Newspaper Page Text
Or me of
At an Inferior Court held in
and fur the county of Lincoin, July
term, 1816.
Upon the petition of Susannah
Davis, administratrix of the efta.e
William Stinfon, deceased, who
was the wile of the laid William
Stiufon in his life time, and who
fome time after the death of the
intermarried with
Ransom Davis ; fheweth unto
your honors, that William Stinfon
in his life time, and your petitioner
after the death of the (aid William,
held and pofftfsed a certain indent
ed Deed from John Darden and
F.lizabeth Darden, in and to a cer
tain tr.'dl orparcel of land lying and
being in the county of I.incoin,
and State yfortfaiß, upon the wa
ters of and Mill creeks ;
containing by survey three hundred
and thirty acres, be the fame more
or less, adjoining Glaze, Norman,
and others, and dating that the laid
indented deed has (as your peti
tioner believes) been taken out of
your petitioner’s chclt, or loft and
deftroped, and praying that a copy
which is annexed to this petiii m,
to ay be established in leu of laid
original, and the facts set forth in
fail! petition, being supported by
proof :
Ordered, that the said copy be
established in lieu of the said ori
ginal, agreeable to the prayer r >l
the laid petitioner, utfiefs cawfe be
shewn to the contrary, on or be
fore the firft day ot the next term
©l this court, upon the applicant’s
publishing a notice td this rum in
terms of tlic ail of the General
Assembly in such cases made ne
Ido hereby certify , the foregoing
0 true copy taken f> om the Minutes
ts said ‘ Court. Given under my
band in of ice, thu tfh day August,
a 816.
3 0 rF.TER LAMAR, cUrrt.
N O T I C E.
MINE months alter date, ap
plication will be made to the Into
rior court of Wilkes county, tor
leave to fell the real and perfomd
eitate of Richard Beasley, deccafed
lor the benefit of the heirs and
Creditors ot laid deccafed. Auguti
O, 1816.
30) RoylandTl’ \snrv, admr.
~ noticeT
Nine months alter date applica
tion will be made to the Inferior
Court of Wilkes county, for leave
t>o fell one hundred and fifty acres
of land, more or Id's, on Kettle
creek, in the county of Wilkes, ad
joining Jofliua Starr and others ;
being the real cllate of John f.
Miller, dec.
ffohn Starr , act. adm.
July iq. mom. pd.
Nine months after date, applica
tion will be made to the Inferior
Court of Wilkes county, for leave
to fell the real eitate of James
Wilder,deed. March. 20, ‘Bl6.
Nine months after date, applica
tion will be made to the Inferior
Court of Wilkes county, for leave
to fell the trad of land, or half,
fjcltfOging to the tfUrte ci J. C.
Ar.mnv, fix hundred acres, joining
R Thompson, A E Stokes, and
others, known as Antony's Mills.
John Hill, St > ,
W. Robinson, 5
August 2, 1816. (29—-pm)
NINE months after date, ap
plication will be made to the ho
norable Justices of the Inferior
court of Wilkes county, for
leave to felt one hundred acres of
Land, be the fame more or less)
on the waters of Rocky creek,
in Wilkes county ; laid land
joins the premises of William
M. Kain and John ‘t wining.
The above land is the real estate
of John Bayle, dec* tiled, and
fold for the benefit of his heirs
and creditors
ad mini Orators.
March 4. 1816. (9m. 8)
Nine months after date appli
cation will he made to the Hon
orable the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, for h ave to fell
the balance of the real estate of
M'Kinney Iloldcrnifs, deceased,
being a trail of land containing,
five-hundred and twenty-seven
acres, lying in .said county, on
the waters of fiftiing creek. To
be fold for the benefit of the heire
of laid deceased.
/: fling Adminisirater.
February $ 1 1816.
NINE months alter dare, ap
plication will be made to the ho
norable Juifi.cs of the Inferior
court of Wilkes county, for leave
to fell a Trail of Land, laying
in faiu county, on the waters of
Kettle creek, containing one
hundred and five acres—it being
the real property of Phillip J.
Stark, deceased. Sold for the
benefit ol the heirs and creditors
of the deceased.
Willi \rt Robertson,
Qualified adiniuiff rator.
sLirrh 4, 18t6. (9m. 8)
At a Superi >r Court, held in and
so: the corKv of Wilkes.
JUNE TEH?*, ! 8 16.
Upon the petition of E.-reman
Walker dating, that as one oS„.e
adniiniftrators of George Walker,
elquire, deceased; lie was lately
possessed of a Bill of Exchange,
drawn by Phineas Miller on John
C. Nightingale, for three thousand
ard three dollars—an.i Rating that
the said Bill ot Exchange has (a •
the petitioner believes) i con loft,
and praying that 2 copy which is
annexed to said petition, may be
established in lien oi laid original
and the fails set forth in said peti
titui being lupported by proof.
Ordered, that the laid copy be
ftablilheJ in lietie ol laid original
agreeably to the prayer of the
laid petition, uaid's cause be
I hewn to the contrary, tin or be
fore the firft day ot the next
term of this court, upon the ap
plicant’s publishing a notice of
this tide in terms ot the :.<ft of
the General Aflembly in such ca
tes made and p. ovidtJ.
I rue copy from tire Minutes.
D. TERRELL, elk.
June 7,1816. (at .m 6 n.
NINE in mths after date, rp
piicatiou will be made t the ho*
E arable Inferior court of VTdkes
comity, tor leave ft fell the real
elbteof Wm, F. Booker, died,
for the benefit of the hths and
creditors ot laid deed.
O&ober 6. 1815.
NINE months after the date
hereof, application will be made
to the hon. Inferior c >urr of
Wilkes countv, for leave to fell
the real estate of James Patterlon
deed, of laid county.
John W. Cooper, adm’r. for
Iftabelfa Patterson, adm’x 6c.
John A. Patterson, adm’r.
June, 7 mom—-‘di
Rth -cut Brady former ly 9 label
Rebecca Goodwin , vs. > fur
fohn Brady. j Divree
Lllsrt Superior Court , April term
The Sheriff having returned
that the defendant is net to be
f ur.d m the county.
I.’ is ordered that the laid
John Brady do appear per for. al
ly, or by attorney, at a Supe
rior Coutt, to be held in and
for said county, on the 3d Mon
day in O&ober next, then and
there to answer the Libellant in
the above case, orthe Court will
proceed thereon as to juitioc shall
It is further ordered, that this
rule be published once a month,
for three months in one of the
public Gazettes of this ftatc.
True extiadl from the Mi
D S. BOOTH. cl # k.
Clerk’s Office Elbert tup. court,
July 5. n^cn —25.
NINE months after date ?p
----plica'ion will be made to the
lion. Inferior court of Wilkes
county, for leave to fell a rr.tfl of
Land containing 186 acres of
land, lays on Uptons creek,
Wilkes county, bounded by
lands of A Simons and others
Said land He; g the real estate of
Joleph Pra; her, dec’d.
James W F&atiifr. aim.
Juno 7. 1 ?■ !6. (21
NINE mouth- -Tier date, appii
cafKn will b ‘hade to the hon.
the Irdt.'lo v-urt of Oglethorpe
county, f leave to fell 202 1 2
acres of LaucT. Jot No. 193, in
the 15th diftricl o> (old Baldwin
now ) Putnam l r>oty; be
longing to the estate of .Beverly
C,uthr y, dec’d for the ber*v f cf
the heirs and creditors ol uN
March, 8, ISI6. (qm 8)
NINE months after date, appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of wilkes county
for leave to soil 180 acres of lard
in Wilkes county, adjoining Abner
Wellborn and others, one other
t:?ftl track in said county containing
300 acres more or less, adjoining
ihomas Mortmsm and others, all
on the waters ot Loyd’s creek, one
other tracl of 10c acres in laid
county on the waters of Fiftiing
creek, adjoining James A Cam^-
K V and others, c!f j one other trafi
of 20 2 12 acres in Wiikinfoa
county on coinmifiioners creek, the
above lands is part ot the real tftar©
of James Shearer deed ; to be fclij
for the benefit of the heirs and ex
ditors of Did deceased.
Wm. Shearer, b
i m < 1 a cxrs-
Rutledge, 7
Sept fi, *Bt6. (34)
NINE months after date applu
cation will be made to the honora*
hie Inferior court of V,Tikes coutu
ty, for leave to fell the real eftavo
of James Darden, 1-te of said
county deceased. Sold for the bo
rn fir of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased. August 26, 18 t -
John Heard, > ,
33) C.eorge ( ram, y
Nine months from date, apple*
cation will be made to the Interior
Court of. Wilkes county, for leave
to fell all the raal and personal pro
perty of John Lindsay, late of said
county, deceased. Sept 13, 1816*
35) Clarissa Lindsay, ex’s*
NOTICE is hereby given that
after the expiration of Nine
months application will be made
ro the hon- Inferior court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fid#
fifty acres of land, more or less,
the real estate of Ihomas Giaf
cock, late of Did ccur.ty, dec’d £
adjoining i homas jawell and
Richard Hengfey , for the ben***
fir ot the heirs a r.d creditors of
said dec’d.
Nancy Hancock Ad
Edward t cftols 3
Wilkes connty.
Jug. 3.), 86. (33)
The Subscriber returns hi b dt,
thanks to the public;,for the liberal
encouragement received in this l m
fintTs. Having procured aftiftan :e,
he will hereafit r have the power to
do work on the shortest notice, in
the belt arid neatest manner, and
on the cheapest terms—So that
cuftuniers may nowexpe£l no more
disappointments ; while his late
indifpolition must constitute the
heft apology he can nuke, for
thole which have already happen
ed. He will take on good
terms, an apprentice of the age of
‘3 or l 5 years—one well recota*
Wafhingtnn, July 26. (28)
Cheap Bargain, if applied for ia
time, may be had :ri the purchal®
of a handsome second rate horfe*
gigg. Enquire of the printer.
Sept C, 1816. (34)
—— 1.
I ‘ A y ING established a house of
t -ainment, 011 Main Ifrcet #
at the of the Lid!, facing the
public square ; ‘be fubferihers invite
a ! genteel travd\ *f to call—in gir*
ing this Invitation. iN. v fee! confident
of giving genera! fatir\.’Elion, liie
bar will always be furnir\*d with the
bell of liquors—their fia’des are
large, airy, and well furnilhed with
good corn and fodder ; and hvsea
will h well attended to. If alTi.i:V*
ty and uuremitled attention to bn(t
m*fs, enfute success—we humbly
hope to meet a tolerable portion oi
honclt potronage.
Mat th xis, idib i