Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, February 13, 1834, Image 1

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BV si. BARTLETT. JIACOX THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1834. Yol. VilI....rVrMBER CO. /;is GEORGIA TELEGRAPH,' IS imr.ttsnr.n wf.s:Ix.t at "acon, ca. > ing (7.,’Ve "» S-cri-:.’ Street—rat door to' IIiisoiK; Fol< l. | ’b~ - ? n,», I) i.i,Ar*s a year. if paid in 1 ;•’. it J .i.n . i» n •: j* rid before the I th y:.r. %Suhscrihei-s living at a distanro quire! in all to pay 1!I Iitl .nnct*. I . _~”.\i *Hj» rrli.ciMltiilUod. ('lit at lilt; li • f l.’u* publisher, until a!! aj'j-e-,.- YEW GOODS. W :t. If. RL T iiD.;ALL, 3 Jui rec "*V^J a new nud extensive soriiu.nt i-f oitr m r v WDS, IS’eiv Fall nnrl Winter Goods, csoTiiziira-, JUST RECEIVED, . 1/ the Ji tarn Clothing Store. •» f., F. O BiA 1 v - , ^ T -■ - • 1 «*-—* — ...—. . .. . . it ' TS, SHOES, Sec. , w Inch lie is offering f r »:•!, a*rt ieci For ( u,h Only, 1 "M tr- rv r-vsiM?. in part *• —1 I>r :ni Clotlw - • • * # ix d -iiiil i O'.icv colore ■ Snliuf t!» 1 vgli'h Mi ritus? I'Vilt ', r. ;;d I? o*e I»I:!:ili«'*s ^rr ve : do reel yj ^ u.hv rccs^viu^ dm c; fx : i N; , v . Vork no ‘ n ,v < ■ Jt <* 1 ^ r , .. .. . • 1 ,u ; ? :l * » •» V. . • : uru,s f..r Prated’i,7^* G ' h - *“'• '• UV '"‘ S P.r^l'ti-ers 1 > rail Kid examine Ca»»/,„ and Sax- av • iU */«<••»• <• «•'• <• I* /> .Tl ©/• /.VC ! truoa »k T.Me f i Loaf <!<» ■ tItems Ives. <• •’•••'.’.if arri'ei k’t) rit Croiv Jj bh •'-«• I .•/•»:• New Oi,| \.-/. *»:7 •’» 1»W'-*1 li lcufii ijri^a o ,1.. L«- t| J90 Imgs in’- '* ‘jn>J •- .’ fcrern coffee .,,ieliAs ! ivi rpunl grouul dt 10 hhds. luolrisses JO M>Is. v .ml flour 1<) hoses new cheese (it) bids. Nos. tl nii'l ■) Mncicrci *J pipes best llollaml din |)i|ic. i’ognnc I’randy 1 lth.1. Obi J nin. Kmu bids.'old Hye din ;,() bb’ •• A'bl !• '• iiiskey ;VI do N. 1111111 b) qr casks .Malaga W ino Ti'l boxes ll.iisins , 1 lies duii|lowder anil Imperial Tea ID rln'.ts Fresh Ilys >n do e ,,) j.,.' fi.*inp and tow Bagging s.’Kuxlisli and Anierirau Twine 1. lialc Hope <' ■. r V- ssorleil It : Swedes Iron I !.i,. (I ;ne 1 mid Blistered riled U <t.t NaiB. assorted b do/ t <’ llins .V: Co.’s \\e< li) I’’ <). ■•iiirli’s fools, complete . < (./'• t ,‘r article* in the Jiard- u"c "t /.int. Sli . all kinds and qualities Gauze tm’it., <lo -FT' lUtV) llv 50 IV :.).) vi, Bilals liyc atltl Huss'a do Scotch do f>; ■ k. Blue and cilonr, ! Botnbazeties TID <!o do Circassians Negro * b’oibs Liu ev s I lie ..died anil Fab! '.tiled Shirtings i Sliectiugs llmiiilton Jeans Line’,; Italian Lustirng <!o decs de Swit s do do Nnplt s do do Berlin ii.) Sincbcws and S art a nets Colored Gros do Nt.ples J.'i iek ami colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles ati.i Square Shawls Common. Thibet wool. Valentia, Sill; Damask and twisted Siik Shawls llernani. Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros de Na ples Dress lldkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish 1.incut and Lawns Cotton Cassinicrs Beaver Fustians I.nglisli Moleskin .\j.ron and Furniture Cheek, j Domestic Fluids and Stripes lied ’I rks I-'luorCloib Baize Greco Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia SlieeiiugBear Due!; CONSIZTIN'C IV PART 7C-> f..'. X. bl’ie, hr.*iv3, olivt ifa invisible and bottle gre.-n ", iiiixed, bulT, stri’ 1 CzsF- res Pet-vsli.iri, 'rr"‘ -■• T Fatir.etts Hugli ') lig’d 1 1’ a tv am! tide fir Vesting Woollen Velvet Plain do riulT. Y\ bito, and fig’d do do t!o I EXCHANGE OFFICE. | ]T D. BKERS. J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. I Qir • have opened an office hi ) | Counting Room recently occupied | Haniiitoii V Hays, (opposite UusonV Tavern) ding this seh. alt-vhi ! ee : md are prena-ed to transact t!:e Kxchatige liu- ‘ ,c * Having gone in; rioti i J. : satesi in ail* its branches. the Rec o-!iip of the Rev;. ■ mills . Kid At s gut. >>r .'ii time. N. York. I rveltcrille, fh-ir-st,,.'. Yilh'ig.'villc, Mobile, ry r.ii:.:d State ri e 1 T' -- J -W uU*I| on J'iiihde’.plii-t, Savannah, Augusta, Columbus, New (Means, s limjk Nn’es for sale. n ost sang ,;<i?e •m» w 11 it Lin . alcneia ilars/.-lies . a !arge assortment of Trim- Irilclts, $fc. :::d Mngiish fanrv PI:• ITdkfis do Fine Ir" i: Ji iugs. Funrj Wh ■ criiusi.’i, Pongee S >k Fl'rrs. Tlaliatt Cravats Whit- fc'mirv do I>!k nud while Ilorseskin Gloves Linen, Cotton, and Woollen G oves f lilk. white, and colored Silk do j Burk do I Wooden, Cotton, and Silk half i lose & Stocking' | Piaiu and plaited Satin and Bombazine Stocks I Velvet do | Shirt Collars and Bosoms I India Rubber, Silk and Cotton Suspenders Shoulder Braces, Pantaloon Str ips Cravat StiCTuers Silk, Gingiian>aud Cotton Fmbrellas Cloth Caps .J lars-e Assortment of Military Trim mi tiers. CLOTHING. Black, blue, brown, olive, mixed, invis.hlc and bottle gre en Cloth Dress and Frock Coats ixed and brown Coatees Pantaloons of every description Black and bine cloth double and single and rolling collar Vests Black silk and cotton woollen plain and fig’d velvet Vests Plain mid fig’ll Valencia end .Marseilles Vests Cloth and Petersham Over Coats U -v r "7 r*. , ,.. „ k.V..4m/,S W .. Jb Upson county, Gri4ih December, ISn.l. have opened an office hi Macon, in the i I'riistees ami Patri 11s 01 (his In- ing Room recently occupied by Messrs. 1 » » stit fir n. fc'l great p’easuri in rceonimm I the puh- xnuary ter McIntyre. (ts scteeesi Ir s fir expeetritiavs. AVe tl"t ’ ! • i ♦” win. ft- 1. •; i- (heir pairona;.*. will. g- :. . with the »; that 11: emu»•.! , struetion, <v i., in due r. • ,/vi.-nrc a • paration for collegiate admissb't?, es 1 dy rapaiitv lor the various eaipins 1 Rates ,,f tuition not exceeding v. Inti he regular quarur’v entries areoa J nu rr stui Inly : t’:. la.-r 1 March a.:,I t ept'::,i er. Di ,v, V, 1 Lodging can lie obtain. J 111 priv; re f mi • dent and r< ■■■pyetablu, and ;il eenven t :ii , es, fry n 7‘i 1 ■. - 1 j'sr i;r. ’! be s: , ■ 1 the Climate of ti'.e ii-ig'iix* .’lord is 1n.11 1, sn i hie; nud in fro Ii in iticlneeiiietits to < ¥ N 113 XFGROLA. &t’. FOR SAL L O 'ir» S:iperinlrntlcu of Hoed., tfe J'.'iet-rn UirisiaH. ’an :■> ol>e.||..iic,. f ( , „n \,.j ,)* ;. . 1 ou t'le t s! at n . t ..011 e 11 e.‘?nijiler, -.t the. LI. BEK T. ’ '<i Monua'J, tar 17/a da a Dc • ■ ii, OLN •d i The :i tin ; 1 1111- pre- e 1 1 Its a 1.- I >llow ing mitn etc .it (.ieorgta ’ ,!i/>ti. ti.::er;t il ». ;n* art . eo. with ,1-MVIl ill,- J!tiles \dviti-es will he made <>n Gorton either !m! I or in ship to Savaituab, Charleston or f'" ’. v vi 1 ’ * '• v I Nr..' link. Mermi, Nov. 23 If) Mom’s i„',l A'-.i,. »e (Sims,) lin.t.) Jsnnc. tV.iici ’d WARE-HOUSE AND CO^?I*SI33ZO.^r BF3XJff2SSS. .7. C. Caldwell, Agent. —HAS eommencetl the Ware- !,'* ’ 7 ware-house opposite Messrs. I Cs/r..v-i.>rS4 Cooke &• Cowles, mid is prepared ) j to receive merebandise on eonsigi.ment or *to- | | rage. Libera! advances made onCotton and other) ) uierehautlisc in store. Macon, Nov, 23. 10 ■Mtt •V patiou, no less f-vnr; lii.’ t> youth and to tin t-litt ra'y p Ilabcri Ja :'";f rr. Sh n. Hamden 'I.rlc Jacks on, nr. 13 v . fitiaed N K • t I,.- iii d alia, lied to - •/> st ,t !l>tl. tij^ ,‘i - , (’.iris, Tl ills, .k;, . an /< - r. ,1/r.l r. <' "» F ) pr eg:-o Miees Ii.,ts, superior qu ility I. .-.’and Geiitlemon's Cloaks J'» bt." • M lekai'tttn mid point Blankets It) hal.'s 3-4 shilling I.) bib s .1 ~ slip., in.- tdliiting Jt> •. I ,114 .deaebed t-'lieitnig it ii -•, 1-1 eot 'iu lit..per ,.| .ii-, 1 , , 1. loiii inn i tticiuiiiiu vtit 1 «.in it . V I f ,,t,,C v L ‘. 1>uwla »* °i«‘a"urs(» Blue and hlk goats It .ir and common camMct Hangup Cord Cotton \ art, C l oa ks. Ladies’ Cloaks Fine linen, rotton a- J net Shirts .d FI: unci k.Apr, f 1 11 i»> lltiks. ;•":■) II .a hugs iDDi.i: .'i) ps. :■ min tt. ineti. w bite and Italian and I.iisn ng Si - ; J nonet, : Ini I, and t mnl tlinvil .i.i. , Lav.u. mid Gottoi Alt'-, '•» th* tcay. Cam 1 as inJ 3 nitd •1 Sulk-’is ON li VM>. iron —*Jt)dl) lbs. Lard \c Geese Feather* I g e 'll Assortment of iiuIDi t.S. MARLING fcC. sn Silk R .Hr?, •«) < Am Z -A—»- *3 titjiiii. v. 1 \jti -J l/'r ^■ j| i.Kf to t!u Fosl OJicr, .; r. c in d and are now opt uing a , rv extensive «:• r::..< ut of FnUrclj . .'ii de mnl I’ .1: mhlc Dry Goods, ■e .<d,| . r unt.'-M llv li.w prices .will hud it to their advantage to ;l t »i,r Stock t on ist. in part of . C 1 lien, from 10 to .'i7ets. furniture print Cotton, \\ orsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black and colored Camlit/rs ;■ iti.i and Gauze Garnitures I’ik nil eol’d l.ustring Kiiiliotis I) i t; and light col'.I Prints aud Ginghams !. c t.nd Gauze Veils 1" tit ! plain Bobiuet Lace i Tlir ad Lares ! . ie, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Xansoek and ll'iolt Muslins | I ine.’i Cambric lldkfs I Pei:. . Im.i .11 Flag and SpitlleCeld HJkfs j !" and pi in Shell Combs G at! mens Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Glove s L... i.’s Beaver, Goat skin aud Silk Gloves Bead Reticules CLOTHING. Superfine blue, hi .< k, iuvi ilde green, mlc'iaid, Give brown and green Bruul Cloth Dress Coats. .-ii' 1 title bine, black, hrownand green Cloth i rock Coats. Si j eriiae blue, olive, green and mixed Cloth Contei s. Blue. ste« 1 mixed mnl fancy col.ircd Satinet Coat ees and Frock (.'o..ts. tijier blue, bl n k, invisible green, t'rab. brown, olive aud green Cloth and Ca.siuiere Pants. Bine, black, and fanev col. Satinet Pant*. NEW. BOOK STOKE. TKOS5AS TTTT.ZE. RF.SPFt TFFLLY in-1 forms the public that he ! has taken the store in j Fllis, .Shotwell fc Co s. : row, two doors above the! “ I’ost Office," where he) is now receiving and opening a very general j assortment of Books and S tationary. Among it is works, lu has a general assort- 1 treat, mid w ill be constantly receiving the new j publicatiims on Theology, Medicine. Law, 11 is- j tory. mid Miscellaneous subjects, together with I such other articles as arc usually kept in a Book j I inf'll, flannel. Canton flannel, cotton and net Drawers A gnid assortment of Negro Clothing. &e. See. The above clothing is manufactured by myself, mul will be «oM as low as at any other ld:t ;!>- ii.'hmeut. Tailoring carried on as usual, having the la test New \ ork and London Fashions and Good workmen, will endeavor to do jus'.b c to all that favor me with their custom. LEWIS FITCH. N. tl. Tor sale a Barouche mi l pair northern hor-es. oet 24 1333 5 I WIRE HOUSE AND r in all e>. da Fro (iru ile .*'(vi;s Bi rlin Smeha* Sar. net ''mi i. ./•y i.ll tl. Red do .limited do You: BI ’ C’lnth .V Satinet Dress and Frock Coats. ' l,vr ' M1 ,hc ° ctn J, S ee do do Pants, and bine Cns-imer, black and eol Velvet, .. I m: entitle, black Bonihaziiic, dark and t col'd 1 alentia, En; lish .'•iik, colored nud te dm riilcs, 'Fontucs, S'.vt tisi'own and in-* 1 t , .nlirte . Pope stiipi ,. pb.111 am ni-i ok. and in-.’g do. . c. pm ;’d Shu. u I 'i.iisims i.i'Ii . < Lawn !’ itnbric J U D.iwft > .t iliH.hT *'T.OAKS tf GREAT COATS. Mixed brown ( :oih Pe'crdi m Box Coats. I.VoD ()v. r Coat;. i'.ne I men Shirts, Cni: w B..<oms, S”'cks, &c. NEGRO ( LOTH ING. .Men’s and Vouil: ' : nr Hats, do do Wool do do 1! ■ Cloth, '■tal and Hair Caps, r : :i> Bools ami chocs, Lt.RO SHOES. oet jr* n JJt? s5i3S"jus£s/c»«} MAC' 'N, GA. subscribers will continue the above bu ; ic~s tit • ensuing season, mi l return their , grateful thanks to those who favored them with j their patronage tile past season. They have ta ken the \\ an House, known as Lamar’s AlG As/.*, i-y ,^iO UsiEi Situated immediately ou the river, having a good wharf attached thereto, and very safe from fire. For the convenience of their friends residing be nd Oconee rivers, they have : !« "> the large and convenient Ware House recently erected by -Mr. O. F>. Wardlaw, in East Macon, which from it- peculiar situation, is ren- 2?.£d.A..,v a£ 2300.7SS, \ largo assortment of all kinds and sizes. Fouls Can, Letter, and Note Paper of the best I ii liiy. both F.uzh'h and American, plain and l cm ’ssorl. water and feint lined, pink, yellow ! nc and white. AtfKS. ! Biauk Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ware-1 olI [ v house Receipts, Rills of Lading. | —'' Writs of all kinds. Justices Summons, do Executions, Cleiks do Tax Collectors do. t^ubprenas for Witnesses. Deeds, Sherirts' do. r-lieriflV Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Ca. Sa. Juror-,' Summonses. Marriage Licen-e, Bail Writ and Bond, Inter. Com. Directions for Jutetrogntorie*. Bills of Indictment, Bench \\ arrants, Bail Bonds, Attachments. Liter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary. I.otters of Administra- ion. Tempura rv L*’tters of p-mary betters of Adiniui Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tee. . Dee 21 24 N it iJ-'Or to the l‘o.-t l "PT'3' \YC just ret i iv <1 the follow ing an i 8 Fresh Greet tics 7 pipes (snperii r br i'd) cognise Fr -udy 2 do Ho.iand f»■ n. hour glass tc Jledra swan brand 1 do Jamaica Ru:n 1 do M ;>!oij a ’A in.- (a siip riot article) It) qr casks I’cucrifle Vi itto t! doz t/laret 25 bbis Portland Rum 20 do rye Gin 20 Whiskey JO «’o superfine Flour 10 do Irish Potatoes 10 do Apples •1 casks Cheese 4 do Butter (excellent) G kin's Sog'.rs 10 I,bis do 4 box’ s brown II ’ | 75 bags Cuba, e>l Domingo a 1 j 200 Almonds, 2"0 Madeira Nuts 15 boxes soap. 10 do si 1() do Raisins, 5 do Chocolate t>A chests Tea, race and ground ll) bhls butter, sugar, and soda Crackers Confectimiarv, Jregai s, N c. &r. Which wc will il asuaual very ct er.p for cash dee 25 11 eomweten Rasim, ( Md:> ) \ t. >, "«bens.) ’,.-in -no, ( > " nri, ^Dalns.) /I,,., Oilr|;s.) W .1 e e. (I’h ’oin, 1 Rimv ■li.) im.i ( tin. Mo 'fay, the Vlth day t f in 'niter, tit the ee *ct hr « MOR-G the ' ! . V , 1 . R w E S, behma the Greeusbor ,ug die good morals of j rr wi-.h t •*-- M-i .ficir’icy. I imicai cted tberr ii: J- J.d Ktcdutl. !/>.' !•*», 15 . ; at ". (Bu-lie.) V. il'is. (Cro . i'S'jdi Itat hria, .Virnham, (Mr ims.) Laly, (tv.-nmei ) 1 litttlen li /.iie, (Cai-gille.) T*an, ( llotC.r.) s ' • :• ■> I). Alien. George. iB -a-: y iP. trr, (L'erg; 1 !. .'! 1 Ii'eii!y. ( ' • <. -hua, (’'. (I w. I.- 1 ! nrlii.) frii'Kin. t'P-i:ter,) Vlmh:.m. (t • • 1 ! ! thin.el. (!.'• .a .) .(esepb. (Pone.) Jest |.ii. C of) .T P , . -,t George, (Whiter,)* Joe. (Ilov : i !.-• 'on, (P,riant.) Caleb, (Rrwiib) M j ■ :,s.m.) Joe, (.Mi Gar.) N; than. (<’i -ri v. ( »' : eiiafisiui.) .lerrv, (1 .on:; k.'i. I 11 j i •* • ! r.) dick, mi I Mark, (Piuiti ; • . ; 0.1 I 'ridr y, lac 2'Atk day of Jj, ., ' 11/1 ; I • l:i<> 1:1 -iiii.'c, at 'lie coil: 1 In. 'se it, Ht ('< )i tar of !-■: KALR, the folk*! wed NR ; iii. belonging to the r-i te .•• at'. > ! to ill • Ch'-mkee station, t"g. ib.-r w ith ll.-e | Carts, T-’-'ls. &c connected (hc.iio: John. (Baptist.) Ail.un, Z. c!i. .)<•■-. , T. • i flamptmi, Harry, Tom, (Diitwiiaer.) "i’< son,) \\ dker. Jim, (tiuth-rford.) ’.ies. I Jacob, (Blnimt.) Guy, York, Pen. Isa ' Ransom, Peter. Jim. Beaver, ; it I i’elv On Tuesday, the 1st day of Vo • In hk'- manner, at the court hou* i*. di ! TV, of I! V1.1., the following N ! •'» j li»tging to the .'fate, an I nti-a hed j ». ( j vide station, together with the Mules. : Voids, \:e. connected thereto: | Peter, (BellA Lewis. (Lee.) Hardy, j (K.dsoo.) J int. ('forbet',) Fr • k. (tVillis,) ! i... - n l-\ ..l ... \ Del,. X - -Ittia do i. ;■ oira Cofl’ee • i ger ■n, ( I cos x- ■ E. br- M A C O N C A B I N E T V7AXL£ HOULE. F ronting cotton Avruue, i ppo-ito i.u- sou’s Hotel, on "Mulberry street, where the Proprietors idler their present very large stock ' and of Furniture at very reduced prices. T1IE FOLLOWING COMPItlSEf A PART t Sideboards, SI ihs. Lockers, Secretaries. Desk anil Book Cases. Sofas, Couch and Lounger's In n, (Oglethorpe.) Biilv, (Ketelr m.) Dr,-, v. (M.-lioney,) Dick, (Gilliai'A.) Amos, (\iahoi. : Isaac, (ilarilemau.) Matt, (Smith.) Anbar, (Driininio’id,) Dinner, (I.on^-ir.e:,) I \, (iVooil.) 'I’litiey, (Toombs,) Joe. (borrow ) J -i- /•rih, (Fre/man.) Adam 1. :' y. Fieiman, (Town s.) rinn. (Parks,) J ff. ( • > al!on,) P.-’er, (MiUs, j dr!’’, (Mahi'iiey,] | riniirli. Henry. (M Min nov.) 1 ienry, (Booker.) and 1) nie!, (Too.... ) and Or. 31a nday, the 7th ry April rrrt. lu l.k> in’.ii’icr, the or inrt hou ■ in the GOrX- Y. of tOE<, \dininistratinn. Tern-) Sofa Beds, .Setiecs and Easy Chairs, Dining i t , t h ■ v l ! geviiie and istratinu, Guardiuus i Tables in Sets and single; Pier, Centre n.ndTt i j jngeth t uirli the .MuLs, i' Tables, Woik, Candle, and Dessert Snunls Wardrobe, Dressing and French Bureaus, wiili Fresh U> ‘it/ss, Faints *y (fils. W. 2. BASS an assortment of Bedsteads of every dcsi ription ; j Angu-u, ■ Sp-iaiuh 7 (Mann.) Blinds, Mahogany Chairs with Cane and llatr| Billy, and Gideon DA !V, th” fodiwiiijr named Mi- ! nigi >g to the rii >tc anil attached a in I H.iwkinsvilie statiou," arts. Tools, See. coii- uected thereto : Scipin, Jesse. July, Andrew, Muses, Ellick, j Feather Beds. Hair and Moss Mattresses. Mil low Cradles and Wagons. Floor Mats, W indow •am. Phi!Dp. Sandy, I’uwn Romeo. <».!), J.*e, Anthony, Jim, (Hume,) I like, George, Priitti'', Robert, HAS just received his fresh sup- J Seats, Fancy Wood Seat and curl Maple Chairs. plies, and offers for sale, at his store V, v . / oil Cotton Avenue, a quautitv of : t3 Linseed Oil Extract f-Sfcrj* Snerm do Carp. arsaparilla, For the in. irmatca of those persons who rr-y W ish to nureli ise, the following s- ctions of the have a Manufactory connected with it so that j before mentioned act of the l^gislarure are herc- they are enabled 10 furnish any article at the i with published ; The Proprietors of the above establishment -perm . . lie 4) .Mil I'.iiglUgi ii.anis. . nisei tmgt ic. Hd i.l CASH STORE. , J'-Ui: £m <31 &2iJ&X7ZSOx*e 7} ji ail. pi t receiv 'd Kid bags ('i.ili-e, 32 ii 'A. bids ni io, It* hlnls .-', Foii ign aril i! . -*ic i. jno: s. Wines and Cordial of all kinds, ! wrappers, canal Flour in b:.|s ai>11 hll bh.s 5 hut k w heat do in qr bbl, z ta. .n Onions. Potatoes, Cod l’ish. Dim Fish. No. 1. ’* s 'dt '•* 1 M. ckcTi l in Idf bids No. 3. do inihhls. Herring, i tucking V >iil* i.o ! White Beans, northern Butter. Cheese, Pine Ap- .n;- and ivory «« ■ ,|n, new Bice, ini]), rial, hyson, young hysou • I [)!:nu nu I falley o aid . otjnets : and pouebong Teas; Pepper, Spire, Ginger ":nt 'e:t Ri.d’Oiis, i "ii Lib ii> eu-ry color j i: ,„j r;i , e, Cioves, Nutiiirgs, Cinnamon, 24.i /.i i g:mt Balts, fig’d Idk and eo il vtlv’t Belts I’ .i i Idk \ !\. t do, -.iI, * civet tubby do .Di) h i doz white, r iiidun, hik aud slato coltuu aud wonlleu Hosiery KM. HiirsL-kiu aud beaver Gloves 51) “ w milieu do (I bales 3 4 4 4 6-4 checked Homespuns 15 p- Irish Linens every quality i!M doz s)ii)ol Thread 50 do lilk. und c,sort’d colo’il Irish sewing Thread, hlk, aud colored sewing ' ilk 50 pieces blue, mixed, stuped, and drab Sat ined* 10 do bine, black, mixed. Broad Cloths ■biriped aud drab Cnssiincrc, F.rminctt 25 peiers white, veil, y ellow .X green Flannels from 31 n> 7oci.. 2.5 bslcs 3-4 in ! 4-4 Homespun from 10to 14e. .5 do cotton and h uip Osh ilnirg* • do striped negro Blankets d and 0-4 50 pieces Rose do 50 .Jo heavy Fustians and woolen Cloths for negroes 5 bales 3 4 4-4 G-4 Plaids and Stripes Furniture Plaids ID..gup Cord. Tirklenburg, Russia Dock, Crash "Du !> rr. Heavy twilled l.nwel Cottons 5 .-‘ales Tickings fr.en I2J to 37| tt>. I Cotton A- Silk Uoibrcllas, gentlemr ns i ( louks I 12 n,.-, Beaver and nap’t !l it-.. (> rasas wool do t trge .asiortment <*l heavy Shoes, geutlemeu "(41 i.lies Shoes of every kind good assortment Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Glass w aro, Groreries Sec. tee. Expected by first Boats o large assortment of f*roecrios. Iron Sail Steel, Bagging. Fish, Nails. tic. Sic. grennd und r:n e, t .oves, .Autinegs,, Almonds, Eng. W alnuts, Filberts, Cn- . ■. i nu:-., sn; nr mnl butter Crackers, Pih.t nud sea P»r. id. ioi.f and lump trugar. Soap, sperm from w hence Cotton will betaken to the wharves free of charges. Each of the subscribers will re side in Macon the ensuing season, and promise their iinrrmittiag attention to the interest ol those win. tir.v favor them wi:h tiieir business and confidence. Liberal advances will he made on produce, merchandize and other property confi ded to their care, ami strict attention givi n to the n! bug of orders, recti* irg and forwarding goods Ltsurauee in the. best offices can he effected at die Usual tans whMuie'ired. EVI RAXD ?! A 511VTON. JOIiN R. HAYES. August 26 43 wareTiouse, AN1) vonanssicri h* Tin: sub l a ST It are- House r ’ if sirtsx at his Train do Castor Oil (fiue article) Wkite Lead Croton Oil Spanish Brown ground Spirits Turpentine in oil Copal Varnish do do dry Black leather do Venetian Red Japan do Windsor f .’la is Glue Paint Brushes Sui.fT, Macsboy and Indigo, ripanish Flute Scoti h Alum Fine cut Tobacco Copperas Hair A: coat Brushes I’eari Ashes Cnmel’s hair Pencils Magnesia, lump .V cal'd f ’hloride of Lime ri tarch < 'hloride of rioda Quiuiuo Lemon Syrup Piperine Lamps Iodine Lanterns Ofiittm Lamp Glasses &: Wick tlorphium Fulphat &•. \ nic-gar 'hortesl possible notice. ALSO Sre 1. lie it further enacted hy the authori ty aforesaid, That ’he sajil Nujieiintrndcuts id I ci.a itry snail receive strict attention, and opr purchaser or purchasers of said slaves ( patrons w ith our th inks for post favors will find us ever striving to give for Cash, Goods value received. THOMAS WOOD & CO. liysiness condv:t d by Thomas Hood. oet 22 tt 4 ^.w<- -m riher ci.ntiniies the anti Commission liu- Old Stand (Hoad < Ki- Ch :-v Str-T-t .tid C tton Ave nue.) tv here he oh", rs all the usual facilities in the ahnve Pn*iiie«s. COT TON stored with him. will ’»e tleltvi-.-rd in .any part of the city free i t charge of Draysige. or shipneil to any other Market .t tk -:t. n .1 rates. For the greater convenience of thus,.- whr» may favor him with their patronage from Counties east ol the River, trading to Macon, he has ta ken the Ware-House next below the old hr;:. \cctate X'.'.ti'" in n“ tl y}o^t v7iao, Su :, 'ible for convalescents. Together w ith an extend »e and general assort- ii enf of ill articles in his line, all of which were purchased iu person by hiruse'f in New York, md are (> irranti d genuine, lie is prepared ta give r *as..nalde ire wen.matrons and respectfully invii.-s the attention of ilie public. Fo> 13 2(> Repairing and Men ling of every kind done, j each of term shall, and they are hereby au'hor- Varnishing. Upholstery, Jce. Orders from the j ized, as the agent of the .State, to execute to the • ■ • - • - - ■ — • ’ ' 1 r either of them, g. nl and sufficient tides (w i renting j tli“ title thereof only) for and to s .id slave or ! slaves, and deliver nolo him or iht in, the s ino I on said parch isi rs p tving in cash one fi!" b oi" rho I purchase-money thereof, and the hal it;e • i >!::r- tv . ! i vs thereafter, or teudering to the « "I <11- perintetident a certificate from the (’ i -l.iei- „f •!.•» Central Bank of Georgia, thU tlm s c p”■. 1 ser’s note for the said 1! litre bail been iiiscou i- ted in said Bank, wiiieh tin- s iii Bank, i- hereby directed and authorized to do. in sin h manner and on such terms as are usual in discounting Ion loans: Frond-d the sum shall not exceed ; twenty five hundred dollars. ! "Skc. 5. Be il further enacted hy 'hr authorit.r i aforesaid. That, 01 fi ilicv . ■ . j pa» ii;c s ii.l <uie life 1 ' a -. i.l pur- j chase motley, tit li. ion. of -..i.l pur a se, (Li- j said Superintend . ill pi... .1 i-u thwith to I resell said slaves, not • vie a - do th I i t of Ground and Alum Salt. rf]X ,{1». *N BUSHELS Liverpool ground tPVV'fUr Salt 5u0 bushels Tinks Island Saif, for sale on accommodating terms by REA Si COTTON ilec^ 13 11 Pars, Hides and Horns. T I1E highest price will lie given by the sub scriber for Furs of all kinds, Beaver fitter. Raci-on or .Muskrat. Hides, dry, in any quantity; also Deer skins. Horn,, O.x or Buck. C. A. HIGGINS. Nov 27 17 Brick Buildings. Mutlnrry Si and tallow Gandies. Starch, (Vpp'Alum, ! recently occupied by Messrs. Day st Butts, and Salt Peter, Glauber and Epsom Salts, Madder, known formerly a* John f. Rowland’s \A arc-| Indigo. Powib r. Shot. Lead, Snuff,T< bncco and Cigars of all qualities, IRON. SALT. CASTINGS. BAGGING, bale Rope and Twine, German and Eng. blis tered Steel, she d, hand and h >op Iron, "‘Colli: s ’ .tXFS. Spade* and Shovels, br-ss 1'iro Sens, (il NS, PISTOLS, nit Saws. Broom-.. Sec. Togethcr w i’ll a general and complete assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Crockery, il Cilrtssware, J hits, Caps, and Shoes, of every description, all of which will ho told at their u-.ii a I low prices and for ('ash only. ALSO, will receive in a few days a very heavy supply of Sugars, Molasses, Iron, common aud fiue Li quors of every variety, W ines, &c. Macon, November il. 1803. 7 :•> .a. osasizzirs, Cutter and Surgical Instrument maker, recently from London. T3~l» E GS leave to inform the citizens of tbi^ U9 p.o-e and in vicinity that he has opened a Shop on f’iie v street immediately above Mel rose ti Kidd’s Store, wh ’re he calculates to car- . , cii-i 11 1 ry 011 the business in all its various bratiehes.— mconvomenac bv loss oi int’ lindcc «is sqiaji .is ,,, , f . . * .. . • i Also irutscs lor Knptures, Irons for lontracted PO?« w ®*„ .. ... , Limbs, or any ir.itrnineDt to assist Nature’s defor mities. Having served a regnl ir apprenticeship business, hi: feels confident iu giving general satisfaction 10 those who may employ House—and assures his friends, every facility i crossing the River will be offered, to render th Window Glass. ¥l’ST received. Practice of Wtodicino. - DBS. CONE & UIUDGMAN have united in the PrarRcc ci Ml 1>- RINE and SURGERY. Thiur office b tho one licietofcio eecujaco by Dr. Cone. Jau 1, 1833. 14 12 by 18 H. M. Glass, 12 Hi t!o do II 16 d® do 10 12 do d» 8 10 do do 12 16 Mullica do 12 16 do do 10 15 do do for sale by kt3l. 5 WM. G. BROWN. /. e t Hy n/ d. c 12 aps SR ^.E rut us. v •?.:') l OdiS .l 11 is Ware Houses and close storages are good order, and as mu h exempted from d ttiger ; , , of FIRE as any in Macon, insur incc in the best offices, rail be efl’ieteil at very low rates, should additional security he required. J V.MFS C. MORGAN. Macon, August 15, 18113. 47 hint. tl. BLO WN. G^O. W. CAS.r3IVT : i;3ilL # i3 Compound Fluid F.itrcct of Fink Knot, (Spigelia Marilandica,) T HE most effectual worm-destroying Medi cine discovered. G. W. CARPENTER’S Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, nun remnvi ,g all dis eases arising from excess ot .Mercury, expo, tins and imprudences iu life, chronic cnuititutioti.'d disease*, arising from an impure state of the blood, tec. O. \V. CARPENTER'S Compound Syrup of Liverwort, (IK patxca Triloba.) A safe aud valuable medicine for Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Consumption and Liver Complaints. Carpenter’s Saratoga Powders, For maki ig Congress ripring or -arttoga w »ter. Dr. It Jmlkir.’s Oin’ nt. \ v.ilnsb’- speeifi. ’ ••ntmeo' in IN- r -. • rii.i 10.. i.ri. -. E ‘mis Sec. OS •> * ■ rih ■ m. ■ -r■ . - 1. t*s f "• r \ " -• ‘f P 1 ’- rv Eim, Vi ori.i 1 • tee F .r ile by V'*Ai. tl. BltOAN. Nov. 7 7 For Grinding Razors 25 Cents For do ricis.ors 12^ New Pen and pocket Blades at 37^ X. B. Guns, Swords and Pistols repaired am) ! cleaned on reasonable trrms.—Persons sending ; work from the country, direrted as above will he j promptly attended to. nov 14 1833 3m 8 t *; _ ‘OBT**N'ri Cough Syrup, just received and tt>r sale bv dec 1! V*’M. G, BROWN (’hairs, Chairs, C/rtirs. 51 dozen fancy and wood scat Chairs, jus* received and for sal -by THOM AS \\ OOD. be CO. de* 26 1833 13 TuVnSZLZ & BISKZi’fSOi?, t l; E now receiving a very 1 xt*-usive ami best se'ected stock ol" ( iii s ever offered j in Macon, among which are Fiue Sugars, Mo-J lasses. Mackerel, laquois of every description, I \tbmis, ’. Salt. Iron. Castings. Bagging, and v.iri tis oth er articlos too numerous to incimou whuh will, as usual he sold off at low prices. Macon, dec 17 1*2 $7* Take Particular Notice. «=£0 ON REQUIREMENTS. A I.L those indebted to tho subscriber cither / A by note or book acct. are respectfully re quested" to call npoti the subscriber or upon Mr. ribmurs nt my stable and liquidate the same by tne 2;>t!i instant, or their aerts. will be left imlis- errioiiiateh in the hau ls of officers for collection. As times however, aie hard, cash crop short, Banks troubled—all more or less under the promises—Taxes enormous—and having tin dis- Coffce and Flour. iBAGri prime green Brazil ('"flee, ; 31 hhls. Caual Flour, (i vv» ito 16 half bbis. do do } Brands, Received front Savann h, and for sr.ln i.y REA & COTTON. declO_ 12 Auction aud Goainj.issi^a Store. fllliE ri'ubseriber has removed to tho new ■ BRICK STORE, adjoining the Post O fico, 0*1 Mulberry street, where he tenders his ser vices in the above line. C. A. HIGGINS. Vor 1f> ?t) ! such defaulting nurebaser 1! mg said sale. :• ■ •! on failure of s ; ;i T.-itas.-r to pay the )>1 .•i> , o rd" id pa..’.■ rt,*niiiiipy, nr tender s 11 ’iii- | cate as ifori .sai.f, within f.ieice of thirty y-t after said sale, said iiurcii ieer sk ■ I ’ . nt die said one fifth s«* p " I, and u '• sn. -a in 11- ilmtsh dl. on tinrty days no-ice (icing dm 1 thiTeof, as afinvsaai. re - s s ave m th • 1 manner, at th "pia.-e, and 1*11 tin* lerms and con i dilieiis herein before pres. .bed. WILLIAM C LYMAN. Supc r i ts 'c i‘ E ’. t’Ca i)i cion. Q^Tu ■ Standard of l "ion in l Southt r 1 il - cor.ter. dilledgvili \ tit * <•’ •>-*! t C irier. H. the Ce -gi Telegraph, 'l i on, th< (■■vryin CnnstiluH'-nati*!. Angus a, the Southern B inner. Intelligencer Ed <wah, and \ tb ti es! ru !f m r i’ i \ tr i i 1. ■ v 11 e ;e:i i.i'Ui't the ( ..hove weeklv u.itd 11 7th of \,>r:i. an i forward I their account to this oflkffn p • nt- 17 j City anil Su-amp I .!. fur Sate. UT No 3 sq 6f.lij. Notice. I N consequence of the extrotr.o searcity snJ high prices of prowndtr 1 am ubcpsaniy position to enhance any of these evil*, have ’0 idi!, cimp-lle > tc so my prifei ett hoarding’ sn-d - th it to those w ho "are not prepared with the i • e :ingh->rs'3; they r 3J fc.'T'"if , .or T.T'yr’c chatterkSDSW, to come forward, and if von c -n- > f '!”• t*"*; rp.e% •1 ike srnrl P" Nonfh . $15W' '•oiicd Pr AV»ek 5 00 . o, and some j _?r Day >f >- hi.'h 1 w write or pax. fix votir time .- if - niit-r w .i ! ar. -e, o: 1 .. h ivo Burn as 1 ( ■ <. u ted. J. bEN-’.ETT, Not only in the positive, but pen Honor. Sept. IDth lh;J3. The o itronage heretofore received :s duly ap- pre.-iated and (l.unkfutly rta l ived and Ihope t y ,tr‘< t attention to business to share -1 centiuu au.’eofthe , tine. (.EC11GE 1. PITT is. Macon, jan 15 16 do i.nt No. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No- Lot No. G do 6 do 15 do 1.5 do 6 do 5 do 15 ■j.i \\ alnut street do do do • do do do da Half of Lot No. 3 and 4 io square No. 5 ini' proved on Bridge street Lot No. 2 sqr. Q improved on "Walnut streeC Lot No. 7 sqr. 59 ou Cherry street Half of Lot No. 3 aud 5 on aqr. 43 on 2d strwh improved Laifd in the. Swamp. Bibb cf-tofly: T,c’ No. Ill confaiiKog 100 acre9 Lot No. 55 containing 6 acres Lot No. 290 3d district 4th stetien C&vroXfv ration Ix>t aNo. DI 2d Jistric( Coweta •Tho above Lo* will he sold on TtcTonraeiii-- ting ''rmi. •XDoSOP'ff’ '•'« > merchantable Brrks. m 16 GEO. A. riMITIT- INDISTINCT COPY |