Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, March 20, 1833, Image 4

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^covQfit /?»7»6 Sheriff Sales. W ILL ho sold on ‘the first Tuesday in APRII. next, before the court house in the town of Macon, between the usual hours of nle, One Negro man by the nanio ot Israel, to sat isfy sundry Fi Fas from a justice's court in favor of j «hn Carmichael against the president, direc tors and company of tile Rank of Macon levy made by a constable and returned to me. One Saw Mill and 356 acres of land, levied on as the property of Solomon Groce, known as Gro ces lower saw mill, to satisfy three l'i Fas. one from Jones supcriorcourt; iu favor of LukoP.^ c d & Co. vs said fii'oce, *iud two from B*^,o super! or court, one in favor of Mary G. franklins, and ono iu favor of John Lovi"^ vg Alexander D. Urown, administrator df Snimtrl Gillespie, and s C,omotl GroCi)-~propertv pointed out by said Grccc. II. II. HOWARD, Sheriff. Feb 26 One Negro Woman by the name of Isabel, about 20 years old, levied ou ns the property ol Martin Simmons to satisfy a mortgage Ii Fa iu fuvor of L-ttke Ross, assignee of James L. Ross, ys said Simmons, l’ropertv pointed out by Luke itoss. ii. h. Howard, sheriff. Feb 1 Also, will he sold as above. One Lot aud improvement in the town ofMn- Uon, known as the Mnnsion House, and formerly 'occupied by Messrs. Darrab & Townsend—levied on ns the property of Charles Bullock, deceased, to satisfy three Fi Fas issued from the Inferior rourt ol Bibb county, ouo in favor of Talman &■ Farliu, fortho use of John Talinan vs Charles f-. Lowis, the administrator of C. Bullock and the oxecutorof N. W. Wells, ono in favor of Charles Whitehurst vs tho administrator of C. Bullock nud tho executrix of N. W. Wells, one in favor of E. D. Tracy, for the uso of A. Bennett vs the ad ministrator of C. Bullock and Spencer Riley— tho aliovo lot and improvements levied ou to sat isfy the within Fi Fas. Seven negroes. Jesse, n man, Tom, n man. John, a man, Sandy, a boy, Willis, a boy, and Mnrindn, a woman, one two horse Wagon, one yoke of Oxen and os. Cart—all levied ou as the property of John C. Jtodgcs, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the Inferior court of Jones county iu favor of John J. Thomas, vs said Rodgers—pro- aertv pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Feb 26 W. B. CONE, Dtp. Sheriff. POSTPONED SALES. Also trill he sold cs above, One Lot hi East Macon, well improved— levied ou as the property of Solomon Groce, now in tho occupancy of L. J. Groce, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Bibb Superior court in favor of Thomas Napier vs Alfred S. Bennett, XVj J. Gibson ami Solomon Groce—property poiuted out by Solo mon Groce. Two Lot3 of Land Nos not known—levied on ns tho property of Elijah Cotton, one lot whereon said Colton uow lives, the other lies on the Thouiastou road, eight miles from .Macon, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas from Bibb Superior court in favor of Tlrortfas Napfci 1 ', Joseph Gainer and o- tliers vs said Cotton and Luke Boss security— property poiuted out by Joseph Gaiuer aid Luke Ross. One 4 aero Lot adjoining tire town common -—levied on ns tho property of Solomon Groce, now in tho occupancy of John C. Johnson, to sa tisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a justice’s court in favor of N. C. iilutrroe vs said Groce—levy made aud returned to ait hy.n constable. 11. II. HOWARD, Sheriff. Henry Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in AP71IL noxt, before tho courthouse in M’Douough, Henry county, between tho usual hours of sale, , . . • One negro boy by tho name of George of a yellow complexion, about ten or twelve years of ago—levied on as the property of James C. Steel to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued from the Infe rior court of Henry county ill favor of Oliver W. Cox vs said Steel—property pointed out in said FiFn. , Six Windsor and six split bottom Chairs, one folding leaf Table, ono pino dressing table, ouo largo do.. cite largo fine bedstead, and 1 pino do. 1 brilcing Crevacc, 1 tin bucket, 2 t}uilts, one blanket, ono bolster, one large and one ■ in til not and books, one oven, ono largo skillet anti lid, one small do. ono frying pan, one coffee trebit, two smoothing irons, two pair shovel ant! tong's, and one flesh fork, four wooden tubs, three tin pans, one baking'do. one tin box and two tin buckets, one shaving clip, ono coflee mill, three pitchers, two dishes, two tea kittles, two jars, and •ne stone pilchor, four jugs, and eight black hot- I cs, ono sugar dish and two tea pots, two small wooden boxes nnd sundry articles in them too tedious to mention, one stand of castors, one look ing glass and two wooden bowls, one wash bowl and w niter, one coflec pot, one candlestick, one sifter, one pair steelyards, two bed cords, nnd one pair lending lines, one blanket, one bureau, and sundry other articles too. tedious to mention—all levied orrns the property of Samuel Peck to sat isfy n mortgage Fi raiifted from Henry Inferior Court in- favor of William II. White Vs said Peck —property pointed out in said Fi Fa. The east half of Lot, No.. 102, in the twelfth district of Henry county.'cxclusivo of the swamp land on said half lot—levied on ns the property of John B. Lovejoy, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Henry superior court, iu favor of WiiliamAPCon- hcll vs said Lovejoy—property pointed oat by said M'Connell. THOS.J. JOHNSON, Feb 27 Sheriff. Also, will he sold as above, Eotof Land No. 180, in the 11th district of Heury county, containing 202A -.teres, lot' No. 131 in the 2d district containing 202j acre?, lot No. 173 in the 7th district, cont tiling 2024 acres. Tot No232 in the 7th district, containing 2U2j' n- tjres, half of lot No 150 in tho 7th district of said county, lot No -I in square D, in the town of Me IDonpugh, together with all the buildings' and im provements thereon, and the north half df lot No ne, in square A. iu said town, containing 33 1-3 feet in front and 120 feet back on Newton street, together with all the buildings nud improvements thereon. Levied on as the property of Kctland Tyner, to satisfy an exocution in fuvor of Low "Taylor & co. All that part of lot No. 18.1 irt the 8th district of said county, adjoining llnrdyroan aud Clay- eon, and Butts county line, containing J00 acres jnwreor let>s, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas from Jasper £vpt-*ior court, against Thomas Williams aud Sa- AUr/ W, Butter Sy Co. hi favor of Win W Konnou and others. The south part oflotNo 150 in the 11th district O? said county, all that part formerly belonging ‘<10 Henry McClendon jr. containing 110 acres Ynoro or less, levied on as the property of Samuel JRuthdge aod Henry McClendon jr. to satisfy a Fi Fa from Morgan superior court in favor of Martin P. Sparks. The north half of lot No. 105 in the 7th district of said county, containing 1014 acres more or less, levied on as ihe property of Sampson Gan/, tosutisfy sundry small Fi Fas, Burnell Ragland nnd others vs Samp-on Gary. Lot of Land whereon Azariah Boss now lives, with the improvements thereon, to satisfy a Fi Fn from Henry superior court in favor of Richard Bailey »s saiJ Doss. fob 23 JAMES LOVE, Pep. sheriff. be Crate ford Sheriff Salcsi O N tho first Tuesday i:< APRIL next, will sold before the court house, in Kuoxville, Crawford county, between the usual houra of sale, Ono hundred acres of Lot of Latid, No. 250, in the second district of Or»tvf<Ji) cq;*,aty levied oil as tho property of Join Hatcher, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued on* c f t ] lp superior sourt of Craw ford cou^iy, in favor of Patrick J. Murray vs said ..atrher, Trc right, title and interest of Wm. P. Glover, in Lot of Land, No. 87, in tho third dis trict of originally Houston now Crawford county —levied oil ns the propel ty of Wm P. Glower, to satisfy two small Fi Fas issued out of .tho Justi ces court of the 577th district, in favor of S. Beckwith vs said Glover—property pointed out by M in. M’Gec—levied on aud returned to me bv R. Williamson, constable. ' Feb23 WM. B. FILES. Pep. Sheriff. Campbell Sheriff Sales. N the first Tuesday iu April next, before the Court House door iu Campbell couuty, willbcsold the following property; to wit. One Lot of land No, 199 in "the second dis trict originally Carroll now Campbell county- levied on ns the property of Joseph Barr to satis fy one Fi Fn in favor of Jesse Cleaveland vs. said Barr. Levy made and returned by a constable. Lot of land No. 155 in the eighth district o- riginally Coweta now Campbell county—levied <>u to satisfy two Fi Fas from a justice’s court, one in favor of E. G. Adams, the other in favor of Townsend Ci x vs .William Bryant, point c«l out by James W. Tpwnscnd. Levy made and returned by a constable. Lots of land No^ l03, 121, 122—levied on as the property of Robert Polly and William Ar- ledge to satisfy one Fi Fa in favor of John Boyle vs said Arledgc, poiuted out by tho plaintiff. Lot land No. 80S in the fourteenth district originally Fayette uow Campbell county—levied on to satisfy oncFi Fa in favor of Lewis Gibson, ouo in. favor of Martin Kalb vs Tunisan Coryell, pointed out by defendant. One Negro Girl—levied on as the property of John Jf: tl. Colquitt to satisfy three Fi Fas one iu favor of Craton, Mosely & Co vs said Col quitt, oue in favor of E. B. Mosley & Co. vs said Colquitt, the other iu favor of Jacob L. Abraus vs said Colquitt, property pointed cut by defen- ant. -y S. EASLYj sheriff. feb 27 22 Monroe Sheriff Sales. O N the first Tuesday iu APRIL next, WiH. be sold before tho court house in the town of Forsyth, .Monroe couuty, within the usu al hours of sale, One Tract or Lot of Land, No. 140, in the twelfth district of .Monroe county—levied ou as the property of Thomas Clark and Thomas f.oughbrough, administrators ou the estate of Jane Myers, deceased, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Alexander Sinits, issued from tbo Mayor’s court of Savaunaft, Chatham county, Ga.—pro perty pointed out by J ohn A. Culhbcrt Esq. One negro man, Macc about 50 wmrs old— is the property of Michael Cason, To satisfy a Fi Fa in favorof John Pasmore—property point ed out by David Wallace, ami in bis possession. March I J OHN It EDD'NG, Pep Sheriff. Houston Sheriff Sales. O N tire first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold before the courthouse door, in Per ry, Houston couuty, between the usual hours of sale, - • One Lot of well improved oak and iiickory Laud, containing 202j acres more or less, where on Janes M’l.cnny uow lives, nud adjoining the lands o r John Stapler and others, in tho 15th dis trict of Houston couuty—levied ou as tho proper ty of Janes M'Lenny, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Johu Rushing. POSTPONED SA LES. Also, will be sold as abort. One half acre Lot in the town of Perry, whereon David W. Man s family now lives, and one dark hay horse—levied on to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor ofSnmucI Williams vs David W. Man and Michael If'atson and other Fi Fas vs said Man. One Negro woman, 35 years of age—levied on to satisfy a Fi Fa in'.favorof George Patten vs Horace It. Dinkins aud other Fi Fas vs said Din kins. Feh 26 ISAIAH CH UN, Sheriff. Sale of Negroes. O N tire first Tuesday in April next, before tl’.o court house door in tho townofFnyctieville, Fayetie county, on a credit until Christmas nest, tli'’ NEGROES belonging to the estate of Rob ert Tucker, deceased, consisting of plough hoy9, men, women and phiMreu. Also, On the first Tuesday in May next, at the court hou?e door in Knoxville, Crawford (ounty. will bo sold lot of Land No. 106. in the 7tb district for merly Houston now Crawford county, as the pro perty of R. Tucker, deceased. NA?rCY TUCKER, Adm'x. K. T. M. TUCKER, jnn2I . F. O. STEWART, Georgia.—Fayette County. W HEREAS Daniel Osborn aud William Os born apply to mo for letters of administra tion on the estate of Lar-- 3 ' [0n Osborn, deceased. These arc C.crrfore. to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud and seal, this the 4th of Feh. 1833 21 WM. M’BRIDE, c. c. o. Georgia— I'albof county. W HEREAS Reubeu Philips applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Burton Brown deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appiar at my offee tcilhin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters.should rot be grunted. Given under my hand ami seal at office, this 15th Feh. 1833. WM. S. GOSS, c. c. o. 21 J * . Georgia—Houston county. W HEREAS Benjamin Crum, iu rightof his wife Eliza Crum, formerly Eliza Yarborougli, oue of the hcir3 at law ot-.-JoJin Y ar- borougii deceased, a private of the 8th regiment of iufaulry in the late war, applies to me for let ters of administration ou the estate of said d;cea- sed, And whereas Allen ,\\’iuham applies for letters of admiuistratiou upotl tho estate of Orrin Ste phens deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office ivithin the time pre scribed by laic, toshtw cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. v j . GiveiLUiider my hand and seal this loth day of February, 1823. CHARLES H. RICE, c. c. o Georgia Pike county. W HEREAS Arthur T. Cainji, edmiuistrm tor ef John Pitman deceased, applies to me for letters *f dismissiou from the further ad ministration of sai«l estate, • These are therefote to cite end admonish all and si nipt la r the kindred anil creditors of said deceased to Jile their objections if any they have, at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters trill be granted. =. Given under aiy hand nud seal, this -Itli Feb ruary far?. „ H. G. JOHNSON, c. c. o. Georgia—Talbot county. W HEREAS Reuben B. Davis applies to me for letters of ndmijiislrattcu on the estate of Tapley Booth deceased, 2'hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to he uni appear at my offee within the time prescribed by taw. to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my baud and seal this 11th day of February, 1833. . 21 WILIJAM S. GOSS, c.c.o J 71 OUR months after date npplieation will be . made to th 0 honorable the Inferior court of Fayette county, wheresitting for Ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell the real estate of William P. Wilson, decease THOS. B. WILSON, nov '4 7 JOHN WILLIAMS, admrs. F OUR months after date application will bo made to the honorable the luferior court of Twiggs county, wheu sitting for Ordinary pur poses. for leave to sell tire Lands belonging to the estate of llarrnon Perryman Into of said couuty deceased. TIIOS. J. PERRYMAN, tx'r nov 27 9 Admrs. Administrator's Sale. O N the first Tuesday. in APRIL next will be sold by an order of the court of ordina ry of tho county of Houston, A House and Eot m the town of Clinton, Jones county, anifon the first Tuesday ip MAY next. Lot of Land, No. 263. in tile third district of Coweta county—sold as the property of Harris Alien, deceased, foi the benefit of the heirs and creditors. CYNTHIA K. ALLEN, Adm'rx. Si. 1833: It) ^ 1 Georgia—Houston County. W HEREAS William Byrd, administrator on tho estate of Pinkney Yarborough. deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from • ai'l estate—_ .. • These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file tlui r objections (if any they have,) in my off ci within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters icill be granted. jun2l 17 f CHARLES II. RICE, c. c. o. Georgia* Houston County* W HEREAS James E. Duncan applies to mo for letters of dismissicn from the es tate of Mayberry Wilkinson, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections if antt th‘ y hate, at my offee within the tinw prescribed by hw, otheiwise said fttlers will be granted. Given under my hand and serd, this the 4tli Doc.1832, f CHARLES H. RICE.c. c. o. Georgia—Coweta County. J OHN V IN YARD, administrator of the es tate of David Cor, deceased, applies to qic for f-tters of dismission, Ties nr therefore, to cite, and admonish all ,:rul singular, the kindred and creditors of s iid de ceased. to beund ap]»ar at my off., within the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, if any they have, why raid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this the 2d day of Feb ruary 1833. 20 f SIHON HOUSE, c. c. o. F OUR months after date application will bo mado to tire Honorable Inferior court of Pikd. county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for lenVoto sell the legatees’ interest in the wid ow’s dower of tfca estate of Moses Smith, of said county deceased. JOHN SMITH, ? „ , jan 8 17 ■ . WM. V. WHITE, $ jt " r rc ~ F OUlt months after date, application will he mado tc> the Honorable the Inferior Court ot Houston county sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of James Jones, late of said county deceased, .fo^ tire benefit of tlte heirs and creditors of said deceased, feb 11,1833. WILLIAM JONES, cdm'r. F OUR inqqlh* aftord ite application wilt be mado to tfio Honorable Inferior Court of Monroe county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell the land belonging to the es tato of James Hardwick, late of said county de ceased- WM. B. FILES, adm'v. feb 181833 21 Georgia—Coicctu county. 41 the October term of the Superior Court for scii ' Count:,. RULE NISI, to foreclose mortgage U PON the petition of Jacob S» PI alt. Aqua* G. Stout ami Felix Ingoldsby, merchant trading under the firm of aud using the name an style, Platt, Stout Ingoldsby, stating to th- court, thatDeuuis Sullivan heretofore, to wit, < i thc25lhday of June, iu the year 1832, execute- his deed of mortgage in aud to three certain tow; lots, in the town of Newnau, Coweta count) known in House’s_glan of said town by Number thirty five, thirty six ahd fifty four, containing tw< and twelve-hundredths acres ; together with al and singular the houses, out houses, rights an members to tire same in anywise appertaining for the purpose of the better securing the pay meut of a certain promissory note, bearing dat- the 18th day of Abgnst, in tho year 1831, made and delivered to your petitioner payable nim months after date thereof, to the order of your petitioner at the Columbus Bank, iu Columbus' Ga. for four hundred aud fifty live 6-1-100 Do! Jars, according to the tenor and effect thereof.— Aud it also appearing to the court that said note still remains due and unpaid, It is therefore order ed, That said Dcuuis Sullivan do pay into the clerk’s office of -the superior court of Coweta comity, within six mouths from this time, the a mount of said note, principal and interest, togeth er with all legal cost of this petition, or show enure to tire contrary, or the equity of redemp tion iu add to the said mortgaged premises Ire thenceforth barred aud forever foreclosed ; and that a copy of ibis rule be served on lire said Den nis Sullivan, at least three mouths before the time the money is ordered to be paid into court, or itbu published ouco a mouth for six mouths in oue of the public gazettes of this state. HUGH A. HARALSON, Att'y for Plff. A true extract from tbo ir.iuutes ol' this rourt. GEORGE PENTICOST, Clerk. oet 10, ’32 19 Mary Moonaham } vs. > Libel for Divorce. William Moonaham ) t T appearing to the court from the return of the sheriff, that the defeudaut in the above stated case resides without the limits of said comi ty, It is therefore ordered by the Court, That ser vice bo perfected by publication in one of the public gazettes in this state ouee a tnumh for three months. A true extract from the minutes. Given under my hand fiiis 22-3 day of January, 1-833. 19 JOHN LONG, Clerk. \N ACT to provide for the call of a convention to reduce the number of the Gcucinl Assembly of the state of Georgia, and for other purposes therein named. Jic it enacted by the Senate and House of Rcp- ■sentetives of the state of Georgia in General A s- :mbly met, and it is hereby enacted by the author- •■/ of the same. That the liist Monday in April, ■gbteen hundred aud thirty,three, be, aud thb ime is hereby designated and set.apart as the dy on which the citizens of Georgia qualifi- d to vote for tire members of *‘io Legislature, hall, at the several places prescribed by law or bolding such elections vole for delegates to •epreseut them in in convention, iu number equal l( > their representation iu both branches ot the ge neral Assembly \ such elections to be conducted, managed and certified, nuder the same laws as are f force iu respect to elections of members of the General Assembly. See. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be tho duty of such managers to transmit te bis Excellency the Gov^rtioh'-'the result of sttid elec tions under the laws now oi torce for conducting, managing and ccrtif)ing elections of members of the General Assembly as aforesaid, within thirty days after such elections—Whereupon it is made the duty of his Excellency the Governor to issue his proclamation declaring the result of said elec tions by naming the individuals severally elected to represent tho good pebple of Georgia in con • veutiou as contemplated iu this act.- Sec. 3. Anil be it further enacted, That every citizen of the United States shall be eligible to a seat in said^eouvention who has attained.the age of twenty five years, aud been an inhabitant of this state seven years immediately preceding the day of his election, and t\ho shall have resrded ohe year in the couuty for which he shall bo elected- See. 4. And be it further enicled, That each member returned as duly elected, shall previous to taking his scat in said convention, take tire fol- UNION HALL, STorsyth, Ga. The subscriber has purchased and now occupies the Into M an . sion House establishments For sytb, where be will take p| eaj * ure in ministering- to t! o acceit]' modatiou anil cemfort of those who may f ax him with a call. His House is commodious, and he indulges a hope that those vrlib visit thoUifon Hall will have no reason to complain, either o-' treatment or charges, which last shall be as mod! crate as the times will warrant. A share of tl;» public patronage is respectfully solicited, jan 22 18 JOHN REDDING. The Federal Union will please give the above four weekly insertions. TO B.SMT, THE large and commodious Tavern, long known ns the LaFayetie Hal/, .will be rented on accommoda ting terms. For further pqrtic- blars apply to John Riubin^in Houston county or of the undersigned in Mafion. Jan 30 18 JOHN C. RODGERS. EBB’S ATSC^„ T 1IE Trustees of the Forsyth Male and Fe male Academy respectfully iuform the pub lic, jhat they have engaged for the ensuing year the services of Messrs. Parsons and Holmes gentlemen of distinguished literary acquirements strict moral deportment, and experienced instruc tors of youth. From tho advantageous location of Fors.y thy being situated on a high aud healthy ridge, ahobCtwfcHty -ftYO pules west of Macon, anil midway between the Mo’ut|VeT'er ; .Itidi?. c Springs, about fifteen ruilcs from each, together with the dense and wealthy population of Mott- roc county, we flatter ourselves that by proper lowing-oath, or affirmation, viz. I, A. B. do sol- assiduity and well directed effort and manage- einuly swear, that 1 will not attempt to add to, mem, to rear up an institution which iu nomt\,f GOLD AND LAND MAPS. WING to tho delay of some of the survey- - ors is? making their returns, and the con sequent delay titat has, unavoidably attended the publication of the Gold -Maps of Cherokee, 1 bare coucluded to reduce tbo price of them from 10 to 6 Dollars. The Gold Map is divided into 3 parts, aud tho prices cf the three comprising all the Gold Districts, with the exception of the 11 tli ill tho 1st section, which has uot yet been returned, will hereafter be six dollars—or $2,50 each. I have also now preparing, which will be completed in u few weeks a Chart representing all the Qaulities of, aud improvements on, every Lot ou my land Map, which, together with the Map. Will be sold for $5. Ail persous who have purchased, and all who may hereafter purchase the. Land Map, sliali regeivo a list of the qualifies gratis, as soou as completed. {fy* Editors who published my proposals last summer, can at any time have the Maps, to which they arc entitled, by informing me by what mode of conveyance thi-y will receive them. GRANGE GREEN. Milledgcvillc, Feb. O. 20 dt KZVEZfSr STABISS, AT THE OLD LAFAYETTE HALL OX CHERRY .ST. THE undersigned KtViby fitted up his stables in a verv ^"copvenient style, aud laid in ’ a plenty of good Provender, is prepared to keep HORSES, &c. ‘in a stiperior manner. The stables are under the direction of a faithful nud experienced ostler, who will devote his whole attention to them. A share of public potronage is respectfully solicited. Horses'and Carriages to let as above. N. B. Horses wi'H bo kept by the week or month, at 40 cents a dav. Jan 31 IS JOHN C. RODGERS. OUR months after cfate application willbe made to tho honorable the. Inferior court of Butts county, wherisifWDg for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell 98 acres of land, bciug the east part of lot No. 169, in the first district of origiu- ally Heury uow But's couuty, belonging to the estate of John Barron, doceased. SMITH BARRON, adm'or. Feb 10,1833. 20 1 71 OUR months ,a/tcr date application will be , mado to tb_c Honorable, the inferior court of Fayette county, wheu sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell a negro boy about twelve years ofd by the name of tiam, as jhe property of .tho estate of Wyatt Jireora.deceased, for tire ben- .cfil of the heirs and creditors of said deccesed. ELIZABETH REEVES, adm'rx. March 5, 1833 24 A LL persons indebted to the estate of James IsL Hardwick, late of Monroe county, decca- >ed arc hereby notified to conic forward nud ••make payment: and those having demands against aid estate ure requested to prevent the min terms of the law. WM. B. FILES, adm'r. feb 18, 1833 21 .... i Notice. . .. L T.L perrons ;hdebted v to tKe tfstatc of of lint- cliff Eckels deceased, arc hereby notified to come forward and make payment; and those having demands against said estate are requested to present them in terms oflnw. feb 18, 22 / HUGH L. IRWIN, adm'r. GcoYgia— Cra tofard co unty. J OSEPH G. THOMPSON of Captain Sim mons’ District tolls before R. Wilson Jus tite of tho peace, one estray mare mule colt, a- bout three years old, sorrel color. Appraised to $-10 by Aden Hamilton and Nathan II. Mobley. A true extract from tho estray book. This 28th February 1853. 24 W J. I1AMMACK, c. %. c N pursuance of an act of the last Legislature of the State of Georgia, I have been appoint ed by -thp Governor receiver of tire assets of the BANK OF MACON. Having so recently cn tered upon the discharge of the duties I am requi red .to perform, T know very little of what tho result will ultimately he; of ono thing, however, I desire .tJiQ public to be fully satisfied, that noth ing shall bo wanting on nty part to bring the whole business to as just and speedy a termination ns possible. Persous holding,bills upon the Bank of Macon, would do Well to deposit them in some one of the Banks of this place as early as practicable. Macon, Feb 27 23 Z. B. HARGROVE. Tire Federal Uuiou and Georgia Journal will give the above two insertions and forward their accounts to this office. A Runaway Negro* . B ROUGHT to this Jail about 20 days past, a negro man by tho name of Ben, between 3U and 40 years of age. rather light complected, wi :h a sear ner'c--; his nose. Ho says he belongs t» tire ritate. and was was bought of Thomas flicks of Wilkes co. ; he ranawayfrom or about Laivrenceville, M. White overseer, Col. Lymau superintendent. MARTIN NALL,jailer. Forsyth, I'eb. 25 3t Horse Bills* WITH a splendid new Cut-—noatly printe at this office. Will be net iced, Y tho Inspectors of tho Penitentiary, until Tuesday, the 2Gth March next, for tho de livery at the Penitentiary, of the following mate rials for the ERECTION, of.fiie BUILDING re quired by the Act of the Legislature, passed De cember 22,1832, viz: 600 Perches of BUILDING STONE, of twen ty-five cubic feet to the Perch, to be delivered ns follows; one hundred perches by the 1st of May, and ono hundred perches per irontk, afterwards. The stone to he measured in the wall of the buil ding, and no allowance for waste in dressing.— A suitable quantity for door and wludoyv sills, and caps, cornerstones, &c. to bo of such dimen sions as the Superintendent may direct. 10,000 bushel.? of SAND, suitable, for making Lime Mortar. Tjvri thousand bushels, to bo de livered by die 1st- of May, aud two thousand, per month, afterwards. _ 150 casks of fresh TflOMASTON LIME, to be delivered by the 1st day of May. The Inspectors reserve the right to extend the contract for the stone, to any quantity not exceed oue third of the original contract. Payments will be made on any portion of the above, as delivered, reserving one fourth of the amouut, until the delivery is completed. Bond and .approved security will bo required for all contracts, aud the securities must be nam ed in the proposals. The quality of the matcrals delivered must h approved by the Superintendent, before any pay meriS*will be made. Abundaut quarries of tho Ktotie, of the descrip •ion required, may be found pn the Town Com. mou, within less than ouo mile of the Penitent- ary, which can be worked free of charge. Inspector's Offee, 10th February, 1833. JOHN MILLER, Secretary 22 3t to the Board of Inspector:- The Augusta Constitutionalist, Savanna I Georgian, and Georgia Telegraph, will give tli above three insertions. nly swear, that 1 will not attempt or take from the constitution or attempt to chan or alter any other section, clause or article of the constitution of the State of Georgia, other than those (duelling the representation in the General Assembly thereof; and that I have been a citizen of this state for lire last seven years, so help me God. Ami any person elected to a seat in said convention, who shall refuse to take the oath a- foresaid, shall not be allowed to t*.ke his seat iu said convention. See. 5. And be it further eaactcd. That the members of said convention shall assemble on the. first Monday iit May.after their election, at Sllliedgeville, in the Representative Chamber of tho State House, for the purpose of enteriug up on and consummating tire great objects of their convention, to wit; a reduction aud equalization of the General Assembly; shall have power to prescribe their own rules-aud forms of business, nud to determine on the qualifications.!!!'their own members; elect necessary officers, and make all orders whieh they may deem conducive to the furtherance of tho object for which such couveii- tiou-sliall assemble. Sec. 6. And bs it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of his Excellency tdo Governor to give publicity to tire alterations and amemlmenls made iu tire constitution iu reference to the di rection [reduction] of tile number of the members composing the General Assembly, anil the first Monday in October next, after tlierisilYg of the sa»l,.cotivetitiou, he shall fix on for the ratification, by too people, of such amendments, alterations, or new articles as they may make for the objects of reduction and equalization of the General As sembly only; and if ratified by a majority of the voters vvlio vote on the question of ‘‘Ratification” or “No Ratification,” then aud in that evcut;-t!re alterations so by.fherri made and ratified, shall be binding on the people aud uot otfcerwi-re. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That it shall be a fundamental article in the formation or a- .meudmeut of the constitution, that each county of tho state now organized or laid out, or which may hereafter be created by law, sftaH be enti tled to at least ouc representative in the represen- ■ tative branch of the General Assembly. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That so soon ns this act shall have bscpme a law, his Ex cellency the Governor, be, add is hereby required to to be published in tho Gazettes of this stale, once a week until the,day fixed on by this act for the election of delegates to said couven- tion; nud that all iaws and parts of laws milita ting against this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed, ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS. President of tire Scuate. Assented to, Dee. 24, 1832. - WILSON LUMPKIN. Governor SVEABZ SAW GSUSS? T HE subscriber respectfully informs the pub lie, that his Steam Saw and Grist Zylill, ucar his residence, witliiu ono mile of Macon, is now in complete and successful operation. L. addition to other machinery he is prepared with a circular saw for ripping light lumber, such ns Window..Sash, Palings, Lath-, &c In conse queued of tho heavy expenditure incurred in its'is necessary that he should re, quire either Cash or bankable paper forTiis linn her, which he is disposed to sell at a fair price A share of the public patronage is very respect fully solicited. BENJ. F. OWENS. N. B.—A first rate SAWYER, may, by ap plying immediately, obtain good wages and a per inanentsiluntiou. B. F. O. July 27. 164 . ,tf up an institution which in point of character and usefulness will vie with any ofth* kind in the State. There will he completed by the 2d .Monday iu January, at which time tlte in stitutions wiff open, a neat academic building, sit uated in a retired and beautiful grove, aud on aa elevated spot of ground, containing sixteen acres of woodland belonging to the institution; 1 The FemMe department will be furnished by Mr Parsons with an accomplished instructress, and will at all times bo subject to his iuspectioa and direction. Board cau lie had on reasonable terms in res pectable families. JOHN S. B. LAW, dec IS 12 secretary. XiXVEJBLir SS7AB£33. PI HE undersigned has opened ;t Livery Sta- L b!c for keeping and boarding Horses, &e. at the stand latterly occupied by Riley and for merly by Bruen, fronting the Court House square, Macon, where ho will be thankful for a share of public patroungo. His teftn^-Will be as moderate as the price of pro vender. &c. will admit, and every attention paid that is'requisite*? His pre sent charges are ten dollars per month. A few Saddle Ilorscs will at all times bo kept for litre. JOSEPH WAINYYRIGHT. Feb 20 21 PVBLSG KTOTXCS. Sale o f Water Lots in East Macon. "f&TOTICK is hereby given, that the unilcrsigu- JL y ed having been appointed by his Excellen cy the Governor Commissioners to lay off wd sell, at public outcry, EIGHT LOTS OF LAND From the Town Common of East Macon, situated upon the East Bank of the Oc- mnlgee River, being fom above and four below the oue acre lot'reserved to the Bridge, wihcu Saturday the 23d day of March next, procecato dispose of said Lota, which will measure one aero each, at PUBLIC SALE, at the East End of tho Macon Bridge, between the hours of ten and thrtt o’clock of said day, upon the same terms as were prescribed by the General Assembly of this stat# for the sale of the lqsy Lots sold in Macon. The said sale being in accordance with an Aci enti'lcd “An Act to lay out ciglit additional lots 'on the Eastern bank of the Oennilgec- River, in East Macon,” passed by the last General Assem bly of this state, and assented to by his Excellen cy the Governor the 24th Dec. 1832. SAMUEL HOWARD FAY, H. S. CUTTER, DAVID FLANDERS, Commissioners. Bibb county, Jan. 21,1833. 17 Charleston, Feb. 8, 1833, V ARIOUS reports having reached us of an impression gaining ground throughout tbo Country, that in consequence of our present un happy political relations, there will not be this spring su>'h stock of Goods as are usually kept in this market. We, tho undersigned, Merchants, have concluded to adopt this method of counter acting an opinion so injurious to ou; friends aud ourselves, and to assure thos^, who have usually mado their purchases in Charleston, that we in tern! to pursue our business in this place, unless prevented by causes not now anticipated: And having at this time, and expecting, a full supply of such articles, as have usually been kept byus, we are, and" will be prepared, to meet the de mands of our customers,, as fully and satisfacto rily as heretofore, and respectfully invite (hemto visit this erfy, with confidence in our abilty aud disposition to promote their interests. Parish, Wiley S,‘ Co. IP. S. Bong S,- Co. C. S,' G. H. Kelsey, N. H- Wildman Co. Weed Sy Benedict, J. fy j. Tait, Walton, Murrell Sy Co. II. B. Gleason Sy Co. Miller, Ripley Sy Co. Stoddard, Davis Sy Co. James J. M‘Carter, E. Sy C. Bobbins. Coleman, Wright Sy Co. E Sy J. B. Delano, Hyde Sy Cleveland, S. Babcock Sy Co. Baker, Gregory Sy Co. E. Abraham, D. G. Haviland Sy Co. Feb. 20 5r Eyland Sy Hayden, Clo. Ii. Grannies Sy Co. Mills Sy Beach. Shelton Sy Caldwell, Wm. M.-Tileston Sy Co. A. M. -Hatch Sy Co. Wm. H. Gilliland Sy Co. Fleming, Ross Sy Co. Chamberlin Sy Cobb. 21 Jack Bills* YVITII a largo elegant likeness of tho am mal—handsomely printed at this office the Public. O N tho first- day of this month there took place a tremendous storm at Thomaston, which is found to have extended wide aud far, and to have done much damage—owing to which the itinerant agents employed to sell tickets could not arrive in time, and the drawing of the Uuiou .Hotel Property Lottery could not take place on the 2d inst. As there is considerable siock vet io dispose of, the Proprietor thinks it best to have 'lie drawing when the stock is sold, or most cer- linly the first day of January next: this will ;ive him time to sell tho balance of the tickets. Messrs. Saltmarsh &Overton start a fine Post -• each L nion Lino, to leave Macon and Colum- ■•us, on the first Monday in April next, and meet •t the U nion Hotel in Thomaston three times a ceek. ’1 his splendid Line must raise tire slocks ud be a great inducement lor purchasers who ver indulge in Lotteries. J. B. BATEMAN, Proprietor. [Cf* Papers that have advertised the Drawing, il publish the above twice a mouth till the day !' drawing. Thomaston, March 4, 1833. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Fifttf Dollars RcicarcL ANA WAY from the subscriber on the 25ih .%/ of Feb. a tall black fellow by the name of He-is a-.grim:', insolent fellow when spoken to, littio i tehncti to be how legged, he is well known as a boat hand, mid calls himself Jack Cham pion, also, a yellow fellow, about 5 feet 10 inches high, is well known as Peter Mitchell, knocked kneeil, and otieofhis upper front teeth is out, and he well detected by his drinking aud rascality.— The.above reward will be paid if they arc deliv ered in Macon to me, or twenty dollarsfoi either of them. Z. LAMAR. March 6 23 3t Perry, Houston county Jicadnny., W ANTED, a Teacher to take charge ol tho above Institution. None need apply who do not intend to make tire instruction ot youth their constant-occupation. Personal ap* plication must he made to the undersigned. JOHN CHAIN 1 j RICHARD SMITH I 2 ARTHUR A.MORGAN } l JOHN M. MOORE ) » JAMES E. DUNCAN j March 8 3t 24 ()[/*’ The Federal Union will insert the ahofe- three times and forward their account to the trus tees. X>and in X&ewton. ,.. 1 71 RACTIONS No. 333 and 334. in the lutb District originally Henry now NewtoD ouuty, arc for sale. Apply in Macon to Dee I 35 M.BARTLETT, i flOCKET MAPS OF GEORGIA for sale at this office. 06