to 1 is S'alf lh. aids of* lie i
U’.- ni .r.slud N*..v. The Wife of Juki pit tin*
napm-le has asked f eve to go to Swmlcij.
i'ac government of Sardinia lias ordered j
to he .and tiettoa t ships of the lute and !
frigates 701/ S wit/.era have arrived at ‘
I’urio , they are intended to form a Swiss 1
regiment of guards.
It is said that ti c* number of Ihissinn ‘
troops in l-Vunce is flj,odd; diat : h \ had
b. en it hi’breed by cavalry from time lo cine 1
—and that they have not been under Well
iug"or.’, command since ‘lay iast.
A' coii'i’is f;om St Helena s-.te tlict ‘lo- ;
t.apari ■ complains fciUerly against the Uri- j
lish tor seniliU” hin, to the ‘ islmHt of dvso- j
laliou,’ saying Mural’s fate -as nure.i
fnl C‘n;tp--:-d with his. lie is tvpiesenti .1 ‘
tin being tnpeh depiv sed and altetx-d.
Tim Kmg of Naples lias forbidden his 1
S’- • Cts ap-'lytttg to, tlie* I’ope for i ‘dul - j
yyv. ci s, To i’re.; -!i jpivwi mn t re- j
, (juiycily.if vim Dnt; li tog:-e up mr X Simon
J on; flic D-dc authorities tier i .*rd to
: take any siepa on the sobjecl, although
they held it..- S ill custody. Th. lJ.tkc of
Kent has gun ■ f’om dughtiid: to Grossi-U to
reside there rears.
Th C-ntrier (•* deter (Vctp tu KTation)
says it !*• tne j>.-,i<-.t ice • ft lie Aiifrricat'i cap
tarn- who limn* t mini, in the emigrants, to !
; s. i. tlnr .i to satisfy such claims. j
j T(ii.-<>iu,-h r compliments loi-llogh.s, who j
xr.-iit t-i Cart.fageti.i in tin: Mr.cedomuii, I'o.r j
; proem ..w th’ reli-r.s:: of Britislt as well as j
, A ii< !\ s ‘licr-. I'lie dry of duns is
s.vd in have ; p;U and t!,r coniniod'jrc of one ‘
: of his c t-sairs v- ‘y captured a French sitip.
A ‘iiiui d'Jb Sts o r were passing into lioilmui
; bound for the United S’
i A seat win it. . The brother cf a person
convicted lot-murder tn tho county of Mi a h ,
I —lrclaii.:, “Vuo was just about Ii; l- c\. yl
ed, go; in;ioducc’d into the prison, oh j
pi leiu col gOitUi f.,l- a cltrg’ ip ,i* h the
j criminal e-r..i[i(-. H-luptpr j-V’., .V:. fin- I
j u coil: leiabi time befijr- i ick was dis- !
; covert;*!, wbet: btmnt; cirt*’ t o by tin jailor ‘
at a rage, ‘your in an . oas g A off,’ Hu at- j
iceted .-.a. a r i s;a i, wbv then hi- Its., I
taken oil mv at coat !To was detained, j
; and to Iu ,c . ii,.-a nuscU ntt anm. j
J**. i st'EHTii r/ i.r r::e r..W. A I
Crr.” .u*’ bt-'.-u muju ttcfi m, be- J
, tl _ ii'm-.n ny XK.ti r. Well-, used 1
, • ead oi !Y Vtfii'T, in i-uini-'-aliltg * lit;
Words of a ter vi- in In, elm m.
) py- The niiTio'i t!
, oi t tj 3oU! itsmoußces,
i hilt .-’I. iid IS Wt ’ t Ic’i'l J I . ‘.li *
Trcai’-jfy iL-paiUnettt oft rTie lit :
: oi Oct’jbcr, tViid iMer.ds to ie
! cofdtnf’.tcd ihe or.r.tit:. ot law iu .
IJHi1 J H i I.ul*iij'-lih'.'—his Ru eii * has •
ti-i>•■ bevf. nniu 1. A iidteuxT-t ;
o! cite nimui )-; ot the Natinf: 1 ;
Fis ,U . vy
ing fad- ure aid-ita.'ncd:
i ; i. i'ridt fi Hi ifu: i 2’.h Feb
iß? 6, ro die iii ■ : j .i.u My, j
iB; 7, tne puiiic debt wiil h„ve j
■ hreu reduced nioit ih.irt iL'.r.uu ■
! ml'ir-;ss t
e. Thitt the v. hols cf the ,
j jr.ibiic debt ril'dy be paid oiT by i
i the erislir.v revenue within nvcht. >
| ’ j
| ; v'. - f.nt die wh de amount oi j
; <itc.rta> :c 1 oi the late ‘
war has htvn pahi oT- :tnJ am
j pb. nic tus are at tiiti r * met;’
unliquiiiated claim, “lo the ex
nr ot the iv’rhdt dlitnates hh
I iherto rormed ”
.-'th. That the receipt of
! . *
nut? for the pr\lent year may !m
i ettimated at more than cO Vi i I li
ns—and the uldmate surplus of
oil the receipts beyond the pro
bable expences for i!u* prtient
i year mav probably exceed R mil
lions—nearly t, Milhous in >re
than were ii the I reafv.ry at the
commencement of rhis vear.
i.OS [’ , n Tuesday ’aft. a nev of
lund tivcit by Nicholas P.itiiiijjo to
rl;e fublciilkT, far the lum and et;'i
tecn dollars. J’hedate i 5 nor i•- |
but it wrG pavable o'ie day
•ittcr die date. All per tons at;* iaa
ttotted agatnft trading for (he uni
note, and die linder will receive tny
that ks for re!ur"i'’e it to ne* or ii*;*
printer. liKNjAMiM Aacm o -i.
Nov i, i h i ft. -i;
TiOS I', fome tiihe'ili'? liiil ol o p
mther hill, otic leather pocket bo k
C'jmaiiung the foliowhin ,iiot-'x of
hand : One on J.nn: Wood for fifry
floihrs, payable fftnu time in iMift...
also one due bill on the l:m e lor y and
J c payable on demand ...ail'o one
note t ir .Itu-’f dnllars oti N Jarrut,
payable die d.'tii December last—-
ado ft notes on Ifnac Mowtp. one y i
ven the l I h /intuit piy bh
tine day all- r date tor twenty one
itciiato...ado one on do. for twenty
delbtiS, piven iftiit AugUll, pdynble
two days after do. for
twenty-two dollars & 7ft cfs th * j
fame time, a"d payable three day M
.ifter date...oiie dus bill on D Teru i
I'ivoii he ‘JO'It (or one do*,
iai lift its. paynivltf on demand—aifo
a number of receipts.-aift; or e note
on James 13 for nil e dollars
eighty seven ntui a half cell's, due
j'.ly hi v All peifonc vtte fore
v.-.-tiiu 1 frern paying any of the above
nob’s, or any way trading for rhe
fa id notes, but my It If. N. LEA.
Nr v i, ibtß. (Ik’f)
v notil;]’,
Wn t. us. i'Oi.D on Vricifv the
22 i oi November nexr,. ;it the
M-fidcnce of Heartwell Jack lon,
tiic foliow ing property, viz. Ne
profs, horics, corn-fed po 4 r
with arpe.ntity of ic ife
roa-.1-waggon arul anil a
r;ti in her ol othet fti’i.ues too fe to r emirMi, Twelve
niojol.i ‘‘.edit will be given, flu*
£**'aaier giving bond with ap
pioved iecunty.
111 AH r i WKI I. j,,C K f ;nH.
OIV 2S I 816 (43 2'*
i. (J tVi li /\N id Si I
For Sai.e. The trutt of land .
and pit iniit'S whereon i live, ad ,
j inbig i'*lr John Wipgfit.ld, a*'d j
com; iniitg 285 1-2 acres V/ ‘
imprr.vcd. Also the tract ri .
land and pren.ifoe Sale the pro
p/it7 of John Rail), adjoining
, M l aibot, aud contain:! g
Dy tlfinnttion 10,7 i 2 acres, ve
ry wdf improved. Tmi.s made
icirrvvn t-.r both or either of laid
; trftcl'j, by apij!icatfo?i t the tub
: i7rb. f ii‘'iitg on the f;:it men
boned rrati:. Wm, M- ik MM.
fVv i, i 8 io. (42-1 a‘2ia)
hB F. \i IKF ti ■> ALI ‘.
J / iI.L lit: SOLD, at i1 ie
V'V Court Louie* ill lIF n
i Ci.ur.ty. on (lie licit 1u- u!;.y in
. Dcr.i uibc r next, B te.etn the u
i ,
i hr i lie ;>*;, the lolloping jno
, ty, to ’.vi:
i One rty ro c hild Oilman one
| year old, one negro child Caio*
| line it;u mon.hb old, levied on
I as the pie petty of Lewis Irions
‘ de u ■/&> , to litis ry fundi y vx
1, fare! properly poinfedl
bet oy Win Inons and now iti
ms poiLffion. Also twenty c ght
, bane sot corn, (tacks of
j tockier, ten (boats, three sow
| And seventeen pigs, two cows *idc’(
two year.ings, one (ether b <{
and one It raw bed, two (heeu
! and two cotinte; pins an* one
’ bed quilt, two bed (t nds, oik)
u hr,ur tabic and ope pint; table!
: one (hot gun u: i (hot p m !t,
one half dohen common ch .t;s,
one cod’ c pot, (even earthen
1 plates, three earthen diThis, one
(mall pit !uo\ three (mad inn<rs,
tto tioiiDiers, on** -e 111 r ot,
fin loom, one iron ;*ut.oneov. fi
and led, two pa"? and one pi yin,
, one hnir; b vx. fix kniyesand le
ven *ork , ottt* (oral! tin pan, ft?c
bu ks ot var-ous k nds, one pair
cotton cards, Iwo chip axes,
.■'•or chile!*’., cne gouge, one i *u
; square,. two drawing knives,
t .)’ ;(■ or four acres oi cotron as
j it h-amis in the field, a tju.T ‘oy
* f ‘indrer j. r ivag ’ons ; u v ed
iCm as tne prop.tty of J hri S* ale
to l *is!y au cvecution in !.*vor
j of Lhomas Napier, he iaft ah •* e
property row u .oy poflelii >n.
L'ertus cadi.
Jos mu A Clark, n rhff.
|fJ h 2 ’ll i 8 16. [j-s 2 yt ]
sili.RD'h’s s vi.k/ ‘ ‘
On the fi * 1 I’neftiav of De
cember next, Will, Mb SOLD,
at ihe C< uit lu. i>fe in the tvu
- ot vValhittgron, the folic win pro
i Hefty, vi/:
; ON If negro girl named I.ucy,
now in polled! >n of Rupert
; Simpson, tuppofed to be 1701*
j 18 y'*ars old, levied on as the
j prcpe-ty • John R aimty, icn ;
!to Ldsfy an execution it, av a
! of i homas Cargile, pointed out
j by (ohn R atmev, ion.
> Also, one bay horse, one
1 black niare and colt, ten Lam ia
i of corn, four (lacks of fodder;
j levied oil as the property oi S.h
mu el Harreii, to i-:'dy an exe
cution m * ‘.vor oi i arltouSiitct.s;
Conditions, cash.
’ R |. WILLIS, D S.
j Nov. 1, 1816 (42-51)
New Cos partnership,
riiL Subscribers having entered
into co-partnerfliip under the
firm of MCWHORTER AN!)
WILLIAMS, and opened in the
store iormerly occupied by l ay
lor and Sayre, solicit the patron
age o( their (riends and the pub
lic in general. They have on
i hand a general afiortment of
|])ry Goods, ilvito Warp.
|an S Cutti.kuy ; which they
j wifi ebfpofe oi on the merit rea
lotiaiJe terms. ,
Nov 28, 1816. 42C j
Wll.Lbt be fold, at the c urt
houfe in tlie town of Walliing
ton, on jhe hr It i uefday of De
cember next— 277 acres of land
} idling C"? k, adj fining Wylie
| Fope aud others, Icvie- on a;
the property of Berjutniri Smith
ar;d Lemuel Wool tea, in fa /or
of .John Dyfou lor t’ne ufL’*'f
: Nancy Sirtnu. Com'itioi.Y cash,
JOliN RII.LV coroner.
;o>t(b rp, 18th. I 42-cJ
Cj’ IHE Gou.d ih&roitc \>. -
dv, IVL’d*OM~ r, vv'.i be p. ifo m
fcd, rtTS EVP.NI.nC; by the
/F 'ojhington L hn\nuti S del).
1 I'o vr7l b • Hwded, t*e I i r ce
lof Raising tl.. H r i- and. bo“t ’ fuflv b
i SceriTT Lieparmz (of the occzfioa,-