The news. (Washington, Ga.) 1816-1821, September 05, 1817, Image 4

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MISCELLANY. Uncommon Perseverance . The Worcester (Ohio) paper in forms us that Joseph Eicker, hav ing penetrated through a rock four hundred and forty feet, has at length obtained salt water I'o Itrong that ioo gallons will yield a bulhel of salt. An idea is prevalent in the western States, that salt water may be obtained at any place by pene trating the earth to a certain depth, and that when the crust as they term it, which covers the fait ft rata, is broken, the water will rife to the surface. It rnuft be con felled that fads and experiments feetn in a measure to warrant the corre&nefs of this theory. Salt water has been found in a great many places, where no indications of it appeared upon the surface, by boring thro* the rock to a certain depth. The vast salt works upon the Great Kenhawa,are fuppiied from 300 perforations through rock to the depth of from 150 to 400 feet. SuccefsFulattempts havebeen made In various other A gentle man from Lake .Erie, informs us that an individual has expended a bout 4,000 dollars, ia boring upon the banks of that Lake. He pen etrated more than 300 feet, when his means were exhausted, but so strong was the confidence of suc cess on penetrating to the depth of 400 feet, that a fubfeription was filling to enable him to complete it. We do not remember to have heard of any inftanceb* fore, where the experiment was perfevtred in .re the depth of 440 feet. Female r niportaton. A German who fettled in the United States, is on a visit to his ’ native country to procure wives for his countrymen who relkle here; the succefsful refelt of his labors are —twelve pretty young girls, who hav: conven ed to be rraafported to America, and be united to their countrymen here, who anxiously await the arrival, determined not to espouse any but their own coun trymen. As the following'appears in the vicinity from whence the young Gfrman females emigrate, we may reafenably anticipate uncommon fecundity, and it fhetvs the a bility with which this agent has ex ecuted his comniiflion : “ A married couple at Wcrtem berg,(Germany) has had 38 child ren—23 boys, and 15 girls !” It L scarcely conceivable what purpose it can answer, to represent 8t Augustine in Florida, as a po fid on rcfembling Gibraltar. It is nothing more than a quadrangle, wi-h regular ballicns at the angles; its piincipal flrength confiftsin the excellence of the stone of which it is composed, quarried in the adja cent iitiindof Anastasia—the town which does not contain more than 3,000 persons, is also surrounded by a wall,-which with the houses are of similar materials with the fort, but it is no way fuperiorto Mobile, which General Wilkinson took with not more men;than.Ge neral lVlacgrcgor commands. (aurora. • - *OR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, SHERIFFS TITLES. Monthly Notices. Bank of Augusta, f 2nd July, 1817. AT a general meeting of the Stock holders, on Saturday the 24th June, 1817, in pursuance of public notice, it was resolved, that the capital stock should be increased ; and the Board of Di rectors was authorized accorciinglv o j to carry the Did refutation MJro erlect. Notice is therefore hereby given, That on Saturday the firlt of November next, at 1 o o’clock a. m. at the Bank, will be put up for public sale, to the highest bidder, 25 00 Shares, of new Stock, of 200 dollars each, in portions not exceeding ten shares. The increase whatever it may be, over one hundred dollars per share, to be paid down at the time of lale, the remaining one hundred dollars on the 22nd November next, which being so paid, will entitle the proprietor of New Stack to full dividends of profits to be made by the Bank, from and immediately after the next divid end, which will be on the ryth November, 1817. Bills of any of the chartered Bank’s in Georgia and South Carolina will be taken in payment. By Order , AUGUSTUS MOORE, j Cashier. tt The Printers of the several Newspapers of this State, are re quested to insert the above once c month to the Ist November. GEORGIA. At a Super or Court held in and for ike County of Wilkes , July 24th, 1817. THE petition of Martha Wood ard,administratrix of Henry Wood ard, having stated that James Over • street, on the seventh day of De cember, one thousand eight hun dred and nine, mortgaged to him the said Henry in his time, three hundred acres of Land, lying in Wilkes county, adjoining William Baird, Dudley Pool, James Carter, Philip Stroud, and Jeremiah Bur dine, granted to Thomas Wootten, whereon Henry Woodard then re sided, to secure the payment of six hundred and three debars, thirtv seven ar.d an half cents, and in terest, on which said mortgage there is at present due from said James Oversreet, the sum of six hundred and three dollars, thirty seven and a half cents, principal and interest. On motion of Alex ander Pope, attorney for the Peti tioner—it is ordered, that the said James Overstreet pay into this Court, within twelve months from this date, the said amount so due of principal and interest and cost. And it is further ordered, that this Rule be published once a month for twelve months, in one of the Public Gazettes of this State, until the time appointed for payment, ■>?. served on the mortgagor, his spe cial agent or attorney, at least six: months previous to the time the money is direded to be paid. True Copy frGm the Minutes. 28) D. TERRELL, clk. NOTICE. NINE months fro* 11 the date hereof, application will b e made to the honorable Inferior Court of W iifies County, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate of Samuel Gam ’ mage, dec ; for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Julyy,i2>\q. [*26] James Chivers, admr ; Nancy Gammage,^. NINE months after date appli cation will be made to the Hon. Inferior Court of Wilkes county, 1 for leave to sell all that trad or ! parcel of Land lying on the waters ! of Rocky creek in Paid county, ! belonging to the estate of Benjamin j Holmes, deceased, adjoining Ben jamin Porter and others, contain ing 250 acres, more or less. Joseph Holmes, admr, March 7, 1817.* [6] NOTICE. After the expiration of nine months application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, (fitting as a court of ordinary) for leave to fell the real estate of Charles Williamson, deceased, consisting of six hundred Acres, on the waters of Long creek—said sale for the benefit of the Divisee in the Will of the said Charles Williamson, named. John Clark, Exr. of the will, and guardian of the minor. June 6, 1817. (22-901) NINE months from the date hereof, application will be made to the Inferior court of Wilkes county, for leave to fell a trad of Land, containing 50 acres, belonging to the estate of Bur we'.l Binns, deceased—-Did land lies in Wilkes county, ■Joseph Anthony, admr. Jan. 3, 1817. [sl-910. NOTICE. Nine months alter date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior court of Wilkes county, for leave to fell *li that trad or parcel of Land, laying on .Little river in said county, belonging to the estate of James Willis, dec; adjoining lands of Peercen and others, T containing 750 acres, more or less. J 0 neslvendr ick, ex r. Jan.-6, 1817. [s2] NINE months after date, ap plication will be made to the ho norable Inferior court for leave to fell a trad cf Land lying in Wilkes county, on Little river, joining Bavard Moore, Nilson, and others; being the real estate of Seth Moore, deceased ; for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of the Did deceased. THOMAS MOORE,exr. Jan. 4, 1817. (52) | NINE months from the date application will be made to the In ferior Court of Wilkes county for leave to fell 200 acres of Land, more or less, part of the real estate of George Gresham, dec. late of said county. Also 800 acres lving in Elbert county on Broad river, of the said estate. Likewise, two negroes, us the said estate. March ’ 7-, i 817. Wm O’Neal, Jn©. Gresham, > * Saml. Paschai,, j 4, NOTICE is hereby : -given, that at the expiration of nine months, applicat on will be made to the ho norable the Inferior court for the ; county of Oglethorpe, for leave to ! sell one lot No. 1. in square A. in 1 the town of Hartford, in the coun ty of Pulaski, and State of Georgia, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Alcy Pope, dec’d. JOSIAH POPE, admr, Aprils, 1817. (13*9 m) GEORGIA. Wilkes County. By David Terrel! , Clerk cf the Conrj. cj Ordinary for jaid County. Whereas Samuel Douglas has applied for Letters Dismissory from his administration on the estate of Wm Douglass, deceased. ‘These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at or before the first Court cf Ordinary for said Coun ty, after the expiration of 6 months from this date, then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters Dismissory should not begranted. Given under my hand this 9th June, 1817. (25) D. TERRELL, clerk. Ordinary Notices. FOR SALE. A few new second hand BOOKS , chiefly medical. En quire of the printer. AUG. 8. (e. - NOTICE. Those who wish to enter scholars, or pay quarter-bills already due, will find the books in the hands of James Wingfield. The school will commence on Monday next. Washington , June zsth, 1817. cO“ Dr TINSLEY Informs his hiends that he has returned to this place, and re-com menced the pra&ice of Medicine. His residence is at Mr Charlton’s Coffee-House, where he will be always found, when not abroad on professional duties. Washington , May 22, 1817, DURING my absence from this State, Mr Thomas A . Pasteur has charge of all my private busi ness, and of the late concern of Wm Bearing & Cos. ’ Wm HEARING*. Washington , 7 June 20,1817-3 WATCHES repaired in the best manner by the subscriber, having received a good assortment of ma terials, means to turn his whole attention to the Watch Business, and solicits the patronage cf the good citizens of Wilkes, he flatters himself that, having served a regu lar apprenticeship, and worked at the business ten years since, he can give general satisfaction. I. ANTHONY. Washington, Ga. 7 Aug. 22, 1817.3 executor’s sale. Vv ILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in October next, at the Court-house in the town of Washington, one tract of LAND, containing four hundred and eighty acres, more or less, lying in Wilkes county, ad joining John Terrell, Tho’s Grant, and Ellington, about five miles from said town of Washington on a credit cf twelve months, in. compliance with the last will of Tho’s Darracotr,dec’d —Bond and approved security will be required. 31) August 15, 1817. ij) William Darracott, Richmond Terrell, qualified executors.