Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, May 15, 1833, Image 1

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THE - f ■ GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. Fualis&od Weekly AT .MACON, GA. Printing on Mulberry SIvm!—opposite the Brief: Rangc. TERMS,—Tfiur.fc U<iu,.\T.s-n yenv. if pai 5 l ip nilvauee, or Focr. J><»x.x*a‘i,s. if nop. paid licfore.tltc striref the year. Subscribers living at a distance Trill he rcq&irs:! in off cases to pay 14 ailtaujtc. poor Wok^; 1 ^ - !{!'.Si ?:CTFUM,Y in, - ! * " !C P" h *'° »bat they! "■ '\ hnyo • i Veit ifso store in Efts, SPotvrcJl <fc Eft's, r . . - to w. uvo doors nbovo'tfcc JF "*£=S35E£=5. IN,st-.Office, where they j con-, receiving pud*pq*ti^gjt very gcucrul j rjtrtjnt'nt of , ■-’£ . I • Ssd^aad Stationary*'- Antons t4cir.vvorlt»,*tbcy have a (tenoral assort- j ir.Mit, ami hr constantly receiving the hour pnMicalinis on Theology, Medicine. Law>.His tory, nml .Miscellaneous subjects, together nitlr Midi other articles as are usuatfy kept iu a Book iitorc. ‘ . • ^ . A< one of their firm will lie most of the .time at the North r <>.' the purpose of attcuilteg sales end stinting Hunks, they '' <ti;:ri!trnisejvc- :;::>l they will at id! times have ^s-gpotl an nssr'rtirieht, -mid he aide to dispose of them on as moderate term/ as uay house in the Kouiliern eonntry. (i. I*, 8. «fc Co. have a largo nssej-tment of I.irids mi l sizes. - - * ' i . * ools Cap, Ti tter, and Nob? Paper of the hygt bmlity. l>oih English tUid American, jdaio ami otahossetl, tvalcrauid feint lined,. piLk^ye/ktiv u? am! white. . • ^ E%A?85Z3. . L Ill-ink Chock#. Notary Public Letters, V> tiro- fconso Receipts, Bills of Ladhig, ‘ ' * . Writs of all kinds. ’ Justices Summons, do Executions; Ciciks do Tax Collectors Uo. Mibpiciias tor Witnesses. UoctU, Sheriffs’ do.. rihcrifiV Bills of Sale, G :r- nishnicnts, Ca. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. • Murriago License, Bail Writ a ha Bond, later. Cffiin. Pitmetious for Juleircgarorics. Hills of Indictment, Bench.Wanants,* Bail Bands, Attachments, finer, judgements. ; ■ J Letter* Testamentary; Latte/:? of Adiriigistra- tion. Temporary Li-lferr 6f A.hniuistratinn, Teim- porary Letters of Adiuiuistritiph, ^Cfuaidtaft* Ruuds. . .* • .. . IS | V \ \ yvzi. If. fiUJMJSAIA, AtuyuMtjWn '{y^ : -amrc.uu is iv,a^rtmm '-'oc-i^s. (OlothiBQ-. f*i Mot:;. t yc. ° El stop!; will he found inferior to. now C1%. . s »>v favoring him W ith „ call will ,w,t u CoinJa. :;w root! reduced price*. * Ron t tmh UnhJ. ‘ ' SO* roci; r i.vsi--. is j-aiit, or.-rmi; onjMir fcaxnmVtllmvBhMd; nwd‘Colored Broad Blue, Clack. .Mist and Fancy.jCoLrcd Satliflets ‘ ti'ined^Sa'.tincts, r.iigiis!i 'e- riuoa? ..igUsli. Futile I‘.dm and Itofe Claiikcts Bed, White. Green mid Vcll.ny Flannels Cpnloii and Sasony-White Gauze do jilannux Tallin Diaper " Bird’s ! Scotcli, nod. Itnssin do Hlne, Black Slid Coicred-Boifibuzctts . -do , B<J Circassians * ftrgrp Cli,thing, Linscys . Browtn and Blenched c-hiitinES- . *lo. do eton&gj ” do ■ do UMMinn Rotthn Ozanhil.-ss. Fiiftians ,» - r- '. •%HliMik Baiimi i.itsfring. ; * "k “®!f tJrofSde SwJ^t Black Grttss do Naples do. do Berlin " a-! BlaiSi®chews rind Sarranets * * • Col..Gross de.Nnples * , Bl;)ck and Col Florences' *1“ ‘;:..d<V Itelinn Ci.ijics - Scnrlcf and Black Merino LjMrShairls * Scaflel * - * • • Cndamerej Vvlimtiii, Thibet Wool ‘ — . 9J1*. and Cs'slmereShf.wla ■ Jfiirnonj, Palis jWnsliii Crnpfe. Ciiuze, CrusAde .Vrpfes end Maujarins Dress y ' fh,ndkerc£ief$'i? -• ■ Lntiuw.'nnd Ukfcs’ D. l;isn,-f!itli«n,5lnii» 1 Leg . horn, Braid and Firucy Uoimets, ijttj*omtCMuoUsnillnrci r ' .l-uglisli Moleshins Hi d Tick* . Apron Clioeki, Furniture do Domestic 1‘luillsmnl Strijie*-** *. Floo^ ("ioth rjreun Fuze Cloth * Ftimjtijre tfijhhy. Hair cord do • Bp'-an She'Sjitig, Bleach Dinriass - BniUjis/BiitTriyuCords , I Irish j.weu: i.aivns* - . . ■ JWusand &-..ileV ; lUUrnpt Cfition.t-’iijsirncras?- rlllncl; ofid Col jdaui -IlihbOns* Dark arid Ii^ht Col. i’riuts imd Lace mid (>KtiZ£ Veils — ■«Tll.l. M-ll/.lie stock of B.4Q.KS & !i.\R!>- of f v i' u A :;c. holongii-g to Eflii; Siiatn >‘l! & ■' •Co. ».t very'low- prices, a. it fijr^casli.* andlto I m-Truant* wlto tn&y want to replenish their! stock; li^ioti time, for apjiroved jiape!-. TAt'Stock constr,ts of trgn at mrhttjof j Cutlrnt. C<i*iut<:s j . ECii A I< \S’ 'i’OOI^S, 1 ^aitanmidbl I - I- lK.\i ft BE M<) LXTIXG, See. Scc. ,, . 30OKS or.stshng of largo ami smairBihlcs, ?.’,e;!iral, Ltiw aud-School Bosks, and a gfeat' variety of UeUgiKts aucl MUedlatiie »iv Books. l)tc. 18 . ?r. JACOB SilOTV.’EXL. Notice. NS^i f y.' Beck*, A(frouiiis and some of the’ -R- Nolcsof L --a :\;. l! together with - those ?-■• bliQlVVc!( cc J. 5. ftmitll, are planed in .Die Irniiils j.f Jofiii -.C. Ilcrretisrou'aid U‘m. XT. 1 atLer,- i.stirs.-who are authorised to settle the same. • ^.. y. . ^ be sith^crihcrs are pariitiilarlv anxious to havy ttie-trefahns>ettled without adding- tmv ex pense to-those-iudehted to them .and hope* th'aL' a.l " liqiiMre not paid their notes <tr aeepuisls w f|J ifum^Hiatuly call on Messrs Parkerjir Ilclvcn- sfon auti jo so> ■ : . • ml . c ALEXANDER •SnO'tWirLl- . vJOSEPir rf. SMITH. .* . - Mncoii. Ajtfir M8.TI. .27 , t .... %,o& for‘Safe. - T^’.HE.ihhserilier having a nhniherof I.O'rji ‘ «P the right hapd sido., ofihe uctvroad- leatnng fforn .^lacou to Forsyth and An jke l«f( of tlid-old roadi oorfliaeucing soon aft«r'cGu*filu« ayBraijgS, oii hcfli*-roai|», wi. l £ dispose o/tlie name to such 'per/pfts ajxVill make good citizens, on-roascuahleJornij. A5,'aU.imlucehVem to me- j yliouies- he itas majle. tjvo-efoss root!* thraitgluho } - i-ots-siu atcjl .betwefcu said rciids, aud will give to each of tlic-fiwt.- uK'uiiiuied liiti si- siillitieat baud, aucl trill lavs, n choice selection of ;;; ac. which- Will ke sold loVv mu] Ibr.GArdtrON'I V ; 8 hfids N. O. Molasses f’-5 -• prime .' : t. Croix & Orleans S 52" hags pri/ne green Coflco 20*4,1,1* .Mackerel . 1 uc'ra. Codfish ' . , . 20 Ij!,'3 I^mily Flour (choice) id ht^f-hbls * db<! J5.qf~ I5uck wheat do .‘.-.i liMsirnli Potatoes *51 hblj-N'erthem Rum,-Gin, .Whiskey 17 “ assprbti CL'rdials (good) __ ' 5 tierccs iieV;Jtice . . • / J pipe each cog.Brnmly and' II Gin 2 “ Northern \’inegar * * X 5 Id,Is eaclf Peach hud Apple lirtm'dy ^ Jamaica ojid tjt Croix KuTh . Irish.AViiiskcy -- *• V x -.. Cherry. Bpiiifco , A* *’ -.- O 51, S 51, Teneriffe, altiscai el. Pert ; iyul..*\"!aga P.-itjes in q-tasks- Kaskcis^Ghamjifilguo , I.or.dun PoVterift quarts and" feats Bar Soap,'Sportsl & Tallofy t'iuuUe? •/_ljiitnp Sugar ‘ . -tlyson nutl PoUcliong Tets Drouevh-'esh lAfes . • ’ ‘ Bmcsi/rcsh Iiftisiiis * Orange^,' Apples^ Onious, &c‘ ; DrititTtef-f. snroked AougkCa- ' w .. Bologivi Sausages, CntfckCrs N -i -~ ‘Spniiish and American*Cigafs. fee. ' dUBrJflt n?wl> ?'•’T^i-Vi* ** * * J tioft, ,j T.iv Collectors deed*, Gaimit^, Sub. Dec.Ttc. Dec 21 24 . n \±\l & cott<>.\ Ofirfor,sale o» hccormnodalirlg terns, PI ECISS. Hemp Bagging*'* 500 ready made Cotton hags, be*l quality - ' ' 100 fch!*‘ Iiaifiitiorf?,' N. O. ami Georgii 'WhLk.-y.- , . TO ithds Northern Rum (colored) 10 rusks Mi.wellcs tiiid Madoit^ Wine •10 boxes iHi'uufacttmsd 'Tobacco _ * ;!■'> St..Croix 6c Porto Rico Sugars 5 Mil* Coppcrns v " -'. 3 I ales Blanket* I hok .Saddlery 1000 bushels Alum Salt* . , . Axao ' A small invoice of DRV GOODS, UAltD 51AR13, CIIOCKEKV, &c. suitable for a cottu- tiy store, will be sold on a credit of six monlhs. Ort. 2 I JTEW SPRING GOODS AWV&u&TWiKtti At the Jlucotv Clothing Store*. IF * FITt'II is g«,w opening at -tile Al.-icou Clothing Sto e, a,nC*v.-:ind.. splendid as- ' •ai.- ituf GOODS and CLOTlJiNG, ciAysisF hi part .uf B le'ituiues, Onmhlets, Marco Gaiimercs of iai': .Ml colors. Plaid nud Striped do. brown : «il white Drilling, hrowu mid white Gr*'^ - It'Hia Nankeen, .Circassian*, JVnstwi, figt 'm-cl and idnui silk Velvets, Engtisb figured-silk ■ esting, plain Florentine j!o. buif and white Va- kuefa do. white ami figured .Morsaile*, v. Iiitc v fig- hawl silk and \ nlenti.t Gold Vestjiig, uetv artu «, n goinl assortment of Cloths, C-usinjfcfs, &e. Fancy Article*. ^Miite and fancy Cravats, pletetT rind plain dnailinziue ^tocks, Vch-ft'and- (i^ Gum Klutia, nett silk, nett cotton, atyl. Webb’s patent ^iispondeni, blacky white -ami- fancy silk Gloves, •‘lack and fancy, houoskiu : aud buckskiu do. browu lim-n tio. Englislr nud French silk half • luse. vigunado. w hke mixt mid strip cotton do. isiicu lloioms, Cpllar.-, Stiffners, Spittleficld, lir- 'it’i tiu I Bandanna llaiikerdiiefe,-white and fiAur* jil do. si;k Umbrellas, childrens’ leghojA, Hats, * -tlutlenf do. See, See. *v V r- Rcady Made Cfotfiitig. Tlamaiutino, lasting -mid ctrcassiau -Gont^ccs j"’ 1 ’ ‘ ‘' ot k Coats, boiuhuziiie mid circadian path- 'Moous. crape, cainl.lctt amJ m'arinn cassimcrc do. yju.di and drilling browti do. .French ; 1 English drilling white do. bro\v«, and wbRe j'iun do. dock and stripe I men Ao. vigor.a and »mg do. white Iml huh Vests (rnorsj- .ies) fi"-.- /•'d ttersade* mU vaR lir /« do. vel-; <t and (lor- (Jj oghams -. I'lgiK-etFund plaisi,BobCinctNLaco Thresd laice* . ^ AMHr Ca«nh5c,,Jai;onti*, SwU.-. Mull, -Xuusdok tyid v l’eok .M<is!hu ._-- I,ine.|f Cairtbric, ’ *. Linen'Cambric Ilan Jkercbiefs, Pongee do ' lift,in -.FUig mill Rmidimn do , v ‘ ‘ si;cl!_Combs-- .• .7 • ; , ~ Ladies’’nml Gcntlrmcns*Gloves; • . - .' ' « Cotton, W orsUid nud Limit,’* Woo! Uose BJnek imd Col. Cambrics . • . •- ” b Read I’otifiilt-e,. ‘ ... klfin’s nnd-ltSyr Fur, CIulls »nd Seal Caps' . ^Cliintbilia do * *8Tijierfmc l.'Uif, bhj-k. gh-cn.« dirtiivu (TloUcDiA-ss Co: m’ehiid; olivc-and its. IHu'r,’ black, green, h'ixiw-n nnd steel, tnljft Cloth Frock'Coat* ■ J .. J -__iuiproi-q ments Uint hiay ho put on them; of -make, a fut? thcr Contract for the vnn«e M’he !dl* on thoSfe crosS roads wall he nrud.exclusively for ineehauic *|lop*.- ... *«' '-r . i. . ■ 'l'he ^iilvmito-icoiui’situ.atrou 'of jJ;i^ pvojierlv is too qbvip; , neuliou, Tlip' almost exclusive suj>pi>ri irf Ritcon. pii**mg tho fir.-t .meiitioued rpndi. Mcclimfie, woulji he .sufScrcmlytTiear town to havh- the p.-Ufoitage 6f Until towu and .country, and be freedTrom theuutuherteds objec tions dii*cct!y.m font,. -. . - . •*. ; > Atetj, For Sit fa, - £. ' . • R’hc store ojccupierHiy V.. B. AVcrd, ami the ..dwellingshove,, with-a imirtrienlt lot, the pnfehri- jner wjll bC-eutiiled iu riio rci-t at tho rate of $425 per ycar r :iU. the ist of Oetoljcr. . Atso^ ydn £»ur, * * 5 110 SHARES. C.oSiVUifrCIAtr' iyANHv STOCKr also/tbe llonse and Lot oceupiv<l by J- L. AVill'ams, ijr.-jr Dr. Owen’s mills,hud about S tons swedes nud’-English Iron ’* Englishr Blistered and German Steel 22 Tasks Nails at(tl Rout spikes -. Salt. Biffing & U’wi^e,--Castings,' See, Also a general fiiiritiy of . staple €>-oo«fs, • IfARDWARE, CROjaivl RY, ’Haddie rtf, Rats,. Boots, f$h6cs, Avr ere. Jan L’ 1833 > 14 - ODDartnersliipp B'ue.'bpwn.'oHvc,- green and mid | 20 neres t>n.wiV sitnuteR on the road near", said Blue, steel mk/iindfancvcolor^Baltiuil^Ml-i C^ldrclntow l I-- abs . e ’ t :to ^ -1. ’ . siio-tWell.* ne. business at the' same store on the corner of Sec ond Street nud Cotton A-ythue, oppositcAVash- ingttns Hall, under tho firm -of - &-wsssss*, 'J’h'y have on baud a. general, assortment-of fresh goods well Inlap ted to; the towu and country trade, which will be sold at low prices aifdpn li beral terms, by tlje yard, piece- or package^— They solicit n eontiuiftition of the patronago -o'f former custumecs-and tlie ptihlie geiferally. THOMAS VV. RASTER. . ROBERT \V. FORT. • . 1/AlRbli.MTLE.y. Atr.eon, Julyl, 1^82. - Jtil- - FtipcrCse I,lue'bluck. brown, olive, crMi arid SttAl dijxl clqtti Pantaloons- ' Drab, tawnier nml stnpnil Cnssinnue do.»- ' •• . Bbie.-steel mijt iin'HMicy colored, Siitjiuet do' English Jhileskiu, uncuf C<u.-itnnd Baiigupdo’* VouHis’ Cloth-null- •Sattindf Coatees and Tantn-' £ . loullS » '9. ■ • BleeTr.lrlna amlJrab Cnfsimere V’ests . - Black and colored Vclvi-J '.do ^ 1 « Dark’ nnd light .figured Vafcnfin, ivRiin ‘and r.ol- • - i>re(FMarseilles; 8wuntdowii, Toilinet nnd riiiMinet Vests CaraUct nnil Fluid Cloaks Vclvnt T Ihimtinzine, Hiljj,. Vnlcntia and Leather f Sttdekf . ‘ ’ i ’ Fino Ljtfen 8iiirts, fToKurj. Bosoin.i, Arl &e.. • - • Ngro C/oihihg, ■ Men's ayd Ypulhs'. Fur miS Cool Buts, I ' SPiaeSeots. and Shoes, -.1 iSTtS®*.0 fiI£OE3, €ca, Sca.ScZ. Oct;24 ■ * . . - AMRG taken possession of tbu 'store rftil ed by Jam in Ellis, Shot well & Co f s. range, is new rtady to reccivc-any Cousignments With whieii Ids fri; nds aptl the public tnav .be pleased ti> favor him. lVMpT. ROVftAND. ‘ - Nov ‘27 - 17 s ' . Fresh: Drugs, Pa mis Oils. '. .;;»»* siitiii-'; • • * AS just reCeirciLhi* fresh’ stipplir-t,. at;d of fers for s»j*„at his store on Cotton A voa- up, a quantity of •.{ •' •' - '.iusced Oil . " ^TtraFt' S.-irSTparilltv . pe.yu 'dp • ‘ KOfirpciUefri I'miu do'/ CaAKjr.Oil (line -at-ticlc) White Lend * <'roioiiOiL ^ - Spanislfltrtfwn grauiml Spirits Tjufp'entino in,oil ' ' Copal \ pvntslr . dry R-Lvek leather do J.dpbti da > ■» Glue' - •Situi?, Mr.cahoy. xnd , Scotch t . FiseRuf T obnci-o- • T' air' rC'coat'Rfnshcs, Crtritel’k hair I’cm-Hs ion ••nil h/own li.o x -$umtfe i)l ‘-<l i ;-(>\> u drilling do. Muck m .‘ir.-Jcc. * -* nor3 ’ S;: ^rts; .Moruiug/Jowiis, A r.e- . -• ''trie<i \rlH bo sold cheap for CASH. 1 •ildioli, the pfttromige of m\ friend* and lb; f ,c .agoucrnl. Also the TM I.UiUNG will 1 carried on iu all its branches w ith do-patch. -N. 1). 011 accounts be void Xnsare made. April ’0 23 I ..ta i..f r. at :r LEWIS FITCH. host’s latent Printing' 3/rcss. E undcrsigni'd having beoo appointed A A gent for tho sale of Uu- i's Improved Patent tan Iron Printing Press, tui-e- this opportunity 10 recouauemf it to the fraternity. Thi* Press i- ruining jut u general uso at the North—and is aiuiidit to be tho most perfect nnd ciBciontof any “'m in use. Workuieu, who hove used this arid -. ivo this ilio prctforence over every other kmil as n>>i)cc t- cum-, miner anil durability. ivili use at this office, ration.’ I on tin- subject,.'(post M. P MtTLE'I T. r)o da Vecctiati Red Windsor Glass ,»... Paint jirii>hcs I'iiitgo, Sptiuish Flotq Alnfn Copperas _ ’ iNtori Aslies ' . * * , v uni; i VI. Magnesia, lcfhip .Xjcar<t '(,'ldori<lo of f.ilno •Stiifch •' (ihlomle.of Soela Qniidno .. * . • . Lemiyi SJ-ritp. Pipariuo Lanips , ’ - • Iodihe'-’- , Lauiernn. Opip;,-, Lamp Glasses & Wick Xlornbiurd Pulpbat ic Viuogar Ac; Mto » Sttsdsira and Port Vv^noj * Suitable J /r'unvitlerecnts. Together with an extensive and general assort ment of all nrtjcli - iu !ii- hue, till of w hich were (Uirchnid iu person by him - elf in New 5 prk, -nil arc warranted genuine. Ho I*.prepared t > give reasonable hccommoiiationsortd respect;ally iuvites tho attention, of tbc public. TVb t.'l ' 20 Jrm'1. Practice'of 3Sed£cia®« .: . DIES.. CO ,E & BRIDGMAN have united in fho i’raeticri- of MED- IGIN'E a.'.d; SURGERY. ' -Their office is.tlie one heretofore .occupied by Dr. Cdue.* * ’> * 1833 .- 14 A- Jrlolasscsf Sugar,\Iron y Sfe. ‘ ri IThds !Mola«es Ja_ 0.9 10 do f.rimo .st croix Sitgar . J . 20 bids and half 1,14s cpual Flonr - - 2o do . Whiskey 20*ilo Gin, 15,do Rum 10 do AJalaga Wino ." • ■ *.' * * I.Q..toil* shvedeST Iron assorted _ . BOMiuxesTobacco (Virginia) '* 100 pieces. Hemp Bagging - 500 cotton Bags, 5tJ yards-Fnch 500 bushels APnji Salt •-,- Also, , lp00 ’bushel^ Liverpool ground Salt, on'board Lamar’s boat No. 1, daily expected, tv,ill J,o. sold low i£ Jakfn from ‘the'boat. AH on good terms, I forstdeby * REA & COTTON. . J ‘-jari29 . 18 ’ * ugars , 7j”' i- 'V- Pri.-isec-.i. of •• nee. p -p d i : .is. d.i<l;rr,if for the fi.'iior to pive, ill ti:-- 1 mail! (space assigned I.v < lutom ns the proper limit, o- {. | veil .a •>' no:- : s of his views ai ! o-.imibus upro i-jsubjiTts inte;i(h*d to ! e s mi rared is.-his prnpo - il i piiblieadoii. Nor, fartfiej- t!i a the bare an ilfioa ! i of ifie general principles! y wfiieli he >= i!i Jc , - j j CraVd.v. is-it; h! tiuiropii'iien very necessary that t t -jje stuvuld. ftfs-ptibKcatmir. R«sruii{i- rgo -.he' ten! .1 h^nerusal, anikstaiid or f.-.H upon its m ,-i’s or dc- i merits. This is llle m.iv ground'upon which we ; elm u ith vafety'hasc a judgiiieut. Genius is of- ten frittered away i.ntn frivolity . ^Tnleuts is often : eucrusteil .hy pill, rowdsTon indolence. And . Rie brightest name is not always.;! ;nu-e^«jirau- leeifiTthe f;nthfu1 jrefrognance of an upfjertrTiug. Fuder'i’liis c.-avi.-'inu we inf nd-lli it’" xrdrtl- here slnlj l-eTpi.-,’ barely giving t<j the render an outline-of ourand -the- lending features which shall chiiraeferK^(B!u.f»pfiblicJrttoii-. -■. We-proposeji! the first le devote a eon- j sidrrahle purtio.n of paper to’ .the. polita-Ijtcr- 'atnre Of the Ray, atijl for ibis jhir|r-s8shall make arrangements tit receive jTlj the slaiplard periodi cals oftii • United "States, with several of the best publications in ipuropc. The utmost’care ami circumspection will hearsed iu ma-ing-om s"ice lions; and .,1V1 mugli- tbc editor*cannot promise bring to’his fit i a-l-irtjp slnreof tnlenN. or an o frauvifiritiry taste, lie piedges hiinsejf to^be ex eiso of nil nureinlttigyimlustrv -anif to t!ie sav.St. of Up expense, that may tend to pnrtnieiit'in'teresting. . , . P"litics "ah o will enTic-c ;n portion of the ce lunihs of this ppficr, at I ;>?r so iaH as »o give the reader a cRar view of'what is oFtcnsifdv'trail pi ring from wbekMo-ivcek in the political wor around binr*. Behind the’ scenes the editor does . not cjpcet often to getami .as to the ‘-dirty roniTS and qinlltes/ of intrigro and maiiagetnent, be Ins but (jjtlc tisge fur tb?in. an'd Ahall medtlle as little w ith riienior if he does! it will be mere !y to drag from t concealment-tlie*foul n ock going op, and t'xposo'fo pubfi’e gaxe.nmL'e.veeratioii a machinery, set ip inqtioti nfneteeir riffle oiR'of twdnjv for the advnfitnge erf the individual arid to tfaflHaingy. of the pnldic ■ ; y C belie ve in the ortLndoxr of Ptote Prive reignty, and that all power which liar, uor befin expressly imparted lo the General Governmem lyv thc_ Constitution, jias. beCn reserved .to the P fates m-m the pettplP- -VV sl’.all’be governt tt)Ith : !tpnue1pTe> We befieve further that power is epniiftitallwtetidiiig from thp- itraiiv t’o t(»o few To counteract sie-li tfc'ndeney, ijjW to keLa tFe power iu the hatifjj'of tl^^eqple"—to thwart, grasping ambition—-to foil, tvr.anuy—-amj. to se- e.ur^.tR-o continuanee of th? G ovc i'nmeiirin the spirif.^nd pr*efie<rof tf pure democi-.-cv. shall ev cr.bft o_nr honest', however feeble effojt. \V f lieve tlrtt.nexf to making one part of the Union trihiyary lo another. or,an at*rogtition*of the*Con stirption eltigotfcer." ehhor hy letter or lujtrnetise. the. {(issolutim, of the rottfeder-acy would helohe -at ihe greatestcviN wha-hrcmdil befall.our belr.v- cd eouiitry. We sjiall-therefore eiv'eavnr to in- euleato a habi-tial reverenee for tie 1 Union, nnd for the laws of the General Government enacted an 1 adminlsrered in the spirit of.the constitution, and shairictiil nnr assistance’to frnwii pivav eve ry attempt to alter our present fopn Of Goverit- mentfor “fitht mid transient cans TheGov- . AJait or L'nyl titled Lmn j!' L. a pijf lic.-iuon ci,till, ;<s dir siildei d “Sitnshine, icd poem cn- «A ADVICE.’ ’oft.: v, py love m a Is e.U very -,yi!l for t!ic yo; e.g— But \Vlieq-yi*u've hveir mafrieil av A dificreut song wi’J fie snug; And Ho wor* [ii they silt-the comp! Are. ;:il very vvc'U faf tlle-fiain But jewc!s [a pretty « dcetii n] Have a vasdf suiicri >-• a r. c ion] • Spring find Slimmer, Clothing. TTS-THE snhscri'.ier'’ls now offering for sale q new and extensive assortment of Spring - and SuHLmer Gloiliing, which’will be found 'to % be made iii the best nml most fashionable Style,.included are ihe follow- /. jfhi Ware Manufacturer. * - MUJ.IIKtllix, tvkxn T'!iK!> STISK.-IT. I?E'siibsitriiMir coiititiues |torl manufacture —«- *— - Ja. TIN WARE in'everv varictv: ; ,nd has Blqe, black .and fancy col s.mqmer cloth Dress ilov. on.liniirf a'geueral assortt)mol,,wiuth he'will, -Goafs, Frock Coats andGoattees, .sell itRidcsaljar-r^ldil at tlibjjfivauuahar Au»us-u^ lac ^ bombazine Brock .Goatsand Coatlccs, . ta’prices. ^ o® lia5,a!so-jn«t-_recoiyed a'u. assoftmentxof Ja' Banned Tin \\ are, 6on»istiug"of Trunks, sugar Boxes, ’Waiters* Jfread paijs, Gauistcrs, sugar Itov. ls, Milk i rU j )s * Tmnbl^rs.-Popper hoses, G’ra- w-rs, I dy ciifis.-Rattles, cnmllcfticlis.'Xatrps, sjiit. Btrjesr-sandJBoxcs,'Pocket !.:mtenis,*-&e.-Arc". Also, patenf Bakers, Hoot stoves, bloc-lfiiu Tea I’rateg, Basins,.Tumhlers/Atc. ' '. .- •*; JtJIHVVORK alone-at rite stoiiest nolico. ja" V. ll.LIAM. S. ELLD IT ONDON PRINTED RUdLlNrii’ Tof R A Dresso.*', new paftertis.just rcretvbj and for >alv by- WM. ft. BURD8ALL. April iO h T ZHAS TEEaAZ).’ /Q F* ig[K LBri.FL.AX THREAD,-assorted rcuiveil Nov ™ M uasuri^lA i assoncu . colors ,of a snjierlor quality, just eil and for"salt, by j -27 17 WM. Tf. BUP.DSAI.'l,. Sagging. PIEGES'Jst and 2d quality of hea vy Hemp Bagging. l,y tho |«ecc or i nu.-iiiiittcs lo suit Purcbasser--, for sale by Dec. 12. 23 C. A. HIGGINS.- - £oaf and jiump Sug"ar. BONBri Loaf and Lump Sugar, just roccived and for sale by Qet fl 4 REA & COTTON. STors* iiiv’CS !£Eorns. fTplHE liiglic t price will bo giveii hy the sub JSXZiXS /^XN New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, St(- M v vtmnali, aud Augusts, in sums to suit pur chasers. for sale by Nov. if). BAXTER, FORT Sc « 1LEY. Furs of all kinds, either Jk-aver, -krat. ^ A try, in :mv quaipi'v: al-o Dcerc-kin*. Ox 01- Buck. C. A. II4GGINS", 17 ft rick" Hu 'Mings, \fulkernf Sit. .fiL sertber I Otter, fiaofOO or'Mu Hides; Horn-. -Nov 2 spccu ease, |.n« < oneof these Pr, sses i-"' "hereit . ay |, e st -, „ in |-'*tioi* to the auitersRnei Will Ml, (1,1, ,| in T gi-sJ 3£-. 5KhB llic len -1 o.ic -i\. iiiothod in llis o -®l ,, ’"er. to inform bis fiicnfis nml tin- public !!'" h « '* nbllL d t„ disroutiaue giv,Bg cr. dit — 110 -e m his debt are" requested to - like p-ivneu: April24 3j 3t JOHN SMITH* audion and Gcmnussion 23tore. r|4 |t^ Siibseribar lias removed t<> the up” 1 BRI.GK STORE, adjoining the P.Pft Dl fire on Mulberry swpet, where ho tenders fits ser vices m rho above line. C. A. HIGGINS. Vov in 2o onded from Steam Boat Bonnet® o nud Pioneer an for sale a, the 1 ash Rl'Sf ELI. DICKINSON. ,1,1- Irish Potatoes gitou Coffee JO bbds prime new crop Orleans -Molas-es 7'Pierces superior ‘‘i-argi i Syrup alibis ns Sugar* Oh esc. Pilot aud aea Bread &c. March 12 24 >T Bint 30 30 bnt i^* Iron. & it gar U* HHDSStCroixf 5 bh'd* N’. Orleans do ■ 10 ten Swecds Iron, assorted, " A- jHj Dp c6nsigmi:ent, aud for sale oh aecommoda- tlng terms by WM. P. ROWLAND. Jan 2 14 - J’ *o» JVT -squito I’S'ettin; ST received ahd for salt- iy May 1 30 U M. II. BURDSALL. £’>ci. Fa. Writs F OR returning Frniuiult nt dr.»w> in the T*ant1 an«i (io1il I.otterfff** forsnle nt this office. A 'vVoman to Hire, A CCUSTOM ED to House work. luquiri t 'his dlEcc. 41 ay 1 31 V V IRON CHE8T. for sale by April 10 39 WM. H. B'URDSALL. Euglish Merino, roivim.'Cessimerc, Ohittsslaii aud Lasting Frock Coats and.Goatrees,’ ‘Black ;ti:d fHncy'euU>i-?d siitiitnercloth, black aUtl .Rroivu Bortibireioe, Eriuinet, black Lasting; English Meriuc, rowan Cassimerc, white and brown Lfudii.Drilling,.white Sateen, brawn - / and French Linen, strjjied "Floientitle aud Na'ukecni’antnloons. • *. i " . Wjjjte ami cohircd .lOirjeills, white mid colored ."Yrietiiia, hlack Velvet,"black "Satin, black Rotpbazine, uueut Velvet, atnl colored Silk •« C3ti; *.-. ’ 'ne rk,:; ! - '• _ Brov.-n and white Linen, wlnto * Sateen, Flemish Linen. llehg:U 2/ripe,-* Botvaii Ckssimere, ;Eugli1li Merino, aud Girenssian Round. 'Japkets. ■" ■ .. .-‘ Youths’ Goats, Jackets,' Pantaloons and Vests, etc. etc. W.M. ILBURDriALL. April IQ. 29 _ F. O’CALLAGIIAN, . At the head ofVollon Avenue, \S just received the following articles, viz: <; half i•" Bnekwheat i lour 6. qr do .do : 15 casks prime Goshcu CtcD^o 20 boxes Bloom.Raisin 1 - . - 10 bbls Northern Applea- 20 boxes Tin Plate 200 lb Wire’ suitablo for Tinner* * - • 20 boxes freslt Lemon syrup 50 men's extra fine-Saddles 25 ladies do do jilt) buudles cotton Yarn, No 7 to 16 j in (> l’> Orange Potcder. Keg-i) Rogers celebrated Orange Powder—10 do in lib cannisters. Received and for sale in lots to suit purchasers, at factory .prices.hy REA & COT'I ON, jnq3t) 18 Agents. ernment was framed iu a spirit of eomprmnise; and a spirit (if lihprafity n'oue .cnn keep it togeth er. The 8ita'es hive, by the constitution, trans ferred a. portion of their sovereignly tf) tlje Gendr- I al Govemmeni; and saiclt sovereignty, . so trnns- -forred. should he as steti-t 1 t-.'gti 'r’iled, as bigblv venerated, and as sacredly spei-red bv them to the Generil.Gnvcriun nt."; s they- should be jealous oreneroacjimcnts uix)'.! the sovereignty wliich they have reserved to themselves. •'•" ", Ono or'moro good rwtjck-s on ’practical agricul ture. wijl he inserted in eneh.'yeek’s publication of the Mercury, hy which we hoppto afford mnuv vs'ttaMehints and.suggestions to the observant plaiiter.- The best"agricultural puldieatio'ds will be ta-ken t*> airbus in this jlcpnrtificnf '"be tm-l an ! ri b ions ■-• a,'.-,- !„ 0 -lia'l no* be "di-iaptirinted in jodldrife -intrlroor publication.— AVe shall devote a column or more of each nuner to thes''.d.enartm'ents. being especially careful frf derive our selections froln tho purest sources and avoiding all sectarian polemics. We shaU also devote a portion of our paper to tlfc ladies, utirlotihf bead of “Tlie.Jkliror's Eve nings.” But we cannot at this time tell our fair readers (and we hope tohavemnnvof them) how ■wp shall fill up -this 'department, further than to snyit'shall he chaste and livolj- like their pretty selves, untainted . •’By oneiqAnoral, ono’corrlipted thought, 0“ ! ' a,' whtph. dying, we might wish tolilot.” In addition to those gencral divisions, th’ep..per will ednfain ;i condensed account of the curreri newsofllfvweeS;hotJi (oreignTaad ilomestic; the pricey .current ;■ the-arrivals and departures of stcamT-'its al nnd from Columbus, with thenamos of the eonsi rne“s: well written' eomini.inii atious. marriage*, and deaths. A-e. mgetber with such advertisements as his friends may be pleased-,to fny-erthe editor with, an,I such remark* as he may from week to week think proper to assert under the editorial head. This pnper wiilhe published on a sheet of the largest si/e, with good- type, ai three dollars per nnnittn payable in advance, or four dollars paya ble at the end of the vear. The first paper to be i-sned about the first of July next. Any person subsprihing for tliis paper before its publication, and being dissathfied aftefwards. - mav, hv signifying the sanie to the editor within rone mouth after.tub publication o' the first njirn J In r. have his nano struck off the list without charge, and any otlicr person may at any time, discontinue his subscription, hy pajing up at the i above rates for tlte time he mav have received tlie . It's all very plfcas.ant for girls 't’o.prate aiiout Iwautiftil eyes Dark hjiir, ami its.masses" of, Lo^e Itisges and ir.doniiglifs.soft cigh’ But spring widiits lilies and roses, Forever, my love, will not last, Aud Rowers it; lie re perfume- reposes, Jil list yeiid to December's cold L'!n‘* / . I confess for sny-.-lf when 1 mjtr'ricd. I deemed that no pleasure could (Irrell Un.iess in'a garden J tafried, • \\ ill! dcit- drops en v-,diets to swell; •6 tit dew drops, aud irhrdeuV-and ;7o\Vt?r, __ .’And iticcnsc, c.pd, a:ul perfume, Vfords of love, -;iiid "a sou star lit bower, •Rgsscd away with tho violet’s bloom. And ns fe‘ tho poetry of Fred, Why, -cvc.-y.oue writes in these days *, Bdlieve-me, nay love, if ydtf«vily ; . You will not be tho sla- of !)is praise; Rememher the old mail juay die, Jnst think on your joiutures, clear.girl, AVhnt a portion you'll have by and-bv, How many a jewel ami pearl. Yon may-then marry Fred if you like, Or wherever fancy may ii-ad ; AbJ I see-now my arguments strike— (The last was a strong ono Jut Red.) , There, like a sweet girl, dry yo; r tea; s, (They do tnaitc’you lo'ubsurb a And, despite of your sighs ami your tcai>, .We'll go find hear Pasta to night. From the Alabama Inldligaicif. STANZAS. I love to sit- alone av night Aodwv&tcb each glowing star, And think of days that oticc were bright, And Whnds wboVe uow afar. 'Tis then that riiem'ry’s -calmest light Illumes the shade where sorrows lie, Mvsoul gives way to fancy's flight, Sly thoughts are theu on high. .1 love to sit when all isstik In uutnrc's calm repose, Ami li-ten to tho w hiji-poor-wiU, - Recalling joys and wees: then 1 gaze on yonrur sky, -Auu think who habits there ; Amt if a drop bedims mine eye. Oh, .’tis a brother’s tear. J-Jovc to sit near some lone stream. Where the willow's drooping bead Obscures thotnoun’s soft playful beam, fffkehOpcs that now have lied. 'Tis then ir; hopes are on that one, Whose heart was ns the dove, Whose lips now cold, .whose smiles aregon* To beamj-.guin above. FLOIUO. Loaf and Lump Sugar. Barrels just received from the refinery of Seaman Tobias ifc to. ol New- A oik. for sale on accommodating term? by-' jan30 * -■ ' REA F. G.-TTON’. NEW J33PaiJ«JS aOOBS. A N extensive assortment of fancy DRY ./JL GOODS, comprising tho most desirable those sailed to the season. Just received and or sale by WM. II. BL RDriALL. April 17 29 paper. Advertisements inserted at their»ual ra’es. Columbus. March 23. 1833 30 Strayed, FROM the subscrit*' inst. at P colored -•1th on thi mall black or ..OUSE, had on *‘" n _ , went away a small lie'* ,vhen he t round ; has a bl c/.e fact-; is o-' ,.i. Was shod all j reward of TEN D'M .l.’ ' and lively. A ! cxpi ii-es will be |.a : ’ ..riS' and all reasonable i liver the horse ' . (1 to any person that will de- ‘ Judge M• r ‘ .o John Chain, K*q. in Perry, or to heard ,/on'J<i in M'Scoa, Tiv last tfiat was o - of the horse he was above Moron, ende^av- ^iinc: to cross the river. HOWELL COBB. j Ilou-ion couotv. April II. 1933. 30 o , Th ■ Macon Messenger and Federal Union win i please insert this, twice. Oentlemon’s Bra; ~~ the h:test style, ju^ft re' by \VM. , rived and for sale j l r MiR*. Match 26 "" H. JURVaMjJ.. j WITH a | aP g«. eluant bk' ness of ihu am- ™ f nral—handsom^ priate.4 trt tbr* office From the Glusgoiv Magazine. A COLLECTOR OF PROVERBS. (From the'Preface lo Henderson's Collection jscotllih Proverbs.) "An intimate friend of our own, a gentleman ofsonie eccentricity of yhiii-axytei:, tvas pe riod of his life a very asslfitious collector^ prov erbs, lie piqued himself not a little upon his store of proverbial'colloquialisms, and in all ar gumentative matters, was sure to silence his op ponents,'hy fairly pouring out to them a broD'E side nf proverbs, great av.d small, light and hea- vv, p.ii or unpat, no matter wliich, if ho only kept up a raking of this sort of verbal shot. At the time we speak of, it was his custom to noto down every'proverb whirl) he might hear in • the course’ of conversation," on slips of jiaper, from which he transferred them to iiis magnum o/nts when" leisure occurred. In this way there seldom was.a rai d, letter or scrap of paper on his per- sois, hut was literally croauiug with ‘'rustysaved selves and proverbial rhymes.” No bee could be busier in sucking from every flower its pith ami flavor, than our collector \yas in registering upon his.svbilline leaves the fruits of every clay’s quest after these insulated morsels of wit and wisdom... On one occasion ho had been invited to a la;-g* pirtv at a. fri -nil's house, where thero-liappeued to be not a fow strangers present. Our friend, fortunately, we think as the sequel will show, bad forgotten to .disgorge his pockets of their multifarious contents. \) oil..the good tilings dis appeared aud the. wine followed, and, .with evo-_ rj- bott'e the conversation assumed a more lively, character. llo-.v soma misunderstanding with our collector aud another gentleman at tiie tabl* arose we cBunot well explain, but certainly their wdrfls waxed high, and to such a degree wa» their dispute carried, that an abrupt termin ation was put to tlie festivities of the evening by the m m of proverbs handing-over his card to th* stranger. Nothing, of course, wa% spoken of by tin- gr ▼ -.part of the eoinm , .,', T y but the dhagfefi- aide rt-snlis to which tlie next morning’s umvsj must unavoidably give rise. Next morning came and the „ elU let,inh ho- gm, to bestir Imn-cif, as -. cord ”g to the rule* ol iionor he must cio- ^ , , * c *• • ry to he a ventre- - L , ' cl , 1 thcre IS Dersotralinju- I was dee-' r a. H ith the may, „ t proverbs u* i - , iy engaged^ "" ua , f , refresh his memory (s to name y j)C , addyess, he bad recourse to lha c:,r ' 1 „ut into his hands over night. Ho )<rek©a wr S t at one side, then at the other, but Dame or ’ place „n neither could be found : btit .u place of ,h,,t. there was traced m good legible etiarzeten. •Sothbrg should be dime in a hurry bur catch,njf a rns.' The,effect of this was rrieshtilAO- nlr» fell into an uncontrollable bt of laugh- rer and, with very altered feelings from thoso- with which hr left his conch, .mmediaie y c.aited upon a motud frioud, where such explanation* were given as to the quarrel of the evening be fore, that a hostile meeting was,w. a moment, quashed. Had it not been, however, forth’**;^ ttmate Incident of proverbjnthMBg. Awe “ no savi*K how laaner* wonW bavrf eud*4. knowtusal! tho circtrmrtances, areeatitled to that but for this excellent a phonsm, 1 laahle frees might tetve been saen**** ’■ lwv ^ (lions of false henof.” 4!