Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, July 17, 1833, Image 4

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ecorijfa ©rlcsraii!> ****** Campbell Sheriff Seles. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in AU h'LST ne.vt, between the usual hours ol sal • ni the court house in Campbcllton, Camp bell county. t!.e folluwiu;; property to it : .‘1 Feather beds an ! fiiniiturc, 2 curtain bed- steads. ! t-luck, -1 largo trunks, 1 small trunk, ' holding table, 1 s< t bureaus, l walnut table, I s nail piue table, i cupboard, '-1 chairs, 1 side board, 1 cradle crib, I red cow, 1 largo pot, 2 largo ovens and lids, 1 small oven, 2 small dinner pots, 2 sets of tire dog-, barrels, 3 jars, ‘2 jugs, I set china, 1 set common ware, ‘2 large (lowered haw!,-, 3large pitchers, 2 small pitchers, 5decan ter', 1 glass jar, | large waiter, I wa-h bowl and pitcher, 2 sets of knives and forks, 1 do/., glas- tumblers. 1 ilog. wiuo glasses, 2 sots of plates, 2 large di-h'-s. 2 stroll dishes, 1 large dressing glass, ! water pails, 1 .-pinning wheel, 1 reel, 1 pot rack. 2 pair hooks, shovel and tongs, 2 mugs, 3 small howls, 2 spades, 1 shovel, 2 axes, 2 lines. 1 bible and one lot of book-, 3 tin buckets, -1 'in pans. . Bibb sheriff sales. J Pike Sheriff Sales. W ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday in AU-I ri’'K.N the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, will GUST next, at tlie court house i:i thej be sold before the court house iu Zclmlou v ity of Macon between the usual hours of sale the | Pike county, between the usual hours of sale, following property to tvit: . j Lot of Land containing 2021 acres more or Otto ten acre lot No. 2.3 in East Macon—i less, No. 26, iu the district formerly Mutt- cvieil on tis the property of Reiijumin J. Philips] roe now Pike county—levied ou as the property to satisfy two Fi Fas from a Justices court iu la- of A. Grace, lu satisfy executions issued or of Lewis J. Groce vs said Philips—levy made from a justice’s court, in favor ofE. L. Young & Co, a ad ouc iu favor of Charles P. Peck vs said Grace—levy made and returned to ins by a con stable, The south half of Lot of Land, No. 238, in the second district formerly Monroe uotv Pike count,'—levied on as the property of Jotl Callo way to satisfy two small Fi Fas Lsued from a jus tice's court, one in favor of John Rice for the use of John M. Phillips v, Reuben Reed principal, and Joel Calloway security, the.other, John ltiee ml returned to me bv a constable One ten acre lot No. 13 lying on the road from .Macon to Perry; also twenty five saddles —all levied on as the property of li dhs 'J'. Sage to satisfy one Fi Fa from Bibb inferior court iu j favor ufX*. B. Knapp Co. vj Oliver tag.; it j Willis T. 2age—property pointed cut By Willis | Lot X'o. 7 ih square 37 in the town of Ma- oii—levied ou as ill .•on and iniprtfp meats thereon—levied ou as the and Joe, L ado way security, the.other, John Rice . at a ity of Harbin, and one fourth part of forthuUse ol'Juliu M. Phillips vs Joel Calloway t V *1 -.n.l it lw>iurr unil nfli.T —Ifivi' Ilimlp Hill! l*f'tll!*licd til IliC l»V :i Ol »!!<! Illlli* lot .No. 1 and improvements, it being part oflot it the cotter of Bridge and Cherry street—levied 2 trays am ;:ic sifter, 1 set smoothing irons, 1 h If b , M measure. 1 washing tub ami om- chu "P. 1 In* >om—levied oil as the propei ty of .1/- fri ; F orftt/ u to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor ot Ri, h^n Moon vs said Fortune. Property jioinlct out in said mortgage Fi Fa. L-j; of Ir nd known by No. 118 in the eight!) district ori. ;u;tlly Coweta now Campbell county cnuiaii in£ 2:12.^" acres more or less whereon Lcmitc U Ikiitioti now lives—levied on as the proper v of Hiram II Rutherford to satisfy a Mu.-k- i i Fa in favor of Joseph N. ispcucer V • s lid Rutherford. The laud poiuted out iu said Jiioitga ge 1 i Pa. .May 7 BENJAMIN EASLV> shcrij. Ci awford Sheriff Sales. VlRnLL be sold ou the first Tuesday in August ire \t, at tho court bouse in the town of Knoxv lie. Crawford county, the following pro- erty, t-.> wit Ttv cows and yearlings, and one ttvo horse wag tn—levied on as the property of John Murrrl to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued out of the in ferior court of Crawford county, in favor of 1.1- k Utah Sawyer vs said Murrcb—property pointed out in said Fi Fa. May 30 37 NYM.B. FILES, dtp. shff. Also, will be sold as abort. One lot ofland No. 73* in t!:: 1 sixth district of r ■ igi'i ill'' Houston now Crawford county— levied anas the property of Grtsham Simms to i ti.fy a mortgage Fi Fa iu favor of Peachy' II* Gibn • - ir.ioorty pointed out in said mortgage. J uly 2 ‘J OHN WHITTINGTON, shff. Fayette Sheriff Sales. TnffT'lLL be sold on the first Tuesday in AU- V GUST next, before the court houso ill Fayetteville, Fayette county, between the usu al hours of -ale, 202.4 acres of Land, Xo. 245, in the fourth district of originally Henry now Favctto county —levied on ns the propertyof JFilliam Jloicen and Stanley Munk, by exeeqtiun from a justice’s court in Jones county, in favor of William Brown. ANDREW McBRIOfi, June 29, IS33. Sheriff. .-{'so wilt be sold ns clove, on the first Tuesday in September next, Or.e bay mare, about twelve years old, and 2 sows ami -ix-heats—levied on by an execution in favor of JFiUium. Boatwright, on tho foreclo sure of a mortgage against Mark Williams—pro perty pointed out iu -aid mortgage. 202.1 acre- of land Xo. 39 in the ninth dis- trietof Fayette county—levied on as the proper ty of Richard nintthi «"■- to satisfy an execution in favor of Allen We-t and others all issued from a justice's court and returned to mo by a consta ble. ANDREW McUKIDE, shff June 19. Also will be sold ns above. Lot of land Xo. 20(> in the fourth district of originally llonry now Fayette county—levit-.l on ns the property of JepUut Robinson to sati-ty a Fi Fa i-sacd lrom n justice's court iu favor ot Finley G. .Stewart and others vs said Robertson — levied made nud returned to-me by Jesse D. McIntosh con-table. One grey horse throe years old blind in one eve and one man's-addle, blanket and bridle, nud Ot c horse cart—levied on as the property of Jcp- ii:a Roberson to satisfy 2 Fi Fas issued from the superior coni ', of Fayette county one in favor of James Neal vs John R. Blacksmith, Wi'liam Xewtca and Ji'Dtha Ko'.i'cr .on, the other in favor ofDempsoy J. Justice vs Jcptba Roberson N ine or ton acres of corn, and about eight of cotton ..ud about'lour or live of wheat growing on lot No. ilf> m the fourth district of formerly Henry now Fayette county—levied cn us the property of It illiam Newlulf tp satisfy a li La in lavor of James Neal vs John B. Blacks tone, Wm. Newton and Jeptlia Roberson. '1 Ins 2ltliJune J533. \V. HEFLIN, It. Shff. i il a from Lino supenor court in iavor ot Allen Dorman vs Joel Kashin, William Moore and John Philpot. 202J acres of land with improvements—le vied ou as the property of Elijah Cotton to satis fy two FI FaS from Bibb inferior court one in fa vor ofZachariah Ilollainau vs said Cotton & Henry Turner, the other iu favor of Guy Champ lain & Co. vs Elijah Cotton it being the laud whereon Cotton now lives—Xo. not known— pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. One lot and improvements in the city of Macon, and one negro woman named ilaunali —levied on as the property of Charles Grtnc- ford to satisfy two Fi Fas, ouc in favor elf Mar lin L. Hardin vs said Crawford, issued from Bibb inferior court, one from Bibb superior court in favor of George 15. Wardlaw—property point ed out by the defendant. 202A acres ol' pine bind whereon Mrs. Eiiza Thompson and David F. Kilev now lives—levied on as the property of Isaiah E. Thompson to sat isfy ouc Fi Fa from Bibb inferior court iu favor of Rufus K. Evans—property pointed -ut by plaintiff. Lot of land Xo. 222 iu the fourth district of originally Houston now Bibb county containing eOJ.j acres more or less—levied ou as the proper —levy made and returned to me by a constable Lot of LanjiLNo. 15; in the third district of formerly Moiirao now Pike comity—levied ou as the property of Pyent E. Jackson and Elijah Jackson to satisfy a Fi Fmisstied from l'ike infe rior court iu, fat or of Thonias Smith vs said Fy- eut E and Elijah Jackson. Jnlv2 J. R. CULPEPER, Dtp Sheriff. Houston Sheriff salps^ the first August next will he sold in the town of Ferry Houston county between the lawful hoars of sale One negro girl by the name of. Alsc-y—lev ied on as the property of Matlh-:• Albritton to satisfy sundry Fi Fas iu favor of Butts Gartrcl! & Co. and other Fi Fas vs said Albritton, levy made and returned by a constable. Administrator's Sale. O X the 29th day of July next, will be sold at the resideucc of Johu D. Chapman in Carroll county, the perishable property ol Mary Chapman cousisliug of various articles too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN D. CHAPMAN, June 10, 1333. adm'r. Administrator's Sale. B EFORE the Court House in Carrollton Carroll county under an order of theeourt of Ordinary of said county, will be sold cu the first Tuesday iu September next, Feiur, negroes, named as follows ; a negro mau by the name of Bcdick about 40 years old, oue negro woinaln by tho name of Fanny about 30 years old. aud her child Simon about 2 years ^ old—sold as the property of Mary Chapman de- ‘ ceased for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said deceased. Terms iiiade known on the day of sale. JOHN D. CHAPMAN, June 10, 1833. 33 adm'r. . I dm i h istrato t's Sale. I X the town of Perry, Houston couuty, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, will lie -old before tho court house, within the lawful ho Ufa ofsale, %ct of Land, SSTo. 14L2. iu the eighth district of said county, being the property of John Sturdivant, late of Jasper coun ty, deceased—sold for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors. Terms on the dav. » June 24 JOEL dTURDLVANTr A dm'or. NOTICE. jX the first Tuesday iu -.August neat before All Ephraim Wilson's interest in Ruth a! 'L/ tho Court House iu Ferry Houston couu- negro woman 35 or *10 years old and fwr. boy I 0! "'i^ bv sold at public sale : tho undivided half child Dubliu I y.-ar old—to satisfy a Fi Fa iu (a- j of lot No. 237 iu the thirteenth district ofVaid vor of Joshua Parish all cx’r vs said Wilson, levy | coudty. it being a partof tho real estate of iho made aud returned by a constable. Fifty acres pine land in die tenth district of Houston county known by No. 1J2 improved— levied ou as the property of Calvin Taltou to sa tisfy a Fi Fa in favor of James Buggs and others, levy made aud returned by a coustuble. 101J acres oak and hickory land well im proved in the thirteenth district Houston county. known by No. 2-50—levied on as the property of ty of MilektU Cox well to satisfy one Fi Fa front j Samuel. Gilmore f,- Josiah M. Thomly to satisfy Binb superior court in favor of Mary McDonald j a Fi Fa in favor of A. filaauing, and otlicas, le- & CaihariCe McDonald vs ripenecr Riley and Mitchell Coxwcll. vy made and eturned by a constable. One half acre lot in the town of Perry well One two acre lot and improvements whereon | improved whereon D. \\\ Mann’s family now Archibald DarragU now lives ami two half acre j lives and otto dark bay horse—levied air to sat- lots all in the city of Macon Nos. not known—, isfy a Fi Fa in favor ef Jsamuel \\ illianis aud levied ou as the property ot’ Archibald Darra i to satisfy sundry Fi 1 as from tlie superior and David IF. Mann. 9 bead ofstock battle, 24 head of stock hogs, interior couits iu Bibb iu favor of Oiiver H. j 2 beds and furniture and curtains, 1 looking glass, Monroe Sheriff Stiles. ’ILL bo sold on tiiv first Tuesday iu AU GUST next. Iit'fbro the court bouse in I'oisyth Monroe county, betweeuthe usual hours of sate All Archibald John Johnston’s interest in four Negroes, Judy 23 Mnrali 20 Jane 12 Elvina 2 years ofiugc ; ami one lot of laud No. 114 in the third district of said ri tuny, to satisfy three -mall 1 i Fas one in favor ot Hampton 'i hornton one in favor ol William Scott, and one in favor of George Beuuett — h-vy made ami returned by ii constable. JOHN REDDING, D. ihff Also will be sold as abort, One negro m in by ti.c name of Abduli, 40 veursof age—levied on as tho property' ol Adam Taphy, t> sat.sfv sundry Fi 1 as in favor ol Na than \ iuccnt vs Joel lap ley and Adam Tapley —levy made by, a constable. One toi> lmr-e W agon ;md IfarncsS—levied oil as tiie pi ipertv of iiiomaH C. Evans, to satis- | fv sundry F'i Fas in favor of Benjamin Jlellami ! aiu' yli'Ts vs said Evans. 25i ; a'-res of land being parts of lots Xo-. Frince aud others vs Cornelius Townsend <Sc said Darragh. One negro woman named Martha. 45 years of age—levied on as ti»e properly of I I'm. E. Ho ren, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Bibb inferiorcourt in favor of Norton Fuller vs said Boreu—poiuted out by defeudaut. ’ II. II. HOWARD, shff. July J, 1S33. Also icill be sold as above. The Lot and Improvements in the town of Macon, known as the Mansion Houso—levied on as the property of Charles llutlock, deceased, to satisfy a Fi Fa from the superior court of Bibb county, in favor of H. G. Rots vs Eliza A. Bul lock aud Seaborn Joucs, administrators of said Bullock, deceased. One half acre Lot in the town of Macon, 1 pine table, 1 walnut folding table, 1 caudle [ stand, 9 sitting chairs, 1 chest of drawers, I clock, 2 decanters, 5 glass tumblers, 1 lotofbooksl small che-t 1 pr. tongs and shovel, 1 pair aud irons, 1 chest and carpenter’s tools, 1 lot of pot ware, 1 lot crock ery, 1 set of knives and forks, 2 tin buckets, I tub, 1 1 pail, ferry flat, 1 lot of china ware, l riding gig, 1 grindstone, 1 set of running gear of a cotton ma chine—all levied cn, ns the property of Abner Veasy to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa r:i favor of John McBride ami otiicrFi Fas vs snij Vcasv. July 3. ISAIAH CHAIN, Shff. mas A v Irwin deceased, in pursuance of the last will and testament of said deceased. Titles iu- disputa'bli'. HUGH L. IRWIN, Ex'r. Mav 27 1833. 30 Georgia,—Coweta county. W HEREAS Mary Burt administratrix 6n the estate of JFilliam Burt deceased, ap- 1 plies to inc for letters of dismission from said estate,' The si are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased adjoining tho Lot on which Henry H. Cone now . r , , ,, lives-lyiug on the corner of Fine and Fourth to1 * a , n * appear at my offce withinthe tone pre- streets, No. not known—levied ou as the proper ty of 11. 11. Con: to satisfy Fi Fas issued from the superior nud inferior courts of Bibb county, in fa vor of II. G. Lamar amt others vs said Cone. Lot Xo. 8 in the 4th square,Xo. 4 in square 5, and Improvements—levied on as iho property of George A. Smith, To satisfy sundry Fi Fas is sued from a justice’s cuurt of said county, iu favor ofThohtas Victory, administrator, &c. vs said Smith and Henry Turner—levy made and return ed to me by coustablo Rue. One Saw and Grist mill—levied on as tlie property of Marlin L. Harden, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a justice’s court of said coun ty iu favor of Ridgeway Hagan vs L. J. Groce and Martin L. Hardin—levy made aud returned to mo by James Dc-nton, constable. June2- W. 15. CONE. Pep. Sheriff. , Henry Sheriff Sales. O N* the first Tuesday in August uext, before the dourt houso iu McDonough Henry county will' be sold between the usual'Imurs of sale, 45 acres''of land more or less being a part oflot No. i<)2 in tlie third district of llonry county —levied on as the propertyof Camp Thomas to satisfy, three Fi Fas issued from a justice’s court in favor ofHdlery Brooks vs said Thomas—levy made tuitl returned by a conkfablo.' • • Fifty acres of land morn or less being a part of tho cast half of lot No. 70 in the third district scribed by laxc, to shew cause if any they have, ichy said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand this 24th day of May 1833. 36 BENTON WALTON, c. c. o. Georgia—Coweta County. J OHN VINYARD, administrator of tho cs* tain of David Cox, deceased, applies to me for lettors of dismission. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, ichy sail fetters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this tLo 2d day of Feb ruary 1833. 20 j SIIIOX HOUSE, c.c.o. 'BTiOL'R months afterdirfe, application will be _S? made to the hcuorable Inferior Court of Monroe county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell the real and personal estate of Richard Uamlen, of said county, deceased. JOHN UAMLEN, Adhi'or. May G, 1833. 33 . F OUR months afterdate application will be made to the Justices of the Inferior court of the county of Houston v. tien sitting for ordina ry purposes for leave to sell all the land aud uu- grocs belonging to the estate of Thomas A. Irwm late of said county deceased for the benefit ot the heirs aud creditors of said deceased. HUGH L. IRWIN, Excot. May 27 36 . F OUR months afterdate application will be made to the honorable iuferior court of Crawford county when sitting for ordinary put poses for leave to sell the real estate of John ilichardsun late of said county deceased. EDWIN MEADOR, adm'r. June 3 36 . ':*■ F OUR months after dale application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Merriwcther county, for leave to sell the east half of Lot 237, in the ninth district of said couuty, the property of James Dyson, deceased. ' JAMES H. RAVENS, Adm'or. ELIZA C. DYSON, Adm'rx. April 4, 1833. 30 The GEORGIA TELEGRAPH, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Printed at Macon, Georgia, And devoted to Intelligence, Commerce, Sound Principles. Arts, Sciences, Literature, yc. T HE TELEGRAPH, will, as it has hereto fore done, vindicate personal and political liberty, so far as is compatible with private hap piness aud public safety. It will therefore chug to tho opinions of tho Fathers of the Revolution, as comprised in the Declaration aMiKlepeiHlcncc aud the Constitution of the United States; and it holds it to lie a truth almost intuitive, that on the most vigilant and - unremitting restrietjou ot the General and Stats branches of our Gp.vbrnitfent to their respective provinces, depejid- the benign op erations of those opinions, the virtue ot the man. tbe franchise of the citizen, and the internal peace tnd external safety of the country. It steers equally far froni the new invented the ory of the uullitiers ; as it iloes from the old Fed eral doctrine of the Cousoljdationist-—conceiving that the true principle ofoiir institutions lies equal ly Irttivcetxtlie two extremes. And while it sup ports the Administration in all its judicious mea sures, it claims the right to censure it whenever censure is. deserved. The term-of subscription are, Three Dollars per annum, in advance—or Four, at the end of the year. M. BARTLETT. THE SOUTHERN PLANTER And Family Lyceum. An Agricultural and Miscellaneous Newspaper, Printed at Ala con, Ga. EVERV OTHER SATURDAY. T HIS Paper is devoted mainly to the interests • of Agriculture; and is made up of origin al and selected articles on Farming and Garden ing, Raising Cawle.and Horses; manufacture of Silk, Wir.o nud Sugar;' management of Fruit Trees, Poultry, Bees, Silk Worms; Receipts for Pickling and Dying; short Essays on Health aud Diseases; Household Economy, Miscellany, Po etry, &e r No political or sectarian subjects arc introduc ed into the; and only such tfdvgr'Kemeuts as are of interest to Farmers and Gardeners. The price of subscription is Two Dollars per annum in advance—or two and a half a* ‘he end of the year. Should sufficient encouragement offer, the Plautev. will bo published weekly, after the close of the present volume. M. BARTLETT. THE S li ESCRI^Bp W l LL sell the stock of BOOKS&]p nT> WAKE,l,clo„ sill6 , oElli! .4<«B. Uo. at very low prices, at retail, f or tasll ' 1 4 merchants who may want to replenish" 0 ? I 0 stock, upon time, for approved paper. ** The Stock consists of a great varict-, 0 f Hardware, Cutlery, Cast in L MECHANICS’ TOOLS* Brass Ware, Britannia L FURNITURE MOUNTING*? 5°« BOOKS &c ' Consisting of large and small Bibles Law and School Books, and a great Var' Religious aud Miscellaneous Books. " el . v « Dec. 18 23 JACOB SllOTVVEU Notice. T he Books, Accounts aud some ■ Notes of A. SLotwell together iviih'.t of A. Shot well & J. S. Smith, -re J,!’ the hands of John (J. lielveu-ton ;trj \\j, ? l-arkcr, Esqrs. v. ho arc authorised to" s. tt!**" t"'" mine. ' e The subscribers are particularly a Ux ; 01 „ . have their claims settled without adding ‘ J pease to those indebted v> them aud hope "a 1 ! all whb'have not paid their notes or aceoui'i 5“' imui&diately call on Messrs Parker or II j.,? ston aud do so. t5 ‘ ALEXANDER SFIOTWF1T .JOSEPH S. SMITH. Mdton< April 1,1833. £7 COAOZ3: F OUR months after date, application will be made to the court of ordinary of Coweta county, for leave to soli tho Land and Negroes of JFilliam Salisbury, Iato.ofsnid county, deceased CHRISTOPHER BOWEN, may 6 Adm'r Georgia— Pike Cent, v ty. KjKTliEREAS James Whatley, guardiap of V w Hubert I'reeny, orphan of Gillah Freeuy, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said guardianship— These are therefore,' to cite and admonish all rind singular the kindred and creditors of said Robert Frccny, to file their objections (if any they have,) ir. my office, within (he time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under dty hand, at ofiiec, this 8th May, _ 1833. 34 11. G. JOHNSON, c. c. <>.' Georgia—Houston County, W HEREAS David II. Chcwning applies to tnc for letters of disinissiuni frohi this es- of Henry county-—levied ou as the propertyof toioal If illiam J. V. Chcwning, deceased, . • ' • r, •,. 1 . * . r / ’/• ,• cn ft rx> r/> /are #/1 r s! P ft n it ft if fi I if// John IF Poyner to satisfy two Fi Fas issued from a justice's court in favor of Burwcll Rag land vs -.iid Poyner, Joseph Stanfield and Hyram M. Jackson securities, for the use of Joseph Stanfield one of'the securities—levy made and returned by a constable. Twenty five acres ofland more or less ad joining Reuben Tumor, John R. Wilkins, and I Elisha Rogers in Henry couuty being a part of the lot whereon Thomas Carpenter now lives— levied on as the property o f Thomas M. Car pen- j ter, Zachariah Carpenter, and Thomas Carpenter to satisfy a i . Fa issued from a justice’s court in iavor of John Dailey vs said Carpcntcrs-property : pointed by Join: Dailey'—levy .made and returned by aeon table.’ . 'June 29 T1IOS. J. JOHNSON, Shff. Postponed Sales. Al.-o will be sold cs obove, One town lot and house formerly’ occupied by James C. Steele iu tlie town of McDonough F OUR months after date application will be made to.the Iuferior Court of Houston couuty when sitting for ordinary purposes - , for leave to sell, a part of the real estate of Orrill Ste phens. deceased, consisting of the improved lot of land in the 12th district of Houston county, where on the said deceased lived. 1 * - May TO ALLEN WIXHAM. Adm'or. F OUR months after date application will he made to the Honorable Inferior Court .of Henry county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the real estate of Sarah Rey nolds late of said couuty deceased. SPENCER REYNOLDS, adm’r May 10 1833 34 F OUR months afterdate application will be made to the court of ordinary of Bibb county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Hen ry Green Bates, orphan,—also for leave to sell a part of the real estate of I. K. and R. K. Bates, minors. THOMAS G. BATES. July 8 41 Guardian. bov These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections if any they have, at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be granted. Given uuder my hand and seal, tins'}he 18th March, 1812. CHARLES II, RICE.'c.C. o. : iuiown it lemon J arm.! Ripley formerly liy- .—levied on as tho property of said Steele tosat- ed, adjoining Yunghou, Crowder and other the -i-tii district "I Monroe countv—levied on as the property ot'Jarrrd Taphy. dorca-ed, to sal>-- fv sundry Fi I'm in favoi of \\ iloy & Baxter aud others vs -aid Tapley. July 2 'A. COCHRAN, Sheriff. Also will be sold as above on the first Tuesday in September next, Tliroe negroes, one by the name of Peter about til) years of age Jack 40 and Bobb20 years of age to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa "in favor of Henry H. l.umpkii/ vs Gyrus W'ooJs—property palmed out in -aid mortgage and in 'pttMessiou ol raid Lumpkin. JOHN’ REDDT.V'C; D. Shff. July J. 1*33. liu l *8 it riff Sales. be !d.>- t e fii'stTuesday in Aog next, >ei. ret « c' urt house iu Jacks ' Bin'- county. Uvmvccb tb« hours of sale, T’Ikj undivided hj!f ..f lot of land Ny. 74 i 'W' L : -fv a Fi Fa issued from a JusticoV court in favor of Burwcll P. Ragland vs said Steele—levy made and returned by a constable. One negro woman by the name of Mary— levied on as the property of Joseph Stanfield to satisfy sundry Ft Fas from a justice’s co'n’rt"jn favor of Burwcll Ragland and others vs Joseph Stanfield and others—levy made and returned by a soustaido. ; June 29 THOS. J. JOHNSON, Shff. Also, will be sold as above, James Young's interest in and to a certain ncgio gul by the name of Martha eleveit years old, 1 bay mare nud colt, 2 beds aud furniture, 1 table, 2 chests, I sideboard, 1 looking- glass, 1 grind-[one. Ail James Young's interest in and to the rl.iinl win ron uotv live#, l^eing part of lot No. 45(1, in the 1 lthbistrict of Henry county with the -ta.. !iu 0 crop tflfroon, oue pocket book with the onteiUs '.Hereof, being 34 dollars iu bank hill-, omi Dote of baud for i30 dollar:, due the 2.5th ou The first district of Henry now Burt-f December next, given by Jauics Morris to WooU- cmwTy—h vied ottos t'w pGp riy or Abtl I.- ’sou. Young, and sundry other s:iiiill papers, our 'it biuron In satVif, % xnortrar ’Vi frotn Butt- .mail .iu bux with three d .liarsin silver iu it—all ♦gag IT« kjS Trout Butt •titperior court in tavr.r, c: Ca o & GtKiiirich ' jb J Fobiuion—propoVty point - I out iu nior € agr rILENRY ilATBLY, ek'ff. - Jtttvc S3, - levied on as the property of said Young to satisfy i Fi Fa from Carroll superior court in favor of Christopher Bowcu vs said YouDg. <1 uue 14 JAMES LOVE, Dtp. Sherff. GEORGIA^—Upson county. J OHi 'HARRIS administrator on the estate ol Robert Harris, late of said county deceas ed, applies to me for letters of dismission, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to shew cause if any they have, why said Utlcrs.shovld not be granted. Given under mv hand, this 22d dav of April, 1833. 31 THOS. F. BETHEL, c. c. o, Georgia—-Butts County.' W HEREAS IlebcccaCobb, administratrix on the estate of James JFalkcr, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission on said es tate, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased tojfite their objections (if any they have.) in my office within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said Hetters will be graated. Given under my ham), this 9th day of March, 1833. JOHN AfCORD. c. c. b. BROUGHT TO 3Ji.IL, J N Bibb county, on the 20th inst. a negro . • named ALECK, about 17 years of age, .dark complected, aud says he belongs to William Ross of Putnam connty, the owner is requested to come forward, pay charges aud take hint away. May 23' 34 JOHN D- PITTS, Jailor.“ IN JAIL, I N Butts county .Ga. a negro, man says his name is Dick, belongs to Bennett Smith:,of Macori,’Ga. He is about 44 or 45 years old.— Tho owner is requested to call prove property pa> charges and take him away. , _June9, _37 HENRY HATELY, jailor. BROUGHT TO JAIL I N Macon, on tho 3d of July, a uegro woman by tho name of Aun, about twenty years old, says she belongs to a speculator from Virginia, by the uamo of Royal. The owner is requested to come forward and prove property, pay-char ges and take'her away. JOHN I). PITT;-; July ID 41 Jailor. HE Subscribers still continue the business at the old stand, corner of Walnut aud Fourth Streets, where work will be done accord ing to order. Having a large assortment of arti cles ordered from the North which will- arrive in the course of the summer, consisting of Gigs, Bu- gies, Barouches aud .Carriages, they -Teel con fident of pleasing customers both in articles aud prices. The have now ou hand an assortment which will he sold low for cash, such as Sulkeys, Gigs, and Barouches; besides several splendid sets of Harness, with I.accs, Carpeting, Morocco, Springs of different kinds, Joints, Bands, I.oops and Bows of- all sizes. Orders for Carriages punctually attended to, and warranted to please j or no sale. BENTON & BACON - Wanted as an Apprentice, A lad .about fourteen or fifteen years of age, of steady moral habits. B. & B. May 4 138 Fresh Drugs, Paints ty Oils. DR. W. B. BALL ASjust received his fresh supplies, aud of fers for sale, at his store ou Cotton Aven ue, a quantity of Extract Sarsaparilla, Carpenters Castor Oil (fiue article) Croton Oil round Spirits Turpentine Copal Varnish Black feather do Japan do Gluo Snufl', Macaboy and Scotch Fine cut Tobacco Hair &eoat Brushes Camel’s hair Pencils Tots for Sale. qnilE subscriber having a number of LOT- JL on the right baud side of tlie new ty leading from Macon io Forsyth and on tity\ of the old road, commencing soon after rru the Branch, ou both roads, will dispose oity same to such persons as will make good cit'm,! on reasonable terms. As an inducement a, t! chauics he has made two cross roads ihron-ty- Lots situated* between sail-roads, and mil to each of the first mentioned lots a suIEcl ■ space ou one of the cross roads far a work d o without a charge for ten years; and will be U.ty to pay them tho value of the ifiodcratc improve* mctits that may be put on them, or make afar tlit-r contract for the same. The lots on ity cross roads will be used exclusively fi shops. The advantageous situation of thi too obvious to mention. Tho almost c\dn,'ji support of Macon, passing the first meutiuu,; roads. Mechanics would be suDiciciitlv town to have the patronage of both tov country, and be freed from the numberless dons to living dircctly.iu town. . Also, For Sale, The Store occupied by E. B. W'c -.1, am! tL J dwelling above, V. ith a sufficient [at, the luirty; ser will he entitled to the fort at the rate uf -k per year, till the 1st of October. AiSO, FOR SALE, 110 SHARES. COMMERCIAL SI (, also, the House ami Lot occnjncil I- J. L. Williams, near Dr. Owen's mills, aty :! i,ty 20 acres of land situated oh the road near ;, ii house. Apply to tlie subscriber, if absent j. C. Hclvcnstou, Esq. April3 27 ALEXANDER SIIOTWEI.l.. tub suBSGsi;iisT~ YVING taken possession of the store r cd by him in Ellis, Shotwcli & Co’i rr.ige, is now ready to receive any Consignments with which his fricuds autT-tlie public ii-avl. pleased to favor him. WM. P. ROWLAND. Nov 27 17 mrciulu;.. proiiertj near u nr.d dry Linseed Oil ■ Sperm do .Train do White Lead Spanish Brown iu oil do do Venetian Red Windsor Glass Paint Brushes Indigo, Spanish Flote Alum CoppeijV*. Peart Ashes’ Magnesia, lump fccal’d Chloride of Limo Cidoridc of Soda Lemon Syrup Lamps Lanterns Lamp Glasses & Wick cfc Vinegar Georgia—Pike County, W HEREAS Elizabeth Phillipk administra trix of tlie estate of Jonathan Phillips. deceased applies to me for letters of di.-missioo from the fun.her administration of sai l esfate. These are therrfire to cite and admonish oil and singular the kindred and enditors of said deceased to file their objections (if any they have,) iu my office within the time prescribed by law, othcrwisi said Itthrs will be granted. Given tinder my hand at office this 13th April 1833. f> H. G. JOHNSON, c. c. o Administrator's Safe. .-old ou the first Tuesday iu An gust next, ahorse, saddle, aud brid.e, it. property of John Richardson deecased—said pm perly sold for the benefit of the er- ditors of -ar Richardson. l DWARD MEADOR. , Knoxville, June 15 36 adm'r. W'ty One Hundred Dollars Rcibard! B ROJvE Jail, on Saturday night, 16th inst. a man named CARTER LANGFORD, a stout raw liuued fellow, talks rather fine, he is about G feet high, red complexion, yellow hair, has a sly,, cunning look. The above reward will bo given to any person that will deliver him to the Jailor in Macon, llil>l> county. Georgia. II. II. HOWARD, Sheriff. March 27 26 VV. B. CONE, Dep Sheriff. SOUTHERN PLANTER, Wo. 23. CONTENTS O F THIS NUMBER. Original.—The season ; Report of the com mittee on. Wine at the second Fair; Letter from Mr. Diemer ; Method employed by Mr. Dimmer in the making of \\ me ; .-hampooing ; Rhubarb; Bolts in lldrses, by O. II. Kenau ; Scholastic, by George P. Cooper. Selected.—Fine English Sheep; Horticulture: Lucerne ; !“i.ik.; Use of Potatoes in bleaching ; Butter; Trees; Gtuhicc Trees; Cultivation of (rapes. Cheap Fodder; Fiue Stock; Wheat 'rop Ou the proper application of 8 team -iwer to various purposes; The cause of Agri- Lure ; Preserving Plants from Insects; Agri- ,ii ural: Poetry; Advertisements : Ac. 3.LANHS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Starch (iuiniuc Piperiue Iodiuo Opium Morphium Snlpbat Acetate Madeira and Fort Wine, Suitable fur convalescents, Together with an extensive and general assort ment of all articles in his line, all of which were purchased iu person by himself in New York, and aro warranted genuiue. He is prepared to give reasonable accommoaationsand respectfully invites the attention of the public. Fell 13 20 NOTICE. D URING tny absence Mr. Samuel Warreu will act as tny agent. It. It. SMITH. Juno 38 3t FRAWKlilW FACTORY, ~ Upson County, Ga. The public are respectful ly informed that the above Factory is now in successful operation, under an experi- fccnced manager, aud is pre- * pared to do business ou ac commodating terms. The Yarn manufactured at this estab lishment iu equal in evenness, strength and fineness to any made at the North ern manufactories, and superior to..most that is brought out here. The friends of the country a* 6 respectfully solicited to foslerth'is infant establish ment and thereby retain among themselves the capital that will otherwise find its way to the North. A specimen or the Yarn manufactured at this Factory, may be seen at the office of the Georgia Telegraph. DWIGHT R. PERRY & CO. April 24 , 30 Practice of KEedicine. DRS. CONE & BRIDGMAN have united in the Practice ofillll' IC1NE and SURGERY. Tin:: office is tho tinc heictofurc occur.!-, by Dr. Co;ie ! . Jan 1, 1833. 14 Tin Ware Manufacturer. • • stox-nEURT; HEAR T'tmn s-x-i:!:.:t. HE subscriber continues to inauufactii;i TIN WARE in every variety, s-n! h notv on hand a general assortment, w hich f„ \w sell wholesale or retail at the Savannah or Atari:: ta prices. lie lias also just received ; a« assortment of J- panned Tin AVare, consisting of Trunks, suja Boxes, • Waiters, Bread' pans, Canisters, snjr.: Bowls, Milk cups, Tumblers, Pepper boxes, (li ters, Toy cups. Battles, candlesticks," Bairns, s; Boxes, sand Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, See. Sc- Also, patent Bakers, Foot stove's, blocktiaTr Pots, Plates, Basins, Tumblers, die. JOB WORK done at tiic shortest notice, jan 2 WILLL-IM S. ELIfj ONDON PRINTED MU8LIN8, t: H J Dresses, new patterns,just received an<l for sale by. AVM. 11. BURDSAhL April li) 27 FSAX THREAD. LBri FLAX Til K EAD, assarw colors of a superio’- quality, just received and for sale by Nov 27 17 WM. H. I5URDSAI.L Bagging-. PIECES 1st and 2d quality nil*;- vy Hemp Bagging, by tile picec d to s-.'ut Purchassers, for sale bv 23 C. A. II) GOfS’S. Loaf and Lump Sugar. £ BOXES-Loaf and Lump Sugar, B_ W received aud for sale by Oct !> 4 REA sV.'COTTO.Nty 7 BILLS 7 N New York, Philadelphia,Gkarlestoa. vauuah, and Augusta, iu sums'W suit pn* chasers, for sale by .• Nov. 10. BAXTER. FORT &. WILEY. BOARDERS. A FEW Boarders will be taken by the Sub- lL scriber. P. P. ROCKWELL, 'uue19 I N tnv absence from Macon I leave liOBAt I . FITCH ns my ngeut. and all persons have not paid up th please settle with him. May 16 34 account- and notes will LEWIE HTG11. NEW SPRING GOODS. A N extrusive assortment of faiiry D'* 1 GOODS, comprising the most desinW o those suited to tho season. Just received ai- for sale bv WM. II. BURDSALL- April 17 29 ___ Furs, Hides and Horn?^ T HE highest price will ho given by dj 6 scriber for Furs of.all kinds, either Bca' e " Otter, Raccon or Muskrat. .• . . Hides, dry, in ahy quantity;' alsoDeer. I'ii’J- Horns, Ox or Buck, . C- A. HIGGINh, Nov 27 17 Brick Buildings. Mulberry^ Auction and Commission Storc< f |j[N HE Subscriber has removed to the l BRICK STORE, adjoining the Pfty fire, mi Mulberry street, where he tendtnrjHfty' vices in the above line. C. A. IHGGh -• Nov 19 20 II CASH STORE.- Rnsseli 4k Dickinson. 'VE just opened a small, wellselce sortuv ut of STAPLE and D.. V GOODS, suitable foi the season. ■ will receive a choice stock of GROCER! a fi-w days. June 29 39 A \ IRON CHEST, for sale hv ’ . April 10 29 WM. H. BUKD8AU.