Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, August 28, 1833, Image 4

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Ciorgiji ■4ia Campbell Sheriff Sales. Mmi* be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep- V W tcinlier next, betxveeu the usu.xi hours of vil'- .it the court house in Campbell lull, Camp bell comity. tin- following property to wit : Lot of Land No. 118 in the <•» dnii <u .;ict of origiinux Cow eta now Camp!.-:■ • unty—as the prop of L-it ml II'ilk « satisfy two Ft Monroe Sheriff" Sales. Bibb sheriff sales. ! W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in S:p- j temher uext, at the court house iu :he ut\ of .Macon between the usual hours of sale the | Foisytb Monroe county, between the usual hours following property to wit: I of sale IK- r» irl :: :• • ! Seroma about fifteen I One house and lot situate on the south side W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, belore the court house iu Or I V . one in avnr of wtueriu I nur t,l R»>l years old—levied i n property of Harwell j of the square of the town of Forsyth adjoining Hjicdi to satisfy two Fi Fas from bibb Superior \\ insliip and others—all levied ou as the proper- o 1 • 1). Abraham*, the j Court, one iu favor of John Rawls, one in favor ty of Nicholas J}. Williams to satisfy the .cost on - .‘.urmaii vs said V. iiker- | of Nathan ('. Muuroe, vs said Ilowell pointed sundry Fi Fas iu favor of M. lloag &. Co., and ) out hy defendant. I sundry other Fi Fas vs said Williams. ■ i in the first district origi* | One negro xvcmnn named Mary levied on j July 111) A. COCIIRAN, ainphr li v levied onto j ns the property of Drtxcry TUmun, tosalisfy feur ‘... i o. J.. B< rry i urcll II. Fi Fas from a Justice of Laurens county, levy udiew I). < •; iwell Joseph j made and retrirued to me hy a constable, iii'j. \* i'i; :m Caldwell, Hob- j Lot NV. 3 in square 18 and improvements •nl pou by l pointed out ■ non. sold ..s the pro 's - the iucumhrnuee ofi Shearer to Stephen ’ •n i‘rcs!y; three cows , John Shearer as his Also will be sold as above, Thrre negroes, one by the name of Peter about 63 years of age Jack 40 and Robb 20 years of age to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa iu favor of F OUR months after date application will ha ■made u> the Honorable Inferior Court of Henry courtly when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the real estate of Sarah Jley- nolds late of said cobuty deceased. SPENCER REYNOLDS, adm'r .May 10 18:3:3 ; 34 F OUR months afterdate application will be made to the codrt qf ordinary of JJibb county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Ilen- ry Green Bates, orphau,—.also for leave to. sell a part of the real estate of I. Ki and R. K. Bates, r THOMAS G. RATES,. 41 ‘ Gvardidn. thereon except 20 feel front ami 210 fevt bat k, Henry II. Lumpkin vs Cyrus Woods—property ‘ pointed nut iu said mortgage and in possession of said Lumpkin. JOHN REDDING. D. Sh'ff. July I. 18.33. opfviy l(. ■ i-fy :l- Lot of I.a.ul No. more or ic* which part of said lot belongs to Lew is Fi'ch Vi 'deli is now in the occupancy of st hi Fitch, and m.e third part of Lot N>-. 4 iu the same square it being part of Lot No. four adjoining Lie aforesaid Lot No. 3—levied on as 1 tic properly of Georgia— Coir eta County. in the eighth district of John 'I'. Lamar, to sati>ly a mortgage Fi Fa mi . .. oiviiwlly Coweta now C/rimpbcl! county—as the favor of The Bank of the United States, vs said j VV^ ^ yplhoun applies to me properly of Lcnutl if r ilJ:crson to satisfy three F i [ Lain ah properly pointed out in the Fi Fa. 1 * tetters ol Admiuistraiioii on the esta e 1 ns ii. tavor ol Robert Malone and others. 1 doz. chairs, one bedstead, one pair of card 152A acres <>i Land it being part ol Lot No.. tables, and one bureau—-levied nu as the property 2!) in tlio 1111 .h district originally .Coweta now 1 of Jam cs .1. McDonald to satisfy ouc Fi Fa from (minpheli. mnty—to satisfy 000 Fi Fain favor of I Bibb Superior Court in fav Robert O & Sara!] Reaver Administrators of Jo- | bhru vs said McDonald and minors. J11 Iv 8 NEW ESTABLISHMENT. PHANKIIN FACTORS’, Upson CountyGa. The public are respectful ly injorlned that the above Factory is now in successful operation, under an experi- :cuced manager, and is pre- 5pared to do business ou ac- jconnnodati'ig terms o f James Hu!stock, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite anil admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors bf said deceased in my office otherwise said ntisfv one 1 1 Fa from ' * . ’. ,.1 , J mr of Joseph Was 1- (0 J“? ^-"Objections (if any they ham.)1 Jefferson M. Gray-bill t f lth,n thc „ ‘ ,me V^cnbcd by law, other FARMER’S HOTEL. Over Mason & Randle’s Ware House, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, THE Subscriber, oie of the late proprietors of the Eagle & Phcenix Hotel, respectfully iriforpis his friends nud the public generally,, that he has taken the Tipper part of that spacious Fire Proof WARE UOl'SE, formerly Mr. John C. Hol combe’s. where be proposes to open a HOTEL, ou the' 15th September next. The House was origin/ Uv built with a view of appropriating the uppev part as a Boarding House, and isadvaiita j georialy arranged for that purpose, and additiou- andoue tax execution issued by tbe tax collector tc ^ S ralu, 'J• county for James A. McDonald’s taxes. Gmm under my hand • * .1 13th dax of July, 1833. more or less h.- j j.j * *\S*\ D1CI 1 T owns Dothan vs William Rryant jr. &’■ George vied on ns the properly of‘George MickUjthn zo [ — — 1 sepn Oi . R aver deceased vs UzzicI Rag hnv marc—levied ou as the ■c Bn,ant to satisfy 0110 Fi F.i ( "ntv of of Jones favor of- 10 acres of standing corn Bryant. One half of Lot of Land No. 114 ili the eighth district originally Coweta now Campbell county, it being tin half whorcoti William Snow now lives—sold ns the property of Tdmtwd Snow to satisfy one Fi Fain fiver of the otficcis ofCar- roll Superior Court vs Edmund Snow, poia'cd j Lot known ns wharf No. 1(55 in the plan ol said out by .Miriam Snow. ! town—levied on as the properly of John T. La- hots ol Land Nos. 139 Sc 140 in the four- I mar S,- Charles A. Higgins, to'satisfj a mortgage teenth disuict originally Fayette now Campbell I Fi l a infavorof the Rank of the United States county—to satisfy one Fi Fa iu favor of Evan vs John T. Lamar & Charles A. Iliggins, prop- I lowed \s John 'Rcsir. Levy made by James : ertv pointed out iu the Fi Fa. Gresham former Sheriff • July 31 II. H. HOWARD, Sh'ff. JulyoJ H. EASLY, shff. f Also will be sold as above, Also will he sold as above. 1 Lot No. 7 on square 37 and improvements All the right title and interest that Ingram : in the Town of Macon-—levied on as the properly Love Ins to Lot of Laml No. 03 iu the third dis- j of Joel Jivshin to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued irict of originally Carroll uotv Campbell county— from a justice’s court ami the Inferior and S11- tosntisfy iiircc executions iu favor of R. Ensly vs ■ perior courts of Bibb in favor of G. A. Rodger* Bibb Superior Court in fa- j Georgia.— cduiity. ssaid Micklcjohn. Point-| IE REAS Joseph Lambert applie satisfy one Fi Fa from Bild yor of Isaac Newhall vssaiu ioichicjouu. iu.ui-i »"ar|lEREAS Joseph Lambert applies to cdout by plamtiirsattorney. j V? me for letters of administration upon 1 wo Lots and improvements No. / and 8 the estate of Jacob Langley deceased, in the third square known as the lower ware ' . . houses of Lamar & Co. One fractional tonn said Love. Lei eoiistalde. July 31, 1833. made and returned to me bj - a j DAVID DUKE, shff. I I and others vs said Rnshit Lot No. 1 on square 34 or part thereof and improvements—levied on as the property of John ..7. o > | Philuot to satisfv a Fi Fa issued from the rupe-' A 1 ay cue ioUCliJf &(lics. ' ^ rior court of Rihh county in favor of Judah amt [y ILL be »old on the first Ittosday in Sep-j Davis R. Braswell administrators Arc. vs John tembsr uext, before the court house in j Philpot ami James II. Rodgers, and sundry L’i L ayetteville, Fayette comity, between the nsu- j Fas from the justice’s court of said county in fin al bours of sale, vorof G. A. Rodgers ami others vs said Philpot- On a bay mare, about twelve years old, and I July 3J ' W. R. CONE. Dtp. Shff. 2 sows nnd six shoals—levied on hy an execution j ' POSTPONED SALES, iu favor of It till nu Boatwright, oil the foreclo-! Also will be sold as above, sure of a mortgage against .Mark \\ illiams—pro- j Lot No. 7 in square 37 in tlio city of Macon petty pointed out in said mortgage. i nud iuiprnvcmeuis the reon—levied as the prop- 2024 acres ot laud No. 3D in t;:c ninth dis- ; erty of Joel Bushin, and one fourth part of lot No. 1 trict of Fayette coonty—levied on as the proper- j and improvements, it being part of lot at the ly of Bit .:nn! 'Matthews to satisfy an execution iu 1 coruerof Bridge ami Cherry street—levied on is These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and cieditors of said dictat ed, to he and apptarat my office withrn the time prescribed hy law, to shew cause if any they hur 'c, why said letters should not be granted- Given mnlcr inv baud at office tins 8th Ju!v 1833. JAS. \V. LUMPKIN, c. c. o. Georgia—Bike county. W HEREAS Limes Scott administratorott the c-'inte of Joseph Scott jun. deceased applies to me for letters of dismission, . , These are therefore to cite and admonish all arid singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to be and appear at my office within the time prescribtd by taw, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he grunted. Given under my band at office this 9th August 1833. II. G. JOHNSON, c. c. o. strength and fineries:; to any made at the North cm.manufactories, and superior to most that is brought out here. The friends of the country are respectfully solicited to foster this iidant establish- af office, tills meifi and thereby retain among themselves the capital that will otherwise find its way to t’ue North. Ofy 5 ” A specimen of. the Yarn manufactured at this,. Factory, may he seen at the office o'! the Georgia Telegraph. DWIGHT R. PERRY & GO. Afril 24 3(1 and se ON, ii. c. c. o The Yarn manufactured at this estab- j ;i j) mprovomeiits will lie made as to render the lishmeut is equal in evenness, j ar.coir modations superior for Boarders and trau- 'sieut visitors. He pledges himself to his patrons that in point of couil'Ort there »|iail not he any ex ertion wanted to render this’ Establishment one of decided preference. The Rooms are large and airy, each having a fireplace, and two'Can at pleasure be turned into one i»y folding doors.— To the Planters and .Merchants in the'jrperipr it is uot necessary to give a further description of the building, as it is gen irall v known to bl'in the centre of their business. There is a largo >'a*d convenient 1 stable with an extensive enclose- 1 , lot for horses, careful Hostlers will be provided to give the attention required. He solicits a share of patronage, and from his friends .their influence', which he will at all times endeavor to; merit.- From practical experience he flatters himself he .will receive a liberal share Medical College of Georei* milE LECTURES m this lnstituti . J. ated at Augusta, will cutmuenc , s ", third Monday, (21st,) of October, and r " 1 e for six months. 0nilt *c? Tbe Pr< fessors gre : L. A. I-ugas, M. D.—Of Anatomy and Ph JS ; 0 , & Joseph A. Eve, M. D,— 1 Therapeutic, and « teria Medica. ‘" a I,. D. Ford, M. D.—Chemistry and PH, M. Anthony. M. D.—Obstetrics and Diw 3 " ‘wvomeu and children. Wso A.\ Cunningham, M. D^-Iiutitute3 au,< l> of Medicine. racl * Paul E. Eve, M. D —Institutes ami p ra „ Surgery. ' lc ° 1 And George 31. Newton, M. D.—p^, Demonstrator of Anatomy. lit addiiimi to the above. Clinical ] will be delivei - ‘“l iii the city hospital, and ' ^ facility afforded the student for practical ev'^ The fees are, for the si.vTickets, Graduation, . Matriculation, r Good board, with lodging, may ho c $13 per month. For particulars see circular LsdciUn t' r AUG. R. LONGSTRLEt Pres’t 6f Board of Trubte’cs L. D. Foul, Secretary. _ Augusta, J uly 9. 1833. it 500 Dolturs Reward. W HEREAS on the night of the 17^ morning of the 18fh > ay. the SterilL' Elijah Butts at Sandy $100 $10 it Haltifd at of \! 1 dm inistrator's Sales. & GREEARLE to an order of the Inferior xjL Court of Upson comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tues day iu October next, in Tbonmston, Upson coun ty, the follow ing Luts of Land : No. 2U1, 2G2,274. 275, nud 303—all adjoining ami situated on the waters of Flint river, and iu the first district of formerly Houston now Upson county. There are four hundred acies in culti vation, and those wishing to purchase a good farm will do well to visit the plantation. Sold F OUR months after date application will be . made to the honorable Inferior Court of I’iko.county when sitting for ordinary purposes for P-ave to sell the real estate of Harriet and ff'illiamiJDoltok orphans of Barnabas Dolton late of Richmond county deceased. This 22d July, oi thr,r su PP 0l t- A r:,le Ma “ Cook ls . ,10 ' v 1833. Will. McCain, truard'n. I under engagement from Charleston. His table —— —— and Bar sIihII at all times be furnished with the trllORGIA! I best this ariil the markets of.Charleston and 8a- ■ • A I 3 i i OC LAMA ’ll ON. 1 vannah wirf^aflord.- ■ •• JOHN J. RYRI>. By WILSON LUMPKI.n, Governor and Com- | }VANTED.~A‘ first rat? BAR KEEP- ii.\-;uder-iu-Chief of the 4tips State aui( of the Mili. . in T.|7HEREAS i have received official inform- d?" The MilledgeviHe Journal,- 'Maeou T ele- r 7 athni, that, on the 4th day of Julv iust... graph, Golqmbus Enquirer,. Washington News, murder was committed ou the body of Ransom Wfetern Herald,’ Auraria, Stannrd of Union, Narrimore by DAVID E. WALKER in the [ Sparta, .Southerfi Banner, Athens, will insert the j Army and Navy 0 f Elt a;i4a few good SIvRV ANTS.—Apply as a- litia thereof. • { hove f.oin-1 tali o’clock, P. ill; ’ 10 years of age—levied on as the property of William Carrington hy executions in favor of James Fitzgerald and others, levied ou and re turned to me bv a constable. ANDREW McBRIDE, shff. July 23 Also will be sold as above, One negro man named Willis, about 24 or 25 years of agi—levied on as the property of Silceif to satisfy a Fi Fa i incuts given ; ouc third down, one third in twelve months, and one third twelve mouths thereafter. JAMES WHITE, adm'r. Julv 22, 1833. of y.niuh fnyor ot Allen West nnd others all issued from I ihe property of John Philpot to satisfy one Fi | Timer deceased. There will ho three tnsiall- n justice court and returned to me by n const*- . [■ a from Bibb superior court in favor of Allen bic. ANDREW McBRIDE, shff. j Dorman vs Joel Rushin, William .Moore aud lune 19. i I Jolin'Philpot. . Also will be sold as above, j Lot of land No. 222 in the fourth district One negro girl by the name- of Barbara loot | originally Houston now Bibb county containing 202j acres more or less—levied on as the proper ty of Mitchel Conrell to satisfy ouc Fi Fa from Bibb superior court infavorof Mary M'Dounld and Catbariue M’Dounld vs Spencer Riley and Mitchel Cox well. H. 11. HOWARD. Shff. ^Administrators Sale. B EFORE the Court House in Carrollton Cnrroil comity under an order of the court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in September next. Four negroes, named as follows; a negro man by the iiamc of Bedick about 40 years old, ouc negro woman, by the name of Fauuv about, _ .. .. M ^ Simon about2years! Attention 481 Company, C. B1. fore the court house iu MrPoiiough Henry j old—sold as tho property of Mary Chapman de Henry Sheriff Sales. the first'Tuesday iu September next, he- j 30 years old. and her child county of Harris in said State, and it being rep- rpsenr'ed tome that the said DAVID E. \\ Al.K- ljR,.lias lied from justice,— i have therefore thought proper to issue this my proclamation, hereby offering a reward i f TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS,to any person or persons who may appreheivd and deliver the said fugitive to the ShcrilVov. Jailer of said county of Harris,:—aud I do moreover charge and require all officers, ci vil aud r^Uitaxy, in tliio-t/tate, tc be vigilant-in aiding t(> apprehend and deliver said offender,dn order that he . may be brought to trial for the crime so cbargedaig^jdst him. ' Given under niyjiari'il and the great seal of the State,.pt tke Sjafo.House iu MilledgeviHe, this trie twenty second clay of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight huudred aud thirty three. c WILSON LUMPKIN. By the Governor, • EvKoxrd H.v.mi - . :o::. Secretary of Slate. DnscKirTiox.—DAVID E. WALKER is re presented to lie of fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, five feet seven or ■ eight inches high, teeth very white, rather projecting, and is twenty two or three years df age. above once a week until 1st October, and forward their accounts to thersuhscriher as above. The Macon Telegraph. Georgia,’ Journal. Columbus Enquirer, Washington Sews, Western Herald, and the Standard of Union, are requested to send theit papers after the 1st of October next. • Augusta.Julv30. 1833. 45 J.J. T5, UNITED STATES HOTEL, AXJCrOrSTA, GEORGIA. C^/^The Georgia Telegraph and. Columbus J that his exertion Democrat will give the above tw o insertions.—44 modations of th James oilcey to satisfy a Fi Fa nsoed from a jnsM . ^ ,— , —j , —, rice's court of Fayette comitv iu l'avoi of John ! <,0U,I ty will be sold between tho usual hours of I ceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors Dawsey vs James Silvcy, levy made and returned to me by a constable. Seven negroes, to wit: one negro woman by tin: mine of Jonnuah aud In r child named Fas ter, the woman 2G years old and the child one year old, on; - named Lucy 3 years old. one nam ed Peis 7 years old. one named Nelson 5 years bid, one named Martha 0 years old, one uegro man uami . Tom 28 years old—all levied on as die prop rty of Mos s Padgett to satisfy a Fi Fa issr . from the Superior court of Fayette eoun- ’•» iu favor of D. Jc. T. Parrish Jo Co vs Lorenzo 1). Padgett & Moses Padgett, property pointed ! out by Moses Padgett. WYATT HEFLIN, D. :hff July 15 . | ale, One negro girl named Malissn—levied on as the property oil Win. C. l arrcll to satisfy two small Fi Fas issued from a Justices court ill favor of John Daily vs Win. C. Farrell and Francis. Adams security on the stay—levied aud returned I la to me bv a constable. ' JAMFS LOVE. D. Shff POSTPONED SALE. Also will be sold as above. of said deceased, day of sale. Julie 10, 1S33; Terras made known on the JOHN D. CHAPMAN, 38 adm'r. Y 7”OU are ordered to muster on the ground F. 11. Godfrey's at tho hour of 10 o’clock, ou the 4th Saturday in September next, armed ! and equipped as the law directs, for drill. Fail ' uot uudcrpenalty-offho law. * By order, Capt. GEORGE A. SMITH. July 22.1833. 43 Crawford Sheriff bales-. ■ W ILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in Sep- , tember next, at the court house in the town of Knoxville, Crawford county, the fol lowing property, to wit: ! l>e One ! ,; t ot' land No. 73 in the si.xlh district ! between Admin 1st rotor's Sale, Y and order of the Interior court of Monroe - _ « i-ia aw a m county while sitting for ordinary purpos- -AiA^OOA, CJlKS Go. Ga, ! cs, will be sold outlie first Tuesday in OCTU- J. G. bJ (Jl\.Eb, { BER next, at the court house iu Monroe county, A TTOUNEY at . Law, having established Fifty /IcreB of ."Land, himself ill the county of CASS, will u.nnsl. n more or los ot lot No. i!iirtv-<-evon in the four- promptly attend to any business in the course of x iircc iioifi ous, iiaiin.itf u uoninii uuoih «;•; i • ... , * .•* • • m t « * , . .♦ ../x , r ,, o i i.. i - tcetiih district of Monroe comity, well improved^ tuo profession iu tlie several courts oi tlieChero- oU years ol r*"c aiul ncr^cliilnrcn, Alek a hoy o .. , .. T . . , *, , 1 . •. <• „ * o .» - *oui as iiio propertv ol James tiardwiek cleceas- \ keo circuit* ixeaisti , „e .mi ic-i. ‘ i ~ - 1 s ° for the benefit of the heirs aud creditor?.- Letters on business to be directed to Sandford- WM. B. 1’ILES,'Adni’or. ! ville Post ()fll. ,- -e. Julv 31 *14 i_ June 18, 18-33. 4t 42 I The GEORGIA TELEGRAPH, T HE Undersigned, grateful for the patronage that has been extended to him since he has had the mnnagement-of the above Establish? ment, respectfully informs his friends’ and the public generally, that the HOTEL is now open, arid will continue so during the summer and at ! all times and all seasons, aud pledges himself shall be to rdudei the accoin Establishment inferior to uoue iu the city. The Stables arc amply supplied with an nhtiu- dauce of good provender, and uiriler Hje manage ment of a careful and experienced Ostler. JOHN R. ANDERSON. ,i {£/** The papers of this city, the Georgia Jour- rial, Macon Telegraph, Columbus Enquirer, j Southern’ Banner, Washington News, an4 Wes tern Herald, will publish the above once a week for one month, and fortvar 1 their accounts far payment to J. R. A. tore-Hoc; . ,. - - ■ Rui) ' Hou Mor county, - . Georgia, was discovered to be up,' ffiid with its contents (a valuable stock of ehandize) entirely destroyrd. And thereby soil to suspect that the said destruciit; Propertv w as the act of an iuceudiarv, •, persons'having been seen to pass through a»- field going in a direction from the Store tvL was burning.”,: Now, in-order'tobriug to condign puaishmr the person or persons guilry of tins nefarious,li the Charleston Tire find Marine Jnsunna p cni . pony hereby Oiler a Reward of FIVE liUNI). RED DOLLARS, to any person, who within six months fj-Vmi t?;e date hereof, discote and prosecute to convictio* the person or p,- sons'guilty ol the said act of'Arson ; and any [, r j. vate information that may Jean,.to the discover a-hd conviction of the perpetrators thcreo/'wiWLt Iiandsoinely rewarded. • Communications, addressed to ' the offire«f the Company, Charleston, S. C.; 1 tomes To per, Agent, Savannah, Geo.j'ii. I’addoo Augusta; or to Messrs. Philip IF Vo'inge Son, Darien.; Day & Butts, .Macon; :r ); Elijah Butts, Sandy Run, will be iiimiEdiuit attended to Bv order'of the Board of directors. ALEXANDER ROBINSON,Secret** Charleston, July 12.1833 4t To the Public. O N the first day of this mouth there tent place a'tremendaus stiriti at Thomasia. which is’found to have txteniiei aide andfy, and to have done much damage—, wing to whies the itiueraut agents employed to sc 1 tickeisawU not arrive in time, and the drawing of the I uioi Hotel Property Lottery c'ould not take placeoa the 2d iust. As there inconsiderable s’ocl; « io dispose of, the Proprietor thinks it best to ia the drawing when the stock is sold, or mono taMfy.‘ the first day of January next: lhi> ” give? h|m time to sell the bhfawte ot the tirki: Messrs. Saltmarsh Sc Overton start a fia- Coach Union Line, to L.iVe Macon amHV/i has, on the first .Monday : n April next, ai..’ at the Union Hofei in Thbinnston three tin. week. This splendid Line must raise the;:, nnd be'a great inducement for purchasers r. ever indulge in Lotteries. ' J. B. BATEMAN, Propriety- Tliomaston. .March 4. 1833. orG yeareofage and Green a Imy age—levied on as the property of John Self ridge tosalisfy a Fi Fr, from Henry Superior couitiu favor ol‘John Dailev Jr. against said Selfridge. • THOMAS J. JOHNSON, shff July 2G 1833. Jldmm istralar's Sale. N the town of Perry, Houston county, on the I-fmiof/in Vht i-iW *nh * ! -®- fil ' sl Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, will be Houston Mm iff salt*. j goW , Jcfore thc 3 court houso> wiIhia t « iC lawful j the first 1 uesday m September next will ) hour; . of f , alc!i sttld iii the towu of Perry Houston cou tty tlie lawful hokrs of-kale of originally Houston now Crawford county— levied on as jin- properly of Gnshom Sim to satisfy a ninrttr- ge I -, i Fa in favor of Poachy 1C. Gilmer—propertv pointed out iu - tic! mortgage. July 2 JOHN WHITTINGTON, rh'ff. Xiot of Land, Ko. 1^2. in the eightli district of said county, being thc A!' 202 Jy eighth di ford con He: hr si 'I’liotnas a itill he s • laml it >f ori^ii Bvied on ti ;fv Hire iiv i. . above, toil.. No. 170 in the Hon.-ton now Craw- tll- 1 oi oi; K - Y11 to in Ol Hem yJoa Walp. f v, is about ~S r- >!d— • .icd on a, ; property of Ludioell ; ffebb 11 sati fy five small Fi r..s, liirf - ? in fa- ,,f j-lr -tu-. r .nu V- Go and two.iff fn-or of filiinm J. ’A iynian -v .' . ., L. ill. \V6hb— • v iu ulc bv John a!pole coustrhlei JOHN WHITTINGTON, shff. July 29 2Q2& aches of Oak nnd Hickory land mere or hss in thc fifteenth district of Houston county, whereon Walter I, Campbell! now lives, well im proved and known tusnid district by No. 137, f ve in groes, to wit: Hnnur. - a woman 35 or 40 ye irs olo, Eliza a girl 12 or 13 years old. Rose t< girl JO or 11 years old.' Lewis a Imy 8 ot 9 veari old, Rbobiii a boy G or 7 years old—all levied on as I he Ulen : properly of Waller I.. Campbell tosatisfy a Fi Fa ii favor of favor of Leroy M Wiley vs Campbell <fc Mai g- ,. ;,j c . • ham and . tin r Fi Fas vs said Campbbll. ■ aud iv-; Fix - ncgfr/ek to wit: Sarah :: wdtnan J5 i years old, Sarah Ann a gir! Ubout 8 years hid, I Jackson a !n . G years old, Mnrthow a girl3ye,irs ol I, Allen a hoy 9 mouths old—all levied on as iho j ( ,f (j] C county of lloustoil when sitting for ordina- propeny jnf Solomon Simpson to satisfy several j r j. purposes'for leave tt> cell all the land and lie A WEEKT.V NEWSr.U’F.R, Printed at l^lacon, weorgia, And devoted to InteL'igence, Commerce, Sound Principles, Arts, Sciences, Literature, Sfc. rsiH.E ’PELi^GRAFIJ« will, as it has hereto fore done, vindicate personal aud political property of John Sturdivant.Uitc of Jasper conn- Ub so f .; r ns ’ h coinpa tible with private hap ly, «lcceased-s,,Id for the I.enefit of the heirs aud f)illcs 3 „„J public safety. It will therefore cling creditors. J erms on the day. to tho opinions of the Fathers of the Revolution, June 24 JOEL tilM’RDIYANT. A dm'or. .u. „i ,• „r F OUR months afterdate, application will be ■ loatlo to the honoralde Iuferior Court of Munrob county, .w lien sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell the real and personal estate of Jlichnrd Hamlen, of Said county, deceased. JOHN HAMLEN, Adm'or. May 6, 18 33. ,33 'fi NOUR months afterdate tqiplication will be JT ninile to the Justices bf tbe Inferior court small Fi Fas issued frofn a justice’s court in vor of William Solloms - .s Solomon Sithpsoii &. James Finly principal,’ and Robert Hodges sccu- filv. levied on and returned to nu; by a constable. Fifty acres of well improved Land it being Hso will he as abnve. i >" die South-east corner of Lot 2(75 iu the fifteenth One lot of Land No. 136 m iiio seventli dis- j district of Houston cotYiity^pointei! out by plain- trict of Crawford county—levied on as the pro- i dtl s Attorney, to prnv «>f Charles fi frrs to s'Uisfx n l'i Fa is>nc<l ouf <*i*f.’ic Stipe**' f Ctiurl i f t asJiiii^toii FMiutv iu favor of !l<»' rt iMiiKmo vs saitl ilu^crs. 1 oin* j U'i\ out bv Mai.uel liitakcr. July ;j!) \\ M JJ. FILES* dtp. sh'JF. \ llutls Sheriff Sales. 'ILL Iv sold on the first Tuesday in ^<-p- ’ tember next, before tins court fioese in Jackson, Butts county, between* the Usual hours j uf sale, . , O il Lot fronting rhs public sqtinro m the ; mr i of J.icksoii knonji ill flic plan of tov/il ] w 1 atisfy a Fi Fa fn favor of Ko bert Peacock Appellant vs Ishairi Baley ^espoij- dcut. # . i » . On' - : Lot' of we’l improved Land in tie fourteenth district of Houston county whereon I- saiah Hutchins now fives and known iu said dis trict by lot No. 82—to sati-lv sundry Fi Fas in fevor of Alpheas Beall and others vs Isaiah Hut chins, levy made and relumed to me hy a couDa- blo . . . One negro woman by tin - name of Sarah 35 or 40 years of age—levied on as tlie property ot Janus Tinly to satisfy a sinall I i Fa in favor of Maerea Williams vs James Finlv sN Tlios. J is- jrecs belonging to thc estate of Thomas ,4. Irwin late of said county deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.' HUGH L. IRWIN, JEre'4'r. May 27 30 F OUR months afterdate application will he made to the honorable inferior court of Crawford county when sitting for ominary pu; poses for leave to sell the real estate of Jof.n Richardson late of said comitv deceased. EDWIN MEADOR, adm'r. June 3 .34 I.V No. 2 en square. Not J. one jmndrc-1 and se- j tiei add other l’i Fas vs said Finlv. levy vi ntv feet back and seventy in front, unimproved j and relumed to me by a constable. - levied on as I he property of the Inferior Court j July 29 ISA: AH CHAIN, shff ■/Butts County, to satisfy the officers of .lie Su- I jg UlCKSJiUTII BUS/lVESS. perioi f Hurl marl l a. ; 1 it; v - •'•res of land—levied on as the prop- I ci ty ol d •/«•! ‘I ddsmith, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas iu favor of \*fr• <i Buffington aud others, known j :i - No. 19, in ib ' Vb District of originally Monroe i now *>uUs County kan ivu in the north wesieor- nev if said lot, vs saiii Hmi'b, levied ou aud re- turned ”• li Jult Sit by a constable. HENRY n.ATELY. Sh'rff. GOLD LOT FOR SALE. "IT OT.’No.630. 2 tlis. I sec. of formerly Cher- B A okoc, but now Forsyth county, for .‘lale upp.y at this olfica. ^ 4 11E Eiibscribcr informs his friends and :he ,.u!ilic generally, that he has taken lie hop formerly occupied hy Henry Rogers on the corner of fifth street uoriu of the < ’ourt House, where lie will carry ou the above business in ail its various branches. By a strict alteurion to his business, and he experience tie ha» hereto foie had, lie hopes to merit a liberal share of the public patronage. ' JOHN PRESTON ' Macon. August45,18.33 45 3t BLAfifSS 4'OR SALE AT THUS OFFICE. F OUR months after date application will lie made to the honorable Inferior Court of MerrhVether county, for leave to sell the east half of Lot 237, in the ftinth district of said county, the property of Jointi Dyson, deceased. JAMES H. RAVENS. Adm'or. ELIZA C. DYSON, Adm'rx. April 4, 18:13. 30 . tiscompriscd iu the Declaration of Independence rtnil the Constitution of the United States; and it holds it to he a truth almost intuitive, that on the most vigilant and:unremitting restriction of thc General and Stale branches of our Government to I their respective provinces, - depends the benign op erations of those opinions, the virtue of the man, the franchise of thc citizen, and the internal peace and external safety of the. country. It steers equally far from the new invented the ory of the nullifiers ; as it does from tlie old Fed eral doctrine of the Consolid ationists—conceiving that the true priuciplc of our institutions lies equal ly between the two extremes. And while it sup ports the Administration in all its judicious mea sures, it claims tho right to censure it whenever ccusifre is deserved. Tlip terms of subscription are. Three Dollars per annum, inaJvance—or Four at the end of the Year. M. BARTLETT. C2&77HAL HOTEL. THE SUBSCRIBER has taken thc above establishment situate in the extensive fire proof brick building, recently erected ?n Maccra,.and is pre pared for the accommodation of regular boarders, aud transient persons. Com modious stables arc attached to the hotel. The subscriber hrip'Ss to merit from his friends and the public a share of tiiqir patronage. John carter, .March 27, 1833 27 -fate of Clinton. uiviojy ha ta\; - Porsyth, G-a. The subscriber has purchased and now occupies tfih late Man sion House establishment in For syth, where he will take pleas ure iu ministering; to the accom modation aud comfort of those who may favor him with a call. His House is commodious, and he indulges a hope that those who visit tilb Union Hall will have no reason to complain, either of treatment ?r charges, which last shall be as mod erate as tbe times will warrant. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. ’pin 22 18 JOHN REDDING. T F OUR months after dale, application will he made to the court of ordinary of Coweta county, for leave to sell the Laud and Negroes of William Salisbury, late of said county, deceased. CHRISTOPHER b6\VEN. ma-yG Adm'r F OUR mouths after date application will he tuade to the Inferior Court of Houston cuiiuty tv hen sitting for ordiuary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the real estate of Orrill Ste lihms, deceased, consisting of tbe improved lot of land in tbe 12th district of Houston county, where-, ou the said deceased lived. ■ May 10 ALLEN WfNHAM, Adm'or. \ ~3ct. Fa.Writs F OR returning-fraudulent draws in thc Land aad UoldJLoucries fot$ale at tbu office., THE SOUTHERN PLANTER And Family Lyceum. An Agricultural ajrid Miscellaneous Newspaper, Brmted at Maeou, Ga. , KVEB.r OTHKR SATURX).\V. T HIS Paper is devoted maiuly to theiuteresfs of Agriculture; and is made up of origin al and selected articles on Farming and Garden ing, Raising Cattle and Horses; manufacture of Silk, \V ire and Sugar; management of Frrtit Trees, Poultry, Bees, Silk Worms ; Receipts for Pickling and-Dying ; short Essays on Health and Diseases; Jl jfsehoid Economy, Miscellany, Po etry, lice. ; No political or sectarian subjects nre introduc ed into tbe xvcrli:; and only Such adver' : «emeuis as nre of interest to Farmers odd Gardeners. The price of subscription is Two Dollars per annum in advance—or two and a half a' ‘be end of the year. M. BARTLETT. Notice. HE Books, Accounts and some of the Notes of A. •'hotwoll together with those of A. Shotxvell & J. S. 8inith, are "placed in the bands of John C. Helve list on tt;d 'Vm. (-• Parker, Esqrj. xvho are authorised to setti “ the same. The subscribers are particularly anxious to liax-e their claims settled without adding any ex pense to those indebted to them and hope that all who have not paid their notes or accounts will immediately call on Messrs Parker or llelveu- ston and do so. ALEXANDER SHOTWELL, JOSEPH S. SMITH. Mflcon. April 1,1833. 27 L ONDON PRINTED MUSLINS, for Dresses, new patterns, just received and r sale by \VM. 11. BURDSALL. ■* pril 10 27 A Hired, Importation. « l CASKS Madeira Wine, warranted a su perior article, for,sale by ilaj-32 2* bREA &. COTTON. ^ Crcor^id Butts county* A OTICE. T O all whom it may coucern, notice is here by given that 1 have this day and do by ! these presents revoke a certain 1 POWER OF ATTORNEY. Given by me and m my unme, to one William Thaxton of said county, ou the seventh day of January 1829, for certain purposes therein nam ed, as fully aud effectually as if said Pox - er of Attorney had uever been given by me, and that all further actings and doings of the said William I LX VERY STAL1S. FBI 11 E undersigned has opened a Livery M: ■ ble fbi - keeping and hoardiug lloi'sis, Ax at ibasi^ncUlatterly occupied by Riley niilo!- merly By Bnren, fronting the Cfiurt House square Macon, xvhei'e he v, rH be tliaiikfid for a share ■: public patronage. His lerui^xvill be as mote', as the price of provpiider. Ac. will admit, v- every attention paid that ij requisite. Ilisp?- - sent .charges' artrten dollars per month. A'few Saddle ftorscs will at all times bo for hire. JOSEPH WAIN WRIGHT Fel) 20 2. * ■ _____ ~ NOTICE. T HE subscriber having determined vok a final adjustmeut ot ail, matters like has any interest in brought to a ;*kire, offer,' following property fm side, ir.’.il it nofsoldb' Tuesday the 5th of November, will then !-. - - - to the highest bidder iu the eity of .Macon Dwelling House and Lot, together iu'i.ii- large Store houses thereto attached; W are House anil Lumber Y.,rd Lot: Saw and Grist AI ills. Lands and thereto attached . 3 Town Lots with comfortable Dwci -• out buildings; One two acre Lot and improvements; One four.acre Lot and improvements. - Two Lots of laud lying near Bulloch,- 1 "- wcII limbered; ' t . 1, Lc?t of laud 7th di trict Gwinnett No. -ff 1 do dp do \\ iikiiison N 0 -'-- 1 do 2ii do Coweta No. Iff Together xvifh his Stock of Goods now oa l'- Terms of sate made knou t) by :ippb ,u c ,l> " Subscribe: - in Maeou. „, v DAVID RALST0.V P. S. 1 Fine pure Hoflaiul Gin just re, ',TT D. li A L8'I0N N. li. The sulisi riber will require due him closed up to the fifstof July, a n “ ai l ^. ; created after that date* will be closed ever.' » days. *'• July 1 • 40' — No^zcE. H A '’ING bad a number of a fT‘' c ? ill! y t .'ots by those living at adistaUre con. ulit; wish to settle near 1 town or citj’, T take this methm. t° " vet have a few of the most desirable o _ In addition to tV,' 8 many iui!uremc« eat »y holds out. (good schools, a location , .fr surpassed tor health « l ’id ex cel let.* ^ cX ;cu< r are noxv preparations u - iaking u'J - “ lJ ,iI*eS cademyiii the city (little ,r ;" ie "V.. taut) Those xx ho xx ish to '' u >'l-rru jl,L well to apply soon. A. Thaxtou under or hy authority of said Poxver of a St ? Ut IU ! l TJ! r 'pd complexion. Attorney will he void and of I I s abo V t 6 f, ' P ’ h '^’ r f d ove re«'^ ’ NO EFFECT, As detemiued not to ratify them. her NANCY G. X THAXTON mark. July 31st, 1833. 46 N 1 RON CHEST, for sale by ; April JO S9 IVAl.H. BURPSAJLL • July/10 41 — - One Hundred Dollars B ROKE Jail, on Saturday uigbb 1 ’ a man named CARTER LANGFORi'- honed fellow, talks raffier^ j. has a sly, cunuing look. The j: vC r hi® 3 tj he given to any person that will < • • ». Jailor in Moron, Bibb M March 27 26 W. B^CON F, Loaf and Lump ? -M BOXES Loaf and tump - » w received *mdfoi’® a J e . JJci 9 4 -WEA vv