Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, January 09, 1833, Image 4

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Bibb Sheriff Sales. fc 17 - lLt. be sold oti the first Tuesday iu FEB- T W lilARA next,before the courthouse i» the town of Maroa, between tlic usual hours ol sale, - Two Lots in me town ol Macon, .No, 7 and 8, in square nx—levied on as the property of V. Town? end, or his interest in said lots, to satisiy three Pi Fas issued Irom a Justice s Court in la vor of U. B. Cole vs George Micklejohn and Cor nelius Townsend—levy made and returned to me by n constable. 202^ acres pine Land and improvements —levied on as the property ol Isaiah Thompson, to satisf) a Pi Fa issued from Bibb lulerior court, iu favor of Rufus K. Evans vs said Thompson. The laud lies five miles front Alacou, on the Fed- oral road, whereon Airs. Eliza Thompson now Jives. li. IL lloWAUL, Jan 1,1833. Sheriff. One Negro woman by tlio name of Isabel, nbout20 years old—levied ou as tho property ol Martin Simmons to satisfy a Fi Fa iu lavor of Luke Boss assigneo of James L. Boss vs said Simmons, property pointed out by Luke Boss, deed H- II. Howard, sheriff. Also, will be sold as above, One Store House and the ground on which it stands, on Cherry street, adjoining George Jewett—levied on as the property of Benntt S. Griffin to satisfy a Pi Fa issued from the inferior court of Bibbcouuty iu favor ol the Bank of Ma- ' con transferred to Josoph J. J. Griffin vs said B S.Gritliu. One lot of Mills and 300 acres of Land moro or less—levied on as the property of Solomon Groce to satisfy sundry Pi Pas issued from the in ferior and superior courts of Bibbcouuty, in favor of tho Bank of Darien and others vs said Croce, A. S. Bonnet and Lewis- J. Croce and others. The Lot and improvements, whereon is Tavern, known formerly, as the Washington Hall, now Huson’s Hotel, or Charlts S. Loots -.interest in said premises—levied ou to satisfy sou * fr ^ > dry Pi F as issued from the Superior Court of Bibb county, iu favor ef John A. Jonas und oth ers vs said Lewis. W. B. CONE, J)ee 2d Sheriff- POSTPONED SALE. Also will be sold as above, One 4 acre Lot adjoining the town common —levied on as the property ol Solomon Groce, now in tho occupancy of John C. Johnson, to sat- isfysuudry Fi Fas issued from a Justice's court, in favor of N.C. Munroe vs said Greet— property pointed out by the deteminut—levy made uudro- (uraeu to me by a constable. Lots No. 1 and 2, in square 42, in the town of Macon—levied ou as ill* property of ff'illiam .7. llanstll, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Bald win superior court, iu favor of James ». Caltiouu vs said ilanseli. II. H. HOWARD, Dec. 28 - * Sherif). Houston Sheriff Sales. | Administrator's Sale. be sold ou the first Tuesday iu FEB- the Tuesday in February next, i\ WW RUAKY next, before the court house iu i wV lie sold at the * ourt House in y.e.’iilu: Uclwcc** tilt* usual hours] county, JLoi of L.«tnd No. t*\ iii *iic uuul« i^- trict of originally Monroe, UOW Pike county** the Court ofOnii Pike She riff Salts, the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, V? will be sold before tho court house m Zeb- aloa, P1K0 county, within the legal hours of sale. One crib of Corn, one yoke of Oxen, Ox cart and Ox Yoke, 3 Feather beds and Furniture, steads and cords, two chosts, t> chairs, V cotton wheels, one Keel, one Table, one Loom, one Pot and 2 Ovens, one cupboard, 2 cows and one year ling. a crop of sugar cane, one bay mare, iUlu-au of stock hogs, ami one iotof Land No. 105, iu the 3d district formerly Monroe now Pike county, le vied on as the property of JViUiam Harper, to sat isfy a.Fi Fa issued out of the superior court of said county in favor of Jewett, Abell & co. ag ainst William Harper, Angus McKenzie, John B Lfacb, and Yv ilsou & Lovojoy. One Lot of Land, No. 8 in tho 8th district «i«gi»isHy M4SM4 uow nss vviiuIV, levied on as the properly of iPillis H’hatley, to satisfy a Pi r issued from the Inferior court of Jones county iii favor of John P Spier Sc co. vs Green VV bailey and Willis Whatley. The west half of Lot No. 79, in the 2d dis trict originally Mouroo now 1’ikecounty,-contain iug lUii acres, more or less, levied on as the pro' perty of Thomas Cargile deceased, to satisfy F Fas issued from the justice’s court o! said couuty in favor of M K Alaibews & others, against John Martin admr in his own wrong on the estate of said deceased. Levy mads and returned to me by a constable. Five Negroes, viz. Bob a man about 40 yi*s of age, Alary a woman adout 30, Matilda a girl nboui 7, Eliza a girl about.5, utid Elleck a boy "3,—levied on as the property of Collin A. Fret- well to satisfy Fi Fas in favor or James Victory 6c others, issued from the superior court of Green county. One negro boy by tiie name of Ilenry, about thirteen years old,—levied ou as Uie property oi James H. Johnson to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the superior court of Ilenry County in favor oi Kimucrly 6i Chisholm vs said JoUnson. jan2 JOHN P. UENfeLLE, Sherij. Also will he sold as above, One Lot of Land No. 62 in the eighth dist- fict ol' originally Monroe, uow Pike county, con taming two hundred two and a half acres more or less. Cot of Laud No. 63 nr the eighth dial- net ol origiuaily Monroe, now 1'ike couuty, con taining two hundred two and a half acres more or less—all levied on as the property of utouard Sims to s itisly u Fi Fu iu favor of abeiuiau Dur ham nndnusau Durham, property pointed out tty the defi ouaui. Jan. 2 J. It. CLLPx.PPFK U. o. Also will be soid as above on ihejirsl Tuesday m March next, Two no^roes, Jacob a man about nineteen yean of and I'm a woman annul loriy years old—levied ou as the property of Leonutd 'Sims to saiisly a Fi Fa uuucr tho lo.eclosure of a mort gage in favor of John N’eal vs. said 6iuis, propei ty pointed out in s-tiu mortgage. Dec. 211 J R. tLnphi'l'KR, Dtp. Sh,ri M . Payette Sheriff Sales. retry, Houston county One lot of well improved oak and hickory j -ohl by order of ihe houorabl oBK? •“V"*"" *-*S2Si,. woman 35 years of age, Marian 15 yean of age, J au ~ and her child Stephen 3 months old, Henry, a boy 14 veais of age, Harriet a girl J 2 years of age, 5lK) bushels of Com more or less, 9 slacks oi Fonr der with the 7th excepted, 2 work Horses, 13 head of stock Cattle and 14 head of stock Hogs—all levied on as the property of Horace Jl. Dinkins to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Lunsford Pitts bear er vs said Dio kids and Theodore Guerry and oth er Fi Fas vs said Diukios. One half acre Lot in the town of Perry, well improved, whereon David \V. Man’s larni- |y n ow lives, and one dark bay ho .-sc—levied ou as the property of David Jl'. Alan, to satisfy a F i Fa in favor of Samuel Williams vs David W Man aud Michael Watson. 101J acres well improved oak and hickory Laud, it beiug the south-east Kali oflot No. 170 in the fourteenth dutrii t of Houston county—le vied on to satisfy a Fi Fa in lavor of James M Kelly lor tho.use of M. S. Cason vs Alien B. Chastain administrator on the estate of Henry Blanchard deceased, aud other Fi Fas, levy made and returned to ipc by a cunsfable. 101£ acres of pine Land, in the fifth district of Houston county, it being the west half ol lot No. 25 in said district—levied on to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Wilson Collins vs Solomon Davis levy made ai.d returned to me by a constable. One half acre Lot in the town of Perry, well improved, whereon Edward Welch now lives, one negro womuu 35 year# of age, kuowu by the name of Penelope, one lot of Land well improved, whereon Mrs. Allen now lives, and tl e Tavern, at present occupiedjiy Ilenry Lips comb, in the town of Perry, Houston county—all levied on as iho property of Edtcard JVelch to satisfy a Fi Fa iu favor of James A. Everett aud others—property pointed out by plaintiff’s attor ney. ISAIAH CHAIN, fi STILL be sold on Thursday tbe oiM JAN V % UAftY next, at the late residence of Jonathan Mann, deceased, in Fayette county, kil the Perishable Property of said deceased, consisting of stock of various kinds, household and kitchen Furniture, a variety of Work Tools, a quantity of Corn and Fodder, aud oilier articles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day until all are sold. Also, at the same time and place,. The Plantation will be rented and the Negroes hired tot the. ensuing year.—Terms of sale and hiring made known on the day. All persons owing the said estate, or that have demands against it, are hereby required to make payment, and render in in terms of tho law. JESSE MANN l AJm'arx YVA1 L. CAMPBELL, \ Adm °”* Dec 91, 1632. 12 A GREEABLE to an order of tho Inferior frh Court of Way le -ounty, when sitting for ordiuarypurposes. w l josold on the first Tues day iu MARCH next the court house in Zeb ulon, Pike county, 2»ot 3.2/L, in the third district of ncrly Mouroo now Pike county, sold for the height of the heirs of Robert Leach, deceased.—Tfcfiiis made known ou the day. LOUISA LEACH, Adm'rx. Dee. 14 12 Dec 27,1832. Sheriff. Campbell Sheriff Sales, lli r ILL be sold on ihe first Tuesday in FEB- ▼ v KUARY uext, before the court house in (be town of Cahipbcliton, Campbell county, be tween the usual hoursof sale? Lot of Land, No. 92, in the third district of originally Carroll now Campbell couuty, and fraction No. 57, iu tho third district of originally Carroll county now Campbell county—levied on as the property of Allen I.ovtlat e, to satisfy two Fi Fas from a Justice s court m favor of Starling Edwards bearer vs s.;id Lovelace—levi ed on aud returned to me by a constable. Lot of Land No. 89, in the third district of origiuaily Carroll now Campbell county—levied on as he property of li'm. A. Hendon to satisfy two Fi Fas iu favor of James A. Abrebames vs said Hendon—levy made aud returned to me by a constable, property pointed out by the defen dant. Lot of Land No 154 in the seventh district of originally Coweta now Campbell county—lev ied on as the property of Archibald Jett to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Charles Gates jun. vs Archi bald Jett and Fcrdiuand Jett—property poiuted out by Archibald Jett, levy made and returned to me by a constable POSTPONED SALE. Also will be sold as above. Lot of Land No. 89, in the eighth district of origin ally Coweta kuw Campbell county—le vied ou as the property of JVamn Key to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Thomas Williams vs stud Key —property poiuted out by plaintiff, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Dec 28, 1832. B. EASLY, Dep. Sheriff. Also, trill be sold as abort. One Lot of Land, No. 67 in the 9th district originally Fayette no .v Campbell county, levied on as the property of Thomas Steele, to sat isfy one Fi F a in favor of Martin N Bnrk, poiuted out by John Burk. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Two Negroes, a Woman named Caroline and ber child, levied on as the property of John Kiser, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Charles Col lins, pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. One Cow and Calf, levied as the property of Lem.-Kirtky, to satisfy two Fi Fas in favor of A. Corry, issued from Campbell superior court. dec 24 JAS. GRISHAM, sheriff. The Sign of the Golden Bell, Formerly LaFayette Hall, Ncvrnau* CJa. fS^llE subscribers having taken charge o large and commodious Building, situ on the south eastern corner of tho square, by ihe most conspicuous and beautiful situatm the town, respectfully inform the Public and tb Friends, that their House is open and in goo order for the reception of Company. Their terra will be governed by the hardness of the. time Their Table will be furnished with the best th country can afford. Their stables well sto;-- with Provender, and attended to by a punctu Ostler. Their Bar will be supplied with an as soriiueut of Liquors. From the long experience of Mrs Philips in this business, we flatter ourselv es, that we will bo able to givo general satisfac lion to all those who may favor us with a call. 1PM. T. WILLIAMSOA Dec A 2t MARY PHILIPS. Sand for Sale. TT7UVE Squares of Land, first quality, formerly occupied by Elijah Tarver, lying on Flint fPhat TILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March 1 next, before the court house in Fayette- viUc, Fayette county, between tho usual hours of 6ale, T'V/o small TZegrocs, one by the name of Mary, about four or live years of age, the other by the name of America, about two or three years of age—sold for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of Robert Harris deceased —Terms made known on the day. dec 24 ?.? LARKIN BARNETT.Amrir. Notice. A LL persons having demands against tho es tate of Wm. Salisbury, late of Coweta county, deceased, are requested to present them, and those indebted to said deceased, will fileaso make payment. C54RISTK. BOWEN, November 18,1832. 9 Adm'or. ILL be sold on the first 7 nesday iu March next, at Forsyth, Monroe county, Within the legal hours of sale, A likely young- KTcgro S’ollow, about twenty years of age—sola agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of Solomon Lockett, minor, dec 20 i3 W. HUNT. Guardian. Georgia, Crawford County. T OLLED before me, William M. Browrt, a Justice of tbe Peace for iho 494th Compa ny District G. M. by Blount II. Baze.iuore, one sorrel MARE, with a blaze faefe, and has a scar ou her left hind foot, a blemish iu her right eye, about 4 feet 4 inches high, supposed to be eleven or twelve years old, and appraised by Ilucal Slee- ly and Asa 11 Parker to 849. Dec. 1st, 1832. Wm. 31. Brown, j. p. A true Extract from the Estray Book. d 10 W. J HAMMAOK, C. I. C. Strayed or Stolen, On Tuesday morning last, from this town, a BAY MARE, about 14j hands high, long bodied, well muscled, shod all round, the shoe on the right mot broke half off, black main and tail; main inclined to be kinky, tail jiretty long, whit ish saddle spots on her back, a Kttle white on one of her bind feet, and will be five years old next spring. Any person returning her to mo in Ma con, shall be liberally rewarded. dec 25 3tp DAVIS DARNELL. O N' the hrsi Tuesday in FEBRUARY u«x •vill be solu before the court house in *th< town ol Fayetteville, within the usual hours. One Lot of Land, No. 9, in the 5th distrirt, originally Ilenry now Fayette county, levied On as the property of John Jones, by an execution issued Rom a Justice’* court in Warren countv in favor of John K. Walsh, levied on' and remrncn re me by a constable. T1 am n Davis's interest in lot of Land No. 26,.in the 5th district formerly Henry now Fay- wwiii otte count v, levied on by an execution in favor of levied on as the property of Thtnuxs Davis oenborn li G.irivtt and others. Levied on and nfy a Fr Fa issued out of the superior court of j* Crawford Sheriff Salts. W ILL be sold on tbe first Tuesday in FEB KUARY next, before tbe court house ii Knoxville, Crawiord county, between tbo usual hours of sale. One Lot of Land, No. 131, in the seventh di.trict of Crawford county—levied on as the property of Frederick Busby, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Crawford superior court in favor of Jonathan Ashbcrry v> said Busby. One negro woman by the name of Dice, a bout 43 years of age—levied on as tho property of C'igdil Hamit tut, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of the iuferior court of Crawford county, in •vortffE. W. Dennis & Co. vs said Cogdil iainilton and Adm HamKt.n. The interest of Milton F- Glover in the es- .!« ol John Glover deceased—levied on to sat T two Fi Fas issued out of Putnam superior oort.-uueiu favor f f Napier & Ector and oueiu ivor of T. Hardeman vs said Glover. One mahogany Sofa, one mahogany Secrc* iy, one i lock. one gilted Looking Glass, aHd e Lining 'Table and one Tea Table and x sirfcug chairs—all levied on as the pr> perty si Ltvr-uel D. isla ter. to satisly two Fi Fas issu ’d out of the inferior court of Crawford county, in favor of E. -VI. Amos and ode in favor of Ellis, hotwell& Co. Vs said Slatter—property point- i <i out by said flatter. On* Cow—levied on as the property of O.uil Hr. Calhoyn to satisfy *F« Fa issued ou ot tbc superior court of Crawford couuty in fa vor of David Pattm vs said Calhouu—property poiuted out by H. Warner. One Lot of Land, No. 78, in the first district of originally Houston uow Crawtord corn ty— SefUrned tome by a constable. ■ dec 28 A NDREW 1 r BRIDE, ehtriff. Admi n't sir at or's Sale. jrJNDER an order of the court of Ordinary of Jones county,will be sold.on tin-first fues- in M ARCH noxt. at the court house door in Clinton, between lawful hour 1 - of sale, whrc<s ri.'c'jro Jb.’TVCSj property of Jtecstuu of Henry Lmg, deccn*- ed, to wit : o._*- negro man Ben, about Nu’ years Old, woman Sally about 22, and her child Fran e:s about 2 y old—sold for cash, for the lx uc- Rto; tbe heirs of said estate to rnak a division. 2* -MMEF LONG, Adm'r. dbltl.Aij no w ife Salty h . <juh my bed and board, iins is ti.uri lore to forewarn rson- from trading with ,-t-bv, ft* t am dtteni incdn<>^giajTu-reaUcr mnbe^-wlj^yin^qgiaBd* willfirescnMheui \vgri[£. fy art Fa issued out ol the supe Jones county in favor of Alexander Kennedy vs Thomas Davis, Nicholas Summon aud William Stripling—property poiuted out by J. Hat uon. Ten acres ot Land, more or less, ef Lot No. 216 iu thelld district of Crawford county, ad joining lands ol .-intha S. lli.mner, Win. John- yon and R. B r-miley. including tuo house whero- ::i Ally Johnson now lives—Itvr.d on as the pro- rty o Ally Johnson, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out ol i Justice's court in favor of JessO Mono vs said Jo in on nd William T. Brown—levied on and i -flru -i tome by a constable, and pointed out b. R ii. Smiley/ V\ M. B. FILES, D. ■ 2S Dey. She riff. SvToticc. —A I will board Horses, at my Plan- f* tatiou on the east side of tlie River, at 86-50 per month. Oct 9 .3 M. CHISHOLM. Stolen, On the night of the’tcnth inst. ont of Thomas C Russell’s table, in Me Donongb, Henry county, a sorro! HORSE, about 5 feet high, flax nuiqe'aud tail, with a star in his forehead, a nat ural trotter, and about twelve years old. Is a ve nt noted horse, and was formerly ownedby Major Darden of Jasper. A Reward of Ten Dollars will he given for bis delivery to me in Aenrv and any information thankfuHv received. dec io u Jesse johssojs. Qy=*Tho Macdonovgh Jacksonian will copy the above. 6t Pocket Book Lost. OSTyesterday between Burwell Wise’s and FI A the steam mill, a calf skin Pocket Book, containing §285 in money, viz one $100 bill on the Darien bank, four $20 bills on tho Commercial bank, the other bills not recollected. It contained also a note of hand for $24 given by George Pow ell to the undersigned, due in October last. Ndo- other papers recollected. The owricr’sname was on the inside of the pocket book. Any person fin ding the same and returning it to the subscriber shall bo suitably rewarded, dec 24 2t ALLEN JOHNSTON. River, two miles above Calhoun’s ferry, in Up son county, aud sixteen or seventeen miles be low Thouiastouj vVith good improvements, and four hundred acres of open land, all fresh, aud in fine state for cultivation, and will be sold on good terms, aud any indulgence given on it that may suit the purchaser. For further information call on 0. C.Gibsot? or A. F. Edwards, living iu Thomaston, or or, the subscriber, living in Co lumbus. BENJAMIN P. TARVER. Columbus, Nov. 19. 8 4t For Sale, A fino stick bodied SULKY now at the shop of Btntor. •ry J j Bacon. For ternw apply to Jefferson HI GrayblH. 19 tf ^eacaers Wanted. T HE Trustees of the Thoinaston Academy are anxious to employ for the ensuing year a male and female teacher. The institution pre sents inducements amply sufficient to eugago the attention of teachers of the first order* and a male or female teacher who caii furnish satisfactory evideuce of his or her classical attainments and moral character, can be employed, and .-will meet with every attention the Trustees can give in promoting the interest of the schools. J. B. B ATEMAN, l ^ D. WALKER, | -? WM. P. YONGE, l | LARKIN BASS, j g TH. W. GOODE, j “ Nov. 14,183£. i Tw r HE Trustees of the UNION ACADEMY. Upson county, in announcing this institu tion to the public, congratulate themselves aud the friends of literature generally, upon the ac quisition of the services of the Rev. Peter M‘- iWtybk as preceptor, a geutlcman of considera ble experience in that business, and whose testi monials furnish indubitable evideuce of the ex cellence of Jils inolal character, of his general worth as a man, and his superior qualifications as a teacher. In this-institution will be taught all the branches of English, Classical and Mathe matical iustructio.i which arc usually comprised in a course preparatory to admission into, tho Sophomore or Junior classes of collego. And while the literary and intellectual courses of stu dy will be diligently encouraged, wo feel assured that proper attention will be paid to the moral aud physical education of youth committed to his care. .. YVe respectfully solicit the attention of parents and guardians at a distance, to this institution, which is located in a healthy and moral neighbor hood, near the residence of Dr. Kendall. It is ex pected that Mr. fllTntyre will settle permanent- y near the school. The terms of tuition will be about what is usual iu similar iustitutious. Board in respectable latnilies and on reasonable terms may lie bail iu the vicinity. The School will o- pou on the first Monday in Januarv. THOSi R. SMITH. > REUBEN WHITE, I D. KENDALL, i Trustees. S. B. SAUNDERS, I ROBT. JACKSON, sen. J Upson CoiiDty,' Dec. 5,1832 4t 11 prospectus i DR. PETER’S • twIaiVM R#»norter 1 DISPENSARY, eorgia Medical Reporter. ? , ... , 0 , . ~ By JOHN g slafpey, m. D. ^Jldledgcvillc, Hancock Street, Go. ,n .should seek in the Sciences Is truth. < e » Number 17. truth is in the facts.—B’roussais. | k R. PETERS, Professor of 3Todicbm Phi- i T i- now more then six years since I first > | g ff Sl ologica,,qr Philosophical Mediclae, for- ceived the idea of publishing periodically t.i ?.... - ,-ly of the city ef New Yoik, and more recent- • ive work, for the following reasons, which a < i j ruu . New Orleans, respectfully announces his .•i.vious and striking : There being no puldica ■■ ! location in Milledgeville, aud offers to tho public the kiud in the state ; and, for aught 1 kuow, , jj- |s frofessional services, throughout the whole southern slates^; we mi | For several years jpast, his inquiries have been uic or inveterate dis- :md Liver complaints, , , ~.j He invites persons pcruliarly appropriate, just at tha pnsenttinu. ^ a fjji e t c( j ^ v ith what they consider incurable dis- when the most awful visitation is hovei mg o ci i n. j ense> gj Te him a call. Those unable to do so, land—the Asiatic Cholera :^it hasalready swept w j j j h e waited upon at their respective jtlaces of throughout the whole southern states ; wo ate j For several year, past, his compelled consequently, to look to tue oi. i, un< *■ especially directed to chronic through her, to Europe, for every thing new, iue | e;iaeSj particularly Scrofula an aud interesting in the science. It would seem ^vith very honorable success. the pieseut time, • — - ■ - ■ hovering o’er the j it has already swept across a great extent of North. America; from abode, by request Persons who may wish his Montreal and Quebec, to New < rleaus visiting opinion relative to the nature of their ailments, almost every city and town ef any importance tti j aro apprized that no charges will bo made, unless tin Northern, Middle and NY estern states. 1 here t j, cv actua ii v ifiace themselv is left no reasonable ground to justify the coni lu- cion, that our highly favored scctiou of country, san much longer escape tho impending evil. Be sides, have we no diseases or modifications ofdis- ease, incident and peculiar to our climate, aud re medies native of our country ? Medicine had its origin in necessity: iu motives of benevolence and philanthropy—iu a disposition to mitigate the ovils—to ameliorate the condition of suffering human nature—to b a file fell disease— tho greatest curse inflicted ou fallen man—and bestow oil him Health, tho chicfest blessing, save the atoning blood of our Saviour. Our much la mented Rush said, “while the world, from the progress of intellectual, moral and political truth, is becoming a more safe and agreeable abode for man, the vi taries of Medicine should not be idle.” The American Linuseus, the late venerable Beuj. S. Barton said, ‘die who discovers one valuable new Medicine, is a more important benefactor to his species than Alexander, Cesar, Buonaparte or a hundred other conquerors. Even his glory, in the estimation of a truly civilived age, will be greater aud moro lasting, than that of these ad mired ravagers of the world.” What is the condition of our department of sci ence in Georgia ? Indeed, and iii truth, our Med ical loro is lurking far behind (comparatively speaking,) tho active improvements of the day— the spirit of the times admonish us to look forward with an nnriveted gaze, upon the advance of man and the “march of mind.” There is medical tal ent iu Georgia, and yet sho is almost without pro fessional character; because she has not enter prise, industry and energy. There is manifestly but little written ou Medicine in our state ; medi cal reading too, is not pursued with avidiiy, less studied, properly understood aud regarded. Let us turn our, attention to the toastant and indefatigable labors of many American teachers; but especially to the late works of our own coun tryman, professor Jackson of Philadelphia. He inculcates principles upon the unerring guide of genuine and induclive philosophy; he declaims against authority ; and boldly asserts the non-ex istence of a specific gastric juicej. and advocates oilier certainties, as important to physiology and truth: The recent splendid discoveries of Abercrombie of Scotland, of (Aberuefhy, Lawrence,) Clutter- buck, Smith, Tcale, etc. etc. of England, are their everlasting monuments. Germany is likewise mo vingoa. But above all, stand the sous of Frauce, and of true medical philosophy, (Audral) Brous- sais, Baron Larrey Pine!, Laeunec anti othe -s!; these moderns of the modems, have wholly up rooted the old and ancient systems of routine me dicine :—They have sought, however, not so much to overthrow former systems founded iu er ror, as they have to discover truth, and the real e- thlogy of disease. They have not only succeed- en in removing tho rubbish, but in establishing medicine on a surer and a firmer foundation, and given to it the lino of march onward to perfection. It would be uticandid aud it is not to he denied or concealed, that the doctrines of ;’ce French school, aud particularly, thoso of the deservedly renowned aud immortal reformer, Brottssais, will be held and maintained in this Gazette. YVo re gard them, (and they aro universally admitted,) as containing the purest hud most substantial, of the great fundamental truths of physiological Med icine. They arc founded in data: the dissecting knife has been made to reveal and develops from es under his care Those wishing to avail themselves of Dr. P’s. Medical skill, will do well to apply soon, as he ! proposes visiting i'.vropc early in tLe. spring. Dr. P’s. charges are moderate. N. IS. The poor attended ou without charge. Dyspepsia and Silver CJosnpIaint, Among the symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver complaints are, flatulency, sourness or burning in the stomach, melancholy, irritability,_ disagreea ble tastoiu the mouth, great irregularity of appe tite, which is sometimes voracious and at other times greatly deficient, thirst, foetid breath, nau sea, weakness of the stomach, acid eructations, palpitation, drowsiness, irregularity of the bow els, pressure ou the stomach after meals, pain in the head, dizziness or vertigo confusion of mind, attended wrih loss of memory, a gnawing in the stomach when empty, chilliness, affection of sight and hearing, pain aud weakness in the back, languor, disturbed sleep, cold feet and hands, tre mor, uneasiness in the throat, cough, pain iu tho side or breast, &e. The above maladies lead to organic affection of the stomach, liver aud heart, terminating in Dropsy, Consumption, Apoplexy, &c. according to the climate, habits, age, sex, ami temperament of the patient. Dr. Peter's Medicince, Hibmachica and Hepat- ica, for the cure of Dyspepsia and Liver C031- pxairts, has stood the test of experience, and proved more efficient than any remedy heretofore discovered iu curing those. distressing physical and mental maladies. These Medicines do mu contain the least particle of Mercury or nay ingre dient that docs not act in harmony with health and oppose disease. Th y are elegant prepar ations, perfectly pieusant to tako, aud the same food aud drink may be used, aud employment pursued, as would bo proper for the patient were be not under their influence. Frequently one parcel of the medicine is sufficient for the cure of a patient. Directions for use accompany each parcel. Any person sendiug five dollars will have one parcel forwarded to hint at tbe expenso of the proprietor, and by sending twelve dollars will recieve three parcels. To those who have so earnestly solicited him to place his medicines in the hands of individuals residing iu different sec tions of the country for sale, he would only say, that so long as patients receive them direct from his Dispensary, they are not liable to be imposed ou by a spurious article. A quantity of the a- boveMedicines have been recently prepared and aro ready for use.. .Applicants w ho have hitherto been disappointed can uow Le supplied, if eariy application be made. To heal the sick—to comfort those that mourn, To dry the widow, orphan, mother, sister, sire’s — -- ... A pleasing ta^k—this task be mine. Dec. 19 2t EDYrCA^ZOI^. prn HE Trustees of the Forsyth Male and Fe- S. male Academy respectfully inform the pub lie, jhat they have engaged lor the ensuing year • the services of Messrs. Parsons and Holmes, gentlemen of distinguished literary acquirements, strict moral deportment, aud experienced instruc tors of youth. From the advantageous location of Forsyth, being situated on a high aud healthy ridge, about twenty five miles west of Macon, and michvay between the -Montpelier and Iudinn Springs, about fifteen miles from each, together with the dense and wealthy population of Mon roe county, we flatter ourselves that by proper assiduity and well directed effort and manage ment, to rear tip* an Institution which in point of character and usefulness will vio with any of the kind in the State. There will be completed by the 2d 3Ionday in January, at which time the in stitutions will open, a neat.academic building, sit uated in a retired and beautiful grove, and on an elevated spot ot ground, containing sixteen acres of woodland belonging to tho institution. T he Female department will he furnished by 3!r Parsons with an accomplished instructress, and will at all times ho subject to his inspection autj direction. Board csq be had on reasonable terras in res pectable families. JOHN 8. li. LAW, '.’.ce 18 12 secretary. pathological anatomy, principles of a fixed char acter. They will be as enduring as time, and are as solid as adamant. Principles involved in cause aud effect, that were heretofore considered* mys terious, inexplicable, are now known and estab lished facts. In tho mind of Brottssais, positive philosophy has sought aud found confessedly a regenerating and redeeming spirit. tin a an botanic dardeu Aear New York. Il.LIAiYI PRINCE £z SONS iu offering their Act0 Catalogues, with reduced prices, have to state that their Fruit Trees are of large size and. vigorous growth, aud cannot fail to give pcrlect satisfaction by their superiority. Orna mental Trees and Shrubs can also bp supditeti of the largest size, and the collection of Herbaceous Plants, llttlboUs Flower Roots, &c. is a concen tration of the most beautiful aud interesting, and is unrivalled iu extent. The assortment of Boses comprises above six hundred kinds, one buudres of which are Chinese and oth^.r monthly rosed aud all at tho lowest prices,. The uiust of the Or namental Sijrulri stud Roses are so superior m point of size, that several may bo readily propa gated from one plant, as the finest only are se lected for orders from the immense stack on hand. Of the Chinese Mulberry, or Mortis Alulticculis; there are several thousand trees of good size, tho nrlnfl nf* whlrh ic roihinml Ctf'ff. ..„.. YVe cotne not without diffidence, presenting our price of which is reduced to §65 per bundled, humble offering, feeble and retired as it is; to con- ! $35 for fifty, $9 per dezeu, and $5 p er ball'dez- tribute our mite at tho altar of professional en. CS2L&P23 VXXTCSAND WZNfi. Tip HE subscriber'll as for sale a quantityof f BEAW3H6 POSTPONED JL Grape Yino Roots and Cuttings, which Uni nr, ffntM r hi r. firing said 1 ; i ' 'ny contract Can Notice. imichti a in the slate of Man/ (.ceaset^j ol Monroe county, w ill Those ha- LL person , J, b< iron. ■ forward and make settlement '(J. MY LIE. .28 fltOfsES he proposes to sell On the following ter ms, viz Ten dollars per hundred, for one year old roots, or twelve and a half cents each for a less num ber. Fifteen dollars per hundred, for two years old roots, or eighteen and ttirco quarter cents each for a less number. Twenty dollars per thousand for cuttings, or two dollars fifty cents per hundred. Each lot of Y’ines with such directions as will enable the purchaser to propagate them to the best advantage. On hand, and for sale, .in quantities to snit*pur chasers, 2000 gallons of GEORGIA YVINE. Any orders received shall be faithfully attended to ou terms made accommodating. A. E. STRATTON. Hillsborough Ga. Nov. 22,1832.—9—9 ' -J?” Ordersfor the above received at the Tel 1 graph office. Notice T I1F. subscriber having taken Thomas P. Stubbs in co-partnership with him, the business will hereaf'er be conducted under the firm of EckUy If Stubbs. LEY’I ECKLEY. N *i 15 oar,lcs,1 y hn P ed m y f< iends will not n- t ist fashionable phrase “callagain” when mv#weeks and farward their accounts to this offit v. accounts are presented, as I am compelled to coLf leet them. j science :—If wo can but give a zest to tho youtt^ mind, an inclination aud direction to medical it£ quiry; it is all we hope and expect; it is tho “nc plus ultra’ of our wishes. Some of the best talent of the State is engaged to assist aud contribute in the work and we con fidently expeet to be ablo to concentrate and com bine such a fund of foreign and domestic intelli gence in our little journal, as to make it accepta- , ble, if uot agreeable, almost any where. The coroperation of professional gentlemen every where is earnestly desired Original com munications aud essays, and cases reported, in the practice of medicine, surgery and obstetrics, arc solicited. The work will bo issued from tho press in Macon, in an octavo pamphlet form, comprising some orty or filty pages, once iu two mouths, *o commence on the first of January, or as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained to authorize tho undertaking, at four dollars per annum. All editors friendly to this design, in the State and throughout the Southern States, Tennessee, Ohio and Florida are requested to give the above a few insertions—Florida! that country ou which Of the Dahlia the assorfmen t comprises, three hundred of the most' splendid varieties selected from the five largest cojlectious in Europe, cml owing to tho large increase the prices have beca greatly reduced. Thoso who desire a considerable number of Roses, Pmonies, Dahlias, &c- will be supplied st a very liberal discouut. About .eighty thousand Grapo Vines arc now ready for delivery, comprising all the choicest ta ble and wine grapes. Of the Camellia Jape :.iva or Japan Bose, near one hundred varieties have been- extensively in creased, and tho prices of these aud other green house plants ar/‘ that this can no lon ger forra ii'a objection. The New Catalogues will be sent ter every ap plicant, and every invoice off Trees has a printed heading and our signature ; and purchasers who do no: send their orders direct, are particularly enjoined to insist on bills as above, as no other will be guaranteed. Those who arc not conversant with the Taric- »r ■ yr ir TTY}, V udio ana vjoncia are^requested to give tna above ties of Fruits, can obtain Prince's Treatise on mm ur'*n ° - TAOICI £ i'opCilt/. a few insertions—Florida! that country on which Fruits, which contains descriptions of near eight ’ “J 1 ' Drawing has beeu postponed till the j »Jio eager eye of every botanist is turned with | hundred varieties, and the Treatise on the Vine, -M. first Saturday in March next, when it will; such peculiar pleasure—its wil ls aro still, how- j aud oti Horticulture, at the office of the American positively be drawn. ^ ^ ^ _ fever unexplored ton considerable extent by civil- j Farmer, and of Carey & Hart, Philadelphia, &*• 4- B. BATEMAN, Proprietor. } i/.etl man, and the page - of Botany and the Mate-! and the readiest course for persons at a distance J nomqston, Dec. \ r ,:, Mcdica are notyet made to bloom with its flow- j is to ai ply to their local bookseller to send there- T » t-V t vmv } ers, or tell of its native productions, they still ex- j for. tAiNii *V At j ist only in fancies fiction and storied sang. J These persons who wish quantities ol gnrdett FROM the subscriber, about the! “Full many a flow or is born to blttshunscen, | seeds, ccc. mnorted from Europe, suitable l;;r re- lst November, a negro fellow nametl l And wast its sweetness ou tbe desert air.” | tailing, will be furuhlicd with a catalogue con- jEliC&iVrii OP DicJc, , We trust, that e‘re long tho sous of science, who] tabling tin; low prices r.t which v.e wiit import agod about 25 years, 5 feet 10 inch- ymw repose uppott her lap, will unfold to the j them, and all commtraic tioiis will be attended t® es high, stout made aud raw boned, J expecting world some of L.-r hidden, Iter healing I with piomptitudo and dc quitch, when his beard is long, hi. faco L covered witbj trcr ‘ surc 3. ] N« 11. A liberal credit vt iii he given wncn <!c- bunips—very black, eyes of a red Lit cast, ratherT The following Medical gentlemen, with sever- j.- in I. fr ' J Orders 1 ecei ved end forwarded by handsome featured, straight built. He was nur- J ; ‘l others of birh standing in the profession, will? Nov. 20 M. BARTLETT, patu ior 111s app (tension and delivery tf me in Butts county < YY’.M. P. HOLUTE'LD. D.e31, 1832. 14 2t (fi/® The Columbia Hive, Raleigh Star Richmond Enquirer will publish tho above tw ja»> 2 3» w 1 '■ li -j undid new Ctft—neatly printed jwthtvcificjj r I4vV. IIL subscriber has removed Talbot to Talboittnw county. He will continue toji LAW in Crawford couuty, and will ‘he courts in tbe Chaltahoochiciri u WARNER. 1 W HEREAS my wife ALLY BRADY ha left my bed and board without provoca- ■ a this is to forbid all persons from harborinj ■j crediting her: as 1 will pay no debts other con-; ^ 1 ting after thisdate, and 1 am determined ii -ccute any pertou or persons who may b.-. -i ber. JOHN BRaDY. n- I, 1333. 11 &c. A liberal rev.'aid will be given for its deliver? at tlio 1’olcgraph office or ut Carter -fc Beane 1 * store, dec 11 It WAl. D. EDWARDS. LOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Will be Rented, ?Ffe,N tbc first Tuesday in JANTA RY nex tti $ front of the Court House in -Macan, •Tho Saw IVTii'-s, jether with tbe Lands, Tools and Teams t had to tlio same, usually known as 1 iawcllw: ! 1 i!s. To he rented far one year. Terras • he dav- R. K. EY'ANS, dec 13 CATHARINE ELLI$, AlffZ li