Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, January 16, 1833, Image 4

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•mfp. Bibb Sheriff Sales. W ILL he *>o! ! uu tile first Tuesday iti RV* :> V’ ii.-xt. before tLc court 1; t 1 - lowu of .Vjeoii, between ibe u>i:ui hours in FEB- ol To-. f 'vo Lots in tlie town of Macon, No. 7 anti six—levied on as ilic property of C. ;•/?"•/i.y, or his interest in said lots, to satisfy 'three i i Fas issued from a Justice’s .Court iu fa xor ol C. It. Colo vs Gcorgo .Alickhjolm and Cor* oeltus Townsend—levy made auil rnturued to mo by a constable. 20 2 A acres pine Loud and improvements —levied on as the property of Isaiah Thompson, to saii.-ly a I 1 i Fa issued from Bibb Inferior Court, in favor of Rufus K. Evans vs said Thoirpscn. 'i !»• laud lies five miles from Macon, ou the Fed eral road, w hereon 31 lives. >*«, l-M*. One Negro woman by tlio name of Isabel, almat 20 years old—levied on as (fio property of Houston Sheriff Sales. A dm inistrator's Sale. W 1I.1. be sold ou the firsi Tuesday in FEB- >rv V »l,_ .r.,1 J . ., ”, RUARY next, before the courthouse iu ! O bc smd J.h ^t^ “ t, cbrua Perry, Houston county, between the usual hours i ' r t °7v 0 r sale - 1 County, Lot of Land No. el m ary next, will in Zebuloc. tho third dis- One lot of well improved oak and hickorv - 2fhf?T a fe Monroe, now Pike county,- Laud, in the twelfth district of Houston co- lut x I .l.Vrb ° * ho,, ‘'^ bl0 U,c C t ourt . ?^rdi- .. i,„..„, .. ii„ i> iv i- K ‘ ,ut J, nary of Clark county, ns the property of If illia kno^ l .. ! "°' V Sves a « d Vras,cell deceased-for the benefit of the hei. Known by No. 39 in said district, sje ne „ roes to wit, March, a man 'J2 years of age, Creasy' a woman 35 years of age. Mf.riau 15 years of'age. .Hid h.r child Stephen.* months old, Henry, a buy 14 of ape, Harriet a girl 12 years of age, 500 bushels o( Corn more or less, 9 stack* of Fod der with, die 7th eicepted, 2 work Horses, 13 head stock Crittle and 14 head of stock Hogs—all levied ou as the property of Horace It. Dinkins Thompson now i to satisfy a Fi Fa iu favor of Lunsfgnrt Tilts bear- 11. Ii. HOWARD, j er vs said Dinkins ami Theodore Guerry.and oth- Shcr>ff. or Fi Fas vs said Dinkins. . One half acre Lot In the town of Perry,: well improved, w hereon David W. Alan’s fand- i & creditors of said deceased. Terms ofsalo on tho day. JAMES R. BURT, jau 2 Adtn'or. w^ immoi.3 to satisfy u Fi Fn in favor of! now lives, and one dark bay horse—levied on I.uke Ross assiguco of James L. Ross vs said Simmons, property pointed out by Luko Ross, d ce 1 11. 11. Howard, shcrijj'. Also, trill be sold as clove. One Store House anti tlie ground on which it stand; 1 , ou Cherry street, adjoining George Jowett—levied onus the property of Be mu l S. tlrijjin to satisfy n Fi Fa issued from tho inferior court of Bibb county in favor of the Rank of Ma con trnii-fcrred to Joseph J. J. Griffin vs said B. ii. Crilliu. One lot of Mills and 300 acres of Land more or Io2—levied on ns tuc piojieriy of Solomon Groce to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from the in ferior and superior courts of Bibb couuty, iu favor of the JLmk of Darien and others \s said Croce, A. S K- unel and Lewis h-C'rocs and others. r i he Lot and improvements, whereon is a Tavern, known formerly, as the Washington ilad, now lluson’s Hotel, or Charles S. Laris' interest in said premises—levied ou to satisfy sou- dry Fi Fits issued from the Superior Court of Bibb county, in favor of John A. Jones and oth ers vs s.iid Lcwts. W. H. CONE, Dee 23 Dtp. Sheriff, j POSTPONED SALE. Also uill be sold as above, ©ue 4 acre Lot adjoining the town common —levied on as the property of Solomon Groce, nowiu tho occupancy of John C. Johusun, to sat isfy sundry Fi l’us issued lrom a Justice’s court, .in favor ofN.C. A!mime vs said Groce—property pointed out by tho dcleudaut—levy made auJ re turned to me by a constable. Lets No. I and 2, in sqnaro 42, in the town of .Macon—levied on as the property of II illiam 3'. IIuntil, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Bald win superior court, iu favor of Janies S. Calhoun vs - ;id iiansHi. u. ii. Howard, Dec. 23 Sheriff'. Pike Sheriff Sales, X V the first Tuesday iu FEBRUARY next. H. v w ill bo sold before tho court house in /.eh- tdun, Piko couuty. within the legal hours of sale. One crib of Corn, one yoke of Oxen, Ox cart and Ox Yoke, 3 Feather beds and Furniture, as the property of David W. Man, to satisfyi i Fa in favor of Samuel Williams vs David W. Man and Michael M atson. 101+ acres weii improved oak and hickory Laud, it being the south-east half of lot No. 170 iu tho fourteenth di trii t of llousn.n county—le vied on to satisfy a Fi Fa iu favor of James M. Kelly for the use of !M. S. Cason vs Allen li. Chastain administrator on the estate of Heary Bhmchnrd deceased, and other Ft Fas, levy made and returned to me by a constable. lOlij; acres of pine Land, in tho fifth district of Houston comity, it being the west half of lot No. 25 iu said district—levied ou to satisfy a Fi Fa iu favor of Wilson ColliiM vs Solomon Davis —levy made a: d returned to me by a constable. One half acre Lot In the town of Perry, well improved, whereon Edward Welch now lives, one. negro woman 35 years of age, known by the uaui'c of Penelope, one lot of Land well improved, whereon Airs. Allen now lives, and tl o Tavern at present occupied by Henry Lips comb, iu the town of Perry, Houston c'dtmty—all levied on as 'lie property of jEUtcard li'tlch to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of James A. Everett and others—property pointed out bv plr.iutiff’a attor ney. ’ ISAIAH CHAIN, Dec 27,1832. Sheaf. be sold on Thursday tho 31st JAN- CJARY next, at the lalp^ residence of Jonathan Mann, deceased,J« -Fayette couuty, All the Perishable Property of said deceased, consisting of stock-of various kinds, household and kitchen Furniture, a variety, of Work Tools, a quantity of Corn and Fodder, and olli- r articles loo tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day until all are sold. Also, at the same time and place, Tho Plantation trill bo rented and the Negroes hired fur the ensuing year.—Terms of sale and hiring made known on the day. All persons owing the said estate, or that have demands against it, are hereby required to make payment, and render in in terms of tho law. JESSE MANN ) ,, , WiU L. CAMPBELL, < A(imoT3 - Dee 91, 1832. 12 The Sign of the Golden Bell, Formerly LaFayetle Hall, ... Neuman, 6a. T HE subscribers having taken charge of tb' largo and commodious Building, situatei. ou the southeastern sorherof the square, by fni the most conspicuous and beautiful situation in the town, respectfully inform, the Public and theii Friends, that their House is open and in good order for the reception of Company. Their terms will be governed by the hardness of tho times. Their Table will ba furnished with the best the country can afford. Their stables well stored with Provender, and attended to by a punctual Ostler. Their Bar will be supplied with an as sortment, of Liquors. From the long experience of Mrs Philips in this business, we flatter ourselv es, that we will be able to givq general satisfac tion to all those who may favor us with a call. WM. T. WILLIAMSON, Dee 4 2t MARY PHILIPS. Land foi* Sale. F IVE Squares of Land, first quality, formerly occupied by Elijah Tarver, lying on Flint River, two miles above Calhoun’s ferry, in Up son county, and sixteen or seventeen miles be low Thomastou, with good improvements, and four hundred acre* of open land, all fresh, and iu fine state for cultivation, aud will be sold on good terms, and auy indulgence given on it that may suit the purchaser. For further information call on O. C. Gibson or A. F. Edwards, liv A List of Letters R EMAINING iu the Post Office at Clinton, Ga. 1st January, 1833. GREEABLE to au order, of tho Inferior Court of Way te -ountv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, w tl jesofd on the first Tues- I jh Thomastou, or ou the subscriber, jiving in po° day in .MARCH next, : the court house iu Zcb- ftunbu-. BENJAMIN J\ TaR VEIL ulou, Pike county, , Columbus, Ndv. 19. 8 4t Sot 111 1214, . 1 g in the third district of *. n nerly Monroe now Pike county, sold for the bcnAit of the heirs of Robert Leach, deceased.—Terms made known ou the day. Dec. 14 .»LOUldA LEACH, Adm'rx. 12 at.:; Is and cords, two chests, G chairs, 2 cotton wheels, one Reel, ouo Table, one Loom, one Pot uud 3'Ovens, one cupboard, 2 cows and one year ling, a crop cane, ants bay mare, Hi head of silicic lings, ami ouo lot of Land No. 1U3, in the 3.1 district lormerly iMouroo now Piko couuty, le vied on ns the property of It illiam Harper, to sat isfy a Fi Fa issued out of the superior court of said county in favor of Jewett, Abell «fc co. ag- aiu-t Will turn Harper, Angus McKenzie, John R Le ach, mid b ilsuu Lovqioy. One* Lot of Land, No. b in tho 8th district originmiy Monroe uow 1'iko county, levied ou as the properly of Ii iltis II hutlcj, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from nu; lyit-y • — tuvor «>i Joint 1’ t-pier & co. vs Green v\ hatloy and W illis \\ halley. Tho west half of ho\ No. 70, in the 2d dis- trietorigiuully Momuc now Pike county, contain ing iulj acres, more or less, levied on as tho pro perly ol Thomas Curgilc deceased, to satisfy Fi Fnsissued from the justice’s court of said comity in iavorof ill ll Mathews others, against Johif A/artiu ndinr iu Ins own wrong ou tlie estate of s.ud deceased. Levy rundu and returned to mo by a constable. .Fivii Negroes, viz. Bob a ntan about 40 yrs of age, .Mary a woman about 39, d/atilda a girl about 7, Eliza a girl about 5, ami EUcck a boy 3,—levied ou as the property of Collin A. Fret- Troll Co satisfy Fi Fas iu favor or James Victory Si others, issued lrom the superior court ofGrccn eonty. Oru nogro boy by the name of Henry,- ab^tit thirl .n \ ears o:J,—levied on as tho property 11 ii. Joh. son to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from ihu superior court of Henry Comity iu favor of Kimberly & Chisholm vs said Jonusou. j-.i'J " .lUlt.N t’. iiti.V.-'.l.l.L, Sl.'.njj. Also iciil be sold us above. One Lot of Land No. 82 in the eighth dist- tict of originally Monroe, now 1’ikc couuty, con taining two hundred two aud a half acres more or h'-s. Lot of Land No. 83 iu the eighth dist rict of originally 31011101;, now Pike couuty, con- ttuniug tw o hundred two ami a half acres more or less—all levied cui as the property of Leonard Sims to satisfy a Ft Fa iu favor of dhelmau Dur ham and Mi.i ;ii Durham, property pointed out by tlio defendant, jau. 2 J. K.CLi.l L1TFR D. S. Also trill be sold abort on the jirst Tuesday in March next. Two negroes, Jacob a man about nineteen rears of age, and Pat a woman about forty years ohi—levied on as the properly of Leonard Suns to s.tii.fy a l i Fa under die foreclosure of a mort- ■ r .-. ia favor of John Neal vs. said Sinus, proper ty ; . lied out iu said mortgage. Dec. 29 J. It. CULPEPPER, Dtp. Sktrif. Piujctlc Sheriff Soles. ,\ toe li.’st Tn sday in'. EBiU ARY next, e -old l efero tlio court house iu the to\ -ii" F.iyi tlcvillo, within the usual hours. One Lot of Land, No. 9, in the oth district, urigtniUly li ury now Fuvcttc coumv, levied on Camjibcll Sheriff Sales. J ILL be 6o!d ou the first Tuesday in FEB RUARY next, before the courthouse iu the town of Campbeiiton, Campbell county, be tween the usual hours of snip, Lot of Land, No. 92, iii (lie third district of originali^ Carroll now Campbell comity, and fraction No. 57, in the third district of origiuallj- Carroll county how Campbell comity—levied on tis the property of Alien Lovelace, to satisfy two Fi Fas from a Justice’s ciiurt in favor of Starling Edwards bearer vs said Lovelace—Icvi cd on aud returned to me by a constable. Lot ol’Ldnd No. 89, in the third district of ongiually Carroll now Campbell county—levied on as ho property of Wm. .1. Hendon to satisfy tw o Fi Fas iu favor of James A. Abrebatncs vs snid Hendon—levy made aud returned to me bv a constable, property pointed out by the defen dant. Lot of Land No 154 in tho seventh district of originally Coweta now Campbell county—lev ied 011 as (ho property of Archibald Jett to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Charles Gates juu. vs Archi bald Jett aud Ferdinand Jett—property poifttc-d out by Archibald Jett, levy made aud returned to 1110 by a constable POSTPONED SALE. Also icill be sold as above. Lot of Land No. 89, In the eighth district of origiuully Coweta now Campbell county—le vied on as the property of Warren Kep to satisfy .» i-i x-.. tur.ivur of ifumas Williams vs said Key —property poiured out by plaintiff, levied 011 and returned to me by a constable. Dec 28,1832. B. EASLY, Dcp. SfUriJ/. Also, icill be sold as above. One Lot of Land, No. 67 in the 9th district originally Fayette uow Campbell county, levied on as the property of Thomas Sidle, to sat- rdy one Fi Fa iu favor of Martiu N Burk, pointed out by John Burk. Levied 011 and returned to me by a constable. Two Negroes, a Woman named Caroline and her child, levied ou as the property of John Kiser, to satisfy a Fi Fa iu favor of Charles Col lins, pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. One Cow and Calf, levied as the property of Lem. Kirlfeff, to satisfy two Fi Fas in favor of A. C’orry, issued from Campbell superior court. dec24 JAS. GRISHAM, sheriff. Crawford Sheriff Sales. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in FEB RUARY next, before the cuilrt house in ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in .March next, before the court house iu Fayette ville, Fayette county, betirech the usual hours of sale, Tvro small KfegroeB, one by the name of Mary, about four or five years of age, the other by the name of America, about two or three years of age— sold fur the benefit, df the heirs and creditors of Robert Harris decease^! —Term3 made known ou the dav. dec 21 13 L ARKIN BARNETT. Admr. For Sale, A fine stick bodied 9T’LKY now at the shop of Benton Bacon. For tenn° apply to Jefferson M Gfaybill. 19 If Notice. A LL persons having dcruauds against the cs- TjA. tate of Wm. Salisbury, lato of Coweta i county, deceased, are requested to present them, and those indebted to said deceased, will please make payment. ,CHRISTR. BOWENj November 58, 1832. 9 Adm'or. Administrator's Sale. TXD2R au order of the court of Onliuary of J Jones couuty, wil| .bo sold, on the first Tues day in .MARCH nexti at the court house door in Clinton, between lawful hours of sale, S*hrco Negro Slaves, the property of the estate of Henry Long, deceas ed, to wit: olc negro man lieu, about 22 years old, woman Sally about 22, aud her child Fran cis about 2 years old—sold for cash, for the bene fit of the heirs of said csiateto inako a division. Teachers Wanted. T HE Trustees of the 'ibomastou Academy are auxious to employ for the ensuing year a male aud female teacher. The institution pre sents inducements amply sufficient to engage the attention of teachers of the first order; and a male or female toachci who can furnish satisfactory cvideuce of his or her classical attaumients and moral character, can be employed, ahd will meet with every attention the Trustees can give iu promoting the interest of tho schools. J. B. BATEMAN, j D. WALKER, [ ? WM. P. VONGE, } S LARKIN BASS, | S’ TIL W. GOODE, J * Nov. 14, 1332. 7 7w W iley S Armstrong A S Alexander ionathan Alexander James L Alfred E II Brooks Francis Benton John Beasley John Barefield Mr Carr J H Campbell 2 Drur;4 W Christian Joseph Cooper A iu, Clark Daniel Campbell Wm-Cook JJrs Sally Cabaness John Cary ft ' Jessee Cleveland Esq David Decns .<■ Charles Duuuing Daniel Duncan Davis Duncan Giles Driver Mathew L Duncan Abner Darden 2 Wf E Freet 3 Mrs E Fickliug Thomas Farmer B Franklin Peter Gill Washington Gill James B Gilpin Frederick George John Ilodgcs John P Ilenslee James llill John Ileeth Wm D llill Drury Hodges Wm Hogan R K Kiues John II Howard Wm Johnson J R Jones 2 John Jefferson Archibald D Jackson Wilkins Jacksou James Lamar \Vm La,w ' James McFarland James Modisett W m Middlebrooka Benjamin Merritt Dennis Nichols Needoiu Norris Jacob Oswold J L Patterson Jessee T Patterson 2 AV II Porter Jefferson Pope David Parker Jeremiah Pearson sen Drqjen or Nancy Pitts W: II Richey Burrell Rabura. Grief Richardson James Richey Armsted. Richardson 8 Richardson Enos M Smith S F Slattcr Airs Nancy Stevenson EpJjraini Saunders Jacob 6tihve.ll John Thomas John Tompkins. John T Thwealt 31 ary S Tooley Wilson Whatley Jacob Watson John B Wick Antbros A Williams James D Wilson Isaac WadsworiB Cornelius P White Samuel Wright Ward Wilder Green Wii.’tamsou Robert Young E. ORMSBY, D. P. M. List of Letters ■. B EAIAINING in the Post Qiliee at Perry, / iiuUstou couuty, Gn. for .the quarter eud- iug 31st Dec. 1832, aud if not taken out by the 31stMarch 1833, will sent to the Post Of- is,to apply to their local bookseller to send there- Xeinnsean Botanic Garden Near New York. W ILLIAM PRINCE & SONS in offerin, their New Catalogues, with reduced price? have to state that their Fruit Trees are of lorn-'t size and rigorous growth, and cannot fail to gi v# perfect satisfaction by their superiority. Orna- mental Trees and Shrubs can also be supdlied of the largest size, and the collection of Herbaceou, Plants, Bulbous Flower Roots, &c. is a concen tration of the most beautiful and interesting, and is unrivalled in extent. The assortment of Rose, comprises abovosix hundred kinds, one hundrex of which are Chinese and other monthly rosed and all at tlie lowest prices. The most of the Or namental Shrubs ahd Roses are so superior ** point of size, that several inaJr be readily propa gated from 0110 plant, as the finest only are sg. iected for orders from the immense stock on band Of the Chinese Mulberry, or \iorus Mutticaulis- there are several thousand trees of good size, th^ price of which is reduced to $6‘5 per hundred #35 for fifty, #9 per dozen, aud $5 per half duz’ - eu. •,. Of the Dahlia the assortment oompris'es, three hundred of the most spleudid varieties selected from the five largest collections in Europe, and owing to the large increase the prices have been greatly reduced. Those who desire a considerable number of Roses, Pceonies, Dahlias, &c. will be supplied at a very liberal discount. About eighty thousand Grape Vines arc uow ready for delivery, comprising all the choicest ta bic and wine grapes. Of the Camellia Japonica or Japan Rote, ouc hundred varieties have been extensively in creased, aud tho prices of these aud other green- liouso plants are put so low. tiial this can no lon ger form an objection. The New Catalogues will be sent to every ap- plicant, and every invoice of Trees has a printed heading and our signature; and purchasers who do not send their orders direct, arc particularly enjoined to insist on bills as abovo, as no other will he guaranteed. Those who are no.t conversant with 'J:e varie ties of Fruits, can obtain Prince’s Treatise on Fruits, which contains descriptions of near eight hundred varieties, and the Treatise ou the Vine, and on Horticulture, at the office of the American Farmer, and of Carey & Hart, Philadelphia, &c. aud the,readiest (bnrso for persons at a distance lice Department, Washington city, as dead let- for. ters. Persons wishiiig them will please inquire Those persons who wish quantifies of gardea tor Advertised Letters. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ L ’ Albritton James 2 I dec 28 JAMES LONG; Adm'r. II ERE AS my wife Sally has quit my bed and board, this is thereforo to forewarn all persons from trading with or harboring said Sally, ns I »,ro determined not to pay any contract that she may .hereafter mako. Fayette county, Dec3 II 3t JOHN G. SMYLIR. Notice. A I.T. wiMnnc m*M>icd to the estate of Mary _/j8_ Roberson, deceased, of Monroe county, will conic forward and make sealcxnciir. Those ha ving demands will present them legally, doc 28 MOSES HARRIS. Ex'K 'BAS f ILL be sold on the first ” flcsilay iu March W v next, at Forsyth, Mouroe county*, within the legal hours of sale, jR. likely young Negro Fellow, about twenty years of age—sold agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of Solomon Lockett, minor, dec 29, 13 W. HUNT. Guardian. Knoxville, Crawford county, between the usual hour* ofsale. One Lot of Land, No. 131, iii the seventh j district of Crawford county—levied ou ns the property of Frederick Busby,- to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Crawford superior court in favor of Jonathan Ashbcrrv vg'said Bushy. £J-eorjia, Crawford County. f |'| OI.LED before me, William M. Brown, a Justice of the Peace for lit* 49-lih Compa ny District G. M. by Blount IL Bazemore, one sorrel MARE, with a blaze face, and lias a scar on her left Iiiiul foot, a blemish iu her right eye, about 4 feet 4 inches high, supposed - fo be eleven or twelve years old, and appraised by lineal Stee ly and Asa II Parker to $10. Dec. 1st, 1832. Wm. 31. Bnoiv.v, j. p. A ttus Extract from the Estray Book. d 10 W. J. IIAMMACK, C. L C. Strafed or Stolen, On Tuesday morning last, front ' s * tiir') town, a BAY MARE, about 14A hands high, Iotig bodied, well muscled, shod allround, the shoe on tho right loot broke half off, black main and tail, One negro wev.ihn by the name of Dice, a- j main inclined to be kinky, tail pretty long, whit- bout 45 years of age—levied on as 1I10 property ish saddle spots ou her back, a little whit* on one of Cagdil Hamilton to satisfy a Fi Fa issued I of her hind feet, and will bo five years oid next out of tho inferior court of Crawford county, in spring. Any person returning her to mein Ma- fav«r of E. IV. Dennis A-. Co. vs said Cugdil | con, shall lie "liberally rewarded. HE Trustees of the U.N1UN ACADEMY, _j. Upson couuty, iu announcing this institu tion to the public, congratulate themselves and the friends of literature generally, upon the ac quisition of the services of the Rev. Pktu ,31‘- 1 NTT be as preceptor, a gentleman,, of considera ble experience in that business, yfia whoso testi monials furnish indubitable evidence of the ex cellence of his nioial character, of his general worth as a man, and his superior qualifications as a teacher. In this institution will he taught all the brau'fches of EnSlifh; Classical and .Mathe matical instruction which are usually comprised in a course preparatory to admission into the Sophonioro or Junior classes ol college. And while tho literary aud intellectual courses of st u dy will be diligently encouraged, iio feci assured that proper attention will bo paid to tho moral an J physical education of yoft'th committed to his care. We respectfully solicit tho attention of parents and guardians at a distance, to this institution, w hich is located in a healthy and moral neighbor hood, neartlicrcsidencoofDr. Kendall. Itisex pected that Mr. MMntyrc will settle permanent ly near tljo school. The terms of tuition will be about What is usual in similar institutions. Board in t'espectablc tamiiies nml on reasonable terms may bo had in the vicinity. Tho School will o- pett on tlie first .Monday iu January. THOS. I{. SMITH. ) REUBEN WHITE, | D. KENDALL, [ Trustees. S. B. SAUNDERS, ROBT.JACKSON, sen. J Upson County, Dec. 5,1832 4t 11 Alinau BurweU Allen John 31 Bell Wm 2 Bell Basil Bprrow Henry Brooks Robert Brooks Samuel Brooks Bryant S Base ha I James Batts Nathan Ball Wade II Byrd Wm Brown Burrfjll Burnham Ellis Lawson Hugh Low D B , McIntyre Peter Rev 2 Montgomery Robert Mitchell Daniel ll Melvin Audrew Jletlowch M'iliam Mcfver Juo S McLain Hugh fderccr Joshua .Massoy \\ arren May J antes, 3Jott Joseph Maugham Bryant S Malison James Barfaaree Staueil or Lb- Newton &B:tii Dm seeds, &.c. imported from Europe, suitable for re tailing,' will be furnished with a catalogue cott- tainiug the low prices at which wo will import them, aud all communications will be attended to with promptitude and despatch. N. B. A liberal credit will b* given when de sired. Orders received and forwarded by Nov. 20 31.BARTLETT. Agent. OST—on Tussday evening last,on tbeKito- ■ A xville road, between Macon and McMtirrafos a red Morocco POCKE’l BOGK, about half i worn, containing between 49 and 55 dollars, also I a receipt from Carter & Bonnet for $82 SO, &c. j &c. A liberal reward will be given lor its delivery at the Telegraph office or at Carter & Rennet's si ore. dec 14 4t WM. D. EDWARDS. roy Griffin Parse John Cobb Howell 7 Collins Moses 2 . Cook Thomas G Cook .Mathew Clark \Vm t. W Cowart John Oliver Plmieas , Patton Gtorge 3 l’cddy Albert Pollock Thomas 2 Paul Abraham II ussel Augustus 31j Rogers. Isaac Key coders Jcnnette Carr SatnueiiOullwright Iloss Joseph Cox R M ’Itoquemore James A O’ by ..u execution V arren couuty in on and rcluructi \ a: . rty of John J, a.. Justice's court i i..i K. Walsh, levi constable. Davis's interest in lot of Laml No. ... the .*ih district forint rly Henry now Fay- ...• cou:.:y. levied on by ,<u t vccuiiouin favor of caiiorn B Gnrrctt and ollic. >. Levied on aud -•’.t.rnC'i to me bv 11 constat le. dec 28 ANDREW McBIUDE,' sheriff. Monroe Sheriff Sales. AN tho first Tuesday iu i'EBECARY next, ® will be sold before tlie court house in the n of l’orsytb, Monroe county, within theusu- :.l hours of aaic, 202 1-2 ucres of Land, being Lot No. 251, tin- ->d ilistrict of said county, levied on as the 1 .ruportv of Martin G. Buchanan, tn satisly sun- arv Fi Fas in favor of Green English and others, \a s ii l Buchanan. Levy mado uud returned to ^..e by a constable. One half ere Lot in tlie north west part of j Hamilton and Adin Hamilton. The interest of A! ill on P. Glover iii the es tate of John Glover deceased—levied on to sat isfy two Fi Fas issued out of Fufttam superior . niirt, 0110 iii favor of Napier & Ector anti ou e in lavor of T. Hardeman vs said Glover- Onc mahogany Sofa, one mahogany Secre tary, one clock, one giltcd Looking Glass, and otic Dining Table ami out Tea Table anti six sitting chairs—all levied on as the pr«p»-rty of Lemuel I), flatter, to satisfy two Fi Fas issu ed out of tho inferior cohrl of Crawford county, m favor of E. tl. Amos and one in favot- ol Ellis, Slxotwc’.l &, Co. vs said Slattcr—property point ed out by said Slattcr. One Cow—levied on as tfie property of David W. Calhoun to satisfy a Fi Fa issued ou of tlie superior court of Crawford couuty in fa vor of David Pattiu vs said Calhoun—property j pointed out by ll. Warner. 1 One Lot of Land, No. 78, in the first distrirt of origin ally Houston now Crawford county— levied ou .is the property of Thomas Doris tosut- isfy a Fi Fa Lsued out of the superior court of Jones cciHuty io favor of Alexander Keuuetly vs ■ Thomas Davis, Nicholas Summers and William .Stripling—property pointed out by J. liai nou. 1 Lot No. 21, in the 3d district of said county, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued hy tho tax collector of Jones couuty, agaiust John Fletcher—tax thirty four dollars and G8 cents Pointed out by Wiley Webb. Ten acres of Land, more or less, of Lot No. 215 in tlio 2.'. district of Crawford county, ad- jniuiug lands of Siniha S. Ilatntior, Wm. Joliu- ,ou uud It. B Smiley, including the house where in Ally Joiiiisou uow fives—levied 011 as the pro perly of Ally Johnson, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of a Justice's court in favor of Jesse Stone vs j said Johnson and William T. Brown—levied on dec 25 3fp DAVIS DARNELL. XiTolice. I will board Horses, at my Plan tation ou the cast side of the River, tit $v : 30 per month. OotP 3 Mi CHISHOLM. .Stolen* Oh tlio night of iho^tenthinst. out of Thomas C Riissell** table, io3Ic Donougb, Henry county, a sorrel about 5 feet high, flax mane and tail, with a star m Jus foronoaa. a nat ural trotter, amfabo'tii twelve years old. Is a ve ry noted horse, av'4 was formerly ownedby Major Darden of Jasper. A Reward of Ten Dollars will be given for his'delivery to me inAenry *.o. aud any information thankfully received, doe 10 1J JESSE JOHNSON. (Jj^Tlio Macdonovgh Jacksonian will copy the above. Gt . ■ .annul iorsyth, with iiiiProvctuciiK tbereon, returned tome by a constab.e, and pointed v.c I mi :■» ,he property of Robert Alien to sat- R B Smiley. WM. B. FILLS, , y sundry ill as in lavor ol Wilkins iluut \s ( ^ ... I Allen. Levy made and returned to ino by 1 1 , c ll ■ coiutabh*. A. COCillt.VN, cherijf. I BxiA3b«»3 iJfd f FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Jjtp. Sheriff. Pocket Book Lost. ~Jtr OST yesterday between BurweU Wise’s and U A the steam mill, a calf skin Pocket Book, containing $285 in money, viz one $109 bill on the Barion bank, four $20 bills on the Commercial bank, the other hills not recollected. It contained alsoauote of hand for $24 given by George Pow ell to the undersigned, due iu October last. No o- othcr papers recollected. The owner’s name was ou the inside of the pocket bosk. Any person fin ding the same and returning it to the subscriber shall be suitably rewarded, dec 24 2t * T T ™ XT T 1 ALLEN JOHNSTON. Notice HE subscriber having taken Thomas P- Stubbs in co-pnrtDership with him. the business will hereaf'et bo conducted under the firm of Eckley If Stubbs. LEVI ECKLKY. N. B. It is earnestly hoped civ fiends will not use that fashionable phrase “callagain” »vheu my accounts are presented, as 1 am compelled to col lect litem. L, E. jan. 2 3t EEWC ATXOatf. FEn HE. Trustees of the Forsyth Male and Fe- Hl male Academy respectfully inform the pub lic, jln't they have engaged lor the ensuing year the services of Messrs. ,]tarsoxs and Uolmks, gentlemen of distinguished literary acquirements, sfrict moral deportment,-.and experienced instruc tors of youth. From the advantageous location of Forsyth, being situated on a high and heahjiy ridge, about twenty five miles jefest of Macon, and midway between the .Montpelier aud Indian Springs, about fifteen miles from each, together with the dense and wealthy population of Mon roe county. we flatter ourselves (hat by.prpper assiduity and .veil directed effort aud manage ment, to rear up au institution which in point of character atul usefulness will vie with afify of the kiud in the State." There will he completed by tho 2d Jloinhiy in January, at which time tli.j in stitutions will open, a neat academic building, sit uated in a retired ami beautiful grove, and on an elevated spot of ground, containing sixteen acres of woodiaud belonging to the institution,. The Female department will be furnished hy 3Ir Pardons with ail accomplished iustructress, and will :xt all times bo subject to his inspection and direction. Bnnrd cau ho had on reasonable torms in res pectable families. JOHN S. B. LAW, dec Id 12 secretary. DRAWING POSTOOMr». Union Hotel Property. fW^HE Drawing has becu postponed till the JL first Saturday in 3Iarch next, wheu it will iioiitivcly be drawn. J. B. BATE31AN, Proprietor. Thomaslon, Dec. 28. RANAWAY FllOAl the subscriber, about the lstNovsmher, a negro fellow named Hichard or Dick, aged about 25 years, 5 feet 10 inch es high, stout made aud raw boned, when bis board >s long, bis face is covered with bumps—very black, eyes of a reddish cast, rather handsome featured, straight bunt. He was pur chased from Theophilus Y eemnn, a speculator, who brought him from Virginia last spring. It fi probable he has obtained a free pass., and is or- bis way back to Virginia. Any information re specting 3nid Runaway will be thankfully receiv ed, aod a liberal reward wilt be paid lor his appre heusion and delivery tv mein Butts county, Ga. WM. P. HOLIFIEJJ). Dee 31, 1832. 14 2t The Columbia Hive, Raleigh Star ami Richmond Enquirer will publish the abovo twi weeks and farward their accounts to this office. Colo Win Cunyers \\"m Dinkins II It Dunn Jacob Dim kin James E 3 Dmtkiu Jloses 2 Davis Finch Dean James Dcuard Alexander Davison William Duck or Nim iii Evcritt James 31 Edwards Joseph Fortner John Faruell Wm Felton Wm Gartrill & Wellborn Gilbert Thomas 2 Guerry I.egraml Ga>*ritt Thomas Gray Martha . Hays Lefpael . Herrington John Hardiu Ellias Hand Wilev A Hutchins Isaiah Hearn Caswell Iloladay Abner Ivey Lewis Johnson Faruell Jameson George T Kinchcu William Leigh Lewis 2 ltawls Moses Roach David Rouse Redden or Elijah Burnham Singleton Wm Singleton Riggers Smith Jonathan Smith Neill Shirey Jacob Suggs Hardy Spears Nathaniel Strange Dr B Taylor Jarae: N Taylor Thomas Taylor Charles Taylor Isaac Talton Cullen fidton Henry Terrel Joseph Watson Col M 7 Wiggins Osborn 5 Wimberly Perry 2 W itnberly Henry Wimberly Frederick Williams Ilnldnh Wych Jeremiah Williams Samfig’ Watson Solomc’a Webb James W Warren Patsev, care of Butler Lowe , Youngblood Iliram D Yeates Janies If'ill be Rented, O N the first Tucsdayin JANUARYj-next, ia front of tho Court House in Macon,' 3?he Saw Mills, together with the Lands, Tools and Teams atta* j cited to tho same, usually known as Flewellm's Mills. To be rented for 011c year. Terms oa the day. R. Iv. EVANS, d0ci8 CATHARINE ELLIS, Adnur. AND WISE; rip he subscriber has for sale a quantityof JL Grape Vine Roots and Cuttings, which he proposes to sell on the following terms, viz. Ten dollars per hundred, for one year oid roofs, or twelve and a half cents each for a less num ber. Fifteen dollars per hundred, for two years old roots, or eighteen aud ttirce quarter cents each for a less number. Twenty dollars per thousand for cutting'- or two dollars fifty cents per hundred. Each lot of Vines with such directions as will enable tiic purchaser to propagate them to tho best advantage. On hand, aud for sale, in quantities, to suit pur* chasers, 2U00 gallons of GEORGIA \\ 1NE. Any orders received shall be faithfully attended to ou terms made accommodating. A. E. STRATTON. Hillsborough Ga. Nov. 22, 1832.-9-9 tfP OrJorsfor the above received at the Tel Djrraph office. JOHN 31. 310ORE, P. M. A List of Letters R EMAINING in the Post Office at Knoxville Ga. January 1,1833. A.pd if not called for in 3 qrionths, will be sent on Washington C t, to the 1 • t Office Department, as dead let- £l LAW. T HE subscriber has removed to Talbottoi. Talbot county. He will continue to pra« ii»e LAW in Crawford comity, and will atte 1 ,- most of the courts in the • ” „_ n oochce circuit. j ,aa 'niSSl WMKSfiK. cirs. temos Elijah 31 Aell Thiflmns W Brand Zachuriah3t Bond Willis Berry Mr, Brooks \\m B DurUlshaw DanI Burtluud Mr Celcy John Esq Clark Alford Carriuton 3V'm Commander Laml Coody A J. Davss Levjis Delk David Davis Thomas Delaney L 31 Fag on W II Ford Wm P Goodinen Danl Green Peter B Goolsby Thomas H Hammon J*>hnS 2 Hicks Daniel Hawkins James 31 Hancock John Esq ilily John Hobbs James llokit Edward KainedayJesse Lockyard Edward Loyd James I .ouis Jonathan W Matthews George Myriek Matthew II Monk John II . 3Ic31urray Wm Moore George Matthews Samuel May Kinchen Miller James filcllenry Ezekiel Newsom \Y ni Newsom Joshua Prince Sylvriius Esq Persons Mary Ann Pacy A brain Park James Perkins Uriah Powell William Rylandes 31 E Smith Sampson Slappcy A G" Smith L & S Prince Smith William Simonton Ezekiel Sanders Isam Sowell John Taylor Alexander Thompson Albert Vissage James Vicks Solomou R Wnrsham Davict VV'hittington John "Williams MahuJdah Miss J. WAYNMAN, P. M. Negroes for Sale. .... B r.FOP.F. the court house in Macon, on sat •irday 19th instant, will be sold to the higii •» l Eidder, Seven Negroes. •jitr fellows aud three women—on • of the fellow i-. a good blacksmith. To be sold for cash, jan 7 13 L. LAWSHE. TO THE PUBLIC. I N consequence of an arrangement between some of the creditors of the late firm of llatc- j matt &Duucan, aud J. B. Bateman proprietor of j he UNION HOTEL PROPERTY LOTTERY, Gocrd titles can be depended 011 to prize holders ot Tickets, and the drawing of said Lottery will tako place the fourth Monday in uext December. THOMAS BEALL," JAMES SPIERS, T. AV. GOODE, R. J. CREWS, J). B. GRANT, tW. P...VONGE, J Sept. 25' ISO {£jr“ The Columbus Enquirer and Democrat, the Macon 3Icsseuger and Telegraph, the Mil- ledgcvillo Journal and Federal Union, the Au gusta 'Jlironiele ami Courier, the Savannah Geor gian, the Charleston hlercury and Courier, the Atheu.4 Southern Bauuer, the fil'Donough Jack sonian, will insert tho above twice a month till thodrawing, and forward their accounts to J. B- Bateman, at Thomaston, for payment.. Superintendents (o the Lotlerv. To COTTON DEALERS. I ^HE subscriber will hold Auctions in froutof . his store, ou Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays, Von the sale of cotton, by the sam ple. No samples will bo offered, but such as have been drawn ou the moruing of the sale, and under his own observation, that he may vouch forthecor- rectuess.of them, and the condition of the packa ges at the time of sale. Samples must bo dchv- ed at the store hy 19 o’clock A. M. and they may be examined by those w ho may wish to purchase, between thathour ar.d ll. Sales will commenc* at the latter hour, AVAL P. ROAN LAND, doc24 Auctioneer and Cotton Broker THE SUBSCRIBER W ILL sell the stock of BOOKS & HARD WARE. belonging to Eliis, Shotwell & Co. at very low prices, at retail, for cash, and to merchants who may want to replenish their stock, upon time, for approved paper. The Stock consists of a great variety of Hardware, Cutlery, Castings Mechanics’ tools, Brass Ware, Britannia do. FURNITURE MOUNTING, &c &c. L0052S M .. . Consisting of large ai.d small Bibles, Medici < Law and School Books, and a great variety 0 Religious and Miscellane ous Books. Dec. 18 23 JACOB SilOTWELfo