Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, May 29, 1833, Image 1

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B y 31. BARTLETT MACON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1833. Vol. VII....New Series....Number 3-3. THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. TPubliPhcd Weekly * AT -'EYCOX, GA. - • nSct on Mulberry Six'!—opposite the PrixtHg .1 ftrick Range. tPRUS —Tur.KK Dollars a year, if paid in 1* «!» oVFour Dollar*, if not paid before the •ra. vear. Subscribers living at a distance X required iu all eases to pay in advance. N ,;>V n>M)K STORE. B. P. STI2LES & Co. RESPECTFULLY i ni> form the public iliat tlicy have taken the store in Ellis, Sliotweil fie Co’s, row, two doors above the Post Office, where they and opening a rerv general ^ goir receiving "Books nnd Stationary, Amou-Mcir works, they have a general assort- will bo. constantly receiving the new ^MkntiotH Oil Theology, Medicine. Law, llis- ? , r „„| Misctllaiieocs subject, together with l-cli other articles as a^e usually kept in a Book Store. ' ■. \i one of their firm will he most of the time at aj \„ r tli for tho purpose of attending sales mid -Icclhie Books, they flHtter themselves that they I ^i|| at all times have as good an assortment, and kc able to dispose of them on as moderate terms ,, „nv house in the Southern country. J BLAWil BOOKS, It. P. S. & Co. have a largo essortment of .11 lauds nnd sizes. r,i, Fouls Cup. l.etter, and Xote 1 nprr of the host fudity. both English auR American, plain and iuiIhissciI, water and feint lined, bink, yellow Kind white. SIAKSES. R.aiik Checks. Notary Public Letters, YV nrc- ijw<e I’cerints, Dills of Lading. Writs of nil kinds. . ' , . Justice* Summon*, do Exccutici" < v ks do lax Collectors iio. Sitbpeenns for Witnesses.' Deeds, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’ Bills ot sale, Car- tiihmeuU, Ca..Sa. Jurors’ Suinnimises. * .Marriage License, Bail WJrit and Bond, Inter. I'om. Directions for Iiitcifogaiopc*. • • •- Hills of iiitlldUnent, Bench Warrants, -Bail Du:r!ii, Attachments, Iuut. Judgements. Utters Tesianioutary, Letters of Adraiuistra- iim. Temporary Letters of ArtminLtrnfion, Tern- (, ,*.y Letters ’ of Administration, Guardians SfQlls. - fax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dee. Tec. Dee 21 2» NEW GOODS. Wit If. BUHDSALL. Has jus: noticed a new aud e.rtenstce assortment of Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Ape. H IS stork will be found inferior to none, and porrliH.-ers, by favoring him with a call will be offered Goods at (lie most reduced prices^ For Cash Only. IMS STOCK CONSISTS, IN l\*KT, OF THR FOLLOW!KO: Super Sasouy. Blue. Black and Colored Broad Cloths JMiib, Black, .Mixt and Fancy Colored. Saltinets ‘Striped .Sattinets. English .Meriooes Duffle Point and 1’ose Blankets ‘lie-d, While. Green nnd Yellow Flannrla Canton and Saxony While Gauze do Damask Tnble Diaper Bird's Kye. Scotch, nnd Russia d. Blue, Bine!: and Colored Bonilmzelts do do do Circassians- Negro Clothing, Ljn.~e.yj - Brown and Blemshed"Shirtings i do do Sheetings ! do do Drilling* Cotton Oznaburga, Fustians Black Italian Lustrih W THE SUBSCRIBER ILL sell the stock of BOOKS ifc HARD WARE, belonging to Ellis, Shotw»d! & Co. nt very low prices, at retail, for cash, and to merchants who may want to replenish their stock, upon time, for-approved paper. The Stock consists bf agreat rarietyef Hardware, Cutlery, Castings MECHANICS’ TOOLS,) Brass: Ware* Britannia dc. FURNITURE MOUNTING, &c. See. BOOBS Consisting; of large aud small Bibles, Medical, | Law and School Books, and a great variety of I Religious ami .Miscellaneous Hooks. Dlc.'Id 2B - JACOB SHOTWF.LL. H Notice. HE Books, Accounts and some of the Notes of A. Sliotweil together with those of A. Shotwcll &e J. S. Smith, are. placed iu T Black (ircss ile .Si\.i.i3, lilac:; do • do Liertih’ *B| Black Sine! aW Sarstncte Col. Gross de {{spies Black and-Col. Floreuccj . do do Italian Crapes Scarlet and Black Merino Long Gross da Naples XEW SPRING GOOi>S AND CiOTHH&JG, Al ike Macon Clothing Store. L pitch is now opening nt the .Macon • Clothing Stoic, a new and Spieudicl ns- Uitiiiciit ~>f GOODS and CLOTHING, consist- :a part uf * 4 . - Itumlmiuci, Camblcts, ,U:.rco Casimercs of nnst alt colors, Plaid and Striped do. lirotVU :ntl while Drilling,,brown and white Grass Liu* ms, India Nankeen, Circassians, Lasting, fig- :rd ami plain silk Velvets, English figured silk Y’cstias, plain Florentine do. buff and white \ a- i.uciado. white and figured .Mcrsailes, white, fig- wtJ 8ilknttd Valentin Gold Vesting, new artt- tl?, a good assortment of Cloths, Cusiincrs, A:c. < , Fancy Articles. White aud faucy i'ravais, pleted- and plain Romhaziue Stocks, Velvet and figured do. Gum i’.lastic, nett silk, nett cotton, and Webb's patent fapeaden, blacky whitu ami fancy silk Gloves, '•lack ami fancy {hijweskm ami buckskin do. froivu lipni tit'. Ivi*.g’j.sli and French silk halt 1W. vigouado. white inixt and strip cotton do. .tin Bosoms, Collar.*, Stiffners, Sputlefield. In ti* raJ B mil anna IlunkcrchicJjs. white and figur- *>1 do- silk Umbrellas chHdrcnY leghorn Hats, Mmiraf do. &c, «S:c, _ Ready .1):;dc Clothing.. bombazine, lasting aud Circassian (’entices nU’ruek Coats, bombazine and circaisian pau- ttlooos.crape,camblett and mafiuocHssimcre do. fruirh and English drilling bro»vu,d(£ I’rciieh «l Engbsh drilling wmtb do. brown and white do. duck aud atripe linen do. vigona ami ladag do. whito nml bull'Vests (tnersades) fig- •nd tnmailes and Valencia do. velvet and flor- ottiue do. coiiiinuu do. white nnd brown linen ’aicH, white nnd brown drilling <lo.. duck and tis'in# do..l)rn\vers, Shi ts, MoniiiitnGownsi.&fc j dtf- &e. ' .Ml of which will he sold elieap for CASH. 1 oonWsolicit the patinohngc of my friends mid the . poblic its general. Also tho TAILORING will M owned ou in nil its brnn-bes with despatch, j ,V. II. Old accounts must be paid btjoft ncic t _ Shawls Sqitrlut Stjmire Shawls T nsl-i-eCc,' Valcnlia, Thibet Wool- fcilk.'Dntnask nnd Cassinierb SnnftlJ Ilernuni, Paris .Muslin Qrape Gauze, Gros de Naples end Mandarin* Dress Handkerchiefs Ladies’ end AJUses' Belgian, Italian, Straw, Leg hin-n, Braid and Fancy*Bonnets. Sanii.-nnd Gauze Garnitures Fug!:: !i .Moleskins, Bed l’icks Apron Checks, l’ornilirre do Domwtlb'Pbiidsnnd S'.i ipes Floor :h Baize, Green Fuze Cloth- Furniture Dimily, Hair cord do Russia Sheeting, Bleach Dowlae; 'Burlaps, Hangup Cords liidi 1.incus, Liavns \ llluc and Scarlet Uatlinet Colton Cnssiineres Black and Col. plain Ribbons Dark and light Col. 2’rintsand Giiighan3 Lace and Gauze Veils Figured and plain Bjbbinct I :ic*. ^ . Thread Laces - • ’ Ctunbric; Jncdnef, Swiss, Mull, Nansook sad Bowk .Muslins ,, Linen Cambrin Linen Cambric 'Handkerchiefs, Pongee d* India Flaz ami Bandana do Shell Combs Ladles’ and .Gentlemens’ Gloves. Cotton, Worsted aiui Lptub's Wool Hose Black HiidCol, Cot.nbrics Bead Reticules Men’s nail Bovs’ Fur, Cloth and Seal Caps Chinchilla do tlic hands cf John C. Helvcnstou ard Wmi.C. Packer, Esqrs. who are authorised to settle the same. The subscribers are particularly nuxious to have their claims settled without adding any ex pense to those iudelited to them aud hope that all-who Itaxre not paid their notes or accounts will immediately call on Messrs Parker or Helveu- stou :Uid do so. ALEXANDER SHOTWKLL, JOSEPH S; SMITH. / Macon, April I, lp-'k'f. #7 HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Superfine bine, Much, green, ndelrid, olive and ’.row .: f’lollr Dress Coats if- Blue, black, grgen, brown and steel niixl Cloth Frock Coats «' Blue, brown, olive, green and raixt . •; Clotli Coatees r tilite, steel niixtaiml fpnr.y volorcd Saltinct Coat ees nnd Frock CootsJ’ 1 Superfine blue, black, browns olive, green and steel inlvt cloth Patiiuloons Drab, lavender an 1 striped Cas.-imcre do < Bine, steal mixt and fancy colored rfatlihet do F.i'glisli .Moleskin, uncut Cord nnd Hangup do V-ouths’ Cloth and Sattincf Ccatees and Panta loons JL Black, blue and drab Cnssimcrc Vests Black and colored \ elvet do. ■ Dark and liabt figured Vulrntia. while aeu Col ored .Marseilles, Swhnsdown, loibnet • and rfnltinet .Vests . Camblet and Plaid Clonks Velvet, Bombazine, Silk, Valenti* and Leather Slocks Fine Linen Shirt?, Collnrs. Bosoms, fee. Ac. Negro Clothing, Men’s aud Youths' Fur and ll’ool Hats, Fine Boots and Shoes* NECrRO SHOES, dlC, AC. AC.’. Oct. t!4 4 Fresh Drugs, Paints Sp Oils. DSl. W. B. BAM ASjust received Ids fresh supplies, and of- H AS just received Ins fresh supii fers for sale, at his stoic on Cotton Aven ue, a quantity of Lots for Sale. 1 3HE subscriber having a number of' LOTS on the right baud side of the new.road loading from Macon to Forsyth and on the left of the old road, commencing soou after crossing the Branch, on both roads, will dispose of the same to such porsous as will make good citizens, on reasonable terms. At an inducement to me chanics helms made two cross roads through the Lots situated between said roads, aud will give to each of the first mentioned lot* n sullicicnt space o*» true of the cross for aivoi k shop, without a charge for leii years, mid will be bound to pay them the value of the moderate improve ments that maybe put ou them, or make a fur ther contract for tho saute. Tho lots on these cross roads will be used exclusively formochauic shops. Tho advantageous situation of this property ;.i too obvious to mention. The almost exclusive support of Mac-ail passing the first mcutiuued -roads. Mechanics would be sufficiently near .town to have tho patronage of both -town and conntry,-and be freed from the liuiribcrlesi ohjec tioits to living directly in town. . . Afso, For Sale, The »tore occupied by E. B. Weed* aud the dwelling abu'vc, with a sufficient lot, the purcha ser will-bo entitled to the rc"t at the rate •f#42o per year, till the 1st of October. ALSO, FOR SALE, 110 SHARKS COMMERCIAL BANK STOCK, also, the House aud Lot occupied- ny j. L.'Williar.H, hear Dr. Owen’,s wills, and about 20 acres'ofihmd situated on the road ucqr said house- Apply to the subscriber, if absent {oJ. C. Helvcnstou, Esq. AprilB 27 ALEXANDER SIIOTWELL. CASH STORE. Hassell, £l Dickinson AVE on hand, and will recievo in a few days, a choice selection of GROCBSjEES, Ac. which tvillbe, sold low and for CAtill ONLV' 8 hhils N. O. Molasses rinie St. Croix &. Orleans Sugars 52 bags prime green Coffee 20 bids Mackerel 1 tierce Codfish 20 bids Family Flour (choice) - JO half hbls do , 15 f|r ,, Buckwheat do 20 bids Irish Potatoes ' N . ' ’ 1 51 hbls Northern Rum, Gin, AVliiskeJr 17 “ as'"rietl"Cordials (good) 6 tierces new Rice I pipd each cog Brarnly and II Gt» t “ Northern Vinegar i hbls each Peach aud Apple Brandy Jamaica ainI St Croix ^D!3 IrisliAVJiiskey -- • ‘ Cherry Bounce O M, S Mi Tenoriffe, Moscatolc Fort .- -vul Malaga Wines in q- casks Baskets Chaiupniguo . Loudon Porter iu quarts and bijts . Bar Soab, Spcrtn &■ Tallow Caudles . Lump Sugar IJyson and Pouchong Teas Drums .fresli Fig^ l . Boxes fresh Raisins . .- Oranges,.Apples, Onions, S.<t Dried Beef,-.pnoked Tongues Bologna Shttsages, Crackers . Spanish aud American Cigars, 8 tons swedes and English Iron . English, Blistered and German Steel 82 casks Nails and Boat siiikcs Salt. Baggiug te Twine, Castings, See Also a general variety of Staple Dry Goods, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Saddlery, Hats, Hoots, Shoes, Spc Spc. Jan 1, 1833. > 14 smiie singularities. 1 wish the respect of ivy iieiunhors, hut I could iiot consent to buy it by u s ici i(it«, of ttiv -own lec-il abd equitable rights.— ! In regaii! to fruit, great laxity iu the morals of our cuumryuu-u, has long prevailed.- Au extur- j siou to sL.-al peaches _or" jihUoPs Haa bben- cousiti- 1 ered almost as as dcti stealing was i formerly in Lug I run! i and I am not sure but . Tbe mu,e of Moore has always shown astrong . Somo UIPllt$0JC1I vct V;(so wtndd hate to be call- mcliuatiod Tor politics., I u say of'thw cd tk; coll0 H e (it the plunder of their neigh- Corn Law Il.bymos and various othir things pro- * fcssodly on po.itica! subjects, it is easy 'enough * ^ to detect political meanings and allusions even iu ! .. . *• ,,,, f htk’lris'fr Melodies and bis Kalla Kookb. Th : beVrnie(f oH ' 111 following attack on the Coercive Bill is his lates jarfleis. But it is time that this stain on the haracter of a moral and civilized people should bo wiped off. This current of popular prejudice- iu this'way,' and it is no ball application of a yreli known story.—-IV. E Evcr.i ig Post. P.VDDVS MET \U illPIlGSIS. RY T- MOOKli, ESq. . Alwiiit fifty yearssiuce; iu tiie days of cur daddies -That pbm was commenced which the wise - now applttu i. Of shipping off Ireland’s inust furltidcnt Paddies, As good raw thateiial tor settlers abroad. Soti’ie West iudla island, wlmse name I forget, Was the region then chosen for this scheme so 'romantic; '* - And such tha success the first colony met, That a second, soon after set sail - o’er the At lantic. H the loug-looked-for -Behold them now. safe - 4 'shore. Sailing in between banks that the Siianno.n might greet. And thinking ot friends, whom but two years bc- ■ fore They had sorrowed to. lose, but'.vould soon a- •rain meet. . V must be checked, or the fond hopes of our horti culturists will be blighted. They *.vho first with stand it, tvill.sometimes find their situations un pleasant, but it is the duty of every patriot to make the attempt. - **i« A. 1 cannot c.OKccive how any young man, who ever Jlbjies to be r«9|>cc*iabl,e. .tppld engage in such disgraceful practices"; 1>ut there are alway* enough among us xvbd have no siu b iiopcs, do ttiej in.”'jr jilpotler your fruitbf.injUrc ybiir trees 1 H. Tflft;v do they do it at tho rtsk of one hun dred and Jifty dollars fine and six months impris onment. Our legislature had become satisfied that the advancing improvements of the country required morii ample protection than such had formerly received ; and he who now feloniously scales a garden fence, is no longer viewed with llie same lenity as the owner of an unruly ox w ho has the damage assessed ; but he stands be fore our courts ui a criminal (a thief if you please) iu full anticipation of fine, punishment, and dis grace. X. From the Sunday School Journal. v THE INDIAN PALM TREE. In a late number of the London Mechanics* Magazine,- is a communication from the East. , , • Indies,- trivintr ait account of the palm, or. tod- •And hark, from the shore, a loud Welcome.there , ^ vyhieli I have condensed for the Jour- camo— Vrrah Paddv from Cork, is it you my sweet , ... ^ 0 , ^ j 1 h.cro are four species of palm, viz. the co- Wliile Pat stood astonished to hear'liis own name, j coa-nut tree, the tar tree, the date palm, and ’ “ * the aroca. The date paint is that most com- . ’Thus hailed by black——r, who capered lor joy! . THf? SUBSCRIBER. H AVING taken possession of the store rent- .cd .by him ili Ellis, Sliotweil & Go’s. rnngL*, is now ready to receive atiy-Consighmeiits with which his ifriends anil the public tnay bo pleased to favor.hini. WJ1. F. ROW LAND. Nt»v 27 \% Practice of Medicine. ’ m DRS. COriE lc BRIDGMAN united in the Practice ol MED- ici v E and SURGERY. Their IhVI oftice is ihc one heretofore occupied liy Dr . Cone. Jmrl. 1833. 14 Tin Ware Manufacturer. FRANCIS O’CALLAGHAN AS on hand the following articles, all n*w and just opcnci], which he ofl'ers Bow for Cash, 15 hluls prime Sugars 50 hags pritno'Coffee 50 pieces prime.hemp. ; Ba££irijj. 50 coils iicst little Roj-b 20(H) bushels Salt 30 bbls best Portland Rum 3 hluls d* db' ‘ 50 bills best rye Gin Titi bills best rye Whiskey 2 pipes Holland Gin £ efo Cognac Brandy .* < .2 -do Jamaica Rum 50 bills prime Mackerel No. 2 At 8 50. hbls best Canal Flour * 'v'f 20 do do country' do ' 1000 pr negro Shoes r ,. 200 pr Geutlciucn’s best calf do • 100 pr Ladies’ morocco iio 50 pr prunella * ■< d,». .150 pr childietis* do assorted qualities 1G cases fur Hats assorted qualities ' G do irool do do d* G boxes Cotton Cards 3 .do wool do 30 bags live geese Feathers, AND A GENERAL STOCK OF Dry Goods, Saddlery, dec. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Spc. Dec. 12 11 . t Can it • possibly be ?—half amazement,—half doubt, • - -,,1 Fat listens again,—rubs his eyes and looks • stead v. Then heaves a deep, sigh, and in herror yells out, .‘Father’s blooij! only think, black aud cuily • alfoadyl , , . . . ., Deceived 1 by that ivell mimick’d brogue m his ' ears;. * . ' 'T . Patrcad his own doom in those wool beaded • figures, And thought.—what a climate, in less than two years, . . To turn a whole cargo of Fats into niggers . MORAL. J ’Tis thus—but ala-,, by a marvel more true, T han is told iu this rival of Ovid’s best stories. 'Vour Wings, w it n in office a short year or two, By a lusus natuia. all turn into Tone.*; SIULBERRT, ITEAR T’lIRD STREET, T HE subscriber continues to manufacture TIN WARE iu every variety, aiul has now on hand a geueral assortment, wliich he w ill sell wholesale or retail at the Savannah or Augus- I.iuscod Oil sperm do Extract Sarsaparilla, Carpenters Casior Oil (fine article) Croton Oil & Brown ground Spirits Turpentine in 6:1 Copal \ dry Black leather do Train do White Lead do April 10 23 lewis nfcii. Rust’s Patent Printing Press. nill'E nndorsigiidd Having been ajrpyiuted A A sent for llo- sale of fust’s Improved Patent •W Irou Printing Press. taACs this opportunity ••tttoinmciul it tt) t*’e fraternity, Thi» Press is tt ®in; into general use at the North—and is tkoaght to bo tl**3 most perfect and elliciontof any ^winuso. Workmen,.who have used (his nnd givo this the pi tlcrcucc, over every other kind ’ ’ ** respect* ease, power and durability. ONof these Presses'is now in use at this office, •Ijtrciininy ho seen in opefaiiou, Letter* to the uudersiguod on the subject, (post Ml»iUbo attended to. M. BARTLETT. REA & COTTON |T 'V’E in Store iin.1 offer for sale ou accom- iiioclating itrn.s RO hluls Molasses 10 do St. Croix and N. O. Sugar 20 bids Western Whiskey 2*1 do Baltimore do 25 do N. E. Rum 5 pipe, Northern (tin 15 bids do do •t'l boxes Tobucco 100 pieces hemp Bagging 10*0 readymade Cotton Bags Liverpool and Turk's Island Salt, in lots to suit purchasers. 15 w do do Venetian Red Windsor Glas* Paint Brushes Indigo, Spanish Flqlo Alum Coppcra* Pearl Ashes ... ., ... _ Magnesia, lump Atcnl’d Chloride of Lime Starch Chloride rtf Soda I^emou Syrup J.niHP? Lanterns -t, I.nm]) Glasses &. V\ :ck Fulphat Sc Vinegar ta prices. lie has nlso just received an assortment of Ja panned Tin Ware, consisting of Trunks, sugar Boxes, Waiters, Bread pans, Canisters, sugar Bowls, Milk cups, 'Tumblers. Pepper boxes, Gra ters, Toy tups. Rattles, candlesticks, Latppf, spit Boxes, saud Boxes, Pocket Lautcrns, fire. Ac. Also, patent Bakers, Foot stoves, lilocktin Tea Pols, Plates. Basins, Tumblers, Arc. . , JOB WORK done at tho shortest notice^. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Japan Gluo. Snuff, .Macaboy' and Scotch Fine cut Tobacco Hair Ar coat Brushes Camel’s hair Pencil* Quinine Piperino Iodine Opium Morphium .Acetate , . , 'wv* Madeira aDd Port wine, Suitable for convalescents. Together with an extensive and general assort- meut of all articles iu his line, all of which were purchased iu person by himself in New \ork, and are, warranted genuine. He ,s P™P“”f n-ive reisonnble accommodations aud rc»pcctfullj mviies tho attention of the public. Feb 1.1 20 v Pars, Dtides and Horns. nnilE highest price will be given by the *ub- T scriber for Furs of all kinds, either Beaver, Oner, Racoon or Muskrtfl. ■' . Hides, dry, in any quauUty ; a so Dcer k m .. Horns, Ox or Buck. C. A. „ Nov 27 17 Brick Buildings. Mulberry St. Auction and Commission Store T * HE Subscriber has ieinoved to the new BRICK STORE, adjoining the lost U! 'r»n Mulberrv street, where ho tenders bis ser Wmc, Ale, Coffee, Spc. *J A lb *N ES Claret Mine, 2 half pipes Port do •» qr ra.ks Marseille* Madeira 2 ' bids tbek \l«, superior quality, 2'l dm n~ fresh Fig* 18 Bags Coffee Jllvl received and for sale bv s£yl5 til REA & COTTON. !'-'DN CHEST, for sale by fire, on Mulberry street, vices iu the above line Nov 19 20 C. A. HIGGINS. J :in BACON. LBS. .Middlings, 5,000 lbs. Hams, 5.000 lbs. Shoulders, Just received aud for sale by Mav 7 32 F. O’CALLAG/ZAN. X ONDON PRINTED MUSLINS, for I -A Dressc*. new patterns, just received aud forsale by WM. H. BUKDSAI.L. April 10 27 riAX THREAD. h me LBS FLAX THREAD, assorted colors of a *uperio*-quality, just received and for sale by Nov27 17 WM. H. BUHDSALL. Bagging. a A A PIECES 1st and 2d quality of hca iVV vy Hcinp Bagglug. bv the piece oi iu quantities to suit Purchasers, mrsalehy Dec. 12. 23 C. A. HIGGINS. April 10 M WM. 41. BURD8ALL. WllST landed from Steam Boat Bonnet" o, Jl^3Bue*and Fioiietsr.'iiu■ 1 For «|wl« -fore bv RUS>ELL &. DICKINSON. A) bids Irish Potatoes 7Tierces superior (.eorgm Sjrnp 5 tiff’d* Orleans Sugar Cheese. Pilot and Sea Bread Xc-. March 12 24 Loaf and Stamp Sugar* -g BOXES I.oif and Lump Sugar, just I g received ami for jitie by 0,79 4 .. REA & COTTON. Spring and SumiHcr Clothing'. 1IE subscriber is now offering for sale a JL new and extensive assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, which will f;e found ,,to be made in the best and most fashionable stylc, Included are the follow ing: . • •• _ Blue, bldck and-fancy col summer clqtll Dress . Coats, Ereck Coats aud Conttees, Black bombazine Frock-Coats and Coattees, EnglUh Merino, roivnu Cassimere,- Circassian ° nud Lasting Frock Coats and Coattees, Black and fancy.colored smumencloth, black and browu Bombjjzine, Erminet, black Lasting, English Merino, rowan Cassimere, white and brown Linen Drilling, white Sateen, brown and French Linen, striped Florentine, and Nankeen Pantaloons. ; White anu colored MarseiEs, white and colored Valcntia, black Velvet, black Satin, black Bombazine, uncut Velvet, and colored Silk feats. Brown aud white Linen, white Sateen, Flemish Linen,. Bengal Stripe, Hawaii- Cassimere, English Merino,' aud Circassian Round Jackets. Youths’ Coats, Jackets, Pantaloons nnd Vests, etc. etc. WM. 11. BURDSALL. A prii 10. 29 F. O’CALLAGHAN, H At the head of Cotton Avenue,. AS jusi received the following articles, vsz : jau G half bbls Buckwheat Floor 6 qr ' do do . 15 casks nrimo Goshen CheesA 20 boxes Bloom Raisin* 10 bbls Northern Apple* 20 boxes Tiu Plate . 200 lb Wire suitable for Tiunci* 20 boxes fresh Lemon syrup 50 men’s extra fine Saddle* 25 ladies do do 100 bundles cotton Yarn, No 7 to Iff G J6 - - And thus, when I hear them ‘strong measures advise". . . Ere the seats that they sit ou have time to get sleauy, I say, when I listen with tears tu tny eyes, •Father s blood ! only think, black aud curly already!’ J'Vom thf d6liesL (irmer. CONVERSATION ON llORTIOULTl RE. V What a magnificent prospect .—How do you dispose of:line fruit'at such a distance from rkeWi* R .'Fhfc family havo free access to it; a pai U i dry or preserve ; a part we give to ‘hcsjc.k Avhtm opportunitiesoccuc; sometimes we send presents ofiruitto our fri'tids.; and the hogs take the; e*i- A. The hogs Ewould you give truitfit .ot,.ac tabic of a prince to your bogs ! *" motily mentioned in thcr fScripture. ’ Every part, of the cocoa-tuu .tree i3-useful. The root it self is we.ll known to be a delightful fruit, and the East Indians .use it in almost all their dishes. It.also yields an excellent foil for burning, and for anointing the body. I he shells burned to charcoal, and pounded, are used in paint. Erom the inside shells the natives make drink ing cups, and the bowls of their smoking pipes. The hairy substance which forms tho outer shell makes excellent stpfling for pillows; mat tresses, dec. and is also nnDilifaetijyed into ropes. The leaves of the tree are dried and used for thatching houses. The body of the tree is used for pipes to convey water to mois ten .the ground.' . - ■ .*’• : All the paint trees except the 'areca produce a liquor called, “tardc,” which is produced in the lbliofring manner. At sunset a man mounts the tree, which is sometimes a hundred feet high, with two of three earthen pets fastened to his waist, and a large round kniie, like a sickie,- - in his hand. He cuts off a leaf, wherf) the stalk is about six inches thick, and ties to it one of the earthen pots, each of which hplds about a gallon. Having fiixed several on the tree, he loaves it till early the next morning, when lie finds the pots about half full of the liquor, which he removes and fastens them on alresli. The liquot is at first as dear as wa ter, and of a pie :sant, -sweet taste; but it rises us ferments, and becomes of a milky co lour, and tart taste. Bakers use it for yeast. A great deal is drank by the natives, who often get intoxicated by it; but the largest Quantity is made into vinegar, or into a drink called rack In reading this account cf so valuable it tree LMCJ A'l «» |/» *»*v.y * • o . i » r ' © . .. |_ B. Why not? it saves us many a uustu:. o. ;j0me reflections struck my mind, which per- CU *A Bat your neighbors who arc- destitute of fruit’, do you never, call them in wkeu you have such abmidiiuce. ? 11. Never, but f would call them out it t ley ap peared-iu iny .fruit jjn'rdep: If 1-give them as uiuclr fruit as they give me. they have ue‘reason to complain, if they apply their labor to grm - me corn an 1 potatoes lor their hogs, and ncglc t to provide fruit for themselves, it is their own cliuice. They have no more right to my truit, the prodopt of my labor, than 1 have to their com and potatoes. * . i , A. That is true ; but you know the prejudices I and of our countrymen who think that truit is liee !or j | v b tfll haps may be useful to yo'iir younger readers, in addition to the information concerning a tree so often mentioned in the Bible. . J.j God makes nothing in vain. All things are intend ed'for some' purpose, and. there is nothing use less in nature. 2. All fiirngs show the •good ness and benevolence of God. The lew poi- s on mi riW if}’ v - ; *3**A**c(V«n*Ahat are found >d ' £3herok€e Ciie»olieQ SixeTiff SAlc& tor ^iiiiG* n>, V- /.o' iJiit. Sec. Property of fio sensjp fat B 1 know that manv who have none themselves, i trCt °*' have chosen to Consider it free. When there was fruit to he had but wild straw berries in fields, and raspberries aloug.the teuces, our L 195 15 807 15 3i5 21 4G't 3 the rarm- nee is s pal u- ers were disposed to be indulgent because these l»ah sprai!" up spomaneously. But here, w « j ana_ change if ciieumstauces. Many-of tbece . trees 4. R costa dollar apiece at a nursery 300 miles oil.— Wo have brought them hither, cu.tivated and manured the ground; we ham pruned, we have destroyed the insects from their branch s; and wo now claim tho sole and exclusive privilege 01 enjoy in 3 the l'ruit in any mahuW that will picase A. Ycur right cannot be disputed, but would it not please you best to give a part cf the surplus to your uear neighbors ? : - ft That 'toVtnnJ r»rrimistanc(*5* xt ls pic Orange Poiodcr: -g Keg* D Roger* celebrated Orange V Powder—10 do iu 1 lb caunUters, Received nnd for sale in lots to suit purchasers, at factory prices by iau 30 IS t 'l’hat musv. dejiend on circumstances. 11 is a treat pleasure to givo a sfealous culiivnlor good fruit, some of whore trees have failed, or are vet too vouu ; to bear; and that I could do with out being made to suffer hereafter lor my bbenih- ty, because be would respef his own exertions and his ow u property, and coujd not disreg-u But that i* not the case with the man who fie camiot respect the REA & COTTON. Agents. BILLS O N New York. Ph ladelphj*. Charleston. Sa vannah, nnd Augusta, in sums to suit pur- C *W* Hh * BAXTER. FORT & WILEY. >RY NSW SPRING GOODS, A N extrusive aait>rtim*nl of fancy D GOODri, comprising the most desirablr ,i,ose suited to the leasou. Just received anu for sale by WM. H. BURDSALL. April it 38 Stigar Sp Iron. pit HHD3 St Cioix Sugar 5 hhd* N. Orleans do 10 ton Stveeds Iron, assorted, Ou consignment, and for *nle on accommoda ting terms by WM. f. ROWLAND. Jan 2 14 Mosquito Wetting, fUST received and forsale by J 1 May r »T WM- H- BURDSALL Gentlemen’s Drab Boavcr Hats, O F the latest style, iust received anti for sale Wui • Wl«. IL JURDSALL. March 20 27 fiine Cloth Caps. Just ENTLEMENS’ Vjff received and for sale bv may 16 » WM- H.BURDSALL. tha' hin 'iii to I tiiC fac^ anc evc^f <rof ‘Z Andrew Scott, 2 Philip Thurmond & W. 11. Norman 2 Amos M'Lendoti 2 John Rose 2 John Frier ' 245 14 1078 15 turges iv- Bhfat lien. RiehanE’on for D. Mahoney Tandy 1>. King Willimn Felton r. S. Bnleyadmr of Felix J. Burns 2 lguatitiits Scott John Burl: A others 2 ffm. Jackson, Ex’rs of R. Wynn «*ass tejhonii feaics for Jlaiie. Lot Dig. ^rc. Property of To satisfy tm" the eft Lo 1 a by nunc plants not, or grafts net feelings ('f an amateur, ann ought not to enter a garden. Uo who is satisfied with w hut fmtt he ha' cannot uc d mine. He who is uot s iitsfied hut makes uo exc-tious to procure better, cannot de-erve mine. .... ■ . A. Your reasoning applies in full force against landed proprietors,' but would you- excbi .e those who have not the means lo procure goo., unit. B. No more than 1 would exclude th. m Irom uirt'e soup or unulcira wine. -1 they are " °r J people, they .quid bear kind treatment without becoming troublesome, and might receive pres, cuts of fruit. Those whose character, areupset tied it would he very injurious to admit. What they at firsr received as a gift, they would soou consider as a right. My tree* • outd be watch ed as property in which they had a share : and if tho truit were not offered, or yielded wheu ask ed for, they might take it by stealth. I there fore claim the whole ns much and as rigidly as I claim the corn in my crib or the wheat in my ^ A. fiat few people have takeu the trouble to consoler this subject, and will uot some of your neighbors therefore, think yon stingy ? _ ' JL Every man b aRowed tho im*«l®3ie* « fixe of "h . ■So” 1114 21 5e>8 17 ltil 17 Charles Cuim 3 John W- Pato Allen Courtney Edward Giirlick 3 Joseph Roe ( T. ri.Boyley guard'n ) of E L & H It Burns 3 Arthur Warren P.J. Murray 2 Shadrack Dean P. J. Mnrrsr 3 Caleb Garrison. P. J- Murray 3 Stephen Gai ner C: -L ‘Murray 3 wm. Jackson P.J. Murray 15 1G 3 Christopher Rider, T. J- Murray 280 22 2 David Abbot; P. J. Murray 212 1G iJ J. Orafehfield, dec’H ^ Joseph Ecbols 4t Crutchfield athnr y & Co: 21 22 1007 21 255 4 273 .4 275 5 Torsvth Sheriff Sale3 for jfuae. Lot >_). Sec- Property of 2satisfy . G19 2 1 Isaiah Whitlock Ca.Vy W. JacK»on 284 2 1 Win Westbrooks Ti. L. Cato , •192 14 1 Lewis Smith Lawhurn & Venabl 1227 14 1 Rn.w_la.mi JJcrden. ,.Xnbi».^ v ^ I 1, " ■ A poor fellow who recently suffered the ampu tation of a limb in St. George’4 fluspital, was turned out cured. Exhilerared by the open air, after a long confinement, he so tight a public house and. we are sorry to say got very drunk, in which condition he left it to find his way home. Un luckily for him, his wooden’piu, like: the pousiou- er’s. discoveu d tto opcn. h«I» Pigtffali'ly; bqL unlike the pensioner, tho driuk’m’adoi hmfi thtuk ho could move on notwithstanding. He 'acco|d- ingly performed a revolution with his other le^ round die, fixed poin.t or pivot: and must have continued at thifsrirviik some time, lor he imagin ed that he walked five mile* p till, ala* for hi* perseverance! he was thrown down and broke hii other limb. In tbi* lamentable predicament be was picked np and reconveyod to the hospital,' after an absence of lew than 24 boor*. ar Adirtct Importation* E | } CASH« Madeira Warn, warranted ***t