Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, August 14, 1833, Image 3

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ibc’^ili uqncr pu.Mi-ii said Ora niriiridarlv wort f; bat *° 1,0 •totliusiiisucres > or or t i was j ut. v. liv (■'cm. 15. :—liot ill it wo i uingim <1 ‘ liv of ••(" itii ism.” or oven ot j>. s it idled whether the aforesn. ■ icii'cs" were awarded throng! the audience to tin* vanity o ) the merit' of tile address,- ! presumed there could, lie little part in puhltshirtg it exactly as i rics It l cMiin aid -lufUgll for tioth an ■ Ins will,indeed lie or other wise the pr hiiviue citv "id he i In re is a road from miisti Uctoi 31 i ■ .< on ti]i n it; o.ipital onmi,; i. and w tOr h i- from Maron ids i measure ot Mtlf-defono. Ince lit supports t' n Ira n behind in for tjl 'or, every encoui igituent, n to Savannah or Darien ran I I heaper th *n peril ips aby where e!- ; l' 1 the I n ion, and there is produce enough or near A litcugh even now transmitted from .Macon u ! pay. nt a froij^ii imicli Indow the present rates i '''ii per cent, on i|ic investment. Thrs is allow- i in;? nothing for pas'img. rs. lor freight on iho w .i\ j ud for increase of freight from 31 .iron, whi. h ( st niu.-t hr great, for :i very obvious n asm. ■ Freight to Europe always are, and from tilt ,;. f conrte; die .orator, |f the latter, hesitation on I mis delivered. g ‘ 'Jlir reply *W° through the Meescliger io thi- <j ; jcry, is »ufiiciehtly characteristic. It commrn <( s in these words.: ‘ Have not the spies of th. Te'rgrapli done their duly? Have they made na report 7”!! •' There’s egotism for. you! ns ihuiigh adtli of July Oration hy one of the Editor* rflhc Georgia Messenger was Midi a mighty nf-, ns to justify the employment of spiesIlad pr iurgined lb«t it would not he published by da author, nud thnt interest enough would be tiri'ed about it in the public to defray the expense af employing a reporter, wc might have dour so. I'.ut it is only f rat ralc speeches that repay tin* irutiiifobf. the Stenographer. As for spies, they we»rri|.uou of persons the Union party has I , ftha work correspond with its name, wo ,.iii-.cfor. Doubtless the Nullificn know how 1 to appreciate their services. The Mcs- ;uro nl navigation must contuuu- to he, from half a cent to a c< ut higher from the Apalaich: •nl i Hay or any place west of the Florida Foil) that from the Atlantic ports. That amontil higher < . u il.i-ri fdjc.nlw.i) > he given for cotton that i to he shipped from the latter. ERNMENT [X ITS \VHC):,E COXSTITJ-| 10\AL Vi'.IUUi:, AS THE SHEET AX-! iOR OF Oi l; PEACE at home, and \FETV ABROAD; a j inlom care' of the -.lit of election hy the people, a mil.l .ui.l fe J • rective of ..buses which are lo;»j)"«i hy tile word uf rovuhiti a tv here peaceable rem -dies are ciprovid.-d ; ABSOLUTE ACQ l’.’ ESGBXCE . THE DECISIONS OF THE MAdOlt- l’Y. THE VITAL PRINCIPLE .OK ItE- ’i ill.rCS, from w High there is no sippcnl'but to iree, the vital principle and imfnfcc'.iafe parent f despotism.” • I'lirseprinciple- furin flic, bright onstellatlon, which has gone liefnr, us, u'riil gi i- | oil our stej)-. through an age of revolution and I mfonufitioii. The wisdom ofour sages md blood ■ f I ro 'j, havfi ii; -n devoted t.i their attain- I rn-nt ; they should he the creed ofour ‘juditiral li -v.. t'lemices to lie Ik and of th- Ctided States, man coni I object to hind I uc faith an-l allegiance itii citi/.-ns of tin* State can take it. No i ninn himself hy oath, to hear to the State of South' J. lirlilit if, an fin LtS. SfTOT long -iii.'r. was luren in our city a vl brought fordi in a licwspuer, and inti t .vst, t oUN'l V. time, from an lire " Tr. i.vf n err t iny H-igir coiitintus to 4.mush jus* with its interesting fictions. It is however to bo regretted, that the e.xsny, with ail her sprightliuess, is disposed to Ik* to much of a blackguard ! .Indeed, vulgar iiiiusr L her forte, and Ip.llingsgatg. her natural rlcuteut. Her garrulity is .Joist* as remarkable ns her wit—vain, conceited' nud ill bred, she uses a „ many words to convey a small idea, and makes long norations about nothing. The Mes- sciigrrw determined not to he out,done: if u country, cannot ••crow" like its opponent, it will make it tin in cackling t That the Messenger i> “sick of the subject,” there can be no doubt; and that it is envious of. • the couuleuunce given to the statements of the Telegraph,” is iqm.lly plain. Hut neither envy SOMETHING NEW. V, c sco a notice in some of the nbrthtrn papers of a new periodical having conimebced in Halti- inore, under the title of The Terrific Register!— prog nostiente its great popularity. The genius of the age inclines to Tragedy. Comedy is exhausted —Mounts no lougcr has tho power to e cite.— Mirt.alias become stale, and Laughter uufishion- nblo. The mental nppciitet over stimulated ht light diet and attic s ilt must htivo a chaiigc.— Talcs of Horror arc now in demand—Moody tnur. tiers dire accidents by Hood and field, uiixt uj* with a little seduction nud suicide, are eagerly sought for \\ c have no doubt, if the prest ut taste of the reading public continues, iho above paper will be- the most popular of ady in the J faith, ’thc'teit of civic iastntetinu, the touchstotx by which to try tlie services of those we. trU't, and ,'liould v. e' w uitler from tliem in tnomeats of eiror or alafin, let us hasten to retrace our steps’ :i ) 1 to regain. tin r.ia I Which alone leads to peace, liberty ami, safety.” “If there he •inv amoug us who. would wish to dissolve' this UNION, or to change its 1! •jm-'diean form. let I trol over tbeni has been, or may he delegated hy r i'n .nil n'jJistiirj-fJts m mum :a's of the- safe the State, and tho General Assembly of the ty-u itb which error of cpiuiuii -may he tolerated, j said State i; lu.-eby empowered, from time to when reason is left -free to combat it. I' know : time, when tliey tn iy deem it pr^ptjr, to indeed that soul -■ liouest meu I ~ ieau Government cabttot he Una—hut every uutou man, who continues [ true to his principles, would suffer martyrdom, hclore he v.onld recognize her right to jutramount ■ allegiance, in negation and exclusion of that idle-j giance which he owes to the United States. , Ex- j to.rted oaths are ccrtaiulv the worst of all ex pc-1 i f - , . . 1 mg u roguiat titouts tor settling controverted questions ol con- stitntimial law—instead of reconciling differences of opinion, they will lu:t render them wider nud more acrimonious. The following extract frein tl e nrdiuaneo, passed hy the State Convention in March last, will shew ihg despotic power which the Legist i ture now has on diis subject—r. power, which if •■xert-rjl., ’wl!i inevitably he attended hy civil war, or deiVouuliitioti. •*\\ e do further ordain and declare, that the aliojianco of the citizens of this State, while lacy continue such, is due to the said Stato; and tiiat obedience only, and not alfcgiap-c. is due by them to any other power or authority, to whom a eon into society a, ;!ie only lawTnl :m:i I mate iieirof Macon, a l.oudt'seriirt claiming i.,vir tne ofordinam cs. not only the city (at. the tru of many years labor, toil,and Mc.-pless mglit — T ; what is ir.•>;•(, rctnarlvai-c. oar cm comu e ti:nh r i write lor lam, and vui:c!i tor his inlicritago as be- j !«»• .iC'Ce'idaut fro.n ai.' i through all I hi aud respectaide 11 nilv- stri'. mi I All 1ITTii n. Id ed 'Taxes--Old Mr..Credit oas and even if so \yoi:ld have utci he washout ; and wliilc uic one hill, aiii! sinkingiurcjuitation and de t not kno'A nto hail, n assassinated in was going down ialiii-. net t*ev( lid J!) id ;i iv.i 1 ;i th 9 21 A’ M17 4 3 21 -Z all conception, the other has been not only accu- malating wealth anti power hy !. git.iaatc rights. iJut has been aided t>\ a new an I ilk .inmate j birth (dulbtd O. dinances) by his ri tfogade move ments. 'i’iio consequences resulting I n;n this j miraculous birth i - left to conjecture. And per- ■ iiajis it will be well to inquire into tins uev, j made of legislation, nud permit ice now to sisk j where our Council can find a prccc’iint in tljctm- 1 mils of liistnr* or the register ol laws, or a ritul- I ute that fiuthor.'zes -in t- levy a tax in July i and have the rameiake dffcctiu May. The case ; s j new aud me. From such a code colis- 21 4 4 I AI 23 434 21 :c. PLiintijfs 15. .ilochcr It L VI tlKtrson T f? 'Tate F Ripley Towns Riley — lilasscngame .1 15 shores .1(1 Itii (.'licit .1 'i UraiH'ord and A iliru land A .Maudreville W Snell G A Gordon A S Jones \\ \\ i!!i ais p. Ii Conyers i lcnry it, 1 in Defendant'- \\ ni. Go<> a- a \» a. < A i ; tc.on; k Lean G It JIT Ii .1 S ,de M Gid;'a n Jared Everett John llcchs H Mi l to well ;ll ten Jn ’Thomas t-tewan Lev. is .McLeroy John 111:1 s A Pidlocli CI 111 t J , . . ■ i ions aud lawsuits would arise from which there »r that, a lliqiulj-i for t!ie.administration le'.thovciti'-ens and officers ! j, 0 uo ivliius the cousoqueucts or end. 1 strong.; that tilts ; of the f5Mte, orsttcli of iHe'kaij officers as they ! ;lI11 tuhlthcv ciaimliow ever udder < u express Sta- Goverument is not strong enough. Put. would | may »hiuk fit, of suitable caths or affirmations, uite of the land remiatins our Ft; te Tax, whicli the honest p,tri it. in the full u.le ofsacycssful ex- hiudiiig them to th : observance of sucli allegiance, peri incut, abin.hui ;i government which has so and ahjjirut£ all other allegiance; an.l, also, to Exlrccl of a letter to the Editor dated CoLuaBtxs, August lltln Dg.iu Sin:—This day has terminated the controversy botweeu Col. John Aldton .and M ij. a. T. Cabip, by* the death - of the.latter. Co). JUijtqn Hnderstandihj that Itislife load been nir jealousy is.» sufficient apology for “stirring I tliroatened'ljy Maj. Camn, procured a double up tilth" much k>s hr din Larging ii Ufcu the j barrelled Gun, aud walked over to Nicholas pub tc. .i ) ilowards Store, and discharged the contents of The Mcsscugcfr. must not complain tllat its one oltlie barrels into his back, ami wliiie fail- own “shells” have come hack upon it. (Thai | '»S discharged the other into his left breast.— ii the way the shafts of upon itself, I d j >aX a cutouts niter-he was when discharged against the panoply of tritth.) s V° l ^ spokv not a word. Col. M,Iton has c , given himself up to true authority ol the State. It in a a not object to its own wuapaus—they bo* i . 1 .. , - , 11 J 1 . J 1 was sumo distance front them, hut can state ing such ns we shoti.d scorn to mo against m. ^ cA^Miltonllscjii'iged his gun with more Inmmble foe. wo have no other uso for tliem cnolness and deliberation than any mm • I Put to seed them baik whence they came. tliink would have done > tf:idcr siniular circum- stapees—and lefrifie spot witli seeming uncon cern. print svys, it is “heartily sick ef the ihally tu’fct of tneso rerakrks.” Now what is the thahhif ruhjrd to which it refers ? Why un- qeesiNinahiy { ic that was the origin of tho ilis* russiou.) tla FLAG OF THE I'M ON And itii* brings ns hack to iht very starling point. That ilia Niillifiets trere sick of the Flag, and would net hoist it un the anniversary of our ?i;i- taiaal (adiqiemionc'c is what they are charged with. Thu fact they cannot deny : but ins lord i.f arknunic«!{?t}g the corn magnanimously, or cfeiituig up the point satisfactorily, they rr.tsc a mst ami ;t whirlwind, jump iuto a passion, throw i!*s! in our ever., and endeavor to drown us wuh lism nerds! Put the Uniou men have heard it tii]tinter before—slid can tell a hawk from a hand- s-vr at any time. Yours RespectfulIr. For the Georgia Telegraph- . M-riwelh.r Co. Aagitsf 1, ,1333. Dr.. Hartlett—My dear Sir—'Hie'prospects are brightening is 1 progress, and we may joy fully hail the gloiious certain!!/ of a speedy dcliv erauco of our Stiitc from ihe- shackles and op pressions of tirisiocracyi winch have been too long permitted to reign .among;.US with unintcr- rujited sway. - f . J'ho more this subject is agitated the better it will be understood by the poor and houesrpart of the ('(immunity, and tnc interesting truth that thry constitute the .true and legitimate.power and life ami being of the go vernment, will I'htst upon them, with a convicting influence that will over throw the aristocracy to its foundation, and relieve the people of a despotism that is grinding tln m to the very dregs of poverty aud servile insignti; enure. Let the people of Georgia all unite am far kept us free aud firm, ou th ; theoretic and vis- iouaiy, lint this Ggveruiueii, the w orld's best hope, may, by possibility, want energy to preserve itself! I trust not. 1 believe this, on the contrary, the strongest Government • oti earth. I believe it the only one,- when every nm, at call of ill) I nv wool I fly ta th: standard of the law, and would meet iiivasiouj of the ntib- licordpr as his own personal concern.” “L„-t us thou with courage au I confi leiiee, pursue our own Federal aud jtopul licart principles, oar at- t ichm-in to UNION and Representative Gov- emment.” ‘-The framers of our eoiistilutioh cer- tauily supposed they h id gdwfded, as well their Gdyormiieut against destriieliou hy Treason, ;is their citizens against oppression, uuder pretence of it, and if these emh are not attained, it is oT importance to inquire by w hat means nioro ef fectual. t!|ey may be secured. Considering the extraordinary character of th. time in which we liv*. our .mention should unremittingly be fixed on the safety ofouncountry. For a people who aro free, and who nk-an to remain so, a well organ ised ami armed .Militia iiAthsir best security.”— ••Congress alone having the poiver, to.produce tin u.iiforni state cf preparation in tho great organ >f defence, tfce interest which they so deeply feel in their own and their country’s security will pre sent this as among tho most im portaut Objects of their dehbeiations/’ “The-probable accumu lation of tlio surpluses of Ileveuiie beyond whntcnu be applied to the paytneul of the ptlbfjc deb t. merits iho consideration of Congress. Slpdl it lie un productive in tho. public vaults 1 * r*5hnll the rev- enuehe reduced } O l Sll \LL 11’ NO I* RA THE it BE APPROPRIATED TO THE JM- I’ROVEMEXT OF IU)\D tiite of the land regulating our statute is sjv * ific and liot general in iis oj-.i-i a tious and has nothing to do with titeir duty imd powers. And l for one never yet knew births before conception. I ask \iiti iu poitrt' oot the htil consequences from sotb an order of ibiujs. ‘An iadivjdual. may live in our city in May. soil liis'property "ill June, that property may be re- sense tells.ihem that they.rre “ho nod the same: si;!il and transported in June, aud ilie venders ute, and how can they, or by what process cauihcv rcr.cli tht in ! M ln!r others wlto came after them tire subject to no tax. ’* hci-e liefme wliat slt iilimiount to a violation of their al legiance. and to provide the proper punishment for sindi violation.” . .Union men can never swear thru .allegiance nn;l obedi nco nrc different tliiugs, •whdif.''jComt,i 100 Sll 437 I 303> i 375 17 903 16 ; I0S3 17 i)o0 16 >; nett, Jes se Ji liiiMin and T J JoimMUl. (; A i'itrkcr T V. itohert SI inner Leeds L Lvn (.'01515 C*(H W in V- antly A. h and a G Reid Lewis Hriiljrcs A ( i an ford Sc.C& Ju-nes A! a i ow do James IV tlliam James Long J:.< a!> Albright do Win Cnri igion do \-. tu liM.u Aiurrow do \\ m < aringion .T; - Kirkpatrick V !•; < us nor can tl:i*y evyr abjure Allegiance, other than j | cave ,j IC th it th.-y cwc'tl;: rftates wheu Smith Garolina herself pledges <thcir allegiance—fidciitv—obedi- cnee, to die Gonstitutiou nud l iwp of the U. S. | t ; ien j s rcv <»nne fr tniy thing in iier own G»n-=t:tatiou or laws to the contrary liotwitlsstandiug.' Reason and relig ion—liberty and peace, alike, forbid sueh an nh-J ma j-e the.iluiv-ol Uie-AJirilipIl tO kill our uni personal i-ropeuy !- I estaie would under stub circumsi liable. And w hat is equally incousis surd, uuhnllowed, oparessive. tnfe Stirling , at w 'q| i ferna which interference with the freedom ef thdi'ght, anti the ter how valiuthle, mill then r rights of conscience* ; may . volt d'. g- redress,- uo. riiat- l (jaii'L us to pay two PRESENTMENT OF THE PRESIDENT. l’ha grand juries of one ol the coat)ties o us. Georgia have presented General Jackson as a tlier inconsistency-aud . equally shortsighted' nuisance. - This occurivinco is tod ridiculous to that of levying a double tax upon'owuers of r excite resentment, aud we only notice it as one of; estate ip OUr city, and theyJivmK out of the ci i dollars tax upon the dog they kdltd, for or ning i him m May, !>y nil act passed in Jfily. I v> di not attempt to charge our Goinwil .witn etitrnp; ing lint tl'.ei'e i- according to mv judgment anojK . -• - —..I Ii- -I I.,: —*. 0:*3 | 944 16 A Bi Job;: lelil ■ ore ! 11.4 19 o E Uv ;it hers foil Tlmti. s P. uder 1 740 J7 2 n l; Ol 1 JPG ii..;■ ■ell 1213 i6 2 N c \i s:*iro e David Me •I arrow j 661 19 2 G -ol £C ^ ii w U phr. m 15 row u 166 19 o J Me Minim Rowla id li •r*ii’\ S07 I 2 J, bn Lofton 'J'l-os .van 1.32 IS 2 (’ M •C nr:\ D m i ark i • J "—> 19 2 O F Jackson \\ m 1> ant. 18 2 D tu \. arre i I dins ( ■ reel 81(1 16 2 D Frt'cm m Joint ’• I AI c:i 776 i 7 2 V\ Px e & ol jers Joel 1! nucc (k 460 3 «) y D fiarne r Robt S tauficld 126 20 o Je "(■ Hood J antes I’.eas ly 1018 3 2 J R < -a gii .1 aloes Wilson 789 19 o do 1 .'arris Gil! Hll 1200 2 •> do Jatm s II 1. Uvnrds UI28 19 o do Matthe w R; lint-y I ! the day. Tbs uex' thing tiiat we sh ill hear will be that some hard hearted and soft headed unt here to work grand jury, like the one in question, will present : all the brtlefits mil advputsges iu the people of- ilia United states as ;i parcel of ih >'C living m town. . !'■ riuit n o blockheads, for electing him to the Presidency. —Standard of Union, At Philadelphia, on- the 27tb ult. Commodore WILLIAM UAIXIIKIDGE, of the U. States’ Navy, a native of Princeton, New Jersey, in the sixtieth year of his age. He was a man of cool and tmfuiilleriug resolution, as was evinced by the indifference with which he received”tiledtireals ud urge .as di reason, that in tiiife of lire they are I . but (lariicij! fe in ! Votnmoii v. itb now to*t .■-k In { rule they h .ve this right ? 1 alsuask them ; 1117 2 3*6 3 »:>4 14 ,2 I chief, (of being put to death should Commodore j heoii bene fit ted from this < IVeHie uot accede to the terins of tho Pasha.) in- , jf tL, y can foriii aiiy-correc vrir it < enrinMnv i-n rm’ft of’the PaVbaof Tripoli, while a prisoner to that \ IjDuCA 1 ION< A D j[ i Ij (x «i L A 1 t.: *• / »*I..dmirh chitnlfl ( aimmodnrH FOUNDATION'S •Ol' PROSPERITY AXD UNION UNDER THE P »U ERS U’HIC.’I CONGRESS) .MAY ALREADY POSSESS." “Thc-qosstibn tiicreforo now conies forward.-to what other ohjetes slrell these surpluses be ap . ■ • • | he captured tile Uritish Irigate Java ou the 29th propriatedt” ‘.‘and the whole buplos of impost I Uoce ‘ ubert j^jo. since the,conclusion of the if these persons do nut run all the risk bj fire, and other accidental circuuistain efi, by which j.their property is jeopardized, and if de-nroyed 1 who sustains tho loss ? 1 ink also it they have ever calculated upon the benefits and advantages of. entcqjnsing capitalists who have expended large amount.'-, and who are daily aii.u-ug 111 buil ding, thereby giving circulation (not abroad but within onr city.) to mon■■}•; by which the n;. cha- nic, .and in Fact every class of »be citizens have operation ? 1 also ask ny-correct idea uliatUiosc same to whose bauds lie had fallen by tho gromniing-of J influentizl capitalists are doing nt home and a-1 tne frigate Philadelphia in the harbor of Tripoli, j |,r oa( | 7 J jy sending and recommending hundreds and me brief tune and gallant mauner in which ! :uu j thousands of traders to our city. No matter i.U. J tjl 14 694 2 1 14 GUI 244 FOR.-- , Til COLA TV. J \) .1 outs &.Co .luiiii Priest J II z-tail fold \’ m O'u ns jr &• AViti O'vt ns sen Thus S Tate V.'m i.ofl.'h . W in T Bmivn A Nelson A .awford&Co ' m ’’ Griilcnton J Ford & Co T W f.-’-. ■ rs Jesse llisimii h A Hollon Adams iS. ! .owns Martin Keudrick 1 loyl A-'.Jones John Dickerson Stovall&Lamar Baniclt Goolshv I):.-') I I 505 3 7cl 2 1 1 1 J 14 1 3 I J I 1 1 R Al Pitt Peter Lamar J Eppinger T L Garrett S AlcJunkin J Sanderlin (! o Jehiistoh & Gunn P X Scnr'ock Join: I'd r» ha John f.aga Rob- rt Guiiirie Ai J I) .Moon David (' Cash Edward T Palmer J II Mir. hi ll taul David Ray after the entice discharge of the public debt, and during those intcrv iS when the purposes of war slial) not call fi>* them ? SIlALd, VVE SUP PRESS THE IMPOST. AND GIVE THAT- \l)VANTAGE TO FOREIGN/OVER DO- '1ES T1G .MANUFACTURES V. on a fewair- tides of more general and nocesmry ose, the sup pression, in.due season, will daibtksn be right, BUT THE GREAT M ASS OF A RTICLES ON WINCH IMPOSTS IS PAID. ARE FOREIGN LUXURIES PURCHASED HY THOSE ONLY WHO ARE RICH ENOUGH TO AFFORD THEMSELVES THE USE OF THEM. ’•Their Patriotism would certainly prefer itsron- liunauce, and application to the great purposes of the public education, Roads, Rivers, Canals, anil-such Other objects of public improvements as it may he thought proper to add to the cotistitu- lioual ebuineruiions of Federal power. Hy these (ipctiitimw, new channels of communication, will he opened between thef S'.ates; the lines of sep aration will disappear; their interests will'he identified, and their UNION’ceineuted by new and INDISSOLUBLE TIES.” “Looking lor-, he co:n:ir-indod with great ability several ua- vr.lJi .tjous, and for several years tided tlie riju- ti.»u ofa coainissioner of the Navy Hoard, ihe diseaseof ivmch he died was of a lingering cliar- fleicr. a contracted years ag° iu tho service ot his eeftntrv-' I' i l.LXAL J.MPJ.O’V E.VENT. | |j n i] the joyous oveut that's just nthntti!—let thini A good i!rnl of interest h is of Into been, maui- ns fi-cotncu, unite heart and hon'd in the gooi frsutl :u this State-ou t!iis subject. The success- I cause of ths true aud equal rights ol in in, wliQth- W Uf‘tbe ilhm h ston nud Hamburg Rail er ov l‘ ‘? r ’ R “; , . tho >' ,vil ! '* c P w l» ri ^5 ttb,w * . . . . smg for their children, and lor generations yet loan given a now impetus to improvement iu ■ UH |, or „. ... *'»;) Mouth, nod several projects arc spoken of.— I From the comity of Stewart I passed through Among offers, n Rail Road it in couieinpbttiou Marion. That county, true to her namej is pur- ;«««« A„ s ,«. ,,„H XU,.™: 7 , anollitr h- j Jgg- Sfffi “".S -tu Au 0 usta and I.ntoiMon. The uiizens of ai jd Harris are on tlte march of rcTorin and _. T-| , r .., JH „. iiTOaiu . t „ t _ • I u-im ought lift tol* imlliliTent to ti-esc, signs, the true principles of c/u;i!i!i/,nnd the rights of . var d\v.iV anxiety m their fujdre desnuies,.! the poor are gaining ground far and wide. Nor L I imst that iu their steady character, unshaken by- Meriwether behind. Her hardy, industrious, and -- honest citizens are merging from the dai k and op pressive mists of aristocracy into the c/ea r sFy aud pure atmosphere of true republicanism —where the genial ra\s of liberty shine equally on nil, and iigliletli up every mar’s heart in the trite way of his country’s glory.' • Thipp nlnna is yet grovelling in the dark— * * if * jj* ~ yet he vour- r«>* prosperity of their city willunt hosliglitly af- fccl'-ii |,y the- coiutructnii of either of (he'tiJiove tvarki; and by the latter • it will he i:myc:is<!y ••.Tected. Supposing Augusta is unifcfl to Ea- a Rail Ruad; all tlie trade of Pulliam, fl ildirm, Jasper, and a part of Jones,' which we univ get, will lie diverted from Macon.. Rut the Lai! Road nil? not stop nt FiibVtjtoii. ft it reach- imfiiijtmhle athl deluded people— will you j rs <hit place it will ho ceutinued O.i until it blinded lb y^dV’-JiU.i'test.f tv»H yau suffer ’ trikes the Cbntfabrmcby. Suppose it is carried » el ™» .*• !,e l? . (l frH »> interest and du- ‘ ty, l»y a few anti prejudsccd inert whose ‘ t • through Jasper, Monroe, Pike, ,f, Icn J ti nloao ...mimt prJSj.erly aspire to a county ; Imivctlisr, nnd 'ljoi>p. or nnyof theconiiguoos ! neprfiMevtativc ?..Fcllo.iv.ciiizus-ofTroup, think enuntici, it is cljsaf, most oT the traile i\pii!d he I speak and act for yourselves, qud hq, lio ^uigcr diverted frr'm tin's city .' Mact'n would thCnsn.k I' yoar tiue right*. I liavc heard good ***»<> iiuignifij:nuc e as pnnsoce. What th. Why, to continue tin fljr* Tho Directors of the Georgia Vgricului ml Society will have a Meeting, at tho Court w.° aucnomc. tne pr J o they; throw a gloon Hou-ss ou Friday next at 4 o clock 1. hi. desperate the inn k Aug. 14- Aiii though their motives are selfish, it is all the same to us, when we participate so largely in their m he highest B scrihcr fcf Furs of all Itii .vhicli.his friends and ilie public may ! . the prop of your city - , from among l pleased to favor him. W Al. 1‘. ROD LAND. the , ... j news from other portions of tl-o country. Reform it has iisen into mi- j i s g,,i„j, a |) 'Then let every fieoman rejoice, intere-t of .Macon ? I It is a u<*od cause, ii i, truly the causeof liberty., md to Macon. The This is a questiotj iii. which two parties alone •Apt use would not he much; **lj incurred by the citizens of this place, and the roBiilies through which the Rond would run. It •j&aUiSoatisii (IN MpSHOK COUNTY.) A. M- D. KING, for Senator. JAMES Tll A’KATT.y J A MESIAL M YT- f I, \ ^esentatius, DR. E. \V. JONES, J For Clerk Superior Court, STEPHEN II. MARTIN. For Cleric of the Inferior Court. lOHN G. HILL. For Shtrijf. JO TIN REDDING. rcimbuisemcnts. I ask ulso then is nil this worth unthing; and shall they drive capitalists and influ ence from our city, when- too the tide ‘s setting against us 1 Reason tells mr they will net—yon ordinances tell me thoy will, and uot even satisfied j with that, by their arts th- v prostrate nil the ro- , ward for industry, the stimulus lor action ; Lliuht j the fairest hope* of the widow anu orphan; drive | with tho MlHfc oom over the merchant; render keeper; destroy competition eyes from their very sockets of an I uuforlunate proprietor of a Livery Establishment, j and doom him again to turn the furrows of the ! field, or uj) to his armpits in a lime kill), in sin rt I they might as well mantle the suu, st op the moon I from her revolutions, prevent the (I.-11 from swimming .our and rivers, throw ; !1 nature into chaos and then upset the universe, And then who could tell Where they would dwell To levy a tax another tear ? J.” DENNETT, Under the Oadinances. S'i-rs? iiidss and Sloras. >rice will i given by tlic suli- eitiic Heaver, Otter, Raecon or Muskraff Hides, dry, in tins quantity, also Deer H kins. Horns. (>x or Ruck. < ■ A. 111G G1 > S, Nov 27 17 •!triple BuikHngs, Mulberry St. - ' —' . j "( : ,.i ’ jl ■(. 5 -/!') S : (. :f' iS- , 'ET'gf' ' \ ING taken possession of (he re reut- JS_iSL e.l by him in EilF. Shotwcll & Go’s, range, is now ready to receive auv Consignments sperate :1 start the CASA SlOllE. fflttifliS'j ii Z. i. ZJ*iC ■/iCl*j q TJ B A \ i. J..'l opened a’si*.- •:!, u ■. !l selfetefl -<• sortment : STAPLE and FA.’'-' Y DRY GOODS, suitable fot the sea- • o. 1 ■> F-o wiit i ec.eiva a choice stock ef GROCEKliiS it: a few days. June29 WM' 39 I diificulties, in their hive of liberty, obedience to . law, aud support ol public authorities, I see rt DISSOLUTION. sure gu arantee of tliejwrm mnnee of oor Repair- [ HE copartnership heretofore existing be- j ‘‘“‘I lie; aud retiring from the.charge ot their affairg, Jg[_ tween tlie subscribers uuder the firm of' ^ d PITTMAN & MAY, ■- is this day dissolved by mutual consent. MARSHALL P1TTJ1AN. WM. R. MAY, August 12 46 . C O r. IR TNBRSH IP. J G<)I>i-A:> J) having takeii A. E.t.’HICK- a EKING .' >p wtuershiji. hereafter tbs business will !■• conducted under the firm o'" C« C? tC 'A> a J. GODDA A. F.. CH1CKERING. August, 1833. 4w 45 I carry with me the consolation of ;i firm punua- stou, that Heaven basin store for otir beloved c- untry, long ages to come of prosperity and happiness. Til : JEFFERSON. •tttgkt be continued then ou to Athens, and in a- uothcr direction to the I’hattahoorhy. Me trust our fellow lit zens will sec tho pro- rdety of doing something, nud that soon. a •Btcting he called, and a company bp organized; sud wc have no doubt a 'efficient am mut of •Mock would bi ■ immediately subscribed, Mliilo ou this sid jert, we take pleasure in ac- 1'Doiylcdging the ,rrci|»t ofa pamphlet of 19 pn- fi®*, printed at the Coustitutiou.dist oflicc, Augus- **• c, ' : illcil “Remarks oil the Cost and Plan of instruction of the Smith Carolina Rail Rond C'nipnrcd with other m-idi, sliowi!:^ the ad van ’■ • : t!i • Fi-i :!• j»o-'. over the Xoril* D establLbing this system of improvement, ! A. Dexter, civil mjiueer, and resident engi- ' •t of tho Gili uni 7th divisions of tlie Sour!: '-Volina Rail Road.” The above liulo well riw-avery full and satisfactory detail of th I’V of the Road. the expense, ,Ne.—from which ' Vc Radicr. th it 135 miles of road, including n ‘Xpense of preiitniu-irv surveys, engines, cai- t * l '|>ositorics, laud |iur., negroes. See. Sc. ••*1 roinpleto, ei)'! about f-aJ./OO a mile, to - '*’•' l-'.'K). An exjien'C much !(-s than we in. * B Ppo*cd. The Rail Roads at the North soldo: 1 -■ iets than 521),(l(iO per mile, and frequent! or $40,000 per mile. 1 * ll! lowing j' 1 r ip!i is oxtni^tod from Th3 nnlliSan of Po-t Uciou Distriek seem to be utterly unwilling to bury th-.* tom di-nvk; nod >t iu I re i ly to r.-n:w ill: pn.liti- tl warfare, from which we Ii ivo so recently emerged. Tne toast, offered t(y thoir reproseut itivo in Congress,, pn the driTJidy, was oaiinoin of mischief; ati I- -ac- cordicglv wo find the popular, voicu,- in that qinr- [ ter, resj/oa Itng to it. iu ttu Ipllowing resolution, I j) isscil at a militia rnnster, on Uio 20iii ult. on mo- | tion of Col.'BonHjiJtr - .- Y- - : • l- :i. ( 1 , ; . 1 a "<‘ 1 "'" •a ’i’, • rich p t.j ami th" pn >r p<n^ , •• .Vn.-reas, :>v hat-.- n:i;*1' •-:•:i‘t *rie:i-.‘ v s j pie—the aristocracy and the \un\Cil laboring ci'.i j j,ave seen that the virtuous efforts, of this State zen. If you wish to make yourselves the 'laves I i:l j,.jf trials were weakened bv tlie opposition, m i l.heinu, of lb • rich. - 1 " '-k il -r in t! -ir . i:alVuiilul jiart t ik -i bv s bn of m •<,: who u-iholy and unjust opposition to the Amendments , enjoy till favors an d’of S inth Carolina, of onr Convenriou. If yon wish to bring the i Tavsfbrt, be it Resolosd, Tiiat wo instruct our rich man down to a lev,-I with hi' f lion man in 1 members ©1 ilh? .legislature, at tlu next Session, the elective fr iuchi'8 of your State—if you wish ; vota for the p i" i C e of an act to exact an oath to place all men on au equality so far as Georgia is concerned, hy giving every man rich or poor equal rights in the slate, then ratify tlie Amend ments— throw in your miles in this good cause, an I posterity w ill praise the noble deed, aud your children will enjoy the blessing* of a truly repub lican government. Your obedient servant. GODDARD. & CO. Ware-House w i $■ ■ & • ' ‘ To Hire. . /OkNE year from the 2'Jtlt lust, five boat hands )U? accustomed to the river. A note will he required with good security payable at Rank, aoplv to Tracy Ct Rfitler. Agents lor benjamin g. walker. Aug. it, imj!) 2t Notice. AX A WAY from my employment Jkjjt' city of .Macon, ou Monday night from the thaioth diiyof tliis instant a stage driver culling- himself j If'iliiam Dolton drphaii Alexander Foster, stealing an dedrrying off with of Richmond count' <h LOOK AT THIS ! FIJI HE undersigned having located (Jicmselves 3 in tin* fourteenth district of the fourth sec tion of originallv Chen-keo now I ’ toy ri county, having provided thetnseives with accurate j and minute maps ami charts of the country, a> j well tis acquired extensive and correct personal information hy travelling through it. tpnuer their services, to (heir friends am! the public in r< m r- as A GENTS .i for BUYING, SELLING. RENTING. LEASING, or SI1UU ING lands. at reasonable rates. All business confided to their care will receive prompt attention. THOMAS GARRETT, AARON G. IlA.'dMACK. July 26, 1833 3t 46 2/“ The Macon Telegraph is requested to! publish the aliove twice. .. : | J 7S OUR months = f;c-r date apnhea'tion ‘"i!l be : fUipped i*y them- 1 W»m 7 unde to the honorable Inferior Conn of! 111 lli ; i ! l,ov ‘‘ f'A'S’- Kike county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to'sell t!i * real estate of Harriet and of Barnabas Dolton late • ised. Tins 22d Jitlv. 7$ th o: p tr ate, from all For th THO \ Nnllifier and < jority’s ruling, ' iroteetion, and I die Xullifi rs of seo what he him' ap: Georgia T le AS JEFFER isuniouist, opjioscd ipj)osed tu impost iternal Impraveai would have him. -If hath said to the N, the ma- Hu t let tt- peaple tin; ’•rill- ’ cr, foia Journal: Uriilcn article i u tliis subject in th- •a ill ir Representatives at different limes. ••Ahniit to enter. Fellow Citizens, on the ex r.-isi- of the duties which eonipreli a I every thing ■ :r and valuable to you. it is proper you should mderstan-.l what I deem the essential priiici]»!o' our goverii'ii nt. and consequently those which u^lit to sh ipo its administration. I will coin ill -in iu the narrowest compa«s they wi!i .-ar. si lting the general piinciples. lint uot all it- dilation': Equal and exaetjustiee to all uien, wli itover State or pci suasion, religious or po i,-al ; P.-aee, Commerce, andhonc-t friendslii, th all u iti nis. entangling alliances with non- i,- support of the State Governments in ail tlni Ii '. as tlie most competent administration f> a- domestic concerns, and the sorest bulwark a r. ailegi lueo t ta >' • wii) s i tli receive her»offices.” If this scnlnneul becomes general, among tho ntiliifiers, who hold in tiisir hands the political ;> «war of tli * State, well may it in- said th it “the battle is hut just begun.'’ An attempt to force the consciences of union men in a period of ():•■)- found p- aee. while the air yet resounds with the s i rat of uunification triumph—sufficiently clam orous to drown “the small siill voice” that would per-wade the contrary—would iia an oppression so wanton an-! uuprovokod, tiiat it would be a signal of strife more bitter and fearful, than that out which yesterday brought us to the verge ofa civil n ar. If union men are tobo proscrined, rob bed of tho cleelive franchise, and sj’.ijecfed to punishment, if they will not swallow the uninenn ■ iic abstractions of oullfficattou. nud st ar iln ir coiiscicnees with repugnant oaili). it will then he for them to determine whether they will submit to be driven hy political persecution from the liouie of their birth and affections, like tlu-ir glo rioits ancestors, or battle fotj.jbetr rights in the tented field. We trust, ho 'ever, that ere the next meeting ofour Legislature, political rancour wiil, in a great measure, have subsided ; and that better spirit will animate the dominant party • ii the S: tie. than to kindle anew the torch of do •ne'tie discord. I f our political ojiponents will have an oath of llegiance to tiie St itc, oilier linn Urn which ..nv pledges and lauds ou. - fidelity to the Consti- IIIOII and I.itvs of tile State, let them put'it linst soti-ritpuhliean tendeneies ; I HE PR I LKVATION OF Tll£ GOV-J-sucb a sliope,lijjUlpxo whocoMcieBUootly be him one of my horses, the horse is a bright sorrel, about 5 feet one inch high, compact and well made, I will give ;i reward of for tho horse, and T\V EN'l'Y DOLLARS .lor the delivery of said Alexander Foster, in the city ot Macon, Foster is a law built man, with a full ret! face, and when walking inclined to sloop a little forward, wore a palmetto hat. > EDWARD VARNER. Aug. 16.1333. 4G 3t EDUDC v riox a«iss alary Siliot V ERY respectfully announces to h - r friends and tlie public generally that sh ; Ins restt- m •.1 the exercises of her school, and returns her sincere thanks to those who have so liberally jntroiiizeil h-r and have been so kind as to corn- pens ite h.*r for h tr services. Terms of Tuition, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, -3U per qr Gramm ir, Gjographv, History, Rhetoric, Phy- lo-ojfliv. See. S6, |>er qr. Aug: II. hi 2t Notice. A ll persons are forewarned from creditiuj: my wife Alary Ann Inalmct ou my ae- . ouut as she has le ft in} bed and board without p'-o vocation. 1833. W.M. AIcCAIN, guard')!. (reoi fi t—Pike county. 111;!. LAS 'ames fL-ott administrator on j the estate ol Joseph >corijun. deceased i applies to tne for letters of dismis-ion. !These are therefore to cite and admonin'i all and • singular the kin.trul and creditors of said deans • id to he and appear atony office nothin the time prescribed by laic, to shew rouse, if any they l.aie, why said hlhrs should not bt grot!, d. Given under ta\ it ;:i I at office tins 9th August 1833. II. G. JOHN SON, c. c. o. Co mm issio A jflegch a u /.s\ zHA£iOiST. ILL transact the above business at the old stand of J. Goddard, which is in i.rfler for the r. ceplion of Cotton and Sto- ■i i:no<l-. The Dare I louse is reiiirte fta-tn ■tigers i.f f.rc, as ally iu the City, and isceti- it to a good U Itarf. They are prepared to advances .at all times on Cotton stored or the long expel ii nee LiU w tiiat their undivided attention to the imprest of rcustmncrs, and the faeidties which tin y will at -di times able to r nd,v. that they n i:l re ceive a eotuiuuauce of Patronage cf their friends and the jniblie iu general, whii h they have shared so liberally heretofore Cotton stor ed with them will he insured iu a pood office at ihe lowest ra'.'s if requested. .Macon. August 5, 1333. 6m 4.5 J. GODDARD, & CO’ U UUl.ll (a,to this method of informing their liieiliis and llie iic. that tiie} have taken aa interest iu a TRAM BOAT, ''sLcCafc>-fb Georgfia- r>,,<ss c r V jrjJ'w 1 Now building in .-'avniinab. (tailed the - No tice 7 ' 1 watkjs. xivmrs?, „ ,* ’ . . ! To run between .■'av;ujf;li and tki's place, stop- nil wttmn it may cone, rn, no. c - is Ik re- ■ • ;tt j> ; , a ,.>| f»a - siusvi'ie, to receive and JL !>} given that 1 have tins (lay and do by j (iis ,. (l ,. , Vfi „ )fi -. T | a . ]}(> A'; will be eOmplo- ted hy ,he first of OeTobe, next, and is expected * v 4ti. J to t:' - :he a trip from Savannah to .Macon, ou a name, to ( tie \v illiaru I R< 5 0 d live* - -i r SK SAYS!! Aug. 2, 1 gf3. 46 JACOB LXABNET. 3t We tire authorized to announce Wj\I. it. f( OTi as a Candidate for Coroner of liibb county. Augu»t 12 A X IRON CHEriT, for sale by April 10 Z9 WM.H. BURDSALL. T7 Given by me aud n ir:v name, to one D ibiam i iiaxton of said cotoit}, < n the sev( ftth flay (d Jtmuarx 1.329, for certain purposes thervin. nam ed, ;'S full:- and effectually as if card' Pov er ot Attorney h ; ! never been given by me, and th; ' all further actings and doings of the s::i.' W illiaii; Th.ixton ail rr or bv authority of said Power ol' Attorney will he void and of NO EFFECT, As 1 am determined not to ratify thun. her NANCY G. X THAXTOX. mark. JitD-ni't. !333. 40 31 Of £j i), ONDON ); esses, ale Am-il 10 l'ii IN'i’ED MU.3U.Xy, for new patten-s, jit'‘ ceived and WM. II. BURDSALL. 27 ;ft, xxitli two ‘ides of 33 !s light ut hors-* power, each. Tbits will he a great facility for Merchants who 'vi'h to ship tin ir goods by the \\ ay of Savannah or Darieb. to Hawkinsvii!** nnd Macon, or in Shipping Cotton to Savannah. NV exertions or expense will he spared to give the greatest <ie- spatcb to Goods or Colton by this Boat. Agents for this Boat. I, . B \ LDV\ IN. & GO. Savannah, ISAAC ■'NOW Darien, .JOHN RAWLS, & CO. Hawffiusville, J. GODDARD. & CO. Macon. iMaeon, August ft, 1833. 6®:'; . - 45 FOR SALE AT THIS OFFJOR.