Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 31, 1832, Image 1

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THE GEOIIGIA TELEGRAPH. PUBLISHED WKSSIV at MACON, GA. Printline Office on Mulberry Stree!—east side the 5 Post Office. TERMS. Turn:’! Doll a ns a year, if paid in Ivnncc <>r Foun DoiLAns, if not paid befora the end of tile vear. Subscribers living -at a dbtcuce will be required in all cases to pay in advance. SEMKYVEEKT.Y PAPER.—Three Dollars perannoro. i' 1 advance, or Four Dollars at the end of tlio year. Mrs. SI. Bloorac's School W ILL comiccucc on Monday the 15th iust, Terms made known ou application at her residence in McDonald’s Buildings, next door to Bonnot's Boot and riltoo Store on Mulberry street. Oft- 13 5 8t EDUCATION. r"Sl!IF! citlsen* of Macon and its vicinity are most j 3 respectably informed that the Academy si:uat- ril about one mile from town ou the road leading to Forsyth, will be completed ami ready for the recep tion of M-.holars about the first of November,next.— Its health and retired location is truly inviting, i lie subscriber, who', is engaged Id take charge of tin boveacademy, has been for many years u teacher m f ome of the most resppptabbi reboots in the city of New York,from the Principals of which he can show the most satisfactory testimonials of bis qualification^ From his strict attention tonll the duties of his school, from his unremitting exertions ill facilitating the pro- urct} 0 f his pupils, he hopes to merit and secure the unprobation of tho public. He has already opened the «chotd in a very commodious nod pleasant room, convenient to the Academy, where he will leach un til If is completed. The coarse of education to be pursued in tins insti tution, will embrace the Greek und I.ulin classics, with the different English branches! Terms of Jui- ♦fon, and other particulars relative to tho institution will he knowu iiv enquiring ofjlio lion. C. B. Strong, Mr. Alexander Suotwell, Air. Wm. ricoitor the tench- r . JOHN O’KEEFE. Macon, Oct. 2,1832. - ■ v . WARE HOUSE . AND Commission Business. ’ THE subscriber continues the iT » above business at bis old stand, j _ -.qf? Head of Cherry street and Cotton Avenue, where be offers ail tlic.u- sual facilities in business. Ilis Ware House and close storages arc in prime order, aud ns much exempted from the danger of fire as any in tho place. Cottou stored with him will be delivered in a- ny part of the town, fuse of any charge, except the .customary storage. Oct 5 2 JAMES CL MORGAN. J. GODDARD, WASE HOUSE COHMISsiON MERCHANT, SSacon, ' WILL continue to transact the a above business at tjlc same place MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, TWENTY-FIVE Per cent, cheaper than ever! From Polbill So Cutbl-ert’s Register. GOLD AND LAND LOTTERY. Prizes Draicn in the Gold Lottery, October 22. Fortunate Drapers. Capt's. BALDWIN. dist. Books, Music, &c. EI.LIS, SHOT WMhL & CO. 4 RE now receiving aijd opening at their BOOK STORE, a number of PIANO FORTES, of a rich description, apd a variety of other Mu sical Instruments, with Instruction Books and Music adapted to the Came. A,largc collection of Blew BXusic for the Piano, eritlireeicg all the Music of the celebrated Ciudo-' rcila Opera, and a variety of Engravings, Carica tures, I'riuts, Pc—also, Jl'large assortment of Books, consisting: of fifteen hundred volumes: a citn- logno embracing a considerable portion of which, C ' “ occupied U last'vc“ar Tv T GOD- | is l«,&9 ™7; JOB 3IAGIE I S just openiug n very extensive and splendid n sortment of GOODS, which has been selected in ! Exekiel Harris’ orphans, 319tli THE NEW FORK MARKET J William T Greene, 31Slh dist by himself, from the latest importations, which are j James Moran, Salem particularly calculated for this market, and which will j . • .BIBB, be disposed of fully • i ] Seaborn T Joucs : orps. Johnsons’d ■CWSWIY-PIVE PER CEItfE. j William Hightower, Candler’s dist. BULLOCK. cheaper than'ever. These goods ore of the latest style • r , aud most fashionable patterns, mid are offered to bis Dixon, ^utacrlui I dist. _ . , ... n. , HIIRRE Friends and the Public with confidence fully assured, that not only the style but prices will fully meet their approbatiuiv Their attention is requested to the same—a few of the arti cles arc mentioned,.viz! ■ • 200 pieces Calicoes and Prints, someyery'ricb. Extra fine Furniture Calicoes and Common. 50 pieces fine ParishcMuslins and Ginghams, plain Alexander Goggin=, BurseMdist and striped, lijrureu nnd striped Mandarines, bara«os- j • CHATHAM sas black and' purple Grodeswiss and Italian Silks jr olm CummmgpVnllcaus dist Watered Grodcnap, black and brownt colored <o. nani G Crape BURKE. Henry Bync. C9th dist Starling Jenkins. Roes dist BUTTS. John M Pearson, Haines dist CAMPBELL. John Ilarvy’s orphans, Ilanners dist CARROLL. it UlCrCU \jrOUCTXa|J, UiaLK mIIU; uruii Hi LUIUILU t v. J C/L A'xi lfernoni Gauzes, Orleans Robes, painted Palmariue j Alfred Dan ; e j ( Jfennipgs dht and Crape Deleon, black and colored bilk, Camblet; * £ijr rjnr DR. I. ELLIS, '.WING determined to settle permanently in Macon, respectfully ofiers his P'dcfessional Sendees to llic inhabitants of tbo town and ndjacealpoau- trv. l 'or the satisfaction of those with uro unac quninted with him. he thiuks proper to state, that lie wm regularly admitted to his profession in I HOI, njrroeahly'to the laws nud regulations.of the State of New York, and tlint most <if his time since that period, has been devoted to an oxteu- sive practice. Ay a faithful discharge of his pro fessional d jnits, lie hopes to merit a liberal pnt- ronafje. His resitleucc aud ofiice arc iu the. house formerly .occupied ny Mr. Birdsong,; on Mulbciry street.. ' Jan. 14 2 , STE&BK SAW AS?®. ©BIST ESIJES. HE subscriber respectfully informs the pub M. lie. that bis •ATEAS/I SAvT «fc G-B.IST ItSIIiS, pear his residence, within one mile of Macon, is now in complete nud successful operation. In addition to other machinery ho is prepared .with a circular saw for ripping light In in her. such as Fij'qjlow fSasJt, Palings, Laths, &c. In conse quence of tho heavy expenditure incurred in its establishment, it is nccc; *. icy that lie should re quire either cash or hnuknblc paper for Ins lum ber, which ho is disposed to sell at a fair price. A sharo of the-public patronage is very respect fully solicited. BENJ. F. OWENS. N\ II.—.A first rate SAWYER, may; by ap- plying immediately, obtain good wages nnd a per manent situation. IF F. O. July 27. _ Jtil tf , Family Cooking Staves, v JfiLL Irons and Cotton'Gin Machinery for ifj. sale bv ELLIS. SHOTWELL &. CO. May 25 ' ID . .YE IF SPRING GOODS. E. GRAVES & SOKT A RE now receiving from New York and Bos ton, a largd aud fresh supply of SPRING ,,nd FANCY SUMMER GOODS, consisting in pnrt of COO ns Calicoes, 100do Fashionable Ginghams, Printed Muslins 100 nance of.tho patronage of his friends and the pub lic in general'. IIo is prepared, to make liberal advances at all times, on cotton stored or shipped by him. Cot tou stored at fall Ware House will he insured at tho lowest rates^if requested. He' has also taken the Ware House occupied last year by L. J. Groco, for tho convenience of his friends,and customers in Past Macon. Macon, August 10 ICS Cm <3* SBSXi'IZ, WARE house, COMMiSSIONMSJRGHl«lT4‘ AKE liberal advaiu . s en Cotton in store I J fHS P2SDM03X, F LINE OF STA GES UNNING through tiic upper parts of South bud Norib'Carolma aud Virginia, to \Vash ing ton City,'and which, at its Southern end, re cently terminated at Powelton, Ga., is novr’iu full aud coni]> etc operation. It luni.recc ntly been extended tt> Milledgcvillc, froni v. hicliqdaco it departs on- Tuesdays,.Thurs- nays and Saturdays, at 4 A. M. For particulars see bills aud tho Millodgevi Ie papfciS. WM.. SMITH. Culpepper Yn., May 15,1S32 - 21 fin' ling?, plaid and plain Drillings and finoFrcfiah I Pallisier Wheeler, ">35t!i d& Linens, Pongees and I’ongo-Haudkerolnefs, Randan 1 Ntedbam Parker 630d dist 200 pj Italian, Grodcnnjf, Finehew, Sarsnet.Chan gcalde, Figured and Fancy colored SILKS pv Corded Muslins, Cninbric Dimity. A c iin-i ou shipment:., also on notes and oth- Ay deposited in tBoir hands, leir Ware Hoiiscs are'morocdhvciiient to the business part of the town than any other, possess ing the advantages of a wharf, and aro more ex empt from danger bv fire, than auv other in Ma- cou. ■ ' May 2:» IJ4 ~ I’ACTDKAGH • ** . AND # * 4 % Gommission Business. P^nE undersigned intending to re in ore to 13 * Savanpah early in the moiith of’October, offers his services to his friends aiid.the public, in the transaction of a General FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS. He will make cash" advance!!, or acceptances on actual ship ments of Cottoq., ! ' . - In addition to which, lie will continue tho car- tying trade bctwccir Savannah aud Charleston, for which lie is now furnishing a large new Steam Boat, the FREE TRADE, of light draft of wa ter, limit of tho best materials, coppered and cup- pcrttkstcucd, With two twenty-six horse engines, and fit the proper season, will run one-oft* two Steam Boats, with Tow Boats.well manned, be tween Savannah and Macon. lie has largo fire proof sheds, for tho storago of Goods and Produce, directly on the w harf to save the expense of drayage. All articles intended for shipment by any of his boats, avhether to Macon or Augusta, will bo stor ed frrclis. G. B. LAMAR. Oct. 1 1 tit 3’tisi received A K& hhds St. Croix. I'm to Rico, and New Orleans SUGARS 150 bags Coffee , y - 35 barrels Molasses •- * 70 bis Northern Ram, tiO do Whiskey 20 bls'Giu 25 quarter casks Malaga YV ino _ . Cognac.Brandy, Hollaud Gin Jamaica 11 lira , 15 quarter chests Tea, -10 kegs Nails 20,000 lbs Irou • - German and'English blistered Steel 5,000 Ills Castings Powder, Shot and Lead Ddnipstic3, nnd a General Assortment Si»UENG GOODS, Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, Boots, xyc. For sals by (!K011GK JLWI.TT. Mnv 10 142 -' ' ' 1 7 2W Boosts. Lj 'fcEVERE, bv the author of Tremaine, a y ’laqucline of Hollaud Auastasius, hyT.;IIopc, Skc-tchcs in China, by YV. YW Wood, l’l.ilip Augustus, by the anihor of Rich elieu, I Journal of the Rev’ds Tycrman <fe Benqet, being tho 1st, 2d and 3d Nos. of tliq library of religious knowledge. Xondon Annuals for 2832. The Amulet, the Keepsake, Literary Souvenir, Christmas Box, Juvenile I-’orget ec not,, ,The Musical Gem, Musical Bijou. March I 89 ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO. ZHolasscs. Efifiii Gin, <S;c, r Just received by boat Stranger. g itf K HHDS X. O. Molasses, B ’l* iilil.- Kinn ._ *20 do Gin'(best brand &. good proof) 29 do YVhiskcy (N. O. high prool) IX stork.• 10 bids Ma'ckeral X'o 1. • . 50 do .Whiskey 50 do Gin - .. ’ f . 10 hh(t* St. Croix Sugar 10 do O. do 2.» bbl» 3Ianliatlen Fish 5.ijcrccs superior Rice. * * . - * For salo by C. A. HIGGINS, j March 28. 112 -.eating*, Linens, 1^-ougeesunu uu;u -llimukcibuicu, ««»»»» I IVocfl....^. » 11 a and Flags, Gloves and^IittsassoMcd. f Jolla BoTven.'Ss.iih dist 50 dozen Silk, Qottoq, Ilundon lloso and half. w * *' EARLY. llosq assorted. i Lldridgc II. Cox, orp. filOtb dist 100 Parasols and Umbrellas, very neat and rich. ! ELBERT: 100 piccesMosquito Netting. ' ' ! GarlanilYV. TencsTScals'.lbt * Bead Bags nnd Purses. Shell Tuck aud S.dd Combs, I H C!ir ^. j Gaines, Taylors dist Cambric and Furniture Dcrnitics nud Cotton Fringes. I • * FAYETTI'. 6. 7, S, 9, 10, 11 and 12 by .4 Damask Table CP.’hs, > j arae5 ''o DavD, Gi-iiH-is di.t Table Co.ers, Dunstable and Straw Bonnets, Palm | l-’RANKLlN. Leaf Haig, Black and Drab Buyer Hits, West fash- j William B Nolcs Whites dist ions, Travelling Caps aud Trunks. t Bartlett Jones, Mnngums dist 10 bales Sheetings, Shirtings and Plaids, i Cnlvin YV Ellis, Edwards dist COO Ibs.-spuu Cotton,-Tickings, Osnaburgy, Cot-: .GWINNETT/ tan Cards. &c- t ■’ } Lsrkin Green, 486m dist Also,nu extensive assortmeut of Perfumtry, soap, j HABERSHAM. Oils. Powder, Powder Boxes nnd Pufis, F.rasivo Ball?, j Chastain, Fields dist Cologne, Honey and Roso Waters, Otto of Rfl-scs, I Abratn Anderson, Jones di-t &C.&S, Also., - f IIALL. 3000 pair Shoes and Pumps assorted, nnd .-’ {V a th aa Smith, Seays dist 100 pair Morocco and Calf Booty, some very-> Gilbert Haves, IVoutcs dist Lot. Dt. Sec. .902 2 4 645 13 0 939 10 2 st 1204 0 4 i 1290 15 - 934 4 1 1 5fti> t» 3- S 584' 5 1 i 201 3 o' j 430 J 3 i 1 185 4 »> 1 * 205 1 3 1 444 14 1 ’750 i$ 3 1151 *19 O { ■49 16 Q 562- ,18 J- -529 17 ft i ■'■'253 1 1 i 718 17 2 ! ,*76S 13 •73 4 2 J — rr 2 .4 u&; 17 * 3 C94 l 3 fi 0 15 30S4 5 1 !' 13 3 J 12-10 11 1 h 4 f$\.e 1015 3 4 fj j# 99 12 ' 1 ii 214 19 3 1 1'ortunaU Draiccrs, Cap!. Dist. CLARK. Juntos Glasson, sol, Fcnih dist DEKALB. Joel II Babb, Deans dist. David Ranna’ls, Sn 1 EARLY. James M Lane, 510th dist ELBERT. Nathaniel Booth, Ilowells dist • James Adams, r. s, Seals dist FRANKLIN,. iMilcs Bratnbloit, YY’liitoa dist John Adrin, Co.xs dist GWINNETT. Ephraim Sizemore, Hamiltons dist Lewis Soppy, Barkers dist Rice B. Greene Jr. 40filh dist lLVBEItriHAJJ. Bennett (!nuule, Buttons dEt EbenT: Eliiott, Ilugiu-s di. t HALL. John Starncs. Griffins dist HARRIS. Joseph It. Nicks* 672d dbi HENRY'. neat and fine. And a very largo supply of Saddles;, Srsdles, IWarting'als-, SADDLE AND TllAVEEI.ING BAG'S. &c. &c. &c. * v. Together with n general assortment of . , Hardware Cutlery of all kinds that ts wanted in this mmket; also CAR PENTER'S TOOLS of all kinds. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Crosscut and Mill Saws, Guns. Rifles.’See. j Atsrt a supply of Crockery, China and Glass Ware i Also 10 dozen superior Calf Skins'. Gining rfud •Binding Skins, Sole Leather. Gin Band Leather, &C. And a supplv of GROCERIES, FAMILY MEDI CINES, &c. * Macon. April 2fl 129' 2H 1074 IlEA & COTTON* Office for sale on accommodating icrvtS, rkPIECES Ilcmp Bagging 500 ready mndo Cotton bags, best quality 100 bbls Baltimore, N. O. and Georgia Whiskey 10 hhds Northern Rum (colored) 10 casks Marselles and Madeira, Wine 30 boxes manufactured Tobacco 35 hhds St. Croix & Porto Ric^ Sugars. 5 bbls Copperas 3 bales Blankets 1 hok Saddlery 0 1000 bushels Alum Salt, „ . p also A small invoice of DRY GOODS, HARD- YVARE, CROCKERY*, Pc. suitable fora coun- trv store, ill be sold on a credit of six months. ’Oct. 2 1 Pieces Figured and plain Swiss Muslins 1011 do Irish I Jonas '' • _ • 100 do Pongee and Fancy Silk llukfs 200 do Raw Silk do 103 dor Fancy Dress SHawls ami Scarf* 300 do Cotton, Mndrass, and Head Hdkfs Linen Drilling Gentlemen’* Stock* mid Cravat's, Brown Linen, ttoWen Cassimere, Bcavcrtecn, t 5 lister q£ 150 dos pr Suspenders. 200 <lo TurkingCorobs , eo work, just received, and lor sale Iiv do Side Combs, Tortoise Shell <* SE£S O N New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, Sa vannah, and Augusta, in sums to suit pur- chasers, for sale bv ' ' Nov. in. BAXTER. FORT & WILEY. 500 do Side Combs.Tortoise Shell do Dressing Combs, 100 ps MosnnUo' Netting, Fancy j Baskets, do Boxes, 100 lb Flax Thread, {jewing SHk.! Leghorn anil Dunstable Bonnets. Umbrellas—Mnr*! :eilles. Silk, Valencinand Velvet Vestings—Bjeach’d 152 -C. A. IflGtllNS. Juno 22 ifcoaf and Lump Sugar. BOXES i.oafamF Lump Sugar, just rereived and for salo by Oct 9 "4 Itiy V N-'ro ETON. 1 general assort coniitting of Coats, Round •t-c. Sec. A largo supply of irhocs 61 Koots, 3Sats, Snctdlory | A c. Ac. 100 do* i’nIm Lent lints. : A a- mulctcmoitmcnt of HARD Yt ARE and CF1' I LERY, GI.AS3 WARE, CROCKERY, &«. Ac. | The above Goods uc.'o purchased in New.-York •ltd Boston, a Kw week- since, (of icccnt importn- tisns,) pt twenty per cent le.-s than former prices, ■no will be sold uniiMinlly low. Also.—1 rill rerriee. nr. t imk. a /arge iupph/of.. GROCERIES, IRON itsTEEINAILS Ac Sec. For sale as above, 0000 lbs prime BACON, march 3» 115 ' The Subscriber 19 l.-'PECTi'IJLhY informs his friends and the public, tt it he lias token the Htorc at tl v head of Cotton A-cmie, Mrmerly kept ns a Drugstore, where he nopening a General As- •ortment, comprising Dry Goods, Groceries* Hardware, Cutlery,' Crockery, SADDLERY, Pc. Also, 50 pieces of best hemp BAGGING, and 2.1 bagi of Live Geese FEATHERS. All of w hich he is disposed to sell at the lowest prices. Please call and t-xamino for yourselves. F R A X C IS OCA LL AG 11 AN. Macon, sept In 4t 17,3 x\Ew~rai:viLTtt UST PUBLISHED aud for sale at this of- J CARRIAGES. NUMBER t f Barouches mid, rcceiv- L eil and for sale by tt Mnv 25 144 ELLIS. SHOTWELL & CO. HATS, J UST received and for sale lit - the subscribers, several cases of Brewster’s * Black .and Drab Beaver Eats, Net inferior to auv in the .Market j,- To Bent, T HE Store House rcceutly occupied by Thomas T. Napier—also, the Store room at present occupied bv JL R. Warner. Apply to BAXTER, FORT & YVILEY. Sept. 25. 1B1 -„tf . T he nuDserlbcrs still Continue the business at the old stand, ^cornel* of Walnut and Fourth Streets, where work will bo done accord ing to order. Having a large assortment of nrti- clcs ordered from the North which will arrive in j (hi course of tho summer, consisting of Gigs, Bti- | gies, Barouches and Carriages, they feel con- ■ fident of pleasing customers both in articles and j Margaret M-Donald, \v.. 20d dist prices. . <■ ' - j ,3IONROE. The hate now on hand an assortment which • Robert I.aseler, Mnysdist will he sold Tow for cash,’'such as Sulkeys, Gigs, , Thomas Stanford, JJutts dist HANCOCK. Abner Rainwalcr, IO61I1 dial IUjX'RY. Jaercs Y’cstefs, Coloubnnn's dist. ‘ HARRIS. Seaborn J. Hightower. 672d dist. HOUSTON: Jesto-YVnters, Pearces dist » JASPER. Richard Turner, Kelleys dist . JACKSON. NewtoS Greene, Deatons dist JEFFERSON. Spencer Wooten, Carswells dist KbenczcrSi Cottle, Woods dist JONES. , John Jonrdan, Davis dist Riehard Truil, Davis dist James II. Fenny, Slcwmts dist James Long, Comers dist LAURENS. Nath.-m Mitts, Bailey’s dist John Mill’s orphans, Evens dist i ' ' LEE. Thomas Crogcr, 734th dist _ XJ.-VCfMii'i. William Davis’ orphans, Graves disl r>G2 Zachiriah Spires, Graves dist LOWNDES.?* John S YVhitfic.ld; Cowarts dist MADISON. ' ; John Beard, Higginhrttiioms cist MARION 1 . Jacob Johnson. Watsons dist Eli F Walker, Watsons dist McIntosh: 427 733.3 Jji'~ 1243" 171 Go 4 93L 224 931 , 1GG 1246 2db 1293 013 13 20 10 14 l LINCOLN. Graves oist Sarah Slone, iV. Lcvcietts disl Zcbulon Howard. Graves dist el. Jones dist MERIWETHER, nt-s dist MORGAN. * Cfnwfordxdist .Mi’SCOr.El' ps. Few* dist OGLETHORPE. Beasleys dist u ps. AVolfskins dist PULASKI. •ps. Ellis dist RICHMOND. SC RIVEN. TliomssII. Womac, sol.J.'ith di.-t TALBOT. AnnTuder w. Edwards dist TELFAIR. Thomas II. Blair, Cooks dist THOMAS. William Phillips minors. Swains dist TROUP. John II. Willingham, 735th dist. WALTON. .Robert J. John P. and William J, \ Kelley, 559th dist J WARE. Elias Walker, Will iamsdist WARREN. Raudal Johnson, Pates dist WASHINGTON. William B. Glenn, Robisons'dist WAYNE. Thomas W Cain. 3Q3d dist William Cason, 333d dist WILKINSON. Isaac Hall sol. Whipple* dist 197 44 C9 18 1 03 147 129 104 267 82 33 4 19 1 33 G 167 473 12 1 35 1242 404 633 417 90 141 262 7 4 329 ‘212 3 563 11 BSorton’s Bolmonie .Expectorant COUGH SYRUP, F OR Coughs, Asthmas, Consumptions, *nnci‘ Hooping Cough. A supply of this vain able Medicine received and for sale bv -Nov 23 tfLLTSL SHOTWELL & GQ. LOW FOR CASH. T ilK snliscribers iuteml dosing their present business m, soon as practicable, and will sell off thoir stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Castings, Mechanics* Tools* &c. BOOKS, STATIONARY, PAPER RANOm^S, 3IUSICAL LYSTKU3IMTS. Together with a great variety of miscellaneous articles at very low prices, for cash only—many articles will he disposed of at less than cost.— I’licirstock ofhooks is large and more complete ami Barouches; besides several splendid sets of Harness, wills Laces, Carpeting, Morocco, Springs of different kinds, Joints, Bauds,.Loops and Bows of all sizes. Orders for Carriages punctually attended to, and warranted to please, of no sale. BENTON &■ BACON. . Wanted as an Apprentice, A lad about fourteen or fifteen years of age, of steady moral habits. B. & B. May 4 1S8 ’ TIN WARE MANUFACTURER • r Mt’LBKRny, >'£Alt ■i'lItnD'STaUKT. / T HE stihscriber manufacturesarid-ko'ipscon stantly on hand, a general assortment of Tin Ware, which he will sell wholesale and retail at Savnu irah or Augusta prices. "JOB WORK done jit. the shortest -/notice at tho shop ou Third street i ell & Go Ordjrs sent to Ellis. i oiveqrrorapt attention, Nov 11 17' Jostma R, Browniu; MORGAN.- , Craw torus dist NEWTON. • Robert A. Johnson. Hargroves dist , OGLETHORPE. Elizabeth Bro-krcah, W. Bcaslys dist .. > ■ t PIKE. WBey Cleveland,SitmBhs dist Denson Crow, Crows di-.l PULASKI Zachcriah \Villi9, Bnsbl dist Morris Matthews, Brvans di.-t ' PUTNAM. Haibai-d Hill's orps. Rooks dist Robert S., Paces.dist John Copt-lmid. Estes dist Elizabeth Ma^ce, Roods dist . RABUN. Soloijon Bccit, Keeners ( ; i-t ’ RICHMOND. Warrington Haney, 119lh dist trect, next door to Ellis, Shot-; Collin.H.Bolcber, 119lh,di. \VTT T T 4X1 fi PLUS I Jolin Morrison, 120ta dist '' -n‘ Angus Martin, 113th di. t - III is, ishoticcl! S) M Co. will re- j 3 STEWART. Garden Seeds. Allen Fletcher, Hills drit .TALBOT. John Longs orpa. Edwards dist TALIAFERRO. FRESH supply, just received and for Sale 1 _v—1- aor-u .1;., ELLlsr SHOTWELL & CO. ! William Evans sr. 606th dist S by April 14 124 TATTNALL. [Joseph J. Bell, Carpenters dist F&OUZl. 1 t" TELFAIR. A Q-I/ANTITY’ of superfine Flour: received j Alexander Carsewcll, Cooks dist by tiro Charles Carroll and for sale by TROLIP.- ‘ May 25 144 F.I.LIS, SfiOTWd'.LL &.CO. j Absalom' Adams. Stewarts dist. Joseph Hoard, Sims dist James .Tok:Yiton,.-M-Gthee3 di«’ r Milton' M. Slilwoll, JS now receiving from New York and Boston, j \\'i|]i aW i Poe, M'GnJylesWisT GEORGE JEWSTS, At'his old stand, corner of Cherry and Second sts. ; S now receiving from New York and Boston, i a fresh supply of Goods, which, in addition j to thoso on hami.xvill r.mko his stock very,largo | j 0 ] ln A. Ricl/anisoa, 561st dist and complete, which Ire offers on as reasonable j j arncs Gain. .161st dist terms us they ean be had in' this mackct. His) WALTON. ITS OX. Circulating Xiibrar7« S UBSCRIBERS to the Circulating Library can now lie furnished with books. collection of Miscellaneous, works will ( and a number of xvill bo no’d K-ZP can A bobitpropriated to the Library; peril meals, together with many other valuable works to afford general interest* will be added as soon as practicable. . . Persons wishing to hecomo subscrilicrs, will please call oh Mr. John II. Kills, (who v. ill art .is Librarian.) or at the store, where a catalogue of the books can ho seen. " ’ April Iff 121 ELLIS. SHOTWELL PCO. To Rent, . , . THE STORK HOLSLncst door a- bove N. B. P A, Thompson, 011 Cherry street. Inquire of GEORGE JEWETT Oct. 9 3 4t»»v „ pi Kcw 3Primer, or riiil.1 S 1 irsi B„„k. \\ , j; ad.iptwi for Inf in. ! Uomruou aud Sunday Sehoois. YYill be sold low by the quantity. Price 12^ een:V siuglf. Land in Newton. F RACTIONS No. 3T6 and 334. in the lGth District originally Henry now Newton ountv, are for snli Dee I 65 Anplv in Macau to 1 *M. BARTLETT. cellancous YVorkr.’ ELLIS, SHOTWELL & C0. Sept 27 1?1 P. S. 3>rugs and Medicines usual, f E. S. Sc. CO. For Sale. TWO POLE BOATS— lied Rover and Ariel. The Ro yer h as good as new. ,as it lias been but a few mouths since she underwent an entire aud good repair. 1 have had the Ariel examined by a gentle wan who is well acquainted with boirt building, and ho in forms nte that one hundred dollars will put her in good order for freighting, as her timbers are all good. Tho two ate said to be very low at eight hundred dollars. I will sell them on time, and if a sale -ran be effected with any of Col. H. S_ Griffin’s confidential creditors, I will discount foi r hundred collars on his paper. Also,—A HORSE AND SULlvEY and a Pedlar's AGON tor sale. Also,—Two young likely NEGRO WOMEN Sept. 4, 1832. 176 YV. B CONE. jo'otls comprise agcnciel Assortment, of Groceries, Y'iz—150 bags Coffee, » ■15 hluls St Croix, Porfo Rice and N Orleans Sagar, e • - 21 bbls I.oaf and Lump do li qr chests Tea 20,000 lbs Iron 10 liluls MoIasseS * 151)0 busbels’Szlc IPO pieces ITcmp and Tow Bagging, -10 kegs Nails Jamaica Runr Coguac Brandy Northern Giin Northern Rat'd Whiskey, Apple Brandy, YViiiC; Povrder, Shot, Pc. Pc. ^ ALSO a / Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, HATS, BLAMETS, SADDLES. &c. Ac. &t Oct 22 43 GU 0 £63 13 321 3 813 0 •51 3 97G r. 893 14 ' 141 13 3 12G 1 510 2 . 233 0 593 1 757 ID 364 17 807 13 ' 71 1J is 19 1154 17 76 17 10G7* n 311 1 017 10 1050 19 1203 19 103 .-v ( 201 10 G78 3 210 0 2 1 4 3 2 7 2 1 /2o 531 245 51 41 Thomas L- Robertson, Allerpotrs Charles R. Cosby, Cuggsdist Ja Howells oips Bowers dist WARREN. Vincent Johnson, Griers dist. frames Brooks, Perrymans dist /David Ilowell, Ncnvsoms dist ' J : ; WASHINGTON. Tin os A. IPavfs, 9inqndields dist Rachael Ilolf, orp. Robinsons dbt , - YYILKES • YYaiter II. YVeeins, Moseleys <Ust 'Owen O.Bird, Campbells Joint Slack, sr. Normans tiki Ribeeca Matthews w. 165th dikt j , WTLKTNSON. .Tohu Bruner, Currys <lisi John S. Ard, Smith* disr Priztf tfra£* ill the Land LutUTf. , BRYAN. John F'Maxwt?},- *of r 20tti disf . CAMPBELL. ^ Jolin M Morgtm, Cluitoiii dist “ ' a! Brooks, sol, Adderholds CHATHAM. 21 13 3 IB 422 13 775 0 471 10 202 10 477 12 HOo 11 l(to4 17 TOO 3 Hotice. 1 I wilt board Horses, at nty Plan- j Henry Morilingstar, lstdist ration on the cast side of the River, j John N Fry, Saudcrlins dist. at 86-50 per month. . I CHEROKF- 2 *' Oct 9 3 M. CHISHOLM. \ James Cnnv-, In see. 53 21 4 t. 27 12 183 24 731 14 2tn From the Journal of Health. - > FLOWERS. . -Tiro tsrtero.-i which flowers have CiritCil ill the breast of man, from tho earliest ages'to the present day, has neycV been confined to-nny particular class of society or quarter of the globe. Nature- seems to have distributed them over the whole world, to serve as a medicine to the mind, to give, cheerfulness to the earth,' ;and to furnish agt eable sensations to the inhab itants. The savage of die forest', in the joy of his heart* binds his brow with the native flow ers of the woods, whilst a taste for them increa ses in every country in proportion as the bless ings of civilization extend. From the humblem cottage inclostu'c to the most extensive, park . and grounds, nothing more conspicuously bc- ■ speaks the good taste of the possessor, titan a I well cultivated flower garden; and it may very generally be remarked, that when we behold a- humble tenement surrounded with ornamental plants, the possessor is a man of correct habits' and possesses domestic comforts; whilst, on the. i contrary, a neglected, weed grown garden, or 1 its total absence, marks the indolence and un- ■ happy state of those who have boon thus neg lectful of Flora’s favors. Of all luxurious indulgences, that of flowers is the most innocent, it is productive not on ly of rational gratification; but of many advan tages of a permament character. Love for--a garden has a powerful influence in attracting men to; and on this account every encouragement givc-n to increase a taste for or-' namcntal gardening is an additional security ’ -j for domestic conifort and happiness. It is like- 3 wise a recreation-which conduces materially to health,-promotes civilization, and sonens the 3 | manners and tempers of men. It cri ales a Iqvo I fdr the study of nature, which leads to a con templation of the mysterious wonders that ard’ ^ I displayed in the vegetable world areimd u-s .,: and which cannot be investi-/a' d without Inch- 3 j ning the mind towards a jti.t est: 2 gion, and a knowledge of the nan 2 j our intelligence, when compared „ j comprehensible power : '.or. '*■ j Flowers arc, of n'.i omb tnments, 'beautiful; and of all ere at :r .j i seems capable of d rivir. \v:r.- 3 ! them. Tho love for them commence 2 ! fancy, remains the delight ©2“ youth, increases j with our years, nnd becomes the quiet amuse ment of our declining days The liitjht no sooner walk titan its first employmentI© plant « flower in the earth, removing h ’ en times in an hour to wherever the sun seenis to shine most favorably. The school boy, in tt, . cat-o of his little plat of ground, is relieved 01 his :] ! studies, and loses the anxious thoughts of t.b* 2 | home- he has left. In manhood our attention l Vis generally demanded by more active duties, 1 or by more Imperious and perhaps less iMiacCnT publi ol'; To most- persons, gardening nZ&nfif as an easy and agfeablc oedtpaflcut? and tmr flowers they so fondlJr W cMtSWtf frDflT the gratification theV 1 aflotd. id- tnd oigfftk,' sigltf And of tmel!; ©at V nature and the botanist, bh&Uticsf and wonders displayed, thKt trifelt Wl ed by the careless attention besldwed Optflt i ! them b^ thu multiltide. In thevr grovrtlVf frotfc to ct reli- • limits of th the in- Kh , tho most tan. a.lone r from itli in-