Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, August 07, 1834, Image 1

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GBUGOli C, E. & M. BARTLETT, Editors. GEORGIA TELEGRAPH: rO*U*liKI> EVERT THI.USDAV, At MACON, C.a. by MYRON BARTLETT. Printing Office on Sifond Street—next door to Huron’s Hotel, TERMS.—Three Dollars a year, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars, if not paid before the end of the year. Subscribers living at a distance wiilbe required in all cases to pay in advance. (U* No Paper discontinued, but at the discre tion of the publisher, uutil all arrearages are Imii. . II G \ 00 50 10» 50 qr. do CASH STORE. SZBBSE 6l WOOD. Next doer to the Post Office. WIVE received mid are now opening a 1 5. very extensive assortment of Entirely frtsh, Sea»on«hIe ond F.ihinnnble Dry Goods, which will be sold at unusually low prices. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to R ivo us a call. O ar Stock consists in part of (M) ideccs Calico, from 10 to 37cts. 100 ' do furniture prints p |inc lj do Turkey Red do ijO ,j 0 Cireasasians all colors, printed do do- French Clially, Grode Swiss, Gro tie Nap Berlin' Siuchaw Snrsnct and Levantine Silks col’d Lining " Poult do-Seie col’d Cambric plain Pone striped, & plaid Cambric hook, plain and iig’d Swiss, jaconet, Nnnsook, and mull Muslins Liuon Cambric, ms’g do, bishop Lawn, cor- dctl Holies, Laces and Edgings, inserting* 20 (jox silk, gauze; hurnauis, Sc crape fancy "shawls, Thibet Wool do 100 doz pongee ami spittalfield silk lldkfs 100 do cotton flag, turkey red, and head lldkfs 100 doz tucking Combs 100 do side do Shell tucking Sc side do Dressing and ivory do 150 plain and fancy Braid Bonnets Elegant sett Ribbons, Taffeta Itib’us every color 25duz elegant Belts, flg’d blk and co’3 velv’t Belts Plain blk velvet do, silk velvet tabby do 100 doz white, rnndou, blk and slate cotton and woollen Hosiery Kid, Hors os kin and beaver Gloves 50 “ woollen do G bales 3-4 4-4 G-4 checked Homespuns 25 ps Irish Linens every quality 100 tloz spool Thread 50 do Blk. and assort’d colo’d Irish sewing Thread, blk. and colored sewing Silk 50 pieces bluo, mixed, stuped, and drab Sat- ioetu 18 do blue, black, tnwed, Broad Cloths Striped and drab Cassimere, Krminett 25 peices white, red, yellow Sc grccu Flannels from 31 to 75cts. 25 hales 3-4 and 4-4 ITomcspuii from 10 to 14e. 5 do cotton and hemp Usnnhiirgs 5 do striped uegro Blankets ti and 9-4 50 pieces Rose Vlo 50 do heavy Fustians and woolen* Cloths for negroes 5 bales 3-4 4-4 G-4 Dahls and Stripes !• uruititre Plaids Hangup Cord, Ticklcnburg, Russia Duck, Crash Diaper, Heavy twilled I.owel Cottons 5 Bales Tickings from 12j to 37jJ cts. It 0 Cotton Sc Silk Umbrellas, gentlemens Clonks 12 casos Beavcrand nap’t Hats, Ceases wool do a large assortment ol heavy Shoes, gentlemen ladies Shoes of overy kind good assortment Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Glass w tre, Groceries &c. &c. Cxpoctcd by first Boats a largo assortment of Gioccrios, Iron Salt‘Steel, Bagging, Fish, Nails. Six. See. J\EW GOODS. WM. If. BUKDSALL, AS Just received a new and ex ton si v sortment of DRY GOODS, HE ADIT MADE CLOTHX2XG* HATS, SHOES, 8,-c. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IS PART, OK THE FOI.LOWHCO t Super Saxony, Blue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Saliiietts English Merinocs Duffle, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson. Greeuaml White Flannels Printed Salsbury do Cantou and Saxony r.nd Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eyenud Russia do Scotch ,Jp do Black, Bnife and coloured BombazettM do do do Circassians Negro Cloths , . Lin soys Rleaciied and Unbleached Shirtings Sc Sheeting; Hamilton Jeaus Black Italian Lustfrng do' Gros dc Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin • do Sitichews and Snrsamets Colored Gros dc Naples • Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common, Thibet wool. Valcnria, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Hcrnaui, Muslin, Crape,-Gauze aud Gros de Na ples Dress lldkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cassimers Beaver Fustians English .Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Greco Erieie Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia ShectiugBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Oznaburghs Bnngttp Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted aftd Lambs wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk and col’d Lustring Ribbons Just Received and for Sale, B ROWN dud loaf Sugar, Rice Northern Rmn, Gin and Whiskey Old apple and peach Brandy Champaign ami cognac do Madeira, leoeriffe, and sieily Wines—old port, muscatel and claret do—•champaigu do— inalaga and fontinac do Cherry Bounce, French cordial, Newark cider Dunbar’s best Imndon Porter* bar Lead. Shot Best cavendish chewing and smoking Tobacco Best pickled mess Beef and Pork, Bacon, Coffee Pepper and spice, Pickled salmon and mackerel Sperm aud tallow candles. Lemon syrup Beit bunch Raisins.ii) whole and half boxes Martinique cordials. Jamaica and st croix Rum Bar and shaving soap, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder nud hyson Tea Milk; soda, sugar, butter and water Crackers Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace Real spanisb Segars, Pipes, maccaboy Snuff Best Canal and Western Flour. ALSO, A General Assortment of Crockery Glass* Hardware* Cutlery, Ac. Amongst which arc : Trace nud Halter chains, Weediug Does, Shovels and spades. Sad Irons, Axes. Handsaws, Gimblets, Augers aud Chisels, Stock and Padlocks, Butts and Screws And various oilier articles which will be sold low for cash only. may 22 J. BENNETT. N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery. C OLOGNE, Rose, Lavender. Florida, and j Orange Flower Water; (Nisroctic cold| Cream; Cosmetic Tablet; Naples compound Shaving Soap ; Macassar, Bear’s and Antique til; Gouland’s Lotion, See. &rc. jnst received from the manufactory of A*. Smith Prentiss, Per fumer, and for sale by WM. G. BROWN, june J 36 •Ear So/e. LBS. Bacon, by IlEA Sc COTTON. '21 1834 35 $£0,000 L mo.. > 041,1 Black Drab Beaver Hats, AF the latest-style, just received and for sale O „ april 1 W.M. II. BURDSALL. Henry’s Magnesia, | W r AftRA.VL’KD genuine, just received and for sale by WM. G. BROWN . I june5 36 AGiHCULTiVKAE. REMOVAL. 5ELL A DICKINSON COOKS 6l COWLES, A RE opening a general Stock of Goods at fm. their New Store. They would he pleas ed to receive a call, from their friends. »ov 21 tf 8 DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. T HE subscriber is now receiving his fresh supplies, nud in addition to au extensive assortment of . . FRESH DRUGS* Medicines and Chemicals, Offers for sale a quaulity of DYE STUFFS, Viz.; Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam nud Brazil Woods, Spanish Plot. Guatemala aud country Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Bluo Stone, Alutn and Auuntto. PAINTS. . White Load, dry and ground in ail Venetian Red do do do Spanish Brown do do do Yellow Ochre do do do Verdigris do do do PnustaaBluo, Rose, Pink, Drop, Lake, Vermill ion, Cromc Green, G’rome Yellow, Tern, D 1011* tin, Stuuo Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umbor Flake M kite. Lamp and lvorv Blacks. PERFUMERY. Otto of Rose, Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples shavin^ Soap, cream Soap, Cologne and lloso Water, Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macas-ar aud Antique oil, Rose and Pearl Powder, See. BRUSHES. Clothes, Hair Tooth, l’lastct, Shoe, aud Horse Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Pearl Ash, Soap, Pipes Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, See. See. For sale by W.M. G. BROWN, nor 21 8 Dark and light col’d Prints aud Ginghams Lttcc and Gauze Veils Fig’dand plain Bobiuct Lace Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Book Muslins Linen Cambric lldkfs Pongco, Indian Flag and Spittlefield lldkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver aud Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin aud Silk Gloves Bead Reticules KZBBZ3E & WOOD* Next door to the Pott Office, H AVE just received aud have ou baud a fresh assortment of Groceries, which arc offered for cash at very reduced prices, viz. 50 barrels N. Rum O LUh fnuah a ',•5 bids rye Gia 25 do do Whiskey 5 hltds. Baltimore do 3G barrels Apple Brandy 5 hhds superior old A. Brandy 10 bbls Malaga Wiuo 3 do Tenoriffe do 1 pipo Sicily Madeira do 2 do cogninc Brandy NEW BOOK STORE. THOMAS PURSE. RESPECTFULLY in forms tho public that he Jias taken tho store in Ellis. Shotwcll Sc Co’s, row,’ two doors above tho * Post OTlice, where he now rcceiviug aud opening a very goncral CROCKERY & GLASS, At dew York Prices. T HE subscribers respectfully announce to their triends and the Public, that the* in- teud keeping opeu llieii establishment through the saniiMr, with a full and extensive assortment of GOODS for the reception of orders, which they pledgo themselves to execute with fidelity aud despatch and nt New York Prices. Merchants making their other purchases at the North, will find it to their interest to purchase their Crockery of us, which can as well be do,.® by order as otherwise, and those pruning through this place arc solicited to call aud examine our slock. Goods can be at all times sent to Columbia, Camden, Apgusta, nud Macon rinDaricu. II. B. GLEASON & CO. Charleston. May 30 ! 834-3m-36 1 do Holland Gin G bbls Peach Braudy G do Cider 4 hhds Viuegar 10 boxes Soap 10 do Raisins 6 do Prunes 5 .do Starch 4 do I.f Sugar 25 bags Coffee 20 bbls Prime Sugars 2 hags Spice, 2 ticrccs Rico 2 do Pepper Ground aud raco Ginger Teas, Chocolate, Sperm Candles 25 M Cigars 10 kegs Powder 20 bags Shot 300 bars Lead, Ate. See. ^ ALSO A fresh stock of Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutle ry, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Hats, Boots, Shoes, See. See. J000 Franklin Saws 200 Long liandlo Spades 50 Short do dn 50 kegs Nails and Brads June 121834-37 CASH STORk RUSSELL A DXCKXZVS02V H AVE just received, ISO bbls. domestic Li quors, 21 bbls. Cider, 5 pipes Holland Gin, (strain) 5 do Brandy (soignette,) 2 hhds. Jamaica Rum, 1 bbl. St Croix do, 6 bbls. peach Brandy, 6 do apple do, 10 do assorted Cordials, 30 qr. casks Malaga Wine, qr casks old and Si cily Madeira, Lisbon, Tencriffe and Muscattello do, 2 bbls. Noyenu, 6 pipes cider Vinegar, 25 bbl* Flour, 10 hhds. Molasses, 9doN. O. Sugar, 10 bbls. Brazil do, 4 boxes Lump do, 30 bags Coffee, 40 bags nss. Shot, 45 casks ass. Nails, 10 bbls No. 2 Ifq.ti.wt, SO hf m.fs. O’racltcrs, XU boxes Tobacco, 10 boxes sperm Caudles, 6 box- os Tallow do, 10 do Starch, 64 boxes and 23 qr boxes bar Soap, 7 chests ass. Tea, jars Snuff, I.emou Syrup, Powder. Lamp Oil, play’g Cards, Cigars, Pepper, Spico, Cassia, Nutmegs. Cloves, Pcariash, Race and ground Ginger, Mustard, Epsom and Glauber Salts, chloride of Lime, Copperas, Filberts, sheet Iron, hoop do, Eng. rolled do. Castings of all common descriptions, 12 cases Hats, 19 cases ass. Shoes, 2 cases Palin Leaf Hats, with a complete assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery aud Glass Ware. Macon mav 20 1834 34 assortment of. Books and Stationary* Among nis works, ho lias a general assort ment, and wiilbe constantly receiving the new publications on Theology, Medicine. Law, His tory, aud Miscellaneous subjects, together with such other articles as aro usually kept in a Book- Store. BLANK BOOKS* A large assortment of all kinds and sizes Fools Cap, Letter, aud Note Paper of tho best quality, both English and American, plain nud embossed, water and feint linjd, pink, yellow nc and white. BLANKS. Blank Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ware house Receipts, Bills of Ladiug. * Writs of all kinds. Justices Summons, do Executions, Cleiks do Tax Collectors do. Subpoenas for Witnesses. Dedds, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Ca. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Mnrriago License, Bail Writ and Boud, Inter. Com. Directions for Interrogatories’. Bills of Indictment, Beuch Warrants, Bail Bonds, Attachments, Inter. Judgements. • Leupr* T«Bt»in«u»arv. J.Etjors of Administra- tou, Temporary Letters of Administration, Tem porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. JJ&8T 24 STAGE notice. T HE public are informed that tho Line of Stages ’leading froth Macon to l-'or- 'syth will hereafter bo extend ed through to the Indian Springs, leaving Macon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5 o’clock A. M. and arrive'at the Springs same days : re turning. leave the Springs on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays and arrive in Macon same days. * THE PROPRIETORS, june19-33 ~ TX>M3I IS SION BUSINESS Zn Darien. T HE arrangements of the-undersigned arc such as to ensure strict attention to any bu siness addressed to him st Darien, during the summer months. JOHN T. ROWLAND. Darion, May 31.1834-2m-3S The Georgia Journal, Federal Uniou and Up son Yeoman will insert both my advertisements every t*vo weeks for two months. J. T. R. R U^slll & dh kinson nave remov 7 ed to the store formerly occupied i>y N. ft. Williams, successor to II. Blair & co., tv here all kinds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. can lie had for cash only and at the I(Avert market ju ices. Just Received Bbls. and half bbls. nil numbers Mackerel : hh!s. aud half bbls. fatnily canal Flour: Pickled Pork, Tobacco. Bagging. Twine, lion, Scc. Scc. jtilv 23-5 . ' STEAM SkttMU. FM^IIE Steam Saw Mill, one and a half mi!<-.-~ a from Macon, is now in-full operation, anti is intended to I e Kept constantly running by the \ present proprietors under thefirmof Jthn 1l.Lo.mfi \ din fy Co. Every order left with Levi Eckiey in Macon, or at the Mill, will be promptly exe cuted. 1 JOHN \V. LAMBD1N, j LEVI ECKLEY. N. B. All intruders ou the land may expect to j be dealt with in strict terms of tbc law. j . may 20 . 35 1 • 1 :h I ho- Here Hind Chloride of Lime *and Soda. 1 C ASK Chloride Lime, solution Chloride Soda, just received and for sale hy May 29-35 WM. Q. BROWN. EXC H AN GR- OFFICE. J D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN Sc CO. • have opened an office in Macon, in tho Counting Room receutly occupied by Messrs. Hamilton S,- Hays, .(opposite liuson’s Tavern) aud arc prepared to transaerthe Exchange Bu- siuess in all its branches. CHECKS* At sight, or on time, ou N. York, Fayetteville, Charleston, Millcdgevilie, Mobile, Philadelphia, Savannah, Augusta, Columbus, New-Orleans. Ol/* United States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cotton, either to hold or to ship to Savauuab, Charleston or New York. Macon, Nov. 28 10 USfZOSJ academy; Upson county, Ga.~2\th December, 1833. ^STE, tho Trustees and Patrons of this Iu- * ▼ stint tion, foci great pleasure in recommen ding this school to tho favorable notice of the pub lic; Having gone into operation^in January last under the Rectorship of the Rev, Peter Mclulyre its success.has far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. Wo therefore feol much assured that those who will favor this rising institution with their patronage, will; generally he much pleased with the result; that the course aud method ofiu- struction, will, in due time, ensure a thorough pre paration for collegiate admission, as well as a rca- dy'capacity for the various employments of life. Rates of tuition not exceeding what is customary. The regular quarterly entries arc on the first Mon day in January and July ^ the last Monday in March aud September. Board, Washing, and Lodging can be obtained in private families, pru dent and respectable, and at convenient distanc es, from $15 to $20 per qr. The salubrity of tho climate of the neighborhood is unquestiona ble'; aud its freedom from inducements to dissi pation, no less favorable to tho good morals of youth and to their literary psoficicucy. n-l.-* -r Anm* ■». JXuLtit JKeilitutti Shepherd B. Saunders, Joseph Bald win, j Mark Jackson, senr. Reuben While, 13 9m' D. Allen JYoticc. J UST received aud for sale, Hollibut Fins, Pickled Dutch aud Scotch Herring, Tongues aud Sounds. mav 1 1833 31 J. BENNETT. or SHIP AHOY ! ! ^0 A T half past 2 o'clock P. M. this day the '.£r_ fortunate owners of the ■?4,000 Prize in n .share ticket, was presented at the pay office of! the SrLF.XDin.. Ship .Georgia Literature, when the same was paid in less than five min- 1 utes. 9. 18,. 35, were tho lucky numbers which | was owned by A. M.Nsll Esq. of Forsyth Mon- ' roc county, and Hardaway-Collier of Crawford.! This is vithout Delay, axd j Puncltudity with Despatch! Fortimate names are never published with out consent. ELGIN, Tuesday 15th July 1834-4 ' PR Eh EU V JNG GU A i'ES. FROM Tin: JiOUTHER.V TI.ANTES. Dr. Bartlett—1 last year ma le a liub: e: ment in preserving Grapes on the vine, \\! nin induced to make jniiilii' from its silcee^s ping it may be nt Fcrviee tootliors who w have this fine fruiuhoiii in season and out o sou. To almost cv< ry one it is known that arc many kinds of Grap; •_ that n i/l ran? a in : nn tlw vine'for a long.tiiue, if they arc not de stroyed by birds or wasps. To pit vent this, I have sr.veral sma’il ii gs in do, ol prop<.r to contain one or re clusters o( grapps. (wli-.n they might be e Iroin some old im,s- kelo inning, which was otherwise useless.— W inn lye fruit was ripe. J t row tli. in over the IniCsi biuiches and tied tie it; ' 0 h: round thusti m. asori b, it g .''lie n h . w et. I u a- uu- usion ; 11f \ might rot. and iron- im.e to time ggi.licrecl seme—b.:ilnc%ei loin ten grape ’! lie last I gathered w as on tii of the first frost. !a autumn : t\ htch t on ;lie E0:h Nov 'inl-.r. 'I’liev were a From 1 rots sr pi ssiiile rc n t , NEW Spring Goods and Clothings J UST received at the Macon Clothing Store, a good assortment of Goods and Clothing for the spring aud summer, cheap for cash. npril 3 LEWIS FITCH. J\*ulicc. A LL whom it may concern are hereby notifi ed that I have filed in the clerk’s office of the superior courtof Crawford count}’, State of Georgia, the following instruments, to wit: A copy of an original power of attorney made by Jo-an Glass of Richmond' county Ga. to Hit-hard AT. Beavers to sell Lot of laud No. 113 second district formerly Houston now Crawford cou «ty; Also, a copy of au original deed executed hy Richard M. Beavers under the aforesaid power of attorney to tho Justices of the inferior Court of ■Crawford county for said Tot of land No. 113 se cond district formerly Houston now Crawford county, which said power of attorney nn3 deed were made and executed some time In the year eighteen hundred and twenty two ; Also a copy of au original Grant,^tied hy the state of Geor gia to John Glass in tiie year 1822 for the said lot of land No. 113 second district of formerly Hous ton now Craw ford couuty; also the cojiy of an original deed tnndo by Lewis Lawshe sheriff of Crawford county to David B. Bush some time in the year 1828 for lot No. 17 in the town of Knox ville—said lot sold as the projicrty of Edward Barker. The original instruments of which j the foregoing are copies, are believed to have been recorded and burnt with the records of said coun ty in tho year 1829. Together with said copy BXdx arc rtlcxl dio^ru|ici Jirxmfo ao to tI»o oub stance of said original deeds and my title thereto, which said copy deeds I intend to establish at tile next superior court to be held in said county of Crawford in lieu ofsaid burnt originalunder, ami by virtue of, au act passed on the 24th l)e- ember 1832. THOMAS SLATTER. june 11 1834-33-G0d nluu sue- n bn, i 1 i ve >:igs n ji- the it com- WAREHOUSE AND coMxazssxoftr busxnsss. J]. C. Coldwcll, Agent, HAS commenced the \Y r are- IIousc and Commission Business at the" ware-house opposite Messrs Cooke Sc Qowles, aud is prepared to receive merchandise on consignment or sto rage. Liberal advances made onCotton and other merchandise in store. Macon, Nov. 28. 1833. 10 BOTTLE CORKS. M GftfiSS velvet Bottle Corks, jnst B w received and for salohy june I 36 WM. G. BROWN. We are authorize d to ’ announce 8F.NECA BENNET Esq- as a candidate for the Rep resentative branch of the LcgisJa* Rirr at the enmmg etectitm. june 26 sio Reward ! S TRAYEIl or stoleu from the subscriber; a bright bay HORSE, five yrs old last spring, marked with a white mark on each side of his neck supposed to be occasioned by a rope or yoke. The above reward will be given for the delivery of said Horse aud all reasonable expen ses paid. Auv information by letter or other wise will be thankfully received by the subscrib er living in Monroe county. 9 miles above For- syth. PITT W. MILNEK. The Federal Union will please give the above one or two insertions. 4 3t july Y7 Lime ! Lime ! Lime ! A bbls superior Lime for sale at low »V V F— Spring and Summer Clothing. W2YZ. H. BURDSALL H -VS just received, and is offering for sale, for Cash au extensive Assortment of Sjtring and Summer Clothing, consisting iu part of the following : Blue, black, green, Sc Adelaide summer cloth frock Coats, dress Coats nud Coatees Black and fancy colored English merino drese Coats and Coatees Rnicnn cnsaiuicic Trt/cK Cuata HOd.OOiltCeS Black lasting and black Circassian Coatees Blue, green, black, adclnide and drab summer cloth, green and drab Napoleon cord, black lasting, black circassiau. erraiuel, Mexican mixed, Angola cassimere, Rowan cassimerc, English merino, white and brown lineu drill ing, white and browu linen, white satin, blue Florentine, and duck pantaloons Brown and white linen, rowau cassimere and bombnzette, blue Florentine and whito satin Rouudabouts Vests of all descriptions Boys' frock Coats, Coatees, Jackets, pauts and Vests. Sec. Sec. april 3 C (> T TON GINS. ^ (WARRANTED.) T HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has opened a Gin Making SHOP in the City of Macon, iu which he will keep a constant supply of Forty saw Gius, saws 9iuchcs iu diameter, Sc hy orders will make them to any requisite size. As my Gins are made of the best materials and of superior workmanship, planters aro generally invited to call and examine for themselves. Char ges will bo reasonable, and purchasers are at li berty tc return my Gins.if they arc found deficient. All orders addressed to the subscriber, or Sir. Brown, or Simpson, (ray duly authorized agents) at my shop, ou the court house square, will meet with prompt attention. Terms of payment made reasonable—Gins will be delivered if required, june 1834-3m-l JOSEPH DAVIDSON. finest Hav as gin's. The experinu nt 1 tried ou the YV arr Grapq ©nh. lint 1 hav. n<j doubt it would ceed as well with he id md Madeira, < n>, Isabella, qiul every ether varici} of N Grapes. Anv material will answer lor that will admit:. < uvnlation -fair. If. QOS Ma:c:i, July 31. 18114, Gras&r’ne IjOEING INDIAN CORN. As the season for ltocing Indian corn proaches, the writer of this ariiri takes liberty of Suggesting to farnu rs in iiis \ i..i a.few hints relative to earthing or iiiilmg u the second and third hoeings, or as it tnonly called, half hilling and hilling, The jiractice oi most farmers within my ac quaintance is, at half iiillintr, to accumulcte tl/oi earth from two to four inches, and at hiltiug from throe to five iuclms more, making each lull a pyramid of about seven inches elevation.’ The reason offered I n support cl this practice is, that the corn will stand firmer and more erect, and therefore be less liable to he bro ken down by the wind and rain. More than.,fifty years’ experience in this branch of agriculture has taught ••me that-this is erroneous both in theory and practice. By accumulating earth upon ’he roots ol tlie corn* the}'are deprived of that influence of tilt? air and sun which are necessary to a he dtev at.d vigorous growth. Everyone acquainted with the naturnl.frroWtli ol this plant must have ob served the peculiar formation ol the brace rants which Sprout ujion the stalk in t circular I arm a very little below tho surface ol tiie ground, radliAtlog tmm tiiu tt-i!L in ovnri- #1 trbrlinn 1 u like manner are the stalks of win .it, rye, bar ley, oats, &c. furnished with their hracd roots, tsnd stand in nr> uced of hilling Jtp to give them strength and firnir, s.< in their pjsition. They are evidently designed to stay the stalk and hold it in an erect posiitref,not unlike the shrouds of a ship to sustain the- mast.- To render theso- braccs sufficiently hard and siring the design of nature, they must hav cnco of the sun and air; but when several inches of s .jierincnmbent become soft, weak;and brittle,-.and or.: remedy this evil sends out another set the former. These occasion an uhnet wasteoi'the nourishment of tiie .dint, a,id advanced season ofthevnarneverbeconr to answer • til.: iiiihi- bnried by •artli, they sary that BOAT FOR SALE. T HE subscriber offers for sale bis polo Boat Caswell. She is a stanch good Boat, Sc of the smaller class, was built last fall and has made but two trips; burthen about three hun dred bales cotton, is of easy draft, and is well sui ted for the Oconee or Ogeechee waters. Terms of sale made easy. J. R. BUTTS. Macon, june 22 1834-1 of & COTTON. JYetc Spring and Summer GOODS. T HE subscriber has just received an exten sive assortment of Fancy Rod Staple Goods suitable for tbc season. april^lG WM. H. BURDSALL. I N inv absence from Macon, I leave HOR- ACE FITCH as my 'gent, who is duly authorised to receive all money due me, and attend to my business during- my absence from the State. LEWIS FITCH. Macon, 4th June. 1834. 36 Mr. Jl. R. McLaughlin, W ILL attend to our business during our ab sence front the state. Notice. R ANAWAY from the Macon company Public Hands, some tinio previous to the Sale, Negro man JIM, who I appiehend will make au attempt to get back to North Carolina where he was raised. Jim is a large lakely fel-, low, light complexion, about thirty years ot age; having lost one or two of his fore teeth makes him appear older than lie really is. As he was rais rd near Wiudsor or Chc-wnn he will probably succeed in getting hack as ho did once before Sc was confined iu the jail of that county near fifteen months. A reward of Twenty dollars will be given for the apprehension ofsaid negro, june 18-3IU-38 N. B. POWELL, Agent fur the state of Georgia. RVSI’t RES. D -OCT. WM. A. MORTON, J. SINGLE- TON aud J. Ai. SPRAGUES would res pectfully inform the citizens of Georgia that they are now prepared *o offer them Sfagncr's New Patent Truss, bv the use of which they aro enabled to cuukthe most obstinate eases of Hernia or Rupture. The principle upon which this Truss acts is radically different from any oilier hitherto offer- [ ed for the patronage of the afflicted. Those in i ciently indurated to peilunn their office- :o the use hitherto have been esteemed, from the cir- cumstnncc of their (generally) preventing au ag gravation of the affliction; that which we offc to the public combines with this the inestimable advautngc of effecting a permanent aud radical cure. They charge nothing for their services should they fail to effect a cure. Mr Singleton will be at the Indian Springs from the 15th of July uutil-the- 1st of August; at Forsyth from the 1st until the 6th Aug. ; at Ma con from the 7th until the 20th ; at Clinton from 21st Aug. until 1st Sept. Those afflicted with Hernia, who wish to lie relieved, would do well to call at the time ap pointed, as it is probable they may not hare au other opportunity for several months, july 17 4 3tp By Authority of the Legislature of Georgia. GEORGIA LITERATURE LOTTERY. CLASS NU. TH O- To bo drawn in the town of DAHLONEGA, Lumpkin county, during the August term of the superior court, proximo, SCHEME. 1 8,1/00 §8,000 1 2,000 2,000 1 2,000 2,000 1 1 ,u00 1,000 * * 9G3 963 1 500 500 I 500 500 Sugar Ilf Coffee. HMDS. Pi ime St. Croix Sugar, aud 100 Bags Priino,Lnguira Coffee, For sale hy REA Sc COTTON, may 7 1834 31 8 1 800 300 I 300 300 l 250 250 5 100 500 5 7G 375 36 30 1080 3G £0 720 36 15 540 36 10 360 896 8 3168 3760 5 189oO 41,456 best advantage; If tliose farmers who mav take d e trouble of reading this nrii<->, should doubt the cor rectness of this reasoning, they arc respectfu!- v invited to test i* hy experiment nj-on a few rows or hills; Formally- years oast tiie writer has-practiccd upon the principles here recom mended, and has uniformly been'successful in his crop. It may also be remarked that treat injury is done both by the plouch and the hoe at the thie of hilling, by breaking and wounding the long fibrous roots so necessary to the growth and strength of the stalk. After the weeding or first hoeing, neither tho plough or the hoc should be allowed to penetrate any deeper than is necessary' to destroy the weeds and grass. In cultivating the potato, the same reason ing so far as it respects the accumulation of earth, will apply—the bulb is formed simulta neously with the blossom I i;d. If, afu-r that period there he much hilling up, »h«‘ first fir med bulbs grow but little, being out ol 'he reach of that wamull, and air which ai e requir ed fora perfect growth, and another set above them is product d. Hence it is th-it hy this mode of culture so great a proportion of the crop consists of small bulbs. Every cultivator must have observed that the lary.-st potatoes in the liil! arc invariably found n ar the surface of the ground.—Conn. C. ourcint. BAGGING. QAA PIECES heavy hemp Bagging ” GOO ready made Cotton Bags weigbiug li to U per yard—which will be sold on good terms. RE \ Sc COTTON, july 18 1834-5 july 10 REA & COTTON Overseer Wanted* , T M^O take charge of a small Farm. A single J man who can bring good recommendations for industry, faithfulness and attention to busin ess, will hear of a situation by applying to the e- t ditors of the Telegraph. july IT Amounting to 4,1,456* Dollars. Whole Tickets §5—Halves §2 50—Quarters $i 25—Eighths G2j cts. A package of whole Tickets will cost §70—warrauted to draw less discouut §30. Prizes paid ondemand at lSpcrcent. discount. GEO. ELGIN. Macon, july 17-6 —— dk Bor Sate SEVERAL houses and lotsi i Vino From the Nets England Farmer. SKINLESS OA TS. New York, June 2‘6th, 183-1. Ain. Editor,—For the benefit of the agri cultural interests of my native Statf, I enclose* this slip taken from a stray paper, which, I hope may prove of some benefit to your .vakaWcf Society of Agriculture. * & 3. BROW.. Skintcss Oafs. At a fate meeting of <!ie Warwickshire Agricultural Society, a, i~. men of the Avenaivct Farihet, of skinless.- ot»V was produced by the Rev. Mr. Knott, -wdiicft had been plucked that morning out of a. -piecsf of ground . belonging to that ^iMrtlcruati at Wormlciphton. It was produced from seed furnished to him by Mr. Trucker, of Heanton,- Ptinrhnrdon, near Barnstable, Devonshire. According to the account furnished by that If absent, to jun«241834-1 viile, together with house and loi or- j w;l< grown in the season of 1830*, cupied by Maj. Hayiiie. Api-ly to fof ^ ^ (ime j( wa , ever pio dj C ed ;u Great Britain, by Thomas Drenzy, Eoq. of C!y* men Hall,, who. obtsstJeJ tB® tef-J i A. SHOT WELL WASHINGTON POE