Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, January 09, 1834, Image 1

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GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BY M. BARTLETT. MACON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1834. Vol. Yill....Number 15. * The GEORGIA TELEGRAPH IS PUUSnBD WJPKKI.V AT MACON, OA. Printing Ojfce on Second Stmt—next door to Huson's Hotel. TERMS.—Three Dollars a year, if paid in -jvautfe, or Four. Dollars, if not paid before the ■ 0 f the year. Subscribed living at a distauce jii! be required ill all case-, to pay iu advance. I’apfr^iscopui'Uetl, but iit the discrc- i th pu lUhvr. until all arrearage., are lit WarsJOiJAm F. O CALLAGHAN, irS now receiving direct from New York an 1 ex tensive assortment of seatonftble Goods, Kiiicb he will sell oa very reasonable terms for f ,,|i, and invites purchasers to call and examine i,ir themselves. Ilia stock consists in -part of the fylloiring articles .* 20 hhds. superior Pt Croix sugar i30 hhds. prime New Orleans sugar 5 bids, double refined Loaf do SEBt 5 do Lump do 100 bags prime green coffee 30.K) bushels Liverpool ground salt 10 hhds. molasses 50 bids, canal flour 10 Boxes new cheese GO bhls. Nos. 2 and 3 Mackerel 2 pipes best Holland Giu 2 pipes Cognac Brandy 1 hlnl. Old Jam. Runt 5o blits, old Ryo Gin 50 bbls. old Rye Whiskey 30 do N. Rum *’ 10 qr- casks Malaga Wino 50 boxes Raisins 30 cadies Gunpowder and Imperial Tea 10 chests Fresh Hyson do 200 ps. best lump and tow Bagging 1000 lbs. English and American Twine •» 50 coils Bale Rope 10,000 lbs. Castings, assorted 20,000 lbs. best Swedes Iron ~ 50i) lbs. German and Blistered Steel 50 kegs cut Nails, assorted 5 dozen Collins & Co.’s Axes 10 sets Blacksmith’s Tools, complete Also a great variety of other articles in the Hard ware Line. 1500 pr. Shoes, all kinds and qualities 1000 pr. negro Shoes 20 cases Hats, superior quality Ladies’ and Gentlemen’?, Cloaks 10 hales Macknmau and point Blankets 10 bales 3-4 Shirting 10 bales 5-8 superior Shirting 10 bales 6-1 bleached Sheeting 2 bales 4-4 cotntu Diaper 30 ps. Satinett, oil colors Irish Lined, white and rerl Flannel IILck Italian and Lustriag Silk, Apron Silk Pongees; Jaconet, Book and Swiss Muslins llolmiet and thread Lace Bandanna, Latin, and Cotton Tldks. Also, on the way, 2 close Carriages and 8 Barouches 3 Gigs and 3 Sidkeys ' ON HAND, WMQlbs. Bacon—2000 lbs. Lard 20 bags Live Geese Feathers A general Assortment of MIDDLES, BRIDLES. MARTI &C. nttr 29 50 H MARTINGALES, 50 1(H) 50 qr. do CASH STORE. KSS3SS &. WOOD. Next door to the Post Office. H YYE received and arc now opening very extensive assortment of Entirely Jreit, Seasonable and Fnhionable Dry Goods, nttich will bo sold at unusually low prices Purchasers will find it to their advantage to ;ire us a call. Our Stock consists in part of btiO pieces Calico, from 10 to 37cts. h>0 do furniture prints Lunch do Turkey Red do 50 do Circasasiaiis all colors, printed do do French Chally, Gro do Swiss, Gro de Nap Berliu Siuchatv Sarsnet and Levantine Silks col’il Lining ’ “ Poult de Soie col'tl Cambric plain Pope striped, & plaid Cambric book, plam and fig’d Swiss, jaconet Nausook, and mull Muslius Linen Cambric, ius’g do, bishop Lawn, cor ded Robes, Laces and Edgings, inscrlings 20 doz silk, gauze, hcruauis, &. crape fancy •Shawls, Thibet Wool do 100 do* pongco and spittulficld silk lldkfs IlHJ do cotton flag, turkey red, and head lldkfs 100 duz tucking Combs lOO do side do >iwll tucking &. side do Oressiug aud ivory do ISO plaiu and faury Braid Bonnets Elegant sett Ribbons, Tafibta Kib’us every color 23 doz elegant Belts, fig’d blk aud co'd veVt Belts I'iam blk velvet dp, silk velvet tabby do Ilk) doz white, raudou, blk aud slate cotton aud woollen Hosiery Kid, Horsctkin aud beaver Gloves 52 •' woollen do ti bales 3-4 1-4 G-4 checked Homespuns f 1i ps Irish I.incus every quality w) doz spool Thread »') do Blk. and assort’d colo’d Irish setvi Thread, blk. anil colored sowing Silk 5) pieces blue, mixed, stuped, aud drab Sat- iuetis . , , , .10 do blue, black, mixed, Broad Cloths ririped and drab Cnssimere, Erinim-tt 25 peiccs white, red, yellow it green Flannels from 31 to 75cts. 25 bales 3-4 am! 4-4 Homespun from lOto 14c. 5 do cotton and lump Usnnburgs •* do striped negro Blankets 8 aud 9-4 50 pieces Rose do 5o do heavy Fustians and woolen Cloth for negroes 5 bales 3-4 4-4 6-4 Plaids and Stripes ■A nature Plaids jhogup Cord. I'icklcnburg, Russia Duck, Crash *?PW» Heavy twilled Lowel Cottons 1 5Bale* Tickiugs from 12$ to 37} cts. 00 Cotton &. Silk Umbrellas, gentlemen- Cloaks 12 ease, Beaver and nap’t Hats, 6 cases wool d< : J r ge assortment ol heavy Shoes, gentlemei. o I ladies Shoes of every kind tjood assortment srawarc and Cutlery, Crockery and Glasr p p ' Groceries &c. &c. Expected by first Boats a large assortment ot i.e^Sc' c ’ let 'l> Baggiug. Fish Nails Practice of EXodicine. DilS. CO n E & BRIDGMAN \] p 7 l* ave united in the Practice of MED- 1C1NE and SURGERY. The e one heretofore occup'i . by Hr. Cone. 1, 16oJ. ig NEW goods. WM. H. BfJRDSllL, AS Just received a new aud extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, HEADY aSADE CLGTHZItfG, HATS, SHOES, S>-c. which he is ofi’ering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. Ills STOCK CONSISTS, IN PAIIT, OF TITK FOLLOWING I Super 3nxoay. Blue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, Alixed.and Fancy colored Satiuetts English Merinocs Du file. Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson, Green ami White Flannels Printed Salsbury do Canton and Saxony cud Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye aud Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Bombazettcs do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Liuscys Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustirng do Gros dc Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin do Siuchews and Snrsancts Colored Gros do Naples Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles aud Square Shawls Commou, Thibet wool. Valeutia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls llernnni, Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros do Na ples Dress lldkfs Ladies aud Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cassimers Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Snipes Bed Ticks 1- loor Cloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia SbeetingBcar Duck Catnbr^g do Bleached Dowlass Ozuaburghs H a 2.gup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk aud col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark and light col’d Prints aud Ginghams Laco and Gauze Veils Fig’dand plaiu Bobiuet Lace Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook aud Book Muslins Linen Cambric lldkfs Pongee, Indian Flagand Spittlefield lldkfs Carved aud plaiu Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Rcticulck CLOTHING* Superfine blue, black, invisible green, adclaid, olivo brown aud green Broad Cloth Dress Coats. Snperfiuc blue, black, brown aud green Cloth Frock Coats. Superfine blue, olive, green aud mixed Cloth Coatees. Blue, steel mixed and fancy colored Satinet Coat ees and Frock Coats. Super blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive aud green Cloth aud Cassimcre Pants. Blue, black, aud fancy col. Satinet Pants. Youths’ Cloth & Satinet Dress aud Frock Coats. do do do Pants. Black and blue Cassimer, black and col Velvet, black Florentine, black Bombaziuc, dark and light col’d Valcntia, English Silk, colored aud white Marseilles, Tontines, Swausdowu and Satiuet Vests. CAMBLET CLOAKS tf GREAT COATS. Mixed brown Cloth and Petersham Botf Coats. Lyon Skin Over Coats. Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Stocks, &c. NEGRO CLOTHING. Men’s aud Youths’ Fur Ilats, do do Wool do do do Cloth, Seal and Hair Caps, Fine Boots and Shoes, NEGRO SHOES, oct 15 3 CASH STORE. 31U35S&L £l DXCKXRSOH, | g'AVE just recoivcd 103 bags Coffee, 32 JLA hhls ditto, 16 hhds Sugar, Foreign aud domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordial of all kinds, Baltimore llains iu wrappers, canal Flour in hhls aud hlf bbls 3 buck wheat do iu qr bbl. Onions. Potatoes, Cod Fish, Dun Fish, No. L Mackerel iu hlf bbls No. 3. do in t bbls, Herring, White Beans, northern Butter. Cheese, Pine Ap ple do, new Rice, imperial, hyson, young hyson and pouchoug Teas; Pepper, Spice, Ginger ground and race, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Raisins, Almonds, Eng. Walnuts, Filberts, Co coa nuts, sugar aud butter Crackers, Pilot and sea Bread, loaf aud lump Sugar, Soap, sperm aud tallow Candles, Starch, Copperas, Alum, Salt Peter, Glanber ami Epsom Salts, Madder, Indigo, Powder, Shot, Lead, Snuff,Tobacco aud Cigars of all qualities, IRON. SALT, CASTINGS, BAGGING, bale Rope and Twine, German aud Eng. blis tered Steel, sheet, hand and hoop Iron, ’‘Collins” aXF.S, Spades r.ud .shovels, brass Fire Setts; GUNS, PISTOLS, pit Saws, Brooms, &c. Together with a general aud complete assortment DRYGOODS, HARDWARE, Crockery* & Class ware. Ifuls, Caps, and Shoes, of every description, all of which will be sold at their usual low prices at.d for Cash ouly. ALS O, will receive in a few days a very heavy supply f Sugars, Molasses, Iron, commou aud fine Li quors of every variety, Wines, &c. Macon, November 11, 1833. 7 Window Glass. [UST received, 12 by 18 H. M. Glass, 12 16 do do 11 16 do do 10 12 do do 8 10 do do 12 16 Mullica do 12 16 •do do 10 15 d* do for sale by WM. G. BROWN Oct 31. New Fall and Winter Goods, and cioxsma, JUST RECEIVED, At the Macon Clothing Store. CONSISTING IN PART OF B LACK, blue, brown, olive, mixed, rbvcu, invisible and bottle green Cloths Black, blue, mixed, buff, striped, and ribbed Cassi meres Petersham, striped Satiuetts English fig’d Velvet, a new. aud fashionable ar ticle for Vesting Woollen Velvet Plain dp Buff, White, and fig’d Valencia dpi do do Marseilles Fine Irish Lined, a large assortment of Trim mings, Fancy Articles, 6,-c. White, crimson, aud English fancy Pkt lldkfs Pongee do Silk Flags, Italian Cravats White Faucy do Blk and white Ilorseskiu Gloves Linen, Cotton, aud Woollen Gloves Blk, white, aud colored Silk do Buck do Woollen, Cotton, and Silk half Hose & Stockings Plain aud plaited Satin aud Bombazine Stocks Velvet do Shirt Collars and Bosoms India Rubber, Silk aud Cotton Suspenders Shoulder Braces, Pantaloon Straps Cravat Stiffiiers Silk, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas Cloth Caps A large Assortment of Military Trimmings. CLOTHING. Black, blue, brown, olive, mixed, invisible aud bottlo green Cloth Dress aud. i"rock Coats Mixed aud brown Coatees Pantaloons of every description Black aud blue clolli double aud single and rolling collar Vests Black silk am( cotton woollen plain and fig’d velvet Vests Plain and fig’d Valencia aud Marseilles Vests Cloth and Petersham Over Coats Blue and blk goats hair and common camhlet Cloaks, Ladies’ Cloaks Fine linen, cotton ant 1 net Shirts Liucu, flannel. Canton flanucl, cotton and net Drawers A good assortment of Negro Clothing, &c. &c. The above clothing is manufactured by myself, aud will bo sold as jow as at any other Estab lishment. Tailoring carried on as usual, having the la test New York and Loudon Fashions aud Good workmen, will endeavor to do justice to all that favor me with their custom. LEWIS FITCH. N. B. For sale a Barouche and pair northern horses. oct 24 1833 5 WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. MACON, GA. T HE subscribers will continue the above bu siness the ensuing season, aud return their grateful thanks to those who favored them with their patronage the past season. They have ta ken tho Ware House, known as Lamar’s LOWER WARE HOUSE, Situated immediately on the river, having a good wharf attached thereto, aud very safe from fire. For the convenience of their friends residing be tween tho Ocinulgee and Oconee rivers, they have taken tho largo and convenient Ware Houso recently erected by Mr. G. B. Wardlaw, in East Macon, which from its peculiar situation, is ren dered quite secure from the danger of fire, aud from whence Cotton will betaken to the wharves free of charges. Each of the subscribers will re side in Macon the ensuing season, aud promise their unremitting atteutiou to the interest of those who may favor them with their business aud confidcucc. Liberal advances will be made on produce, merchandize aud other properly confi ded to their caro, and strict attention given to the filling of orders, receiving and forwarding goods &c. Insurance ill the best offices can be effected at the usual rates when desired. EVERARD HAMILTON, JOHN R. HAYES. August 26 48 WAREHOUSE, AND COZVZMXSSIOK" BUSINESS. THE subscriber continues the •Q. ,1 Ware-House and Commission Bu- siness at his Old Stand (Head of Cherry Street and Cotton Ave nue,) where he offers all the usual facilities iu the above Business. COTTON stored with him, will be delivered in any part of tho city free of charge of Drayage, or shipped to any other Market at the usual rates. For the greater convenience of those who may favor him with their patronage from Counties cast ot the River, trading to Macon, he has ta ken the Ware-IIouse next below the old bridge, recently occupied by Messrs. Day & Butts, and known formerly as John T. Rowland’s Ware- IIouse—and assures his friends, every facility in crossing the Hiverwill he offered, to render the inconvenience by loss of the bridge as small as possible. His Ware-Houses and close storages are iu good order, and as much exempted from danger of FIRE as any in Macon. Iusurauco in the best offices, can he effected at very low rates, should additional security be required. JAMES C. MORGAN. Mncon, August J5, 1833. 47 jT~'< LABS LAMPS.—Ground Glass Lamps TjT with shades; Cut Glass-do. with shades :u do. Night do.; Suspending Lamps, Lamp Jl,is»es, See.—Received and for sale by WM. G. BROWN. nov 1 T EXCHANGE OFFICE. J D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened an olficc in Macon, in the Couptiug Room recently occupied by Messrs. Hamilton fy Hays, (opposite Huson’s Tavern) aud arc prepared to trapsget the Exchange Bu siness iu all its branches. CHECKS, At sight, or ou time, ou N. York, Philadelphia, Fayetteville, • Savannah, ' Charleston. Augusta, Milleiigcville, Columbus, Mobile, New-Orleans. 05 s * United States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cotton, cither to hold or u> ship to Savannah, Charleston or New York. , Macqn, 23 10 GULLODE2S ACADESEY. HE Trustee? to inform ill the most flourish)a: P" : Ills iustitu tioti 1. Cg leave .iit* that tl le Seim o!s arei: iiiit ion, lx: ith iu the malt Tilev are v. utter th* rs. Clear 'land. who by 1 to iusiru <■:. pr< (VC liictn- pul .lie co ufi 1cm Mi. The tin U the ] i-rogi'C: ss of tin WAREHOUSE AND coMiftxssxoar eusxsjess. A. C. Caldwell, Agent, a IIAS commenced the Ware- L- ^ H° Ilse aQ d Commission Business at JSjSSSBE&L'a the ware-house opposite Messrs. o 5 «aStsyHKSE34 Cooke &Cowles, aud is prepared to receive merchandise on consignment or sto rage. Liberal advances made onCottou aud other merchandise in store. 51 aeon, Nov. 28, JS33- 10 7S1HE subscribers have connected themselves m under the firm of Kimberly, Hall, fy Crane, to transact a Gcneial Commission and Forward ing business. ANSON KIMBERLY, HENRY T. HALL, H.AVERILL CRANE. We have extensive WHARVES and WARE HOUSES. One of the concern will devote the whole of his time aud attoution to this business, aud we believe wo can offer as great induce ment ns nny other house in this place, to Mer chants iu Macon and the surrounding couutiy, ami others who may have business passing this way, to favor us with their patrouage. We have made such arrangements as will en able ns to forward all cotton consigned to us without delay. KIMBERLY, HALL, & CRANE. Darien, Nov. 15, 1833. lm 10 NEW BOOK STORE. SHOIVZAS PUHSE, RESPECTFULLY in forms tho public that he has taken the store in Ellis, Shotweil 6c Co’s, row, two doors above the Post Office, tvhero he ts now receiving and opening a very genera) assortment of Books and Stationary* Among uis works, he has a general assort ment, and will lie. constantly receiving the new publications on Theology, Medicine, Law, His tory, and Miscellaneous subjects, ‘together with such other articles as are usually kept iu a Book Store. BLANK BOOHS, A large assortment of all kinds and sizes. . Fools Cap, Letter, and Noto Paper of the best quality, both English aud American, plain and embossed, water and feint lined, pink, yellow ne aud white. BLANKS. Biank Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ware house Receipts, Bills of Lading. Writs of all kinds. Justices Summons, do Executions, Clerks do Tax Collectors do. Subpoenas for Witnesses. _ Deeds, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’ Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Ca. Sa. Jurors’ Summouse3. Marriage License. Bail Writ and Bond, Inter. Com. Directions forlnterrogatorie®. Bills of Indictment, Bench Warrants, Bail Bonds, Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Administra- iou. Temporary Letters of Administration, Tem porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. Dec 21 24 . • • charge of Mr. and M their unwearied exeiti-jn Students i3 much greater than common, and that thero is a state of morals, good order, stu dious enterprize, and letbuiatiou in ih? Acade my that is seldom to be found, aud which v.cli deserves public patronage ; au exaiuimiion late ly had without any particular preparation..proves these' fiicts, and at which a series of clns.-cs were exhibited, who for proficiency arid accuracy in their studies will bear an advantageous com parison with any other in the State. In this Academy aro taught. Ortboecaphy. Reading, Writiug, Arithmetic, English Gram mar, Geography, 'Rhetoric, natural and morn! Phyloesphy, History, Chemistry, Book Keeping, and the Latin aud Greek languages, aud tin* rates of tnition at twelve, eighteen, and twenty- six dollars-per session of eleven mouths, accord ing to the grade of studies Tho next session will commence on the 2d Monday in January, 1834, am! good boarding may he had iu private houses, at from seven to eight dollars per month. Iu the village of Cullodens. .there is set before youths as little temptation to folly and vice as perhaps in any other iu tho State, a matter which tho Trustees regard of much im portance and well deserving the consideration of parents and guardians, for it frequently happens, whde youth from home is imhibiug knowledge, influenced by surrounding circumstaOn«, they drink in folly and vice to ench :,u extent, that their schools'in9tQ3a of having been a blessing, cenSUtaio tho most prominent curso of their lives. From these considerations the trustees present tlic Cullodcu Academy to the favorable uoticc and patronage of an enlightened public. J. Sneed, J. W. Persons-, C. Hardy, E. R. Fleuellen, 3. S. J ones, W- H. Pritchard, R. Trippe, C. Lockett, A. Speer, J. J. Banks, -4. Ginn, T. Stanford, N. Ousley. Cullodens, Monroe co. dec 9 1833 4tl2 Forsyth 3Ialc Academy WILL open again on the second Monday in January next, under the care of Mr Sanders, icho is a graduatt i of the University of our men State. During the last term [Ae has taught tn this Ac ule- i my to the satisfaction of all [who have had interest in the same. . Forsyth Female Academy Will open again on the second Monday in Janu ary next, finder the care of Mrs Byrd, who has taught for two years past in Neman, ichere her ef forts have gained her that reputation, that she is justly admitted to beat the head of her profession. Rates of Tuition as follows per Term. Alphabet, Spelling and Reading, §6 09 Reading, Writing, Geography. Intellectual Arithmetic, t,-c. $10 09 English Grammar, Reading. Writing, Ge ography, Arithmetic, History, Astrono my, Rhetoric, Moral and Natural Fhi- losopliy,Botany,Chemistry, Composition, Algebra and Geometry, $14 00 Latin and Greek Languages, with the high er branches of the Mathematics, $16 OP Each Pupil will pay fifty cents for fire. Al bills must bs paid before the Pupil enters School Board can be obtained in resectable famileis on moderate terms. We (trt authorised to say to the citizens of Mon- roe counly, that Mrs Warner of Madison will reside the ensuing year in Forsyth, and will take pleas ure in instructing Young Ladies who are disposed to take lessons in Music. Her accomplishments cannot fail to command the admiration of all icho love female learning. DANIEL McKOY, ) JOHN CURENTON, | PETER RANDAL. ) Trustees. JOSEPH Jf IN SHIP, 1 THOMAS T. NAPIER dec 11 11 DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. “ | r n’lHE subscriber is uow receiving his fres _EL supplies, ;;ml iu addition to an extensive assortment of FKESH DRUGS* Medicines and Chemicals, Olu rs for sale a quantity of DYE STUFFS, '■iz.: Logwood, Red Banders. Cam aud Brazil Woods, Spanish Flot. Guatemala nnd country Indigo, ''.adder, Copperas, Blue Stoue, Alum aud Auuullo. PAINTS. White Lead, dry am I groirnd iu oil Venetian Red do do do Spanish Brown do do do Yellow Ochre do do do Verdigris do do do Prussian Blue, Rose, Pink, Drop i, Lnko, Vermill- ion, Crome Green, C rotnc Ycilow, Tern, Desien- iia. Stone Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umber, Flake White. Lamp am! Ivorv Blacks PERFUMER% Otto of Rose, Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples shaving Soap, ert-ara Soap, Colcgno nnd Rose V.’ iter, Y’egetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar aud Antique oil, Rose aud Tenrl Powder, Sic. BRUiSili'jS. Clothes, Hair, Tooth, IT.istci, Shoe, aud Horse Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Pearl Ash, Soap, Tines Tobacco,. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, .Vc. &e. For salo by \YM. G. BRoWN. nov 21 8 GTO, W. CAS.PBNTEZFS Compound Fluid Extract of Pink Roof, (Spigclia Marilandica,) fW^IIE most effectual worm-destroying Mcdi- ■ cine discovered. G. W. CARPENTER’S Compound Flirid Extract of Sarsaparilla, For.purifying the blood, and removing all dis eases arising from excess of Mercury, exposures nnd imprudences in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure sthjte of the blood, &c. G. W\ CARPENTER’S Compound Syrup of Lirtrworti (Hepatica Triloba.) A safe and valuable medicine for Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Consumption and Liver Complaints. Carpenter's Saratoga Powders, For making Congress Spring or Saratoga water. Dr. W. Judkin's Ointment, A valuable specific Ointment for Ulcers, Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Felons, &c. Also, Carpenter’s Oil of Canthann, Oil ofCubebs, Oil of Copaiva, Flour of Slippe ry Elm, W crin ’Pea. &c. For sale by -WM. G. BROWN, i Nov. 7. 9 Fresh Drugs, Paints Sf Oils. DR. W, B. BALL tf HAS just received his fresh sup plies, aud offers for sale, at his store on Cotton Avenue, a quantity of Linseed Oil Extract Sarsaparilla, Sperm do Carpenters do Castor Oil (flue article) White Lead Croton Oil Spanish Brown ground Spirits Turpentine Train Copal Varnish Black leather do Japan do Glue Snuff, Macaboy and Scotch Fine cut Tobacco Hair &coat Brushes Camel’s hair Pencils in oil do do dry Venetian Red Wiudsor G1 ass Paint Brushes Indigo, Spanish Flote Alum Copperas Peari Ashes Magnesia, lump Scal’d Chloride of Lime Starch Chloride of Soda Quinine Lemon Syrup Piperino Lamps Iodine Lanterns Opium Lamp Glasses & Wick Morphium Sulphat & Vinegar Acetate Madeira and Fort Wine* Suitable for conmlescents, Together with an extensive and general assort- iient of all articles in his line, all of which were purchased in person by himself in New York, and are warranted genuine. He is prepared to iive reasonable accommodations and respectfully nivites the attention of the public. Feb 13 20 D .0. HODGKINS, Cutler and Surgical Instrument maker, recently from London. B EGS leave to inform tho citizens of this place aud its vicinity that he has opened a Shop oil Cherry street immediately above Mel- ose & Kidd’s Store, where he calculates to car ry on the business iu all its various branches.— Also Trusses for Ruptures. Irons for eontracied Limbs, or any instrument to assist Nature's defor mities. Haviug served a regular apprenticeship to the above business, he feels coufident in giving' rcneral satisfaction to those who may employ him. For Grinding Razors 25 Cent* For do Sci -ora 12} New Pen and pocKtt Blades at 37} N. B. Gi*u» is word 3 i Pistols repaired ane . leaned on r*: su.iablo Il-.i s —Porsot. - n-ndir work from the country, directed as a Lov^ wi.i rtnupily attended to. nov 14 1833 3m 6 uarxoitf AUADEM7. Upson county, Ga. '2Ath December. 1833. W E. the Trustees aud Patrons of this In stitution, feel great pleasure in recommen ding this school to the favorable uotice of the pub lic. Haviug gone into operation in January last, under the Ilec.orship of tho Rev. Peter Mclulyre, its success has far oxceeded our most sanguine expectations. Wc therefore feel much assured that those who will favor this rising institution with their patrouage, will, generally be much pleased with the result; that the course aud method ofiu- struetiou, will, in due time, ensure a thorough pre paration for collegiate admission, as well as a rea dy capacity for the various employments of life. Rates of tiiitic-ii not exceeding what is customary. Tho regular q uarterly entries are on the first Mon day in January and Inly ; the last Monday in March and September. Board, Washing, aud Lodging can be obt lined in private families, pru dent and respectable, aud at convenient distanc es, from $15 to $20 per qr. The salubrity of the climate of the neighborhood is unquestiona ble ; aud its freedom from inducements to dissi pation, no less favorable to the good morals of youth aud-to their literary psofieieucy. Robert Jackson, sr. David Kendall, Shepherd B. Saunders, Joseph Baldwin, Mark Jackson, senr. Reuben While, 13 9m D. Allen. KXBSEB & WOOD, Next dour to the Post Ujfcc, H AVE just received the following arriclcs of Fresh Groceries 3 pipes (superiorbrand)coguiac Brandy 2 do Holland Gjn, hour glass & Medea swau brand : 1 do Jamaica Rum 1 do Madeira Wine (a superioi article) 10 qr casks Tcneriffe Wine C doz Claret •25 bbls Portland Rum 20 do rye Gin 20 Wiiiskey 10 do superfine Flour 10 do Irish Potatoes 10 do Apples 4 casks Cheese 4 do Butter (excellent) 6 hhd* Sugars 10 bbl* do 4 boxes brown Haranoa do 75 bags Cuba, St. Domingo and Laguira Coflee JtK) Almonds, 200 Madeira Nuts 15 boxes soap, 10 do starch 10 do Raisins, 5 do Chocolate 6} chests Tea, race and ground Ginger 10 bbls batter, sugar, and soda CratKera Confectionary, Segars, &c. &c. •Tiich we w:i s utual very d can for cash ; „nlj, «k*3. n Original and Genuine COMPOUND CHLORINE F©0*S?H WASH, , fcsA OR cleaning and preserving tlie Teeth and la? Gums, rind demising the Mouth. Just received, anti for sale by nov 21^ 8 ’ WM. G. BROWN. SURGICAL LaSTE1731 mTS UPPING, Dc itisi, Obstetrical, and c;.s of Pocket Instruments, Fox spring and common Tooth Iveys, Tooth F-a-ceps, Punches, Evans crown Lancets, rominun aud spring Lan cet?, &c. &c. For sale by nov 21 8 WM. G. BROWN. WHITE LEAD. E toEST quality Philadelphia Whito Lead, B w just received and for sale bv WJ1. G. BR«WN. Nov. 14. _7 st* m F3UBLr.iA;». 1"JT ' s _ ;i-t received and and is dui.y receiving *5 n choire supply of Liqnors ?:nd ContW- tior-'ry from Charleston, the articles are •Jamaica Rurm (,4th proof.) N. England,' do (Boston particular,) Oognric Brandy (4th proof,) Peach do (old) . Holland Gin. (genuiue) Northern do (Pierpoiut) Irish Whiskey. (James Owen) Srotts do (Moontaiu Dew) Mcuongnhala do, common do Mrdeiria Wine (old) Champaign do (sparkling) Tort do (Racy), Claret do (superior) Ten- eriffe do (old) Malaga sweet do A very choice supply of London Porter, Al bany Ale, and Newark Cider Cordisls, Mint. Noyear., Auuireed, Pres Ar mor (a new article,) Cinuamon, Rose, :Life of Man and Life of Woman Fruits, Filbert nuts. Brazil do, English Wall do, Almonds, with a choice assortment of Itaisins, Figs Prunes, Apples, &c. Preserves of superior quality a large supply. Candies of every kind aud ol the best quality Best Cavendish Tobacco, cut do Ilavanna and domestic Cigars, He keeps Relishes, Oysters. Goshen Cheese, and Crackers, with a variety of other article*, juti 1 1834 14t) C A B I N E T M A CON ViiT .Ti,.—'-,^..1 Ct e* I FRONTING Cotton Avenue, opposite Hu- . son's hotel, on Mulberry street, where the Proprietors offer their present very largo stock of Furniture at very reduced prices. the following comprises a part : Sideboards, Lockers, feccr-iaries, Desk and BookCases, St fas, ('ouch and Lounger’s Sofa Beds, Settees aud Easy Chairs, Dining Tables iu Sets and siuglc ; Pier, Centre audTeu Tables, Work, Candle an«i Dc-v.rt Stands; Wardrobe, Dressing and French Bureaus, with an assortment of Bedsteads of every tics* ription; Feather Beds. Hair and 'loss Mattresses, v. il- low Cradles arid **'v agous. Floor .ilats, >\ iiidow Blinds. Mahogany Chairs with Cane and >iatr Seats, Fancy IN ood Seat aud curl '! tpie Chairs. The Proprietors of the above establishment have a Manufactory connected with it so ih;:t they are enabled to furnish any article at tho shortest possible notice. ALSO Repairing and Mending of every k:i”l dope. Varnishing, Upholstery. *ic. Orders f*em the country sht*ll receive strict attention, an. 1 our patron* with our thanks for past favors will find us ever striving to give lor Cash, Goods value received. THOMAS WOOD K CO. Business conducted by 2'iiomas Hood. oct 22 tf \ vl'.;j.Aj a r ’2S£i£.’i.;.ifa552is2Ui W ILL sell the stuck of BOOKS x HARP WARE, belonging to Ellis, Shotweil X Co. at very low prices, a: retail, for c.<-!.. an-’ tc merchants who may want t<> replenish •' ■ stock, upon time, for approved paper. ^ The Stock consists of a great variJyof Hardware, Ca’fcrif. Codings, MECHANICS" a GOES, Brass najc; FURNITURE MOUNT iNG„&e Consisting of large andsunfi ”d'G'* Medical, Law and School Books, and a groat variety of Religious and Miscellaneous Books. Dee. 18 23 JACOB SHOT WELL ^Suction and Commission 3to-e., riVIE Subscriber has removed to tho tew 1 BRICK STORE, adjoining the Post O- fice, on Mulberry street, where ho tenders Ins ser vices iu the above line. C. A. HIGGINS Nov 19 20 Brandy, Gin and Wine. -g -■ PIPES Holland Gin, IBs pipe*, and ^2 half pipe* Cognac. Brandy 25 quarter ca*ks Malaga Wino 25 n do do Marseille* Madeira M in6j received per fcteam boat Pioneer, am' gale by , REA & COTT doc 11 11