Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, August 28, 1833, Image 3

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*ffc- ft* rg tea- j ry *y'** **^*^~- > uni'.wiutu j>;i'fl> it fit all ! ami that always, the u *vi*r, tkc , will be |^rneti*«itftl against our country «i*nl efur uKORGTA TELKGRAPH. MACON. .wp.dnesdw. uto t *t s*. isre. NEW COT TON. \ hn • of New Gotten. from the plantation of i\r, Folm Harvey, was hrought to this place or, Wednesday. 21st inst. It was purchased at ac tion by dcsjrs. T.& J P. Smith, at20A '.-ents a pound. TRIAL FOR sLANDF.R. \i Crawford Court last w evk, th e Jury award- fil a verdict of one thousand, dollars for Mary Finney, against Eouert How, in an action for slander. lum ,.cr the greater the despatch. I ivory one who h is noticed our Legislative proceedings, has seen how much more business is done by the Senate than by the House of Rep- ros ..natives; and how much better and quicker it is generally done—owing to the number being smaller. Every voter then, who believes a Senate of 1." will despatch business faster than one of 89, will endorse Tint) fieation on his ticket. Every voter who believes a House of Repre sentatives with 114 would be less unwieldly. and ! dteds of mere industrious than one with 177 members, r:llse l * ;i ' Vill go for TI itificntion. Every voter who believes twenty thousand people t>. tnese fi-judconspirators in human shape, from what we already see, what, will they not sacrifice to obtain their end. A ml Air. McDuffie has also been soot to Geor gia to tecch our people how to manage their own concerns. What will tiro lamest community now tl ink of Clayton, Jones, Shorter, and others ol like grade, but equally dark aud corrupt, what will they say when President Hunters anil south ern confederacy agitators, I acked bv tlit* above named rnosf pure, viiluous, religious, genteel gtutlemou of the State, are permitted to infest our people with their minions and themselves, to ccuncTi and inflame ohr Iudiau popub-tifiiJ !•> desperation ;md horror, in order to raise the excitement aud prejudices of i.ur peo ple again*! the general government and the Eaton.—Tile deeds of Aaron Purr are virtuous comparison. The Pena tenth, ry is a palace \ dollars may as well be saved as wasted, w ill go ! the Gallows an honor for such men. Ibr Ratification. I I had almost forgotten: the good old subject of] , . < Reduction, tho pcriit-iiu:lion and Lb-ssirg of the 1 i here is little reason in the arenments nrrriinst \ it..:.. :.i. „ : . . . • :n From Tampico,—We have Tampico papers to July 10th. The Oitcefa of that date says “The insurgent troops of Mctanicras tcck pos session of the capital of this State u:i ‘.'.to 5th. inst.—the government troops and miiitta first retiring in good order.” The insurgent force w as estimated not to exceed oft0 or 400 men. The town of Queretaro was occupied by : division of Government troops under Gen. Me jia, on the 1 2(iih June. There is hut little doubt that the insurgents will he finally put down, and the authority ot Santa Anna restored throughout the Republic. The American merchants at Tampico, as well as other foreigners, were in fear for their lives in case the insurgents should enter that city, as the excitement of the Santa Anna par ty, to which the old Spaniards were set down as opposed, might lead to the most violent men-itres, and there was danger that all foreign ers would be classed together by the people, and subjected to the same treatment. Th . , rgtiments ngmnst ; (Jiuon with every republican will always engross . Tt. lifiention. All that is.said about the inequali- I hi:i pre-eminent attention. Well, from Lumpkin J ty, the injustice of tile proposed amen dments, is ! county, which 1 left on the coining ground, 1 : presence of an American vessel ol war Wa: mere moonshine, intended for display, orto mvs- 8U!ere ’‘' »»>* '•<>u , sc oiVwards. Mali county will give j anxiously desired, an-! we are happy to ler.rn ,i,„ • . ... . . ' ; . i an overwhelming majority, and IIabtrsham. ’ hv a letter from LieuL Sinoot, dated Pensaco- titv the subject. Ue trust the people cannot be j , v | 103 a - .... a . • ’ deceived !>y sueli sliallow sophisms. ANOTHER SHOCKING MURDER. An endorsement on a'letter received in this ci ty. postmarked at Darien, .Ga. Aug. 23d, has the following painful int'-l igenre : “('ol. D H. Bli-AIL^FOljb was shotyester- day, by Mr. John Fori is without the least proVO- c ition on the part of the deceased.” Wc await the particulars iff tins /torrid trans action with painful anxiety. From the respecta bility of the source, we cannot drubt the troth vf information. Col. II. was a gi uc to themselves, in 'bo I .i. d , nnst lm /,l om isbed character; and his high standing in the confidence.' of tho people and the councils of his country had given hiiii an exti-tis- ive acqnaiotaoce and on enviable notoriety. His !o-s will lie deeply regretted by the country.' We understand that Forbes had f.rmcrh been ovdrsccr for Col. H. : —bad soihe property—was THE WEATHER. On some mornings last week, the nir was so enol as to render s' fire quite comfortable. - Major Cr iwford had belter beware ! This m it eatress, immediately after >o hot a time at Athens, bodes his cause no good. NORTHKRN ABUSE. Wo appeal to the good sense of ottr eon- tetnporaries, opposed to us in polities, if they cx-1 ,|j pert any honor wi .-mrso they are pursuing, in puldi-hing every a- b i.ivs article theyt.cn0 find in the northern news- aguiiHt ihe Governor, the Government, nml the State of Georgia ? W hat though. it may belittle Georgia and her functionaries, doe- it give any credit to themselves ? It is less against the Governor, than the State, itsMaw* and policy, j nuljei-rtolntoxication. and in that situation was that the northern papers carp. I hey have nl . sometimes apparently non compos mentis. There way* carped id this way. I hty did the same j,ad formerly been a misunderstanding between when Troup awl Gilmer were in the Chair, mid x Ijein, ami it is prcbnl !c the above murder is tlio it is to bo expected thoy W.'.'l do it now. Hut wc rcsu!t of >n (> , d „ rtl(1 „ c - ■ BolIl rt . s ; ft ' e ,] in cop rend, ik itnomte. whois aGeorgiaoatheart.| thi;Coi , utVi ^ twen , y ^ frQ in Darien. would wish to republish their abuse. (J7- Has the Messenger become tho apologist o? homicide us well as the advocate ofpolitical j ■ ,in,c Mon dav. as the Western Stage was on inceudiarias ? In commenting upon the letter I way from this place to Colombus, n few nv.les P'i'iiishcd in oar lust from Columbus, that paper j ’.^‘ s s ’'* c 01 Knoxville, the horses Kfok fright and ’ . I rah. a Way, with the stage, and did not stop until ••Whatever may bo the circumstances bf this run against a tree and turned over. The stage cttrv.irdiu try homicide, it is equalled, i? iior sur- was considerably injured, and all the passengers p itvvli'in atrocity, aa-i viilany, by sucb*i»Iaudcr, I more or !cs- bruised. Among tlic passengers im private char icier uad tite sttnding - ot 3 I ^yas Major E. D.. Tracy of this city, who was l.boitiailC.i.iu. i. . . thrown from die driver’s scat (where he was sit- Our corrijspondent is responsible for what lie' Ins said hardy and patriotic citizens can do their | ] a , 20:h Julv, that t !:e Gratipus and another own business without the helpnf slaves and who! ves$ ,] D f , var sa || f or t he Mexican coast jee themselves a little above the r.uK of negn-es J jn < ,-.. v () : „ le <)f lll<!ni as early as nun much more no lest thau tilt >r niaslcrs, will i . ... ,• go the trl.oh hog for ratification. . - j 0! If !s Pointed (ilu.aghv not r loin here i tiirnetJ my for hr me. sweet J sth* -*d) th it Olio of tliom proceod home. Tho trip up has bt;eu ;t pleas :;it one, and of mlirh benefit, the country in rarest: eg and ro- mtaitie, peatness am! romfort uroj tlte in- tm tejoftife rustic homes ef the hardy atjd heal- thy conutr-tijan. Here, is breathed the pure'air of democracy and lar.y sickly tleath grij>ing ar istocracy dare not raise his corrupt head. Tjie news is cheering from Gwinnett, and even | up to Ralniu. yon hpverknew it otherwi itieman of: mountaineers always .healthy am)-pure will he sound in mind. Jackson county will ra'lify, and Waltou you know will blow aristoc racy-sky high then let us g.o ahead; Success is ours, the people will lie saved from oppressiot; aud the State from disgrace. ' Your friend and servant,. R. where site must hav to f am- i arrived ere this. Stage Accidetit.—On Weduesday morning last. Oi.mcLets.—Tlte Yankees are in a fair way to destroy Juba Hull’s gitnblet trade with tlii- couutry,—'The‘flew twist • gimblet is almost a?, much sitperio; :<> tfiu old. English gimblet, ns th | screw tiuger is t.’ the pld. pod auger. There is a „ blet factory at West Whately which employs *■ j j 1.7 bands, about linlfof tia-m. females, and manu- b°dy, 1 factur^s d.5 gross per jveek. The steel i- impor ted from England in round vhds; tite handles are turned out iu tho vicinity. Thorn is a gimblet factory iu Buckland, one in the northern part of Franklin county, one in Keene, new Hampshire, and one or more in Connecticut. astumoil as a cloak to the basest designs, tho soou- ] \y arner Esq*, member < f ti crit i< siript t.-d* tin b.'-lt, r. And tluesooner the k, Brown, a candidate fo ehireh purges itself of bvnocri’cs, thft'rfccltcr for ...i,;„t, A •iy i has been duly noticed lty the'Grand Jury of the cbugty, tlien in session, wc rorhear any rc- marks.only to regret its occurrence. Wc Icarti from. Cblumluis, tiiat tho trial of John Milton, for the tit order of Camp, has termi nated iu his acquittal. ... , i ting.) and considerably injured. Fortuuately, If he can prove his words, it !3 no slan- / - • / , , , , . no limbs or bones were broket). After some de- i!er. If ho cannot let him bo amenable to Hie , ■ . , , , , ., , , , lay, the stage was fixed up, aud proceeded with law. No private diameters were alluded to by • - * „ . the passengers; him; they were all public,if not notorious. Ivor 1 r , ° . • , - • was any aspersion im'. tided for religion, but fori Unpleasant Oecarrencf.—At Knoxville, Inst ihc falsa professors of it. \V fichever religion •* J week, n rcncoiitro took place between Iliram bar, and Mr. Wm. for the Legislature, in ch’ireh purges St-elf of hyptocri’ps,' I'hTf fjs'cltcr for I „.j, icll | 10tfl were Ago63 deal injured. The for ks reputation and prosperity. TIr- ■ church kltuuld uot only be blameless, but beyond suspi- cija. 1-. i . • i ; ’ INTERNA L 1.11 PRO YE WENT. From certain signs that we have seen, there is reason to believe* that tho design of the project-* nw of the August ti mitl Eutontou Rail Rond is to rcn-ler the wealth and resources of Georgia, ag ricultural, aud commercial, entirely tributary to the Stale of South (Jaroliflu. or rather to tho mer chants nf Charleston nud thnt too at the ex pense of Savannah, ’T tcon, and Cq'Jumhii:.!— There cau l-n no dottht that it is their design to cm o.T all or nearly, fill the trade from Savannah, nn'diftlie route is continued to the Chattuhooehy a!».rr. Macon and Columbus, if will ruin these twin places uUo. - Wc do not wish th d[frontage enterprise; we do cot object to internal improve ment; hut wc 'wish such a direction given to it as n il! bctiefi! the greatest number, of individuals and the greatest section 'n r country. We are in favor of flu'Angusta aud Katontnn Rail Rond— wo wish to sec it completed. Hut believing that if it is completed thus far, it w ill be, carried far ther; we wish to see such a direction given to it os will benefit Macon anil Columbus instead breaking down those now prosperous cities. A Rail Road from 'Atgusta to Columbus, by way J ol Miron, we bclicvo would have th it clTect. 'and J be of vast impc - mice to.the State, tio w ould a Roil Road from Savntitiah or Darien to Macdn. I He know of nothing that would so benefit prosperity of Savannah, as n Rail Road fr •hit city to Macon. It would moro than double every cent’s worth of property held iu that eitv; j •titil iucreasc its business ami prosperity beyond ; oil calculation. Savannah ought to have fore- , sight enough to have s»t about this thing j yours ago. ltougt’.t not now to bo delayed a sin- ; gle day. Let it cost wb it it will, the owners of property in that city have no other aUcrnatix’c, j hut to construct a Railway into the Interior, or •w their fine city and ->pler.t!iil buildings go en tirely to <i< cay. . !!•• people of Macon, Columbus,, and Savan nahought to understand otic another on tbissub- J«t, and co-operate heartily in tlie great work.— it is time it was ^at about. Let a spirited hogio- be made, and wc have no doubt of iu suc cess. RECORDS FALSIFIED The Recorder states, that thirteen thousand dollars, i?:;s near as it cap come at the redaction of the treason ex penditures for the pay of members under tho pro posed reduction. Au ancient philosopher believ- t,-:| that he could have moved thecartlf, if hid had a place to stand on—so the Recorder could prove an j'. tiling if yo:i will admit its premises. The trivial mistake that paper has made, is, in setting do.vri the number of members at 278 instead ot 267, and the reduction at 59,instead.of 78 mem bers; • The reader tierecives, that, by this calcu lation, the Recorder bos • falsified the very re cords of the State. Resides, it makes no allow ance for the saving that will be made iu various other ways. The reduction of expense may be reasonably set down at $20,000per annum. And if there should he uo ratification, the Legislature xvill inn very short time have 3b0 members and every expense will bi* propi riiou.'.My increased; These estimates have been i-o frequently made, Unit we need hot repeat them. We cidy design to correct this falsification of the Records of the country.—Fed. Unicit. NATHANIEL MACON. > The following letter addressed to Mr. Sam/tel I‘. Carson, member of Congress frt»m North Car olina, contains the opinion of this venerable State.niuii, ivho so long adorned the legislative co-im-i’s of the country, will be appreciated, as they deserve. ' .' ' - . “Scck Brnisit, Feb. 9, 1S3”. “Sin; I have received yonr letter of the 24tl» ultimo. There)"can be uo doubt that tbc United States are in a deplorable situation, and that the From, the Philadelphia Herald. k FALLS OF NIAGARA- Forsythe, the keeper of the Hotel on the^pao- aci-i side of the Falls of Niagara, has sold out h.s estate to a Company, who have laid out a city to be called the “City of the. Falls." CuiiHiligs have been commenced. Tho design would seem to lie to make a fairy Citv. Tho correspondent of the Boston Evening Transcript says, it will contain “hot, cold, and shower baths, with ball and promenade rooms, library and refreshment rooms, walks aud seats arc to be laid out in the must approved style of landscape gardening, with grottos, bowers, &,c. fyc." Another company mean to build up . a. village and call it the "■ Village of Clifton." These -re treats are to orunmeat. the. Canadian side. On tho Aniericiiu. ,tbe genius of our people is not at rest—improvement are’goiug on here too. The keeper of the Hotel. GeuerpI Whitney, is busy as he beetffi r 20 years, in doing all he can fo give ease aud comfort to those whb go to see this “IIem, or Waters.” The Jsipi.’d, which is passed to from the Ameri can side, v.ill never lose any of its .attractions whilst tho roar of tit? Cataract continues, or men have a taste for the awful grandeur of thesccna. The following guide to the preservation of names and locnities. is from the same correspondent. Amidst so many Niagaras, it well enough to let people know where they arc.' “In order to avoid confusion in the names of places, which may cause sonic trouble’td vistors. let me there obseiyei.tliat Singara is the irtme of the strait in which the Falls arc. situatr-d, leadit ;■ WAREHOUSE ! ■ a:\d. gQ'M'EUSSIQEi STOOTESS, I .Mag n, ga. 'EH HE stibscriliers will cotAinue the above bh- i JL siiic.-s the ensuing-enson. aud return their j grateful th;.:.:., to those ivtiq favonuf them w::h . heir patn •/ ,-ge ti:<- p,,-,t season. ’J'hey have i--i-1 n ill ■ re House, known as Lama.' => .acwsa so^s, j Situated saiiuediatei-. on the river, having a good ; ivh iri attached thereto, and very safe from -Ito- j For the eou veuieuee of their friemis residing be f tween the Oem ilgee aud Oconee rivers, they I .have taken the large and{jbnvonient Waiv House i •ccently erected by Mr. G. H. Wardoiw, in Fast j .Maeon, which from its peculiar situ a.'ion. is in- j . tiercel quite secure from the danger of !;rr, Jund j from ivlienre Cotton will be taki u to the v. narvcsj ^ free ol ciiugi-s. Each of the suhscrihers will re - ; ; side in .Macon the ensuing season, and promise! h their ujiremit'ing .uentiun to the interest of those I . who iaay favor ihtin with their business rind ; confid nee. Liberal advances will l.e n- ide- on produce, merehaiuli/.-.: and other property conli- 1 iled to iheir epic, amistrii t attention given to the liking of orders, i .-ceivii g and f&rwardiug goods vV.r. Jnsiir.-meo i.-i the bes. oSices can Lc c-Seeted at the usual rates \vh“ii dcsireiie EVFRARD II \.ME.TON, JOE . 11. HAYES. August20 iS \ . A dminhirrdov j fJafc. N the 12th d of October next, will be sold xjr at the late residence of\fames Loirs de ceased of Monroe couut}’, sundry articles of per ishable property together with two trials in com plete order, aud a lot of Carpenter's T for the benefit of the estate. Terms u be made known at the time and place. EDMUND LOWE, ad n't M ARY LJV* E, adm rix. nng £/. lS.'Ai 48 URL" Pi.-’,:led Pork, 7,1'OU 1 For sale bv LOOK $ 11K nnJiTaigrn ii ifae iourtec thui ol i>nffiu.'iilv ^ ; iviitg' p D. HALS'- AT Tills p i' l-t t.w i be l. u see- jbuty, u rate cd tl'i-mstf)ts vviin I minute maps and charts ef the country, as well as aequii eu exlei.-s ve and i .rrect pchomf informa-..ou by traveling through ii. teiuier their sei-vu • s, to -Ii i- liiends and tin- public in gener al, AGENTS for i.l Y1NG, e-i.l.i.iNG, REN’TiNG, Lr.AfiiN '. or 81:OHl.\d lands, at ivasultahle rotes. Ail biuiness n.i.'Li d to their care wifi receive prmi nt atti iirioti- TH* >.M \> GARh FTT. A Ail ON G. 11A.M.MACK. 2d, la-id f.’t -,‘d Q fi-''Vac .M u-nil Telegraph is requested to pi’dii’sh the above twice. K D U i 3 C A'iJO N. Sidles S’i’ary T. * ¥ 11P S Y. respectfully announce and the public generally t!. of h< Fayette Sheriff 'Sales. hr sold on the first Tuesday in OO- iT w TORE R next, before the court house iu Fayetteville, Fayette county, between the-usu al nonrs of sale. 101s acres of Land being the cast Iiaif-ofi mUh t aud e Lot Ni... 40 in the. 7th district of Fayette couu'.y, | tutc-s a gt-ii’lettian aud an huuesi nboui od aeresuf Cera grovvi .g on the said Land i . •. st /f perfect ; v jttstifi.ihie in all ip vic'd on as ihejiroperty o: Solomon It hut j i did., 1 d.hj not take liis horse clandestinely, bu 1 y hv an execution in favor of James \V. ttiuson ] informed liis son, aud uitu.ei a us other persuus, o —proju-rtv pointed out by the plaintiff. nng :IS ' ANDtiEW McURlDE, rh’Jr. Crawford Sheriff Sales. TYW7TLL bo soul on the first Tuesday iti Octr s 9 tofier next, at the court house in the town of Knoxville, Crawford county, the fol lowing property, to wit: POSTPONED SALE. Fifty acres of laud the East part of lot No. 230 in the second district of Craw lord county, c-vied on as the property of John Hatcher, to sat isfy a Fi Fa Iu favor of P. J. Murray vs sliid .loim Hatcher WM. R. FILES, Dev. iskr'f. August 28 1833. irovidcu ne d;u money loaned !. tv to point ou' l not Ihe ipr cou li ra: > ii- DF.MOCRACY IN THE LOW COUNTRY) Extract of a letter to the Editor dated. 1.ICERTT Cpu.NTT. August 15, 1885J. Tlte cause of the Clark party ajjd Unjon I thiitk, Inis gained in ore ground during the pres ent year, in thi,s parx of- tlic State,..than tor ten years previous. The Eastern District, as you know, although thistly populated, has bean sulft- eivuilv strong and out- sided to turn the balance against- that party width have ever been fore most iit tlte advocacy of the utility aud sacred ness of ti e Union'; but now they are till for Union, except a few ; they however, yet differ abbot men. LnmpkTn’s vote will bo much better than at the last election unl-tlic.proceedings of the Redaction . [ Convention will In-approved by a majority of the voters bt tho district. For ihe Georgia Telegraph. Walton county, August 20th. 1833. Dr. BartlettIn my last I mentioned the j circumstance of the intermedlings of John C. i Calb nil with tho political ci.ucerns of our state, - while he rein. ul'iI it.. ('ii-'orkee.— Sittce his visit to that art of Georgia, the famous Athens ! dinner has hcetigotten up; the presence of-Mc- j Dufiio there and Judge Clayton’s toast, i baud an co df light as to the future movements I planned out by tlu so conspirators again! t tho peace and liberties of our country. Mark it sir, Mr. Calhovn hadr.ohjects in view more congenial with his feelings ;md inorc ))rc- cious to his fiendish hcr.ri, than the gold ol ( ber- kee. GciitgM .sir, is yet to be disturbed, and harras <1 by ibis same Inilian question that ap peal-, to lie so neatly lerminpted. Now sco the toast by the Banking proselyte Judge Clayton “Statejlnterposition is that which j is believed, recollected the fact—and never wards quoted by me while I continued in the Senate. The opinions of Gen. Washington. Jur. Jefferson and Gov. Clinton are known, but not Inspected.. J have never believed that a state could nullify and regain in the liuion, but have always believed that a ifjtnto might secede-wheu she pleased, pVbvidcd she would pay her portion ol the public debt, aud this right I have consider ed thcjicst guard to public liberty aud to public justice that co'uld Ud desired, end it ought to have presented-\yhal is now felt in the, South—op pression. “Thp Proclamation contains principles as cou- tary' td yvhatwas the Constitution, as Nullifica tion. It is the great crror.of tlte Administration, which, except that, has been satisfactory in a high degree, to the people uho elected the I'res- iilent. When confederacies begin tq^liglil, Ljbef- tv is soon lost, and/tlie eovernment i.s soon changed. .- A government of opinibu, establishfd by a sovereign State, (of special purposes, tan not be ma.'utaiucd by force. Tho use of force maizes enemies, and enemies cannot live in peace un- dcr sue. 1 : a government. * “The case of Youth Car-line.' is as different from that ofPeiinsylvauia aa any two cases- can. be; In 1816 th; system that now oppress:-:; the .South was begun. It was then opposed. In 1324 the Codatitulion was buried. .Senators who were then in the Senate, will no doubt recol lect—Repetition—old ;jte will show)—Time to quit. * Yours, very truly. NATHANIEL MACON.” and that in a county of .th-* same name. Fort Niagara is in the town of Porter, at the mouth of thq.Strnit, whore it empties into LaKs Ontario. Opposite to Fort Niagara, in Canada, is the town of Niagara formerly Fort Ceqrge and Ntrtr- ark.’are the two forts—Fort George end Furl ’ : ' ’ilga.” ’ {£/“ The members of the Georgia Agricultural Society are requested to meet at the Court House on Friday afternoon-next, at 5 o’clock. A gene ral attendance is requested. ang 23 Off” The citizens of Macon will continue prun ing the trees on tho West Common, on Saturday next. They ore requested to meet at the wes' end of Second street at 3 P.M. ang 28. THE SUPER INTEN I > A NT- Ft>r Sale or Rent. THE, JHoufn nearly completed on street, near the bu' yiug ground, good Hmokc House, Kitchen, , and Garden Lot attached. rdn- *33 «■•.'•* r- /■• V d Chcij?.*' ijf ►- One or two eligible Building Lots—will he sold low. Apply-to M. BARTLETT. JjbA THE ],,,,* J Sixth si MS:; lion. in.'i Slur iff solas. eg""te.N the first Tuesday iu Octoijcr next will bcsoldiii the town ofperry liens: u county j Vcttveeu the lawful hours of sale , 2024-acres of lan , more or less, known in < the eighth district of tloustOd county, by Lot No. 107, to satisfy a Fi Fa. issued from Clark Supe rior (Jotut.iu favour of. Elisha Winn vs. James Sausou; an.! ‘or the use of E. L i-fewtou. 202J-^icres of 'and, tpore or less, known in the Fourteenth district of Houston couiitv, by Lot No. 233, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favour of James Stanfield vs. Janies Bund, and issutdfrom New ton Superior Court. Oue Negro man 2? or 30 years old. bylhe name of the property of Lewis Tull, to satisfy several Fi Fas issued from a justice’s court. i:i fa vour of fl'illkau Haddock ::::i others, vs. said Tull.—Levy made aud relumed to me by u cvn- stal.le.- 202j Acres of well improved Oak and Hick ory land, known in the Thirteenth district of l iouston county, by Lot No. 79 to satisfy several small t'l Fas, issued from Pulaski justice’s court, ia favour of Henry Su imerfordxs. Opiums Duf- ::1.—J.cvy made ant! returned to tnc by a consta ble. • | One Lot of Land, well improved and known | my intxjkitioii t'j t ...c i pay my wji^cs, sr.d ftLs It would be of uo 11 leading traits in Varner’s < t iracter, to ieus of .Macon,- ns cv:ry inan who has li ties., io transact him* knows him swiudlor and a d- If 1 liave subjected my cbnntrvi I am willing" to' abide by ik ces. 1 gave ibe. s. ouuch-cl- inf. rm -.ta n, tlirauglt sumo of my friends, that, provided he would pay me, what .was justly owed for :a; servhes, ho should have.his horse* but otherwise I should retain him. ,A\ by uot publish those of Iris drivers, who have taken Ids horses, to satisfy the;-' .t-siA demands! Because they wcr.-v.iihih; the reach of Macon, where they could ja-Mfy their conduct; 1 leave the corn sc t\!iich i have pursued to tin unprejudiced cominunhy, j-o, decide if i have net- acted as was becoming of a g ( ndetnan and one claimiag his just . ip,ht . and also to decide which has acted the scoundrel, Edward Varner or AHXA.NDEIt FOSTER. Columbus, Cj Aug. 16th, 185:3. The Georgia Tclt-graj h • please give this "47"" SC 11 ' 6 ' 2t. and :IVY?.uZS8'.A2?2 tlic <> War d l 11 ad of A ve il the usual facilities in ■use a his O CIn-fry Street tine,) wh -re he ofi’e; the above Business. COTTON stord with him, will’t delivered in any part of |he ci;y free nf charge r.f f.rayngc, or shipped to any other Market it the n-nn! rates. For the greater convenience of r’losa who 13 >y favor him with their patronage from Couati- s east ol the River, trading to Macon, he has ta ken the Ware-IIouse next below the old In-idgj, u:ts. ad IWiv;--s: Vfnre- is, every facility iu red. to render the. bridge as small as lU «*»« Eleventh district of Houston County by I - recently. hpctijiied by Mdssrs;*Dav 6 lot No. fitty-one—levied ou as the property of j known fcrteerly a-: 'John V. Rdu! Elijah Finley, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from a jjouse -,. v i nssurtA Ids Fit-: justice’s court, in favour of Henry Jackson vs. | Qr0 ssin«- tha l-’ivc- will be efi said Finley.—Levy made aud returned to me by j inconvenience by loss* cf tlu a constable. - ; .. j _ oss jj,j e> O to Ne-:!"a Go 1 by too name ol Alcy, as til 0 i Eis Ware-Houses and close sto:- , ig''s are in property of Mittthno Albritton, to satisfy a i'i good osier, and as much exempted from danger Fa in favour of .:mnt-s Hayden aud other Fi Fas j of FIRE as’any in Macon. Insurance in tho vs Matthew Albritton. I best’ offices, can he effected at very low rates, OnC Lot of iV el! improved Oak and Hick- j should additional security be required. RATIFICATION. 3 ho plain simple question before the people, •• : -1 tlie only one they need inquire into on thi< SU! -J'et, is, whether the amendments proposed, - r e an improvement upon the present or old plan ? 'thi ther it L better to have a Legislature with hu idud and sixty sit members, or one with C!U -‘ hundred and eighty nine members ? Whe- barit is an advantage to the ritatu to sere some twenty thousand dollars annually ? Lvery one who has ever attended a public meeting, or served'on a jury, or worked ou the r °ad, knows how difficult it is for large bodies to ^ tins act business with despatch, or even to dea ls to s ave our lands from the Indians, and our slaves from the fanatics”' IS to save our lands from the Indians” is not this as plain as language can that th ' Indians are again to be rous ed to -t,i. isilion agains; the government of Geor gia I’T these blood thirsn nullifiers; urging them to butcher ami massacre our citizens iu order to force them off the Cherokee lands aud from the gold minis—what else than this 1 would ask ev- erv candid mind, can Clayton mean by bis toast aud what else, hut to Inflame and prepare the Indians for this Idoody aud horrid work, could the TRAITOR Calhoun have visited that section of onr {state. But to follow the toast of the Bank proselyte, “and our slaves Iroui the fanatics” did lie mean by this, to save the slaves of Georgia, from the fanatics Calhoun, Hamilton, Hays, &.c. or did he mean, that this is the ground work ou which nullification or Traitoiism is to ^e»t her lever to overthrow the government—and Georgia to lie brought side by side with South Carolina in the foul and black work by rousing her Indian population to oppose her authorities and murder her citizens—my blood chilis within me sir, when 1 reflect ou the Hack catalogue of crime, that has and would, aud 1 fear ITe Georgia papers bring the intelligence that j Mijor Joel'Cr.mvvokd has been ahnntd iuto the s lc< I advocacy of South t.’aroiina Nullification, in or der to obtain the aid to the Georgia Nullifiers. in tlie approaching election for Governor. It thi-j news be true, we trust that Nullifiors 0ray will support tha prosely te for ojficc sake. No Un on man, whettier.of tho Troup or Clark party, cai consistently vote for au avowed nullifior. W'c observ- ihaU the Savannah Republican, a Un on paper slid holds up tho uame of Joel tiiiwFor.D as its candidate for Governor—if Major Crawford’s alleged consversion be a fact, the Republican must either take down his uame CASH STORE, sir733ES2. <& &X&&X3Z3QTZ, AVE-on band and will receive iu a fair lull Pieces superior- yeUow Hemp Bagging 2 yards and 42 inches. 74 pieces common do do 1;) 2 yards and -12 inches. 3-1 hhds prime P. R. aud fair Orleans fnigar. 3.3 bags aud C tierces superior Coffee, Salt, Iron Castings, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Together with a generul assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Shoes, &.e. &c. Also agents for tlie side of spun Cotton at Factory prices and terms by the Bale or hundred, aug 27 48. Aug; 20, If or i-trike the Union flag. The Augusta Chronicle will uo doubt be as loud now iu the praise of Major Crawford as it was but yesterday in bis denunciation. Is the Republican prepared to bo hand and glove with its *•brother Editor ol the Augusta Chronicle ?'*• As a set off for the news from Georgia, wc take pleasure iu stating, on the authority of a private letter from Ashviile N. C. ot the 7th inst. (tin day of election) that the Hon Samuel P. Caksos, hitherto regarded as the Magnus Apol lo Ou Nullification in North Carolina, has been alatmtd into a dmunctatiem of Fouth Carolina Nullification, in the hope of preventing his defeat iu t ie pending elecli- u lor Congress.—Charleston Cottier. NORTH. CAROLINA. The follow i-ig-geutleuieu have been elected to the- next Congress: Gen. D. L. Barriu'ger, Gen. M. T. Hawkins Edmund Deberry, Gcu. James McKay, Lew is \Vil iatns, llenryCminer, Abram Renchcr, A. IL rihepard, Jesse C.peight, Dr. Hall, J. A. By- iiuuc, aud James Graham MILL WRIGHTS. T HE undersigned having been brought up to the Mill \Vri?ht business, and being tho roughly acquainted with it, confidently offer their services to the public. They would engage to erect Mills iu any part of the State. Persons in the Cherokee country wishing Mills erected, can have their seals examined by defraying our ex |n-n?'es there. Reference may he made to Elisha Davis of l\ibb; \Vin. Uavis or Tlnmias Perryman of Twiggs; Martin G. Mims, Joseph Mims, of John J. Britt of Sumter. ' A hue directed to either of us at Macon will be r romptly attended to. WM. IL ANDREWS, JAMES ANDREWS. Aug. 23 4tp 43 ■ Furs, Hides and Korns. FjlHE highest price will be given by the sub- scriber for Furs of all kinds, either Beaver, Otter, Raccoh or .Muskrat. Hides, dry, in any quantity; also Deer Skins. Horns, Ox or Buck. G- A. HIGGINS, Nov 27 17 Brick Buildings. Mulberry St ory laud, aud i.iu no by Lot No. 2G7, in the Thir teenth district, of Ilbustou County, as the proper ty of John Tilly to satisfy a Fi Fa in favour of j * Until. 1 Shipp, .aid issued from Dooly Superior! court. One Negro girl by tho name of Juna, levied j 0:1 ns tlie prop •r:y of Matthew Albritton, to satis fy several Fi Fas- it favour df Henry Bu in; vs. f jjj& 4"^ s ii.l Albritton M. I). Oliver.—Levied aud re- '"‘.w turneJ by u eocstable. ISAIAH CHAIN, ShjJT. August 26;h. 1833. postponed SALE. J! ill I. sold as above. 203i Acres of Oak nnd Hickory hind, mere j r or less, in tiie rjftco’nth district ef Houston <-oun j n ty, whereon Writer L.'Campbell now lives, well .> improved aiulkuown i s said district, jry Ivn. 1-.7.1 Five Negroes tb writ:' lUinner, a woman 5!5 or I 40 years old; Eliza, a girl. 12 or !-3 years old; ! ■ Rose a j-.irl, 10 or 11 y.-ars old: Lewis, ;i boy, 8 or | 9 years old: llhubiu a boy, 6 or 7 years old.—AU levied on as the property of Walter L. ( ampbcll 10 s.itis.'y a Fi Fa in favout of Leroy M. Wiley, vs Campbell aud Maugham; and oilier i-’i Fas vs. s.iid Campbell. ' ISAIAH CHAIN, Sh'ff. A s ugiut 27th, 1833. .1 \M! C. MORGAN. neon, August BBLS. Mackcrt-1 for sale nv D. RAL TON. 47 3t BUG 42S r GllT TO JAIL. NEGRO who says liis name is .Tessa ms to Matthias Mock, of Upsotf unty, is tut lid years of age, i, of daik cum- xiou. The otvueris requi-steii to call, prove .perty, pav clnrg s air! t >ke him a wav. JOHN D. PITTS, Jailor. Ma rust; 1833- 17. SI, AWKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE- Campbell Sheriff Sales. TTK7"ILL lie s ’'!•! on the first Tuesday ill Oc- V vf toher uc.\t, between tlie usual hours of sale at tlie court house iu Cumpbcllton, Camp bell county, the following property to wii: Twenty five head of cattle more or less all the cattle mailing at Burwell Mathises or iu that neighborhood m irked with a crop and two split* iu the right ear belonging to Levingston Skinner one cow marked with a crop off each ear—lev ied on by virtue of «a attachment in favor of Patrick 15. Connelly, vs said Skinner. B. EASLY. Shrff. DISSOLUTION. mHE copartnership heretofore existing b H twren.the subscribers under the firm l’lTTMAiN & 31 AY. is this day dissolved bv mutua! con-ent. MARSHALL PITTMAN. WM. R. MAY, August 12 4fi A LL persons Esa. mv wife :\ tdice. rsons are forewarned from crediting Mary Ann Inabnet ou my ac- louut ;;s siie has left my Led and beard without provocation, JACOB INABNET. Aug. 9, 1S33. 4d St S N iuv aliseuce from Macon 1 leave ilOKA'Ti FITCH as my agent, and all persons that) have not paid up their accounts and notes will please settle with him. LEWIS FITCH. Mav Ifi 34 SV&SVZlZBEH., AVING taken possession ol the store rent ed by hita in Ellis, Shotvvell & Co’s, range, is now ready to receive any Consignments with which his frieuds and the public may be pleased to favor him. WM. P. ROWLAND. Nov 27 17 ILn Li-SKFuIlifica li Aiclset. 11xo.mi-jk coc.wr.) A. M. I). KING, for Senator. JAMES TM WE ATT. j L. L. GRIFFIN. I JAMES M. SMYTH, DR. L. \Y. JONES, J For Clerk Superior Court; STEPHEN IL MARTIN. For Clerk oj the Inferior Court. JOHN G. HILL- For Sheriff. JOHN REDDING. ^ A N IRON CHEST. fr,r«*F bv April 10 29 V. hi i*. BUKDSALLi