Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, February 06, 1834, Image 1

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by M. BARTLETT. MACON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY (>. 1831. Voi. YliL...Number 19. Tiie GE(JRaIA TE1, EGRAPII IS WKEKLr AT S1ACO.N, GA. Priili** Ojjice in Sir cut Street—next door to Huson's Hotel. TKJiMS.—Three Dollars a year, if paid in m'vaiice, or Four Doughs, if not paid before the *,j of (he year. Subscribers liviug at a distance '.!:]*! |,o required in all cast s to pay in advance. ":<?* No Paper discontinued, lull at the discrc- ,;,;r of the publisher, uuril all arrearages are N E VV* GOODS. WM. XI. BVUD&AHj, AS Just received a per and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, New Fall and Winter Goods, A3ND CZ07SXNG, JUST RECEIVED, At the Macon Clothing Store. iNT&W £-2 CUDS. F. O’CALLAGHAN, I S now receiving direct from New York an extensive assort mout of seasonable Goods, , v "ich ho will sell on very reasonable terms lor rJ ,!i, and invites purchasers to call and examine thmuselves. /lit stuck consists in part of the jUlmring articles : ' ja 20 lihils. superior St Croix sugar ,, :-.T?rqV, hluls. prime New Orleans suga \S& j&iilJtj •» bids, uouble refined Loaf do . L '-jrX. 5 ,|„ Lump do J00 bags prime greeu coffee :W00 bushels Liverpool grouud salt 1.1 Idids. molasses .lit bids, canal dour Iff boxes new ebeesc (JO bids. Nos. 2 and {I Mackerci 2 pipe, best Holland Gin 2 pipes Cognac Brandy I lilid. Old Juiu. l!um ,lo bbls. old Rye Gin .10 bbls. old Rye \\ hiskey ;J:j do N. Rum 10 qr casks Malaga Wine ,10 boxes Raisins ;jl) catties Gunpowder and Imperial Tea i<V Sheets Fresh Hyson do 2o0 ns.iest hemp and tow Hnggitig a,t |lis. English and American Twine 10u *oil« Bale Rope 50 ' Castings, assorted 1ft,000 lbs. 't .Swedes Iron 20.000 l!.s. lie. HU and Mistered Steel 500 l!i<. Genu ^ : t s> assorted 50 kegs cut Ni>- V Co.’s Axes \ • 5 dozen Collins ^ ■’unis, cmnplotc 10 sots Blacksmithin the Hard- Also a great variety of other*. r «> trine l.ine. 'alitics 1.10ft pr. Shoes, all kinds at»d qt- 1000 pr. negro ‘' ,,1,,cs . 20 cases lints, jtipenor quality Ladies' pud Gcntlcnicu's Cloaks JO b iles :U;ie.*;amau and poiutlilaukels JO bales 3-4 Pihn'tiug . . JO bales 5-8 super in'. r Shirting JO bales0-4 bleached jihcetlUg ’ 2 bales 4-4 cotton Uii'pef :;i ps. Saiiuett, all color,s Irish Linen, white and rod Flaitht'l ItLck Italian and Lustriug riilk, Apron Silk Pongee-*; Jacouet, llook and rimss \iusltus iisbiuct and thro-.d Lace llaiiJauua, Lawn, am! Cotton Hdks. A Iso, on the tray, 2 rl i.p Carriages and 8 Harouchcs 3 Gigs and 3 Strikeys ON IIANO, I Mi i lbs. Bacon—2000 lbs. Lard • AJ iJ bags Live Geese Feathers A general Assortment of SADDLES, BRIDLES, MARTINGALES, &C. anj 29 50 ' asADYitSAss & : so : ri2zr^Cv, HATS, SHOES, 8,-c. which lie isolieriiig for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. itis stock consists, in part, ok thk roLi.owi.vo: Super Saxony, llluc, Hlack aud Faucy Colored Hrond Cloths Uloe, Mark, .Mixed and Fancy colored Satiuetts English .Mcriuoes Duffle, Point and Rose Hlankets Scarlet, Crimson, Green aud White Flannels Printed Salslmry do Canton and Saxony and Gauze do Dainask Table Diapers Hirds Eye aud Russia do Scotch do Hlack, Rlue and coloured Hombazcttes <lo do do Circassians Negro Cloths I.iilsevs Bleached aud Uubleachcd Shirtings &. Shcciiugs Hamiltoii Jeans Hlnck Italian l.iistirug do Grosde Swiss do do Naples do do Deriiu do Sinehcws aud Snrsancts Colored Gros do Naples Mark and colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino .Mamies aud Square Shaw ls Common. Thibet won). Valeutia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Ucninni, .Muslin, Crape, G’.auzoaiul Gros dc Na ples Dress IJdkfs Ladies and Misses Minuets Irish Linen* and Lawns Colton Cass inters Heaver Fustinrvt English .Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Red Tick s Hoor Cloth Raize Green Frieze Cloth furniture Dimity Russia ShecringHcar JJitcfc Cambric do Hleaelicd Dowlas* OzuaburgLfs Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs .wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Satin aud Gauze Garnitures Rlk and col’d Lustriug Ribbons D«rk and light col',! Prints and Ginghams Lacoaud Gauze Veils (, j’x’daud plain Hobiuet Lace Thrt'. HC * Daces Cami’ricV Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Ngtisook aud B^ok .\*Bs!i»s Liuen Can».*' r ' | f Udkis Pongee, Indian 1''lag and Spittlefield Hdkfis Carved and plain StiCl? Combs Gentlemens Euglish Hftck, Reaver aud Gcifct skin Gloves Ladies Reaver, Goat skill aud Silk Gloves Head Reticules CLOTHING. Sttpcrftue blue, black, invisible green, ndclaid, 0 live b(owo aud greeu Rroad Cloth Dress G ilW oft Kid 50 qr. do CASH STORE. £i WOOD. Xext door to the Fast Office. H UE received and arc now opcuiug a verv extensive assortment of Entirely i. Seasonable amt Fahiottable Dry Goods, ttlii.ii will be sold at unusually low prices. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to give us a call. Our .Stock consists in part of iSH) pieces Calico, from 10 to 37cts. 1U0 do furniture prints Punch do Turkey Red do oil da Circasasians ail colors, printed do do French Cbally, Grade Swiss, Gro de Nap Berlin Stuchaw Snrsnet und Levantiuc Silks exil'd Lining “ l'oull dc Soie col’d Cambric plain Pope • tripe,’, &■ plaid Cambric book, plaiu and lig'd Swiss, jacouet, .V'iiusook, and tttuil Muslins Linen Cambric, ius’g do, bishop Lawn, cor ded Robes, Luces and Edgings, inserlings 2.1 doz silk, gauze, beflinuil, &• crape faucy Shawls. Thibet Wool ,b» Ilki dux pongsa and spittullield silk Hdkfs MU do cotton flag, turkey red, aud head Iidkfs hift doz tacking Combs I ) do side do 8:»ell tucking &■ side am Dressing niut ivory do 1.)• |t].iiii aud fancy RraidBonnets' Rlcgaut sett Ribbons, Taffeta Rib’ns every color 25,ioz elegant Balts, fig’d blkandco’d vclv’t Relts Plain tilk velvet do, silk velvet tabby do |(gj d 0 a white, randou, blk aud slato cotton aud woollen Hosiery Kid, llorseskiu aud beaver Gloves ,31 “ woolleu do t> l,,\les 3-4 4 -4 6-4 checked Homespuns ; : ~ r p< .'rish Linens every quality 100 .,,<z *'oool Thread .... '• i do 'Hk-- aml a * sor ’’d colo’d Irish sewing TSrU b.*k. aud colored sewing Silk fi'i jd!!z b j L 'e, ’ uixcd . stuped, aud drab Sat- ii u’at’b, mixed, Broad Cloths « !.J° b .‘. s,.'merr. Erminett ill* . nn d drab Ca ^How- &. green Flannels white, red, J from 31 io 75cts- ^ e ^pnn from lOto 14e. 2.-. bales 3-4 mm! 4-4 I Wt ^ sna t„ ir g 3 b do cotton and berop ^ 9 an( j 9.4 S do striped uegro Linn. ^ 50 pieces Rose “J , v r,'olen Cloths 50 do heavy Fustians and 5 baief IF? 4-4 6-4 Plaids aud Stt. 'I ,c< Furniture Fluids _ . -. , C.'itsh Bangup ' lord. Tickl- nburg, Russia Duck, Diaper, H-inyv turilFd Lowci Cottons 5 llnles Tickin troin1~j to 3/£ cts. 100 Cotton & silk Umbrellas, gentlomens 18 ciises B .tver and unp’t Hats, 6 casos wooldo • largo assortment 0! heavy Shoes, gfntlemen -mi t idies Shoos of every kind uood assortment Hardware ind Cu'.lerv, Crockery and Glass { Wiiro Groceries Expected by first Boats a large assortment o f ^raceri. s, Iron Salt Steel, Ragging, *■’*'* B'i. &c. • , — Practice of Medicine. t DRS. CONE sV BRIDGMAN have united in tlw Prartice of MED ICINE and SURGERY. i h offic" i s tho one heretofore occujnca by Dr. Jun i, 1833. ^ g^qlerftne blue, black, brown and green Cloth f 'rock Coats. Sunt rliue blue, olive, green and mixed Cloth Cot '’ ecs - ui... a tcel mixed and fancy colored Satinet Coat- ccs^ ‘I Frock Coats. Suner bl. ue ’ Black, invisible green, drab, brown, *“ olive mit * green Cloth aud Cassimere Pauts.- Blue black a,u * f !U,c y c °l- Satinet Pants. Youths' Clou ’’ & ^ at '” el Dress and Frock Coats. do do ‘' lo Pan,s - Bl«rk und blue' Gasstmer black and col Velvet black Fb-rentiL -*• l»! a « k Romhazme, dark and light col’d Valet L?lgh»h Silk, colored and white Marseilles. Tomfiocs, Swansdown and CAVIJCEt'cLOA/CS OiJFA T COATS. Mixed brown Cloth nm.1 Peters.l*a tn J>w Coats. Ljou ^kiu Over Coals. c l x Fme Linen Shirts; Collars, .Bosoms. ‘™™ s > -' jXEGRO CLOTJW\ 0r. Men’s and Youths’ Fur Hats, t\o do Wool do do do Cloth, Seal and Hair Cap’s, Fine Roots and Shoes, ..ECHO SHOES. , oet 15 3 \ 1 CONSISTING IN TART OF LACK, blue, brown, olive, mixed, raven, invisible and bottle green Cloths Rlac-k, biue, mixed, buff, striped, aud ribbed Cassini ores Petersham, striped Satiuetts English fig’d Velvet, a uew aud fashionable ar ticle for Vesting Woolleu Velvet Plain do Ruff, White, and fig’d Valencia do do do Marseilles Fine Irish Linen, a large assortment of Tfju!- iiiiugs, Fancy Articles, 4jr. White, crimson, aud Euglish fancy Pkt Hdkfs Pongee do Silk Flags, Italian Cravats White Fancy do Rlk and white llorseskiu Gloves Liucti, Cotton, aud Woollen Gloves Rlk, white, aud colored Silk do Ruck • do Wooliep, Cotton, and Silk half Hose & Stockings Plain and plaited Satiu aud Honihaziuc Stocks Velvet do Shirt Collars aud Bosoms India Rubber, Silk and Cotton Suspenders Shoulder Braces, Pantaloon Straps Cravat Stiffners Silk, Gingham add Cotton Umbrellas Cloth Caps A large Assortment of Military Trimmings. » CLOTHING. Black, blue, brown, olive, mixed, invisible and bottle green Cloth Dress aud Frock Coats Nixed aud brown Coatees Pantaloons of every description RIack aud blue cloth double and single aud rolling collar Vests Black silk and cotton woollen plain aud fig’d velvet Vests Plain and fig’d Valencia and Marseilles Vests Cloth and Petersham Over Coats Blue and blk goats hair and common catnblet Cloaks, Ladies’ Cloaks I t v ine linen, cottou and uet Shirts l Liner, flannel. Canton flannel, cotton aud net Drawers j| good assortment of Negro Clothing, &c. Arc. Yhe above clothing is manufactured by tnyself, and jv ’ll be sold as low as at any other Estab lishment.. Tailoring carried on as usual, having the la test New' York and London Fashions and Good workmen . w ill endeavor to do justice to all that favor mo tv ttlt their custom. LEWIS FITCH. N. B. t v oT sale a Barouche and pair northern oct 24 1833 5 EXCHANGE OFFICE. J D. BEERS. J. It. ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened an office in M :, von, in the Counting Room recently occupied by Messrs. Hamilton fy Hays, (opposite iiu.->oii's Tatcru) aud arc prepared to transact the Exchange Bu siness in all its brunches. OSZSCES, At sight, or ou time, ou N. York. Fayetteville, Charleston, Miilcdgevilic, Mobile, Philadelphia, Savannah, Augusta, Columbus, New-Orleans. (f/ 3 United States Rank Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cottou either to bold or to ship to Savauuab, Charleston or New York. Macon, Nov. 28 1ft WARE-HOUSE £ AND GOQlnttZSSXOZtf asirszsrsss. C. Cat dwell, Agent, » a HAS commenced tho Ware- f O /A House aud Commission Business at tlje ware-house opposite .Messrs. o-tLiiAfeiSs Cooke & Cowles, aud is prepared to receive merchandise on consignment or sto rage. Liberal advances made ouCottou aud other merchandise in store. Macon, Nov. 28. 1833. 10 horses. WARE HOUSE AND NEW BOOK STORE. THOMAS 3P RESPECTFULLY in forms the public that he lias taken tlie store in i Ellis, Shotweil 6c Co’s, row, two doors above the Post Office, where he is now receiving and opcuiug a very general { assortment of Books and Stationary, Arnong nis works, he has a general assort ment, and will be constantly receiving the new publications on Theology, Mfdicine. Law, His tory. aud Miscellaneous subjects, together with such other articles as arc usually kept in a Book Sto#e. 2K ABB'S S3 OHS, A largd assortment of all kinds and sizes. Fools Cap, Letter, aud Note Paper of the best quality, both English aud American, plain aud cmlyissud. water ami feiat lined, pink, yellow ue ami white. /f SaSj&Se Rjjmk Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ware house Receipts, Bills of Lading. Writs of all kinds. Justices Summons, <lo Executions, Clerks do Tax Collectors do. Subpoeuns for Witnesses. T’Ufcds. Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Cn. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. ^ Marr.rige License. Rail Writ and Rond, Inter. Coin. Directions for Interrogatories. Bills of Imlictincut, Bench Warrants, Bail Bonds, Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Lffteis Testamentary, Letters of Adrninistra svszsnsss. M AC'»N, GA. 1 . TJK, -’,-: r " : • ■ 2V”“ T Fri HE subscrih e.*s will continue the above hu- Btnml ctnporary Letters of Admunstratiou, leni- t, • .. ing season, ami return their Letters of Administration, Guardians JaL siucss the ensuing grateful thanks to titose who favored them with their patronage Ute p'.rst season. They have ta ken tho Ware House, fuiown .is Lamar’s IOWB& FAKS HOUSE. Situated immediately on the river, ltavuig a good wharf attached thereto, umf very safe from fire. For the convenience of their friends resitting be tween the Ocurilgee and Oconee rivers, they have taken the large and convenient Ware .House reccutly erected by Mr. G. II. Ward law, in East Macon, which from its peculiar situation, is ren dered quite secure from the danger of fire, and from whence Cotton will betaken to the wharves free of charges. Each of the subscribers will re side in Macou the ettsuiug season, and promise their unremitting attention to the interest oFthoso who iutjy favor them with their business and confidence. Liberal advances will be made on produce, merchandize and other property -confi ded to their care, and strict attention given lo tl-e filling of orders, receiving and forwarding goods &cc. Insurance in the best offices can beeflected at the usual rates when desired. E V E R A It D IIA MILTON, JOHN R. HAYES. August.26 48 cr&grsosr Upson county, G t. tiiih JJectmbcr. 1833. W E. the Trustees aud Patrons of tlii- In stitution. reel great pleasure in recommen ding this school to the favorable notice of the pub lic. Having gone into operation ill January last, under the Rectorship of tho Rev, Peter Mcinlyr,-. its success has far exceeded our most sangti-i’.e expectations. Wc therefore feci much assured that those who will favor this rising institutionayith their patronage, will, generally be much pleased with the result; that the course aud method ofiu- struction. will, iu due time, eusnre a thorough pre paration for collegiate admission, as v. II as • n : dy capacity for Ihe various utipli - iiietrts of life. Kates of tuition not exceeding « ; 1 is ctwt unary. The regular quarterly entries arc >>:;■ lifst Mon day it! Janu ary yuii July ; the Inst Mom!:.} . March and September. i>. id. Washing. - Lodging can be nbiniucd iu private fqniiltes,'prfl ,i deni ami respectable, and at di-tuce cj, from $15 to $20 per qr. Ti e sufcVrity■' orj the climate of the neighborhood is nmincwtiotin ] blc; and its freedom from inducements to dissi ] pation, no less favorable to ti.0 good morals of youth and to their literary psofieieucr. Hohert Jackson, sr. David Kendall, Shepherd B. Saunders, Joseph Baldwin, Mark Jackson, sent. fleuoen White, 13 Out D. A thru I£2S2SB25 cii YsTOODi , Next door to the Tost Office, AYE just received the following articles of Fresh Groceries tt pipes (superiorbrand) cogni.ic Brandy 2 do Holland Gin, hour gia:s Cc f.ledea swan brand 1 do Jamaica Runt 1 do Madeira Wine (a superiot article) 1.0 qr casks Tcnerifie W'itio 6 tloz Claret 25 bbls Portland Ruth 20 do rye Giu 20 Whiskey JO do superfine Flour JO do Irish Potatoes 10 do Apples 4 casks Cheese 4 do Butter (excellent) „ 6 bhds Sugars 10 bbls do 4 boxes brown Hnvanna do 75 hags Cuba. St. Domingo and Laguira Coffee 200 Almonds, 200 Madeira Nuts 15 boxes soap. 10 do starch 10 db Raisins,5 do Chocolate fit, chests Tea, race and ground Ginger 10 bbls butter, sugar, and soda Crackers Confectionary, Sugars, See. See. Which we will sell asuaual very cLoap for cash only dec 25 13 (SO do DRUUS, MEDiClXES, &e. Ol HE su iiscribcr is now reccivipc bis fresh _LL supplies, aud in addition to uu eXteusivo assortment of 3PSUSS3I 'Medicines and Clamiculs, Offers for sale, a qnanlitv of DYE STUFF8, Mz.: Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam and Brazil Woods," Spanish Flot.' Guatemala riklit country Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Blue Stone, Amm aud Anuatlo. PAINTS. White I.rja 1. dry .;n;l grntiud lit : i! Venetian Rod da do do Spnui-h Brcwu do do. Y,-limy Ochre do do verdigris do d;> do UtussinuBlue, Rose. Fin'.:, Drop, Y rr ;u!i, Cronte Gref t», t’rpwu 1’eHow, T-.: : ! - . i 'lt- na. St.ute Ochre, 'Lititatgc, ‘i;M ley (tuber, Flalie-White, Lmnp an«l Ivors Rlro-ka. FEB FUME BY. Otto of Rose, Milk, of Rose, cosmetic -cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Nci»»(js shaving • Soani cream Soap, Cologne uyd Rose V\ rtev, Vegetable Rouge, Bear's, Macassar nnd Ainiquo oil, Rose and Fearl Powder. &c. BRUSHES.; Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Plaster, Shoe, and Ilorsp Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Peavl Ash, Soa;-. Pipes Tohneeo. Grfnptj) and Race Ginger, Spiers. -See. Are. F01 sale by WM. G. BKO.V> :\ r . nov 2j 8 , Original and Genuine COMPOUND CHLORINE •WOOSH WAS? 1 7VJR cleaning and the 7Y< ar 1 * (Jun:s, anil cleansing the 1 ?.-t recoircd, and for sale by nov 21 8 WM. fi. PRO \Y Y SURGICAL IiVSTRTT3TEN‘?"S. C UPPING, Dentist, ('•. Trior:!, iw! c..>c-s of Pocket Itistrir- nn,.’J • . ‘nrii'g r‘.J common Tooth Kevs, ’1 I'm ;': Punckis, Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. Den 21 24 Fresh Drugs, Faints Sf Oils. ©a. W. B. SA£K f? HAS just received bis fresh sup plies, and offers for sale, at his store on Cotton Avenue, a quantity of Linseed Cil Extract Sarsaparilla, Sperm do Carpenters Train do Castor Oil (fine article) White Lead Croton Oil Spanish Brown ground Spirits Turpentine CASH STORE. SOTSSSiL di WAVE just received 103 bags Coffee, *12 W bbls ditto, 16 bluls Sugar. Foreign :ird domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordial of all kinds. Rain more Itams in wrappers, canal Flour in bbls and hlfbhls 3 truck wheat do in qr bhl. Onions. Potatoes, Cod Fish, Dun Fish, No. 1. Mackerci in hlf bbls No. 3. do iiqbbls, Herring, White Beans, northern Butter. Cheese, Pino Ap ple do, new Rice, imperial, hyson, young hyson and pouchong Tens; Pepper, Spire, Ginger greufid and race, Cloves. Nutmegs. Cinnainou, Raisins, Almonds, E t ng. Walnuts, Filberts, Co coa uuts, sugar and butter Crackers, Pilot am! sea Bread, loaf nnd lump Sugar, Soap, sperm and tallow Caudles, Starch, Copperas. Alum, Salt Peter, Glauber and Epsom Salts, Madder, Indigo, Powder, Shot, Lead, Snuff,Tobacco and Cigars of all qualities, IRON. SALT. CASTINGS, BAGGING, bale Rope aud Twine, German and Eng. blis tered Steel, sheet, baud and hoop Iron, -‘Collins” AXES, Spades aud Shovels, brass Fire Setts, GUNS, PISTOLS?, pit Saws. Brooms, &c. Together with a general and complete assortment DRY GOODS; HARDWARE, Crockory t & Glassware, Hats, Caps, and Shoes, «f every description, all of which will bo sold at their usualloiv prices and for Cash ouly. ALSO, will receive in a few days a very heavy supply of Sugars, Molasses, Iron, common and fine Li quors of every variety, Wines, ScC. YI.icou. November 11. 1833. 7 J Window Glass. U^T l’J received, by 13 H. M. Glass, 1C 16 do do 11 16 do do 10 12 do do 8 16 do do 12 16 Mullica do 12 J6 do do ift 15 do do for sale by WM. G. BROW >ct 31 s - - Hops, Sal JEratus. ^ jrv Lb? new Hops—100 do Sal .JEratus E EFxF Just received and ior sale by do75 WYLG. BROUN. WAREHOUSE, AND eoixansszoN u ' THE subscriber continues the * s A Ware-House and Commission Bu- A( * \ ) siness at his Old Stand (Head of i>6 Cherry Street and Cotton Ave- . , , Ne offers all the usual facilities in nue,) when. * - uoss v ^r-armv S st,Ted with him. will be delivered * city free of charge of Drayagc, ,n any P* rt ® f > 0 ..her Market at the usual rates, or shipped to y . vel) i ence 0 /those who nifty For the greater c ou Counties favor Inm , 0 Macon, he has ta- cast ol the Dvc , • » ^ below tho old bridge, keu the arc- »«. nn > Day & Butts, and recently 0ec.1p.ed by' Rowland’. Ware- known formerly as Jolnr *• ; n House—aud assures his frio "/! 8 .', ? ’ , y { . crossing the River will booffiensi-- • ^ ag inconvenience by loss of the J>ndg- ‘Tns 1 Ware-Houses and close ^mges nr cm good order, and as much exempted fro-« of FIRE as any iu Macou. Insurance la the best offices, can bo effected at very tow rates, should additional security be required. JAMES C. YIORG AN. Mccon, August 15, 1833. *D ,—w Copal Varuisli- Black leather do Jnpau do Glue . Snuff, Macaboy aud Scotch Fiue cut Tobacco Hair & coat Brushes .Camel’s hair Pencils in oil do do dry Venetian Red Windsor Glass Paint Brushes Indigo, Spauish Flote Alum Copperas Pearl Ashes Magnesia, lump Scal'd Chloride of Lime Starch ' .Chloride of Soda Quinine i.emon Syrup Piperine Lamps Iodine Lanterns Opium Lamp Glasses Sc Wick Morphium Sulpkat & Vinegar Acetato EZadeira and Port Wine, Suitable for convalescents, Together with an extensive and general assort ment of all articles in his line, all of which were purchased in person by himself in New York, and are warranted genuine. He is prepared to give reasonable accommodations and respectfully invites the attention of the public- * Fob 13 2ft M A C O N C A B I N E T WMSBOVSB. F RONTING Cotton Avenue, opposite II11- sott’s Hotel, on Mullierry street, where the Proprietors offer their present very large stock of Furniture at very reduced prices. TIIE FOLLOWING COMPRISF.S A PART : Sideboards, Slabs, Lockers, Secretaries, Desk and Rook Cases, Sofas, Couch .and Lounger’s Sofa Beds, Settees and Easy Chairs, Dining Tables Iu Sets ami single; Pier, Centre audTea Tables,- Work, Candle, and Dessert StandsT Wardrobe, Dressing auil French Bureaus, with an assortment of Bedsteads of every description; Feather Reds, Hair and Moss Mr.ttrcsses, Wil low Cradles aud Wagons, Floor Mats, Wiudow Blinds, Mahogany Chairs with Cane and Hair Scats, Fancy Wood Sent and curl Maple Chairs. The Proprietors of the above establishment have a Manufactory connected with it so that they are enabled to furnish any article at the shortest possible notice. ALSO Repairing and Mending of every kind done. Varnisbing, Upholstery, Ate. Orders from the country shall receive striet attention, and our patrons with our thanks for past favors wiU find us ever striving to give for Cash, Goods value received. THOMAS WOOD & CO. Business conducted by Thomas Hood. oet 22 tf 4 Evans crown Lancets, cet.v&c. For sale nov 2! S a s>pr: Ii »<-' WHITE I 3BEST 'quality Phil; O) just received an i \., Nov. 14. 7 GEO. W. CA^PErlTEKV. Compound Fluid Extract .of 1 ink Ho » (Spigclia Afar Hand ica,) T HE most effectual worm-destroying Medi cine discovered. , G. W. CARPENTER’S Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla For purifviug the blood, and removing all dis eases arising front excess of Mercury, exposures and imprudences in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arisiug from an impure state ot tuo M w . CARPENTER'S Compound Syrup of f.ivencort, (Hepaiua Triloba.) A safe aud valualdo medicine for Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Consumption aud Liver Complaiuts. _ Carpenter’s Saratoga Powders, For Inaki.ig Congress Spring or Saratoga water.- Dr. IF. Judkin's Ointment, A valuable specific Ointment for Ulcers, ..ores, Sprains, Bruises. Fclous, &cc. ' ALo, Carpenter’s Oil of Can therm. Oil of Cttbebs. Oil of Copaiv i, Flour ot slippe ry Elm, Worm T -a. X*e. For sale by WM. ©• BROWN: Nor. 7 7 S> .C. HOSGaSEIvTS, Culler and Surgical Instrument maker, recently from London. CJ9 EGS leave to inform the citizens of this .Ifij? place and its vicinity that be has opened a Shop on Cherry street immediately above Mel rose & Kidd’s Store, where bo calculates to car ry on tho busiucss in all its various branches.— Also Trusses for Ruptures. Irons for contracted Limbs, or any instrument to assist Nature’s defor mities. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the above business, lie feels confident iu giving geueral satisfaction to those who may employ him. For Grinding Razors 05 Cents For do Scissors I2j New Pen and pocket Blades at 3/J N. 15. Guns, Swords and Pistols repaired aud cleaned on reasonable terms.—Persons sending work from the country, directed as abovt will be promptly attended to. nov 14 1833 3tn 8 Ground and Alum Salt. 467) $K BUSHELS Liverpool ground O Wv Salt 500 bushels Turks Island Salt, for sale on accommodating terms by REA & COTTON dec 13 11 S*ars, 2Eides and Horns. Hal HE highest price will be given by the sub M scriber for Furs of all kinds, either Bcrtver Otter, Raccou or Muskrat. Hides, dry, in any quantity; also Deer Skius. Horns, Ox or IJnck. C. A.HIGGINS, Nov 27 17 Brick Buildings. Mulberry St ORTON’S Cough Syrup, just received aud A>r sale by dec 11 WM. G. BROWN ra:a swe-zchitf-. ILL sell the stock of BOOK 0 iiARD- WARE.-belonging to F' i 6c Co. at verv- low prices, at ”f for'cash', and !<». merchants who nay replenish their stock, upon litre, for appmtd paper. . The Stock consists of a great varielj of Hardware, Cuihmj, Castings MECHANICS 7 TOOLS, Brass Ware, !*??>. lanzii; FURNITURE MOL VTJNG.-fec. Consisting of large and email BMes, Medical, Law and School Rooks, and a great. variety of Religious aud Miscellaneous R(.nk< Dec. 18 23 JACOB SHOT WELL. no. Sic. Brandy, Gin and 17 ine. PIPES Hollaud Gin, 2 pipes, and _ 2 half pipes Cognac Brandy 5 quarter casks .Malaga Wine 5 .lo do M:. -seilles Madeira Wine per Steam boat Pioneer, am! for REA &■ COTTON. recctvcc! sale by dec 1J 11 Sugar and Flour, p* lids prime St Croix Sugar—5 do PortoRi- Qp co do—20.bbls canal Flour—just received and f<>r sale by d 12 REA &- C03 TON.• Q?” 'Fake Particular 'Notice. «=£0 ON REQUIREMENTS. LL those indebted to the subscriber either by note or book acct. are respectfully re- questOtd lo call tipuai die subscriber or upon Mr. sibivera n<-iny stable und liquidate tho same by the 20tb instant, or tlwir nccts. will be left iudis- crimiuatalyin tho bauds of officers for collection. As times however, mo hard, cash crop short, Banks t rod Wed—all more or less under the promises—'Taste* enormous—aud having no dis position toouhauco any of these evils, have to add —that to those w4io are not prepared with the chatterkauaw, to come forward, and if you can not write, or pay, fix your time aud make your mark, and if neither will suit, corns round and | work it out, some of which 1 may have, and some . of which I must have, and some of which 1 will have, or I will have them as before stated. J. BE vNETT, Nor only io tbepositive, but pon lienor. j $ept. 10th 1833. Chairs, Chairs, Chairs. 54 dozen fancy and wood seat Chairs, just received and for sale by THOMAS WOOD, & CO. dec 26 1833 1 3 FsUSSEU <&. DXC&ZZ7U A RE now receiving a very extensive atut best selected stock of Groceries ever offered in Macou, among which arc Fine Sugars. Mo lasses, Mackerel. Liquors of every description. Salt, Iron, Castings, Raggiug, and various oth er articles too numerous to mention which will, as usual bo sold off at low prices. Macon, dec 17 12 50,00 Macou, Dec. 5, fei First rate BRICKS, for sale bv M. BARTLETT. 10 -p HEREBY'forewarn all persons from trading,. JsL for two promissory notes given by mo to Richard Hale for twenty dollars ea.-h, dated 2Cth of November 1833, due 25th of December 1834, as the consideration for which: the said. itetes were given has foiled. dec 12 1833 12 FLOYD A. .HADDEN. Coffee and Flour. • AR 6J5BAGS prime green Brazil Coffee, “fi; 31 bbls. Canal Flour,. ? favorite 16 half bbls. do do $ Brands. Received from Savannah, and for sale hy REA &. COTTON. ilec_l9 12 Auction and Commission Store. FM1 DE M:! »..riser has removed to 1 . B BRICK STORE, adjoining the 1" .t O fice, on .Mulberry street, where he tenders ids ser vices in the above line. C. A. HIGGINS. Nov 19 20 ——"TV ‘otice* I N consequence of the extreme scarcity and high prices of provender I am neeesai ily j compelled to raise my pricct on boarding ;md | feeding horsesthey will hereafter be fed at tin follow tug rates. ■ Pr. Month $15 00' Pr. Week 5 00 ! Pr Day _ ^ T’i. patronage heretofore rece-. : is dusy ap- pTMintod-a.-.!* -lu-oVt ■ ' i o-j i hu, c by' Just Received hy SSZBSJSB & Y.- Op'Bi 1 .. • Xcrt uovr to the ’Foil Office, rne ^jTKRBLS, and l barrels No. 2 aad3 Mac- kereli . - £0 bbls and h-wf barrels Shad. 15 boxes ‘ Ik-rring, c lfd‘0 bushels Salt 6000 lhi: •‘beet Iron, 10,000 lbs. Bar do square Iron, Cast Slcc-1, German do 200 lo.ig haudlo Spades 50 cask '- ails assorted, r-ee. &'-c. Nov. 2ri, 1833. 9 ' fiSY BBLS canal aud city mills Flour, d 'iie 3 hhds Molasses, 500^ ifcs Goshen Clieeae; ■S chests new Rice, Just received aud foi sale by , dec 26 13 D. RALSTON. City and Swamp Lots for Sale. TT OT No 3 sq 6Improved on Walnut street 3 l -do 4 do '6 Lot No. 1 do 6 do J.ot No. 7 do 15 do Lot No. 8 do 15 do Lot No. 1 do 6 do . Lot No. 2 do 5 do Lot No. 6 do 15 do Half of Lot No. 3 a;: 1 F in square No- 5 im proved ou Bridge street Lot No. 2 sqr. 6 improved on YValnuj street Lot No. 7 sqr. 39 on Cherry street Iiaif of Lot No. 3end 5 on : qr. .0 ett street improved Land in the ffr.-civ. Bibb county. ' l ot No. Ill contninmg ICO acres Lot No. 55 containing 8 acres Lot No. 2‘J6 3d district 4th section Cherokco nation T.ot No. 91 2d district Coweta Tho above Lots-will be sold cn wcautiodi- tiag lerms. \No80,000 good merchautable Br.eks. 16 16 GEO. A. bi.ii ’ : r ! Stock of Gocds at 1 , wc*md be t.ij— If Maccu, jriii 1^ .Force 1 nrrs. 16 lit .•i t f. COKE di RE opening a getu tbei: New Store. -• receive a call Iron : iv 21 tf 8