Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, January 16, 1833, Image 2

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n^wi compels bit.j'to let fall lw r .viz-;; bat il is not 1 tbii inu>! ■ .■ for tbc ewjle wheels in a broad circle, ,,1V sw »,».< dow.i in. .a tli. uii.oof th»_- wave and s reeres it before it touche* ilic ", ater. No* thing can !■ : uj!>ro majostic than the flight of Pnu ^,.,- is „.. te uru , ■ tlii-: noble bird, ho scorns to move by an efibr! ' . :(u ; mtfou.i • : H alone, without the waving of his win | the simnlici:\ of re, ubli'v laud and {aoor in its cll'ceis, at I'ntiHR. v ftklytn tjy o ' ■ ‘..ii.den upon the peoploj ami by liiatGovern it;- nt principally to iP' public ! do 'm or tidiie> tiy. Upon the j creditors abroad, will remain iit the'fowcr of the ut •'.. ery, c^rt .:uly i' jurii.tti. consumer, to bo applied according to ln> wants. '.t,. 1 ) dy unequal, . uahling tiro I habits and tastes, in procuring'flu equal value of j divide and distract our public | the oilier necc" trie-. -eoiut'ei tor luxuries of life, xpenditurcs either ofj probably in a prext degree in an increased cou- t, or ii.eunsisteat witlj | iuiuptiou, or Tauie iucroasu of a bibber, quality it institutions, staiaiugj of tbo ponds he had beau accustomed to jmr- *heir permanence. [ chase, from tl:> operation of thi; r.utl otber'ob- 1 a j, trii d reduction j vic»ri caused,i-yringing from a ih.xh rate tariff <Ju between I lu,vi, » os tun pomu no. m.i 'or this net the rt-ven- foreign mauuf u-nties, the itvcngi importation of the king of birds aud king of men.— V | R c . !!, ‘ '-”•»*>•»»* for the i xt y« ar is t* f the next >ix y ms may ift> safely computed at a 1 ted in the i. prirtoi the> «4 die l reasi'ry | further adUiiioa of it leasteizht. perhaps twelve ut about eighteen intllious. rhis is unulc-tipou million®, tuakuijg a gross importation of about ouo ^ an cstiiitatc founded on the average importation j liuudre f milliodspu vnluc.'aud nor ititldj .varying CO.^JG-^v, «f the last six yea is. The probable «v ni;re'of [ from the large importation ofl331 atidl&R .. — ■ - i^fic next six years, for reasons which will I ■ - • ■ UOUdE OF I’.EPR ESENTATIVES. j after stated. will exceed ' Wasui^gto.v, Dec. fid. ! suhl r bc aJt| ed the inc'oi Air. Verplanclt, from the commiticc of Wavs , t * w treasury would r und Meant, made the following report, in refer- i vcnue ’ fqr soma years hei. ence to the bill reported by the committee jes- j twenty millions and anait o. .: i KIO if, Wllliuut IM. «.mu ui Ills win • . | (flu simplicity 01 re| till Pity it is that be should dishonor himself bv j their purity mil ii... • .din such unwjrihy robbery ns ti:ithough it by The act of 1 d. b ■> n destroys tin res mbkuicn between ! towards thisp iiot- Hu: Gold and Ti t- r.d l.ctlc?ics. LAND LOTTERY Priz s,drawn tip to Jan. 11. JBill—\y atson Conch £17 3 4; James Thomp- sini s 201 7 3; Quinton lloy s 1?" 13 4; Eli-i.a Sterling 29322 2; Hugh M‘Lin ‘248 0 3; James Griffith 03212; Daniel Harley F48 29 2: lieujn- •nin Newberry-orp 315 14 2; Isaac Hobrrcs 200 •fit: Wui Dicks i'll 72 I!) 1: James Jo.ics ..rps A. 1 27 "4; Kohl .lultuson 209 Ij. 4; Midas 1. Giey- !■::) 173 !. Hciirv \ riiiibei lv 7il."i ill 1. QylnmJcr tl 233; ifobt J Casttus ' 27 2; Abiaj Pierre—i9 1311: Julious Ilollh'es 318 17 1: I .bn V.'.M .i .i! i l 3: J t :> Ain-,..' :,! I 11 U J hi, Uiirretts oy»s 1725 3: tTimothy Ilanew 157 1<! 2; MThobna u . 115 Hollar.,! 3G 1 1 f-ar.di Christina? 1 *! 1.5; 11 3: Hantuel i Federal OlJiciis ol unlav.’liil arrest 3: Win 11 uv.- w eoo i. .1 a me - ‘ Icorge s !;:tCi d; John ‘lit! [?: prt ;v am dut omneiit. Tlio sev rbail be to jebprrty s. r l’!io eigiitn cJans: fine and inrprkorrmenl Cominissionc-r Masierj «.r R. or allow’, lor any pi-rpose, an at'all relatSilo t<> the OnUr.; de or iir.pris* ‘' ia l no tit?© -1 Oibccr f, t makes if pnnisi aldr- |, v for any Clerk of Court', eder, to fomisjJ “Py or record, and Acts of 3; Isaac NulIilV.a;i. rr.-— the Federal C. urf. The ninth clause, is nrtmmtii all appeal t 0 terdav, to reduce, and otherwise filter the duties i lban twenty-five millions,. . _ , . v vu imposts; excess of from five to nine millions over the just j to be raised upon about riglttv foui millions ef >: , us( . 3 of the Wovcrnincnt, taxing every Tiimtly iu | iui]iosts, used oreonsumed in the (Jflifrd .States; thiTUtiiteil Ktaies toils share, nr more than its) deducting therefrom the imports of.sperm, and share,"of that tlrcallcd for excess. j of ina«V tphoh articles, which' public policy, the The excess, iu the opiuiou of the Committee, ; security of (he revenue, mid various other nidtivci should bo reduced by the -present Congress, and have made free of din v ,.upon betwcciPsixt v-'fivc at the present time. The extinguishment of the ! and seventymillious of liitriiiblc eominoditics, aY'- delit. mi l the coinmeueeiDent of the new i'rcsi- | cording as'iliedist of free gaods is made inore'or dential term, mark tins a lit season .for ponua-j len extensive. ■ ' • ««'* vvgulHtious. It is vitallyimportant, I 1'ho committee, in the hill herewith tepiftled 3 8 1 too,-to all engaged iu those numerous i-onuaer- by diem, have endeavored tr» arrarige the dutie ' fitt*' t. is,. , REPORT OF THE C'OAI.HITTEC. The committee of wayi* au.l means, iu obedi- to tho order of the House, have h id under .Consideration so uiticluvf the niessage of the Pre sident of tho United States referred to them, as relates to •such further reduction in tho revenue as may imt br required for objects of general wcl- f.iro ami public d fence authorized by tho Con- -stifu'ii.n, 4 ’ and now submit the following report: Tho r. hole of the debt of die uatiou remaining unpaid r.t the expiration of tho 'present year, n- inounrs onlv to seven - millions sixteen thousand eial, manufacturing or agricultural cuter prizes, which are effecte d by cTTanges in the rates of inf . i, , .. i port, and arc mure exposed to suffer from tin 1 dollars, a stun less than tho market value of the j ... , • 7 , ... -stock of tho Bank of >ho- United States owned by Z? “'LSdh e T ,r v , “ 77 Government. Tho application of this fund l i *'! '/* '^outmu and walu-y of .hr latiuU, ... . «g“V- , , , , , ernmeut >a roeard to dioir severaldnterest*'. The lmto, (mdopefltly of tho other stocks .n meurpo- j ,bo. b of economical reuuAion, affords a 'rated companies subscri'»ed for aud held by Gov- - ernroodt, aud amouiitiug r.t its original or jHir val ue to the further sum of i.S63,0ij0) may makc the commcucemciit of the next year the epoch of that happy and memorable event,” on the near approach of which the President has justly con gratulated Congress aud bis fellow citrzens, “the cxtiuction of tho public debt of n great aud free nation.” Tho time and the occasion whilst they are fitted to awakou tho noblest feeliugs of tho , patriot, aud to give confidence aud ardor to tho . principles and hopes of every frieert of republi can institutions, cal! also upon us-witli equal force to discharge thoso weighty :uid honorable anti praciiral duties to which wo have been cordially invited by our Chief Magistrate. The removal of those financial “burthens which may be found to fall unequally upon any,” and the reduction af.tlie revenue to awli a limit as “shall be con- '<istent with the simplicity of nu economical Gov ernment, and necessary to au ciiicient public ser- '\•ice. ,, Tho examination of the general accounts of the seceinis nod expenditures of the United .-Ratos inr the last six years presents tho following re- • subs: The aggregate expenditure for the six years ending the 31st of December, 1832, including tho estimate expenditure of tho present month) a- mounts to 162,100,000 dollars. During the same period dial expenditure has —been supplied by an aggregate amount of reveu- from vu rim,., ^ u i thie fiy f lom ,h u cus toms, of 157,600,000. In qtWiwn \9 »“ hues-. ^5n<ied balance in the Treasury at the com - " ineuccmcutof that term, of 6,353,630 dollars a- hout ono-sixth of which consisting of ttis p iper ol broken banks, and similar feuds, has remained unavailable iu tbc Treasury. Deducting from these receipts and expendi tures the amount received aud paid out oa ac count of claims of Our citizens agaiust foreign Governments, of which the Treasury was merely the channel of receipt aud payment, there will result an annual average of twrntj sir millions of dollars of annual.income, and an annual nverago wKpc,..t'.iuru yb.orbing this amount, together with the balance in the Treasury at the cod of 1326, amounting to nearly twenty-seven millions of dol lars a year. During the same period 83,173.003 dollars of dttblie debt wai paid off, leaving an average an nual amount of expenditure! fbr rill other purpos es, of something less thou 13,500.000 dollars. These antouuU are stated in rouud numbers, as they nro sufficiently- accurate fur all the pur poses of ibis report, and present the views of the co'tnuihtee uueiiibarrassvd with minute detail, in X inmate perspicuous manner. In the gross sum upon which this average nn- -nual expenditure is calculated, were included the •payments for the settlement of tho claims of Mas sachusetts, Virgiuia and South Carolina, the t.,rge expenditure consequent on the emigration of tho Indian Tribes, and tho extinguishment of Indian tiilos, nil made during the fast three years. Jla- . king allowance for theso extraordinary e'penses, the income necessary for the ordinary operation * of Government, providing liberally for nn efficient civil, military and naval service, need not amount to nrn.-o than thirteen miiiiuu of dollars annually, including tho Pension system of former years.— This calculation, deduced by the committee from .tho Treasurer's accounts from 1827 to 1332, in clusive, corresponds in its result very ocavly with one furnished by tho Treasury Department, foun- - ded on somewhat different data, by which the av- -ermre expenditure of six years, from 1326 to 1331 inclusive, for all ordinary and fixed expenses, to gether with those of a loss permanent character, but growing out of tho regular and long coutiu- tied policy of our legislotiou, as for fortifications, navy yards, light houses, .ke. is stated at 13,113;- -000 dollars. To this Mim tiie ict at the last ses sion ext. nJing the systi in of revolutionary pctl- -sinus will require for some years an additional arum, which i-> not vet fully ascertained, but is c. rtai.dy not kn than one million if do‘1 r . in another annaal million bo added to tiiii enlarged expcnditureaof cmr present. ndian policy, for the erection of custom houses and public stores, for future aud uuToreseeo contingencies of all coins, including th'ise of temporacy collisions with for ei.rii powers or :bo Indian tribes, the clear reven ue of fifteen million- seems to cover all tbit can be • required* for Rational Axpenscs m ordinary -times- This sum. it will be remarked, is that e/- titnated as the proper permanent revenue of the 'Nation by the Secretary of the Treasury iu his ■reports of the last and present year. Hot iu making ibis estimate, tliis sum is assum i!i:; Com.'iiit:<':\ not m absolutelynec-'O- ry lor tbe support of fUovennnenf, but .a- h.-ir *1ibp.-d and iibimdant. Lookiu ; to the ■protaafu,' perm meat T.n i hmmraliie r, v- •nu ', oot to :!ie extrouie jiusm l limit of es pouse, taeyllixve not ..sum tn .viji.di a rigidly lioo, ft id' 5y v U ;; „ .. propitious opportunity to make such ;i readjust men, of the rates of impost as may distribute uud with reference to tliit pr iicjplc, at ratcs frmn ten to tweii'y per cent, varyhlg frmii thepj cldt-fly in m those instances wherd untiunol fndc^cituVnct; in lime of war seemed tchdcniutAf seihe secrilice in pence, (as in regard to iron mid Vad.) where it was thought that a higher or loworirntc of duty lVouJd be of advantage to 'die revenue, without .any individual injury, (ns in tfttftxtse of spirits.) or where some hr.iuch of industry might be materi- equrtlizc, amongst alt, thoso burthens ally beuefited liy low imposts on some of it.-, raw “majToe ftfubd to full uiR-quiiHy ifpou any’"— —.7»—:-i -rt.. ■ ' , whether pressiug with peculiar tiardslup upon any class of the commuuity. tiuy species of laiior it auy section of the country. Deeply impressed by these considerations,The committee have prepared a hill for reducing, and otherwise altering the rates of duties upon foreign merchandize, wiiich-, should'it meet with the ap probation ef Congress, iiihy servo as a basis lor ottr financial'system for many years. Throwing out of view for tbc present, the pro gressive reduction that expediency iuiu even jus tice may require, they have fixed’ the revenue to be ultimaieiy raised at a sum not exceeding fif teen million. The stocks oivnad by Government, I iWmcuh they regard solely as au effect to the remaining large wsi debt. _ Neuhcrjustice, nor any principle ofiiberal pol icy, cau permit, witln.ut urgent' ueccssjty,^ that the Post Ojjice thonld be made a. soiircO of fe- veuue. It should bear its own Expense and no more. Its witole profits should bti applied as they have heretofore been, to the improvement ami extension of the systeifr; giving the greatest po-sihie fucilitu v at ihe lea^t possible private charge, to the diffusion of intelligent e :.nd the in terchange 0 f corrcspvii'vHec, Tho onlysource of revenue on wliicli the com- inittvc JkCr??? to rc ! y, are the 1’uxito Lands aud tho Customs. The PUBLIC LANDS, at tho then present system of sale, may now bo safely calculated as ptoducing an annual iucome of lieu millions and a half. It is tree that various plans for disposing of these lands in cueli n manner as to withdraw the proceeds from the general'funds of the Treasury, have been proposed by the highest authority.— The committee do not propose to outer info auy di-ciisRou of the merit of these proposiftoas.— Until it be altered by legislation, they most re gard the actual system ns the set tied policy of tho Government. * They must, however, observe, that should that policy be changed, such altera tion would not of necessity overthrew or disar range the pian offinauceno.w proposal. _ Throw ing out of account altogether, the large suta3 expended in former venrfe by the Luited States in a-quiriiig this territory, ci.h.-rby arms or by purchase, together with the past expenses of our land system, as yet unliquidated by the proceeds of the sales, there nhj other current ex- peu-os now defrayed from tlte goiier:.! funds of tito Treasury which might 1 e justly « bas^eali'o tipoh the hicoruo tram the lafids*,. should that he made a distinct fund, and which, if mini from tuotice, would thus far diminish me nmouat ofre- venuc necessary to be drawn from other sourcis Th 'se are; 1st. The expense of She Land Sjsfeiu itself—about 230,003 dollars imuuaHy. 2d. The eXppnscs of Indian annuities, educa tion, and qthof stipulation's arising under the trea ties by which we have obtniued possession of theso lands. These, wholly exclusive «d' the charge of Indian emigration, amount at present to 302.700 dollars a yuar, a ml will probably bo much increased before the final extinguishment of the Indian tide. 3d. Revolutionary Pensions. The original ti tle of a great part of these lands arose from the grants and releases of th-i •“ fates to tho cowfeder- hcv for the (furjxixe of common defence aud gen-' eral welfare, during th# war ofthe revolution, aud they have been again and again solemnly pledged for the debts of the nation. Tho" pensions now received by t!»e surviving soldiers of the revolu tion were at first granted under tho' harsh aud un- ju\t name of national bounty. But tbo act of 1823 and that of Jo32, have now placed them on the more sound as weH as mere constitutional ground of payment of revolutionary debt, and an equitable, though not literal fulfilment of Idiag, neglected and violated contracts. The pensions for tbip n&xt turn years will prob ably be (for as yot the ex.ait irmounr cannot be ascertained) about two willMsa year. .But tlii,. sum depending upon the lives'of old men, all a- hove seventy years of ago, niust rapi’dly doerpase, and in a very few years cease entirely.' Should these pensions be considered for die prcstfin ak a chargo Upon tbe lauds, itwouldbe temporary on ly. _ Withiu four or five years the greater’ part of the income, and in a few-years more the whole, would be liberated, aud at either period the sur plus from ibis soli roe might be applied as the wis dom of Congress/nay direct, leaving tbe revenue from the customs sufficient for all other heads of public expenditure. There then renmijis to be r;.is;'J by the imports on foreign merchandize to meet all other charge, and .-contingencies than thoso just reciprocated materials. 'On junhy articles, such as wines, spi rits, iron, <fcc. experience ’lias shewn c'fin only he prevented hy specific liliti or measure; ami ns the rates nuts on the mean value of caiumodi: or iiMine, they niajRcjinetlme partituh.r kinds or tjuaiiriVstif them In adjust:tig tho several dhti^s, th-,. iormed, unless seme strong reason for a different rato was perceived, to.jthoso of tbc Tariff ::<t of ; , ... .. .. 1816, with its short supplementary art of 1813.— J n" ? C ^ 3 ,7! ,/1‘A* Tho act o*' 1816 w as framed with great care and jV' 1 ** 8 ^.ri *\ 'Y. “ ri J‘^' ;oa £}.• * ^liberation by *w„e uf our ai.h-,t statemho,., i ~ !3 r 8 rj looking at the same time hi the revenue then so j P* J,, “ : gcs «.i - l Ht uj i Joiie- Li / J i 251 1G3; James j 3i!:es 618 2; D i tli mu s 1 tw 6 -If Jor, 1 -Till!'- (» : s 1 w 81 12-1; \\ in Ciemii:,,' or]) Harvi -, S3 25 3; Eldridgc C Hutu iH 2o 3; Mane I Tool \v rsii’J l ! . 2: Aiai'-ha .Simmons w '~:-'!7 !~ 3- Wui Pcrritt 3 ■ 2; Ezekiel O’allttiuo 37623 2; Francis Tickliug63 6 3; John H irelield s f w203 14 3; Itirai.-i Heddmgficld (••! fwiggs) I'jli ~-j -i , ■ Elizabeth Oii'.ds w r s :!55 12 3; ■‘.■alia .i nkms orp.- 26!) 4 2; .Tobn W Gordon-225 8 4; •flohu We-i') 142; MaryOwm w!534 4; Juo i’Ca- l,-f’,1 WiUinri -i 15263; Alary W Patter- , , . , on Yd |7>0i 4; ilenn II (^bincs-i - I w 203 23 ?«*"»’> cimise, is a compr. ttonsivc o M; Dixon 1.05 23 2; JVyatt boards orps 41 vre tlie reader to tr—u embraces t! ;c .1 unes Adami Cc'metoi* and ail his Assistwiis or employers rs or .fhcttois—ami Aibjt cis flfejst, to'fi nc i anil imprisonment for auy disobedience, ; of tbc preyess of replevin, or ti! her attempt to resist besides subjecting the. ) j 0 iutiicJmont for any assault, or oiictKc.Jnvulvtd orps jwi au »ti-1 l)r . w j; David l.ougbh!it ait ury 111 their niisdcincanor. saniittli Wall w ill';} (2 i; John rijuaugcr s 33 14 -yy 1 (3 r ;niih 250 11 2; Abraham M L’nul 1 /1 22'3; T ac tctith clause, provides still heavier fin-:, 4; John T Rowland 151 1*4; J{obt*l$iri!seng254 j j ; ,' mcs WadiivofthiJ.l l 10 3; John Ga nuil 125 i besides tho imprisonment and liability to in! 21; Titos’ Brigman 20 24 3; Ditiipscy: Bilker jr j g j. j c [ (0 'Pa> lo" r ," J6H I 3; W die Glover ICO 7 , diettaent—for ail persons in anv wise conci-. 2222;> 2; Stephen Brown 284 2-» 2: llenry-Glo- ; >. jj i!r y \ash w r s llS All 2; Jim \V_i Mrrfeb |. uc d mire+camuriaf' orntteiuntin-- rn r; . [ter61 72: Wui F. Hughes J8A94; John Jotibsup 183 7 4; Thus Stubbs s 28 2G3; ilcury Daiuald .01 32- John Andrews 315 9 1; Hugh Go- :t 207 John J.ov- ntt272 10 2; Johu Carbon ISO 123; Ishsm son 46 7 2; James Ciwtum 86 6 3; Levi J»: *’.er 1-17 a 3; Algcroon ri Grier 272 17 1; \\ ni Bodes orps tol 26 2: Iticliaril Speak sr 83 22 2; John 'fillary sr r s 278 20 2; Jes Stratfuu 250 13 2; Isi.m Hendrick s I \v 260 ts.l 2; John *F. Preston 123 1-i 4; lVfii Stfcitli 229 4 2; RicHardsdumlay* 21 13 2; Joint Leftwitks orp 334 It) If Mary -M.addux w 265 26 3; Diaujta IVarson w 50 2o2; Jolni G'rJdw'ards S6'17 I; llaViiiolofnew Utill 126 15 4; j.isB 2-'>1* 74; Stephen 1* Daley 217 263; Jarsic's *8 .V'ct-k -'ll 5 2;' John \V right r s 40 orr.s 321 8 1: Ccrttlius Di'-cL Mon rye— Ab- *; an der < » .K laj' kins limit s 231 8 3; John lichens 155 6 2. Joseph Hill KiG oS; John A Ilqq anl 133 233; Thomas F SliddJel rook 306 13 3: Tbps 1'arrow 23623 2; Hugh M D Kiug4B 'l7 I; Janelfudgc- peth w 3CG 13 4; llavitl^W rights orpssolS J Blounts orps 6 7 f; - os a j; 1 .: a : Crtmi.bahiw id 106 863; Edmund' Onuhis r s 126 8 ]; Wr.i W atsen 76 13 4; J is H MbEwins s 361 13 4; Thomas Stinson 72102;’ Itrbcft Nca! 221 16 o; Geo \» Carter 207 In 2; Jus J Cotlous orps CO 02: An large violent mcrofis tnauufaclori jhe double d the pm!””" with G tifaclures'oi'ai! sorts in JhcJDiited States during the eight years between 1816 and 1324, proves, that tbe framers of dint Tariff, in providing reveu- uo, had no: ouly given ample, incidental security to existing'inainit'aciores, inn even induced new investments of capital, fc’o well does it appear to ry 214 5^; \Via Thompson 2 :.6 26 3;-J ii Wijot- teii62 7 J; >V , iil f,icrsy 265 7 3; Jolih HallarJ 2t;S22 3; Itebecctt Mays w ll i 0 4; Lansfurd Harris 08 0 3; lifcmj ThlweSl 3(14 26-2; Jas ;lli>r- gan 221 2tJ 3; \VHi Harkins si w-57 6 3; -Brooks than under flic higherprote' lion of 1324. It has, however been the w ish of the commit tee to guord against a sodden tluctuatiou of the prica of gnuils, whether in the hands of llre'iuer- chau% (ho retailer, ornaauttfiicturer. With that view they have made the reduction upon the more important protected articles,- gradu al end progressive. The higher rate of duties for the next year, whicTi resilk from thi* pfiucipie, ii calculated upon the amount of importation as sumed as a piobalde basis for the estimates of future years, would produce a revenue for lh« year ]831 "tumecessariiy large- Tut tomnr.T. i :1 experience liar repeatedly shewn, that with the prospect of an early and large reduction of import^ imjiari.itiou isgener- airy'clbsel v limited to the immediate consumption of the country and the certain-dcuiand of Foreign trade, and that, therefore, unless this raw is it s turhed hy some other powerful’counteracting cn«se 4 -it is not probable tlrnt.lhe aggregate im portation of f!i«t year will fall.short «>f the aver age Vtihiii assumed, aqd the revcifuc will not hutch exceed liiat estimated farlhe prruiauvut iucome of the Treasury. 8iu>uU it prove qtberwiso from any cause<fa9D)t>t|uow be anticipated, die UueiQeft^d surplus will remain ut a balnuce in the TiOqisury to mc-et the coutiugencies of future years. Tho committee, 'perceiving no stiUTelcnt rc.astm- why t!ie*6oii?umer of foreign luxuries should r.ot pay a share of the public burthens, propose to rtrise the rates of duty ep'insHks'nearcr to the av erage rato < f duties imposed l.y tin; bill than tlicy are under :bo actof 1332. They alsojirbpcsff to Tlx a m'oi!eriitc specific duty, equal to about "20 percent on the vaitA: upoft'fe-as, wiiich were made wholly free by the act of the hist summer. This has bcea addwl from a motive of fmaiici;:’,: priulciK-e, lest the -revemte from tho 'customs: should, front any modification of tho bi.ij, or other- vise, fall short of the cs'.imate, or the proceeds of the public l.iuds should lie’in part diverted uf some other source, iu which case an iurre.ascd re venue would he derived from this source of about 703,060 dollafS, calculated on the r alter short importnfJou 6f teas (ftiju last year. ’Should this sum not he neeitcd for the pubUy service, it may he repealeil without affecting the' other parts of the system. A detailed Uatemeul of the operatiou of the bill has been prepared, c.ilcnlatcd upon the tn tu- rI imports of 1331, a year of larger importation than any former year, but whjjc/ji will, it is tboAght not excel d the average o^fptio-c years, under the opuratioo of a tariff such astliat now proposed- WATCH EiS, JEVYHLRX, &c r i he siihsCrilipr ?•* net tv nnm. John 240 44 2; Jesse JltUs ifrps 107 2; John Varner 163 10 '; Jaiu^s A Everitt‘320 0 I: Bwlit J> rimiih 187 202; Sarah Dmiu orp 202 7 3; Jas flcrften s I w 307 5 C; Jas Tanner ficO 262; Ale’S Uaiucs237262, Wash Bnzemoie 122 22 :h JJary A Dunham orp 69 27 2; \V'm llauc r s 150 2!f3; Win Johnsons orps 70 143; J Whit- tle27684; \V«t Lcighler 257 J3 2; Win North- olns l07 0 3; Wiley Webb g 1 w 13 II 4; J Ken edy s 1 w 315 8 4; J Baker 236 1., idtiytlU—Wm K'Osburn 216213; Jas M An thony 6 2tT2; Charles Avcras orp 3 26 3; Davis jr 21916*2; Jysiah 11. Sarah Ann, lichee ca. ifoWeli Stirling, Mary Elizahe.h and .Martha .Vfifiiilifetto Elder 6rjtS 278 0 3; lolin Reeves 245 104; Isaiah Warren 274. 8 2: David U filiuims 84 11 2; Saintiel Cockrell 75 25 3; .Ed:* Fhtrier W 144 (0 4: Edw P Nixon 1049 4; Mikcl Pate •350 2-3 3; M \V Jcbsoit -A 166 22 2; Silas Turner 107 20[2: Giil Ctimnuus orp 7 16 3; Johti 'Hin- uiwd jr 115 14 3: Jesse Fair 36 II 3; Baruabv GeddingAj 297 133; V Clements jr 140! 11 2; Pits dial \:igf$122 15 3; W G Mar. hmau 3-3 22 3; 1! I’Smith 395 24 2: Francis Gilmore 217 22 2; TuHim iMcnafe 2l2 8 2; Jmirchre Goodson s 265 13 2; Wijl’er A ^iairsrbam 265 12 2; Josiali Hcms- tun sr 165 6 4; John Prestages orps 240 16 1: IJenry Davjs 177 7 2; James Wilf 26122 3; Wui i\ Pitman 6327 3; I ott N Bid sell 25426 2; B bo dy Harris w 143 9 1; Sidney M Pegg 24 3; J Ilening 1.35 7 4; Jcptba Hitbinson jr 47 20 2: J Turtle/-1.31 1U2: Stephen Carter i|,4; Elisha Holt 13 22 2; Duncau Lockber 270 i) I; Balm KouiiTrcc-i 61 8 I; Thomas Davis 266 20 2; Ivii- slia Hill 230 5 3; Tliom'as Bollard 162 9 2; Bicb- ard G l lead 262 233. Henry—Rciiberi Baxter 31 10 4;' Jonntbm IM-- K-ay 20 6 1; Miles G Dobbins I!) 7 2; D Lovela- dy 27;f !32; Tltoitins IS Lyons 31 5 3: James G peryman 274 18 1; Bailey Wcl ien 4.>27 2; Rich ard Knight 196*1)4; Robert 11 Rti'sel 236 4 2: John Rogers 59 9 J; Gideon Ste-vart 1199 4: J Hightower f a ~ 1 '2 4; Henrv Switmcy 62 5 4; Thus S Hunt*296.8 3; Wm j Owen 200 7 2: 1) Jacksons orps 892 27 2; Green W alden 124 11 2; Guy W SifiMh 2S8 7 1; J (S Higgftibothain 1 1- 134; Elias’Morgans orps 37 10 2; Sami .Met/. 166l5'4; W illiam R Jordan 22828"Sp Asa Lew is orps 22k : 14 4; Saniitel Price 3ijii 17 1; Alex Cr.-.ig 10223; Jos A Edwards'238 8 3; Wooit- son yonng 159 6 3; Britain J GsHenf-272 8 1; Wm Russel54 9 J; Asa W Harrison 97 26 3: D Paco w 237 14 4; John T Thomas 46^ 15 4; Wm It Hicks 120101; James W Rich.irdsons orps'87 12 2; Joseph Turner 85 8 1; Levi Cloud 895 25 3: Jacob Barrcntine 24 26 3; Georgs Creed 132 8 2: J S Bishops orps 207 24 2; Joseph Nayler 97 63; Alfred llmsley 79 14 3: JG Steele310 104; R N Fleming 81 27 2; C Tucker 104 7 3; O Baldwin 73 253; Wm 6 i.horuton 24 1/ James i.ock s30227 2; James a! kiddie 12 1; j assumpsit 3 i tor can,lot: P Simmons 112 12 4; Joseph Douglass James liudgepeths Orps 49 144 Abel Gltmnpeoti i »>’ violent resistance of tho rihcnl: ol Uiq Stjitij, 08103: Willis Gambons521 3, J A Rogers 192 111; Henry C Spicer 16410 3. Pi!:e—Silas W Cash 33 G 3; o-, -a- •Ads Burqs jpl •Woody Jackson 140 8 2; Beiij Tillery 710 2: Uriah RiThnrds 85 21 3; Martha Nigh: h a i2;l 5-4; Meshack iMaddcx 9 17 1; Wr.i I.'rown 254 7 2; Ileury V Yaiibiljber 216 8 j- John Tubllt 132 23 3; Thomas Waller 183 23 3; Sihnan Scad 43’8 2; Ocorgo Duren 252 7 4; Samuel Bell s 1 w 29! 10 2; Litth berry ftlattbews 54 15 -8; W r ii> Deasdti 29 • 12 2, Denson Crow 41 29 2-, orps 87 13 2: Iicni Dorton . „ 5 „ vij Riddle 151 27 3; Jolm Warmi/f a 172 fe6 z; nV-wui pvotfevt Itcrscir. }Ji; , Wui P !Ia:nbr»e!c 16J 7 4; Henry Ffflardiu 84 12 weak as she is thought to bo, by these of hr 4; Moses Caps 143 6 1; 11;. Myrkk s 150 4 citizens, who ewe paramount o.Uo;.’iancs t<> 4; Joint'Jacksons orps 133 25 2; Noah ‘Ellis 288 Rhode Island and New-Jcrsoj.— Charleston 6 2; Tbos Lee tl 114; Clarissa Aslin fa 124 S Mcrcur-t 2: Wilsfjr’E Maflgliam 1859 8; Isaac Evait 32 8 s 1: Tho’/f l Turner 337 9; Daniel Hayacs'105111 . - , . r ^ ' I , » , 2-! Alfred Johnson 1166 2; David Madden 8916 j At n; Jato.roproscnfntmn of Romdo and Mil 1: Samuel Michel) (-0 7 3; .lames Cash s3G262;i nmimil T heatro m Bostctt, th.c f.ilw- Wasthiugton W.arrcn 4 133; D Toiu hstotjes'orps j ih^ Indicrons-sccne is stated by the CV-mrcerc:- 52 9 3; J Shaddix 191 23 2; Miclfiid Howard j til Tb.zc-tto to hsive been exhibited: 157 14 2. j “Tn (ho 'middle of one of tlte roost totulcr. PROMINENT PROVISIONS, j was oVsotvffd in the lobby of tU second dcr; Gf the Act of tka Legislature of South Caro- | no c.tie cqttM toil tyhy—or nobody knew wlur.'* Una, to carry into effect the Ordinance of fore* On a do; V flew opctl after tniydcr—a vi olent sca'.r.periitg was heard—n rash took plocc front th.c boxes, and ‘chaos bod cetrc nfa?*.' Some one now exdafiued, “drat, a rat- Nnllificntiuu The lii>t clause authorizes any impbrter, coushrueo or owner of goods to recover posse that he will* prosecute his suit and abide its <te- j throwing rt bevy of beauties into ‘most admired cision. This bond the Slieriff retains. The [ disorder.’ Here he was brought to bay—nirl Merchant havintr received his* goods, disposes j with the’ resignation of a hero, received his quo ofthcnV'at pleasure $ his declaration js filed— etirs from au iron heel* large enough to Iiac the case coi’V'S on in Court; tbe J sworn to enforce the Ordinance 6f Ntillifi’ra ttdn—and of course decide that ttfo Tariff bc- belpt ged to one of the seven leagued boots. Tie «lims»:t, however, was not ye t capped—s cat, Lelonuing to (he establishment, v.'I:o at I in’ a nullify the collector has no claim whatev- • sundry times, has amused the audience "'M cr to the'goods—tho bond given to the Sheriff j her plunhols, had scented the mischief front ’• is cancelled—and there the matter ends. The j far, and just at the moment whua Juliet, ‘lib-’ 0,1. .'it 10 find dll' lowest ; (he sum of twelve millions end a half. economical ad aioijtra- ' Tina .average value of al! tbe imports from 1627 rin.1 , ,, ■ runl :r in,: ■ v, ! ;: ;, 0:1 v tl: ■ 1 _i.; ition of <’oogrcs’sequal- j tucJo tbj IVetCjury, cotil.i reduce ua--j J/‘ 9 r -. but have wi to secure a 1 <lin S . is 86,200.000 dollars a year : ■ six yea: . • tiitcly precc- 10,0:') dollars, s;, jug an average ut 1 y sinncieirt. not ouly for pro ale lor every object within ra'I i jisla’ion. tn ! ad- 1 : •. • ..j- ■ : aatioo loving rroil 1 >r . v. hut moreover to !»• vre Mieh a " ii in, . defrayin’g the ordinary c: 1 Itjfe t ("Vwnmeut, as m iy meet a try unu. 11- id and 0 1 • <o■ -i>| demands, other than those yf 5,301); ••!./ doll ir* in ,.iv y ears, or about ix tuid a half per cent. This augmentation a- rai -olciy fr*m ttie n;ittirrrl increase of populm- lion end of tlnmostic^producfs suited for export. I’he.w can l»o therefore little doubt that-without .any change in'the existing taritf tbe same rale of ! inee i-e would go on—not regularly, but bolding ( good as to any average of a succession of peace- "%^'nrfi weal I «ms from a -tate of and j 1 "* years 'ioiig conriiiueiT rviiiT r«. TJie ttuvee, too, of au j On this print iple of calculation alone the aver- stu rHcmai *oid «eui;.oiarv diuiioution of revenue | .age of rtic next period of years would be ninety Jsxsm yoar <>r i'm. sii rsiug from tbo iluctuatious of j t«vo milli/irts. But the opurauon of the Tevenui «r hlni poudc.ii rnojigeS of foreign nations, . system new proposed, as comparer! with those t.L •j»res-pi« »»so aii.uiierstToug argument for aakaru- j 1321 aud 1923, would relieve the cousuntcr (,.j payment, and those having n.inunds against said ’■•V'J 1 oiv—ai -settle orvcvaruie. I imp,art.'9 goo-ls fr~m a of twelve millions a j estate .are requested to present them in terms of j e-ia.s aawuwl .'tmoauI,9ra*rcvcT, oTffirmnsii- | a year. These .twelve millions dieretofo re paid j tire, law. jui2 15 », 2UumJtxjsttbetvoSuced- -Jklf JiL-y oud 4>y tbc Ac#sricau^»eoplo Mo <heir Bovcrjuical, Ear ting- liver do do i eplnc and cfiniiHoa do •J.a.lies neckChalbs do which Chtdul, Seals rind Keys Gcrit. link aurl curb Ciiaiiri, Seals .a’dil Keys , finger KiDgs, Breast Bine, Shir! Studs. ■ ns, (a good asortment) :1 Castois. Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Razors, pocket, pen and dirk Knives, Dirks, PistoN, (a fine article,) Spectacles, Coral Beads, &c. 5c. AU of which are offered at very low prices for j 6 cash. RtTu.8 R. SMITH. v Nov. 14 13 N. B. Particulorattentioij paid to the R F.T’Al- R1.\G ot H ATCHE.6 of every description and warranted. Silver f?pi Fine plat Philips Laney 130 21 2; Win B;ice s S5 6 4; t Ray 16 17 J; Mary Jackson w 213 26 3; 1 Moore 220 10 0; James Russel jr 180 7 1; J Merchant 1ms been pu» in possession of his goods immediately after landing, and has paid no duties on them. We come now to The third, which pi'ovidesyigainst tho disobeaieiico of the Collector of otner federal agent to thb.mandate ofthe Court—hy in any manner withholding the goods claimed. On 4 LL persons indebted to tbe estate of John E- DaiUy, fote of Monroe -count v. deceased, ure hereby notified to come forward and make J OR.DAN Jhii,EiUER,aidin’r.- 6 4; Wm Wm Tobn Mobley 17 27 2; John Adams 53 16 3: Albert Tatum 8614 3: Reuben Boyet orp 83 16 3; 1* !! (’i i 8 26 2: Jolm^ellcis 3:il‘26 3: Joan ffiehafc’V 105 14 2; Tliomus Cork 6325 3: Rnn- som■'Gentry i3G 12 2; Jolm W Stewart 296 II 3; S \V( !ki;i- - l70 4 4; Robert Little 86 23 2; Joint Gulimnu299 13 4. Houston—Benajah WlHiamsou 116 7 3:' J■ in Henderson 33 6 4; Warren Merryfiu-Id 27 J-l 2; I James Holderuest'21] 123; Eli o!,‘:.1i Beddy w j 326 6 4; J* s«o 284 8 2; Arthur P«ucock245 Wm CiiiK'S 187 25 2; M liona-ii lad 17 I: MiltorlM Ham 166 14 2; J L Ingram s 92 27 2: Kicbnnl Wingot 4 15 2; Warren B ftlassey2G7 7 4; Joshua Mercer 173 16 1; Mcrideth Joiner s 182 24 3; Allen Shivers 227 6 2; Elijah Watson 151 19 4: Michael Barnw-di 2 -5 11 2: Ann Reid w 12312 2; James llov. t 1862; Wm Mizell s 239223; J O-Watson 7315 3; JohnJ Parklturst 21 12 4; John Smiths orps 311 17 1; Richard Dc.anrs 14017 1; Temperance Brady tv 316 13 3; Roht Brooks r s6!> 23 2; B Triewett 99 14 4 Turner Smith 107 11 4; W111 G Johns 125 18 4: Jantes Brown 7156 23 3; Needham Cbesuiii ri. 13 1 22 2; Osburns Wiggins 139 16 3; Jesse Bitts Ni.ibc all tear.!,’ was bewailing over her dywj Romeo, came frisking upon the stage.—Ti.e I cltarm was at once broken—tho concatynattov I of Ideas was too strong to be resisted, and sattM ; to the astonishment .ofthe gentlo Juliet, whoff back was towards the innocent intruder—I whole house imrst into an involuntary fit t ; i this tlio Sheriff makes an affidavit ofthe deten- IffuglnVf. Evt 1 the prostr ite Romeo, who' • tion, and takes not a writ of withcrnian—tin- bet 11 very dead for sente time, could not re ran dor which he the private properly of fronrwliisp ring-to Jnliet—‘ i Vhat the devil tiie Collector to dt-tlble the value of the goods ta/pay noioP The hoiy friar himself v,.'S E’ detained, and retains it at the expense of the wilderrd, aind, forgot bis ghostly office; end & CoUectoF, and for the beoefit of tbc importer, was a long time before either audience or ? 1 ’ until the .nods arc sun end' red.—The Sheriff tors could m:2L ie;uly corRjtosc tficir tr.itst by having it in his power to do thisj is .not jfre- os to resume the, busiucss of the play- y eluded from all tbc usual modes of enforcing j curtain was prematurely dropped ; and tints, c the first trrit of replevin. the intorventiou of such a n .ding itieiden', *** The fourth clause, en:powers tho Sheriff to pm down anv attempt to re-c.apture the goods after he has delivered them to the merchant. The fil It ch‘. tsa, authorizes any person who shall pay any dudes, to recover tiie amount with interest from ti e Collector by an action of assumpsit.— i ids action takes tlio iisi:;:i course of tin action on account ornate of h.and and the merchant after bavins- received his ;roods the denonment of this convert' d into a farce.” of tr-jf redid it's tiie 1 - alliances; atidneB 1 twepared to cnoouna*', iitnebagocs can raise D w ’l they sav ni j late® 1 The r'inois Chdeniaj; sti oil tiie ii. ntiv-rs arc forming summer wdi bo wtntos. Tlio warriors among thorns dv. s, atv neighboring tribes will furnish an-eqi and sold tiiem, if ho chooses this re.nedv, is sure , Kickartoc-' Hills will he their probable ,d recoiving tho amount of duties and interest. rendezvous." ., 011 them, ih'.a ytnjfat iarthost. if the Siicriff The Boston Atlas' savs—“Tiie ducii-l 5 ' shorn.i not lie able to >_et the money, a ca. sa. fought in Rhode Island’a re believdt! to he may issue against the body of die Collector. j officers of tho Navy. The wounded 111 ’y f lie sixth clause, entitles any person arres- i reported to bo dangerously ill in this city, led or imprisoned by process of the Federal; At the North, \vintei hffsfairly s< t in.- Court, to ids immediate release by writ of Ha- , is fine siei • hi-»' lrbin Tins to Montr obstructed -Tltc r; tival- 1' ir! nnicut of any person Tor. non-payment of di;. py 2C2 19 4; \V il- - tics—and the twelfth, that naUiousc or building Durham 32-1 b 2; i jm- (ho State dmfi l-.o so used. 'The. t|;htecmb f rovides that no ttndictmcgt under an;*.ll be traversed, so liiat .the federal vMbter?. of the law wilt bo ponis’xd at the first sessions after the commlt- sitta of their crime. T'he fourteenth ladates to tl;e disposition nf k'te fi les, viz: to the public treasury of tho j State. The fifteenth provides-tint the Cidinanre and the act may be given in ••evidence ’without being sgcctaily pleaded. .The six (couth and hi-,;, that fhc-act goes info force on tbc first of Fcbrunry next. ■By the ChMnance, hot only all bonds -given after the 1st February, hut 4fit. oottvh tfe-teec* te If lie refuse payment, the Cciir*> il property for the dutids; tl. he or bis posse should kill a Federal Officer, cr his assistant, it would be justifiable homi cide. If, on the other bond, the epperers ef our Live should kill,a ShcrlF, or other r;tizc-a, engaged in enforcing it, tiie offended v. 011M be guilty of murder, ami be executed aSa: fet or. The rc ntrdy strikes us ns lolt rablc c iilcin,:. If we are asked, why t!;o Legislature lies mt fern-.aUv enacted jtCualtics fir such citizens as sion of his gefods forthwith from lire collector : for a ducat.” The mystery was soon explain- bv nn act of replevin, or by anv other jtrocess ! ed. A huge rat, by some means r.r other, ir 1 authorized' by law'1ft case’*,. 6jf. the illegal sei- made Ids outre to the lobby# and seemed very jjjtre or detention of peisohal property.’ " J solicitous of making his first appearance rpm j If any. person claiming tlio goods choose to 1 the hSards. Roots, canes and umbrellas proceed by' rojdev'in, he makes n&davst of -the ! all brought hi requisition against lit::;—hut tc- soizure or detention by the collector or his a- j uacinus of jiberty, like a noble fcl'.oV, he nn gent; a writ of replevin is green to the Sheriff j the guaatlct for some time, and was deterniit- lx:as Corpus on-application to any Jiidja of| navigation oi’tho North rive Jic State; and.also to an action. against ,„tlie I i C e, lor some distance Ijelow Albany,