Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, January 02, 1834, Image 1

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GEORGIA TELEG ^ ol. A i Ii.... Number I The GEORGIA TELEGRAPH IS rUBMSHEU WEEKLY AT MACON, OA. Printing Office on $ cond Street—next door to Huson's Hotel. TERMS.—T.HR.F.K Dollars n year, if paid in -Ivaacc. or Four Dollars, if not paid before the “,,,] 0 f die year. Subscriber# living at a distance _jg |>e rehoifed in all cases to pay in advance. iT*“ 1’ aper discontinued, but at the discre- don of *h’e publisher, until all arrearages are paid T?®? are authorised to announce JOHN JlOREEAND, ns a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of'this county, at the uext election. August-H 18351. 4 I • nr arc authorized to announce WM. p, SCOTT as a Candidate for Coroner of Kibb county. " Augurt 12 jj* We arc authorized to announce WM. « jOURDAN as a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns for Bibb county at the ensuing elec tion August 2 ccr Wc are authorised to ali enee WM. C. PARKER, Esq. a candidate for Kcciever of Tax Returns for tho county of Jlibh at the ensuing election. June •*» 4t 07= We are authorised to an nounce JOHN L. MUST I AN a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county. May h 1833. 31 We are authorised to announce Daniel Wadsworth, Esq. as a candidate for Tax Col lator for Bibb county. July lO 41 Jniv 8 JESSE SMITH is a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb county. 41 MARTIN SIMMONS is a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Iuferior Court of Bihn County. July 30.Jx We are authorized to announce Thomas J. Saulsbury as a Candidate for Coroner of Bibb couuty at the ensuing elec- dec If) 12 Wc are authorized to announce Capt. J. M. ALLEN of the Houston Cavalry, as a Candidate for tax collector for Houston county, nov 15 18351 8 We are authorized to announce George Vigal as a candidate for Tax Collector at the nest election. 38 NEW GOODS. F. G CALLAGHAN, I S now receiving direct from New York an extensive assortment of seasonable Goods, xduchhe will sell on very reasonable terms for tash, and invites purchasers to call and examine for themselves. Hu stock consists in part of the following articles : 20 hhds. superior St Croix sugar 130 hhds. prime New Orleans sugar 5 bbls. double refined Loaf do 5 do Lump do 100 hags prime green coffee 5KKK) bushels Liverpool ground salt 10 hhds. molasses 50 bbls. canal flour 10 boxes new cheese GO bbls. Nos. 2 and 3 Mackerel 2 pipes best Holland Gin 2 pipes Cognac Brandy 1 iilid. Old Jam. Rum 50 bbls. old Rye Gin £ifl bbls. old Rye Whiskey 30 do N. Ruin 10 qi . c^sks Malaga Wine 50 boxes Raisins 30 cadies Gunpowder and Imperial Tea 10 chests Fresh Ilyson do 200 n S . best hemp and tow Bagging 1000 lbs. English aud American Twine 50 coils Bale Rope lO.tHJU lbs. Castings, assorted 20,000 lbs. best Swedes Iron 5(h) lbs. German and Blistered Steel 50 kegs cut Nails, assorted 5 dozen Collins & Co.’s Axes 10 sets Blacksmith’s Tools, complete -Iho a great variety of other articles in the Hard- icare Line. 1500 pr. Shoes, all kinds and qualities 1000 pr. negro Shoes - 510 cases Hats, superior quality Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Cloaks 10 bales Mackaman and point Blankets 10 bales 51-4 Shirting 10 bales 5-8 superior Shirting 10 bales 0-4 bleached Sheeting 2 hales 4-4 cotton Diaper 30 ps. Satinfitt, all colors bi>hLinen, white and red Flannel ‘•'■Jck Italian anil Lustring Silk, Apron Silk ftogees; Jaconet, Book and Swiss Muslins Bdiinet and thread Lace Ljdanoa, Lawn, and Cotton Hdks. Also, on the tcay. • dose Carriages and 8 Baroucha* 3 Gigj and 3 Sulkeys ON HAND, 4)000 lbs. Bacon—2000 lbs. Lard 20 bags Live Geese Feathers A general Assortment of SADDLES, BRIDI.ES. MARTINGALES. &C. »D/» 29 50 J. GODDARD, & CO. Ware-House, NEW GOODS. WAI. H. BUKDSALI*. H AS Just received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, fyc. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OF THE FOLLOWING : Super Saxony, Blue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue. Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Satinclts English Merinoes Duillc, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson. Green and White Flannels Printed Salsbury do Canton aud Saxony and Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye and Russia do Scotch do Black, Bluo and coloured Bombazcttes do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Li nsoys Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jtans Black Italian Lustirng do Grosde Swiss do do Naples *do do Berlin do Sinchetvs aud Sarsnnets Colored G^os do Naples Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common, Thibet wool. Valentia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Ilcrnani, Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros do Na ples Dress Ildkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cassimcrs Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks FloorCloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furnitnro Dimity Russia SheetingBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Ozuaburghs Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black aud colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk aud eol’d Lustring Ribbons Dark anil light eol’d Prints and Ginghams Lace aud Gauze Veils Fig’daud plain B obiuet Laco Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nausook and Book Muslins Linen Cambric Hdkfs Pongee, Indian Flag and Spittleficld Ildkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin aud Silk Gloves Bead Reticules CLOTHING. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, adclaid, olive brown aud green Broad Cloth Dress Coats. Superfine bluo, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats. Superfine blue, olive, green and mixed Cloth Coatees. Blue, steel mixed and fancy colored Satinet Coat ees and Frock Coats. Super blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, oiive and green Cloth and Cassimere Pants. Blue, black, and fancy col. Sntiuct Pauls. Youths’Cloth & Satinet Dress aud Frock Coats. do do do Pants. Black and bluo Cassimer, black aud col Velvet, black Florentine, black Bombazine, dark and light eol’d Valentia, English Silk, colored and white Marseilles, Tontines, Swansdown and Satinet Vests. CAMBLET CLOAKS f,- GREAT COATS. Mixed brown Cloth and Petersham Box Coats. Lyon Skin Over Coals. Fine Linen Shirts. Collars, Bosoms, Slocks, &c. NEGRO CLOTHING. Men’s and Youths’ Fur Hats, do do Wool do do do Cloth, Seal and Hair Caps, Fiue Boots and Shoes, NEGRO SHOES, out 15 3 Commission Merchants, MACO.W. . \Y t ILL transact the above business at the “ w old staud of J. Goib.’ard, which is in food order for the reception of Cotton and Sto- of good*. The W are House is.remote from j* gangers i,f fire, as any In the City, aud is con- tment to a good Wharf. They are prepared toj advances at all times ou’Cotton stored or Tapped by ibem. From the long experience j® ltle above business, they flatter themselves that 1 J .dieir undivided attention to the interest of eircustomer*, and the facilities which they will dale* bp ahje to render, that they will re- *•*« a continuance of that Patronage of their l a ud the public in general, which they ^ e shared so liberally heretofore Cotton stor- ''bh 'hem will be insured in a good office at Slowest ra'es if requested. Atqnwt 9; «m 45 CASH STORE. RUSSELL 6l BICKZltfSOZS', H AVE just received 1051 bags Coffee, 32 bbls ditto, 16 hbds Sugar, Foreign acd domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordial of all kinds, Baltimore liains in wrappers, canal Flour in bbls and blfbbls 3 buck wheat do in qr bbl, Onions. Potatoes, Cod Fish. Dun Fish, No. 1- Mackerel in blfbbls No. 3. do indibls, Herring, White Beans, northern Butter. Cheese, Pine Ap ple do, new Bice, imperial, hyson, young liysuu and pouchong Teas; Pepper, Spice, Ginger ground and race, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Raisins, Almonds, Eng. W alnuts, Filberts, Co coa nuts, sugar and butter Crackers, Pilot aud sea Bread, loaf and lump Sugar, Soap, sperm and tallow Candles, Starch, Copperas. Alum, Salt Peter, Glauber and Epsom Salts, Madder, Iudigo, Powder, Shot, Lead, Snuff,Tobacco and Cigars of all qualities, IRON. SALT, CASTINGS, BAGGING, bale Rope and Twine, German and Eug. blis tered Steel, sheet, baud and hoop Iron, “Coinns” AXES, Spades and Shovels, brass Fire Setts, GUNS, PISTOLS, pit Saws, Brooms, &c. Together with a general and complete assortment DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Crockery* 4c Glassware, Hats, Caps, and /Shoes, of e*ery description, all of which will be sold at their usual low prices and for Cash only. ALSO, will receive in a few days a very heavy supply of Sugars, Molasses, Iron, common and fiue Li quors of every variety, W'ines, &c. Macon, November 11. 1833. New Fall and Winter Goods, AND CLOTHING, JUST RECEIVED, At the Macon Clothing Store. B CONSISTING TO PART OF LACK, blue, brown, olive, mixed, raven, invisible and bottle green Cloths Black, blue, mixed, bull', striped, aud ribbed Cassimercs Petersham, striped Satinctts English fig’d Velvet, a new and fashionable ar ticle for Vesting W’onlleu Velvet Plain do Buff, W’liitc, and fig’d Valencia do do do Marseilles Fine Irish I.iuen, a large assortment of Trim mings, Fancy Articles, fyc. White, crimson, and English fancy Pkt Hdkfs Pongee do Silk Flags, Italian CrSvats W’hite Fancy do Blk and white Ilorseskin Gloves Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Gloves Blk, white, and colored Silk do Buck do Woollen, Cotton, aud Silk half Hose & Stockings Plain and plaited Satin aud Bombazine S.ocks Veb’ct do Shin Collars and Bosoms India Rubber, Silk and Cotton Suspenders Shoulder Braces, Pantaloon Straps Cravat Stiffuers Silk, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas Cloth Caps A large Assortment of Military Trimmings. CLOTHING. Black, blue, brown, olive, mixed, invisible aud bottle green Cloth Dress and Frock Coats Nixed and brown Coatees Pantaloons of every description Black and blue cloth double and single and rolling collar Vests Black silk and cotton woollen plain and fig’d velvet Vests Plain and fig’d Valencia and Marseilles Vests Cloth and Petersham Over Coats Blue and blk goats bair and common camblet Clonks, Ladies’ Cloaks Fine linen, cotton ant' net Shirts Lineu, flannel. Canton flannel, cotton and net Drawers A good assortment of Negro Clothing, &c. &c. The above clothing is manufactured by myself, and will bo sold as iow as at any other Estab lishment. Tailoring carried on as usual, having the la test New York and London Fashious and Good workmen, will endeavor to do justice to all that favor me with their custom. LEWIS FITCH. N. B. For sale a Barouche and pair northern horses. oct 24 1833 f WARE HOUSE AND OOM3KXSSZON BUSINESS. MACON, GA. . Y W1 HE subscribers will continue the above bu- JL sincss the ensuing season, and return their grateful thanks to those who favored them with their patronage the past season. They have ta ken the Ware House, known as Lamar’s LOWER WARE HOUSE, Situated immediately on the river, having a good wharf attached thereto, aud very safe from fire. For the convenience of their friends residing be tween the Ocmulgee and Oconee rivers, they have tiken the large and convenient Ware House recently erected by Mr. G. B. Wardlaw, in East Macon, which from its peculiar situation, is ren dered quite secure from the danger of fire, and from whcnceCotton will be taken to the wharves free of charges. Each of the subscribers will re side in.Mncon the ensuing season, and promise their unremitting attention to tho interest of those who may favor them with their busiuess and confidence. Liberal advances will be made on produce, merchandize aud other property confi ded to their care, and strict attention given to the filling of orders, receiving aud forwarding goods &c. Insurance in the best offices can be effected at tile usual rates when desired. EVERARD HAMILTON, JOHN R. HAYES. August 26 48 WARE-HOUSE, AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. 1 11!'. Mihscriber continues the 'are-1 louse and Commission Bu siness at his Old Staud (Head of Cherry Sireet and Cotton Ave nue,) wh ire he offers all the usual facilities in the above Business. COTTON stored with him, will he delivered in any part of the city free of charge of Drayage, or shipped to any other Market at the usual rates. For the greater convenience of those who may favor him with their patronage from Counties east of the River, trading to Macon, he has ta ken the Ware-House uext'below tho old bridge, recently occupied by Messrs. Day & Butts, aud known formerly as John T. Rowland’s Ware- House—aud assures his frieuds, every facility in crossing tho Diver will be offered, to render the inconvenience by loss of the bridge as small as possible. His Ware-Houses and close storages are in good order, and as much exempted from danger of FIRE as any in. Macon. Insurance in tho best offices, can be effected at very low rates, should additional security be required. JAMES C. MORGAN. Mucon, August 15, 1833. 47 Window Glass. WUST received, •1 12 by 13 H. M. Glass, 12 16 do do 11 16 do do 10 12 do do 8 10 do do 12 16 Mullicx do 12 16 do do 10 15 do do for sale by WM. G. brow: Oct 31. 5 July Hfc We are authorized to )announce LEIVIS L 4 IV SHE as a candidate for shend at the ap {^reaching election J. EXCHANGE OFFICE. D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. have opened an office in Macon, in the Counting Room recently occupied by .Messrs. Hamilton tf Hays, (opposite lluson’s Tavern) and are prepared to transact the Exchange Bu-. . • ’ finest in all *its brandies. CHECKS, At sight, or on time, on N. York; Philadelphia, Fayetteville, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta, Milledgeville, Columbus, Mobile, New-Orleans. (CT* United States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will, lie made on Cotton, cither to bold or to ship to Savauuah, Charleston or New York. Macon, Nov. 28 10 LY. CULLODEN ACABES! m HE Trustees of this institution beg leave A to. inform the public that the schools are in the most flourishing condition, both in i!«e male and female departments. They are under the charge of Mr. and Mrs. Clcavland, who by the southern planter, an d Horticultural Lyceum. Published at Macon Ga. by >1. Bartlett. U OA 'r EjS i S OF J\o. 1», i oL 2. Original. Meeds aud Specimens, Letter from unwearied exertion to instruct, prove lhera-1 5. 1 ’Domestic \i ine; English Cattle; . rpu.l Lsefui Hints, Manures; GainaGrass,Millet, &c; Rail Road; the Farmer. selves eutitled to entire public confidence. The '■ Trustees are of opinion that the progress of the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. A. C. Caldwell, Agent, 1TAS commenced the Ware- (■ 4b M House and Commission Business at *ho ware-house opposite Messrs Cooke &. Cowles, and is prepared to receive mcrehAMtlLc un consignment or sto rage. Liberal advances made onCottau and other merchandise in store. Macon, Nov. 28. 1833. 10 T IIE subscribers have connected themselves utidcr the firm of Kimberly, Hall, Sf Crane, to transact a General Commission and Forward ing business. ANSON KIMBERLY, HENRY T. HALL, H. AVER1LL CRANE We have extensive WHARVES and WARE HOUSES. (jueof the concern will devote the whole of bis tine and attention to this business, and we believe we can offer as great induce ment as any oticr house io this place, to Mer chants iu Mac n and the surrounding country, and others tvhtj may have business passiug this way, to favor is with their patronage. We have male such arrangements as will en able us to forvnrd all cotton cousigucd to us without delay. KIMBERLY, HALL, & CRANE. Darien, Nov 15, 1833. lin 10 NEW BOOK STORE THOMAS PURSE. RESPECTFULLY in forms the public that he has taken the store in Ellis, Shotwell & Co row, two doors above the Post Office, where he is now receivng and opening a very general assortment of Bools and Stationary, Among uis works, he has a general assort ment, and will be constantly receiving the new publications on Theology, Medicine, Law, His tory, aud Miscelaneous subjects, together with such other artiebs as arc usually kept in a Book Store. BL&XaTK books, A large assortment of all kinds and sizes. • Fools Cap, Letter, and Note Paper of the best quality, both English and Americau, plain aud embossed, water and feint lined, pink, yellow no and white. BLANKS. Biank Checks, Sotary Public Letters, Ware house Receipts, Bi(sof Lading. Writs of all kind). Justices Summots, do Executions, Clerks do Tax Collectors do.Subpoenas for Witnesses. Deeds, Sheriffs’ Io. Sheriffs’ Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Ca. Sa Jurors’ Summonses. Marriage License, Bail Writ and Bond, Inter. Com. Directions for Iiiterrogatorie a i» Bills of Indictment, Bench Warrants, Bail Bonds, Attachment, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Administra- iou, Temporary-Letters of Administration, Tem porary Letters' of Administration, Guardiaus Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. Dee. 21 24 Fresh Drugs, Paints Sf Oils. £>Ii. W. B. BALL HAS just received his fresh sup plies, and offers for sale, a J his store on Cottou Avenue, a quantity of Linseed Oil Extract Sarsaparilla, Sperm do Carpenters do Castor Oil (fine article) White Lead Crotou Oil Spanish Brown ground Spirits Turpentine Valuable Property for Sale, in the Vicinity of East Macon. W ILL bo sold at Auction, SEVENTY LOTS, containing from half to two a- cres, situated immediately on the east line of East Macon, and lying on an elevation of about thirty feet above the city; and is not rivalled for good Water or good Health by any situation in this part of the country. Buildings on said Lots, are, four convenient Dwelling Houses, one range of Stores, 120 feet long, 50 feet wide, with three tenements; and one 45 by 30 feet, with Scale House, and a Cot ton Ware House 120 by 40 feet. Also, one acre Lot No. 3, East Macon, with Store 30 feet by 40 all to be sold, on a liberal credit. Sale to com mence between 10 aud 11 o’clock on the first Monday in February, 1834. Likewise, u ill be Rented, at the same time the \Vjarve3, Ware-House and Stores, situated above tho Bridge in west Maeon, for one year commere-ng the fifth of July 1834. Particulars of terms made known at sale and renting. II. S. CUTTER, dec 12 Ills. Sci. Fa, Writs ~ OR returning fraudulent draws in the Land and H#ld Lotteries for sale at this office F Brain Copal Varnish Black leather do Japan do Glue Snuff, Macahoy and Scotch Fine cut Tobacco Hair &coat Brushes Camel’s hair Pencils in oil do do dry Venetian Red Windsor Glass Paint Brushes Iudigo, Spanish Flote Alum Copperas Pcari Ashes Magnesia, lump Seal’d Chloride of Lime Starch Chloride of Soda Q.uinine Lemon 'Syrup Piperine Lamps Iodine Lanterns Opium Lamp Glasses & Wick Morphium Sulphat & Vinegar Acetate Madeira and Port Wine, Suitable for convalescents, Together with an extensive and general assort ment of all articles in his line, all of which were purchased in person by himself in New York, and arc warranted genuine.. Ho is prepared to give reasonable accommodations and respectfully invites the attention of the public. Feb 13 20 Students is much greater than common, aud ; that there is a state of morals, good order, stu dious euterprize, and emulation in die Acade my that is seldom to be found, and which well deceives public patronage; an examination late ly had without any particular preparation proves these facts, aud a.t which a series of classes were exhibited, who for proficiency and accuracy iu their studies will hear an advantageous com parison with any other sa the State. In this Academy are taught. Orthography, Reading. Writing. Arithmetic, English Gram mar, Geography, Rhetoric, natural and moral Phyloespii v. History, Chemistry, Book Keeping, and the Latin anil Greek languages, and the rates of tuition at twelve, eighteen, aud twenty- six dollars per session of eleven months, accord ing to tho grade of studies Tho next session will commence on tho 2d Monday in January, 1834, and good boarding may be had in private houses, at from seven to eight dollars per mouth. In the village of Culloaens, there is set before youths as little temptation to folly and vice as perhaps in any other iu the Slate, a matter which the Trustees regard of much im portance aud well deserving the consideration -of parents and guardians, for it frequently happens, while youth from home is imbibing knowledge, influenced by surrounding circumstances, they drink in folly and vice to such an extent, that their schools instead of having been a blessing, constitute tho most prominent curse of their lives. From these considerations the trustees present tho Cullodcn Academy to the favorable notice and patronage of an enlightened public. J. Sneed, J. II’. Persons, C. Hardy, E. R. Fleuellen, ,T. S’. J ones, tf. H. Pritchard, R. Trippe, C. Lockett, A. Speer, J. J. Banks, A- Ginn. T. Stanford, N. Ouslcy. Cullodcns, Mouroe cn. dec 9 1833- 4tl2 Forsyth Male Academy WILL open again on the second Monday in January next, under the care of Mr Sanders, who is a graduate of the University of our oum State. During the last term he has taught in this Acade- imy to the satisfac.ion of all ’ who have had interest in the same. Forsyth Female Academy JVillopen again on the second Monday in Janu ary next, under the care of Mrs Byrd, who has taught for two years past in Newnan, ichere her ef forts have gained her that reputation, that she is justly admitted to be at the head of her profession. Rates of Tuition as follows per Term Alphabet, Spelling and Reading, $6 00 Reading, JVriting, Geography. Intellectual Arithmetic. S,-c. §10 09 English Grammar, Reading, JVriting, Ge- ography, Arithmetic, History, Astrono my, Rhetoric, Moral and yatural Phi losophy,Botany, Chemistry, Composition, Algebra and Geometry, §11 00 Latin and Greek Languages, icilh the high- . er branches of the Mathematics, §16 00 Each Pupil will pay fifty cents for fire. Al bills must Is paid before the Pupil enters School. Board can be obtained in respectable famileis on moderate terms. IVeare authorised to say to the citizens of Mon roe county, that Mrs JVarntrof Madison will reside the ensuing year in Forsyth, and will take pleas ure in instructing Young Ladies who are disposed to take lessons in Music. Her accomplishments cannot fail to cammand the admiration of all who love female learning. DAXIEL McKOY, \ JOHX CURE.\TOX, \ PETER RAX DAL, ) Trustees. JOSEPH IVIN SHIP. I THOMAS T. NAPIER. J dec II 11 ■’{ijcdlaneous.—Breaking Steers and Colts; On Transplanting in Autumn; Melons of B»>k- iitir;;; Bclingers riteatn apparatus; to Produce Onions of a huge size; Apple ami Cabbage seeds; (5° to work-the right way. addressed to Partners; 1 reparation of food for Swine aud Cattle; on M .mining; the bsoh/ili iroe; Observations «>ii ihe rot in Cotton; Applo Butter; Culture of Strawberries; Look to your Accounts; A pecul iar breed of Sheep in the Nopal; Autumn ; \\ in ter; Advertisements, <5cc. (£/ = Editors who exchange wiih the Geor-.'a Telegraph, w ill, by copying from each No. the table of contents, he entitled to the Southern Planter without an exchange. WHITE LEAD. 5®EST quality Philadelphia White Lead, just received aud for stile by WM. G. BROWN. Nov. J4. 7 'I LASS LAMPS.—Gt round Glass Lamps JIT with similes; Cut Glass do. with shades; Piaiu do. Night do. ; Suspending Lamps, Lamp Glasses, &c.—Received aud for sale by WM. G. BROWN. nov 7 7 D .G. Cutler and Surgical Instrument maker, recently from London. B EGS leave to inform the citizens of this . place aud its vicinity that lie has opem d a Shop on Cherry street immediately above Mel rose & Kidd’s Store, where lie calculates to car ry on the busiuess in all its various branches.— Also Trusses for Ruptures. Irons for contracted Limbs, or any instrument to assist Nature’s defor mities. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the above business, he feels confident iu giving geuerai satisfaction to those who may employ him. For Grinding Razors 25 Cents For do Scissors 12^ New Pen and pocket Blades at 3?A- N. B. Guns. Swords and Pistols repaired and cleaned on reasonable terms.—Persons sending work from the country, directed as abovt will be promptly attended to. nov 1*4 1833 3m 8 POUNDS spun Cotton, for sale by 7 KlBBEE & WOOD. Coffee and Flour. AGS prime green Brazil Coffee, 31 bbls. Canal Flour, ) favorite 16 half bbls. do do ) Brands, Received from Savannah, and for sale by REA & COTTON. dee 19 12 ~MACON CABINET - WAE2 HOLT,32. "5J7IRON'TlNG Cotton A vcuue, opposite Hn- Jd? sou’s 111)tel, on Mulberry street, where the Proprietors oticr their present very large stock of Furniture tit very reduced prices. TIIE FOLLOWING COMPRISES A PART 1 Sideboards, Slabs, Lockers, Secretaries, Desk aud Book Cases, Sofas, Couch and Lounger’s Sofa Beds, Settees and Easy Chairs, Dining Tables iu Sets and single ; Pier, Centre andTca Tables, Work, Caudle, and Dessert Stands; Wardrobe, Dressing and French Bureaus, with an assortment of Bedsteads of every des: riptiou ; Feather Beds, Hair and Moss Mattresses, Wil low Cradles and Wagons, Floor MaU, Window Blinds, Mahogany Chairs with Cane and Ilair Scats, Fancy Wood Seat and curl Maple Chairs. The Proprietors of the above establishment have a Manufactory connected with it so iliac they are enabled to furnish any article at the shortest possible notice. ALSO Repairing and Mending of every kind done. Varnishing, Upholstery, <Jcc. Orders frem the country shall receive strict attention, aud our patrons with our thanks for past favors will find us ever striving to give for Cash, Goods value received. THOMAS WOOD & CO. Business conducted by 1'homas Jfood. oct 22 tf 4 ron SALE. TIIE subscriber being about to re move to the country is induced to of fer his Dwelling House and Lot for sale, on favorable terms. ’Pile Lot is desirably situated, and has attached a fine garden containing a great variety of choice Grapes and other fruits, all necessary out buildings in good repair. Also a comfortable Dwelling to Rent. Persons wishing to purchase will find it their in terest to apply during the present month. E. W. WRIGHT. Macon dec 4 1333 10 Jan 1 Practice of Medicine. DRS. CONE & BRIDGMAN have united in the Practice of MED ICINE and SURGERY’. Their office is the one heretofore occupied by Dr. Cone. 18353. 14 Plantation and Mill for Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation whereon lie now lives, in Bibb county. 7 miles from Maeon, consisting of 650 acres of good level Pino Land, 125 acres of which are cleared, and in good order for cultivation. There is also erected a first rate SAW MILL, the limbers of w hich are all new, and the Mill in complete ope ration. The said Plantation will be sold if re quired on a lengthy credit. Any person wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine for themselves 1 . dec ll E. DAVISj GSO. W. GA-aPEriKi Compound Fluid Extract of Pink Hoot, (Spigdla Marilandica,) T HE most effectual worm-destroying Medi cine discovered. G. W. CARPENTER’S Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, and removing all dis eases arising from excess of Mercury, exposures and imprudences in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure state of the blood, &c. G. W. CARPENTER’S Compound Syrup of Liverwort, (Ilepatica Triloba.) A safe and valuable medicine for Coughs, Spitting of Blood, * Consumption and Liver Complaints. Carpenter’s Saratoga Potcdcrs, For making Congress Spring or Saratoga water. Hr. IV. Judkin’s Ointment, A valuable specific Ointment for Ulcers, Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Felons, &c. Abo, Carpenter's Oil of Cantharxn, Oil ofCubebs, Oil of Copaiva, Flour of Slippe ry Elm, Worm Tea, &c. For sale by WM. G. BROWN. Nov. 7. 7 THE SUBSCRIBES. W ILL sell the stock of BOOKS & HARD WARE. belonging to Ellis, Shotwell & Co. at very low prices, at retail, for cash, aud to merchants* who may want ti< replenish their stock, upon time, for approved paper. The Stock consists of a great variety of Hardware, Cutlery, Castings MECHANICS’* TOOLS, Brass Ware, Britannia do. FURNITURE MOUNTING, .Ac. &c. BOOKS Consisting of large and small Bibles, Medical, Law aud School Books, and a great variety of Religious aud Miscellnne itis Books. Dec. 18 251 JACOB SHOTWELL. CGr* Take Particular No t ice ON REQUIREMENTS. .4 LL those indebted to the subscriber either » by note or book acct. aro respectfully re quested to call upon the subscriber or upon 51 r. Shivers at my stable and liquidate the same by the 20th instant, or their arcts. will be lei. indis criminately in the bauds of officers for collection. As times however, ate hard, cash crop short, Banks troubled—all more or less under the promises—Taxes enormous—aud having no dis position to enhance any of these evils, have to add —that to those who are not prepared with tho chatterkanaw, to come forward, and if you can not write, or pay, fix your time and make your mark, aud if neither will suit, come round anil work it out, some of which I may have, and some of which I must have, and some of which 1 will have, or I will have them as before stated. J. BENNETT, Not only in the positive, but pon Honor y .— Sept. 10th 1833. , . I Auction and Commission Store. JR1I1E Subscriber lias removed to the new § BRICK STORE, adjoining the Rost O- fice, on Mulberry street, where he tenders bis vices in the above line. Xov ID 2b C. A. IlIGGINS. 7 ISrandtj, Gin and Wine. "g PIPES Holland Gin, B H 2 pipes, and 2 half pipes Cognac Brandy 25 quarter casks Malaga Wine 25 do do Marseilles Madeira Wine received per Steam boat Pioneer, and sale bv REA & COTTON dec 11 11 Furs, Hides and Horns. T HE highest price will be given by the sub scriber fur Furs of all kinds, either Beaver Otter, Raccon or Muskrat. Hides, dry, in any quantity; also Deer Skins. Horns, Ox or Buck. (.5. A. HIGGINS, Nov 27 17 Brick Buildings. Mulberry St SZ2>Z.S O N New Yorl^, Philadelphia, Charleston, Sa vannah,. gud Augusta, in sums to suit pur- chasers. fotysale by N..v. Ip. BAXTER. FORT & WILEY [ChRTO Vr dec 11 Cout and for sale "by li Syrup, j sst rtceiv WM. G. BROWN