Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, May 07, 1833, Image 1

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E ORCb IA by M. BARTLETT. ^ — MACON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1833. Yol. YiT..,.Y::\v rJi:iui's....Nc.'i!ni:u 3*2. GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. Published Weekir AT MA.COR, GA. Printing OJJice on Mulberry Street—opposite the Buck Range. V. jtfJJTS stock will be founa . TERMS.—Turku Dniuts -a year, if paid in | fi adv.-nice, or Four. Dollars, if not paid before tha fpil of the year. Subscribers living at ij distance. Kill l*e required in all cases to pay in advance. * NEW GOODS. WM. It. IR KiLSALL, /< cjtEt assortment oj Ho&j'ifi't rcccn •( o new and 23rjr Goods. Clothing, II(its., SltOCS, i^*c. r JTtCCt NEW BOOK STORE. 33, 5?. 3®X£E£ &. Co. ftESPfcCTFULLY in form the public, that they have taken _ the ’store ip Ellis,' SholweHl gz ''Co’s, row, run doors above the I?.' Post Office, where they ire new.rteeiving and opening a-very general assortment "of Books and Stationary, Amongtiiclr works, thryjiavoa general assort jurat, and will he cotistn fitly receiving publications on Theology, Medicine. Law, His tory. »»«d Mhcellaifepis sulyecta K together with ,,,rh other articles tts are usually kept in a Book Store. Ai one of llicir firm will lie most of the thne at die North for the puqiose of attending salei' *»:4&l :'rlrrtit)jf Hooks, tltey flatter themselves that they w ill at all times have as good an assortment, nut be aide to dispo«ip of them on as moderate terms as auv hou?e iu the SotithernTounirv.' ' BIASES EOG2£S,. |I. I*. H. ct Co. have a large assortmenfof ail kinds and - _ •*•»' *■ Fouls Can, Letter, and J'fwto Papcr^rf t!ie licsl quality, both l-tlglish and. American, plain linil tuibossetf, wafer and fcltft Tilted, pitik, yellow iic and whit o'. ' .BRASSIES; ll,nn!r Checks. iNiitnpy-Public Letters, Marc lioUse Receipts, Bills of Lading. Writs of all kinds. Ju*rico4 P’ Executions, Cleiks do Tasf Collectors do. Stibpceuns for Witnesses. Deeds, Sheriffs* do. Sheriffs’ Bills of Sale, uisluuents, Ca. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Marring# License, Bail \V.r,’t ;w)d Bond, Inter. Com. Directions for fofei rogatbrie*. Bills of Indictment, Branch v W B,: rants, Bondi, Attachments? Inter. Judgements. letters 'i'estamoqrary. Letter* of Administra tion. Temporary Letters of Ariiniuisfrntioii, Teui porary Letters of Administration,. Guardians Jlrpd*. r :ix Collectors deeds, Gamuts', Sub. Det. Tee l)ec SI 24 ' Ban REA & COTTON ' > BJfrrfor sofeon accommoifatittg terms, 1! PiB6KS J letup Bagging. JL 'i fe' .‘itJO’ready made Cotton hags,-best quality t "* * . 1QQ bids Butltlrttore, N. O.-Xiud Georgia Whiskey 10 bbds Northern Rum (colored) 10 casks Marseilles- and Madeira WinS .’10 boxes iiiniiiifueturcd Tobacco * 35 lilnls Si. Croix &». Portci Rico Sugars 5 bids Copperas *_ ,’i I ales (Blankets' 1 bo,k Saddlery .' ,y .*• 1000 bushels Alum Salt,’ AI.SO A small invoice of DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, CROCKERY,'&c.-suitable fora couu- trv store, will he sold on n credit of six mouths. <irt.2- 1 ' . - ... Avnv SPRING GOODS At the. Macon Clothing. Store. t - FITCH is now. opening at the 'Macon | • Clothing Store, a new and -splpudid'-flsr sn.-inlut of GOODS a Ad CLOT H1N G,-*coji3>st- inpnrt of • r ' ’•.. • Ifeinbazine's, Cn nihlels, Marco r asimeres of aib/t -discolors, Plaitt-find Strtped dor -lirAiric and white Drilling, brown'nnd white Grass..Lin- sns, India* Nankeen,' Circassians, Lasting, fig ured and plain silk Velvet^ Engle h figured silk vesliug, plain Florentine do. LuiT and whiter Yit- U'ticia dp., white -nut figured .Mjrrstiilcs, white, fig ured Silk and Vnfeiuia Gold Vesting, new arti cle, a good assortment of C.lotW, CussimcrsC&c. Fancy -Articles.' White nnd fancy Cravats, pletcd and plain Bombazine Stoi ks, Vejvet and figured do. Gum Llastic, ucusiik, liett cotton, iftid JVebb’s patent SiHpcuihfrs, black, whitp and fancy..*ilk Gloves, Mack ■ and fancy shor-arskiu and buckskin do. briwn liucn no. Em;ii,li -nitd French, s.ilk half Hose, vigbua do. whitrMilix't and strip cotton do. liucn Ro-onjs, Collar-, Pliffners, Sp.nlefield, In dia »n r Ii tudiiuun liankercbhTs. whnannd figur, ed dn.'sak Umbrella*, cbildrciis’ leghorn llat';, Falmlcafdo. &.c. die. — to none, and purcliasers, by favoring liim ivttli a dill will be ulb red Goods at l!*e most icduti For Cash Only. ms stock consists, in Mst,'(ir thip- meuraiitc: Suj er Saxony, Blue, Jlliick nad Colored iiro&d .Cloths blue, Black, .Hist nad Fancy Colored Sattincts Striped S ittinets, Engfbli’.M crinoes Duffle I’oin^aiid Rose Blnakets ]{(;(.•. 11 hi!(’. Green and Yellow Flaunels C.iiilon ni-<1 Saxony 11 bite Gauze do I burn k Ti t-;.- 1 pj’-f-r Bird's Lye, Scotch and Russia *" do Blue, Black and Colored BnmbasntU - », ,( '° Circassians Negro Clothing. I^osevs Brown and Bleached Siiirliags • * db do ^ ShaetlagS - - . do do ttrillings *. Collnii O/.nnhurg-i. Fustians » Blittk Ilniian Lustring ; ■ . ' : . Black Grass de pnia, Black Gross 'da Naples • -do do Berlin "iV • Black Siqcbcsvs and ahsts Col. Gfo' Naples a Black'p.nd Cul. Florences » do > do Italian Crapes , • Scnrlet ami Black .Merino Long’Sharrls tjcarlel Square Shawls Cashmere, Valentis;Thibet Wool ’ Silk, Damask mid Csssimern‘Shawls ’ , I leranni, Paris .MuslinCra|fe , .Gauze, tiros de Naples mid* .Mandarine Dress , llaudkercbiefs .- _ Ladies’ and Misses’ Belgian, Italian,.Slrntv, Leg i ■ born, Bnrf J mi^-Fuucy Bonnets. • Satin and Gauze Garnitures English .Moleikins. iii il Licks'.. . Apron CIiccks,'Funiitore*do>%- Domestic Phiidsnnd Stripes ' ... Floor Cloth l J.iiz£, GrecaM’iize Cloth * * . Forniiore Dimity.- Itnir cord do *■ RnC-ia Sliectirig. Blebeii Doivlass . BiikJans. Bangup <Qords. t m _ '• * - Irish Linens Uiwcs t^t** .* ‘ . If!ae And Scarlet Kattir.rt - ^ Cotlon-Cassimcrcs . * Black and Coi plain.Ribbons v ’•jDark and liglil Co). Prints arid Ginghams *' licesand Gauze Veils Figured a rid. plain BohbincJ Lnce .*• Tbresdiicei • Carphric. Jaconet. Swiss, Mull, Nansook end Book Mullins ' • . Linen TClimbric ’ Linen Cambric IlandkerrbicGs, Pongee-do > * India Flag..ami Baadnim ifo Shell Combs - * ' "* Lading’ and Gentlemens’ Gloves. I Cotton, Worsted anil .Lamb’s Wool Hose Blalijr and Col. Cambrics • . BeJul Keiiculcs ’ . ' Si civ’s and Boys’ Fur, Cloth nnd Sqzl Caps' ’ Cliindiilla do _ ready'made clothing. > Supeffirfe true; black, green, uriefaid. oRvc and . brr>wn*C’lolb Dress Coats ' * - • . B|ue, black, .'green, blown and ’steel Bjixj <-(oth Frock Coats ’’ •t> : fBue s .h/own. olive,’green-and mixt Cloth Confeej v jii. Blue, steel mixt jiad tnnry-cofo/ed Saltinci Coat ees An) Frock-Coat* Superfine blue, blngk, brown, olive, green and - -sleet-mixt cloth Pantaloons Drab. lavender And.stripcd Cnssimere do , Blue, sleel inixt and fancy co’bied Jlatilntt. do-* KnglisIitMolWkin, uncut Cofd anirBangiip tlft Youths’ Cloth and SiiTtiuet Coatcps Rad Panta- foons ■. ■ i . :> Black, blue mid drali Cn$jimcrc Vests Black nni colorfjA’oIvtt dq -* Dark and light figured Vnlentja, while and col*' ’ ’ -» ored-Marseilles, Swansdown, Toilinel 1 nnd Sattjnel V’csts Camhlet a.ivd PJaid Cloaks * Vcfvct, Bomh^Riac.’Stlk, Valenti*, end Leather ^Slojcks'* Fine Linen Shirts, Coflars. Bosdms, &.C..&C. 1 Negro Cloth :v<r r 1 SHI! SUSSCSSBESt W l I.L'sell the stock of BOOKS .’k UARD- W Alt lift belonging to Ellis. Shotw<*ll 8t i f<»* »t very low jtricefi, tit retail, for cash, morebahts ttho 'nay Want to rejilenisli their .stock, upon time, for approved paper. 7V.f Stock consists -of agntfl va-i<-tyof Jiiirtliuttre, Cutlery, Castings M EC IIA TRIOS’ TOOLS; Srass 'v-7are* Britannia dcs FtlLMTUI!I', MOUNTING, &c.i&5>. BOOKS Consisting of Inigo and shiallHibles, Medical-, Law aiu! School Leaks, ami a great, variety ui l:elis ; -m, ami Miscelhlio ms Looks. K Dec, IQ 23. JACOB S1IOTWELL. ’ — : ! Notice. i ffi'l Ilf, Books, Aerottn.ts and some of the | -K- ' Notes of A. sfiotwelf "together with those ol A. Shqtwcli <fc J. S. Sihitli,. arc placed i*i tiie bands i f Jolin C. iji-lvcns’oh ‘ard Wm. C.,.l-5qrs who tiro authorised’ to settle the I starter. . .... .’ _ _ The siihscrihers arc particularlv anxious to j have their claims scuied without adding any ex pense to those lwIcRted to thenx'aud liopfc that ail w ho have .not paid their notes or accounts kvill immediately ca)J on Messrs Parker or Helveu- stou nnd do so. ^ : -x . ,f . .. "• - ALEXAND' R PHOTWELL, " JOSEPH S'. S.tTJTIL Maebn, April 1.18.’I3. 27 few i Lots for Sale. . rpl HE subscriber hav'jng.-a number of LOTS jB. on .the- rigljt itafuf -jylo of tlie.-n’ew road leading from Macon to Forsyth-ami on the left- .of the old ioad, commencing soon aftcr'crossitijg the Branch, on bath roads,, frill • dispose of the" same to such persons-ns will muke grto^chhiOtl^; on reason able terms; As. an inducement to me- chauics he has mAdo two cross roads through tilt Lot* Situated-. betv,cc,i.said rolids, and will give to pach of the• first-mentioned lots a spfiicient space on cue of the cross r*.p.ds for atvork shop, without a charge for. ttfn years, and will he botuld t«tpny them thp.zralue'of the ujoderifto improvc- ineifts'tbat 'ninv be put on t hem,- oy make-a. fur ther contract JdY. the same: T-he luts on'these c crqss roads Trill be used exclusively formcchttllic shops.- ** •-... . . . The advama'geotis situaiion of this property is too-obvious to nk ulion- The ..almost exclusive suppoci of .ILicon passing tiie first iricOtibucd roruls. Mechanics lvotilu be - stifiicieiitly near town to 11ay--; the patronage of both town and country, bud:be freed-from tIni numberless objec tions to Iftkig ilircclly in-town- Also. For Sulcif ■ The store occupied, by E. J5. 'Weed, *iml the dwelling above, with a suilicicut lot, tin; purchn- «er w' entitlmj to the ro'*t at the rate oft?*23 per-year, till the l'st of October.' 'ALSO, POX SALE,* - 11.0 gJlAREri* COMAJEIJCIAL BANK S'lNlCKv :t!»o, the House and Lot occupied by J. L. Wifliafins, ncacDr. Owqn’sjnills, aud'ahout 20 acres qf.laiHl situated on the roatl" near-said house. Apply .to tbo subscriber,-if abseut.-toJ. (J. IIclvCUstOU,-E>t). YAprily-27- ALEN'.VN’Dnn. G'rTOTAVEiiL. CAST! STORE Stissella & Sickinscn AYE. on liaiuji and" will roeievc iu a days, a choice selection of GStOeSSlEES, &Cm j wli.cli will, he sohl low and for OAtSlI ONLY S Idids N. (>. .Mol a'sses 23 •• icimr St. Croix Si Orleaiis Sugars bags priale gretu CoiTco - 20 bids MackcreJ * - - ■ •' ’■ . 1 tierce Codfish 20 bills Family I’lour.(ciieico) 10 half bids da 13 qr - ., Bark wheat da 20 bids Irish Potatoes .51 bids Northern Rum, Gin, Whiskey 17 **- assorted Cordials (good) 3 tierces new Rice 1 pipe each cog Brandy ami II Gin 2 ■■ Northern Vinegar 5 bids each Teach and Apple Brandy r- > Jamaica and St Crcix-Rum * Irish.Whiskey \- * :*• GJicrry-Batiuca ' - i O AI, * 31/ Teiferiffe, Muscatel; Pert •• * * and fealaga Wines in q- casks Baskets Ghampaigno ' I.c-udou Porter in qti.arts ami. pi#t» - Bar Soap* Sperm &- 'I’allow Caudles Lump Sugar Hyson and Ponchoug Teas Druriiafresh Figs’ - Boxes frcsfeRaisins * Oranges, Apples, Onions, lee * ;'i Dried Beef, smoked Tongues * Bologna-Sausages, .Grackecs . * Spanish rjid American Cigars. ,&fe. S Tons sVvedes-t-nd English Iron , Euglish.. Ilirstcrcd aud German Steel 32 cn>ks Nails and Boat spikes Salt.’ Bagging.&J-Twiue, CastingSf Szc Also a genvakvaricty of Sta*)Io ,\!5vv C.’-cods, HARD^\ ARE, CROCKERY, Saddlery, Huts', Uvots,'Shoes, fyc <fyc. ' Jan.1,1833 14' tv? irsi itrA. 'ill u re ran rUBU = I!i > C I V THK T(*\\ \’ (-y COI.UMK ./ ff cel''n ,\* tvsuoper to cn, Tins MERC CRY, j To Le dcvolal to. Literature; /2.isric . Morals and-the'cUrnnt.itetc#. . JS'g WttCZASX. GZZ2S&. ; | ~H N.i-sning tbe Frospcdus of n naw paj, -r, it is : . _m_ diluciiit f.*r 11io lidiiorto give, i:i tiie small J j sp assigned by i ustdift tts tiie proper limit, e- • | veil a synopsis of his views and opinions upon : ; subjects intend- d to he ci-.-hi aerd in bis proposed | . publication. Nor, farther than tin- bail* mention , of the general principle by which Is.* --.-ill be gov- I erned; i< it, iu onr opininu very nei-t K.oirv tli.-it Ite shot :■!. lii ■ ppbliention mitst undergo the test of ncrusal, and slziidorfull upon its ujciir- r di: 1 merits. 'I’lii:. is tbe only*ground upon u l-ich we I gap with safely base a judgment. Genius is of i ten frittered away into frivolity. Talents is often encrusted bv the corrosion of indolence. Am! the br-g!:'- name L not -vs a sure gnman- j top oft lie faithful performancet-of ;m tuidertakiig. Under this conviction wo-intend that ourtTofds here shall he few, barely giving to the reader mi | ! outline of ou; design and the loading feature^ i i which shall characterize our puldietUion. | "'W'e |rropose in the first place to devote a con siderable p-'Hi on of this paper to the ;-oIite Iitt-r- ■nture-of the day,-nnd for this pui*p->se slnll make arrangements to receive'all the standard n-.-riodi- Cals of the United States, with several of the best publications, ih .Europe. The. utmost care and circumspection viH lie used in making our sclce- j tions; and although the editor cannot promise to bring to his aid a large share of talents.or an cx- traordingry. teste r he pledges himself to the exer cise of an unremitting industry and to the saving- of «o oxpense, that may tbud to imfee tiiis de partment interesting. - P"litirs also wiH erigage a portion of the cr- lumns of this-puffer, iit-l.-tist so far tis to give titc reader o - clear tgew of what is ostensibly trans- jdrihg from week'to Week in ihe political .World around him. Behind the scenes the editop'does ' d- X Weave, brothers weave!-— i’li" slnitilo athwart the loom, -Vud show Ui how liiigbdy your flowers grew. i Kat !mt tioperfame! i.omo, show us ti:,- rose; wen a iiuudrcd dves _ Tiie lily that hath no spot ; I i c violet, deep as your irm- love’s eyes, And the little forget-me-not! ’ oing.—sjng, brothers! weave am] si:sg; t is good both to -:.iz an 1 to weave : ’If- 'litter to vsoirk than live iilo: ’1 is.better to U i z tii m grieve. Wc-i'vc, hrd hji ; v The colors of..-- Let grace in each ; !• y ;.!•<> a ve :—wi .set gloj!> vc blow! id-bid’’ hid ! Let your slteia he long.-and year - Tr !c fin And your httnds both firm ami s;;re, And tune nor di nice sh ill your work ent.w But all— ilk? ti truth—endure 1— .'in,--sin .. brothers, sVc. ones Vt eriye,’ brolhsrs, wetiVfr!—fell is But toH is ihc lot of men : One gatli rs’ilie fra it,-one gather* tii One solveth the seed ig t i. d'h -iv is nut t ere itnre ii-ig’-ii: ■Tirtha peasant that delves the sui That knows half the pleasures the s If lie li is not diis sh ire of toil! So,—sjtig,' brothers,. &c. not oxpect -often to get; smd as to the ‘•dim- ropes and puliies” of iutriga e and management, helms but little taste for tlmm. and- shall meddle as little with them : or if lie does, it'wjll lie mere- drag from concealment the foul '<vorIrgoing J Di JH-iy on. iiM expTise to pnliiic gaze and .execriitien ai sties. (),z'h machinery syt in. motion nineteen »i;ces out of f wen tv for theadvantage of the individuai and to the injury of the puhne. IV* lielieve in 'the Mat's ntid Youths' Fur and-lfool Hals, ZTine Spots s:id Slioas* m_ d. &iQ. 4 IflUlO-ikO r-i"CTlS, &C. U: .Oct. 24 •« Tim SUBSCS^SS, AVfNG taken-possession of the 3tofe rent- cd by liiin in Ellis, Shotwcll fz^Cp’s. range, is now. ready to-receive any Cousigiim.efits with which his friends and the public mav be pleased to/avOr him. \3‘.M. I’. ROWLAND. Nov 27 17 /, c-; . - U- *, • Practice of SIcdicine. v f? DR'ri. ,CO\E■'&z BRIDG.MAN have tiuited in tbo* Practice "of MED- IOJNB and SURGERY.' * Their ©opsrtaorsllipi • •’ • PM^ HE siibs'cr'ibers havetjiis <l5y purchased riio Ji. entire stock of giuods belonging ib.Jl'ilejj-, Baxter fy Iiort itrthis jilncp, aud tVill continue the business at the-Same store on the corner of Sec ond "Strecf nnd Cbttpix.-Avenue, opposite Wash ington if all, under tiie firm of 3 AXVSB., S'QS.T 6l \y|£X|?; They have tin hand a general p.ssorjmeftt of[h^'Vhc^oa..itution,-has. hern reserved to the fresh goods well adapted .to the town aml.conptnr. StB ^- s „ r to . tii „ pe „ple. Wc shall-, be governed rade which wdl be sold at low >r.ccs, gud «, h r f, ^ pckmipie We believe further that power beral terms,.by the yard, piece or ..ackage.- i^ontinuidlv tendhic from the many to tlm few" lhey solicrt n contmnaucn of the patronage of; To cmlnt c r nrt „ u , h icndeney. and to'keepX - grasping am 1 ition— to f«d tyranny—and tp ce- eure the continuance of the Government in the j.van‘gli'liud r Led "the 1 spirit and practice of a pure'lemoer'ev. shall ev- | -.-tlu the er’s, exa a’in AX OLD-JOKU IN A NEW DRESS. Netif tool—lia h is a iicad.”- I'riie," says the orijer,' with a grin. He has i; lieail.—so lie-, a piji ” “However you may suer Mv friend’s no fait!—lia ha. n U ROBERT W-FO HT. LAIRD li. WILEY- Macon, July 1,-1832. ^ Kii ' ' . Jifolasscs, Sugar, Iroiiffyc. ~Tl •nhdsp’MolassSs • _ . ■_la_ Go t(f do' primo STcroix Sugar * - 20 bbjsnnd half idyls canal Flour 2.T du \;'liiskcy 20 do Gin, 15 do Bum T --1Q do Malaga Wine' -ID .tous invedes Iron arssortod- - . 30'boxes Tobacco (Virginia) lOO^piecQS lfemp Bagging 500 cotton" Bags,' 5i yards each' 501) bushels Al im salt , Also, d500-bushels Liyerp'orirgronuil Salt, on board Lamar’s boat No. f, (Infly.expected, will bo sold •low if taken from the boat. " All-oil good terms. forsfifebyU - REA &-COTTON. j-hiSO" IS ~ ' ' - . ATi;.ii>Av. March 13.—Kilkcn of a It Inlif it:—Oil Wednesday last, iD'rtieirwcrp’tried and eonyieted of o .mid. ulglil {ptarlf ou-tlje house* of Mariin Ke^aasigh, j of JubrntoiviHso far back- :is ihi 2?d Novrt;:!>er, Qrtlioiloxv of State Sifve- ! nnd with assaulting hint a. :l administering .reignty. and that mil power which hn: n.-.-t been unlawful qalhs. It oppeaced on tho'-trial. that expressly imparled to-the General" Government Knvaiia'gb hait^ineg eniered into thc.W'hitefooL confederacy^.been trie’d,‘ejnviet.-d, and 'oYdcred for transportation r.t th« last assize=. .j'is .wife and an apprentice, II, IIi L -hland'ciie on iC pVrty who attacked Kavdungh. wefa pro-llrccd -ifc"wit nesses against the ten Wlmcfcel, who were on theiFevid-nce-conticfcd of th-i niiftt Full* n-e v. •• in the hou-e and aciiltiitt'd. of tiie hirgl-ity, as Ka li tt> ailulit tlit tii-. da of ; iiglil ind. ho nd- er he our honest, however feeble effort. We b,.- j wntted that ho had often been piv.-cpt feh-.'il lievp.jliVt next to linking due part of tlie-.T’idon • Whitcfecr iv»*re Mvni-n'in. arid -.toted that tii- U>I- tributnry to anolhjr, or an abrogation of the eon-j leaving was The qtith hdininis'.orcii : stitution altogether, either brdetter or in piaetise, j ■ I- I |- -bv • u'e-ir. to keep counsel of ail this the dissolution "of the eo-ife-fercev iv til-l ia* one tuyted l-usin, • • .or’ribftndUm. Jan I. 183S Spring and S.tnnmcr Clothing. ollicc is the one,hcictuforc^ occupied, j'IIE subscriber is notv efl'ermg’for sdl'ca bv Dr.-Can*. new and cxlciisive assortment of Spring/ and Sommer Clothing, which will be fhund'.to -be made in the best a ltd : mnst fashionable style, included are the folloiv- 14 Tin )} r acc Alimnfhclurcr. MUllBElUtY, SEAR T'lJRD STREET. •'•‘ter • Fresh Drugs, Fa inis' Ip Oils. Oft. W. B. *S4AL □T AS just received .his freili.stippliej, aodof- . Li. fers-for sale, at Ills storeou Cotton Aven ue. :i quantity, of r . . * Extract .Sarsap.a/illa,- ^ for prticlc) Linseed Oil. p.Vrjri Jib Frtijn ' -do* White Lead . Oarpen'i .Castor Oij-if ( 11 < 'll ptniish Brown ground Spirits 'I uipcntinci .in oil. .Copal Varnish (lo • do - - dry Venetian Red Windsor Glass Paint Brushes Indigo, Spanish Flotc Alum _ Coppera*- - Bear!. Ashes Black lcathepdo Japan do .*’ * Glud - " " . Snuff. Macaboy ap’d Scotch Fine cut Tobacco- llair & coat Brushes'*. Camel’s hair Peiicil* .1 mUE subscriber cu.nlinues to niaucfncrure : Ji. TIN - WAffE in every variety, and 1ms . j OOiv-on baud a gent-ral_assortment, which be will : sell w holesale dr retikH at the Savamiafior Augus- I* ta" prices.' Ho lias also jus* received an nssortincilt of Ja panned Tin \Vr:’i ''.'consisting of Trunks,-ttigtir. Boxes, -Waiters; Bread pans. Canisters', sug'ar Bowl?,- Miik.eups, /1’ninblers. I’cpperjhoxes, Gra ters', Toy cup?, itaides, < ;iiidlc?iicks r Linrjis, sjiit Boxes, sand'Boxcs,- Locket.Lanterns, &:ci <SJf. Also, patent Bakers, Foot stoves, blockliu Tea P*.fs, Plntes, Basins, ^’iujiblcrs, &c. . Jf)|{ 3VORK done at the shortest notice, jau 2 * XVILIjIA'M S- ELLIS. " Ready . U tdc Clot hi tig. Romaazini;, lasting and Coattccs and Frock Coat*, boiunazioe and Circassian pan- Mtnons. crape, cainblott and marinoemainfere do-.l Freni h and English drilling brown do. Frouch*! •nd English drillieg while do. brown ai d white ] linru do. duck and stripe linen do. yigoua and lasting do. nhite aud hufl* Vests (incrstules) fig-1 *t4 incraailcs aud Valencia do. velvet anil flor- i ««li»ie do. 'Cotnnaoii do. white ami brown li.ien { Jarkcts, white and brown drilling do. duck and Vl 6ona do. Drawer.-, Shi ts. Morning Gowns, 6tc. &c. \c. All of tvliieh will be sold cheap for CASH. I would solicit tin; patronage of my friends nd ill public in general. Also tbc TAILORING will be carried on in all its br-mcln-s with dcsp-ilch. .V. It. Cld accounts must be paid before nets j *>**an made. , J A ril'0 23 LEWIS FITCH. Guise's Patent Printing Press, j fIU E uml,-r-igi*,ed having bivii anpotuied A for tliesalcof lln-t Iriffproved Latent e W Iron Printing Pres? .non this opporumitj lo rccomtncad it toW buternitiy. This Press is into gem : al use at the North—nnd i- I oglu to be Oh; most perfect mid cflicieatitf any <tbw uruse. Workmen, "ho bnvoused this amj ‘‘filer,, give ibis the prefereneo over every otlic\ k.iutl* as ronects case, power and durability. '* J'Onnofth -e Presses is now m u»e nt ^us oifice Where it may ho seen o ojk riiion. Letteis to the undersigned on the -ml.jcct, (post PW) wW t»<- ntteudi-d to. BARTLETT. Magnesia, Jump Afcal’d Chloride cf Lime Chloride of Soda Lemon' Syrup _ . L'-mips La uterus Lamp. Glasses &z 33'ick Pill]>bat A: \'ineg;ir fjtareh ' Guinine Pipcrjuo IodniQ., Opimn Morpbinm Acetate Iiladoira ard S^ort ^viuo, • Suitable for convalescents! Together with an extensive and-cenernl assorf- ineot of nil articles in lil-i li:tc, all of which were purchased in person by lirrasclf in New York, nid ai'e warranted genuine. He is prepared to give rea-.onahle accammouatlonsand respectfully invite- the attention of the public. Feb 13 20 4ft O f --UNDON I’lMNTEi) Mi :*i i*NS, far A Dresses, new pattarns,jiist received nnd for- de by WM. II. BURDSALL. April !0 * - . . r,Mx gjgskfckp. LliS.l’LAX THREAD, ador ed colors o_f a sujieriov quality, just received and for safeliy Nov27 17 ~WM. H. IIURDSALL. Sagging" ■ ’J PIECES 1 I-i tiud 2il quality ofli a LLL'dis vy Hemp B.icgilig, by the piece- or. iu qaantines to s tut ‘P urclia sVe IS A fur sah: liy Dec./J2. 23 G. A. IliGGlNS. Dim, lrlack and fancy col shmmer. cloth Dress Coats, Frock'Coats aud Coattccs, ■ Black bomlmzrne Frock Costs and Coattccs, .English Merino, rowntl Ca.sMincre, Circassian aud Lastitigl'rork Coats and Oyatiees, o! the greatest evijs wlveh could befell one hplov or! FAmitpv W«v b1i«H tlw.rofowrs Crt-VoA*nt tll 'ttl* 1 euleate a habiaial fpvprt*n«e for the Union, nnd for tbelaws of the Geiroral (r/tvernaiepf marled XU aiTmtiiisterr.-Wri the spirit of ih'e'constitutioiJ, and shall lend our assisimiee tii frown -'wx- eve ry -attempt- to alter .Ottr^irpspn’f; form of Govern- mentfor “light and transient e-iiis s.”’ T(,;, Gov ernment was' framed in_.a spirit ol eopinrnmU*': •and a spirit of liberality, alone can k"eer> it togeth er. The States have, bv lfi“ epiisarnrioii. traits- fc/rred a portioirrd their sovereiirn'v to the-Gen"r* al GoveniinenJ. and -heh sovereiirntv, so ti-ons- ferred.. should be as .strietlv gu rzted. as bigblv venerated, npfi as sacredly secured by them to the .Gener-il GoverOm’nnt. fe! . they shnnhl lie jealous. ’Afer-+pacJrm<*tfhi ijpon fhe sovereignty which they fliave-rEser.iied to themselves. - - '* - One or'l articles oirnraetiral agrieul- tnre will hp inserted in each week’s publication of the WrmirT. bv whieli yvo Irope lo.aTord mnrtV- vahialde lljiit* and suggestions to- the observant planter. The best ng’-iridiural pnblications.will betaken to nidus in'this department’. .The moral and relfeious reader too shsM not be disOpnoiilte’-l in loo'-iog Into dur fnihlicaiihui— We sIi-j!!-devote a eojumn or more of t-a'c-H ‘.v-'.’r-r Black nnd fancy colored sunmiercloih, tilnek and- , ' r * ° dcpariineftt*.. heing e.speci'iily or>efnl'tri I)row'n Boiiiha/.inc*. Enyi^t, black Lasting, dem^ mtrselectionsfroni the purest purees and iiueJi-h Merjno, row.tnl Gnssitncre, jvliitc. and brown Linen Drillings whito Baleen, brown nnd French Linen, striped Florentine and Nankeen PantaloonS'; _ . .White ann.colorerf MnrseiUs, white aud colored •Yalenwa,*black Velvet, blacfT Batin, black Bombaziuc, uncut Velvet, and-colored Silk Vests. .-. ' - "* few;. Ilrow n .add w liitc Linen, -white Sateen, FfemisJi Linen,' Bengal £ tripe, Rotvtrn Gaaurrtore, English. Iilcriuo. aud. Circassian ilouud Jackets. •>' - * . A'ouths’Coats; Jackets, Rnntafoqp* ami Vests -xtc.-ctc. : \yyi. il-burbsai.t. ’ i April*IG. • 20' • - ’ 2. I htav-hv gwoUrto sitflfoellie ii;;llt arm to I-e cut from itio t,.fi.. „mi iiruTiuft r^n... r^i,,, ..,..t. ■the right lo he nailed to the tnetropolfeof. Armagh, gaol door, before ever I’ll w ay lav or betray a brother, or go on-a green cloth to swear .-against him., ’ ' f. - ' - _ 3. I hereby swear -never - to have carnal pleas-- i re wnit-a hrojher’s wife, .sister, aunt or first couzin. only hy'lawfy.l pemiissio.n., 4. I h< reby wear ncvei-To ro!) a ninn or keep coo patiy ryitli -a isrrli!>erU unless in goal or work, where if canuot lie helped. " t 5. [ hereby swear to give money to the repair of arms orof'jynmmiiiion, when called upon by a brother, if I have it. ’ - - 0. I hereby swear never to have aihiiling. aud a brother to want siinenco ’ without -giving it to -Ijiin. — 1 . -, V- ~*_ • '. • 7, -I hereby sivear never to pity tiie moans qr groans'o.‘ living i J'ibir n, butajwav- wade l.iu-e- dee'p in Orange blood, niul to keep down laud job ber* find titlic-job jet;. 8. I hereby swear never to see a brother i.i danger q/*trau?portation. or the gallows, if l tua able *0 make .tip money for Iiiiii. ' H. f hcreily Mvenr never toji.n c two co^ts, two sliut*?, two p;iir of siocirn"?. f*.' uny; hohuiu"- injr to thejjpdy, i,ut wili rivo ci brotlu r uuc if iio avoidmg allsertorinn polcrme*-. 10., I hefqjiv swear never to sit in company ''".shall dso devote -npo>rion of onr pnpoc ro I and hear tt brother spoken ill of- If I «u> n"t the Indies, iin lertb.o hen-., of-‘*ThoEdiroc’-s | Id,- fi-ht.or resist, I will walk out an I tell thfi 4 at this time tell onr f ir : ncs! heather I meet What wa»‘$siiJ, who s:;i-.l it; wo U-ipd to have mnnv of thee,, ".ill IlOW r ’.iier rh ;ii to ike tIieir pretty Lho T'.sr.c, 2£ides and SZorns. ra^iiE i.i ghost price will be given hy the sub- I H_ M-riher for I-’urs of all kinds, either lioav* Otter. Racoon or Muskrat. *'T‘ Hides', drv. in tiny quantity; 'also p . Horns. Ox or Buck. C.A ",,^ c , r S.' x "v- 7 17 \ :c.ion a ^ . g* onun i SS ; ott store. ,. ■ .-mliseriher has removed io the new dljlCS STOR’E, adjoining the Post li( e, on Mulberry street, whir,- lie icjidtis his ser os in the aho'Cline. C. A. lilGGIN’S, Vov III 2n Zioaf and Simnp Sugar* W llOXIiS Loaf nnd-Lunu* B # received and for sale * . j lisl net 0 4 P*' oy -r ; ..-.A A- GOTTON. T»' ,—: N New v- va)) . . virk. l’hiladeiphin. Chat lesion, 8a- o chase- Nov. .•ah. and Augusta, iu sums to suit pur- . for sale by 10. BANTER. FOR I’ Sz " 1LEY. AS just re- 'hidd of Cotton Avenue, 0 h d*' -eivw the following articles, viz r> .. nhls Buck" heat Flour j qr. do . do 15 casks prime Oosfien Cheese ~0 boxes Bimini Raisins . 70 bids Norrliern Apples 20 boxes Tin Plate 200 lb Wire suitable for Tinners • 20 boxes fresh J^cmou-syrup 30 men’s extra fine Saddles 25 ladies do do 200 Uuudles cotton Yarn, No 7 to 1G jau 0 1(5 T 5 Sugar fy Iron. II.HD|p St Cttji.x Sugar 5 lilids X. Orlenus ilo 10 ton Sivcc'ls Iron, assorted, On consignment, and for snlo op accommoda ting terms by WM, J*; ROWLAND. Jau2 14 Oran is r Powder. 100 T Received „nt! for ife. ^ yr«A.>3qaito SJottiag^* J UST received and for sale bv May 1 30 W\J. IL BI RDS A LL, T Til \ K E s 5 Sir S3 J A.IBTR die least oil, n ive nil thud power, to Life ‘bSatf W l T r ° qU0,lCtl f ,u mak ’' '-v-uent: pm 80 8t JOHN SMITH. J I ST lauded Blue and I 1 e by i; i dl) bids Iris' 30 from ."El Caul Boat Bo- ‘■'Ter and for^- ' -..oct? o -me at tile ( ash «c DICKINSON. Li a toe. prime gi> 'll Cnlfeo JO lihds prime m-w n.p Orleans ,M6lassos / » iort Cii t»npcn.,r t it »ii'i'is < >rl Syrup « n '’*if;,||tx u 11^Hi* Cheese, Pilot and Sea Jiread Ate, A! arch 12 24 Sci. £*a. f&rits F OR returning fraudulent .draws i.i tlu* Land anil G'ol.l Lotteries forsale al this offirr. v A W©°rra Womqn to 4 C('L'ST(>-MED to House work. Iuquin nt this olliec. Mav 1 31 rofy )>rices By inn 30 18 S DiJELogers eelehrated Orange wder—10 do in 1 lb eftnnisters, ,ale in lots tonsil it purchasers, at REA & GOTTON, -(gents. Loaf and Lump Sugar. V0 dk JSarrek, ju>t received from the refinery of HI Seaman Tobias & co. ot New Yoik, for sale <ui accommodating term? iiy jan 30 1113A & COTTON. T3IZV7 SPSlirffG BOOM. 4 N e\iensive assortment of fancy DKi CO comprising the most desinilde ,, those snited to tbe seiic'qn*- J'^ 1 received and j oring to cross Me river. j A V J R °N T CHEST, fnrs-U V < 21 April la .„ - . y,. ^ *'1- II. llt'RDSALL. \ or sale bv' April 17 C-cailo^: F the I t- by ■ch 20 o WM. II. BURDSALL. 20 j r.»s leaver i'£a's» t stvle. just received and for sale ! ’ \VM. II. ALRDSALL. | 27 Itings.” But s*Te can-jot r rentier? (a> we Ulv,} fill up* thi? department, fur 8 jN it shall be A-Iiaste nnd lively selves, untainted “Bvrmeim.noral. q„ G &>ritapted thougKt, ii-- tins whi- might ivi-li to Mot.” In ad(jiit', >n f Q ,h9«e g.'noraldivAious. the paper " tit r<v ir f!^n n condensed arcounPof the eurren 'I’jivS of the-Week, both foreign and domestic; Ihc prfres’ current: tho arrival? and departtire? ,.of steninhots at and from GoloiUbns.'wftli tin ir'i'-lcc ofllie con=igne*>?well written CflwnTnonicaTltnfft, marriage?, mul deyths.kwel together with such. ndverti'Cnfeoi? ns Ids friend' n r-y l e pleased ro I faver the riHthr with, and such pr-inark- as he may ; iron', week to week-think proper to assert under I the' editorial head. i Tiiis paper wjll he published on a sheet of the r largest size. with, good tvpe, at three dollars.per ; annum pavnblein advance, or four dmlars jitiv-i- f Id© at tlu- end of lh p year- The first piper to he | issued* about the first of July .next. I Any person subscribing for this paper before I its publication, nqd being dissa i-fied ^afterwards, j I tn-aN-.l)}’ Mgn'fving the tiie editor within one moirhafter the puhliecriou o' the first num I ' her. have his name struck off the list without charge, ami ailv.other person may at any nine, j discontinue his subscription, bv paving up fipthe above rates for the time h» tn-y - -ive recciv -d the j paper. . Advertisements inserted at tin usual rates. Columbus. March 23. 1■ l i>() Strayed, FROM the subscriber on tliedth j list, at Perrv, a small black or dun ] ok red HORSE, had on when he j vent away a sinall hell, was shod all i round ;.liava blaze face : f? quick and lively. A reward of TEN DO I.LA IIS and all reasonable exp n-es will bo paid to any person that will de- | liver- he horse to John Chain, E-q. in Perry, or to j .fudge iH'Dou ild m "Macoii. Th" last that wa? ; beard of the horse he was above Macon, emleav- HOWELL COBB. Tl oust on county. April II. U-‘13. -'ll* Tii Macon Messenger and Federal Lnionwill please insert this twice. and in " hat company. H.' Idipfehy swear to go 15 n 4es on mot, and 21 o- hor?'hack, \\ h-u called upon oy a Ijrt’tiicr Upon si lawful occasion, or unlaw (al, ioi Ic-u it miglit he unlawful he fore tvo cot Id conic, hack. 12. I hi rcliy-wear in-vc.r .to' .-.ive the scei ct to hi-hop, priest minister, or to any Other hotly, ! ,.nly io a friar, and to.never tell the trait tiu.t j made me a WljiloToot, and to keep tu> to the . Kilmjjit of Sr, Patrick. Ti e d< i laration of the nhpvq caused an e\fra>- oiiiinat v sensation in .court; - aarts o! the oatil have herct ifore been cxliihiied to the- y'-’.hlic in- 'Kgn’alion, btlt tlii? is the Jii-.-i lint ,* that it ha? i-ecn exposed iu ;; court ofjustice in rile county of K:■ - kcuiiv. as a characteristic of tho W nitofbot sys- j tent. Several o', it? clauses are well remember- c! as having been u,C(l as I'm ma of. swearing in i- the older'tEbandnmri or f-!<ic5:it<*?, in the north of ; Ireland,'where" the former Orange system pro- | vokod such a reaction. The fact of it.? having ! been grafuyl on Wdiitcfootism, only proves how i extensive a.rc trie cai'---os winch operate in Iro- . lend to expose the peasantry to the temptation-rd : ininitig.aiiv sxstem or any enterprise, however I rash and lawless and dangerous, that holds out a hope of redress. PRINTER’S RETREAT. (Itul.; A pi 3 G. On Wednesday afternoon last, in a lit <•? insan ity, caused hy nmiuia-a-potii. " ,IIinill Broun, of Jellers-iii towu^liip. in tills founrv, watimuly set fire to ids ow n house, and was burnt to deatli. On the dnv Ucfui-s uie fatal act, he called upon his neighbor, and pointed out the spot where ho wished to be buried, and on the morning of Ins ill Re travelled some distance to visit hi? icla- livt-s, and bid them farewell. lie had been sepa rated from his family for a feriv days. On the me niiiming be weift to !ii? wife, and told herif she wanted any tiling out of the house to get them,' as lie intended to burn tho house, the accom panied him home, and lie gave lit-r a number of articles, bnt the most valuable were destroy-td.— He selected a time for tfci? horrid act, xvbeu ail the men of the iaimediato vicinity were absent, assisting a distant settler to roll Iors. Hi* wife’ and uvo female neighbors were witnessed of iho- horrid catastrophe, and nsed every means to pte-- vent him frrni accomplishing hi? purpose- E.r Sills was about 4G ears of age—ha* left u wife and WITH a large elegant lik’-nes? of the ani- [seven children, the youngest of which » aboitt io mal—handsomely printed at thi? office -^months old.*