Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, June 19, 1833, Image 4

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mu ■ Faifetic. Sheriff' Sales. W ILL bosold.on tho first Ttmwlny hi July next, before the court house id !' ayellc- vitju Fayette county between the usual hours of Kale Pi lie Sheriff' Sales. Georgia—Ifo us tan County. O X the first[Tuesday in JJ/LYnext. will bo j .*n»f fifths trillion Byrd, administrator sold Itefore the court house in Zofmlon, fry on lh( ,. estate of Pinkney Yarborough7 1014 acres ofland being Use west half of, lot N T o. 3fr in tho thirteenth district of formerly Jlotf; ry now Fayette rounty—ItvinUn asjiic proper- t v of Kindred Jllaek.doc k to satisfy two Vm.itr-fi Fas iimvnr of Clark & Willaot. * Levy made ami returned to me by a constable. 202} acres of Inml No. 1G3 in the thirteen th_ dutriaof formerly llcnry now Fayette county* —levied on as tho property of Jchr S- Dodd to satisfy one execution in favor ot Daniel S. Wat terson * 202;} acres of land No.- 53 in the -seventh district of Fayette county—Jsvied on as-tha pro perty of Benint Youngblood to satisfy mi execu tion in favor of-Samuel Clay. Property pointed out by plaiutitT. 202} acres ofland No. 132 in tho seventh distriefof Fayette county—levied'on as the pro perty of Uriah Glam to satisfy nncxecu'ion in fa vor of Witliatn Nelsnii St. others. Pike county," between. llie;itsnal ionics of sale .One lot of hind containing 21)2} acres in life first district of formerly blour^o now Pike county whereon YViflifim’.Jones" now lives or has a crop growing joinitig- Collins and others,, tho ntvinber norrccollet'trd,. antf «he ptamtmg crop on the said land, ono cril/'of cornstippdsOd to con tain twenty bairt-ls, I oven. 2 skillets. I pot, J. tea little. 1 spinning -wheel, 1 reel, 2 "smo-thing irons. 1 cTinrn. JJ sack< of puneclcotton, 2 bask ets of cinntnl cotton, 2 tyi Buckets*-I shot gnu; I Property pom pair sTtt'r. lsariTs, 3;iugcrs r 2 tin pans, 3'bridle*, 2 iron wedges, 2 polo axes, « ftlcagh hoc, 1 pair shove) and tobss.j iron sqyaro. 1 claw hammer. 1 han"i swiwfi sickle,' 1 guin of pctu, I-pot rack. J iron tKflind water bucket, 1"soup spoon, 2 sitting chairs. 23 hcjhf of cattle, and 3 sows anil pigs— alllevied t»y as lb a property of William sati-fy a Ti Fa in faVor of Robert -Vilen’’vs said Willi ’,in Join ?. ' i . - One’ lot of land coutainir." .232} acre’s Nr*. ( .00 in the-third district of Pike eosinty—levied on deceased,-applies .for Letterscf-Disniissiou froth snSdofctarc— * 'These' are therefore fo cite, and admonish all and singuTenrthc kindred ami creditors of said deceased to Jile theit objections (if any they Haver) in myo flee within "the time prescribed by late, otherwise said Utters toill be grunted. Jan21 17 f CHARLES II. RICE. c. c. o. Georgia—Coweta County. "S’OIW VINYARP, administrator- of the es- Ci? taie of David Cor.-tlcceascd, applies to me for-letters of dismissiou. as the property of Jrydan !yy.» satisfy- two'Fi Fasisstted from ainttjce’s-cnttYi in Green county Veil out by’Thomas B. Gay; 202, acres offend No. 133 in tho »«,irteentl: ££33 saK1 Jovian f- distuct of originally llcnry nosy rayet.o e*>u»ity r v - v - —levied on ns tie property of H illi -m. O'.-tai and John Bishop set umy, on the -lay of execution in favor of U; 11. and Johnson & Gunn; plaintiffs. JVInv 30 .VNDR EW M-BRFDE. rhtfff. vv, levy made and returned-to mebv a constable. J. P. 1IF.NS1.EE, Sh'Jf. Mav 23 1833. Campbell Sheriff kales* W ILL bo sold 011'tbo first Tuesday in JULY ne*t, between the usual hours of sale at the court house in C'anipbdltoii, Campbell coun ty, the fallowing property to wit: * Tliroo lots of land, to wit: Jot of land *No. 103 In the fourteenth district originally Fayette, now -Campbell county, lot of laud No. 121 in the fourteenth district orichially Fayette now Camp- hell county, and lot'ofland No. 122 in ibe four- I Q ^ tcmitli district ougm dly Fayette now Campbell j, cr tv tjf/dftn M. Moore to #; er.uuty, each lot of laud cpntaimng Mf-i acres vur of Abner p. i^rvelliu a inure or less—levied oil ns ttic property of JfoVw Pollytmd William G. Arledge to satisfy ti Fi.Fa in favor"%f John Royie Vs Robert Polly add Wm. G. Arledgc. Two StilU, 20 Brer stands, and 9 tight casks —levied on as the projn rty of Ahlworfh McBray- tr to satisfy a Fi Fa in.favor of Thomas Carroll vs said Mcltrayer. AH the ri ’litj title and interest that Thomas Steel has in lot of laud No. G? m the ninth district originally Fayette now Campbell county—levied on to satisfy two Fi Fas, buo in favor of John jlu.-k. the other in favor of "Morion N. Birch vs Thomas Steel. I’.ENJ. I'.ASI.Y, sk iLf. Also will be sold as above on the first Tuesday in A'JgU\l nrrt, 3 Feather beds, and'furr.iture, 2 curtain bed steads. I clock, 4 .large trunks, 1 synail trunk, 1 folding table; 1 set bureaus, 1 walnut table, 1. small pine table, 1 eujfaoard, l-l riiairs. 1 side board, 1 cradle crib, I red cow, 1 large pot, -2 large ovens upd lids, l small oven, 2 small dinner Houston Sheriff' Sales. O N*.the first Tuesday iu JULY next, before the-Court* House in Perry Houston coun ty. will be sold the fallowing property to wit: • One five aerp let adjoining the town el Perry, well improved whereon John IU. Moore now lives, ninety five acres pine bird well impro ved, knowu by the irorth part of lot No. 80 iu the tcmti district, sixty acres pine land w iih a small! thvreou, known- as the east part of lot No. .’it) lit tii-j said tenth district belli iti Hbiisfon colm- ty adjoiiting thy ton ti common of Perry, nu<l one yoke of black w ork steei-s—levied oji as the pro to satisfy a Fi Fa iu fa? and'jamcs R. Joues Executors of James Joues vs Juhn ill. .Moore principal anil William Wellborn security, prop erty pointed out by Win. Wellborn Tif« arc therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the '.-Jx.TT-d andxrcditors of said de ceased. to he and appear at .my office I riiiin the time OUR months afterdate, application-will b mad? to th&court of ordinary far leave t>- ■sell njftejy-eight acres of land more or less, beir.j the east paVt of lot No. 160, in the first district <. originally HeUry now Butts qottnty, belonging t the estate of John Barron, doceased. T - ' -SMITH BAIlRONvJdm’or. March9;-1833. 25- - ' : F OUR months after datej trfijljicitfonavillli. made to the court of ord'iiary of' CeVvet: eoiiifty, for leave to sell the Lp nil and Negroes 1 { William Salisbury, Into of said county, deceased CHRISTOPHER -BOWEN, •• mayG 33 - M’ OUK mouths nfter dale application -will b, made to the Inferior Court'of Houston county when sitting farjjrdiriary purposes,-fa ! leave to sell a part of the realist a to of Grrill Ste prescribed by laio. in shew cause', ifany 'thcy hate,! r'”: deecqsed, consisting of theimproved lot < why said Liters should granted. l .ud.n the 12t.l -Jistrtct of Houston county,avhere < . . 1 • 1 /v t 1 m n ■ nti tno ctml <. vxy 9, fe (liven under my hand, this the.2d day of Feb ruary 1833; 20 ’f f*I110N IIOI SE,c. c. o. Gcorgia—Pikc ('ouutif, W HEREAS Elizabeth Phillips adniinistra- "frix of the" cslafa-of 'Jonathan: Phillips, Otic Jot of pine land well improved wlicrcoti John Gilbert now lives in the tenth district of Ilmis- Teceased applies to me far letters of dismission from the further administration of said estate. These are therefore to ‘cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of sard deceased to fie thtir objections (if any they have,) in tyy office within 'the lime prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be grantedi Gircti under my hand nr office this loth April, 1333. fi ’ 11. G. JOHNSON, e.-c-o. on the said deceased lived.' M v 10 ALLEN WFNIIAM. A dm or. fiilQUIl mouths after date application will be _EL* - made to the .Honorable-inferior Court o Georgia—Units County. W ill-'.fxEAS-lUbccea Colib. administratrix on the estato rfr Janies Walker, deceased; applies-to tno far lettcrii ofdtstttissioa on said es tate,’ * - - * These prc ihertfafe lo ci]e mid admonish alljarid singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased fo jUejKcirphjeclionx ( if any they.have,) f'L itiyhjiicf within the time presetibed by /Ji!% alliericlse laid letters, will be grtiatfd.,' Utveu under mv hati.-l, ti*»* 0th dgy-of Jflaryli, lfr«. ' JOH?i M*CORD. c c. o: Gi'orgiti— I To ustj> n Co lift ly. W HER E AS Henry Calhoun applies to tr c. for letter* of administration on on comity, levicftorj as the property 01 sum uuoeit t;| , 0 0 f j a -,* 0 . 7l Calhoun, ileccascd. o satisfy n Fi Fa ju favor of George Patten vs. These are: Were free to cite arid admonish :ud Gilbert,' - sinmilnr the kiiidre'd and creditors o f said Henry county when sitting foi ordinary purposes far leave to sell all the real estate of Sarph -Rey nolds late of said comity iteeerjsed. ’ SPENCER REYNOLDS, cdm’r May 10 1833 . 31 ; ' - .. One lot of oak tnij hickory land in the 12th tistfict ofiloirstou county w-ull improved, where on ThomasT. JicCoIlum formcriy lived and ad joining the'square ofland known :ss.the Spring 1 iiil square that forracrl}’ belongtsl to Charles F. I’otija and others—levied on »s tho property of Thomas T, Ab'Cdllitm ro satisfy a Fi Fa iti favor of William' Wright vs Titos. Tj McCollum, poin ted out by said McCollum. 2-t head of stock hogs, 9 head of stock cat tle. if beds mid furniture artil curtains,' 1 looking tins*, 1 pine table, l walnut Adding tabic, 1 .can dle stand, 9 sitting chrdrs, 1 ebest of drawers, ! . '. 1-lot'of iatj oven, «small oimie c ] 0 ^| £| -S'-dechnte'rs.’.S glass tumblers, 1 pots, 2 sets of fire dogs, ■* barrels, 3jars; 2 jugs 1 h?oki 3 0 | lt s , t . j ,, lir <( f s! ,ovel and tongs I pair of andirons, J chest of carpen ter’s tools, J set china, I set common ware. 2 large flowered how!s,'3lii’ge$itch'crs, 2 sm.-dl pitchers. 5decan tors, 1 glass jar, 1 large waiter, 1 wash Howl and pitcher, 2 sets of knives and forks, 1 dor.^glass tumblers, 1 doz. wing, glasses,*2 sets of plates. 2 large dishes. 2 su ail uishcs, l large dressing glass. 4 water pails, ! spinning wheel, 1 rccl.J pot rack, 2 pair hooks, shov'd and tongs, 2 mugs, 51 small howls, 2 spades. 1 shovel, 2 axes. 2 hoes, 1 bihle and one lot of books.'3 tin buekets,'4 tin pans. *2 trays and 0110 sifter, 1 set smoothing irons, 1. half bushel measure, 1 wa-diing tub and one churn. 1 broom—levied on as the propeity of .4f- fred Fortune to satisfy n mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Richard Moou vs said Fortune. Property pointed ontiu said mortgage Fi Fa. Lot of land known by No. IIS i:*. the eighth district originally Coweta bow Campbell county containing 202$ acres more or less whereon Lemuel Wilkinson how lives—levied on as the property of Hiram II Rutherford to satisfy a Mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Joseph N. Spencer vs said Rutherford. Thfc l*ad pointed out in said mortgago Fi Fa. * 3fay 7 BENJAMIN EASLY, she,if. Henry Sheriff Sales N the first Tuesday in.JULY next, will ho sold before tho court house, iu In-Douongii lot of’pot ware. I small lot <Jf eis'cUeiyi l set of knives end* forks. 2 tin buckets, 1 tub, 1 paH, I ■ferry- 1 lot of china ware, I ruling gig, 1 gtfaibrfni* ail levied on by a mortgago r’i Fa isswf-ci frujrr PtittVaui Inferiot Court, in favor of John M;-IJ: ;deys Aimer Vcasey and other Fi Fas ISAIAH CIJAIN. sherif. ys. said W-ascy May 27 Crawford Sheriff Sales. W ILL bo -.old on the first Tuesday in July, at the court house in.the town of Knoxville. Crawford county, the following pro- erty, to wit : . . ' - Olio negro boy. by the name of Morgan, uhout 14 years old—levied on as the property of Dani-l l licks. To satisfy five small Fi Fas Issued nnt «>f n miiirl in until f»nnntv. ill frivnr »if Henry couhiy, lu-tween ihp usual hours of sale, 3 nt'groos, Hannah a woman 25 or 30 years of ago mid Jier 2 children Aleck a hoy^aorU •years of ago mid Green a boy 2 or 3 years of age —levied 013 as the jiroperty of John Selfridg to satisfy a Fi Fa from Henry .Superior Court in fa vor 01 John Dailey Jr. and two siuall Fi Fas from the inferior conrt of Said county in favor of l'c-. Tetwe Connell and others against Jeremiah Me Mssilin and John rf .lfri.lg fris security. Oflc hundred acres ofland more hr Jess in tho second district of said comity rntjoiaihg Ivy F, •Miigall nud others bring the land whereon Fran cis Adams now lives—levied on as hi3 projKoty to satisfy a Fi Fa from llcnry riup^rior Court in favo^af JohnJrn &■ Peck .v., said Adsuns. Qflb lfjtndred acres of land inoiv or loss ly - ing in the >ix»li tlistrict of sAid county whereon Arthur D. Meek now lives—levied«>n as his pro perty, to satisfy a Fi Fa from l|cury Inferior Court iu favor *f Oliver W. Cox- vs stud Arthur )) Meek and R. Meek security on tile stay. Fifty tracts'of land more or less lying in the eighth district of Henry county whereon Low Jackson Utm-Jivoa—levied 011 ns his property"t„ satisfy sundry Ft ‘'hs from a justice's court in favor of Thamsfs W. Garner aud others vs Low Jackson, Ilardv Pace, mid Thomas Pace. The south part ofjhc house and lot now oc- enpied by-Wilii.ini Hr Wiiire mid Lewis A. 15on»l ip the town of M Hciabttgli—levied on as ibo pro perty of Snnitrl J’cck, and one tlrny vrngou n^s tho property of Join Hunt to saiLTy a-Fi Fa. from Henry Superior tfiiui l in favor of Henry N. Pope .vs .Samuel Peck aud John 'limit. OiU) skowball sorrel I poncy—levied 011 as tho property of Daniel M. Jackson jto satisfy a Fi Fa from finds .Superior Court in favqrof Re-- SOU Ranliu vs said Jackson. J VMES LOVE, Deputy sheriff. Also will be sold as above ' Tho west half pf lot No. J7G in tho third district of IJenry county—levied bn as the prop erty of John G. 'Barn, tt Tax collector of lluury county for tho year 1831 to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of tho bounty of Ileus*}*. One fourth part of lot No, 172 in the sixth district of Henry county being that part whereon /es?e Rcnn'noArlffpi—levied on aa ific property (fJtSseBunn und John While to satisfy Ml miry Fi Fas from a justke’s court in favor of Shaw & 15-inks vs. said lluiiu aud While, levy-made and returued by a constable. THOM AS J. JOHNSON, sh'tf. May 2A 3fi . ‘T— r Georgia— Crawford County. TT EV1N M*QE E jells before Wtjliai U* E.A’IN .\lcCEE tells before Wijliam' M. U A Itrown, justi p- of the peace 494th district one bay niaru with 1 suinll -.vhite spot on he fit-ft hind fetlock ; also a small spot in her fine and a snip Oil her nose;- about five feet high and suppo sed to be nine or ten years old. Appraised by •Thoihns Lawrenco'mid Jcpth.i M. 8:anfo'rd to $50. This 14th May 1833. 4« AV. J. HAMMOCK, c. 1. c. out of a justice’s court in said county, in favor of Kiebanl Harvey vsJobn I’otter, John W; Fllis, aud Daniel Hicks—property pointed out by the plaintiff and'levy made, by JtJ". \Villian»sjon, constable. -J.U1I.N WHITTINGTON, - Sheriff. .* Also (rt the same, lime and place as'abate, ■ Two week benches double screwed, one of ligiHiirt v1t«® and-enw of pine, 1 ,rhost of tools. ,as fallows: 11 hand saws’, 4 rabbet planes, 5 mol tliilg planes,- l tooth plane, 1 set match planes,' I groove plane, 2 smoothing planes, 1 set table planes, .2 floor ‘planes, one jointer; 1 plow nnd, Ifitt. 1 largo cove plane, l h ind saw, two tenon 3 iws three .turning chisel*, 1 turning gouges, 1 chair hractf cud bins, RJchisels, and other small articles Ion tedious to mention—all levied on ns the property of David If. ‘Calhoun, to satisfy » Fi F.1 isstied out of Crawford Superior Court in favor of David Fallen vs David W. Calhoun, pro perty pointed onthy Hiram Warner. Fiitv nerss of land, riv-fc or less. No, 230, in the second district of Graw.fanl county.—lev ied on as die propcr.y of John Hatcher, to satisfy n Fi Fa i-sned Out of superior court of Crawfonl Cutintv, iu fav>»r of Fatrick J. Murfy vs said John Hat. fa r. - \VM. B. FILES. - SB 1 . .. - Drp'ySh’ff. - .4/so W]ll be sold cis abut: an -ths frst Tuesday in * ' ’<• August next, Tivocows and yeurlin’gs,- and cno' two horse wagon—lei’ied'Oii as the property of John 'Murrrl to satisfy a mortgage Fi Vn isftictl <uu of ferior court of < raw-ford county, in,favor of 1J- ; a.i th Sawyer « said Miirrd—property pointed out in said Fi Fa. - . ' * May 30 37 WM. p. F1T.E3','ffs all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed j to %• and tspyenr at wry office .within the time prescribed by lair, to shew effuse if any they have, why said IctPrS should not be grouted. . T Given under fay hand at ollice, t Jus Gib May, 185)3. 33 CHARLES II. KICE, c. c.o. Georgia— Cotcchi county. TfXTilEIC EAS. James JJcCraeken applies for vr letters of administration oa the estate of IFalman Patman drceer-rd, end admonish all and c: ; TrtK ’ ” - ‘ - RURAL REPOSITORY, TENTH VOLUME, (First, New Series) Enlarged >a'd Improved; 11KV05-CD TO FepiTK LlTEgATChE, SUCH AS JUOS ’ Ah AND SE.VTIME.NTAI. TALES, BIOGlLW'jlV TKAVHliLl NO. SKETCHES, SOTICKS OF >E>V PUBLICATIONS. TOKTT.T, AMC- . *- SlXO.MISCIitL.VNF; "UUMOROVS - ANi?. qiytusiai,. anec dotes, v^c. &e. &c. On Saturday, the of June, 1833,- will lie is’ sued the lirst uumbcrol^anric series of the Run.fb JUf cost tart. Oti issuing tlie ^proposals far, -nnio (First new series) of thp Repository; the publisher tenders his most sincere neknurvfolgo- iuciits to all Coutributot^^-Agents and ^uhscri- byrg, far tho liberal support ivliieh has induced him to oiler to his patrons atui tUa publie general ly, an enlarged mid improved slice! at Uto-saine low.itid coHyonieut rate as horetoforo, which he docs in the fullest couiitietteo- of meeting hi an ineret.'sed-patronage an ample remuneration for his conthuied exertions, to redder' iiU papef pleasing and instructive Companien, and enable it to vie in point of cheapness anti interest.with any literary journalnow extant. New assurances oti the part of the 'publisher bi’ a periodical w hich has s'oud tlib test of years, would st em si!perilit- oiis, bo w ill tbertfore only say-lhat no pains nor expense, consistent with'a reasousbleconipensa- tion far his labor, shall be spared to promote FBOSPEcrorg PRIESTCRAFT EXPOSED. _-\t a time like .die present when intoleram ,ud superstition fare shedding their baneful *tcfl: nee over the fairest portions of the gltdic—win V-ipsUralt anti delusion threaten . the destriu-tio. H oitr i.irestinjahfe privileges—it becomes tb iritnils fifliburty to be up aud doing. '.That then xistS mnqiig the - priesthood a determination t< ring us into- bondage, will scarce be doubted I' yny who'arc'.blessed with reasou.' Fbcir _exer*. lousjire uidTring’ am’ incessant—their iiumbei .Iuaost countless—theiF publications as ntymerous ,3' thtOoclists in Egypt—and- unfess iliey an* hcir .uhgodly schemes arc met-with cquai vigi ancOtf equal zeal mid activity, by the. lnetids.oi ciigious- frcetlom, our glorioifs fabric -will be in ,'UIIHr - ' 7 Citizens ofiliis proud (Icpi-blie! your libcrtiet. were purchased with blood nut! tears—the. prtv priceless inlierihiuco ? ill} e seo the tree of liberty felled to'tlie corth without a singh elTort to 'prevent its destruction ? 1! C trust you will say, No! God forbid ! ? Thai :i piiblieation of this kind is necessary which ^titiU coolly aiitl fanrlcs’slp expose the ttn- Cigtiteous cnmhiliattou8, tho mih’oly schemes of an :u tjul and designing priesthood—will be acknowl edged by all Suebsliall be our-eud and am!.— Wd shall tltvoto dnr best powers to.’the .vorkrof exposin''the pious frauds andclecicalcorruptious so .Tatally prevalent at the present time’.- The mad e-xcitomeiits occasioned -4»y zeal .without know lialge, w ilFbc carefully looked after. The various begging schemdt!. and monied monopolies 'w iR ’ bo attended to* lo-short-ndthing'shall -be wanting to lender it deserving tho patrWtage of a generous -s-ommunity. The low price.(being only about half which is -usually charged) wHi place it within .he means of all. ■ , CO.NlH? IONS.- _ Priestcraft Exposed hill be published semi monthly'at the unusually lotv ffrioe of Fifty Ceut-s per annum. Thttso who -forwaVd Fiifa. l’ XHW GOODS. WM. II. CURDSALL, /as just received a new and extensive assortment 0 IDry Goods. Glothlng, ., - Hals, Shoes, fyc. H IS stock will be found inferior to none 1 purchasers’, by Invotiiig him ivilli a csMivh •o utTwrcd Goods al the most reduced prices. - | For Cash .Only.■ ms stock crrxsisrs, is rAtrr, or Tpr. nitfow. . Super SriAony; Dlue N Black and Colored Ern'i Cloths . Ihilfats -* .’ shitll receive Eleven" cojiics— those who forward . ™ ' ,-s. , I Tell DoIhrs'Miaj'l have twenfv tbree cbpif s—aud r i } '®- . , * 1 for Twenty-Dollars, liiey Hiall receive FIFT Y Renos.tori, the t . opic * s r<Jl . ; 1)e yeflr ; rotlneing the prin FORTY CENTS, These, are therefore. singular, the kindred and creditors of said, dec’-ns- jln-jj-gratification hi- its further iniiirovctueiit; cd, lo be and appear at my office, within the time : * - *• -* - prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they ha ve, why said letters should not be granted. 13 Given under my hand this 24th’ day of Mav ;«.* 33 BENTON JVALTON, c.c.o. . Georg in,—- Coweta co n nty. , id II ERE AS -Mary l’urt administratrix on V’V the estate or William Burl decensed^np- plios to mo for letters of dismission from sa-d estate, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my,office within the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand this ,24th day of May 13553. 53 BENTON WALTON, c. c. o. Georgia—Pike County. W HEREAS James Whatley, guardian of : Robert Freeny, orphan of Gillab Freeny, defeased, applies for letters of", dismission from saiil guardianship—■ ‘ These afe there fhrci to tile and admonish allaitd singular the kindred ar d creditors of said Rolwrl Freeny, to file their objections (if any they hare.) in my offer, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters skould.not be grenitfd. Given under tnvhnn’d, at office, this. 8th May, 183:;. 34 II. G. JOHNSON, c. c. o; • AdminislratnrtC Sate. tEFOKE tbc court house in FriyoUcv:!I<v favrltc cdnntv, under an .order of the court of ordinary of said cpnnty, will bo sold on tho first Tuesday iu JULY next; t . ? One KTcsro IVaari uamTd Edmund, about 2o years of age—?6ld as the property of William /*. Wilson,- deccasetl— far the benefit of the hell's and trrihnh. 'Terms on the day. * . ’ . • 'i^flOMAS B. WIL50N, ? AlIai , or3 * JOHN WILLIAMS,. April 27 ' 31 p . ISifttwiS/icriff Safes.' - S fiTjlJt litjaioM on the first Tuesday in July V v ^nekt'. Tie fare i!io courthouse iif 'Jackson, Bulls eouniy, .between tfc usual hours of sale, ' On. negroAvomati by the name of Itcaii, about 21 *yca.o ofogo v »»,nd-n hegto boy named •■Hni afaiut 2 or A years old—both levied on as the property of William Simmons to satisfy a mort gage Fi Fa issued, frotn Butts superior, court in favor or -B'-nj-smiu' F. Kindrick ami Sanders WalkedV3 Wt^i.iin Ejimmous—propcrtv pointed vut iiiniortgigc. ". HENRY II AT ELY. Atprir^G .- . Sheriff.. OREE AIH.E to an Order of the honorable tSl Inferior Court of Fike County, will lie sold iu Zohulon on the first Tuesday in July .iieyt the Legatees’ Interest in the widows dower ofthe es tate'of Moses' Smith late of said county deceased. • * ‘ JOHN fSMITn; -> r , WM. V. WHITE, j L 0 ’ ■ may 7th 1333. * aud that original contributions front able \Vriters, and choice selt’ctioi(s from flic hem periodicals, both Em-opcati.-aud Americau, may bo confident- ■iv expected. . ' The RURAL REPOSITORY will be pub lished eycry other Saturday, in the Q uarto form, aud will contain twenty six. uumhm of eight pa- 4;es each, ivillta .title page and index to thewol- ome, making in the tvtioio 212 pages.: It will ha .printed in hainlWmie siyle.on Mem tint paper Of ti-stipt rior quality, »v»t|i new bourgeois and bre vier- type, each number containing at least one quarter more Mattel* than heretofore;,making at the, end of the year, a neat and tasteful vei fame', the.conteiits of which wtH be both amusing and instructive to youth in future years. TERMS.—The-Tenth Volume. (First new series;) will ''commence on the eighth of June next, at tho low rate.otOne Dollar per annum in advance, or One Dollar, Fifty Gents, at tho ex piratiun of three mouths from the time of snbscii bmg. Any person wlio will remit us Five,dollars Per Annum! Where siibseribepslive near each other, ive c;ni send two.qppies on a sheet, v. liich will save them foalf the postage. Those wisbrng to subscribe wijl please a*k tligir Post Master to fa’r.iyjird tb"}r, as it •.vilj.sayeie'xpipnse. , \Cp ICditots who will iusert the above, shall receive a volume of the work, r.mi tint hearty thanks of lliepublLl'ersi * ’ , -GARl'l R KENDERSON. ' New Haven, Ct., May 8,135j5h - - * Upson County, Gaf ' _ Th».ptih!ic are rdspcctftil- Py informed that the aboVe Factory is now in successful operation, under an -expei-i eueed manager, aod is pre pared to do "business on. ac-- eoniniotfaM'ig terms.* „ . - ICarn. - in a nti At ft ured at this esiffli-- lishmeut isequai in cvenne'ss, strength and fineness to any made at the 'North- erp.manufaetories, aiid spperibr to niost'thal is lirotight oj:t here/ The friends of the ctm’titiS’.nre respectlhlly- solichcil to fosltr this’ jufaftt establish ment a iid thpreby retain omong themselves the capital that will otherwise find its -tvay to the North. -V specimen of the YTiru manufaeiitFecT at this Faetory, inay-bif seen at the. office of the Georgia Telegraph. DWIGHT R. PERRY & CO April 24 30 Blue, Black, Alixt and Fancy Colored Satr-.*, 8frifred Sa f tinefs, Knglish Merincnes Dulfii 1 Point and Rote Blankets Red, White, Greeji ami-Vellntv rianncH Canton and Saxony White .Gauze do Diima:k-Table Diaper Bird’s I’.ye. Scotch, and Russia do Blue, Jilack and Colored BoinbazVttsr - . do do do- Circastianp •Negro Cifilbing.-Liiipcys Brown and Bleached jSMttfnftf ■' fain. . do Sheetin.^s - tf*> do Drillings Coltou.Gzaobtirgs.'Fuftians Black Itaiian Ltistriiig Black tJrossde Swiss. Black Gross <!c \a-h. d<> do Berlin . Bfack Siticltewshnd Sarsancts ’■ Col. (Gross do Naples Bfack and Col. Florences • dfi - do ftidinn Crapes Scarlet arid Black Merino Long Shawls . Scariet-Srpiare Shuivls Caslvraere, Wleutia, Thibet Wool Silk. Damask and Cassiou rp Sliufvls . H/vr.-mni, Pdrif MtlrUn-Grape'. " Gaiize, tiros, do-Naples vipOlaadariac D.t;. .. Ilaodkcrciih-i's ", - Ladies’ ajuf .Wsses’ B< Iginn, Ilnibia. Straw, !/• ' horn. Uritid’ann Fsticy Bonneis. ’ 1 Satin ami Ghiiz," (Jnroitnres Btigjisli MjHe’sklns. Ih-d Picks Apron Checks.- Furniture dr»- *• Domestic Plaulsand' Strqies . -5- . , I'fao*- Chilli Btii.xe. Grrrn t'tore C’otli Fornit.irro Dimity. Harr cord d>* Russia SheeTing, Blibicli Dow lass’ Bufjttns, Baegup Cords Irish Linens, Lawns Blue and Schriet Rattinet CoTtfm (fass'nieres . ■ ‘r-Black aml'Cofaplain Bilibons • Dark'and iTfiif Col. Printsamj Qit^Saoit Lnoe anil Gauze Veil* pr:;ui-ed,flnd plain BoLbiujct Lace • Tlire id laices. , . ■ ■ ..CambricV Jncr-net, Sr, ;fs, Mulfi sNaasoik a*j Book Muslins • • Linen Camlirie Lhlcn CAmbric Handkerchiefs; Pon;ec dti ■ _India F’a? iupt Btmdaun do V, Shell T'ombs" " laoHes* anil Geiitfamens’ Glpves. Cofton. Worsted r.nd LatpU’s Wool Hose - ,Bfaok’ai.d ChI v Cainbijcs - . Bead Betieiifes * - »Meii r s amf Boys’ Fur.'Cloth and Seal Cap- . ChiucliiUa ifa -- READY MADE CLOTHING. 5 .Superfine •liljie j ,hlni'k,‘ green, ndeltid, oliveu! Brou-iu.Clp\li Dress Cost? - Blue, black, green, biowir and : : H ' • ' »' mist Cloth Frock Coats ." Blue, brown, olive, green ard t: Cloth Collides Dfae, steel mist ^ind jnn^v.coiored SaUinitCoi: . . ’-pes and f/ittcl Contf *•_ Superfibg blue, black, .broivo, .olive, greeny steel rnixt cloth !huiti:lopa< Drab'. Lavender and striped Ckissitnerr <!o Blue, steel/mtxt and fanev r coJored.-Satlii:etc» - .English yjoleskin. iincut Cordvtnit Bangap do Yoolhs’ Clritli and Saltiuet Coatees aiui Pas”- free of postage, shall receive six copies,--and any person who will remit tis Ten Dollars, free of. postage,-shall: receive twelve copies- and one copy ofthe‘Ninth volume— (tj^.No subscriptions re cciveil-for less thaw ijna year. Names of subscribers with tho amount of sub scriptious to h’e^eiijt by tho llhli of July, or" as soon after fts couveiiienL tb the publisher. WILLIAM B;<STODDARD. Hudson, Xao York, May Alh, 1333. ()[/** Editors,who tvtsbun exchange, art> res pectfully requested to give the above a few inser tions, or at least a. passlh’g’tiotice, and’ receive subwriptiofis.- Tiie GEORGIA TELEGRAPH, WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Prints 3 at iHacoR« Georgia* / AOTJiJff. ~5xN the first Tuesday in August next before - tho Court llouso-ia Peiy-y lioiiston coqiir ty will ho sobl at public sale'tbc undivided half 'of lot No. * 2.“i7 in tbc thirteenth district of said coiihtylLt-bciilg-o part of tho real estate of Tho rn as A. Irwin dcceascdi in pursuance of the last will artd tostainOiil of said deceased. Titles, in- disputalde. HUGH L; 111 WIN, Ex'r. Mav 27 1633. - ‘ rj» t)L’R months, afterd.ittv application will lie nia'ile to the honorable inferior Court of Georgia—Houston County, ’JtJ^HF.Rr \S David H. CWjvojq^.apnIio»to \) y -tm* far fetters of dismission from flio cs» tatc‘ of Wit Hath J. V. Chroming,deceased. These are therefore 'lo cite and admonish all and singwlqrffSc kind rid dnd creditors of said deceased tafityu'irir objections if any they hare, al'my of- ficfjcigw the Wne- prescribed 'by law, otherwise said letters, trill begran ted. Given undej’ my hand and, this the I3tb March. 18;2. CHARLES IF. RICE, c.e. o. GEORGIA---TTproa county. jff'm 1 ilARnIsSriminnirator pn ffao estate P cl Robert Harris, late ofsaid eountydcceas- ed, applies ni me for letters of dismission, . * There are there fore (6 cite and'admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deteas- ed t» beend appear at my offer st'ilhin the dime pTeszr.ibed by law', toff,hew criuse-ifany they hurt, why said letters should not fie granted. Given under iny hand, this 22d day of April. 1833. 31 THOS. I\ BETHEL, c. c. o' ; S£AZVS0 FOR SALE AT THIS OFFfCR. Mbtiroe county.- w.lien sitting far ordinary pnrjK>- '*?», Torleavo to sell tlio real and personal estate of Richard llamltn, of said county, deceased. JOHN IIAMLE.N, Adnor. - May 3, 1333. 33 ~ ~ And deioklt to Intelligence, Commerce, JSqun'd Principles. Arts. Sciences,' Literature, Sfc. mill TELEGB AF1I,. will, as it ha^ herete- L fore done, vindicate persoiiTil Sad. political lilieiTyVso far a sir compatible with pcivifte ha|»- -piness and public .safety. It will therefore din; to tile opiuirus. ofthe Fathers of tiie Revolution as comprised in the Declaration-of Independence and the Ooostitution.of the United State*.; and it holds it to be ;i truth almost iiitiiifve,-th;it oti the most vigilant and unremitting resfrictiotf of the General and Stale branches bLour Government to their respectiveprovinres, ilcpeuds the benign op erations bftHbsp opinions.'the virtue of the man. the franchise ofthe citizen, and lire internal peace and external snfaty.ofthe country. . ft steers equally far from the ucw favoured the ory qfthc mil!:fiers; as it does from flic old Fed eral doctrine (Title CohsoIidatiotrKtjs^—ron£eivi)ig that the "true principle of our institutions lies equal ly between ' hot wo extremes. And while it sup ports the Administration in all its judicious mea sures. it claims the right to censure -it whenever censure is deserved.’ ': The terms of subscription art?, Three .Dollars per annum, in advance—or Pour at theend pf the yQnD M. BARTLETT. F OUJy months after dale application will he .. -made to tho Justices of the Inferior court of the county of Houston when sitting for ordina ry purposes for leave to sell all the laud aud ne groes belonging to the estatoqf Thomas_ .4. Irwin late of said <omity deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ‘ ~ - HUGH L. IRWTN, Ext or. , May 27. 36 F OUR months afterdate application will made -to 'the hoporable inferior court of Crawford county when sitting" for ordinary pm poses for leave to sell the roal estate of John Richardson late t»f said coitntv deceased. EDWIN MEA DOR, adir.'r. JtlintS . 30 F OUR months after tlaie Hpplic.-.tion will he made to the honorable Inferior Court of Merriweihercouuty^for leave . to sell'th’e ‘eas t h-alf of I.ot237, in tlm ninth district of said county, the property of Jam{s Dyson, deceased. JAMES il. RAVENS, Adm'or. ' ELIZA C. DY.StlN, Adm’rx. April 4, 18553.' 30 THE SOU'lTlEEIV PLANTER • iLad Paniiiy iyccuai. An'Agrictil’urql and .Miscellaneous•ReWSpapen, Priu ted at JU (icon, Ga. EVERT OTHER SATURDAY. . • . T rii-S Paper devoted mainly to thc-intercsts of Agricultitrc.; and is made up of origin al and selected articles on Farming and Garden ing. Raising Caitlo and Horses-; manufacture hi ^tlk. Wire and Sugar: management of Fruit Trees,"Poultry, Bce$. Silk Worms; Receipts for Pickling and Dying short Essays .on Health and Diseases;/Household Economy, Miscellany, Po. .ctry, .... ' - Ni; political orscctarian subjeets areitjtrndiie tfiliifto-the work; and only such ndvertiscmeni- as- are of interest to Farmers and Gardeners. The. price of sphs’-riptioii is Tt«n* Dollars, pc/ annum iu advance—<h two and a half tit tho-eud of the year. , . ' -‘ ‘ v (t/ 8 * ShoiHd sulfic-iejit cncoTirngemcnt offer tlio I’lantcr will be puldisbed Weekly, after tb- closo of tho present volume^ M. BARTLETT. £■S.V&rJE . HE undersigned has opened a Livery Sta ble for keeping aud Boarding Horses, &c .lur iiuu du.ikiiii^ liur^cs, cv-F. nt the'stand latterly occupied by-Riley* ami for- merly'by Brtien, fronting ibe Court Iloufa square, Macon, where bo will be thankftil for .a siiare of public patronage. Jllis terms wilHip asmodorate as tho price of. provender. &c. will j^dmit, and. every atteutioh paid tint is. requisite. His pre sent charges are {.ell -dollars per mtuTtii. - A faw Saddle Horses will at uU tuiics be kept for hire; JOSEPH W-UNVyRIGUT: ■ "Tel. 20 ‘ -2. “ %- GOLD MINE. , HE subscriber oljerv for sale oti* the 3d Monday m Jtlfy tiexf,' in MillcdgcviUo, a Gold Miuis Nb BP!>J2tn district 1st section. \ piece of Gold has been f«tindoti said lot, w'cigh- ug 556 tin ts. LED IS GO WAllT. Sen. May 15 .33.- l..’ td ; One Hnndrrft Dollars Prtrajffff loons’ •* , Black, blue and drab C/issitnere Ycsts Riyck <Hi(f cotoreil Velvet do , Dark^nd light figured Vafentia, white nrtbe -- ored Marse.iljcs 1 -'Swt.iibd-own; Toilier - and r?nttiiiefc.Vest3 Cambfet and I’laid Clocks Velvet, Bombazine, Silk, Valcntia anrl Lssth Slocks Fine Linen Shirts, Cottars. Bosoms,Jtc. 1 ki. IVkgro Clothing, Men'saud Youths'-Fur and Wool Itu!s, jriiie SodL's and ShtQ$ t AkiiisJS.0 S22G213, &G. CiC. Octjtt -1- - • : GOJL'OSZ EilfalSiS. t halms:'! ’ij L *IE Sutiscrrhers sfoll eqtltfane tlia a. art. the old stand.' cornrr rtf Wahut ” Fojurth'Strcats, where tvnrk will he tloocsees:j i ROKjJ Jatf.on Saturday, nfgh't,TCib fast 1 a named - a stout raw boned fellow, talks rather.fine, -he is alioiit 6 fact high, red coir>p) 1 low_hnir, has a sly, cnulling look. The above j-><kwill he given to ajry persoo that Wjll deliver lum tlio Jailor in Macon, Blbu cbuiitvT-Georgia' . 'II-Tl, -fl/faVA Rb', Sheriff. March 27 26 .W. B. CON E, Hep Sheriff. WETUMPKA. Qfp Great S?.le oi' Town Sjois^ Sci'oud Monday in July; •T the-nrgent -request of tho citizens of the tlia| vvn of Aloatgoatery, on (lie Hth dav of Julv, eMuIng, all those choice andavell known Lots ii the town of pur. b.LsCitby thgui atflu- sale in (’abawha 1(1 .September last, .comprisii .... ■ ■ ... P m --- ,A'omprisiu noarTy all ofihb mos'Leligible sites-far business in this well-situated and ytipitlly improving town Its*well known advautages, au.l the desirable lo cation of the lots, render any parti, til; r descrip tion unnecessary. i* Tinns of Sale.—Half paynldo Lst Jah. 1834 • half payable st Jan. Ig5j5. . .Notes w ith approv' . ;*• - ^ y : *, -. . SIM5st . SCOTT, Tuscaloosa, G. &. J.. T.VA LOfi, U efumpka. B. S> GRIFFIN; SVcftimpka; - E. parkman; seimh. ’ * - < S/. L* MAT*4EV.V'!5v Cahgwba. i, i- .-of-jP' ,LSOMAillLij | I, Wetujnoka, • May 22 8L- ffls ' 1 ; The- xLIbhiW .Com. Register,' Ala. ’ State lirtelligcueer, HtfatsVille Democrat, Knoxville. Register, Georgia .’lVIcgfaph, mid 'Charleston nlinfii*. will ittoori tlio • t our;or, will insert thcabotfo aiice a week,untit the tiim;oLs de t and forward'.their SfUjMo the*ot *Cr of the Afahamh .foiirnnj. *- H,Itts . c " t,l, l l - v Gn. negro man says hk V. U ‘ k -’ b ® 1<>n 5 s tb Bennett SmitJ.'ol _. Licmi. Ga. He is about 44 or 45 'wars o'd — . he owner u requested to cal! prove hronertV pa» ch rges ;ind take him a way. ■I.’inc 9, 5j7 .'tE\ U V I i \TE» V. Summer Goods aad LST received at tho MneoiuCiothing -rifort April 12 121 LEWIS FITCH FOIl SALE- NEAT ftAROUGIIb ami Harness, A/ good as new. Inquire at this office. Juno 12 37 A IRON < ‘ I! j;: 't i in !> tailo-. ; T . far safe b-. A'*.- H. BCRILSALI. U |V|, , Jaelr fiills. ’ n 1 , a :,r , g0 eU ‘fe'" lt likeness of the an: ma- — haudsomeij printed at tiiis office • fig to order. I^avi!lg , alrffge a-sortnicat of: cles ortJefedrfrom .the'-North which will affia 3 | the course of th’e'suinmer.. eonsrsting of t‘V. !; gles, Kardhcbes and. Carriayits, tiioy fid t'| .fident of pleasing cusTdmefs both" in articif; ^ pripes. • jfa - - ” . T!:c haye’ tvow on hand an,assortment f ! will ho sold low for ensli. such ns SoJlPBvj, fifj ai-'d Bnrtiuches.; Iicsldc-: several" sfilefiAl - j Harness, with Late*-, Carpeting, Mw^'j .Spriitgs of dtflercot kinds, Joints, Baoih.L-l aud Bows oT. nil‘sizes.’ <trders-for Yum -1 piiucttiaily alletfdcil to, ami .uai ranted to| sal*. * - ‘ L EN’TO.VA: BiUON- Wanted as an Aj?prqsticd> A-kid about fourteen.or fifteen years oft?* .steady'moral habits.•' * ' I5.&I- A lav 4 - • -1.V8 ’. .. ‘ 1 JtAX&fjtk&tZ. 3SKXS& SBtStJ Yg^HL sWiscfiber resftetHn!!y iaftnrfc^f -H. lie,- thaif his * - ^ Stca» Saw and Christ 3S&J rjjsar his ivSideficc, within one mile oMjs C(<, J I ea j to ho thi no ott kir ^ "HI'S’, t-iru!-, ' qnenco.of jlie;heavy expenditure ipv"^. 1 , 1 establishment,^ it is : necessary that he shosw quire either cash or ha'nkatde paper forhis her, which lie is. disposed to sell at»(?"’ A share of the public patronage is very . fully solicited. BEN,!. F. DIVT” N- B.—A .first fate SAWYER, i»?J; pai fair f- plyingiinmediately,.obtain good Wages iinD m.aneiit situation. " ’ ' ’. 3-'' July 27. ' 164- tf 7. SfeoWGHT TO ZJ&k N jiilib county, on the £0tli itist. a AL named : A1.E(.'K, about !7 yca^ sl-’rk ccmplcct“<I, aitdsays he bclojigs'! 3 lyjss.of Pu/nam' (Hiun'ty, the owner is o to come forward.- pav charges and take b:* Jla^'a* 5,>4 JOJ.LN D. PITT?. * m the “ "'XjSnd in S^bwrtcn.. R O VS No. tm and 33*™® aD Disirfct originally .flrnry ■untv. ard fur sate, Apply m MyeonW Dec I .35 M.BAUTl' Wb: ami the not Hot the tod tho tain | give M , Goa | bus, at tb tveel 1 and eve P T! lioS'j 5 tnfSiKschcc fromM.icbnl leave j 1 $ .3. 1’ITC-: asms ag at. and aH p’’^; • *.v& QrfatywliF nn tlielr acroinits TiiiJ "Ajj ploaae settfe with bftn. LEM-I-^ I May JG 34 iaudf Ju: