Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, June 19, 1833, Image 3

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-J V * ■V. ; , , \oii)i Carolra. \lttbn*»a, Mw»issij»|»»; C,W hn .*TcMU..«ce, Kentucky. and all *»«- JgJJJe holding states, if it is now to bo so dts- W « M Vuinst be cttribtW l<> know how the whole TL ‘ Inin* upon the federal basis to Ooor fortv oiltl years, and more especially as p'’ jpfgelf was-without If for eleven years I^'ltnt tiulvs- I tut really wpare giving too j^hnoiicc to the silly position <uf these object- [ will in this article only add, wh it all our ??.' I*‘eitiicm already kqotv. that ns . a Yinufa- * C "? V / oriaciple '•» » bc <‘0" sl 'tnn(in. the federal * ■ the peucral gaverumeilt has nothing to li! aith H' £ - v; "t r bn i ,1 i'. COJ ’"‘' xi ” u f ver “® „ ’ rccivcd, from the form tliou of the gov, to the present time. SUvus are a pceul- ,"iiiii< ii > ||, 0 stave holding states, as be states, and the rest of the Union— ,1,0 rase iu the counties «f a state* where ^"'Ons of slavery ant.tile same in all! the , r, h„|j;,i- states therefore demanded ns a ' . qiVi wiii" ,n ’I' 0 b T nioii.that -they should I I'^nowrr ItV increase of representatives to pro- "V a property peculiar to. them, and in .w hich T iilirf states had no common interest. It w as ? hMI ‘'i a< ;l concession or comp'roiiiisa, nod right a r *“ r ' ) ' i) , r< |,-came a part of the constitution, and " r *||V Jo means adopted because the southern ' • . Ii nl proved thotr opinion of its "justice” f * c-nUmg it in their state eOnsti’ut'QiHJ—for " 4t 4ieconstitution was any sm h feature to be ’j'.,crc ha> never been any reason wh it- ver for the adoption of tliis bnsis in Georgia.. P ,1 il ba- constantly been pointed at by our sister nates of the.south, us an odious featuro iu our n aituli'il- I* wassitnposed on the rotate iu !, v ih.! power of the lower counties who v.rri' .as'thoi time too strong lor the up country. II 'sinav the Coti/ciilhu to gel rid „l ii, ami it is-Imped that unless tlib people hear fiiaio hotter reasons titan-,those already offered I't, a thov will vote out Oils staiir.from the Con- si,i itii.n o’f th -ir State* “ Vi our better conven- j w we w ill sav more upon this subject. ONE (>$’ jTHjS, PEOPLE. »aSa®sSBs|fe4iA- S -’* U KORUK A T E I * KG R A PH. m&G&N. WEDNESI)A Y, JUNE 19', U&J. A coroner's inquest was bold one day lastwcek over the body of a man found ihsaihutrar thet Rtv- <r. In the examination the body was recognized tti lie. that of a crippU who had. been seen about Jl'icoH for several days previous, rtiost constantly in a state of intoxication, ilc called' bis caratf McRfiney, and slated himself to be n native of the 8ta:e of Mew Y-ofk, a taiiitcr.aad currier liy trade, and that he was wounded "ini cripjded iu. diehard fongliVll.ittie of Lundy's Jjtine,' near the Fall* of Niagara, in Canada, during the last war, tw a musket ball through the arm, and a bayonet truuiid in tlie thigh, lie ho-istcd of having killed the man who bayoneted him!—Hut, alas for hu man dory, the conqueror of the British is at last taiuquered by \\ Iiiskoy! Extract r.f a letter to .the Editor, dated “CdiitiMaus. JtitJe’15, 1833. "There has been, i bejieve no case of the Cho lera in litis place; and tbd alarm announced nyjihe ..rdv 1 ol <iu-Steamboat having had a case oil hoard, has pretty much subsided/’ Fayetteville, June 10. 1833. Mr. Editor—You will confer a favor upon aie liy iiHerting die following in your paper.-*— I unbred a publication in your paper sometime dure sn.iiutm-ing (Tie marriage of mysrlfnnd Miss Knihanuc A adeison,—which is unfounded. lit was done by some malicious-or .mischievous per sous. tliroiigh some motive' of which I am not a- ware. BB.NJAMIfl DEN.SON’., [Wc hayo fonyardet! to Alf. Detisdii the origin al tetter (purporting to be from a very respectable •in i responsible person) from which we copied the iintice above alluded to. If it. is ascertained (o he a forgery, cITuris will be used to bring tlie au- dior to a sense of justice.— Ed. Telegraph.] ^ Tilitot Co. June id,. 1333. Bp. Bautlett,—I have perused with great pteasuro, the review of ilia - Administration of Andrew Jackson, as published in the Ghdie* R»d as that paper has iint a limited circulation iu, ” *• I think it could not f:ril to have a salutary' mflti"iico for all oiir Uiiioii Editors to insert it. in tix-irrespective papers. Should you have room, pb-Hse give it a place in the- Telegraph. Yours very respectfully. r * [Mciliauk rfjir correspondent for Id* sugges tion, which we shall comply .with the first oppor- iuuiiy—Ed. Telegraph.] ... WM. If. CRAWFORD.—We publish the fol- jowing letter from the Hon, Win. II."Crawford in full. We do so, i|iat his .views and opinions any be fully understood—and his motives duly a l',Wci««th From it, un a cnreful perusal, the | cadermay gather the rpllowiug items: Ui. That the writer is tho smite violent pnrti- ’ a ° bo always was. That time, however it may btv« impaired his faculties, !]asnoi inolIifie<l the hiitiTiioss iif bis deposition; and that whatever elw lu> may have forgotten, he still remembers his baited for the Clark party; - • • ~d. That as the name of Nu'Uificr-lias Itccouie odious, aud that of Union is hateful. lhe;millifiers wish to drop these names, apu cling id <be old dis- bnciious of Clark am! Trotip'. - •id, That many disliouest men belong to tbe 7f °uj> party, “We have had wolves in-sheep’s cljiliing iu nur ranks. Tho late 'Convention, at M'lled^eville proves this fact”—says Mr. Craw- fonl. ' ' ' il •1th, That the Union party “is essentially the ^I'rk party;” and thurtbere is- no oiler Unioii; P^rty in Ganrgin. Hcucc, that the Strvannul) li'PuhVican is iu error, in styling Judge '(V-“adis- hitjuUhrd member i f the T'nion parly.” '. • • P ‘th. That N'ullifientii-ii is a mijchicjrouY dog. "NuliifieRiinn it is into has done'its [the Trodp Ptt^ty.] some mischief,” says Mr. C. . ‘bit. That the Nullificrs (in Mr. Crawford’s-o 'Pt’ann.) must be men of tio principle—inasmuch ®s they will support M njor Crawford, who ismo btiliifitr, bemuse it is their interest to 7, h. That Frankliu College is to be used ns' a party euginc. “Our College (says Mr. C.) is doing much for the cause of civilization .m l cor rect principles in politics, morals ami religion!” 8tli, That iho memory of Mr. C. is as faithful as heretofore: “It was during this same Conven tion (says he,) that the Clark party Jiest made an efibrt to assume the chpr cter of the Union ad- minjstrotioii party.” Wc thought tliat character was appliedtoi'long ngo. ' 9tli, That the Troupers will never be satisfied with au^’thing done by the Clark pTirty! “Thaf party (says the Judge| never possessed-polit ical power witbom abusing it!-iT-has neyenibuscd it more flagrantly than in ’he Into Gonveniiou.” Asilurpebplq ltafrc.the proceedings of thc-Con. vein ion before -them., they will he able (H judge how fir the Clark quirty has “ib used political power;” and their \cice at the text election for llatiflcatiouor no Ratificafion, will be testing the accuracy of Mr. Crawford’s assertion. Before that tribunal wc are'^ontent to, leave it. T'rori the Savannah liepuhlican. ... . .. XYouil Eaten, SU June, 1883. Mtj DcgT' (5to—-Your loticrof tliu £7\\i ult. was received bt* this day’s mail, in due course. Y.otijiilbrm mo in'it that letters received from Aliiledgeville, afliroi tliat the Troup Part\ 'is extinct in,tiie stale. On tlie. otuer baud 'you say; that respaclublo nfuntb : er« qf the ‘ Troup' P.iriy'b.assert thut the parties bow existing iu the.stutd aro essentially the same as have exist ed for years. So far as iny tcstiiWpny can be of any-service to you, it la diiolly iu affirmance of the latter assertion.; That the Clark Party should be sojicitoii&.to iuorge:their generis polit ical name into one more respi-ctabie, is no liiat- ter of surprise to aiiy ;one who , is- acquainted with the moral and' pbHtical character of that party. But that liti/y should have aid and as- sistance, in efiectiiig their political metaiyor- phosis fropi gentlemen afi'ectiiig to beloiig tbitie Republican or Troup Partyj is triify astonish ing. The fact, only proves that Wd have had wolvessn sheep’s cloalhing in pur ranks.* • The late Convention at iUilledgoviHo proves this fact, if other evidence was’ wanting! • it ' was during this same Convention, that the Clark Party first made an effort to .assume tho. char acter of tiip Uniop Adniinisfrqfion Party. %% But ihfc condtjcJaJl Ihqselfsslyled Union Party, du ring the session of the Coiivontion^proved snf- fictemly. the identity ofthe Clark" Party.—That party has ndverpossessed political power witli- oitt abusing it! It has never ,abiised it more flagrantly, than in llie late Conventicnr.' The ahUsa oT tho .Legislature prostrated that, party .in 1825. If the abuse *of jt nver in the Legislature de.'troyedjhe ascendency of the Clark Party in ISdo, how much more effeci.ii- allyOuglitnnabiKe'Af power to "destroy it, when that, abuse has hreii maniti sfed in the revision of the Constitution'. That the seli-stvled Union Party, b essentially ti e Clark Party, no man can doubt, who. Jias' witnessed the.proce.edings Of the late Convention. Can the Ethiopian chaitgp his-skin? Call .the Leopard change his spots! When either of these events shall hap pen, then it may be possible for the.Clark Party to change its moral mid political.character. The Union Parly may, and probably, will,-en deavor to assume the character of thp late"Fed eral Party. Its leaders may possibly endeav or to effect this revolution, but it will be ex tremely difficult. The.materials they have to operate with, are very discordant. That the Tioup Party is not. extinct, the unanimous nomination of NI ijor Jm;l Crawford for Gov ernor, the evening before the Convention ad journed, by a large meeting of that party, not only of the members of the.Conyentioji, and of members of that party in Mil|edgeville and its vicinity, hut frnm-olhcr parts of thq state, suf- ficji ntly. prove. Nullification -it^ is. true has done t(s soijio mischief^ but. His*-is passing a- way, and "the most violent n>il!ifiers in Geor- gia^ pfiffnililv/pvei; infljdged a desire of ma kings permanent schism it) the Republican ranks. . From prcse.nt appearances, I am io- rlined to.he'(i'eVe, that the nomination of Major Crawford will hejlie rallying point of the Rtoig publican pariv. The Major, though no uuili- fier, will receive the nirlivided-support «if t}tc Repuhliran party, nnllifjers dnd'all.. .Tits ro- sult of the last Cengres'inunl election-; furnish evidence of republican success—ye elected 7 <tut of 9 candidates, .amf we had one siiperuji- rii r-irv candidate,.w’;o rec> , iv i, d more than 15,- (MKJvotas, which* divided among our 9 candi-. J i’ps in equal pfopor/i;ui fc wotilrlh avf elect* d all of hem. But nullification has also infected the ranks of the ,Clark pafty. Pi mherfoi anii Newnan, and mheryof less note, might be;enu- merated. It is piissfldo tlmt they too,-hiay not br. ilisiTOSeil to nia\e a permanent bred^h in thoic ranks. But whether they are so disposed or nor, is a raattfr of fin consequence to the Re- publican party, ft ts helioved'that wo have the ascendency in intelligence and respectabil ity, and supported by them it cannot fail’of iflti- mat” success.' A few morn years and -things will s tile down oo a proper basis. Our Col lege is doiot^ much for the cause of civi'ization^ and correct principles id politi .s, morals ari4 religKin. Lctjhe people he enlightentrd, and- vanqu's'i • 1 oppoiu-nts with loss injustice, me mortifying defeats they ha latterly experienced would have been spared them.. Their fate has been like, that of . highwaymen—having pillaged the public, they,quarrelled .anioug themselves a- bom the division of ilie spoils ; aud now tho peo- p!o arc coining iu for their oi\ n. g While the Clark parly continues Ao. be govern ed by the policy it has heretofore piirsucul —viv‘. a straight forward o:ie—turning iieiiher to the or" to the left, to reap reward br«liuii defeat,we have no fears for their uliimato success. Occasional and temporary embarrassments may occur, as ibey hayo before, occurred; but tbe grejif principle's, 7 the principles of Truth, of Lib crty. of Freedom, must.succeed. - From the .Georgia Times (fj^The policy of striking while the iron is hot, was iin-iilcate.l upon our utiuds in .the 'days of our bojh-»od: the experience of our riper years has taught us that it must yield in efliency to the policy of nim who makes tlieirnii hot liy sinking. Tlje history of the. .Cljirk party for the last few years,sufficiently quests the truth of tlie lessout— \Vherever a liamlfui tf these indefatigable parti- iani could Jbe found, uo matter ho.w ferimduble the crmvd of bppoueuts might be, noi matter how hopeless (heir prospi-i-ls, bow improbalile tbcii success, tljey invariiibly set ii|> n candidate of their own, around whom they rallied with a chiv alry Ui-it smacked of the olden rime','with au cn- ergyivyribar. of a better cause. Gontiuaed suc cesses liaviug rctuleirelt the Troup' piirty ea.celess ofthe-pinver iliey h id struggled Joraptf. wouVour insidious adversaries gt'lbered their cfafts, mar-, sh illed their forces, perceiving that 'dissciisions among ovrselves had.brolceli tbe hit'll, rto united ranks of those who bad ti iuaipli. il orn e aud again, made one bold-mid snccessfuj push for jbe Exec utive chair. Now -one*more st' ide, mid tli'ejpo- litical l.-ttlder is moii'ilod to its topmost round— one more Step aad the whole political power of the stale is in their lianddf ‘ One cffdrt more, and if the Clark party succeed,./lie. Troup party is forever routed; .“horse foot and dragoons.”— ■'Swept a w ay forever like the sore and yello w kav»s bcforb-tiie mountain storm. <Jue more tcdOo-is to be cliacteth aod if snocessfully, ihe-euc- laiu of die political'driitDa;f.«lls forever upon the prospects s>f lliose wjip nave-; susta u. il the s^ute_ in -tlii- boifr -of /is 'darkest peril. If die .proceed ings of the late couventiou (we say late because wh politically deceased) ,are ratified by ti deluded peopled, “Good niglu to Manniou.” JL:: aiyeis AmV of JSatxeticsn ■z—•T.-iff-. -p-5 *1 At a ibeetiiig of the “.StatOj Bight Party of Bibb comity,’’ held tnf Saturday, tire 15th insf. to make arrangem'-nts' for-tfi v ctTohralidiror the •lth of July, Isaac Ilaryey was (Hied to tke elialr and Robert" A. H,‘-all-appointed. Secretary.- '1 he followitig-resdlutions were passetf •' .■ . 1st,' llesolted . That tlio_-‘State Right Partyof Bibb county” will celebrate the-iipproachiug an niversary of American Independence. 2d, Jtesolved, That a Cominittep, cmfsisting of lsinc Sniitli, Jefferson Mi GraybO), and Johir Holmes'bo nppointeil fo select an* Orator aud Reader to read the Declaration of Independence on' tile 4th day of July, and that a cbijitnittee-he also" appointed consisting of Judge. Strong, Dr. Grceii, John Lamar, Iverson II. Joit-v*. add Isaac G. Seymour, todraft toasts, contract for a dinner, aud to make all arrangements preparatory-Ml the celebration ofth-f.dny. . On motion or. R. A, Beall, it was furtlixr Re solved, That the “State Right Party of Iiihb Co.” disclaim all party vieafs aud considerations in making these aryaugfdfiertis.'finil are desirous that nothing of the kind.shall participate fn tlfc cele bration of the approaching anpiversyry and .that tbe invitation to that party. aloMN was designed ouly to afford an opportunity to vindicate itself, from unjust, uufounded and injurious reports. It teas further Resoltsd, That the- committee appointed by tfiis inerting; he inspected to com muuicate with tho committee lo be appointed by the Macon Volunteers, or with auy otffcr portion of our fellow citizens, and to unite with them, if acceptable, in-the selection of aw Orator and Reader, UinMii milking.ajl. further arrangements for the approaching celebratiou *3 1 861 0 1 727 3 J 765 14.1 11 1 t Scrsyrli ShcriiT Sales for paly.! Lot D.'S. Property of To satisfy. . . 423. .3 1 tt. Smith, sr ,G. ueudriclr. *8 I ^ II- AVhitemore. F* G. Ahdoe, . 345 *Y 1 J.-Ilubbard, C. J. Aikins. D-Collins, J^W. dJpeghton. J. Ttriinunonds, Thomas somli. • Il.Jott.esr> it. 1.uliins &. Sons, . g,’.-',,: • > B. Tarver for use Abel Cain, ‘ -3. iiemiwrt.. _ Jobii Ilubbqrt, Cli.upnni;-&Adkfiis II17. J3 1 ,\Vm. P Gjyvpiv M-iCinxiiohn. " 1335 ’4 I" Henry Ifnff, ' fiJ. Murray. 427 14 1 J. VV.AVnsmii 1221 14 1 Win. Patrick, 959 3 1 Allen West,' 303 14 1 "J.BrunnoH,-- 011 3 1 JL N‘Kinsey, 561 2.1' Wat. Elrod, 1240 3 1- P. Chit Wood, G99 14 1 F- Tlntrtnoiid, Do. 597 2 1 L Lindsey, i’o. 483 343 L. VV. Flemisti/r. - *. S'. Ripley.' Tims. I.iaigrove. Ki-iiogg Si Sanuford Kellogg (£ Sautlfoni J*. J^Mun ay.- l)o. do.» * • * .ilii! tip" • •- Risoli.d. That these proceediogs be signed by^ 83 25 2 Win. W-. Young, < I}.- Erotvu &B t!ie Chairman aud Secretary anti published in the _ . t B. Siiiini. Macon .Messenger and Telegraph. * ISA AO HARVEY, Chair'n. ROBERT A. BEALL, Stc'y. ; u law. . HE sft!i?fribcr has resumed the PRAC- _ TICE of the LAW; and, having located himself at CASi*Vl LI, E, Cass, couiity, will - at tend to any business of the profession iu,tbe l her- okee.Circuit. : , . CORNELIUS D. TERIlUNE. May 17. (it 32 " . - -* V , .-. Editor: COSlMUXtCATED. ..Ct?* \Vc are authorised to an nounce JOHN L. MUSTIAN a candidate for Rlieiiffof Bibb county. May 1', 13311. •'» r -Sfr - What has becbmOpOf the. Union Party of Bibb comity? Where are tile Glar]: ineu, the L'J’inp- kiu nitii, tlje Jackson men -of Bibb?. -Will thev sleep like Sntrp'san iu she lap^of la/y indolence, and suffer the Philistines to tie a ini shnve them ? Will they not arouse themselves, before it is too Lit-, shake off the cords, the nullificrshave bound around .them, and put theirtmeirtiesrto flight ? if you wait till you are shared, your' linndsi tied, and your eyes put out, there’s uo tell- iug how long you ma. grind under the oppress ions of your adversaries before your strength comes to you again. You sec haw organized, how indefatigable the nulfifiers are ; what a 15 ~i -!? !!*< ks . Garland Maxey & Co. ipg, 69 23 3 Jos! Bailey, 'R. F. Banks. ‘ next election'. ‘ We are authorized to announce George 'Vigar as rt candidate for Tax Collector at tho * 7" *38 John IL Sims is ,a caodidatc for 9’ax Collector of . . Bibb county. 33 „ C/"* We are authorised .to tin- Iioifftca; 1YM. C. T:\RKER: Esq. -k Candidate for Reciever of Tax Retiiriis for the'county of Rib', at the eivniins election, c■>' Jutte o , ■ 2 , ioyd_Siierifi’ , ft>ales for only. Lot D. S. Property of To satisfy 179 . 3 4 Johu Sands' Isabel Askew. Jl Fdjtim Wllly, N. Brewton. tling array their, ranks present: bauuers flying squibs cracking, rockets, glaring, pickets detached and sentinelsjmsted! ready for the campaign.— While the Uuioti men —where are they, and what are they'abont ? Stretched in the shade, perhaps catching flies, or taking a . horn, as was the an cient city of Jericho, while the rams horns of^ their enemies were blott ing down their walls !— or, fiddling ami dancing ns was luxurious Rome, when the Barbarians rudicddown upon lierl—6r drinking and feasting as was Belshazzar, when Cyrus sapped his walls aud jupset his carousal! “To your teats, O Isracj!” Such of the Uuion party as are uot afraid to avow their principles—add are disposed not to ‘give up the ship; ,ar» ,requested to meet at JIu- son's llolel.ou.SA'fURDAY aftesiioon next,- af 4 o’clock, to. make arrangements for celebrating the 4th of July; aud to nominate candidates for the'Lf-SlTiwre. .** :• The^ must adopt this'course, unless they are willing to be-totally and forever proscri bed. The other .party have made their arrange ments for cclcinjjifig the lth, id a party manner; and for pnrty;purfiosc-4f.' As you cannot join with litem.-you must celebrate the day by yourselves, if you celebrate it at all. * - • 1825. wc shall have a good Repuldicun government firmly .established amone «*• - I <*nJi ^< r t with respect, your friend and mosfob’t humble SJ’r’vt. WM. H. CRAWFORD. E. Dc La Malta, Editor Sac. Republican. .THE CLARK PARTY. There is much of se.ber-hi»tnry In the following extract from il«e Times: end whether so intended or uot, is a flaitoriug. compliment lo-the.Clark party. 'That party* which but recently wa« re duced to ri rnfwe handful, scattered throughout the stare„ n.'leadcr or rajLiug point, -witMopt power, w'nhfltal fi name, a byword aud a reproach in theln'pd, we have secu. w iih no weapon but Truth, with m> interest but liioir country’s wel fare, acting together, how evoi .and wherever senttered.-gafniog strength, and power, and yieto- rv after victory, .until fhi-y fire able to wield al most the entire destinies of the state. That the only principle they hivo acted" upon is love of liberty, and love of country, is proved by their work sc- .Veil of principle with ifieib are the prin cipal nicn. - - - Justice-is sure to prevail at last, however slow, it may be jn couiiag round. Had tho Troup par ty been actuated by the same principles—bad they'been less actuated by selfish motives, nnd more by patriotic ones- - had they-treated tlpfir , -AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION; The second fair oflht. fkjrgia Ag icuLurol So ciety teas held at the. Co'u •t-Hiuse in this place on If c.lnes lay the 12/A inst. At tfis stetson little il'i.1- to'Jit - rpeeled, c nnftar.ifivrly ibilh.the fall'er- tiihilion. a ul] the peewittfins offered icere also smalt not sufficient to tempt Imtse, whose._olj el was mere ly the. pecuniary reward.—Hoicevcr, several arti cleS tetro offered of domestic growth and mcnujnr lure. Those ivhh'h seem to cinim the first, and pa: ticular attention were. Domestic Hint and Silk. Specimensof thr former were, offered hy C. Die jiW aid Ceorge Alexander, of Jasper county—Dr. tioicen and .)/. Sullivan of Clinton —two or more kinds inch, ull rtry creditable. >• The premium frer awarded-to C. Diun^r. for a specimen ii>hie,h mat hs considered ihtirely rkanMic—-being made from seediing. vines reared by himstlf. and not particular ly res milling any yarn ty. known in this country. This waSj thrjirft.pjieeji'nen ever presented to thr publicfrem this vine; and from the credit il ob tained (i f its debut, ice have much to hope- 'Miss If’inn of Monrofcdunt^ presented aspeci- nicn of sewing silk of twrfre'Colours. Abo ffoss silk and two pair of silk socks... They were of veryjieautiful appearance,and apparently of erctl- lint quality. Pram the infant stale, which the raising and Manufacturing ofsilkis note in Geor gia, it toas hardly to be expected that such -perfect spe linens pgvfd be: prjbducaL She "received' the premium. - - One pair of these socks sold at auction forSti 59. * '.*~V? - David G- iforsham of this county also exhibited a very fair specimen of serving filk o f brent}/ ^col ours. Also some excellent twist, ffoss and’ bead silk. This was hit first effort, and the product was v> ry creditable lipefer the circumstances.—It urns not offt red for the premium. The sUk leormscfhuth these individuals teere. fed on the common native Mulberry , Georgia homespun of good quaHty. and a fine lot of itutter were pri.'ept'd hy Mrs. Penelope 'Pierson of Monroe county, to whom a premium urns arcardedt The committee on Gardens examined several, but ps non* hc.db-en cultivated with a view lo compete for tin premium, none teas awarded.—Messenger. 321 4 4 374 16 i 33 5 4 793 3 4 2:r> t4 4 295 24 3 109 24 3 J. Skaggs,' J. Travirc, J. Watson* W. Check, II. Holmes, D. Cffestaiitr C. C. Johnson & others. B. Watson, A Turinen. W. Alexander & others. 966 2 1 .Wiley I’i.crcc,- Do; - -693 14 1 John Pricft, Dor. do. _, 334 .1 I T, L- Marlin. Do. do. :, ‘; 140 1 1 SI Kilgore, alt Junkie. Sumb-we Co. 943 J4, 1 ,C. Sledge, James.King. Porsyth sales posfpoined forS aiy. Lot B. S- Froplityof-i To Satisfy - , 137 14 1 J- W. Glass, • P. T.-.B-^le. 180 14 1 Joseph Roe, E-&j’H. liy pa & others 487 2Y -E. B. Reynold.*, J.Jf &.W. ll. Pope SsCurray Sbon£Saks fci 1 . i?uiy« Lot n. s. Property of fo jmisfy 27 14 3 T. Johasou Speuccr &s M^ys J^jgggSgjj __ j /' Public sale Of-Steam Boats and Burge: ILb-lte sold iu this place, on Mouda*- ; v % -1st da^ot J.UiJ next, the iobo.wiijg l ■ Uioagidg to illtr'Ctduniidij SfeaiH Uoat-CtAnj \ .« viz.. . . • r -.-The Stenincr COLUMBUS, nil elegatit >. ■ y boat built of best material* latf fall aud cvnuit'—t rttuff-'tig IhwpasClilut'tr. Tbe Steatuer (Hii-tRGlAN which has. r» three seasons. The Bavgb Mafy Jonti and the-jg^rge Sc- Smith—tke latter bud'. Ia*t tall.. ~ : These boats w ill be s--UI separately to the hp, est bidders '/etuis of sale, one eighth cash, u.-i balatiee" iu three equal instalments, at six, r-n^ and twelve months.''The purchaser giviug ; droved bankable ubtes. - , SAM’L K. HODGES,’Agee- . CMtmibds, Gap May .25. ‘ 35 4 fill. 6' ... , u i ward their accoulits to the subscriber near. for j tta i J.din Slaughter. John Thomas. Richard Busk; li- H. Tarver. S. W. Stephens, James Long. R. Johnson,- M. • . Nall. .Beiij Vlorris, • J. II Lumpkio. •T. Hogan, Ofiloersof Carj-qllS. C- Jas. 'I'iHeV; -i Pemberton & Reynolds. Andrew* Sclttt, A. B- Sturges & Co Elijjih Nash, Catlett J. Aykius. - • do. • * ; do John Harris, P. J. Murray, 322 7 3 ^Samuel- Paxton, do. 33 13 3 Bryan Pace, IVm. Graves. 936 ‘7 3 T. U*sery, Officers of .Houston I. C. iffit) 6 4- J. Leverton,A - Cfatyford & Co. 262 8 4 It. A. Talbot, - TV-in. M,aroney. 116 14 3 D. Holland, ^ High &. W iggins. Joseph Linscy.' Reynolds & H arts. Isaac Gray, - Robert \sb’cy. Daniel Brown, 11. IL Tarver. Jas. Gallihcr, Long. 235 10 3 139 »3 3 Bit 28;ff 139 ;9 3 Til 14 4 193 11 3 211 25 3 236 28 3 257 28.3 1(12 8 4 109 12 4 244 7 3 319 10 3 10 8 3 185 26 3 230 14 3. T V L. Brown, H.. VV.-Shaiqic. Cass Sheriff Sales. €br July. Lot Jh S. ' Properly of , Tojnthfy £31 21 2 fx. A. Parker, 1:. L.Lyncs. 631 17 J B. Brantley, ■F.Culiins.&'Sons. 805 21 2 Robt. love, - do 275 6 3 Wm. Gregory’, * t do 534 4 3 John Turner, B. F.,Thornton.' 19 17 3 A. B. Huggins* James Johnson. 1740 21 2 Arnold J’olibson, Ei;<>rmsley. 417; 4' 3 II. Ftrllingiur ' .Wm. Porter!- ’Sllinginr 642 H 2 J. Laucar, 1146 21 2 Win. Strange, 868 21 2 A. Hightower, 155 5 3 G. W. Wood, 942 21 Z -M. A; Franks &JR. Chapliu, Stephen Pptts, P. Glcmciits, 876 bin 4 372 12 817 4 293 13 190 4 100R 12 833 12 455 12 1197 12? 504 13 453 15 11(59 12 118"-13 ’-'t.r 153 15 1170 12 752 12 408 <4 13 1 Wm. (.'ooper,- 1 Wm. Vaughn, ‘ W. J. We.ightman, Thos. Glascock. \V r m. Johnson, C. B. Colo. Sjumpkin Shcrilf Sales for July. Lot Diet Sec Property of To satisfy *“ 1 SS sun,, ,\ K °" mG ;' L "'“- 1 James-Newnau. Jas. A. Tippens. 1 J. IJoiliiigsliead, J. A. D. Childers. 1 Mint-ha Gray, Joseph Perry. 1 TIi'os!*Gimrdey. \ Jaracs Grubbs ' 1 H.ffi-Nvrrifl,; W, Bt-owri & wife. 1 Eli ChaSfpiofvi BdcH l rltlcf*&. Coi 1 I. Fiucber. L. P. llai-groV3‘& C», 1 I). II. Barnes, F. Cullens & cons. 1 J.'Langston, Win.' Railings. 1 N: X \V t ! , Wanslee, \ Jamcs L ^ oa ' - i Johu .Bprk* F. Ally. Si ethers I Jas.'Joifrdan, ' J. li. Siaufoid. 1 IL&'g! Latlvbpi Pla “4 ef ’ 8 ,JaB - >11. II. Cone & \ ML Hall. P. T. Bedell. 1 J. & I). J. Ray. James Aj)ijey\ 1 Thos. Knight George Jones, f IlSuUo,; /1’. Le.iiigston. 5 f''t (v'ivi.u.rook, | S&j? . 433 13 ;1 (North) ) Saffold & For- , ; '7^ Xuke \\ r e!ch. J . ~ ^ er * Ch'erolicc Sheriff Sales' for July. Lot- Fist Sec Property of Ter satisfy 1284 15 2 lajnes Vlsrtii;, P.-Ctt.Jciis & Sou?. " 56 : 22 9 S. Vickery, - JS. Griflith.- 37 15 2‘D. Kalilcy . Clevekmd Sc Tait. ■I24J1'21 2-. Win Fiirgerson Jas Edmondson. 303 2 * 2 A. Soy more, J. 1*. Winn. 150 14 2 Jas Parker, Win. C, Osborn. 799 15 2 Win Arnold, J.ns-Wardlawv ' HS’.I 15 2 L. Gregory; f). P«.Stewart. . 931 2 .2 JOs-Lovctt, Reeves&Hmiter. 216 4.' 3- S-. Grace, Bachelder & Co. 971 3 2 Willis Whatley, 1 C. Me Lorn ore & >. Saffold & Fears ■ Elliot Rend, ) - * i T Gilmer Sheriff Sales-for July. Lot Dlst~ Sec Properly‘pf To satisfy. 258 10 2 S3. P.,Smith - JtP* Turper & Co 190 6 2 Jas Stimjivatf, MaVk WtJtnpck. Paulding Sheriff Sales for -July.' Lot Dist Sec , Property of . To satisfy. . ' 1235 3/ ’S' J.-II.' Faulkenherrv, I'i. 1). Cook. 60 18 3 I). M.-Jackson, N..&-II; Ward. 649 18- 3 Basil J.ow ; e, E. Case. KKKP 2 : '3; J. Fortwood, ' J, Hail. 1046’ 3 i'R. II. Caldwell, Case iS,-.Goodrich 575 2 4 Z. Slayton, J. 15 (filhrcntli. 698 18 3 M. WiUUiglltr IL H» Fit.Id.' 178 3 3.M«uy Page, -r S.'A. H. Jcued. 584 1 4 Joshua Johnson A.-Crawford. 183 20 - 3 A‘. M‘Grody, H'm Maroncy, 259 3 4 J. W. Howard.& t Joha Weekcr . I 2 43 1210 Cm 2 1174 17 3 1149 21 2 Irw in &. Bryan-* Jones & Co. Nathaniel Slay. ..Andrew M-Bride. ^ A. fc v Wlutteir. Nat Ira tv Legg. ■Hall & Kendrick*-' ■•‘barlv. & Chisholm; TX jJAVli pu hand and keep constantly WKi*' M & the follow iag Articles. Viz. ' ZO.hlds prime picfelo Fork, ?-5 do Rum, < . > . 20 do Giu, 20 do hest northern FlottiS 10 hhtis Molasses, . 5 do Syrup, N.^ Orleans and Georgia- 4,d5 Sugar, 100 Kegs nails-ar.sortcd qualities, 20 bags prime Coffee. 10000 lbs Castings, English and Americau. 2 bids black Pcpjjei', 1 do red do 5611)5 ground Ginger, 100 do t'pice, £ doz boxes Raisins, *. 5 do Co hi Brooms, 2 do patent Hoes, 1000 lbs best Virginia Tobacco, ■ /' Besides a largo assortuieut of tur and woo. ;■ Shoes.'"(.'rockery. Books, Calicoes, Mi.s . . Gamlirics, Linens, Lawns, Bed^'i icKit-g, t i»a ; torpin check, apron checks, and a large - inen’t of hoibespuu, which they offer very low - Cash Macon. June II ' 37 . - ■ II A irw.Mw-; •Joseph Buckler. Johu Coots T. M. Darnell, REA & C1K1TOIS AYE in Store and offer for sale on ace niodatiiig; terms . _ ; t 16ti 'lihyfs MotaiB^x' 10; do St. Croix au'd'N. O. Sag-*.- 20-T)bls Western Whiskey 20 do Baltimore do 25 . .do N. Ijl.'Rum 5 pipes Northeru Gin . 15 bids do do 30 -Boxes Tobacco 100 pieces hemp Bagging 1.000 ready made Cotton Bags. Liverpool aud T.dfk's Island S;.-i mav 15 irpool lots to suit purchasers. 33 elections Wc are retjuvstetl .to announce Bevkblt Reo, Esq. as .v candidate for receiver of Tax j Returns of this county, at tho next Jtm«6il3S3: 37 SECOND AND LAST SALE r . FOR Merchants Planters Money. On TUESDA Y, ’-loth inst at 10 o'el- ck' .4. ill- will be, offered for sab at the STORE of - Su PUBLIC AUCTION,- To the highest bidder, (lie most extensive assort ment of • .STAPJUQ di * Birmjutgh un, Sheffield, -aud American- - 11 A H D W 1 R ti, Ever offered at AUCTION in this place. Embracing almost evtry article in ihc line, inelud'iig about 100 single, a ltd double barrel Shot Guns aud Rifles. •Ooiintry , ‘M6rch;-mts will- find it for-thi'ir iuterast to attend the' tetle. • The hills of the IV?erehacts and Plaitterft Bank will bp received in payment at par. Auy persons Wishing to make payment iu good mouey, will bo entitled to-a discount of fifty* per cent, from their purchases. ' ■ - LATHAM HULL, Audioneer. Augifsfa,'June 1.0 38 'SL E it or<Umcdt)y thc.-Mfiyor andjCouix d of the City of Macon, Tjiat.tbe fiiieeuth or dinance relating to Swine, sjinlt iir future in the- same maupgc all Goats ruuuiug ;»t largeTii the City .of’.Macou. ;T ' ISAAC G. 9.EYMOUR, Mayot. John 11. Orru-rr, Secr’y. * -. . May 29,:1333. . 37 DISSOLUTION. K Co-partoership heretofore eXiSlP ;: bj Dveetl the -subscribers under the In HAitRI^ & SMYTll is this day dissolvvJ , mutual conscut. BENJAMIN F. HARLi - JAMES M. S.MYTll. Foisytli. June 16. 1833. . .33 , _ BOSTON JR UM. , DK BARRELS high proof Boston Rum, received per SfcJipioi Jt 5neej-... For sale Ky • REA'.Ji; "CO I'TON. June 17.* -.1 *13 '• * ’ . j - — . HOLLAND AUN. " PIPES Holland Gin of fine flavor, nud warranted pure, received < >n*cga and far sale by .REA '& COTTON. June 17 ; : 38 s -N0TU]£. . URING-my nbseuce. Mr. Samuel WarrCn will act as mj -agedti * *R. R. SMITH. JCrre . -- - * . — - fft hlLLUWirTABitE \ FIR ST rate BILLIARD TAltLE, with Bl all the apparatus attached., for Ale by a ' • J Jgkn sMi O),. Sign of the d Jli-rp. Cassvil/e Town Lots * . . 2?or Scale. A BEAUTIFUL and healthy situation. bounding in excellent water, has beta lected as the seat of public buildings for the_i «m.i ty-or Cass, 'nud hat received ihe uaqie of CAh - V1LLE ; and xvill, no doubt, iff a short-time t < . flounshiug fawn. The sale of TO’ - N 1* ' > - iii Cas-ville will commence at teii o’clock A. fl.- on Wednesday, the 8th day of JULY ud.vt; •'■•■'* will he foutuiued from day to day,—Terms .* • • bo made know u.on.tlie day of sale-. ' JAMES "RR. j. i. c. NATHANIEL uOFFORD. o. i. c. SAMUEL MAYS, j. i. c. . A vmes A. Thompson, j. f. t . ISAAC L. PA'RKER. j.. i. c* -May 30, 1833. 2t J 38 r , Lumpkin County Town Lots _ 2*or Sale. /kN the first Wednesday in JULY nexi, v. on Lot immber nine Inwidrc-j and fair, twelfth district, first section, be_jbfd an tbs TO D N LOTS laid out for tho county sib) iu Lutnpki.u county. The sale rd continue fro;** <!iiy tti day till ail the-Kip are sold. Terms rth:ile known, on the day of >aile. 'A ' JOHN OXFORD. V- JOHN C. JONES* j. i. c. " ' JOU.T U. F!E5L-Dil, xi i: o- May 50. ,3-«- , • ■ .Administrator's Sale. VSTII-L be sold on ihe first Tuesday in An- ff gust ifext. uhorse,-saddle, aud bridte, ti e property of John Richardson deceased—said pro perty sold for the betii ft of the creditors of said Richardson. EDWARD MEADOR, lvnAxville, June 15 33 adni’r- ■ .Administrators Sale. f]SKFORE, die Court House in Cnrrollto i 5 O Carroll comity under nil order of the court >,i Ordinary of said county, will lie sold oil tlu. first Tuesday in September-u-xt, .. - - Four negroes, named as follows ; a negro mail by tiie name of Bediek abobt -10 years old.; one negro woman, by tae name of Fanny ab,o:t' 30 venrs bid, and her child Simon about 2 yea; old—stdd as the property of Mary Chapman dc cea-?-d ton the-hmefit of the heffa.auil creditor* of Said deceased.' Terms made known, on th* !«i of sale. JOHN D. CHAPMAN, iftne 10,T833. -.33 ain't. I. R. Howard,' ^ ’ 932 2 3 A.„P. Gn lington. M. Pollock. Qohb Khor iT Sales for July. Lot Dist Sec- 1‘iaprfly of 402 73 126 589 208 700 777 699 943 102 780- 16 17 1 20 17 19 17 17 17- 17 3 B. 31: Owed, 2 r'idm-y Forlis, 2 0wen Taylor, 2 -Amos King, 2 G & VV Jeffrey*. 2 John AVchl),' 2 William Davis - 2 B. S. Williams, 2 Wm. Daniel, 2 Jas. Patridgifr 5- E. Blngt To satisfy J. Evans. R. Butler.’' ^ V. T W 3LD Oslnirn. -Nalhaniot Fish. 31. ShcftalK B. Brewton. B. IVrewfon. AVin. Jloore. Kelley & Co, 5? Motlblfi June 19 38 A FEW Boarders #iihik taken by the f?nb- <3L sen or. P. IL* ROCKWELL, une 19 38 - • • . PR O VISION STORE I AG8 prime Green Coffee, r*tg! 3-Hogsheads .Sugar, , t .. 3 Btirrels' Lard, • 1(T Boxes Sqap, '' ' 20,000 Pounds prime Bacon, Kegs Nails assorted, just received niid for sale y M. HALL & CO. 'Alsoi Flour, Mackerel,; Molasses, Tea, Corn, iMeal. Stc. &c.. for sale ns above. 1 - Jrrr.c « 8(T M. IL- ^CO- I • - Administrator's Soli;, tho 29‘’t day of.!n|y' , iH;xt v will he sold at rLw;- the residence of Johu f).. Chapman iu < urridf county, tbe'peiisijable property of Mary ,( har,nian consisting of various articles too tedious ■ r ceution. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN D. CHAPMAN, ‘ Juno 10, 1333. adm'r. We are authorized to aumniuice Geo. P. Waonon as a Candidate for Tax Collector at. the ensuing election. Juno 11 1333. 37 {* '^-W-c are authorized to ait-' 'iiouiicb MaVk D. Clark as a candidate in the re presentative hraneli of the next legislature at iho eusiiiHg election i’> Bibb county. June 10 37 ft. V IRON ShEST. for sale bv a. Afn il 10 29 W51. Il; B URAaALLr