Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, December 05, 1833, Image 1

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GEORGIA TEL BY SI. BARTLETT. m Vol. VIII....Number 10. The GEORGIA TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT MACON, CA. Printing Office on Second Street—next door to Huron's Hotel. TERMS.—Tiiree Dollars a year, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars, if uot paid before the end of the year. Subscribers living at a distance svill bo required in all cases to pay in advance. (IT No Paper discontinued, but at the discro- tioo of tho publisher, until all -arrearages are pnid. tr-- authorised to announce JOHN MORE I.AND, as a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of this county, at the next election. Angust2i,1833. 41. ft?* We are autliorizM to announce WM. R. SCOTT as a Candidate for Coroner of Bibb county. August 12 (ST Wo arc authorized to announce WM. B. JOURDAN as a Candidate for Rrsoio*f of Tax Returns for Bibb county at the ensuing elec tion. • August 2 iNVn- Fall and Winter Goods, A&rD CiOTnZKO, JUST RECEIVED, At the Macon Clothing Store. consisting in part of B L * C ?V. t )lue - brown, olive, mixed, raven, invisible and bottle green Cloths mixed, buff, striped, and ribbed Black, blue, Cassimere Petersham, striped Sati English fig’d Velvet, a l atinetts new and fashionable ar- (17 s * We are authorised to an nounce WM. C. PARKER, Esq. a candidate for Recicver of Tax Returns for the county of JliVi nt tho'ensuing election. June 5 4t wwo for Vesting Woollen Velvet Plain do Ruff, White, and fig’d Valencia p.° . . 0 _ do Marseilles i-jpc Irish Linen, a large assortment of miugs. Fancy Articles, &,c. p^te- crimson, aud English fancy Pkt Ildkfs Whit! Italian Cravats d ° White I-ancy >- Trim- BJk and white Horse-skin Glo'-° Linen, Cotton, aud Woollen Gt oves do do CT We are authorized to an nouncc JOHN II. OFFUTT as a candidate for Clerk of tho Inferior Court, at the enduing elec tion. _ May 23. 07* We are authorised to an noutire JOHN L. MUSTIAN a candidato for Sheriff of Bibb county.. May 1.18*1. 31 SdP W e are authorised to aunounco Daniel .Wadswouth, Esq. as a candidate for Tax Col lector for Bihb county. July 10 41 Blk, white, and colored Silk Buck Woollen, Cotton, and Silk half Hose &. Stockings 1 lam aud plaited Satiu and Bombazine Stocks Velvet do Shirt Collars and Bosoms India Rubber, Silk and Cotton Suspenders bliouhler Braces, Pantaloon Straps Cravat Stiffners Silk, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas Cloth Caps A large Assortment of Military Trimmings. CLOTHING. Black, blue, brow n, olive, mixed, invisible aud bottle green Cloth Dress and frock Coats Mixed and brown Coatees Pantaloous of every description Black aud blue cloth double aud single and rolling collar Vests Black silk aud cotton woollen plain and fig’d velvet Vests . Plain and fig’d Valencia and Marseilles Vests Cloth and Petyrshani Over Coats BIuo and blk goats hair and common camblct Cloaks, Lndies’ Cloaks l-’inc lincu, cotton and net Shirts Linen, fianucl. Canton flannel, cotton aud net Drawers A good assortment of Negro Clothing, Sec. See. Tho above clothing is manufactured by mvself, and will bo sold ns low as at any other Estab lishment. Tailoring carried on as usual, having the la test New York nnd London Fashions and Good workmen, will endeavor to do justico to all that favor me with their custom. LEWIS FITCH. W. B. For salo a Barouche nnd pair northern We are requested to horscs - * oct 241633 ~ a JESSE SMITH is a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb county. 41 of llihli <'ounty. MARTIN SIMMONS is a camlidato for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Inferior Court July 30. JulylG ^Ve are authorized to •announce LEW IS LAWtslIE as a candidate for sheriff at tho ap proaching election 42 We are authorized to anuonneo WILLIAM B. CONE as a Candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county at tho ensuing election. election. announce Beverly Reu, F.sq. as n candidate for receiver of Tax Itoiurus of thiscouuty, at the next Juno 6, 1833. 37 - We ale authorized to ■ announce Geo. P. Waonon^rs a Candidate for Tax Collector at the eusuing election. Juno II 1833. 37 -52? next election. u Ilou<ton county, nov IS 1833 We are authorized to nunounce Ooonor. ViUAL us «i candiduio furTojs Ooiicvtvi »• • 38 We are authorized to announce Capt. J. M. ALLEN of the Houston' Cavalry, as a Candidato for tax collector for 8 31 A C-O N CABINET* WARE HOUSE. . „ I 7IRGNTING Cotton Avc-uue, opposite Hu- . sou's hotel, on .Mulberry street, where the Proprietors offer their present very largo stock of Furniture at very reduced prices. THU FOLLbWlNG COMPRISES A PART t Sideboards, Blabs, Lockers, Secretaries, Desk aud Rook Cases, Sofas, Couch and. Lounger’s Sofa Beds, Settees and Easy Chairs, Dining Tables in Sets and siugle ; Pier, Centre andTea Tables, Work, Caudle, and Dessert Stands; W’ardrohe, Dressing aud French Bureaus, with an assortment of Bedsteads of every description; Feather Beds, Hair and Moss Mattresses, W il low Cradles and Wagons, Floor Mats, Window Blinds, Mahogany Chairs with Cano and Hair Seats, Faucv Wood Seat and curl Maplo Chairs. The Proprietors of the above establishment hive a Manufactory connecter! with it sej that they arc cuabled to furnish aDy article at the shortest possible notice. ALSO Repairing and Mending of every kiud done. V mushing. Upholstery, Azc. Orders from ihc country shall reccivo strict attention, and our. patrons with our thanks for past favors will find us ever striving to give for Cash, Goods x’aluo received. THOMAS WOOD &. CO. business conducted by Thomas If ood. oct 22 tf 4 T USCAN Bonnets, just received and for salo by WM. H. BURDSALL. Oct. 14. 3 Farmers' Bank of Chattahoochee. T HE public aro aware that a partial chaugc has taken place in tho Direction of the Farmers’ Bank of Chattahoochee, and tho news of that change has been accompanied by reports calculated to alarm the uiiuds of tho peo ple iu relation to the solvency of the Bank. Theso reports havo originated ’vith the ene mies of tho Institution. Having bad some agen- gcncy in producing the chnugo referred to, owe it to tho community, as well as to tho Bank, to say, that these reports are whollv unfounded. The Bank never was in a souudorcondition than it is at present, and is considered able to meet its •issues promptly. • Ono thing is certain and which 1 hope the Public svill bear iu mind.—If the Bank was good on the fiast Monday in this month (which is most explicitly avowed by tho former President and Cashier) it must bo good now, as nottiing has been done by the present board o( Directors which in the slightest degree £ J ) . * change its situation for the worse; a ,,J ll1 ® ln K h cli ir u-ter n I leWnnw.i 4e -.1 imegrilj of the g< ll-1 daman (Cm. Sanford) who now presides over the Institution, are nsulficlont goarsoiee_ih it its U- Eti.* will be conducted iu future upon legit HU.-to and honorable principles* It is hoped that the •public will not suffer a momentary excitement to cr* nan cck* try fftrs, And t iheui lu u;*on tho o! ilu* Hunk iu heir immls. All oreimiit-d to present thoui forpaymeni. and rro a»u;ed Ur.tlbev w ill be promptly m ’ ALFRED IVERSON. Columbus, fro?. iiihf lc<>3. NEW GOODS. F. O’CALLAGHAN, I S now receiving direct from New York an extensive assortment of seasonable Goods, which ho will sell on very reasonable terms for cash, aud invites purchasers to call and examine for themselves. His stock consists In part of the following articles .* 20 hhds. superior St Croix sugar 30 hhds. prime New Orleans, sugar bhls. doublo refined Loaf do do Lump do 3000 bushels Liverpool ground salt 10 hhds. molasses 50 bbls. canal flour 10 boxes new cheese cri blda. Nos. 2 aud 3 Mackerel 2 pipes best Holland Gin 2 pipes Cognac Br.-.ndy 1 bhd.Old Jam. Rum 50 bbls. old Ryo Gin 50 bbls. old Itye Whiskey 30 do N. Rum 10 qr. casks .Malaga Wino 50 boxes Raisins 30 cadies .Gunpowder and Imperial Tea- . 10 chests Fresh Hyson do 200 pj. best hemp and tow Bagging 1000 lbs. English and American Twine 50 coils Balo Ropc 10,000 lbs. Castings, assorted 20,000 lbs. best Swedes Iron 500 lbs. German aud Blistered Steel 50 kegs cut Nails, assorted 5 dozen Collins & Co.’s Axes 10 sets Blarksmith’s Pools, complete Also a great variety of other articles in the Hard ware Line. 1500 pr. Shoes, all kinds and qualities 1000 pr. negro Shoes 20 cases Hats, superior quality Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Cloaks id bales Mackaman and point Blankets 10 bales 3-4 Shirting 10 bales 5-8 superior Shirting 10 bales G-4 bleached Sheeting 2 bales 4-4 cotl«n Diaper ^ •# 30 ps. Satiuctt, all colors Irish Linen, white and red Flannel .. » Black Italian and Lustring Silk. Apron Silk Pongees; Jaconet, Book aud Swiss Muslins Bohinct and thread I.acc Baudannar, Lawn, and Cotton Ildks, Also, on the tray, 2 closo Carriages and 8 Barouches 3 Gigs and 3 Sulkeys ON HAND, 40000 lbs. Bacon—2000 lbs. Lard 20 bags Livo Geese Feathers A general Assortment of SADDLES, BRIDLES. MARTINGALES, &.C. augr 29 50 ■ - ~~j\rOTICE. I N consequence of the great scarcity and high price of provisions the undersigned have made some alterations in their Tavern Kates* Board and Lodging per month do without lodging do per woek do per day Lodging - - * Horses per night do . - fc ed Dinner, supper and breakfast each Children and. servants^ pnc* QN JOHN CARTER, L. A. ERWIN. Oct. 30. 1833- 5 tf $20 00 15 00 7 00 1 50 25 75 37j 50 2* trs* aides and Horns. iVK. highest price will be given by the sub- B si-nYcr for rurs of all kinds, either Beaver, Otti r. Karrm or Muskrat. . Hides, dr*. in any quantity; also Deer Skins. Homs, Ox or 11nek. <’• LinfibiNS. Nov 27 17 _ ft' : null din r*. _Wn '/»• "V St , j Uo FOR SALE A i ilHri OFFICE. NEW* GOODS. WM. 11. BUrbsaLL, II” Afis Jusi received a new aud extensivo cs- JIJ. sortment of DRY GOODS\ ZUQA9Y CLOTHING, hats, shots, v. w Inch he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS SUOCK CONSISTS. O PERT, OP THE FOLLOWIIO : ouper Saxony, Blue, Black aud Faucy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, Mixed aud Faucy colored Satiuetts r-iigli: n Merinoes Duille, Point and Rose Blaukcts Bcailet, Crimson, Green aud White Flannels Printed balsbury Canton and Saxony and Gauze do Damn ik lable Diapers Birds Eye and Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue aud coloured Bouibazctios do do- do Circassiaus Negro Ciuins Liuseyn Bleacfced aud Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustirug do Grosde Swiss do do Naples do do Berliu • [ do Binehews and Sarsanet* Colore*l Gros do Naples Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes. Mcrinb Mamies aud Bquarc Shawls Comtuau, Thibet wool. Valeutia, Silk Dariask aud twisted Silk Shawls Herman, .Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros dt Na ples Dress Jldkfs Lndies and Misses Bonnets* Irish Linens ami Lawns Cotton Cassiinen Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron and Furuituro Chotks Domeirac Plaids aud Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Buizo Green Frieze Cloth l-'Uniituro Dimity Russia abeetingBoar Duck Cambrx do Bleached Dovvlass Ozuaburghs Baugup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Wonted and l-«uibs wool Hosiery Black i ud colored Cambrics aaiiu aud Gauze Garnitures • Blk aud coi’d Lu'striug Ribbons Dark aud light col’d Prints and Ginghams Luce aud Gauze Veils Fig’d tmd plain Bohinct Laco Threa-J Lace« Douit ie, Saxony, Swl». Mull, Nausook and Book iluslms I .inen Cambric Hdkfs Pongee, Indian Flag and SpittlefieldlldUfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat sltiu Gloves Ladiei Beaver, Goat skiu aud Silk Gloves Bead Reticules CLOTHING. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, adclaid. olive brown aud green Broad Cloth Dresi Coafai Supeifiue blue, black, brown aud green Cloit Frock Coats. Supcifino blue, olive, green and mixed Cloth Coulees. Blue, steel mixed and fancy colored Satinet Coit- ces aud Frock Coats. Super blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, Blue, black,~amr lAUcy'xor.A'Zc.iovnco.J?anr< Youths’ Cloth & Satinet Dress and Frock Coats. do do do Pants. Black and blue Cassimer, black and col Velvet, black Florentine, black Bombazine, dark aud light col’d Vfaleutia. English Silk, colored and wldto Marseilles, Totitiucs, Swansdowu and Satinet Vests. * * C A MB LET CLOAKS tf GREAT COATS. Mixed brow n Cloth and Petersham Box Coats. Lyon Skin Over Coats. Fine Linen Shirts, Collars. Bosoms, Slocks, &.c. JYFjGRO clothing. Men’s aud Youths’ Fur Hats, do do Wool do do do Cloth, Seal and Hair Caps, Fine Boots aud Shoes, .EGRO SHOES. o.*» 15 3 * PIONEER LINE. G EN't LEMEN’S Superfine Cloth Cloaks, do . do Black Camblct do a new article. Just received and for salo by oct 18 4 . WM. H. BURDSALL. Sugar, Coffee, Bagging, SfQ.. A A HHDS. primo St. Croix Sugar 150 hags Coffee, good quality 70 piecci heavy hemp Bagging 1500 rend/made cotton Bags of 5 &5J yds 4000 bushels ground Salt 500 do alum do 4000 llis. Bacon 200 kegs orange Gunpowder 30 bairels Flour superfine 20 firkins niotmtaiu Butter 15 barrels Loaf Sugar 10 kegs Tohacco for sale on accommodating terms by REA & COTTON. Nov. 7, 1833. 6 • j * • •* -jrfi'. : r T - -' * S HIPPERS are informed that the STEAM BOAT CHARLESTON, Capt. Jolm Bhnellis added to the hue to ply constantly dn- ric tiio season between IAS. IE Iff £l 'he addition of this fine Boat ensures the graest despatch to Cotton shipped hy this line, by tvoidiug long detention at Darien and rc- shi|nent on Sloops which is liable to be very tcdius when the winds are adverse. 'Iio Steam Boat Pioneer, Capt. McCormick \vilbe continued on the river to tow un the freight ffares from Darien. 'Vis subscriber hopes that his arrangements to transportation between Mo«*' u u,ul Bea-^orts, will meet mu. e— J. R. BUTTS. AGENTS. Mr. J). B. Halstead, Mr. J. T. Rowland, J/h E. P. Butt, Mr. JFm. Patton, Mn«on, Nov. 12. 1833. Hawkinsville, Darien, Savannah, Charleston. 7 J. GODDARD, & CO. HEACON, WOULD take this method of informing their friends and the public, that they have taken an I interest in a s team b oa t, Now building iu Savannah, called the WATER NTYMFZX, • To run between Savannah and this place, stop ping at Darien and Hawkinsville, to receive and discharge freight. The. BOAT will be comple ted by the first of October next, and is expected to make a trip from Savannah to Macon, on a good river, in SIS DAYS I! Is made, of light draft, with two engines of 33 horse power, each. This will be a great facility for Merchants who w;sh to ship their goods by tho way of Savannah or Darien, to Hawkinsville and Macon, or in Shipping Cotton to Savannah. No exertions or expense will ho spared to give the greatest de spatch to Goods or Cotton by this Boat. Agents for this Boat. I, . BALDWIN, & CO, Savannah, ISAAC SNOW. Darien, JOHN RAWLS, & CO. Hawkinsville, J. GODDARD, & CO. Macon. ' Macon, August 5, 1833. Cm 45 WARE~ltiOUSE~ AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. MAG'iN, GA. T HE subscribers will continue the above bu siucss tho ensuiug season, aud return their grateful thanks to those who favored them with their patronage the past season. They have ta^ ken the Waro House, kuowu as Lamar’s ■ LOWER WARE HOUSE* Situated immediately ou the river; having a good wharf attached .thereto, and very safe from firo For the convenience of their friends residing be have t ikeu me large uim vvttOcc-_th£V recently erected by Mr. G. B. Wardlaw, iu East Macon, whieWrom its peculiar situation, is reu dered quite secure from tho danger of fire, and from whence Cotton will bo taken to the wharves free of charges. Each of the subscribers will re side iu Macon the ensuing season, aud promise their unremitting attention to the interest of those who may favor them with their business and confidence. Liberal advances will be made on produce, merchandize and other properly confi ded to their care, aud strict attention given to the filling of orders, receiving aud forwarding goods See. Insurance in the best offices can be effected at the usunl rates when desired. EVERARD HAMILTON, JOHN-R. HAYES. August 26. 48 Watches, Jewellery, Ac. THE subscriber is now »* pening. at his old stand in tie brick row, a new .supply if Goods in bis line, cosistiutr if Gold aDd Silver Lever Watches; Common do. : Watch Chains, Seals aid Keys; Ear Rings. Breast Pins, aid Riugs; Spoons, Dirk and Pocket Knives, Pistols, Music Boxes, &:c. &c. which he offers low for c;>sh. RliFUS R SMITH. N. B. Particular attention paid to the repar ing ofWatrhes of every description. Oct. 17. 18:13. 4 2m AVA REHOUSE, AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscriber continues the <$> ZB Ware-House and Commission Bu siness at his Old 'Stand (Head of Chi-rry Street and* Cotton Avo- uuc,) where he offers all the usual facilities iu the above Business. COTTON stored with him, will be delivered in any part of tho city free of charge of Dray age, or shipped to any other Market at tho usual rates. For the greater convenience of those who tnny favor him with their patronage from Counties east of the River, trading to Macon, he has ta- Jkeuthe Ware-House next below the old bridge, I recently occupied by Messrs. Day & Butts, and t known formerly as John T. Rowland’s Ware- t House—and assures his friends, every facility in i crossing tho l!iver will he offered, to render the I inconvenience by loss of the bridge as' small as possible. His Ware-Houses and close storages arc in good order, and as much exempted from danger of FIRE as any in Macrtn. Insurance in the best offices, can be efl'octed at very low rates, should additional security be required. james c. Morgan. Macon, August 15, 1833. 47 J. GODDARD, & CO. Warc-Housi „ ■ i o A* W Commission 3ft rclia n ts r/TA COM, asc. w. cA":ri-3\T">. r x j Compound Fluid Extract of Piiik Il cf, (Spigelia JUcrilandica,) T HE most effectual worm-destroying filed:- cim- discovered. G. W. CARPENTER’S- Compound Fluid Ext met of Sdrsapdrillc, For purifying the blood, and removing a' lis- ILL*transact the above business at tlie - - • - .. old stand of J. Goddard, which is ib I 5^? '-om excess of Mercury, oxposur. good order for the reception of Cotton aud Sto- I j;^,, ascs *' '* rage of ^oods. The Ware House is remote from the dangers cf fire, as any in theCity, and is con venient to a goo i Wharf. They prepared to make advances at ail times ou Cotton stored or shipped by them From the Ion,: experience in the above business, they ii itr r ti.ei-.selvc : that by their undivided attention to the interest their customers,, and the facilities which they will at all times be able to render, that they will re ceive a continuance of that Patronage of their friends and the public in general, which they have shared so liberally heretofore. Cotton stor ed with them will be insured in a good office at thelowcst rates if requested. _ Macon. August 5. 1 * **(• fl *“ * 1 - > Itiiicle/lO Glass. JUST received, 12 by 18 n. m. Ghss, 12 16 do do 11 16 do do 10 * 12 do do 8 10 do do 12 16 Mullica do 12 16 do do 10 15 do - do for sale by WM. G. brown chronic comtiuMonal isiug from an impure state of the blood, &c. G. W. CARP! . fER'S Compound Syntpof Li (Ifeputica Triloba.) A safe and • hi :l.le medicine for Couyhs', ?pit'ing oi Blood, Consumption and Liver Compnduts. Carpenter's Saratoga Powders, Formakies Ccnzress Spring or;, water. Dr. Ii’. Judkin's Ointment, A valuable specific Ointment forUleeir, Soros, Spruins, Brui cs. Felons. Arc. Also, Coi pinler's Oil o f Conlhcri•• fijanenr, oil <if Oop«iva, I 'oi.r 6i • i-na ry Elm, Worm Tea.^&e. For sale by WM* o Biv‘- Nov. 7. 7 on Oct 31. G ENTLEMEN’S fashionable blk. Beaver hats, iust received and for sale by WM. Ii- BURDSALL. Oct. 15 NKAV BOOK STORE. B. P. STILES & Co. RESPECTFULLY iu- . form the public that they have taken the store iu Ellis, Sholwell Ac Co’s, row, two doors above the Post Office, where they are now receiving and opening a very general assortment of Books and Stationary. Ambhgtiieir works, they have a general assort ment, and will ho constantly receiving the new publications on Theology, Medicine. Law, His tory, aud Miscellaneous subjects, together with such other articles as are usually kept -in a Book Store. As one of their firm will bo most of the time at the North for the purposo of attending sales . ud selecting Books, they flatter themselves that they will at all times have as good an assortment, and. be able to dispose of them on ns moderate terms a* any house in tho Southern country. BLASTS BOOK?, B. P. ?• it Co. have u large assortment of all kinds and sizes. Fools Cap, Letter, and Note Paper of the besi quality, both English and American, plain aud embossed, water aud feint liued, pink, yellow ue and white. BLANKS. B,ank Checks. Notary Public Letters, Ware house Receipts, Bills of Ladiug. Writs of all kinds. Justices Sumniuua, do Executions, Clerks do nishments, Ca. Sa- •»“«* Summonses. Marriage License, Bail Writ aud Bond, Inter. Com. Directions for Interrogatories. Bills of Indictment, Bench Warrants, Bail Bonds, Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Admiuistra- iou, Temporary Letters of Administration, Tem porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. Dec 21 24 Fresh Drugs, Paints <$* Oils. DR. W. B. BALL HAS just received his fresh sup plies, aud offers for sale, at his store on Cotton Avenue, a quantity of Linseed Oil Extract Sarsaparilla,- Sperm do Carpenters Train do Castor Oil (fine article)' White Lead Crotou Oil SpanishBrown ground Spirits Turpentiue Copal Varnish Black leather do Japan do Glue Snuff, Macaboy and Scotch Fine cut Tobacco Hair & coat Brashes Camel’s hair Pencils'" THE SUBSCRIBER W ILL sell the stock of BOOKS & HARD WARE. belonging to Ellis, Shotw»H &, Co. nt very low prices, at.retail, for tasta. and merchauts who may want to replenish tbrir stork, upon time, for approved paper. Tie Stuck consists of a great variety H trdttmrr, Cuiicrif, Castings MECHANICS’ TOOLS, * j Brass Wtre «?n'*naia do. FURMTURE MOl \TI.\G. &c.’&c. BOORS 1 Consisting -if Ir.r^ and small Bibles. Medical, ! ^ md .■'eliiinl Bo'ii '. and a great variety of I 1 Religious and Mixeellam *u- Books j i Dte.drf 23 JACOB SUOTWELL 07* 200 NEOROES. 73) Just Arrived and for Sale. O F both sexes, consisting of good Cooks, Washers and Ironers, Seamstresses and chamber Maids, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and a large supply of Field Hands, ami Plough Boy». Persons wishing to purchase would do well to call as early as convenient and examine for themselves. OLIVER SIMPSON, H. H. & S. F. SLATTER, JOHN LANE. Hamburg, Nov. 4, 1833. 6 2m BUTTER! I Pjf TUBS Virginia Butter, for family use. rmt # . AL^O. 4 Pieces Blankets, a fi-sf rate article. REA &. COTTON. Oct. 29. 1833. 5 Georgia,—Monroe > ounty ’*?'> A - awnr ^rtsditors. P I I. \>E lakt- . oiioe th,t I intend at rh next term of the inferior court to b' he! ii il?t sen nd Monday in Pecend’er next to . iii self of. 'h<* hem-fit of the act en:irl< d a I nr: f'<> - rh« relief of houest debtors. This I8cb I November 1833. V 8 2t ROBT. P. BALDWIN. in oil do do dry Venetian Red Windsor Glass Paint Brushes Indigo, Spanish Flote Alum Copperas Pearl Ashes Magnesia, lump Scal’d Chloride of Lime Starch " Chloride of Soda Quinine Lemon Syrup Piperiiio Lamps Iodine Lanterns Opium Lamp Glasses &• Wick Motrphium Sulpbat & Vinegar Acetate Madeira and Port Wine* Suitable for convalescents. Together with an extensive and general .'ssort- ment of all articles iu his line, all of which were purchased iu perv>u by himself in New York, and are warranted genuine, lie is-prupared to give reasonable accommodations and respectfully invites the attention of the public. Feb 13 20 -XC; ' is fresh stt-stsivo nzil eula and country iue Stoce, Alum r .m i DRUGS, MEDICI:«EE sullScriber is now .. :ei- l supplies, md in adiiiin.t . assortment of PR32S& BY: Medicines arid t : Offers lor s,iiv ;> qnntiurv of D\ik cs U T , Viz.: Logwood, i>ed Samlei Moods, Spanish Flot. Gua; Indicro; Madder. Copperas, j aud Anuatio; PAINT5'. White Lead, dry and ground hi Venetian ited do do do Sp..uish Brown do do .;o Yellow Ochre do do Jo Verdigris do do c,a Prussian Blue, Rose, Pink, Drofi, L ion, Crome Green, Croir.e 4 dmiv, 'J ua. Stone Ochre, Liibargt, Tur Flake \(hite. Lamp a ad l'o:- FElil’UMEii r . Otto of Rose. Milk of Rose, ; meric cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp* iv : ' - shaving Soap, cream r*oip, Cologne and i o W ater; Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar c.i:d Acliqr.o oil, lCosb auu Fearl Powder, &e. BRUSHES. Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Plaster, Shoe, and Horstf Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Pearl. Ash. Soap, Pipes Toba u. Grourid and Race Gii ger' sj s, &c» &e. For sale by WM. C. liliOHN. nov 21 8 |-ty .tks. VcnnOI* . Dt.: Icll- Umberi 100 do 50 100 50 Practice of XKZedicine. DRS. CONE &. BRIDGMAN have united in the Practice of .MED ICINE and SURGERY. Their office is the ono heretofore occupied bv Dr. Cone. Jan 1. 1833. 14 DB. FRASrKXEN, H \VING located in Macon, res pectfully offers his services to the ci tizens of that place, and its vicinity. He will attend to the duties of all the branches connected with his pr.*fess- ion—as Surgery, Midwifery. Ac. Dr, F. will be found in his office at all times, unless profession liv engaged. nov 11 7 cr»e>myi t*. •% CA«Il. STORE. j iSL wt S.C?. JS,Xt dour to t/u 1 ust Afice. \VE received aud aro now op< mug a very exu-nsive assortment of Entir. 'j Jr,in, reasonable aud Fahionabh i n G —j, which sold nt unasuilly !<• * price? Lurch .sers will find it to th-rir advaiila t ;o to. give us a call. Our rtock consists iu part ol 600 pieces Calico, from 10. to 37cIS. 100 do furuituro prints rlinen ,: n TnrUfl- r, , ,> 50 Wo Circaaaqiaua all colors, ; . : ao O qr. do French (.'huffy,. Grode Swiss, deK«p Berlin Siuch- v Sursnet ssnu Levautiu. L-i!kc col’d Lining Pouit ue Soie col'd Cambric plain Pope st:.;e(', & Cambric book, plain and fig’d t . ..-S’, ^t.rionct, Nausook, and mull Z Linen Cambric, ins’g c'o. ri-h. . '.v;;,) cor ded Robes. Lat e, at ! Edgiog , rimes 20 uoz silk. ;.; «z . hernam . £: CT. po i.~cy Fhawls, Thibet Wool do 100 doz pongee nnd spittalfitid S' . : -fs 100 do cotton fl-<g. turkey red, anc lldkf# luo doz tu; king 100 do side do JSlieil tucking & side do Dressing nun ivory do ISO plain autl l 'iin i raidPor,nets Elegant sett Rib. ons, Rib’ns every cclor 25 do* elegant Belts, fig’d blk aud co’dvei . ielts Plain blk velvet dt., s.ik veivt t tr,l. uo 100 doz while, ri.udcu. blk ai.. . coliou ;> .j woolltn Hosiery Kid, Ilorstakiu and beaver Glo. is 50 “ woollen do - 6 bales 3-4 4 4 6-4 checked Htmc-jpuns 25 ps Irish Linens every quu.ny ■1U0 doz spool 3 bread 50 uo BU. aud assort’d coin’d Iti.-h sewing Thread, blk.-and colored sc o mg Silk 50 pieces blue, mixed, stuped, and drao riat- inetts > 10 do blue, blrck. mixed, Bread Cloths J tripod and drab Cassimere, Erminttt 25 peices white, red, yellow & gran Flannels from 31 io ~5i't-. 25 bales 3-4 imll-l llcmcspnn ffern 1C to 14c. 5 do t\'Uon and heprp Osuaburgs 5 do striped negro Blankets 8 and 9-4 50 pieces Rose do 50 do heavy Fustians and woolen Cloths for negroes 5 bales 3 4 4-4 6-4 Plaids and Stripes Furniture Plaids. Bangup Cord. Ticklrubur, Ru'-di Duck, Crash Diaper, Heavy twilled Lowe! Colo ns 5 Bales Tickings from 124 t 117,t 100 Cotton &; Suk Umriv’.li,. gentlemen* Cloaks is ca... Boavnr and uap't Kir. G-isos a large assortment c. b< avy Shoe':, g.:c:!v.-oea. and ladies Shoes of every kind rood n-s.-.u iv.jt. Hardware aud Cutlery, Crockery tied Cli, *3 ware. Groceries &r<:■ &c. Expected by fi r ->t Boats h lirr.e ni- -; ’uie::t n? Groceries, Ironfall Steel. if-- 1 , N^ds. &. •• <!kc. Just Rccc, u.'d by. 4G <$t *ri c •• % u** x; v. I'li Shai. 21 Od :b , Uuv ore. Tii’o would iio pleas- • mi ;h ir friends. 8 *01 ’.YDS -.' ill do.l .i, for - 'J '• : ll k1x»1>EE & WOOD. I Nov. „o, ItSsd. Shades :r'i d, &C. (:Z. 9