Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, January 30, 1834, Image 1

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GEORGIA BY 31. BARTLETT. MACON, THURSDAY, JANUARY SO, I SSL T ol. ViH...'.Number IS. to — MU - TiijS UtJEOBGI a TELEtrRAPH is i>Pi)Li>n::n at maco.n, ga. Printin'* Ofce on Second Strett—next door liuSOfl'S lintel. TER 'IS. —T ii r k k pail ,\r.s a year. if paid in ndvniici", or Four Dollar, if not paid wfpre the e id of the year. Subscribers living nt a distance , v iJI be required in all eases to pay in advance. ’fj* No Paper discontinued' liut nt the discre tion of tho publisher, until ,ull arrearages are ii lid. • ■ 1 |-vti» r- . /rrre-»»c»*ai>n» git : ‘ CrOOX)*** F. O CA LLAUrii.AN, -jr.S now reccviug direct from New York an extensive n.'surtineut of seasonable Goods, which ho will sell for themselves following artic NEW GOODS. AV3L H, BUllhSALL, M AS Jnsi received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS; heady mass GJwOTizirrcj, HATS. SHOES, l;c. " Inch he is oik-ring for sale tit reduced prices For Cash Only. nis stocx consists, in i\art, or tiik following; Super Saxony, 1 Hue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Salinctts English Merintwi Duffle, Point and Bose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson, Green aue White Flannels •1/ reasonable terms for. Printed Salslwry da ,■ ers to call and examine) Can tun and Saxony r.nd Gauze do New Fall and Winter Goods, ATCD /tT JUST RECEIVED, At the JUaeon Clothing Store. B cash, and invites i 11 is itoek consists in part cflht | Uaniask Table Diapers Birds Eye and Russia do superior St Croix sugar A:ii> b £1*. prime New Orleans sugar bids, double refined Loaf do ,> do Lump do 100 mugs prime g.ceu coffeo IKK * bushels i.iverpool ground salt in hints.molasses bO bbls. caunl flour 10 boxes new cheese tit) bids. Nos. - and (3 .Mackerel 2 pipes best Holland Giu 2 pipes Cognac Brandy 1 hhil. Old Jain. Bum 5u bbN. obi Ityo Gin 50 bbls. old Bye Whiskey till do N. Ruth •10 qr. casks Malaga Wine 50 boxes Baisins 80 eiulies Gunpowder ami Imperial Tea 10 ehssts Fresh Hyson do 2(50 ps. In st h.'inp and tow Bagging 1000 lbs. English and American Twine , 50 coils Ba|q Hope *10,000 lbs. Castings, assorted lbs. best riwedes Iron Slid lbs. German qnd Blistered Steel 5it U<*gs cut Nails, assorted 5 dozen Collins b Co.’s Axes 10 sets l larksniitli’s Pools, complete Also a great variety <>/otter .articles in the Ifard- uxire l.iiv . . 1500 pr. Shoes, all kinds and qualities JINN) pr. negro Glides 20 cases ilats, superior quality Ladies' and Gemlemeu’s Cloaks 10 bales, Maekantou aud point Blankets JO bales 3-4 Shirting, 10 hales 5-8 superior Shirting It) baler 6-4 bleached Sheeting 2 halos 4-4 cotton Diaper 30 ps. Shliuelt, till ei/iors Irish Linen, white aud red Flannel Black Italian and Lustring Bilk. Apron Silk Pongees; Jaconet, Book and Swiss Ahlslius Bol.inct mid thread Lace B.auluiui.i, Latin, aud Colton, links. Also, (Hi the way, 2 close Carriages turd 8 Barouches :j Gigs aud if Stilkeys ON HAND, 40009 lbs.*Bacon—3000 lbs. Lard go bags Livo Geese Feathers A senernl Assortment of SADDLES, BRIDLES. MARTINGALES. &.C. ngir 30 50 >*! 0 luu 50 Itltl 50 qr. do CASH STOKE, SXBSfiE WOOD. Aext door to the Post Office. WE received and arc now opening a very extcnsivfl assortment of Entirely Seasonable and Fahionnble Dry Goods, 'which will be sold at uuusiially low prices Purchasers will fiud it to their advantage to give its a call. Our Stock consists in part of tint) pieces Calico, from 10 to 87cts. |tpj do furniture prims Pun'h do Turkey Bed do 50 do Cireasnsians all colors, printed do do French Chally, Grodc Swiss, Gro de Nap Berlin Siuehaw riarsuet t.ud Levantiue Silks col’d Lining 44 Poult de Soio col’d Cambric plait) Pope striped, & plaid Cambric book, plain ami fig’d Swiss, jaconet, Niiusuok. and mull Muslins Linen Cambric, ins’g do, bishop, cor ded Robes, Laces and Edgings, inserting* 2() doz silk, gauze, liernams, &■ crapo fancy Shawls, Thibet Wool do 10,1 doz pongee and spittalfield silk Hdkfs 100 do cotton flag, turkey red, aud head Hdkfs 100 doz tucking Cotnbs 100 do side do Shell tueking & side do Dressing aud ivory do 150 plain and fancy Braid Bonnets Elegant sett Ribbons, Taffeta Rib’ns every color 25 doz elegant Bells, fig’d blit pad co’tl velv’t Belts Plain blk velvet do, silk velvet tabby do 100 doz white, raodou, blk and slate cotton and woollen Hosiery I\i<l, Ilorseskin aud beaver Gloves 50 •• woollen do 0 bides 0-4 4'4 6-4 cheeked Homespuns !5 ps Irish Linens every quality 100 doz spool Thrend 50 do Blk, and assort’d colo'd Irish setting Thread, blk. and colored sett ing Silk 50 pieces blue, mixed, striped, aud drab Sat- inetts 10 do blue, black, mixed. Broad Cloths Striped and tlrnb Cnssimero, Erminett 35 peifi - white, red, yellow b green Flaunels from 31 75cts. 25 bides 3-1 an,'.4-4 Horo< »pun from lOto I4c. 5 do cotton aud hemp Osnnhurgs 5 do s>; toed negro Blankets 8 and 9-4 50 pieces Bose do 50 do heavy Fustians and woolen Cloth- for negroes 5 bales 3-4 4-4 6-4 Plaids ntid Stripes' Furniture Plaids Hangup Cord. Ticklenburg, Kiusin Duck, Crash Diaper, Heavy twilled Lowe! Cottons 5 Bales Tickings from 12j to 87$ cts. 100 Cotton & Silk Umbrellas, gentlemens Cloaks 12 case* Beaver nnd nap’t Hats, 6 cases wooldo * targe assortment ot heavy Shoes, gentlemen and Indies Slides of every kind uood assortment; Hardware and- Cutlery, Crockery and Glass) ware. Groceries ,Vr. ifcc. E\pcc>ed by first Boats a large assortment of Groceries, Iron .Salt .Steel, Btigiriug, Fish, Nail Ac. .vc. cotrli do Black, Blue aud colmtrctl Bomhnzcttes do da do Circassians Negro Cloths Linscys jf Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustimg do Gros de Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin dj Sjnchews and Sarsancts Colored Gros do Naples Black and colored Florences do Italiau Crapes Merino .Mantles aud Square Shawls Common. Thibet wool, Valentin, Silk D sin ask mid twisted Si.k Shawls Hcniani, Muslin. Crape, Gauzcand Gfosde Na ples Dress Hdkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Linens ami Lawns Cotton Cnssiuicrs Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron aud Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids n’nd Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia riheetiugCear Duck Cambric do Bleached Doivlass Oznaburghs Hangup Cord Cotton Yam Cotton. Worsted aud Lambs wool Hosiery- Black and oo.ored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures i>]k aud col’d Lustring Kihbons Du k aud light col’d Prints aud Ginghams t.see aud Gauze Veils Fig’dattd plain Bohiuet Lace Thread Laces Cambric. Saxony, Swiss, Midi, Nausook and Book Musliiis Linen Cambric lldkfs Pongee, Indian Flag aml SpittleSeld lldkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Geuiletneus English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin aud Silk Gloves Bead Reticules CLOTHING. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, adelaid, oli-’e brown and green Broad Cloth Dress Coats. Sii|ieriiuc blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats. Superfine blue, olive, green and mixed Cloth Coatees, Blue, steel mixed and fancy colored SatinelCoat- ecs and Frock Coat*. Super blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive and green Cloth and Cassimcre Pants, Blue, black, and fancy col. Satinet Pants, Youths’ Cloth & Satinet Dress and Frock Goats. do do do Punts. Black and blue Cassimer, black aud col Velvet, , black Florentine, black Bombazine, dark aud light col’d Valentin, English Silk, colored aud tvldte Marseilles, Tontines, Swausdown and Satinet Vests. CAMULET CLOAKS J>- GREAT COATS. Mixed brown Cloth and Petersham Box Coats. Lyon Skin Over Coats. Fine Line!) Shirts. Collars. Bosoms, Stocks, Sec. NEGRO clothing. Men’s aud Youths’ Fur Hats, do do Wool do do do Cloth, Seal and Hair Caps, . Fiue Boots and Shoes, ■ .tEGBO SHOES, ort 15 3 • CONSISTING IN PART OF LACK, blue, brown, olive, mixed, raven, invisible and bottle green Cloths Black, biue, mixed, buff, striped, aud ribbed Cassitneres Petersham, striped Satiuetts Engli-di fig’d Yclvet, a uew and.fasUjcijahle ar ticle for Vesting Woollen Velvet Plain di Buff, Whito. aud fig’d Valencia do do do Marseilles Fine Irish Linen, a large assortment of Trim mings, Fancy Articles, tfc. White, crimson, aud English fancy Pkt Hdkfs Pongee do Silk Flags. Italian Cravats White Fancy <lo Blk and white Ilorseskin Globes Linen, Cotton, und Woollen Gloves Blk. white, and colored Silk do Buck do Woollen, Cotton, mill Silk half &. Stockings Plaiu mid plaited Satiu and Bomhazino Stacks Vel«-ct do Shirt Collars and Bosoms India Rubber, Silk and Cotton Suspenders Shoulder Braces, Pantaloon Straps Cravat Stdliiers Silk, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas Cloth Caps A large Assortment of Military Trimmings. CLOTHING. Black, blue, brown, olive, mixed, invisible and bottle greeu Cloth Dress and Frock Coats Nixed ami brown,Coatees Pantaloons of every description Black aud blue cloth double and aitiglc and rolling collar Vests Black silk and cotton woollen plain and fig’d velvet Vests Plain and fig’d Valencia and Marseilles Vests Cloth and Petersham Over Coats Blue and hik goats hair aud common camhlct Cloaks, Ladies’ Cloaks Fine liuen, cotton and net Shirts Linen, flannel. Canton flannel, cotton and net Drawers A good assortment of Negro Clothing, be. be. The above clothing js manufactured by myself, and will be sold as low as nt any other Estab lishment. Tailoring carried on ns.usual, hiving the la test New York and London Fashions anti Good workmen, will endeavor to do jusiico to all that favor me with their custom. LEWIS FITCII. NY B. For sale a Barouche and pair northern horsey. ocf24J833 EXCHANGE OFFICE. J D. BEERS. J. II. ST. JOHN b CO. « have opened an otiicc in Macon, in the Counting Boom recently occupied bv .Messrs. Hamilton b Hays, (epposito Huron's Tavern) aud aro prepared to transact the Exchange Bu siness in all its branches. • At sight, or on time, uu , N. York. Philadelphia, Fayetteville, Savannah, ChaHriftoi?, Augusta, Milledgcvhfc, Columbus, Mobile, New-Orleans. (£/* United States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cotton, either to hold or to ship to Savannah, Charleston or Now Y r ork. Macon, Nov. 28 10 In !E WARE-H6DSp AND zomssxsszow BVSgffSSS. JS.- C. Caldwell, Agent, gjn HAS commenced the Ware- f O House and Commission Business at Y the ware-house opposite Messrs Cooke & Cowles, and is prepared to reepiwo merchandise on consignment or sto rage. Liberal advances made ouCottop and other merchandise in store. Macon, Nov. 28. 1833. 10 NEW BOOK STORE SS20K2AS PVRSS. RESPECTFULLY in forms the public that he has taken the store in Ellis, Shottvell b Co’s, row, two doors above the Post Office, where he CASH STORE. RITSSS^L &L S>2£:2£3:?»S©rS, M AVE just received 103 bags Coffice, 32 bbls ditto, 16 hhds .Sugar, Foieign and domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordial of all kino’s, Baltimore Hams in wrappers, canal Flour in bids and blfbbls 8 back wheat do in qr bid, Onions. Potatoes, Cotl Fish. Dun Fish, No. 1. Markerel in hlf bids No. 3. do inhhls, Herring, Whuo Beans, northern Butter. Cheese, Pine Ap pic. do, uctv Rice, imperial, hyson, young hyson and pouchong Teas; Pepper, Spire, Ginger ground and race, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Raisins, Almonds, Eng. Walnuts, Filberts, Co coa nuts, sugar and butter Crackers, Pilot and sea Bread, loaf and lump Sugar, Soap, sperm and tallow Caudles, Starch, Copperas, Alum, Salt Peter, Glauber and Epsom Salts, .Madder, Indigo, Powder, Shot. Lead, Snuff,^Tobacco and Cigars of all qualities, IRON. SALT, CASTINGS, BAGGING, halo Rope aud Twine, German and Eug. blis tered Steel, sheet, baud and hoop Iron, “Collin*” »XES, Spades and Shovels, br’ss Fire Setts, GUNS, PISTOLS, pit Saws. Brooms, be. Together witn a general aud complete assortment DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Crockery* & t&iassware, Hals, Caps, and Shoes, of every description, all of which will he sold at their esttal low prices aud for Cash only. ALSO, will reccivo in a few days a very heavy supply of Sugars, .Molii-ses, Iron, coinmou and fine Li quors of every variety, Wines, &c. Macon, November 11. 1883. 7 WARE HOUSE AND coanoisszoN svsxsvsss. MACON, GA. r llE subscribers will continue the above ho siness the ensuing season, and return their grateful thanks to those who fovored them w ith their patronage the past seasou. They have ta ken the Ware House, known as Lamar's WARS HOUSE, Situated immediately on the river, having a good wharf attached thereto, aud very safe from fire. For the convenience of their friends residing be tween the OcimiTgee and Oconee rivers, they have token the large and convenient Ware House recently erected by Mr. G. 15. Wardlaw, in East Macon, which from its peculiar situation, is ren dered quite securo front thq danger of fire, nud from whence Cotton will be takeu tothe wharves free of charges. Each of the subscribers will re side in Macon the ensuiug season, and promise their unremitting attention tothe interest of those who may favor them with their business and confidence. Liberal advances will be made on produce, merchandize and oilier properly confi ded to their care, and strict attention given to the filling of orders, receiving and forwarding goods br. Insurance in the best offices can be effected at the usual rates wit-n desired. EVERARI) HAMILTON. JOHN R. HAYES, August 26 48 WAREHOUSE, AND BUSENSSS. THE subscriber continues the / ■%, J5j li'are-Huuse and Commission liu- siness at his Old Stand (Head of rry Street and Cottoii Ave nue,) where he offers all the usual facilities in the above Business. COTTON stored with him, will be delivered in any part of the city free ofcharge of Drayngc, or shipped to any other Market at the usual rates. For the greater convenience of those who may favor him with their patronage from Counties east ol the River, trading to Macon, ho has ta ken the Ware-House next below the old bridge, recently occupied by Messrs. Day & Butts, aud known formerly as John T. Rowland's Waro- llousc—and assures his friends, every facility in erossiug the Diver will be offered, to render the inconvenience by loss of the bridge as small as possible. His Ware-Houses and close storages arc in good order, and as much exempted from danger of FIRE as any in Macon. Insurance in tho best offices, cau bo effected at very low rates, should additional security he required. J \MES C. MORGAN. .Mccon, August 15, 1833. 47 now receiving and opening a very general assortment of Books and Stationary, Among nis works, he has a general assort ment, and will he constantly receiving tho new publications on Theology, Medicine. Law, His tory, anil Miscellaneous subjects, together with such other articles as are usually kept in a Book Store. SSiXSu S BOQKS, A large assortment of all kinds and sizes. Fools Cap, Letter, and Note Paper of tho best quality, both English and American, plain and embossed, ivatcr aud feint lined, pink, yellow tic and wlnto. BUSES. Rtank Checks. Notary Public Lertcrs, Ware house Receipts, Bills of Lading. Writs of all kinds. Justices Summon^, do Executions, Clerks do Tax Collectors do. Subpoenas for Witnesses. Deeds. Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Ca. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Marriage License, Bail Writ and Bond, Inter. Com. Directions for Interrogatories. Bills of Indictment. Bench Warrants, Bail Bonds, Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Adminisfra- ion. Temporary Letters of Administration, Tem porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Bonds. Tax Collectors deed?, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. Dee. 21 24 ,.1‘J AD 33 OT. Upson county, ‘Ci. 24rA December. 15 TOj/k. the Trustees and Patrons ofihi f ( stittition, fee! great pleasure tii recommen ding this school to the favorable notice of the pub lic. Having gone into operation to January last, under the Ree orship of the Rev, Peter McIntyre, iis success h»4 far exceeded our most .sanguine expectations- We therefore fee! much, assured thatthose who will favor ibis rising instit'iitiiiii with their patronage, will, generally lie riitic-li pleased tvitl) the resort; that the conrsonud method bfiti- strucHon, will, in due time, ensure a pre paration for collegiate admission; as well as n rea-* dy capacity for the various employments of lift. Bales of tuition not exceeding tvhai is ciist ininry. The regular, quarterly entries are on the first Mon day in January etui July ; the last .Monday in March and rieptemnbr. Board, Washing, mid Lodging can be obtained in private 'families, pm- dent and respectable, and at convenient distanc es, from $I.V«b $26 I-; . qr- The salubrity of, g,-.; iq Ww. 'Yv. the climate of the neigauoriiood is uaqnestinnn- v.'jf;' I i.^.s -u.. i vo ,- v jjj n ble: aud its freedom from inducement*to dissi- j ‘ ' t>V jlfl "« T • r> T ' paticn, no less favorable to die good morals of yquth anil ta their literary psoficiency. Robert 'Jackson, sr. David Kendall, Shepherd B. Saunders, Jos-pit Bah!win, „ Mark Jackson, senr. Reuben If kite, 13 Orn 01 Allen. DRUGS, Pc ED it.'INKS, «fcc. fM^HE sabscriljer is now receiving hi- fresh Jl. supplies, ;.nd in addition to an extetsivo assortment of *j? ?-Y r Z' S Medicines and Chemicals, Offers lor sale a our.niiij of D\ E STUFFS Viz.: Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam and Brazil Woods, Spanish Flot. Guatemala at.,: country Indigo, Undilef, Copperas, Blue 8lone, Alum aud Anuattp. PAINTS. M’hite Lead, t'rv and ground in oil VeiH-tinn lied do do do Spanish Brown do do <io Yellow Ochre do do do Verdigris do do do Prussian Blue, Rose, rink. Prop, Lake, Vc tip 111- iun, i.’iomn Green, Crop--- Y'cllow,- T,-ra, pi. t-n- rkry L'u.bcr, Fresh Drugs, Paints <.V Oils. BB. Wt B. BdU ^ HAS just received his fresh snp- jilics, aud offers for sale, at his store ^ on Cotton Avenue, n quantity of Linseed Oil Extract Sarsaparilla, Sperm do Carpenters' Train do Castor Oil (fiue article) White Lead Croton Oil Spanish Brown ground Spirits Turpentine & WOOSf, Next th.-or to the Post Office, H AVE just received the following arridcsof Fresh Groceries 2 pipes.(superiorbrand)r.oguinc Brandy 2 dp Holland Gin, hour glass & Alcdea swan brand 1 do Jamaica limn 1 do Madeira Wiue (a superiot article) 10 qr casks Teucritle Wiue 6 do? Claret 25 bills Portland Rum 20 do rye Gin 20 ’ Whiskey 10 do superfine Flour 10 do Irish Potatoes 10 do" Apples 4 casks Cheese , 4 do Butter (excellent) 6 hhds Sugars 10 bbls do 4 boxes brown Havnima do 75 hagjj Cuba; St. l>oqiiugoaud Vnguirg Coffee 200 Almonds-, 200 Madeira Nuts 15 boxes soap, 10 do starch * 10 do Raisins, 5 do Chucolate 6£ chests Tea. race aud grouud Ginger 10 bbls bntter, sugar, and soda Crackers Confectionary, Segnrs. &c. &->•. Which wo will sell asutuial very cheap for errs h only dee ‘t\ 13 PE ilF UME it Otto of Ilo‘-e Milk of Rose, ee-meiih er’d Cream, cosmi tie Table?, ci'tnp. Napi. sharing Soap, cretun Soap. C/Jlogno and Rose )' aUr, Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar and A Clique oil. Ruse and Pearl Powdes, &c. i'IIU^UES. ..... c. Clothes, Ilair, TootFi, Piaster, Slice, and inr-e Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Pend. Ash, Sonjv rinor Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, . jdc, -. .Vc. be. For sale by \VM, <■*. i>K\,)WN. nov 21 8 Original and. Genuine COMPOUND COLOR!\E TOowaT ASirL OR: cleaning-.iiv’i preserving »b«- T- th ?m, Gums, mij iieansing ;l>e : :in. Just received, ami for sale !>y nov 2i 8 w” e: ' K SURGICAL € UPPING. U r of Pocket ■ coinmou Tooth 1 ‘ Evans, crown a cels, be. b-.:. nov 2> ' itnp-ice ctii.-Y l't>. t! tY.i cr •RiPi’S.. ;p di r.: rs *{:•««?? •. r-.A.c Y+ -,. n.-t <>; !. IO-. Copal Varnish Black leather do Japan do Glue Snuff, Macaboy and Scotch Fine cut Tobacco Hair & coat Brushes Camel’s hair Pencils ico of ^Tcdicirio. -).r. .V. BRIDGMAN hare united in the Practice ol MLD- INK and SURG’i'.RYY Theit office is the one heretofore occupied by Dr. Cone. *cb»3. 14 Window Glass. 'UST received. 12 b v 18 H. M. Glass, 12 16 do do 11 16 do do 10 12 do do 8 10 do do 12 16 Mullica do 12 1G do do 10 15 do do for sale Oct 31. WM. G. BROWN. •5 1 LC 18 Hops, Sal AEratus. .h9 n.M\ Hops—ltnldo Sal .Eratu.- J list received mil for sale bv WM. G. BROWN. T &so. w. GAirsNinsa’s Compound Fluid Extract of Pink Root, (Spigclid Marilandiea,) IIE most effectual worin-destroying -Medi cine discovered- G. W. CARPENTER’S Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, I’or purifying the blood, ami removing all dis eases arising from excess of Mercury, exposures and imprudences in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure state of the blood, be. G. W. CARPENTER’S Compound Syrup of Liverwort, CHepatica Triloba.) A snfo aud valuable medicine for Coughs, Rpitting of Blood, Consumption arid Liver Complaints, Carpmter's Saratoga Powders, For making Congress Spring <>r Saratoga water Dr. IF. Judkin’s Ointment, A valuable specific i hutment f><- Ulcer ;, Sores Sprains. Bruises. Felons, 22.. ALo. Carji uter's Oil of Can than-. Oil ofUubehs. Oil . f Cop l, F 1 - .tr o, 81ipj .— ry Elm, Worm T a, &c. For -a!j bv WM. G. liuOV'v.v. Nov. 7 ' 7 in oil do do dry Venetian Red Windsor Glass Paint Brushes Indigo. Spanish Flote Alum Copperas Peari Ashes Magnesia, lump bcal’d Chloride of Lime Starch Chloride of Soda Quinine Lemon Syrup Piperine Lamps Iodine Lanterns Opium Lamp Glasses b W’ick .Morphium Sulpbat b Vinegar Acetate EKadeira and 3?ort Wine, x Suitable fur convalescents. Together with an extensive and geueral assort ment of all articles in his line, all of which were purchased in person by himself in New York, aud are warranted genuine. He js prepared to give reasonable accommodations and respectfully invites the attention of the public. Fob 13 20 25 .C. Culler and Surgical Instrument maker, recently from London. jjTfc EGS leave to inform the citizens of this -fcljiJ place aud its vicinity that hp has opened a Sj)op on Cherry street immediately above Mel rose b- Kidd’s Store, where lio calculates to car ry on the business in all its various branches.— \lso Trusses for Ruptures. Irons for contracted Limbs, or any instrument to assist Nature’s defor mities. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the above business, he feels confident in giving general satisfaction to those who may employ him. For Grinding Razors 25 Cents For do 8cissors I2.j New Pen and pocket Blades at 37^ N. 15. Guns, Swords and Pjstols repaired and cleaned on reasonable terms.—Persons sending work from the country, directed as above will be promptly attended to. nov 14 1833 3m 8 MACON CABINET W&SE KOtf SSi ~|f7qRONTING Cottou Yvc-rme, opposite lu- B* soil's Hotel, on Mutbexry street, \v,.. y the Proprietors off; r their present very iuir£<- stuck of FtTitijirure at very reduced prices- THE FOI.LOV.TNO COMPRISES A PART : "Sideboards, Slat s, Lockers, rieert aties, Desk aud Book Cases, Sofas, Couch and Lounger’s Sofa Beds, Shttaei otifl Easy Chairs, Dining Tables in Sets and single ; Pier, Centre andTcu Tables, Work, Caudle, amt Dessert ..Stands; Wardrobe, Dressing and French Bureaus, with an assortment of Bedsteads of every description; Feather Beds, Hair tuid Moss Mattresses, il- low Cradles mid W’njua*, Floor Mats, Wimiptv Blinds, Mahogany Chairs »illi Cane and Hair Seats, Fancy W'ood 8>eatufi4 carl Maple Chairs. The Proprietors or the Shove establishment havo a Manufactory connected with it so that they are enabled to furnish any article at the shortest possible notice. ALSO Rc-pairiug and Meuding of every kind done. Vaniishiug, Upliqistcry, be. Orders frein the country shall receive strict attention* and our patrons with nur thunks for past favors will find us ever striving to give fort’ash. Goods value received. THOMAS WOOD b CO. Business conducted by Thomas Wood. oct 22 tf,, 4 3 . WII ES’f qu? jus! re 'Ml G. BF j:\f ft. :\ T . w Nov. 14. tOIvS b HAIID- •"•s. SliotwMi & vsl. and ,r f- Ground and Alum Salt. BjUrillELS Liverpool ground Salt 5u0 bushels Turks Island Salt, for sale on accommodating terms bv REA & COTTON dec 13 11 Furs, Abides and Horns. FjT'DIE highest price will be given by the sttb- scriher for Fnrs of all kinds, oither Beaver Otter, Raecon or Muskrat. Hides, dry, in any quantity; also Deer Skins, llorns. Ox or Bnck. C. A. HIGGINS, Nov 27 17 Brick Buildings, Mulberry St M ORTON’S Cough Syrup, just received aud tbr sale by dec 11 WM. G. BROWN TMZl fc W ILL sell the. W.' RE. Belt, Co. at very low prices, merchants who if.ay w. -!• tt. : » stock, upon time, ‘ > approve The Stock roast, ‘s ofagr- . •• ' Hardware, Culfrry. Ca: ' , vIECHANR y 5 TOOLU, Srass Ware. Bri'-.-ussia do* FURNITURE MOUNT ■ be. be. BOO^Sj Consisting of larg ' 4 small Bir.ies, Mc-.n. d, Law and School Be and a great variety 6F Religious and MisceHaa.? ns Books. Dec. 18 23 JACOB SflOTWFJ.L.. g u I—I tz: o t-3 O 9 i Brandy, Gin ar ■’ Wine: ■g "fi ITPES. Holland (ini, K j 2 pipes, and e 2 half pi *es Cognac Brandy 25 quarter casks Malaga Wine 25 do do Marseilles Madeira Wine/ received per Steam boat I’ioi. rr. and for 'sale by REA b COTTONY. doe 11 11 Sugar and Flour. p^ Hds pritite”St Croix Sugar— : 5 do Porio Ri-’ co do—20 I bis canal I'lour—just received aril for sale hv d 52 ! REAj&' COTTON. Macon, Dee. 5. First rale BRICKS, for sale hy M. BARTLETT. 10 "p" HEREBY" forewarn all.person:, from trading a for two promissory m te-. gtvi n by ire to. Richard Hale for twenty dollars eu. h. d-.iieJ 2Glh of November 1833. due 25ib of UVcfenduf 5834,. as tho consideration for which the said netes were given has failed. dec 12 1833 12 FLOYD.A. MADDEN. 05^ Take Particular Notice. *s£C ' ON REQUIREMENTS. LL those iudebted to tho subscriber either J by note or book acct. are respectfully re quested to call npon the subscriber or upon Mr. Shivers at my stable and liquidate the san e by the 20th instant, or their aqcis. will be left it dis criminate!} in the hands of officers for colleciion. As times however, ate hard, cash crop short, Banks troubled—all more or less under ihc promises— 1 Taxes enormous—aud having no dis position to enhance any of these evils, have to a J- — that to those who are not prepared with itu batterkanuw, to come forward, aud if ; 1 u < an ti write, or pay. fix your time aid ma 1 ® yon inrk. and if neither will suit, conic round • c . ork it out, some « -.Inch i may have, a so tin » vvhich I niu i have, aud some of whieli 1 will h:.' e, or 1 will have t! as befor .■ >i t< d. J. LENT- FT . Not only in the positive, but pou Honor. Sept. IDill 1833. «ba Chairs, Chairs, Chairs. ia ; : j 54 dozen fancy and wood seat «- Chairs, iusr rei . ived and for sale bv y.jf II TITO MAS WOOD, b CO 'V. V dec 26 1833 13 sivsseUi a ssesmsost ft It Htnow receiving a very cxtetisiye aim iiest TA selected stock of Groceries ever offered in Macon, among which are Fine Sugars, Mo lasses, Mackerel: Liquors of every description Salt, Iron, Castings, Bagging, and various oth er articles too numerous to mention which'Will, as u^ual bo sold off at low prices. Macon, dec 17 12 Coffee and Flour. 4 BAGS prime green Brazil Coffee, t!L3> 3! bbls. Canal Flour, J favorite 16 half bbls. do do ) Brands, Received front Savauunh, and for sale by REA & COTTON, flee 19 12 Auction and Commission Store. PfM HE Subscriber has reinovcd to the nov. JL BRICK STORE, adjoining the Post O rice, on Mulberry street, where he tenders his ser vices in the above line. C.'A. HIGGINS. Nov 111 2(1 Notice. I N consequence of the extreme scarcity ain. high prices of provender 1 am nccesarily compelled to raise iny prices on boarding anti f ecing horses; they •dinning rates. rill hereafter be fed at the S15 00 V00 75 Pr. Mouth Pr. Week Pt Day The patronage heretofore received is duly ap- i .u-d and thankfully received and I hope by M.t attention to business to shafre a continn tee of’he same. GEORGE 1. PI 119. macon, jnu 15 16" Just Received by ES$B£E & VYOOB. • • . Pert door to the Post O cc. pr oOvRBLS, and h barrels No. 2 aud3Mac- kcrel. 50 bbls and half barrels Shad, 15 boxes lit rring, 1000 Itushels Salt 6000 tbs. sheet Iron, 10,000 lbs. Bar do. square Iron, ( - si rileci, Gerir.tiu do 200 long handle Spades . 50 cask Kails assorted, <fce. &c. Nov. 28, 1833. 9 ;Y’W ~ BBLSicuital and city mills Flour, tf 3 hhds-Molasses. 5000 lbs Goshen Cheese; 5 chests new Rice, ■Jus*. r« ■ "'ved and fot by <lee2ti 18 i / ALFTON. la do i.ot No. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No. 1 6 ' do do. do, s entire tluui street Cila rad Swamp Lots for Safe. OT No 3 j 6 Improved 03 Waiuut stretyf 4 do 6 do, <!o G ao . ■ do 15 do■ do IS lio G do 5, do 15- Half of Lot No. 3 and proved on Bridge street Lot No. 2 sqr. 6 itjtproved op \v; Lot No. 7 sqr. 80 ou Cherry street Half of Lot No 3 and 5 on sqr. 43 on 2d street improved Land in the Swamp, Bibb coun'y. Lot No. IIP containing 100 acres Lot No. 55 containing 8 a<fes Lot No. 296 3d dismet 4th ssetinq Cherokee nation ^ Lot No. 91 2d district Coweta above Lots will be sold en accomtnoda- tiug terms. A\ •> -, ,000 koo '. merchantable Bricks. jan 16 16 GEO. A. SMITH. ' ’ta ccv&Jiir i P! opening a general Stock of Goods., at H. ilietr New Store. They pleks- •j to receive a call from thrir friends, nor 21 tf 8