Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, February 27, 1833, Image 4

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lluits Sheriff Sales. iTrriLL be sold on ihc first Tuesday in ft MARCH next, before tlie court house in tlie town of Jackson, Dims county, between the Usual hours of sale. One Lot of Land, No. 17f>, in the third dis trict of origin ally Monroe now Dints county—le vied on as the property of Alexander Urqmhart, to satisfy a Pi F.i issued from a justice’s court in said district, in favor of James L. I. ink's vs said Urqucharl—levied on nnd returned to me by a constable. JI1..NRY Il.Vl'ELY, Sheriff. •Ian tit), 1833. Hen rtf Sheriff Giles. 11.1. he sold on the first Tuesday in A 1*1? IL next, before the courthouse in M4)onotigh, Henry county, between the tisual hour.-, t.f sale, One negro hoy by the name of George of a yellow complexion, about ton or twelve years of ug(—levied on the property of James C. Sleet to satisfy a mortgage Pi Pa issued from the Infe rior court of Henry county in favor of Oliver IV. Cox vs said Steel—property pointed out in said Pi Pn. Six Windsor and six split bottom Chairs, one folding leaf Table, ouo pine dressing table, 1 irge do. otic i irgc fine bedstead, and I pine do. 1 hrileiug Crevace, 1 tin bucket, 2 quilts, one blanket, one bolster, ono large andone small pot and books, one oven, one large skillet and lid, one small do. one frying pan, one coffee trebit, two smoothing irons, two pair shovel and tongs, and one llesli fork, fourtveoden tubs, three tin pans, one baking do. one tin box and two tin buckets, ouo shaving cup, one coffee mill, three pitchers, two duties, two ten kittles, two jars, and one stone pitcher, four jugs, and eight black hot- /es, one sugar dish and two tea pots, two small wuoilcu boxes nud sundry articles in them too tedious to mention, otic stand of castors, one look ing glass and two wooden bowls, one wnsh l>6\' 1 and waiter, one codec pot, one cm e'estick, one 1 ifter, one pair steelyards, two lied cords, and one pair leading line:', one blanket, one bureau, and sundry other articles too tedious to, mention'—*ftll levied on ns the property of Samuil Peck to sat isfy a mortgage Pi raitsiicd from Henry Inferior Court in favor of William H. White vs said Peek -—property pointed out in said Pi Pa. Jan5. TIIOS'. J. JOHNSON. Sheriff. Houston Slit riff Sales. jSWrILL be sold nu the first Tuesday in V ^ MARCH next, before the court bouse in Perry, Houston comity, between the usual hours of sale, One black .Mare, S years old—levied on as the property of RMtsu II,million to satisfy a niort gage Pi Fa issued out of the Inferior Court of Twiggs county, in favor of Daniel Mtu- y and William D Fitch—property pointed out by said Fitch. One Cow, one pair shovel and tongs, two pair andirons, one riddle, three pine tables, five hair trunks, icn silting chairs, four childrens’ chairs, mattress nnd cot, filiic stone jugs jars —all levied on as the property of John Fletcher to satisfy a Ca Sa iu favor of Ebenozer Ormsby en- cjffriee—property pointed out by an order issuing from Jones Superior Court, October term 1332. One Lot *ir parcel of Land, well improved, in the twelfth district of Houston county, where on jj.rci.l M. Walden now lives—levied on ns his property to satisfy 3 Pi Fas in favor of George Patton vs Etbeldred Howell principal nnd David M. Walden security—property pointed out by Gcorgo Patten, Ode nogro man, known by the name of Al bert, about 27 years of age—levied on to satisfy a Fi pa issued from a Justice's Court in favor ol C. F. Pattillovs llcury tv id Lunsford Pitts adminis trator of Lunsford C. Pitts, deceased—levy made and returned to me by a constable. Two negroes to wit: a man known by the name of Haywood, about 23 years ol "ge, a boy r.Tmti Iij or 14 years of age, kuo»n by the inim of Cader—levied on to satisfy a Fi Pa issued from Jefferson Inferior Court in favor of Hall <fc Mnrpboy vs iniliam Tomlinson—property point ed out ov E. ti. Owens, Esq. One Lot of Land, well improved, in' the four teenth distri’-r uf Houston county, whereon the defendant, John Hick, now lives—levied on to satisfy a Pi Fa in favor of William Terry vs John Heck principal, and Frederick \\ atsou security on appeal. The north half of lot of land in ninth district of Houston county, known by No. 17Giusaid dis trict as the property of William J.Jiusttl, to sat isfy a Fi Pa in favor of the ollicers ol court of Houston county. One Lot or parcel of Land, well improved, in the 13tb district of Houston county, wberton Jls.'f /fill / mill lives—levied nil 10 >ali-i\ sever.d Fi Pas issuing from a Justice’s Court in favor’-ol George Patten vs Jesso Wall—levy made and re turned bya constable, ISAIA'It CHAIN, ■I,m2d.l833. Sheriff. Monroe Sheriff Sales. O N the first Tuesday in .MARCH next, will lie sold before the court house . ra the town of Forsyth, JVlonroo county, within the usu al hours of sale, One Tract or Lot of Land, No. 140, in the twelfth district of Monroe county—levied on as ihc property ol Thomas Clarclc and J hornets 1.011 "hitrough, administrators on the estate of Ja- rad ‘Myers, deceased, to satisfy a Pi Pa in favor of Alexander A. Smits, issued from the Mayor of davauunh, Chatham county, Georgia—pro perty pointed out by John A. I utlihcrt I'.sq, One negro woman by the name ol Carry, 18 or20 wire of age—Icif.d on a-tile property of jLexciiHroiai sr. to satislv a Pi Pa 111 t;lvur o» J- shaui 13. U.tiuey vs sa.d Brown. •jOJj acres of Land more or loss, No. not i known, whereon the defendant formerly lived, in die mil district of said couuty—levied ou as : the property of Samuel Maddox to' satisfy a ii | Fa for cost. JOHN REDDING. Jau. 30, I S33. Dtp. Sheriff■ ,-uso trill l/c {told as above, 202.4 acres of Land, being Lot No. 179 in the sevi nth <ii>triet of Monroe couuty—lovtcd on b- the property of John Campbell U> satisfy suit di’y Pi Fasln favor ol Benjamin fuller hemer vs said Gainpnell—levy made and rciurned nv a con stable. . -r ]Ulj aerosol Land, being part ol Lot .10. not known, in the sixth di-trict ol Monroe county, whereon Joel Tuplcy now lives, adjo mag Huek- aby and others—levied uu as the property el said Tanley to satisfy sundry small I i 1- is m favor oJ Benjamin F. M in is vs s.iid Tuplcy and John Redding security—levy made by a constable. 2024 acres of LunJ, being th* Lot whereon James Turner now lives ill the third district ol Monroe county -levied on as the property ol said Turner, to stn'isfv sundry Pi Fas in favor of 1 no mas Taylor -V Jo. and others vs said 1 timer. 2024 acres of Land, being Lot No. 12U, in the sixth district of Monroe county—levied oil as the property of Ibdtard Mau to satisfy a f. f a i n favor cf MosesTlarnold ys said May. ii.„ mii ! 833 A. COCHRAN, Sheriff. Bihh Sheriff Sales. W ild, be sold on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the court house in tlie town of Macon, between the usual hours of sale, 2024 acres oak and hickory Land, Lot No. 299. in the thirteenth district of originally .Mon roe now Bibb county—levied on to satisfy sun dry Fi Pas from Newton Inferior Court in favor of Richard Lot all ami others, vs Thomas Baber and Francis Kirby, administrators of Joel Flane- gt;n, deceased, as the property of (he said F/auo- One hay Horse, and two Notes ofhand, giv en by Lewis J. Groce, for two hundred and thir ty-four dollars—levied on as the property of Smith W. Burnett to satisfy a Fi Pa froin Bibb Superior Court in favor of Sarah Denton vs Al fred S. Dennett nud Smith IV. Dennett—proper- ty pointed out by Smith IV. Beunett. One Lot in East Macon, well improved— levied on ti3 the property of Solomon Groce, now in the occupancy ef L". .L Groce, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Bibb Superior Court in favtfr oT.Thom as Ntinier vs Alfred 8. Bennett. W. J. Gibson and Solomon Groce—property pointed out by Solomon Groce. Two Lots of Land, Nos not known—levied on as the properly of Elijah Cotton, one lot whereon said Cotton now lives, the other lies on tlie Tiioma&ton road, eight miles from illaeon, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas Pom Bibb Superior court in favor of Thomas Napier, Joseph Gainer and others vs said Cotton and Lake Ross security- property pointed out hv Joseph Gainer nnd Luke Ross. H. II. HOWARD, Sheriff. Jail 29, 1333. POSTPONED SALES. A l*o, trill be sold as above, Ono lot of Land No. 141, in the 4tli district originally Houston now Bibb county, levied on the property of George Walker, to satisfy a Fi F* from Richmond superior court in favor of Talbot Walker for the use of F. Walker, vs Douglass & Walker. One 4 ac^p Lot adjoining the town common levied on ns the property of Solomon Groce, now iu the occupancy of John C. Johnson, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas isMted from a justice’s court in fa vorofN. C. ill unroe vs said Groce—levy made and returned to mo by a constable. Also trill be sold as above, on Ihc first Tuesday in April next. One Negro Woman by the name of Isabel, about 20 years old, levied on as the property <* Martin Simmons to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor ol Luke Ilos>, assignee of James L. Ross vs said Simmous. Property pointed out by Ltik< Ross. II. H. HOWARD, Sheriff. 7®^ HE public arc notified that the two Note B given by myself for two hundred and thir ty iour dollars, levied on as the property cf Smith W. Dennett, to satisfy an execution iu favor o, Sarah Denton, were given by me to Alfred Dennett, aud have been transferred to Smith \Y • Dennett, and that 1 hold sufficient demands ag ainst the said Sin'th IV. Bennett to saiiify sail, notes, and which In: bar agreed to accept in pay incut—and that whosoever shall nurebaso sail notes may expect to take them subjert to my de mands against the said Smith W. Bennett, fell G 4t LEWIS J. GROCE. Crawford Sheriff Sale. W r Il.L be sold on die first Tuesday i' ll ARC II next, before the court house i: Knoxville, CrawlorU county, between the tuna hoars of sale. One Lot of Land No. 21, in tlio third dis trict of Crawford county—.levied on as the pro petty o! John Fletcher to satisfy two Fi Fas oil issued out of the Superior Court oi Junes count in f wor of Euus R. Flcweiliu, the other issue*' by the Tax Collector of Joiic3 county, amount in to thirty-four dollars and 63 cents agaiust sai Fletcher. WM. B. FILES, Dcp. Sheriff Jan28,1833. Pike Sheriff Sale. W ILL ho sold on Die first Tuesday ii MARCH next, before the court house i’- /coition, Pike county, between the usual hours o sale, Two negroes," Jacob a man about nineteen years of age, aud Pat a woman about forty yeai old—levied on us the properly of Leonard Si lo satisfy a Fi Fa under the foreclosure of a mort 'age iu favor of Jolm Neal vs. said Sims, propc. fy pointed out iu said mortgage. ’ Per. 29 J. It. CULPEPPER, Pep. Sheril ■ Fayette Sheriff Sales. ILL to sold oil the first Tuesday I MARCH next, before the court house i Fayetteville, Fayette county, between the ustt hours of sale, Two Lots of Land, No. 51 and 07, both ly ing in the fourth district of originally Henry no Fayette county—levied on as the property of. I i,el I.. Robinson to satisty sundry Fi Fas issui from a justice's court in Butts county in favor < Bedford H. Dunlin vs Abel L. Robinson nud R oert Brown—property pointed out by Bedford I Dunlin—levy made and returned to me by a co.. staijlc. IV7AT HEFLIN, Pep. Sheriff. Also will be sold as above, Half of Lot of Land No. 12G, and half < Lot ofLanri No. 131, in the thirteenth district < originally llenrv now Fayette county—levied ( ns the property of Joshua Fincher to satisfy os Fi Fa in favor of T. D. & G. C. King aud oil ers—levied on nnd returned to ntc by a e< nst; file. ANDREW MvBKIDE, Sheriff Jau. 18,1533. Sale of Negroes. O N the fin st Tuesday in April next, before tl courthouse door in the toWnofFayetlevi!! . Fayette county, on a credit until Christmas nc\ sh : NEGROES belonging to the estate of R ert Tucker, deceased, consisting of plough boy- mcn, women and children. Also, On'the first I uesday iu .May next, at the con; house dooi iti K loxville, Crawford'« oumy. w< l,o sold lot ol Land No. 106. in the 7th district for merly Houston now Crawford comity, as the pro perty of R- Tucker, de< used. Adm inistrator’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in MARCH next will be sold by an order of the court of ordina ry of the county of Houston, A House and Lot in the town of Clinton, Jones county, and on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, Lot ofhand. No. 2G3. in the third district of Coweta county—sold as the property of Harris Alien, deceased, for the benefit of-tho heirs and creditors. CYNTHIA K. ALLEN", Adm'rx Jan. 31. 1833. 19 Genrsn'a—Houston County. "VySTHEREAS David II- Chewning supplies Vr to me for Letters of Administration on the rstatc of David Chewning, deceased— 77use arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections (if any they hare.) in my office within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said Icllers will be granted. feh 1 19 C. II. RICE, c. c. o. Georgia—Houston County. W HEREAS William, Byrd, administrator on the estate of Ptnkriry Yatforovgh, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from -aid estate— These are therefore to cite and admontsji all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased o file their objections (if any they hare,) in my office rithin the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be granted. jnn21 17 f fllARLHS H. RICE,c. c. o. OUR months after date, application will )> made to the Honorable the.Jnferior Lou- ouslon county sitting for ordinary purposes leave to sell the real estate of James Jont. of said county deceased, for the benefit <• ^lieirs and creditors of said deceased, b ll, 1833. WILLIAM JONES, adm’r Ol/R months after d <te application will b. made to the Honorable Interior Court o nroc county, when sitting for ordinary purpo- , for leave to sell the land belonging to the es !e of James Hardwick, late oi' said county de sed- WM. B. FILES, adm’r. feb 181833 21 OUR months after date application will b* made to the honorable the Inferior court ol lulls county, when sitting for ordinary purposes. Jr leav.e to sell 93 acres of laud, being the east [irtoflot No. 169, iu the first district of origin Henry now Butts county, belonging to the estate of John Barron, doeeased. SMITH BARRON, adm'or. Feh 10,1833. 20_ Georgia—Talbot county. W ILLIAM CHAMBERLIN tolls before J. L. Burks Esq. a hay metre with white spots ou eaclt side of her shoulder and back, with a star on her forehead? branded oil the left shoul der with the letter S ; twelve years old about five feet High. Appraised by L. II. Young to $25. Gth Oct 1832. WM S. GOtiS, c. i. c. Georgia— Talbot CQUply. HAv AVID MATTHEWS tolls before John _H_V Ilayncs Esq. a sorrel horse colt with a White face aud four white feet, with a small bell on ; supposed to be three years old. Appraised by Thomas Braddy and Jesse Gooding to $lU. WILLIAM S. GOSS, c. i.c. jah 19 1833 21 1Georgia— TaW'df county. V INSON A. PEARSON tolls before J. L Burks Esq. one yellow hay horse, ciglth years old, five feet three inches high, blind in his left eye. Appraised by William tipears aud John A vent to $65 WILLIAM S. GOSS, c. i. c. jun 618£J i2 Georgia—Talbot county. B ENJAMIN CULPEPER tolls before J Fle ming Esq. a hay filly, rather a skcwball, three years old, no other marks or brands percei vable. Appraised by Matthew McCrary at $15. Oct 1, 1S32. 21 WILLIAM S. GOSS, c. i. c. ■O-eorgia, Houston County, "WTff^HEREAS James E. Duncan applies to ^ y mo for letters of dismission from the es tate of Mayberry Wilkinson, deceased, These arc thereforr to cite tt*iS admonish all and lingular the kindred and creditors of said deceased JraS'S .">»•„ AppraisedJtobert.„d O. Do.,, Utters will be granted. Given under my hand and seal, thi3 the 4th Dec-1832. f CHARLES H. RICE.c. c. o. Georgia- - Talbot county ■"AMES COLLINS tolls before Math. Hall, J Esq. asmall hay horse about three or four years old, four feet eight or mue inches high, shod before; his left hind foot white, and his right fore foot white, and a star on his forehead: racks a in at $85. feh 9 1833. WILLIAM 21 S. GOSS, c. i. c. W wrorgia—Pike County. HEREAS John Marshall, Guardian of Pendleton Jones Marshall, applies lorlet- ers of dismission from his guardianship— These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and Jugular the kindred and creditors of said P. J. Marshall, to fie their objections (if any they have.) h: my office,by the March tenn of this Court, why rid letters should not be granted. Jau. 7 18 HUGH G. JOHNSON, c.c. o. Georgia—Coweta County. -g-OIlN VIX YARD, administrator of the es- 3 taic of David Cox, deceased, applies to ino for letters of dismission, 7Vkse art therefore, to cite anil admonish all id singular, the kindred and creditors of said de- cascd, to be and appear at my office within the time inscribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, rhy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this the 2d day of Fcb- uiiry 18:13. 20 f S1HON HOUSE, c. c. o. Georgia— Tatbot,county. S YJLVANUS MOODY tolls before Jas L. Burks, Esq. one iron grey marc, 5 ys. old 5 f one or two inches high. Appraised by Nathan iel Atkin and Harris Holseclaw at $75. WILLIAM S. GOr-S, c. i. c. may 19 1832. 21 Two acre Lots. r HE Lessees of the two-acre lots on the city Common of Macon, are notified that the 03i instalment heroines due on the Gth of Febru ary. They are requested to come forward aud pay tiie same to the subscriber. If not paid by the Gth day of April ensuing, the lots and im provements will be forfeited. J. II. OFFUTT, Secretary. Jan 24, 1833. 19 Georg iu—-Talbot county. gJHKKEAS Reuben B. Davis applies to me for letters of administration ou the wale of Tavlty Booth deceased, JYese are Therefore to cite and admonish all and ngutar the kindred and creditors of said deceas- d to Ie and appear at my office within the time rewribid by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters s’ould not be granted v Given un- er my hand and seal this 11 ill day ji February, 1533. 21 WILLIAM S. GOSS, c.c. o. Georgia—Fayette County. W IIEl?EASDaniel Osborn and William Os- boru apply to me for letters of admiuistra- ou on the estate of Langston Osborn, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and ::jrui, ; r, the kindred and creditors of said deceas- /. to ie and appear at my office, within the time reset ibed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, . hytaid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand anil seal,-'his the 4th of eb. 1833 21 WM. M‘BRIDE, c. c. o. Notice. A LL those indebted to the subscribers either by Note or Book account, are particularly requested to settj? the same immediately, as they can be put offno longer. A. SHOT WELL & J- S. SMITH. Jau 24 18 an 21' NANCY TUCKER, Adm'x. K. T. 81. TUCKER, K. G‘. STEWART, Admrs. Jim. 30, 1333 A LLTpeasoiTs indebted to the estate of James Hardwick, late of Monroe county, decca- 8 ,.,1 are hereby notified to com;’ “>rw«rd and A'c! ;ourt of Wayne ounty, when sitting f«o urniuary purposes, will be sold on the first I in > day in MAKC1I next at the court house iu Zefi ulon, l’ike eotHity, Lot No 114. in the third di-triet of nerly Monroe now Pike county, sold fur the benefit ol the heirs of Robert Ltach, deceased.—Terms made known on the day. LOUISA LEACH, Adm'rx. Dec. 14 12 O N the first Tuesday in March next,^will he sold before the court house in Fayette ville. Fayette couuty, between the usual hours of sale, Two small Kegrocs. one by file nano of Mary, at* ut * . ; * ve yeir* „* age. the other fiv the name ol Am rioa, ihout fire, years of age- sold'fo" the ii'-nefit of Georgia—Talbot county. "HEREAS Reuben Philips applies to me for letters of administration un the estate Burton Brown deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and ingular the kindred and creditors of said deceas- to be and at my office within the time cribeil by law, to shew cause if any they hare, ■hy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud seal at ofiic 5th Feb. 1833. WM. S. GOSS, c. 21 Georgia Pike county. HEREAS Arthur T. Camp, adm tor tf John Pitman deceased, aj r letters of dismission from tlie fur u -.liberation of said estate, Tl ese are therefore to cite and admonis, si gutor the Kindred and creditors of said to ,Il their objections if any they have, at fee irilhin the time prescribed by law, said lette s will be grunted. Giv n under my hand aud seal, this 4 .ary, 1833. II. G. JOHNSON, c 1 7^ OUR months after date applicatio ’ made to the honorable the inferior Fayette county, ,vnen sitting for Ordma scs,'for leave to sen the real estate of (f It ithon, decease THOS. B. W1LS nov 4 7 JOHN WILLIAM GOLD AND LAND MAPS. O WING to the delay of some of the survey ors i” making their returns, and the con sequent ilekfy that has, unavoidably attended the publication of the Gold Mnps,.6f Cherokee, 1 itavo concluded to reduce the-price of them from 10 to 6 Dollars. TJfcts,G6ld Map is divided into 3 parts, and tlio prices of the three comprising all the Gold Districts, with the exception of the 11th in tlie 1st section, which lias not yet been returned, will hereafter he six dollars—or $2,50 each. I have also now preparing, which will be completed in a few weeks..a.Cbart representing all the Qualities of, aud improvements on, every Lot on my land Map, which, together with the .Map, will be sold for $5. All persons who have purchased, aud all who may hereafter purchase the Laud Map, shah receive a list of the qualities gratis, as soon as completed. OJ 1 ’Editors .who published my proposals last summer, can at any time have the Maps, to which they are entitled, by itifortniug me by what mode of conveyance they will receive them. ORANGE GREEN. Milledgevillc, Feb. G. 20 6t AN ACT to provide for the call of a convention ro r. duce the number of the General Asset, b y of the state of Georgia, and for other purpt ses therein named. Be it enaded by the Senate and House of Re p- esentetires of thl state of Georgia in General 4s- cmhli) met, and it is hereby enacted by the author ’ll of the same, 'That the fi/st Monday in •'»1 >1; ', ighteeu hundred aud thirty three, be, and the ;;me is hereby designated and set apart as the lay on which the citizens of Georgia ■d to vote for the members of tho Legislature, hall, at tlie several places prescribed by law or holtliug such elections vote for delegates to represent them in in convention, iu number equal to their representation in-both branches ot the ge neral Assembly ; such elections to be conducted, managed and certified under tho same laws as are 4 force iu respect to elections of members of the General Assembly. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of such managers to transmit *o bis Excellency Rio Governor, the result ol said ejec tions under tlio laws now ol force for conducting, managing and certifying elections of member:, ol the General Assembly as aforesaid, within thirty days after such elections—Whereupon it is made the duty of his Excellency the Governor to issue his proclamation declaring the result of said elec tions by naming the individuals severally elected to represent tlio good people of Georgia in con veution as contemplated in this act. Sec. 3. And be it further tiiactcd, That every citizen of the United States shall he eligible to a seat in said convention who has attaiued the age of twenty fivo years, and been an inhabitant of this state seven years immediately preceding the day of his election, and who shall have resided one year in the couuty for winch he shall be elected. Sec. 4. Add be it further enacted, That each member returned as duly -elected, shall previous lo*-taking his seat in said convention, 'ake the fol lowing* oath, or affirmation, viz. i, A. B. do sol emnly swear, that I will not attempt to add to. or take from the constitution or attempt to change or alter auy other section, clause or article of the constitution of the State of Georgia, other than those touching the representation in the General Assembly thereof; and that I have been a citizen of this state for the last seven years, so help me God. Aud any person elected to a seat in saio convention, who shall refuse to take the oath a- foresaid, shall not be allowed to take his seat in said convention. ; e—' See. 5. And be it further eaacted, That the members of said convention shall assemble on the first .Monday iu .May after their election, at Milledgcville, in the Representative Chamber o the State House, for the purpose of entering up on aud consummating the great objects of then convention, to wit; a reduction and equalization of the General Assembly; shall have power to prescribe their own rules and forms of business, and to determine ou the qualifications of their o v u members; elect necessary ollicers. and make ah orders which they may deem conducive to the furtherance of the object for which" such couven tion shall assemble. Sec. G. And be it further enacted, Thatitshaii be the duty of His Excellency tdo Governor t give publicity to tho alterations and amendment made iu the constitution in reference to the m ruction [reduction] of the number of the member composing the General Assembly, and the firs Monday in October next, after the rising of tli said convention, lie shall fix on for the ratification, by the people, of such amendments, alteration-, or new articles as they may make tor tho objects of reduction and equalization of tlie General As sembly only; and if ratified by a majority of t;.. voters who vote on the question of “Ratification No Ratification,” then and iu that event, th alterations so by them made and ratified, shall bi binding on tlie people and not otherwise. Csee. 7. And be it further enacted, Thatitshaii he a fundamental article in the formation or a mend meat of the constitution, that each count of the stale now organized or laid out, or whic; may hereafter be created Ly law, shall be enti tled to at least one representative in the represei. tative branch of the General Assembly. cc. 8.. And be it further enacted, That >. soon astliu act shall have bscotne a "law, his Ex celleucv the Governor,*be, aud is hereby requin to cause it to be published iu the Gazettes of th state, once a week until the day fixed on by th act for the election of delegates to said- conven lion; and that all laws anil parts of laws militn ting against this act, be, and the same are hereb repealed. AS BURY HULL, Speaker of tbp-IIr-usc of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President oftbe Senate. Assented to, Dec. 24, 1832. WILSON LUMPKIN. Governor UNION HAM., E?L s I£ k 'Ga. The subscriber has i and now occupies the .-- if- -if. ‘ ^ uient iu F 0 f. Pleas. sion House establish syth, w here he will take ure in ministering-to the modittvon and comfort of those who may f^ 5 ' him with a call. His Douse is comnioiiio’.-, . hrindulges a hope that those who visit thu tv 5 ^ flail will have no reason to complain, cii|,,. 3 , treatment -r charges, which last shall l>e;, s i‘ erate as the times will warrant. A - hire of-T public patronage is respectfully Solicited. ° "* jau 22 IS JOHN KGDDIKc The Federal Union will please give tb e a F four weekly insertions. ' TO TllE largo aud connnodic-n Tavern, long know n as the ^ La Fayette JJal^ will be rented on nccointnoj. ting terms. For further ulars apply to John Rusltiu, in Houston co - - or of the undersigned in Macon. Jan ••/<> 18 JOHN V. RODGER? LIVERY STABLES, AT TIIE OLD 1AFAYETTE HALT. ON CHERRI ST. THE undersigned having- fitted up his stables ill a very convenient style, and hiid iu a plenty of good Provender, is erior in of F OUR. months after date applicatioi made to tho houorable the luferio Twiggs county, wheu sitting for Ordi| poses, tor leave to sell the Lauds belo estate of Harmon Perryman late of sa deceased. THOS. J TEUKYM/ uov 27 9 OUR months after dateapplirat F make payment: and ibose^hawngJtni-tnds,^', J hc , loirg ,. 1( t" c ,-editors of Ro:. rt H ;r. is v ceased ds:ikc pay “ j , nnrc Vent then, iu nnut the hers .mlcrccnors .aidestnm are icquostcd to p —Terms made known of the law. A VI. B. FILES, atfm r. ^ ^ LARK feb 13, 1533 onth- dxv. dec *4 LARKIN BARNETT, Admr. . :,e county, .-hen sitting for Ordinnr for leave to -ell toe Legatees' iutere-t • v ’► do . ; of the estate of Moses S county deceased- JOHN SMITH, jaa 8 17 WM. V»4VHaTE,i STSAM SAW AND GRIST MILL. T HE subscriber respectfully informs thepu- lie, that his Steam Saw and Grist Mill, near his residence, within one mile of .Macon, i- uotv iu complete and successful operation. ),. addition to other machinery he is prepared with a circular saw for ripping light lumber, iruch a.- Window Sash, Palings, Lath®,. &c In conse quence of the heavy expenditure incurred in it- establishment, it is necessary that he should re quire either bankable paper for his lum her, which no is disposed to sell at a fair price A share of the public patronage is very respect fully solicited. BENJ. F. OWENS. N. B.—A first rate SAWYER, may, by ap plying Immediately, obtain good wagesiafid a per ^Sentsituation. B, F. 0. July 27. 164 tf EDUCATION. T HE Trustees of the F< rsyth Male and I' male Academy respectfully inform tlio r , lie. jhat they have engaged lor theen tin- i the services of Messrs. Parsons and Ho. j, gcntlemeu of distinguished literar acquireni--" strict moral deportment, and experienced ic-'.r tors of youth. From the ad van tageous locj- of Forsyth, beiug situated ou a high arid h-v ridge, ahouttwenly five miles west of Macon, midway between the Montpelier and fnT, Springs, about fifteen miles from eac.-t, t ;i • with the dense and wealthy population of .Mel roe county: we (latter ourselves /hat by n-o™. assiduity and well directed effort aud imdc-> incut, to rear up an institution which in noiir f character and usefulness will vie with any of - - kind in the State._ There will be completed!. I the 2d Monday in January, at which time the it f stitutions wiH open, a neat academic buildinv * -lated in a retired and beautiful grove, and osjjf elevated spot of ground, containing sixteen I of woodland belonging to the institution. The Female .department will be fu. nisbcdkl Air Parsons mth-an accomplished iiistructr, - md will at all times be subject to his inspect! and direction. Board can be had on reasonable terms in r. B pectable families: JOHN 13. B.L\W dec 18 12 secrete', r I * THE SUESe&IIXE ILL sell the stock of BOOKS & 11 i/jp I WARE, belonging to Ellis, ShotttdlkB -o. at very low pvices, at retail, for cash, andti B merchants who may want to replenish t? • -tock, upon time, /cr approved paper. The Stock consists of a great rurietyef Hardware, Cutlery, Casting MECH ANILS’ ’J 00 Brass Ware, Britan.nla uo, F UR NIT U R E Bl O UNTING, & c . Su. ‘ BOOKS Ponsisting of large and small Bibles, Me 5 aw and School Books, and a great varittiiiI tieligious and Miscellaue .us Books. Dec. 18 23 JACOB SHOTWEU. Tin Ware Maniffaeturcr. MULBERRY, NEAR T'lffit) STRK.IT. HE subscriber continues to inamiftctt] JB.. TIN WARE in every variety, ;;::ij ov. on hand a genera! as. n-tment, nnich tcr i •ell wholesale or re tail at the Savannah or i prices. lie has also just received an assortment of/s-J 'tmeil TinjAV are, consisting of Trunk*, snp:| oxes, Waiters, Exea'd pans, Canisters, ugt lowls, Milk cups, Tumblers, Pepper boxes, Gn ere, Toy cups, Rattles, candlesucks, Lamps,<p ■oxes, sand Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, Sic.!ce. Also, patent Bakers, Foot stoves, blockiinTs 'its. Plates, Basins, Tumblers, See. JOB WORK dcuc at the shortest notice, i-j jan 2 WILLIAM S. ELLIS. | Blacksmith Business. ^11 HE citizens of Macon and its vicinity will JL please take notice, that the undersigned has taken the blacksmith shop near the .LaFay- ette Hall, where he intends carrying on the Black smith work iu all its branches, any kind of edge tools, springs or horse shoeing will he done ou the most reasonable terms, a share cf patronage will he thankfully recieved. JauDO 18 JOHN $. ROBERTSON. dale of Water Lots in East Jhc, r&T"OTICL is hereby given, tliat the under: T v( cd having-been appointed by his Kxn -. the Governor Commissioners to layoaa all, at public outcry, EIGH I’ LOTS OF LAND From the Town Common of I M icon, situated upon the East Bank of tktfr tmtlgee River, being foui above and four I : tho °ac acre lot reserved te the Bridge, to..-' -Kurday the 23d day of Mmen next, prt-ccc. fispose of said Lots:, i#bicli will measure onus •ieh, at PUBLIC SALE, at tho Fast Knh : - Macon Bridge, between the hours of ten-n >’clock of said day, upon the same tennis; 5 ^escribed bp the General Assembly of this;: for the sale of the last Lots sold in Mactu- 1 he said sale being in accordance wit/ufl- entitled “An Act to lay out eight additional! on the Eastern bank of the Ocmnlgee Riverc '-.ast Macon,” passed by the last General lily of this state, and assented toby hit cy tho Governor the 24th Dec. 18*2- SAMUEL .HOWARD FAY. ii. s. cf Otter, David flanbers, Commission^ Bibb sou. tj, Jau. 21,1833. 17 Loaf and Lump Sugar. SJ Barrels just received from the refinery of wJr ..Seaman Tobias &. co. ol New Yotk. for sale on accommodating terms hy jan 30 REA & COTTON. GRAPE VINES AltfD WIItfE. fit HE subscriber has for sale a quantity ol A Grape Vtrtfe Roots and Cuttings, which heproposes to sell ou the following terms, viz, Teu dollar's per hundred, for one year old roots, or twelvo aud a half cents each for a loss num ber. Fifteen dollars per hundred, for tv.o years old roots, or eighteen and three quarter cents each for a less number. Twenty dollars per thousand for cuttings, or two'dollars fifty cents tier hundred. Each lot ol Yu a vitb such directions as will enable the purchaser to propagate them to the oest advantage. On bund, and for sale, in quantities to suit pur misers, 2UK) gallons of GEO RG1 V WINE. Auy o. iiers,received shall be faithfully attended <’ on terms made accommodating. A. E. S'l R V TON. H tlsborovgh Ga. Hev. 22, 1832 —9 n fj o,dersfor the above received m the Tel vff dj/h office. C harleston, Feb. 8, 1833, Y ARIOUS reports reached u- off impression gaining round throughout Country, that in couscquo ice of our presto lf I happ- political relations, there will uot h f - 1 ! spring su- h stock of Goods as-sirq ostu ily Lf- 5 " \\>, *he undersigned, Mlrch* have concluded to adopt this method ofcotajn acting an opinion so injurious to om friends '<* ourselves, and to assure thoso, who have use:f| made their purchases m Charleston, that*** tend to pursue our business In this ji/scc, uu- prevented by causes not now anticipated: having at this time, and expecting!-a full s' 1 ?” of s^rh articles, as have usn.. y Ivtu kept b;-> vv^aro, aud w ill be prepare , tc meet Vi ands of our customers, as fully and satisfy rily as heretofore, and respectfully invite ' visit this city, with confidence iu our abid; disposition >o promote their interests. Parish, Wiley V Co. W. S. Bong tfCo. C. fy G■ H. Kelsey, N. H. It'ilJmnn fy G Weed fy Benedict, J fy J. fait, Walton, Murrell fy Ca. H- B- Gleason fy fV Miller, Ripley fy ('#. Stoddard. Davis fy ' domes J- M'Ca ttr, Eyland fy K- fy C- Robbins. C o. Ii. Granniss fy Coleman, Wright fy Co. Mills fy Beach. F fy J. B. Delano, Shelton fy Caldv*- Hyde fy Cleveland, Wm. M. Tiler ten b'' .S'. Babcock fy Co. A- M. Hatch fy Co Baker, Gregory fy Co. Wm. H- Gi!h ' "id i ■ [ E. Abraham, Fleming. Roes fy 1 ' D G. Haviland fy Ci- Cha/nbe lin fy Cob* Feh. 2U ..! M' ^ BILLS O X New York. Philadelphia, Chariest'* * > vaunuh, and Augusta, iu sums to s “ ; ■ | chasers, for sale hy • Nov. 10. BAXTl R, FORT & V W