Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, August 14, 1833, Image 4

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ecot'gfo Srifjsva# C. Sheriff Sales. W ilA. lie '■olif on the fii>t Tues.i-iy tember ne*t, between the usu il l sale at the court house in CL. in. ‘ llton, hell county. ti.e 1'ollowmg j■ ."_*, to «it Lot of Land Xo. 11S in tlio c originally Coweta n.w C imp!:- 1 property of L'niwl in trip ainp- iii di.'.iici of; nta'y—ns the , iti-ly two Fi I as otic in favor of J a: hoc in favor of Kobe son. Lot of Land No. 77 in the first district origi nally Carroll now Campbell coDDty—levied on to satisfy one Ki F:t in favor of L. Kerry Harrell B. %n<?n w Snrror Andrew h. Caldwell Joseph Sie. n on, John Sberrori, William Caldwell, Kob- > rt Presley, and Sanford Diction, sold .-.s he pro perty of ^oAn Sheai milder the iucumtiraore of :■ mori^-ig- given by said Shearer to Stephen Lames, pointed out by Robert Prcsly; three cows and one calf, pointed out by John Shearer as bis. property to satisfy the s imc. Lot of Land No. SS in i3;c eighth district of originally Coweta now Campbell county—as the properly of Lcmutl tl'ilkt-rson to satisfy three Fi or of Robert Malone and others. Bibb sheriff" safes. \ *5T11,1, he sold on the tii sr Tuesday in Scp- ** W tun cr next, at the court houso iu the city of Macon between the usual hours of sale the foih'vving property to wit: Ono negro girl named Serenia tibcut fifteen years old—levied oil as the property of Hunt-ill Hoictll to sati-fy two Fi Fas from Bibb Superior F ilk I,. .V \. I). Abrr.lianis, the j Court, one in favor of John Rawls, one in favor r .'rli.trinnuvs said Milker-) ofNnthau C. Mtt nroc, vs said Howell pointed out hy defendant. One negro woman named Mary levied on as the property of Drcicry Tilmon, to satisfy four Fi Fas front a Justice of Laurens county, levy made and ret unit d to me hy a constable. Lot -No. 3 in square 18 and improvements thereon except 20 feet front and 210 feet back, more or less which part ofsuitl lot belongs to Lew is Fi'ch which is now in the occupancy of said Fitch, mid otto third part of Lot No. 4 in the same square it being nart of Lot No. four adjoining the aforesaid Lot No. 3—levied on :s the property of John T. Lcrmar, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor of tbe-Bauk of-the -United States, vs said Lamar, property pointed out in the Fi Fa. ,V doz. chairs, one bedstead, one pair of card Monroe Sheriff Safes. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, before the court house in Foisyth .Monroe county, between the usual hours of S tic One house and lot situate on the south side of the square of the town of Forsyth adjoining Winship ami others—all levied on as the proper ty of "Nicholas B. iniliims to satisfy the eost on sundry Fi Fas in favor of M. Hoag &. Co., and sundry other Fi Fas vs said Williams. July 29 A. COCHRAN, shff Also w:Hbe sold as above,- Three negroes, one by the name of Peter about 60 years of age Jack JO and BobbSO years I PRATSfKLXrJ rACTOa.1T, Upson County, Ga. The public are respectful ly informed that the above Factory is now iu successful operation, under an experi enced manager, and is pre pared to do business on ac commodating terms. - The ‘STani manufactured at this estab lishment is equal in evenness, strength and fineness ro any made at’the North ern manufactories, and superior to most tha1 is brought out here. The friends of the country ago respectfully solicited to foster this infant estahlit:':- meul find thereby retain among themselves the of age to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Henry 11. 1 .tmipkiu vs Cyrus Woods—property pointed oct in said mortgage and in possession of I capital that will otherwise find its way said Lumpkin. | North. JOHN REDDING, D 1. 1833. . Shff. I ff?*’ A specimen of the Yarn manufactured at !‘. a !y”'" n 111 _ i-tifiT Factory, may be seen at the office of the of the year. the southern planter And Family Lyceums An Agricultural and Miscellaneous. Newspaper, Printed at Macon, Ga. F.VERV OTHER S.VTUKDAt'v I11S Paper is devoted inaiulyto Uie interests of Agriculture; aud is made up of origin al and selected articles on Farming aud Garden ing, Raising Cattle and Horses; manufacture of .Silk, Wire and Sugar; management of Fruit Trees, Poultry, Pees, Silk Worms; Receipts for Pickling and Dying; short Essays'•n Health and Diseases; Household Economy. Miscellany, Po etry, & c. No political or sectarian subjects arc mtroi.uc- cd into the work; and only such adver'‘semcnts as are of interest to Farmers and Gardeners. The price, of subscription is Two Dollars per advance—or two and a half a' *he cud 1524 acres of Land it bein'! part of Lot Xo. * tables, and one bureau—levied ou as the property of James A. McDonald to satisfy one Fi Fa from Bibb Superior Court in favor of Joseph Wash burn vs said McDonald and Jefferson M. Graybill and one tax execution issued by the tax collector oT Jones county for Janies A. McDonald’s taxes. 10 acres of standing corn more oV less—le vied on ns the properly of George .Micklcjthn to satisfy one Fi Fa from liihb Superior Court iu fa vor of Isaac Now hall vs said Micklcjohu. Point ed out by plaintiff attorney. 29 in iho niittli district originally Coweta now unphell county—m satisfy one Fi Fain .favorof J'< ib.'it O. Sc- Sarah Beaver Administrators of?o- seph Driver deceased vs L’zziel Raggett. One bay marc—levied ou as the property of Hr nut to satisfy etto Fi Fa iu Isvor oi Tnomns Dothan vs \\ illi.un Bry.iut jr. &*. George liryaut. Otic half of Lot of Lsud No. 114 sn the, eighth district originally Coweta now Ccupbel! ( lan:it bring tuc baif whereon William Snow now lives—sold as if.- to satisfy one Fi 1 •* i: rod Superior Court ‘out by Miriam Snow Lots of Land Xo: ol’/.dmvnd Snow w i! Georgia Telegraph. •DWIGHT IL PERRY & CO. tome | April 24 60 Georgia— Coweta Co uniy. HEREAS A. B. Calhoun applie for letters of Administration ou the estate , __ 7 . . of James ttolstock, late cfsaid county, deceased, j fjydC Is Hlllh'Vd Do. tin S JCCWli? (l . 'These arc therefore to cite andadmon.shall and ! qEfj-^ ROKE Jail, Oh Saturday' nigltt, loth inst singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their abjections (ifany they have,) in my of ice ■tviltnn aw. time prescribed by late, otherwise said letters will be granted. Given under my hand anti seal at office,'this 13th day of July, 451 ASA DfCFSON, d. c. c. o. the third square known ns the. lower ware favor of tho office* s of Car-1 houses of Laiuar & Co. One fractional town i Edmhud Suo(v, poiu’Cd Lot known as wharf No. Ifip iu jho |dan oi said • town—levied mi ns the property of John T. La-. 139 Sc, 110 in the four- j mar ty Charles A• Higgins, to tatisfj n mortgage l-outj district or!;jnaily i'uyni’v now CVtupbelll Fi : a iufavorof the Rank of the I nitrd Slates county—to satisfy ono Fi -Fa iu, favor of Evan j vs John T. Lamar & Charles A. Iliggins, prop- I'owell vs John Kes. r. l.cyy mado by James ertv pointed out iu tho Fi Fa. Gresham former Sheriff*. t July 31 II. II. HOWARD, Shjf. Jn!v31 1\ E.tSI»Y, skiff, j Also icill be Sold as above, Also will he s l'I as'above, I Lot No. 7 on square 37 and improvements All the ri ,T lit title and interest that Ingram : in the Town of 31 aeon—levied on as the property Love has to l.ot of Land No. 63 iu the third dis- of Joe! Jfiushin to satisfy sundry.Fi Fas issued trict of originally Carr, dl now Campheti comity— from a justice's ‘court and _t ho Inferior and Sn- tu satisfy ttueo executions in favor of B. Ensly vs I perior courts pf Bii.h iu favor of G. A. Rodgers said Love. Lew mado and rctui’’ed to me hy a ■ and others vs said Rushir.. constable. Jwiv 81, 1333. hy DAVID DIKE, sh'f. Fay die Sheriff Sales. btat ILL bo sold on the first Tuesday .in Scp- yy tember next, before the court house’ iu Fayetteville, Fayette county, between the usu al hours of sale, One bay ninro, abou* Twelve years old, and 2 sows and sixshoats—levied on hy an execution iu favorof William Boatwright, ou the foreclo sure of a mortgage against Mark Williams—pro perty pointed out in said mortgage. 2024 acres of land No. 39 in the ninth dis trict of Fayette county—levied oil as the, proper ty of Diehard Mattla u-s to satisfy an fxeCctiiiu fti Georyirti—- Campbell cou nty. W liEKEAS. Joseph Lambert applies to me for letters of administration upon Two Lots and improvements No. 7 and 81 )ho estate of Jacob Langley deceased, These are therefore to citsar.d udmonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of sbid dtceas- «(/, to be and'Hvptpral my ojftct within the time prescrib'd hy laic, to fhtiP cause if any they have, why sail! letters should no! ~bc 'grunted. Given under my.aaail at office thtsStli July 1333. JAS. W. LUMi'KIN. c.'c.o. Aflministrafor's. Sales. A GREEAiJLE to an order of tho Iulerfor Jvi Court of Upson comity, when rittiirg for ordinary purposes, will he suid on the first Tues day iu October next*, in Thomnstou, Upson comi ty', the following Lots of Land : No. 261, 2fi2,271, 275, qud 303—all adjoining and situated on the waters of Flint river, and iu tho first district of fonnerlyjlouston now Upson county. There arc four hundred acics in culti vation, ami those wishing to purchase a good farm will .do well to visit the plantation. - Mold for tbs benefit of the heirs and creditors of Elijah Tarvtr deceased. There w;ll life three enstall- meuu given ; {one Aiwlwown, one third in twelve mouths, ami one third twelve months thereafter. JAM Fa’ WHITE, adai'r. July 22, 1933. Jithiiin idraltAr y s Sale. EFORE the Court House iu. Carrollton Carroll county under an order of the court a man named M. BARTLETT. N E W ESTALLISSII31 ENT. a stout r,«w honed fellow, talks father fine, he is about G feet high, red complexion, yellow hair, lias a sly, cuuuiiig look. Il*lto.abov'> reward will be given lo any perscu that will deliver him to the Jailor in Macon,Bibh conn tv. Georgia. II. II. HOWARD. Sheriff. March-27 2G W. IL CONE, Dcp Sheriff. TO CARPENTERS. Cji EA LEI) proposals will he received until the lo* third Monday ii; August next, lor tiie buil ding of :t .Methodist Church iu the town of Perry, Houston conlity, fifty feet long, and thirty feet wide, to be finished and completed by’ the under taker, according to. a plan deposited at -this office for inspection, and which can he seen by person al api'.iication to either o? the undersigned- It is also expected that the undertaker will furnish ev ery thing—ail tho necessary lumber can be obtained uenr the place and on easy terms.— Gbmmuuications .aud proposals, to lie directed to John Chain, Perry, Houston county. Lot No. 1 on square 34 or part tliereofapd improvements—‘levied on as the property of John Phil pot to -atisfy a FI Fa issued from the supe rior court of ISibli county iu favor of Judah, and Davis B. Braswell administrators See. vs John Philpot and Janies II. Rodgers, and sundry Fi Fas from the justice's court of said county in fa vor of G. A. Rodgers u'ndothers vs said Phiipot. Julv 31 W. B. CONE. DeJ. Sl'ff. * POSTPONED SALES. Also will be sold as above. Lot No. 7 in square 37 in tho city of Macon and improve-.wnts thereon—levied as the prop-! city ofjntl ltusbin,nnd onoforirth pnrtof lotNb I 0 | Ordinary of said.county, will bo solil outlie 1 Building commi'tco. and improvements, it being part of lot at the comer of Bridge and Clrcrry street—levied on as t.ivnr of Allen West’find others all is,tied lroVn J the property of Je/i» 'Philpot to satisfy one Fi a justice's court and returned to me by a cor.sta- Fa from Bibb superior court in favor of Allen i bio. ANDREW JUcBRIDE, shff. tunc 19. Also will be sold as alev:, One negro girl by the name of Barbara loot 16 years of age—levied ou as tho property of William Carrington by executions m favor of James Fitzgerald aud others, levied on and re turned to mo by n constable. ANDREW McBRIDE, shff. July 23 A ho triil be sold as above, One nr^ro man named Willis, about 24 or 25 years of age—levied on as the property of James Silcey to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from a jus tice's court of Fayette county in favot of John Dawicv vs James .riilvey, levy made and returned to mo by a constr.fde. Scv :. negroes, towU: ono negro woman by the i.amo of Jo.nmah m: ! htr child named Eas ter, the wont'M! 26 years old aud the clnla one year old, one named Lucy 3 years old. ono natii- : od Pitss 7 yfiitis old. ouo'named J?e!»on 5 years old, one uanted .Martha 9 yi r> • uegro man named Tom 28 years old—a!i levied mi as tbo property of Mos.s Padgett to satisfy a FI Fa isstt d fro::i the Superior court of i' :yeit. ty in favorof D. & T. Parrish Sc. Co %s Lt 1>. Padgett 8c 'loses Parlgett, properly j- out bv Moses Padgett. WYATT HEFLIN, D. shff July 15 Dormati vs Joel Rusltin, Wiliam Moore aud John Philpot. Lot of land No. 222 in tlio fourth district originally Houston now Bibb ceiinty containing 202J acres more or less—levied 011 as the proper ty of Mitchel Cor well to satisfy one Fi Fa fiom hildisnberior court in favorof Mary M'Dooald aud Catlt >riuo 31'Douald vs Spencer Rilej- and .Mitchel Coxwell. H. IL HOWARD. Shff. first Tuesday iu September next Four tu-grors, named as follows; a no^ro man by themahte of tTediek about 40 years old, one uegro woman, hy the name of Faulty about 30 years old. and Iter e'.itd Simon about 2 years tilt!—sold as tho proptri-y of Mary Chapman «>c- ceased for the benefit t.f the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN D. CHAPMAN, June 10. 1333. 3d adm'r. Crawford Sheriff Sates. ' ILL be sold ou tho first Tuesday in Sen- tont'tcr next, at the com t house iu the tin* n of Knoxville, Crawford county, the lu,- lowing property, to wit: Henry Sheriff Sales. /£~!^N the first Tuesday iu Septemher next, bc.- fore the court house iu McPonotigli Henry county will be sold between the usual hours of sale, Otic neero girl named Malissa—levied on as the property of Wm. C. Farrell to satisfy rtfo small Fi Fas issued from a Justices court in favor I cf John D lily vs Win. C. Farrell and Francis | Adams security on the stay—levied aud rernrned ' 'o me bv a constable. J \MFB LOVE. D. Shff. POS 1TONED SALE. Also will he sold as above. .i;,- ' Three negroes, Hannah a woman about 25 , 1,-/0 I or 30 years of age and Ucr2chiWren, Alek a boy 5 FiiieU j or6 t ears ofage and Green a lmy 2 or 3 years of ! pge—levied on as the .property of John Self ridge to satisfy a Fi Fa from Henry Superior court in favor 01 John Dailey Jr. against said Sclfridgt. •?•*!« IM \S J. JOHNSON, rh July 20 18-':”. '■ J Joint on Sheriff sales. S N the first Tuesday in September next will he sold in tlio town of Perry Houston comity Ono lot of land No. 73 in the sixth district between the lawful hours of sale of originally Houston now Crawford county—I -924 acres nl Oak and Hickory land more levied on as tho jjKnpcrty of Greshom Simms to | or less in the fifteenth district ofllonston county, : atisfy a mortgage Fi Fa iu favor of Peachy R. J whereon Wn'ter L Caropbelll now lives, wc,! im- Gilmor—property pointed out in said mortgage.; P'ovcd and known in said district by No. 137, five Julv 2 JOHN WHITTINGTON, cliff. n.-gmes. to \vi»: I (aimer a woman 35 or 40 years ■Uso will be sold as above, old, Eliza r giv! 12 or 13 years old, Rosegirl 10 2024 acres of land it heiug No. 179 in tl.e ! or 1! years old. Lewis a lmy 8 or 9 year* old, lull district of originally Houston now Craw- 1« hnh.n a hoy 6or 7 years old-all levied on as the , nronerty ef.i» idler L. Campbell to sat.;- y l 11 a in i.ivi.r of Leroy M Wiley vs Campbell 8c Mang- JOHN jM. ALLEN GEO.‘PATTEN John chain FRANCIS W. JOBSON A. A. MORGAN. j July 15 42 ,, . ; [A’plau of the building niny be seen at tiie Telegraph.ojfifc.j • . tri2Ha A PROCLAMATION. , By WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor and Co:n- inaiider-iu-Chitf of tho Army aud Navy of this State and of 1 lie Militia thereof. £7 HEREAS 1 have received official iuform- u atiou, that, un the 4th day of Julv iust., a murder was committed ou the hudv of-Rausom Narrimore. by DAVID E. WALKER iir the county of Harris in said Sfate, audit being rep resented to me that thosai.l DAVID E. WALK ER has iled from justice,—I have therefore tlionghi proper to issue this *tny proclamation, hereby oliVrlug a retvaitl cf TW O HUNDRED DOLLARS to any person or persons who may apprehend and deliver the said fugitive • to the Sheriff or Jailer of said .county of Harris,:—and I do moreover charge and rcqnirc all oliicers, ci vil and military, iu ibis State, tc he vigilant in aiding tp apprehend and deliver said offender, iu order that he may lie brought to trial for the crime so charged against him. Given under my (land and the great seal of the Sqitc, at tho State House iu Milledgeville, this tin: twenty second, day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aiid thirty three. WILSON LUMPKIN. By the -Governor, Everard Hamilton, Secretary of Slate. Description.—DAVID E. WALKER is re presented to he of fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, five feet seven' or. eight inches high, teeth very white, rather projecting, ar.d is twenty two or three years of age. -, Off* The Georgia Telegraph and Columbus Democrat will give the above' two insertions.—44 /iticsjiiou £63, CJosapcisy, 6L SS. ¥ t?U are ordered to inusttr ou the ground at F. II. Godfrey's .at the hour of 10 o’clock, property of John Sturdircut. late of Jaspi recuts- „„ i| lc .fdi Saturday in Septemher next, armed ty, tier cased— sqlj for Hie benefit Of tltc heirs and and eqmpped as the law directs, for drill. Fail creditors. Tor lit 5 on the day. I not under penalty oftlic law.' Bv order, June 21 JOEL STURDIVANT. Adm'or. ('apt. GEORGE A. SMjTU. months afterdate, application will be > July 22, 1833. 43 Mont res of jun Ck iiiUi Ltiii, a un: ur• May 6,1833. .33 Administrator's Sale, Y and order of tho Inferior court of Monroe JO» county while silting for ordhiaryinurpos- cs. will he sold oujho first Tuesday iu OCTO BER next. at the court house in Monroe‘county, Fifty ^cres ef XittBd. norc or less 01 lut No. thirty-sevou iu the four teenth district of .Monroe comity, well improved,, sold as the property of James Hardwick deceas ed, for the benefit nf tho heirs and creditors. \VM. B. FILES, Adm'or. July 31 41 . , - jldministrator's Sale. "O'?, the town of Perry. Houston county, £11 tho ,S_ first Tuesday in NtA EJlHKR next, will he told before the court house, fvitfaiu the lawful hours of sale, X-ot ofZtand, SJo. 3.-S2. in tlm ci"luh district of said county,.being ihe Z , JNm.XimTL'?5 EEC3P3S. Ovkh Mason & Randle’s Wake House, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, THE. Subscriber, o ie of the late prOjtnetVrs of 1 he Eagle &. Phoenix Iltjtel, respectfully iufornts lus friends and the public generally, that he lias taken the upper part of that spacious Fire Proof WARE HOUSE, formerly Mr. John C. Hol combe's, where he proposes to open a HOTEL,, on the J5th September next. The House was originally built with a view of appropriating the upper part as a Boart ing House, and is advanta geously’ arranged for that purpose, and addition al improvements will be made as to render the' accoi, modations superior for Boarders and irau- sieut visitors. Ho pledges himself to his patrous that in point of con.fort there shnii not bo any ex ertion wanted to render this Establishment one of decided preference. The Rooms arc large and airy, each having a fire place, and two can at pleasure be turned into one by folding doors.— •To the Planters and Merchants in the interior it is not tieeessaiy to give n further descripiieii ol the building, as it is gen :rally known to be in the j centre of their husimss. There is a large ami j ! cciyven^ent stable with an extensive enclosed lot I for horses, careful Hostlers will'be provided .to j give the attention required. ] He solicits a share of patronage, aud from las j frjeuds their influence, which iic will at all times endeavor to merit. From practical experience he .Halters himself lie - will receive a liberal share- of tlieir support. A first rate Man Cook is new under engagement from Charleston. His'Table and Bar shall at ail times he furnished with th; best this ami the markets'of Charleston and Sa vannah will afford, JOHN J. BYRD. •flCf* WANTED —t\ firn rate BAR KEEP ER aud a few good SEK V ANTS.—Apply as a- bove to 5 o’clock, P. M. {£•?*’ Tho Milledgeville Journal. Macon Tele graph, Columbus Enquirer. Washington News. Western Herald, Auraria, Stamtrd of Union, Sparta, Southern Banner, Athens, will insert th, above once a week uniil Jst October, and forward their accounts to tho subscriber as above. The Macon Telegraph, Georgia Journal. Columhu? Enquirer, Washington News, Western Herald, and the Standard of Union, are requested to send then papers after the 1st of October next. Augusta, Julv 30.18SCL 45 J.J. B, Medical College of Georgia milE LECTURES in this lns»it ul * D J,, JSL ated at Augusta, will commence on f third Monday, (21st.) of October, ami cout j. for six mouths. ' IUR “ The Pr. fessors are : L. -V. Dugas, M. D—Of Anatomy and Pl,y s i 0 j T ^ ", p Joseph A. Eve, M. D.—Therapeutics aud V-. teria Medica. ' Ja ' L. I). Ford. M. D.—Chemistry and Pharnn,, M. A11 thorny. M. D.—Obstetrics and Di scas( !„‘ women and children. ' 0 A. Cunningham, M. 1).—Institutes and p racI ;„ f of Medicine. t Paul E. Eve, ill. D —Institutes and Practice SurReVy. And George M. Newton, M. D.—Prosector a ,.,1 Demonstrator of-'tiatoin'y. ‘ "' In addition to tiie above, Clinical Lcr-.. will be delivered in the city hospital, abd ev ■ ! facility affurdt d the student for practical exVi ; 1 erne. r- ' The fees arc, for the six Tickets, Graduation, Matriculation, Good board, with lodging, may be obtained -.' 313 per month. For particulars see circular issued in June AUG. B. LONGSTRBET, Pres’t of Board, of Trustee L. D. Foul, Secretary. Augusta, Julv 9, 1833, 810 w UJViTEJD STATES HOTEL, !t4fe V F5'?v . tjOO Dollars Reward. HERE AS, on the night of the 17ih, moruiug oftlic I8th Nay. tl:cStore-lb, of Mr. Elijah Butts at Sandy Run, I'ous-- county, Georgia, was uiscou n d to bt: r.n f' ; and with its contents (a valuable stock of chandizc) entirely destroyed. Atd there son to suspect that the said destruction p i’roperty was tl;e act of an incendiary, persons having been seen to pass through a.-ic iirLi going iu a direction lrmu the Store tvlu was burning.” Now, in order to bring to condign pniiislancn; the person or persons guilrv of tins iiefariotis ;. P i the Charleston Fire and Marine Jtmranct Cog- pany hereby offer a Reward of FIVE 11 UN ii- RED DOLLARS, to any person, trim «i!!, wilhiu six mouths from tlio date hereof, disetur arid prosecute to conviction the person or per sons guilty ol the said act of arson; and anj i.:j. vat - information that may lead to the tli.woim and conviction of the perpetrators thereof uiilLr haodsoiueiy rewarded. Communications, addressed to -.ihe office of tiie Company, Charleston, H. C.; Homes Tun-, Agent, Snvanuah, Geo."; 11. lkitid.ii, Augusta; or to Messrs. Philip K. t ounce aud Hon* Dot •ieu; Day Ac Butts, Macon; or Sir. Elijah Butts, Sandy Run, will he inuutiiihtshr attended to By order of the Board of directors. ALEXANDER R< > BINS ON,' 'Sccrctwr Ci-a.-leslo:), July 12. I >13. 4^ 4jf -Tiro tiie Ftiblic. the first i!ay Of this ::io:itb there ’‘•At place a tremendous storm at Tbcmasttc, which is fouiid to.lmvo cxieudei aide aud far, and to have done touch damage—< ivingto uliicli the itinerant agents employed to sc I ticketsn old not arrive in lime, and the drawing of the > t, : a Hotel Property Lottery could riot take place pa the 2d iust. As there is considerable stock y«i to dispose of,Proprietor thinks ;t best to bat the drawing when the stock is sold, or most cer tainly the first day of January next: liftsa'lll give him titnctoscfl the balance of the tickets. Messrs. Sallurarsh N: Overton start a fine Pott Coach Union Line, to leave Macon ami Colum bus, on the first Monday iu April next, and nart at the Union Hotel in Thomnstou three times a week. This splendid Line must raise,the stocb aud be a grout''inducement for purchasers who ever indulge it; Lotteries. .■ J. B. BATEMAN, Proprietor. Thomnston.,'larch 4. 18153. vur ^ v^T-trc’ - Vf *~<f~ it a 1 ‘V ihni Mfcsan- AiHiaAiiiw — »■* • t*- ' r. V\•”» t-4^ F OUR months afterdate application will be made to tho Justices of th6 Inferior court of the county rif flaustrn when sitting for ordina ry purposes for leave to sell - all tho laud aud ne groes belonging to the estate of Thomas A. Irwin 5L himself in the county of CASS, will promptly attend to any business in the course of the profqt-siou in the several courts of the Chero kee circuit. . Letters on business to be directed to Sandford- ville Post GIfiec. Julie 18, 1833. 4t 42 ford county—levied 0:1 as the pinperiy of All JJend , rson to satisfy three small I‘ i has iufavorof Thomas Grccu, and one ::i favor of George Mc Kay vs Allen Henderson. Levy and re turned to me by John 11 aipolo constable. One iie^ro man named Lewis about 23 voars old—levied on as tho property of LudtecU j ‘.\I. If'ebb to satisfy five small Fi Fes, three in Vor of Erastus Same & Co., and two in favor ot | Co. vs L. BL Webb— ilc constable. hff. late of said county "deceased for the benefit of the j The GEORGIA TELEGRAPH, heirs and creditors of said deceased. I May 27 36 HUGH L. IRWIN, Exeor. William J. Wnyinnn levy mado hy John W JOHN WillTTJNGTON, July 29 Also will br rol.l as alone. One lot of Land No. 136 in the seventh dis* 'rict of Crawford county—lurried on ns the pro perty of Charles llog<r., to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of the Superior Court of H’ashington county in favor <>! Hubert Malouo vs said Rogers. Poin ted out hy Manual Whitaki r. July 80 WM. I?. FILE8. d p. shff Batts Sheriff Safes. W ILL be sold Oil tile first Tuesday in'Scp- teinber next, before the court house in Jackson, Butts county, between hems of sale, Ouo Lbt frontin'; the public, square in tin* low'll of Jackson kiievru in the plan ol said town by N'». 2 on square No. I. one hm dred and sc- v’l-ulv feet hack and S'-venlv in front, iminipiovcd .— levied OU as tuc property oft,’ll Inferior C< art of Butts County, to satisfy the officers of the £u- perim Court in a Fi Fa. Fifty acres of land—levied on as tlio nrop- erty of Alien Goldsmith, lo satisfy sundry Fi Fas ill favor of Mfrcd ButlingTon and others, known ns No t9, in lh(*4th District yf originally Monroe now Butts County known ii: tin* north west cor nor of said lot, vs Sini'h, levied ou and re- turned to me by a constable. July 28 HENRY ITATEI.Y. Sh'rff. GOLD LO'r FOR SALE. ] OT, No. 633, 2 dis. 1 sec. of funnel iy Chtr- okt-c. but now Forsyth comity, for sale, i.ppiy at this office. F OUR months afterdate application will bo. ntado to the hoiiorahle inferior court of Crawford county when sitting .for ordinary puiposes for leave to soil the real estate of John Richardson Iato of said countv deceased. EDWIN MEADOR, adm’r. Juno 3 36 f NOUR months after date-Applicatioti' will he made to the honantble inferior Court of ftferriwethor county, for leave to sell tho cast of Lot 237, i:i the unith district of said county, the property of James Dytcn, deceased. JAMES IL RAVENS., Adm'or. ELIZA C. DYSON, Adm’rx. April-1, 1833. 30 F OUR month* after dale, application will he made to the court of ordinary of Coweta county, for leave to sell the Laud and Negroes of lp:in i-iht r Fi Fas vs said Campbell. Five negroes lo wit: Sarah a woman 35 years old. Sarah Ann a girl about.8 years old, Jackson a hov £» years old, fllartliotv a girl 3years old, Allen a hoy 9 inouths old—all levied on as the 11 property of Solomon Simpson to satisfy several r j small Fi Fas issued from a jmticc’:; court in fa- i vor of William Soiloms vs Solomon Simpt-on & James Fiuly principal, and Robert Hodges seeiir riry, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Fifty acres ol' well improved Land it being iu the Somh east corncrof Lot 205 in the fifteenth district of iloaston county, pointed out hy plain tiff’s Attorney, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor ol Ro bert Peacock Appellant vs Isliam B:d<?y Respon dent. Ono Lot of well improved Land in the fourt* entli district 1 f Houston county whereon I- saiah Hutchins now lives and kiiowujti said dis- _ _ trict by lot No. 82—;o satisly sundry Fi Fas in ! William Salisbury, hit<- of said county, deceased, fevorof Alphtas Beall arid otlters vs Isaiah Hut-I GIIRISTOPHEK BOW l*.N, chins, levy made and returned to me hy a consta- inr>y6 Adm'r hi®. | OUR inontlis after, date application will be One negro woman by the namo o. baraltooi gl made to the Inferior Court of Houston or -i'l years ol ;:g,—~!cvied on as tho property oil comity when siqing f«.r orcljuary purposes, for Ja ws 1 inly to satisfy a small Fi b a in tavor of j | C ave tb sell a part of the re^l estate of Orrill V a ere a Williams v, James Finly iSt 'I'hos. Jus tice, and othi r Fi Fas vs said Finly, levy made and return*-’! to me by a constable. July 29 JSA1AH CHAIN, shff. B L. 11 'KSMITH BUSINESS. q HE .Snbscrilier informs his friends and tin* public generally, that he has taken the Shop formerly occupied by llcury Rogers on tin corner of fifth street north of ihe Court House, where he will entry on the above business iu all its vatioits branches. I t 4 siriit uiiiu’ion to his I usincss, and ihe experience he has heretofore had, ho hopes to merit a liberal share oftlic public patronage. JOHN PRESTON. Macon. Aua,us: <>. !8:!3 45 3t T A \ IRON ( HIF,ST. for sale hy April 10 29 WM. H. UURDSALL- j>art ol Hie real estate ol (irritl Ste phens, deceased, consisting of tlic improved lot of land iu the 12th district of Houston county, where on the said deceased lived. May 10 ALLEN WJNHAM. Aihn'cr. warn k uiouliis after date njiplication will he JT made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Henry county when sitlinK for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the real estate of Sarah Rey nolds late of s id county deceased. SPENCER RE\ NOLDS, cdm'r May 10 1833 34 F OUlt months after date application will he made to tho court of ordinary of Bibb county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Hen ry Ureen Bates, orphan.—also for leave to sell a part of the real Estate of /. K. and R. K. Bates, minors. THOMAS G. BATES, July 8 41 Guardian. , A WUKKr.y KEWSFAPKR, Printed at IVEacosv, Georgia, And devoted to Intelligence, Commerce, Sound I’rinrijf s, Arts, Sciences, Literature, 8,’C. ral HE TELEGRAPH, 'will, ns it has hereto- _H. * fore douo; vindicate personal and political liberty’, so far as is 'compatible: .with private hap piness and public safety, it will therefore cling to the opinions of the Fathers of the Revolution, a's eotpprised in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.; holds it to he a truth almost intuitive, that on the ij. 1 most vigilant and unremitting restriction of the *' General and State-branches of our Government to their respective provinces, depends the,benign op erations of those opinions, the virtue of the man, tiie franchise of the citizen, aud the internal peace and external safety oftho country. It steers equally far from the new invented the ory of the nullifiei's; as from the old Fed eral doctrine of tbe Cons&iidationists—conceiving flint the true principle of our institutions lies equal ly between tho two extremes. ■ And while it sup ports the Administration in all its judicious mea sures, it claims the right to ccusuro it whenever censure is deserved. Tlic terms of subscription are, Three Dollars per annum, iu advance—or Four at the end of the year. M. BARTLETT. GEORGIA. p IIK Undersigned,'grateful for the patronage that has been extended to him since he has bad the management of the above Esl'ahlish- qtcti?, respectfully_ informs his friends and the public generally, that the HOTEL L now open, and will continue so during the summer and n» nil times and all seasons, and pledges himself that Lis exertions shall he to reudei the accom modations of this Establishment inferior to none in the city. Tho S*tables arc amply supplied with sn abun dance of good provender, and uuder tho tnanage- meutof n carefuland'cxjierienced Ostler. JOHN ll. ANDERSON. The papers of this city, the Georgia Jour nal, Macon Telegraph, Columbus Enquirer, Southern Banner, Washington News, and Wes tern-Herald, ■will, publish the above "once a week for one mouth, aiid lortvcr' their artol/iits for payment to J. R. A. CSSraXLAXi IZGT11Z. 4 THE til RSGIHBER I,ns ti Jzp-ixAk. sgj taken the above establishment situate in the extensive (ire LiO . jg , j Y P>'uof brick building, recently 'reeled In Macon, and is pre- -Ifril pared for the accommodation of regular boarders, and transient persons. Com modious stables arc attached (o tiie hotel. The subscriber hopes to merit from his friends and the public a share of their patronage. JOHN. CARTER, March 27, 1S33 27 . Laic of Clinton. Subscribers still continue the hosier?' J5L at the eh! statu!, corner of Walnut an. Fourth Streets, where work will he douenecr." • ing to order. Having a large a:?ortment of arti- I eies ordered from the North which will arrive il | the course of the summer, consisting of Gigs, 1':.- 1 gics, Barouches and Carriages, they fed cos- I fident of pleasing customers both iu articles ztri I prices'. | Tho have now 011 band an assortment u '<. will be sold low for cash, such as Sulkeys, Big' I and Barouches; besides several spiendid! Harness, with l.aees, Carpeting, Morocco. Springs of different kinds, Joints, Bands, J.' fjl aud Bows of all sizes. Orders for Canfew punctually attended to. and war muted to p .iso or i! ; BENTON & BACON- anted as an Apprentice, . A lad about fourteen or fifteen years et age,01 steadv moral habits IL <fcb- MaV4 138 UNION II A LL, Forsyth* The subscriber, lias purchased aud now occupies the late Man sion House establishment in Eor-!i, where he will take pleas ure i:i ministering to the accom modation and comfort pf tho-ii ulio may favor him with a call. His.House is commodious, and lie indulges a hope that those who visit the Union Hall will have no reason to complain, either of treatment rr charges, which last shall he as mod crate as the times will warrant. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited, jan 22 18 JOHN REDDING. rco-Txes. H AVING had a number ot application? for lots by those living at a distance from Ma con. who wish to settle mar some important town or city, 1 take tins method to state, that I yet have a few of the must desirable oues for sale. In addition to tho many inducements our place holds out, (good schools, a location that cau't be surpassed for health and exeelleu' w ater.) there are now preparations making for an extensive cademy in the city (little more than a mile dis tant ) Those who wish to huv. will perhaps do will to apply soon, A. SHOTWELL. July IU 41 A direct Importation. 1 CASKS Madeira A inc, warranted a su perior article, for sale hy Mav 22 34 REA & COTTON. 6 Notice. T HE Books, Accounts aud some of the Notes of A. Shotwell together with those of A. Shotwell Sc J. S. Smith, are placed in the hands of John C. flelvcnstou ard Wm. C. Parker, Esqrs who arc authorised to settle the same. The subscribers are particularly anxious to have their claims settled without, addiug any ex pense to those indebted to them, and hope that all w ho have not paid their notes or accounts will immediately call on Messrs Parker or Helven- ston and do so. ALEXANDER SHOTWELL, JOSEPH SL SMITH. Macon, April 1.1833. 27 BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. -; J.. Z,rSTABl-B. „ nn he undersigned lias Opened a Livery ?!"' jj_ hie for kqepiPg rind hoarding I forses, at the stnud latterly occupied by Riley au’J nierlv by Briton,fronting the Court House squarr- iilacon, wlierc he will be thankful for asinreai public patronage. His terms will l>e nstnouenite as the price of jirovemler. i:c. will admit, s ,r - every attention paid that is requisite. UisffC- sent charges are ten dollars per mouth. A few Saddle Horses will at all times be kept for hire. JOSEPH W’AINWKR*HT- Feb 20 2. NOTICE. pin he sultscribcr having determiueil tolw'* JL afinal adjustment of all matters which he has any hitefest in brought to a close, ofiers iM following property for sale, anil if not sold befoj* Tuesday tho 5th of November, will then be sol to tile highest bidder in the city ofMacou Dwelling House and Lot, together with > ou * large Store- houses thereto attached; W arc U»usT> aud Lumber Yard Lot: Saw anil Grist Mills, Lands and 1' es thereto attached , 3 Town Lots with comfortable Dwelling ar,l ‘ out buildings; One two acre Lot and improvements; One four acre Lot and improvements:- Two Lots of land lying near Bulloch’s’b"' well timbered; 1 Lot of land 7th di trict Gwinnett No. - -' J ’ 1 do do do Wilkiuson No-.;.’ 1 do 2d <lo Coweta No. 133' Together with his Stock of Goods now on flil ^ n Terms of sale made known hy applyia? 10 Subscriber in Macon. „ . v DAVID RALSTON P. S. I Pipe pure Holland Gin just f' , ''ci'; e ':' D. RAI.ST0> N. B. The subscriber will require all a( ^ p “| iti due liirn closed up lo the firstof July, and aj. 1 '\‘ created after that date will be closed every ’ days. p ' R ' July I.