Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, August 14, 1834, Image 1

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GZSGR&X & TELEGRAPH : rUUISHKD EVERY TilCRSDA V, At MACON, Ca, by MYRON BARTLETT, Printing Office on Second Street—next door to Huson's Hotel, TERMS.—Three Dollars a year, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars, if not paid before the «ml of the year. Subtcribcrs living at a distance will ho required in all cases to pay iu advance. iCf“ No Paper discontinued, hut at the discre tion of the publisher, until all arrearages are /rest, 0 ]W no 101) so qr. do CASH STORK. 2JLIBBES & WOOD. Nut door to the Post OJJice. \VE received and arc notv opening very extensive assortment of Entirely Wm*enable aud F.thi.•liable Dry Goods, which will be sold at unusually low prices Purchasers will find it to their advantage to give us a t »U. Our Stock consists iu part of tlitj pieces Calico, from 10 to .'17cts. li)U do furniture prints I'mich <1° Turkey Red do 50 do Circasasiaus all colors, printed do do French Chnily, Grode Swiss, Gro de Nap JJerim Siuchaw ■Snrsnet and Levantine Silks col’d Lining “ Poult de Soiu col’d Cambric plain Pope striped, & plaid Cambric book, plain and fig’d Swiss, jaconet, Nuusook, and mull Muslins Linen Cambric, ins’g do, bishop Lawn, cor ded Robes, Laces and Edgings, inserting*; 2d »bi* silk, gauze, hernnuis, &, crape fancy winter Is, Thibet Wool tlo jdtt dost pongee and spittnlfield silk lldkfs 100 do eottou flag, turkey red, and head lldkfs JOd doss tucking Combs 100 do side do Hhell tucking & side do Dressing and ivory do J50 plain and faucy Braid Bonnets Elegant sett Ribbons, Taffeta Kib’tts every rolor 25doacloganlBells, fig’d blk and co’d velv’t Bolts Plain blk velvet do. silk velvet tabby do 100 doss w hite, raudou, blk and slate cotton and woollen Hosiery Kid, Horscskiu and beaver Gloves 50 “ woollen do (i bales 3-4 4-4 6-4 cheeked Homespuns 15 ps Irish Linens every quality 101) do/, spool Thread 50 do iii.t. aud assort'd coin’d Irish sewin Thread, hlk. and colored sewing Silk 50 pieces blue, mixed, stuped, aud drab Sat- inetts 10 do blue, black, mixed. Broad Cloths Striped aud drab Cassimere, Ermiiftt 25 pcices white, red, yellow &■ green Flannels front 31 to 75cts. 25 bales 3-4 and 4-4 Homespun from 10 to 14c. 5 tlo cotton and hemp Osnahurgs 5 do striped negro iijuukcu rf and 9-4 50 piercs Rose , do 50 do heavy Fustians aud woolen Cloths for negroes 5 bales 3-4 4-4 G-4 Plaids and Stripes 1-until nr.- Plaid* Hangup Cord, Ticklenlmrg, Russia Duck, Crash Diaper, Heavy twilled Lowel Cottons 5 Bales Tickings from 12j to 37.J cts. It 0 Colton & Silk Umbrellas, gentlemens Clonks 12 cases Ucavcrand nap’t Hats. Gcases wool do a large assortment ol heavy Shoes, gentlemen at tl ladies Shoes of every kind good assortment Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Glass w ire, Groceries &c. See. Expected by first Boats a large assortment of G'oceries, Iron Salt Steel, Bagging, Fish, Nails. vV •• &c. NEW GOODS. WM. II. BUHDSALL, M AS Just received a new ami extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, REAS23T UADt] CLOTHING. HATS, SHOES, S,-c. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OF THE FOLLOWING ; Super Saxony, Blue, Black and Faucy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, .Mixed aud Faucy colored Salinetts English Mcrinoes Duffle, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson, Grecu and While Flnnuels Printed Salsbury do Canton and Saxony and Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye aud Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue aud coloured Boinhnzcttcs do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Linseys Bleached and Unbleached Shirliugs Sc Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustirng do Gros de Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin do Sinchews and Sarsauets Colored Gros de Naples Black aud colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common. Thibet wool. Valentia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Heruani, Muslin, Crape, Gauzoaud Gros de Na ples Dress lldkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Law ns Cotton Cassimers Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron aud Furniture Cheeks Domestic Plaids aud Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia SheetingBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Ozuaburghs \ Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn Just Received and for Sale, ROWN and loaf Sugar, Rice Northern Bum, Gin and Whiskey Old apple aud peach Brandy Chanipaigu and cognac do Madeira, teueriffe, and sieily Wines—old port, muscatel and claret do—champaign do— rnalngn and feutinac do Cherry Bounce, Frcnch cordial, Newark cider Dunbar’s best Loudon Porter, bar Lead, Shot Best cavendish chewing and smoking Tobacco Best pickled tness Beef aud Pork, Bacon, Coffee Pepper aud spice, Pickled salmon aud mackerel Sperm aud tallow candles. Lemon syrup Besthuuch Raisins iu whole and halfboxes Martinique cordials. Jamaica and st croix Rum Bar and shaving soap, Chocolate Imperial, guupowder and hyson Tea Milk, soda, sugar, butter and water Crackers Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs aud Maee Real Spanish Scgars, Pipes, maccuboy Snuff Best Canal and Western Flour. ALSO, A General Assortment of Crockery Glass, Hardware, Cutlery, «kc, Amongst which are : Trace and Halter chains, Weeding Does, Shovels aud spades. Sad Irons, Axes. Handsaws, Giuihlets, Angers and Chisels, Stock and Padlocks, Butts aud Screws And various other articles which will be sold low for cash only. innv 22 J. BENNETT. N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery. C OLOGNE, Rose. Lavender, Florida, aud Orange Flower Water; Cosmetic cold Cream ; Cosmetic Tablet; Naples compound Shaving Soap ; Macassar, Bear’s anti Antiqu* lil; Goulaud’s Lotion, &e. &c. just received from the manufactory of .V. Smith Prentiss, Per fumer, and for sale by WM. G. BROWN. June 1 36 For Sale. OOO LHS * ,iacou ’ l) y S&'kJ U'LP'Ls' REA & CO' m»Y 7 2! 1834 35 TTON. Black t y Drab Beaver Hats, the latest style, just received and for sale \JT by WM. II. BUUDSALL. april I 27 movies. rffl HE public are informed JL that the Line of Stages leading from Macon to For sytli will hereafter lie extend SOOJ£E & cobles, L RE opening a general Stock of Goods at their New Store. The, would he pleas ed to receive a call from their friends, nov 21 tf 8 Cotton, Worsted aud Lambs wool Hosiery Biack aud colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk and col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark and light col’d Prints and Ginghams Lace and Gauze Veils Fig’daud plain Bobiuct Lace Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nausook and Book Muslius I iuen Cam'<ric lldkfs Pongee, ludiau Flag and Spittlefield lldkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin aud Silk Gloves Bead llcticules DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. fPI^IlK subscriber is now receiving bis fresh >4 supplies, aud iu addition to au exteusive assortment of Sr&BESS 2>R?7GS, Medicines and Chemicals, Offers for sale a quantity of DYE STUFFS, Viz.: Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam and Brazil Woods, Spanish FJot, Guatemala and country indigo. Madder, Copperas, Blue Stone, Alum aud Ann alto. PAINTS. White Load, dry and ground in oil Venetian Red do Spanish Bimwu do Yellow Ochre do Verdigris do Prussian Blue, Rose, Pink, Drop, Lake, Vermill ion, Cronic Green, (’route Yellow, Tera,Dc.-ien- in. Slone Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umber Flake White, Lamp and ivorv Blacks. PERFUMERY. Otto of Rose, Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples shaving Soap, cream Soap, Cologne anil Itoso Water, Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar aud Aulique oil, Rose aud Pearl Powder, See. BRUSH US. Clothes, Hair Tooth, Piaster, Shoe, and Horse Brushes, Also Starch. Saltpetre, Pearl Ash, Soap, Pines Tobacco. Ground aud Race Ginger, Spices, Sec. Sic. Fw sale by WM. G. BROWN, nov 21 8 <io do do do do do do do HISSES & ZVQQZ), .Vtx/ 4» 4yU J USi €7Jfitt H AVE just received and bavo on hand fresh assortment of Groceries, w hich are offered for cash at very reduced prices, viz. 50 barrels N. R um 2 iihds. Jamaica do 25 bbls rye Gin 25 do do Whiskey 5 iihds. Baltimore do 36 barrels Apple Brandy hhds superior old A. Brandy 10 bbls Malaga Wiuu 3 do Tcnerifle do 1 pipe Sicily Madeira do 2 do cogniac Braudy 1 do Holland Gin 6 bbls Peach Brandy 6 do Cider 4 hhds Vinegar JO boxes Soap 10 do Raisins 6 do Prunes 5 do Starch 4 do LfSugar 25 bags Coffee 20 bbls Prime Sugars 2 bags Spice, 2 tierces Rice » 2 do Pepper Ground aud race Giuger Teas,Chocolate, Sperm Caudles 25 M Cigars 10 kegs Powder 20 bags Shot 300 bars Lead, & c. See. ALSO A fresh stork of Dry Goods, Hardware. Cutle ry, Crockery, aud Glass Ware, Hats, Boots, Shoes, &.c. ifcc. 1000 Franklin Saws 200 Loug handle Spades 50 Short do do 50 kegs Nails and Brads June 12 1834-37 NEW BOOK STORE. thomas RESPECTFULLY in forms the public that he has taken the store in Ellis, Shotwell Sc Co’s, row, two doors above the Post Office, where he now- receiving and opeuing a very general assortment of Hooks and Stationary, jjg ms works, he has a general assort ment, and will be constantly receiving the nOtv publications on Theology, Medicine. Law-, His tory, nod Miscellaneous subjects, together with such other articles as are usually kept iu a Book Store. BOOKS, A large assortment ol all kinds and sizes. Fools Cap, Letter, aud Note Paper of the best quality, both English and American, plain aud embossed, water and feint lined, pink, yellow ne and white. BLANKS. L.ank Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ware house Receipts, Bills of Lading. Writs of till kinds. Justices Summons, do Executions, Clerks do Tax Collector-; do. Subpoenas for Witnesses. Deeds. Shoriffk’-«!*» **•»-!#«’ Bill. „r <ata .-.ismnents, Ca. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Marriage License, Bail Writ and Bond, Inter. Com. Directions for luteirogatories. Bills of Indictment, Bench Warrants, Bail Bonds, Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Adrainistra- iou. Temporary Letters of Administration, Tem porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. Dec 21 24 ed through to the Indian Springs, leaving Macon Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays at 5 o’clock A. M. and arrive at the Springs same days : re turning, leave the Springs on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays and arrive in Macon same days. * THE PROPRIETORS. If) 38 c Utortde of Lime and SSoda. I CASIv Chloride Lime, solution Chlori Soda, just received and for sale by .just May 29-35 WM. G. hloride by BROWN. jYoticc. J UST received and for sale, Ilollibut Fins, Pickled Butch and Scotch Herring, 'Tongues aud Sounds, mav I 1833 31 J. BENNETT. A FRESH SUPPLY 0_ GOODS. C IOMPRISIXG a genera! assortment of t Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, also fine Biack am! Drab beaver Hats, Boots ami Shoes, Saddles, Bridles, saddle Bags and whips, Hard ware, Castings, Crockery, window Glass, sets of blacksmiths Tools complete, Whitemores gen nine Coltou Cards, cotton Yarns by the t»i itch or bale. Foolscap, letter aud wrapping Paptir, Collins’ cast steel Axes, buck, squirrel and bird Shot, Du Pouts and Rogers’ Powder, sperm candles, .Soap, Raisins, Chocolate, Spies*, Spanish Cigars, fresh Teas of every variety, loaf, lump and white Havanna Sugar, pa.cut Medicine's, sein, gill nett and bagging Twjne. *hoe Thread, boxes claret and chainpaigne Wines, Madeira, Teiiueriffe. Muscatel and Mal aga Wines in casks, Newark Cider, pure cider Viuegar, See. Sic. Also iu store aud for sale on accommodating terms. 55 hhds superior Molasses 25 do St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars 69 bags prime green Coil'eo 20 bbls do , do do 200 ps. Dundee and American Bagging 1100 ready made cotton Bags 32000 lbs Swede Iron assorted. Planters merchants aud all others having to purchase such articles, are respectfully invited’ to call aud examine for themselves. THUS T. NAPIER. Macon. 6th Aug. 1834 7 NEW Spring Goods and Clothing. jfUST received at the Macon Clothing Store, a I good assortment of Goods aud Clothing for the spring and summer, cheap for cash. ap il 3 LEWIS FITCH. G it T T O N G I N S. (WARMKSIiD.) T HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has opened a Gin Making SHOP iu the City of Macon, in which he will keep a constant supply of Forty saw Gins, saws 9 indies in diameter, & by orders will make them to any requisite size. As my Gins arc made of the best materials and of superior workmanship, planters are generally invited to call and examine for themselves. Char ges will lie reasonable, and purchasers are at li berty te return my Gins if they aie found deficient. All orders addressed to the subscriber, or Mr. Brown, or Simpson, (my duly authorized agents) at my shop, on the court house square, will meet with prompt attention. Terms of payment made reasonable—Gina u m. aerrv eie.iit required. i. !u dc «ieuvere.rti requirci June 1834-3m-1 JOSEPH DAVIDSON. EXCHANGE OFFICE. r D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN Si CO. • have opened au office iu Macon, iu the Counting Room recently occupied by Messrs. Hamilton tf Hays, (opposite liuson’s Tavern) aud are prepared to transact the Exchauge Bu siness in all its branches. GHECSS5, At sight, or on time, on BOAT FOR SALE. TJVIB subscriber offers for sale his pole Boat -£L Caswell. She is a stanch good Boat, &; of the smaller class, was built last fall and has made but two trips; burthen about three hun dred bales cotton, is of easy draft, aud is well sui ted for the Oconee or Ogecehee waters. Terms of sale made easy. J. R. BUTTS. Macoa, juno 22 1834-1 HAMILTON & HAYS FACTORS AND COMMISSION ZVISRCHAKTS, Macon, Georgia, H AVE removed to the large and couvcnirnt Ware-House formerly occupied l»y [ Messrs BLANTON &«SMITH, where they will transact a general Factorage, Ware-House aud Commission business. They avail themselves of this opportunity to return to their friends and patrons, acknowledgements, and to assure them of a renewed solicitude for the pro motion of the iuierest of a II w ho may favor them with their business, either, directly or by tf; friends. Liberal advances made on Cotton, and other Merchandize in store, July, 1834. 3tn 7 WARE-HOUSE” AND N. York. Fayetteville, Charleston, Millcdgeville, Mobile, Philadelphia, Savannah, Augusta, Columbus, Now Orleans. United States Bnuk Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cotton either to hold or to ship to Savannah, Charleston or New York. Macon, Nov. 23 10 EJoiic S. K ANA WAY from the Macon company of Public Hands, some time previous to the Sale, Negro man JIM, who I apprehend will make an attempt to get back to North Carolina where he was raised. Jim is a large lakely fel low, light complexion, about thirty years of age; having lost one or two of his fore teeth makes him appear older than he really is, As he was rais rd near Windsor or Chew an he will probably succeed in getting back as he did once before <k. was confined in the jail of that eonuty near fifteen mouths. A reward of Twenty dollars will be given for the apprehetisiou of said negro, juue 18-3m-38* N. B. POWELL, Agent for the state of Georgia. COMMSSSSOEI BUSI&&SS. CITY OP MACON. I WILL commence the above business by the first of September next. ancl Ayill m cimc zr/iiirtrmS I.U •') xat tf A RBIJO uStlf immediately ou the river above the bridge, hav ing agood wharf attached thereto and safe from fire, for the convenience of my friends residing above Macon—I have taken the 8cale House on Cotton Avenue, from whence cotton will be taken to ihe wharf free of charges. I have been in business for the last tweuty years within thirty miles of Macon, aud for the large share of pub lic confidence and liberal patronage received, I take this occasion to return my grateful thanks- From my commercial experience both fore go and domestic, I feel confident that J w ill be - hie to give general satisfaction, for the accomplish ment of which 1 tender my nuremitted attention, time, taleuts and means, to forward the views and interests of those who may favor me with their business aud confidence. Liberal advances w lii be made ou Produce, Meichandise and other property confided to mj care, aud strict atten tion given to the filling of orders, receiving and forwarding of goods &c. Insurance iu the best offices can be effected at the usual rates, when desired. L. L. GRIFFIN. ' Macon. June 12, 1834. 6rn7 NEW 1 Ingenuity ana Roguery.—We yest.iday witnessed the evidences of urn; of the most in- gpnious and systematic attempts u> fire a house, that ever occurred in this or any other coun try. It will be remembered, that on the eve ning of Monday last, alter the procession, ana- iarin of lire was given; the engines jirocied ed t'»a house in Library-street, a few doors a- bove Fourth, occupied by Messrs. T. Sc J. Doughty—burst the doors open, and soon suc ceeded iu suppressing the llatncs. The evi dence and dfsign of guilt were afterwards dis covered. The incendiary must have labour ed for some days, before lie was able to com plete ids preparations. The house is a three story brick building, and has been occupied by the Doughty s as a work shop, for stime .time past, it seems, however, that for the last 4m>iitil or two, they have had exclusive posses sion. Tl e first operation of‘he incendiary was to make a mould for a wax candle, to weigh four ! or five pounds. The candle was made accor dingly, consisting of yellow wax, white tur pentine, and oilier combustible material. This eandle was placed iu a tin canister, provided for the purpose, with holes disjxisod in various parts of it, ihrouc ; which wicks w«*li oiled and turpentined were dr.twfn—a larger wick run ning through too centre of the candle. The candle aud canister were placed in corner of the room, on the first lloor through which a hole had been ** U t, in order when the whole mass of combustibles had been on file, to per mit a portion to drop through into the cellar. Around this box, paper shavings, shingle sha vings, otied paper, and a variety of combusti ble at deles, were disposed; and in order to prevent the smoke liom the candle fiv m circu lating the room, forcing its way' • out ol tne crevices, and ol thus aiiracting the tilb-utton of the passers by, a pipe had boon made and attached to the tin canistt r, lor tite purpose of convey ing the smoke up the chimney. Further, lire various turpentined wjeks pas sim from the candle through the sides of the c nister, were carried throng i holes cut in the lloor for the purpose, into the second story— and, here again papers were strewed, account books nicely disposed to take flip, and trains of combustible matter arianged, clearly with tiie objei t ofd< slrcying, not ouiy the house, butei e.y article it contained. In the second storv, for example, in order to allow the in cendiary au opportunity of sowing through the floor, in a corner of the room, and of thus mu- f king a communication with the hro below* several dielv. s had been sawed off, and after wards carefully replaced, with books, u-iuers- rn«mv twjs, ottmrptTTi Uicui. 1 iic* c:*null* Wiis found biirniiia, but it seems that the rogue was doomed to disappointment, t:i consequence of the slow progress made by the fire, or rather in consequence of the gradual pace with which the wax was exhausted. Wln-ti discovered* not one fourth of the candle had disappeared— the papers in the immediate vie uity had ta ken fires and a small portion of Ihe adjoining' wood work. At all events, ingenious and perfect as tho system might h ive seeuiec, the house lias not been destroyed, and the whole scheme of villainy has been detected. It is said that Air. Doughty , which ol hem ive are unable to sa y, left town a week ago, and that the property in the house teas insured to the amount of six thousand dollars ! The May or lias ordered au examination of the premi ses, and au investigation of ail the circumstan ces. Several hundred citizens visited the hui.’- diugyesterday and examined the various pre parations for the grand display' of lire works. Since the above w<ts written, we have been C R O C Ii E R Y &. GLAS S, /At ’STork Prices. FRl'IE subscriber* respectfully announce to -fi. their triends and the Public, that they hi- teml keeping open theii establishment through the Miumirr. with a full and extensive assortment of GOODS for the reception of orders, which they pledge themselves to execute with fidelity and de-patch and at Sew York Prices. Merchants making •heir other purchases at the Noph, will find it to their interest to nurchaso their Crockery of us, n Inch can as well be done order ns otherwise, aud those passing through >his place are solicited to call and c.vamine our Mock. i Goods can he at all times sent to Columbia, ^•'linden, Augusta, and Macon via Darien. H. B. GLEASON Si CO. Charleston. May 30 1834 3tn-36 CASH STORE. nusssZtL & DicEinson 5 5f AVE just received, 186 bbls. domestic Li- Cl quors, 21 bbls. Cider, 5 pipes Holland Gin, (s%vnn.) 5 do Brandy (scignette.) 2 hhds. Jamaica Rum, 1 bbl. St Croix do, 6 bbls. peach Brandy, 6 do apple do, 10 do assorted Cordials, 30 qr. casks Malaga Wine, qr casks old aud Si cily Madeira, Lisbon, Teuerifie .and Muscattello do, 2 bbls. Noyoau, 6 pipes cider Vinegar, 25 bbls Flour, 10 hhds. Molasses, 9do N. O. Sugar, 10 bbls. Brazil do, 4 boxes Lump do. 30 bags Coffee, 40 bags ass. Shot. 45casks ass. Nails, 10 bills No. 2 Mackerel, 10 lif bbls. Crackers. 20 boxes Tobacco. 10 boxes sperm Candles, 6 box 1-9 Tnllon tlo, 10 do Starch, 64 Imxes and 23 qr boxes bar Soap, 7 chests ass. Tea, jars Snuff, Lemon Syrup, Powder, Lamp Oil. play’g Cards, Cignrs, Pepper, Spice, Cassia, Nutmegs, Cloves, Peariash, Race and grouud Ginger, Mustaid, Epsom and Glauber Salts, chloride of Lime, Copperas, Filberts, sheet Iron, hoop do, Eng. rolled do. Castings of all common descriptions, 12 cases Hats, 19 cases ass. Shoes, 2 cases Balm Leaf Hats, with a complete assoitment of Dry Goods, Hardware, (’rockery and Glass Ware. Macon may 20 1834 34 WARE-HOUSE * AND comzizsssioar ssussejsss. .7. C. Co/dwclf, Agent, HAS commenced the Ware- O House and Commission Business at the ware-house opposite Messrs. Cooke & Cowles, aud is prepared to receive merchandise on consignment or sto rage. Liberal advances made onCotton and other mereitaudisc in store. Macon, Nov. 28. 1833. 10 8 Suga r Sf Coffee. IIHDS. Prime St. Croix Sugar, and 100 Bags Prime Laguira Coffee, For sale by REA Sc COTTON. ' may 7 1331 31 (?§ Sh. PIECES heavy hemp P>aggiug 6!I0 ready made Coltou Bags weighing i s to l£ per yard—which will bo sold on good terms. RE A Si COTTON, inlv 18 1834-5 _ COSti&S, S /fi GROSS velvet Bottle Corks, just w received and for sale by June 1 36 i by W»l. G. BROWN. Wc arc authoriz( d to announce SENECA BENNKT Esq. as a candidate for tho Rep resentative branch of the Legisla te at the eusuiug election. juno 26 REMOVAL. USSELL Si DICKINSON have remov- (tU . d to the store formerly occupied by N. B. \Y illiams. successor to H. Blair & co., where all kinds of Groceries. Dry Goods, Sic. can be had for cash only and at the lowest market prices. Just Hcccived Bbls. and half bbls. all numbers Mackerel; bbls. and half bbls. family canal Flour; Pickled Pork, Tobacco. Bilging, Twine, Iron, <S:c. &c. jtilv 23 5 Overseer autea, W^O take charge of a small Farm. Asiuglc jL man who can bring good recommendations for industry, faithfulness and attention to busin ess, will hear of a situation by applying to the e- ditors of the Telegraph. ju!y!7 Spring and Summer Clothing." WM. H. M AS just received, and is offering for sale, fur Cash an exteusive Assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, consisting in part of the following : Blue, black, green, &adelaidu summer cloth frock Coats, dress Coats and Coatees Black and fancy colored English merino dress Coats aud Coatees Rowan cassimere frock Coats aud Coatees Black lasting and black Circassian Coatees Blue, green, black, adelaido and drab summer cloth, green aud drab Napoleon coni, black lasting, black Circassian, ermiiiet, Mexican mixed. Angola cassimere, Rowan cassimere, English merino, white mid brown linen drill ing, white and brown linen, white satin, blue Florentine, and duek pantaloons Brown and white linen, rowan cassimere and bombazette, blue Florentine aud white satiu Roundabouts Vests of all descriptions Boys’ frock Coats, Coatees, Jackets, pants and Vests. &c. &c. npril 3 JVcio Spring anti Summer G003S. T HE subscriber lias just received au exteu sive assortment of Fancy aud Staple Goods suitable for the season. april 16 WM. H. BURDSALL. TN my absence from Macon, I leave HOR- JL ACE FITCH as my, who is duly authorised to receive all uiouey due me, aud attend to ray business tlurii g- iny absence from the State. LEWIS FITCH. Macon, 4th Juue. 1834. 36 Mr. Jl. R. M'Lavghlin, M M7"1LL attend to our business during our ab- WW senccfrom the state, julv 10 REA & COTTON {ft SHIP AliOl ! ! T half past 2 o'clock P. M. this day the AW fortunate owners of the $4,000 Prize in a share ticket, was presented at the pay office of tho Sflknuid Ship Georgia Literature, when tho same was paid in less than five min utes. 9. 18, 35, were the lucky numbers which was owued by A. M.Nall Esq. of Forsyth Mon roe com'iy, and Hardaway Collier of Crawford. This is Promptness without Belay, AND Punctuality icilh Despatch ! (t?* Fortunate -names arc never published with out conscut. ELGIN, Tuesday 15th Ju J y 1834-4 "iarrSAw sizar. HAVING located in Macon, res pectfully offers his services to the ci tizens of that place, and its vicinity lie will atteud to tho duties of all the branches connected with his profess ion—as Surgery, Midwifery, &c. Dr. F. will be found iu his office at all times, uulcss professionally engaged, nov 14 7 ©HAWING ANNOUNCED, On Thursday the 28/A Instant (August,) the GEORGIA CLASS NO. 2 YiT&TTLLbe Drawn; every prize will paid when presented, either iu the Gold Region or Macon, aud .if required, the owners of the capi tals shall have a shade of Georgia Gold in pay ment. GEO. ELGIN, Manager. Macon 6th August 1334. * 7 informed that Mr. Thomas Doughty has resi ded in Boston for the last year, and tiiat Mr. John Doughty is the individual, who of late oc cupied tin bouse in Library-street. lie was seen in New York about a week ago. The brothers Ytn: the publishers of the Cabinet of Natural History.—Philadelphia Inquirer. By Authority of the Legislature uj Oeorgia. GEORGIA LITERATURE LOTTERY. CLASS NO. TH O To bo drawn iu the town of DAHLONEGA, Lumpkin county, during the August term of the superior court, proximo ALEXANDER W. SNEED, attorney at Law, H AVING located 111 Talbotton, Ga. tenders his professional services to his frieuds and the public, lie will attend the several Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit. (Vf* The Federal Union will give the above a few insertions aud forward their account, juue 26 1834-1 i 8,000 $8,000 i 2,000 2,000 i 2.000 2,000 i I,u00 1,000 [ 963 963 i 500 500 i 500 500 i 300 . 300 4 300 300 I 250 250 5 100 500 5 76 375 36 30 1080 36 20 720 36 J5 540 36 10 360 396 . 8 3168 3780 5 189e0 41,456 Extraordinary Recognition.—A man has I U«ly r t rued to England after a:i absence of t fr y six years, who engaged in tin; year 1 ; 98, will; . in teen oth. rs, in the murder of an innocent and inoffensive man. II. was im- :oi dia elv recoin z d and committed to prison aid his d ntiiy ami guilt it is stated, can bo e-t blishtnl beyond doubt.- Ol liis ninteen com- r lies, eighteen were condemned and executed for t Mt and other murders, and the other was shot in attempting to escape from jail.—Com.. Ado. ORTON’S Cough Syrup, just received aud for salo by dec II WM. G. BROWN Lime ! Lime ! Lime! hh's superior Lime fur sale at low 4LJ? 'll H price*. Apply to juty IU REA Sc COTTON. BACON. LBS. Ohio Bacon of > MLT 'Cr vF superior quality, for sale by J ROGER McCALL. july 31-G Amount in 4; 1,456 Dollars. Whole Tirkets $5—Halves $2 50—Quarters $1 25—Eighths 62.J cts. A package of whole Tickets will cost $70—warranted to draw less discount $30. Prizes paid on demand at 15 percent, discount GEO. ELGIN. Macon, julv 17-6 For tSale K - jA SEVERAL houses aud lutsin Vine- f»***«^ ville, together with house and lot oc- liintVrA cupied by Maj. liqynie. Apply to rfiiM’lwm A. ' HOTYVI LL If absent, to WASHINGTON POg 24 H3 ! * Melancholy ocrurrmcc.—A rencontre took place on the J.4tL instant at Jackson, the seat of Govermbem of Mi-sissippi, between Gen. Augustus Albert Allen and Alexander Ale- Clung, Esqs. in which the former was shot in the chin. Gen. Allen, it was expected, even as late as Saturday morning, would recover; hut before night Death claimed his victim. Gen. Allen was young, emlnisiaB ic, bravo to a fault, honorable and high-minded, iii* prospects were bright, and his advancement was beyond that which usually falls to the lot of one of his years ; hut lie is now in the cold,, grain —cut down in the pride'of manhood and the fullness of hope. His friends, and they were many and wrm, will long and deeply deplore his untimely end, and his enemies, (prominent men like Gen. Alien, will necessa rily have enemies,) will do justice to his vir-^ tucs. and will respond to the hollow murmuring of bis coffin when the cold clod shall be cauc upon it, with a “ rcquiescat in pace." Harvard College.—Fifty-live studentsWcrtv yesterday offered for admission as Freslmiett to the College, of whom, after examination, seven were turned by, and forty-eight wertr admitted at the-first examination day, and it is known that a considerable number more arc* to be offered are the vacation. There is' therefore a prospect of a largo class.—Boston Daily Adv. FOR SALE AT TIHS OFFICE. A Yankee, speaking of his children, said ho had seven sons, none of whom looked alike, but Jonathan, and Jonathan didn't look ‘zactlyJik©