Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, August 28, 1834, Image 1

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a. C. E. & M. BARTLETT, Editors. MACON', Georgia, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1831. rSORGXA SSISCHUPB: W ,<ClltlSIU'.l> KVEBT THURSDAY. J/JC’O.V. G«. MYRON BARTLETT. P ' ilin" 0/7icr on Second Street—next door to ‘ n “ Huson's Hotel. Tl’RMS.—Three Dollars a year, if paid in ■ cc , or Four Dollars, if not paid before the l'„f the vear . Subscribers living at a distance '|’ 0 rr qiiirad in all cases to pay in advance. will ■ discontinued, but at llic discre- 1(9' No Paper d uf tile publisher, uutil all .arrearages are non pniil. CASH STORE. 2T2BS2S & ^0015. Next doer to the Post OJJice. \VK received aud aro now opening a very extensive assortment of Entire!y f -Seasonable and Fahionable Dry Goods, wl.Trli will be sob! at uuusuallv low prices Purchasers will find it to their advantage to ■ i call. Our Hock consists in part or fjtK) pieces Calico, from Id to 37ctt. «« / lo f,,r,,i,Ur ° 'T Turkey Uetl do vi" r 'do Oircasasians all colors, printed do . do French U bully, do Grade Swiss, Gro dc Nap Itcrlin Siucliaw Sarsnet and Lovautiuc Silks, col’d Lining “ Poult de Soie col’d Cambric plain Pope stripe**, &. plaid Cambric hook, plain and fig'd Swiss, jaconet, Nnusook, and mull .Muslins | iuon Cambric, ins’g do, bishop La\vu, cor- ' ,j 0 ,| |(ubes, Laces and Edgings, insertings ai^dovt silk, R'luxe, hernanis, &. crape faucy Sliav;ls. Thibet W’ool do HU) doi pongee and spittaltjeld silk Hdkfs jiiu r,.wuullaa. aurktlired, jpul bead Hdkfs |t)0 dor. tucking Combs 1011 do side do .Shell tucking & side do Pnssinj auil ivory do ii JOd 50 100 50 150 plain and fancy Braid Bonnets Klesanl sett Ribbons, Taffeta Kib’ns every color •*jdo*elegaut licit*, fig’d b!k aud co’d vclv’t Belts Pl ain blk velvet do, silk velvet tabby do ion do/, w hite, random blk and slate cotton and woollen Hosiery Ki«l, Jlorseskiu aud boaver Gloves 50 •* woollen do fi bales 3-4 4-4 <1-1 checked Homespuns 25 p< Irish Linens every quality 100 tloz spool Thread > 50 do Rlk. and assort’d coin’d Irish sewing Thread, blk. ami colored sewing Silk 50 pieces blue, mixed, stuped, aud drab Sat- IllttlS 10 do blue, black, mixed, Broad Cloths Striped and drab Cassimere, Erminett 25 prices white, red, yellow &. green Flannels from Ml m T.icts. 25 luilos 3-4 ami 4-4 Homespun from 10 to I4c. 5 do cotton nnd hemp Ostiaburgs 5 ,lo striticil uegro Blankets 8 ami 9-4 511 Viieccs Rose (do .50 do heavy..Fustians aud woolen Clotn- for negroes • 5 bales 3 4 4-4 C-4 Plaids aud Stripes l urniturv Plaids . Hangup Corjl, Ticklenbtirg, Russia Duck, Crash Diaper, Heavy twilled Lowel Cottons 5 Hales 'Pickings from 12^ to 37$ cts. lit) Cotton & Silk Umbrellas, gcuUomcns Cloaks 12 cases Denver nnd nap’t Hats, Ceases wool do a large assortment ol heavy Shoes, gentlemen :n ii indies Shoes of every kind good assortment Hardware aud Cutlery, Crockery and Glass u ire. Groceries &c. &c. Expected by first Coats a large assortment of (iMin'ries, iron Salt Steel, Ragging, Fish, Nails. & •. ,Ve. DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. milK subscribe? is now receiving liis fresh X supplies, mid in addition to an extensive assortment of PRES 12 DXUTOS, Medicines and Chemicals, offers fur sale a quantity of DYE STUFFS, Vi*.s Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam and Brazil Woods, Spanish Plot. Guatemala aud country Indigo, Mnddcv, Copperas, 1P"“ c " 41 — aud Amiutlo. PALMS. White Lead, dry and ground in oil 4 r net in n Red do f' Rnm ii do Yellow Ochre do Verdigris do Pitissian Rise, Rose, Pink, Drop, Lake, Verniill- ina. Cronie Gree.ii, C’rome Yellow, Tern, Derien- ua. Stone Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umber Fluke White, Lamp and Ivorv Blacks. PERFUMERY. Olio of Rose, -Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples shaviug 8»iq>, cream Soap, Cologne anti Rose Water, Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar aud Antique oil, Rose and Pear) Powder, &.v. BRUSHES. Flothes Hair Tooth, Piastei, Shoe, and Horse finishes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Pearl Ash, Soap, Pipes Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, See. &c. I'm sale l»y \VM. G. BROWN. MOV 21 8 J\ EW GOODS. WH. II. BUJtDHALL, p rfAS Just received a new and extensive as- .Ejc. sortmeutof DRY GOODS, nEJLJsY XffiADE G'JLO 22XHG, HATS, SHOES, tyc. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only.' Ills 8TOCK CONSISTS, IK CART, OF THE FOLLOWING : Super Saxony, Bine, Black anti Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue. Black, .Mixed aud Fancy colored Satinetts English .Merinocs Dullle, Point and Bose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson. Green and White. Flannels Priuted Salsbury do Canton and Saxony r.ud Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye and Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Bomhazettes do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Linseys Bleached nnd Unbleached Shining? &. Sheetings Hamilton .leans Black Italian Lustirug do Gros de Swiss do do Naples do do Beilin do Sinchcws aud Sarsauets Colored Gros de Naples Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes Meritto .Mantles aud Square Shawls- Common. Thibet wool, Valentin, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Ucruaui, Muslin. Crape, Gauze and Gros de Na ples Dress Hdkfs Ladies aud .Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cassimeu Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron ami Furniture Cheeks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia Sheeting Bear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dotvlass Ozuaburgbs Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black aud colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk and col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark and light col’d Prints and Ginghams Lace aud Gauze Y’eils Fig’daud plain Bobiuct Lace Thread Laces Cambric. Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nausook and Book Muslius Linen Cambric Hdkfs Pougee, Indian Flag and Spittlefield Hdkfs Carved aud plain Shell Combs Gentlemens Euglish Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules Just Received and for Sale, ROWN and loaf Sugar, Rice Northern Bum, Gin and Whiskey Old apple and peach Braudy Champaign and coguac do .Madeira, Itueriffe, and sic-ily Wines—old port, muscatel aud claret do—-champaign do— malnga aud fontiuac do Cherry Bounce, French cordial, Newark eider Dunbar’s best. Loudon Porter, bar Lead. Shot Best cavendish chew ing nnd smoking-, Tobacco Best pickled mess Beef and Pork. Bacoil, Coffee Pepperaud spice. Pickled salmon and mackerel Sperm and tallow candles. Lemon syrup Besibuucli Raisins in whole and half boxes Martinique cordials. Jamaica and st croix Rum Bar aud shaving soap, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder aud hyson Tea Milk, soda, sugar, butter aud water Crackers (linger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace Real Spanish Sugars, Pipes, uiuccaboy Snuft’ Best Canal and Western Flour. ALSO, A General Assortment of Crockery ©lass, Hardware, Cutlery, <&c Amongst which are : Trace aud llalter chaius. Wooding Does, Shovels and spades. Sad Irons. Axes. Handsaws, Gimhlets, Augers and- Chisels Stock and Padlocks, Butts and Screws And various other articles- w hich will he sold low fur cash only. may 22 J. BENNETT. A FRESH- SUPPLY O. NEW GOODS. C OMPRISING a .general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, also fine Black ami Drab beaver Hats, Boots and Shoes, Saddles.. Bridles, saddle Bags-and whips. Hard ware. Castings. Crockery, window Glass, sets of blacksmiths Tools complete, Wliitemores gen uine Cotton Cards, cotton Varus by the lu nch or ; bale. Foolscap, bitter aud wrapping. Paper, j Collhis’ cast steel Axes, buck, squirrel and bird j Shot, Du Pouts and Rogers’ 1’owdciy sperm caudles. Soap, Raisins, Chocolate, Spices Spanish Cigars, fresh Teas- of every variety, loaf, lump and white Havnnua Sugar, patent .Medicines,, sein, gill nett and bagging. Twine, shoe Throud, boxes claret and clnuipaigue Wines,..Madeira, Ten tier iffe. Muscatel and Mat FROFQS.&ItS For publishing in the village of Clarksville, Ha-j btrsham county, an Independent Repub lican Nctcspaper. TO UK KNT1TLKD THE V OICE OF THE PEOPLE : DEVOTED TO POLITICS AGRICULTURE INTER- j NAL IMPROVEMENT—LITERATURE, <fcc. &l'. i "B"X offering our Prospectus io mi enlightened ; public, for a uew paper, they will uccessari- j ly expect us to say something respecting the j | course we intend to pursue, as to matters and J things in general, as well as our political treed, before we invite them to patronize or support our undertaking. Therefore, in tins first place, we claim to be American by birth—friends of liberty—the constitution aud the.- Union—warm advocates of Slate Rights aud State Remedies - - - T , i as understood and expounded by .1 r.vrEt’.soN aud aga Wines m casks, Newark Cider, pure cider; .. . . 1 , . ’ 1 ' .Madison, and practised bv Troup. Jii shell. cot3>KE & COOT&ES, l R E opening a general Stock/of Goods at w. their New Store. The> would lie pleas ed to receive a call from their friends, uov 21 tf 8 JYEVV BOOK iSTORE. TH03HAS puass. RESPECTFULLY forms the public that' he has taken the store Ellis, Shotwell fc Co’s, row, two doors above the 1’ost Ofiicc, where he now receiving, and opening a very general Blue Stone, Alum i\o Ho Ho Ho Ho <Jo Ho Ho CROC K E R Y & G L A S 8, At iilew Yon: Prices. fjVlK subscribers rt-peclfully niniouncc to -I- their friend* and th<- P'lblic, that they in tend keeping open t licit establishment through the •ytimer. with a full and extensive assortment of LOODS for the reception of orders, which they P'eiig© themselves to execute with fidelity nnd 'fe'Mich and at Sctv York Prices. Merchant* making iheir other purchases at the Ik*' 1 *',. ' l ,0 , ^ 5e ' r ' ^tercs, to purchase *Mr (’rockery of ns, which ran as well bo done 'y or der as otherwise, and tl-oso passing through ’to, are solicited to call and CAainino our •lo.-k. Bonds cau lie at all times scut to Columbia, ''•aiden, Augusta, nnd 91aeon i in Darien. H. B. Gi.E\3<>N&CO. S''Vsy :«) IftH til nek cy Oral) Beaver lints, Un-latest style, just received and for sale 87 2SE3SSS &. wOOS, Next door to the Cost Office. g *r A YE just received and have «>n *hund g ; ri H- rrcsii 'sir.n.i-ut. of Groceries, which arcs ofieterf for cash at very reduced prices,, viz. 50 barrels N< Rum 8 hhds. Jamaica do 25 bids rye tiin 25 do do Whiskey 5 hlids. Baltimore do Md barrels Apple Brandy 5 hbds superior old A. Brandy 10 bids Malaga Wiuo 3 do Teneriffc do 1 pipe fSicjly Madeira do 2 do cogniac Braudy 1 do Holland Gin <» bbls Peach Brandy (5 do Cider 1 hhds Vinegar 10 boxes Soap 10 do Rnisius G do Prunes 5 do Starch 4 do I.f Sugar 25 bags Coffee 20 hbls Prime Sugars- 2 lings Spice, 2 tierces Rica 2 da Pepper Ground and race Ginger Teas, Chocolate, Sperm Caudles- 25 51 Cignrs 10 kegs Powder 20 hags Shot 300 bars Lead, & c. &c. ALSO A fresh stock of Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutle ry, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Hats, Bools, Shoes. &c. &c. 1000 Franklin Saws 200 Long handle Spades 50 Short do do 50 kegs Nails and Brads June 12 1834-37 Lime! Lime! Lime ! hbls superior Lime for sale at low prices. Apply to j u l y ]() REA & COTTON. B A c O N . assortment of Books aad Stationary, Among ,iis works, lie has a general assort ment, and will be constantly receiving the uew publications on Theology, Medicine, Law, His tory, and .Miscellaneous subjects, together with such other articles as are usually kept iu a Book Store. SSASiS BOOKS, A large assortment ol all kinds aud sizes. Fools Cap, Letter, aud Note Paper of the best quality, both English and American, plain and embossed, water and feint lined, pink, yellow tie aud white. BLANKS.. B.ank Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ware house Rcce.ipts, Bills of Lading. W rits of all kinds. Justices Summons, do Executions, Clerks do Tax Collectors do. Subpoenas for Witnesses. Deeds, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’ Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Cn. Sn. Jurors’ Summonses. Marriage License, Bail Writ nn-.l Bond,. Inter com. Directions for Interrogatories. Bills of Indictment. Bench Warrants, Bail Bonds, Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary. Letters of Adrninistra- ion. Temporary Letters.of Administration, Tem porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Builds. Tax Collectors deeds. Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. Dec 21 24 Vinegar, &e. &c Also iu store and for sale on accommodating terms. 55 hhds superior Molasses 25 do St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars GO bags prime green Cofloe 20 bbls do do do 200 ps. Dundee aud American Bagging 1100 ready made cotton Bags 32000 lbs Swede Iron assorted. Planters merchants and all others having to purchase such articles, are respectfully invited to call and examiue for themsolves. 'THUS T. NAPIER. .Macon. Gfh An". 1834 7 HAMILTON & HAYS FACTORS i AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Macon, Georgia, AYR removed to the large and convenient I without pledging ourselves to a blind support *.t I any party, we shall endeavor to act up to what : our title imports—to expose vice and corruption I emanating from whatsoever source it may—to [ sustain every measure having in view the coiu- { mou good, aud to co-operate in the defence ol the Sovereign Rights of the States, so long a-- urged with Jl’isdom, Justice, and Moderation, -with all the zeal aud ability we possess.- <»ni columns shall be open to till well-written com munications (from'cither party) on any interest iugsubject, when they do not attack private ten illation, or -domestic repose.—Yet, in vindication of such attacks (when published ctsewheie) t!ie\ shall always he open for the insertion c.f detent language. Finally, we shall use the best endea vors to publish a neat and splendid paper, on u large sheet, once a week, to cent a in such a va Yoi.vmk IX..:.IVr.A-r,Fn |0. Front tic Georgian, Messrs. Editors.—It is i.ndcistood that our fellow, citizens of the interior of.the S'iau-, de- < idedfy prefer Hail roads to Canals, aud it may be that this pttderecce is funi-tied in good rea son. 1 f it be intended to make the-co. mumi- catidil from Savannah to Macon only, and the nature of the country, and the command of water wiii admit, it would require hut -little argument however to show that thev were iu error—-inasmuch, as Canals ai\* so much better adapted to the carriugu of lum ber, wood &c. ; L:h if' this contut uni union to Macon, be but the , b •• inning of a line of In ternal Improvement, which, in its ramifica tions is lo he to the state what the veins are to tl.e body, and finally lo connect the waters of tile Tennessee with these «.f Savpininh, then it may well he questioned, whether other partsof the Stale aninit ol canals, and whether, as rail roads must then he adopted, it will not be proper to begin with that ssstem which un doubtedly will admit of itid- finite extension, i'o the citizens of .Savannah, the choice is of m> importance. It is only important to them that this beginning he nade with tine judge ment, and that the communication be speedy, safe, ami cheap. Let, then the question, whether of rail road or canal, rest, lie, ol Savannah, will assent to cither, and we ask our fellow citizens not to imbibe prcpuss< ssions or prejudices to ei ther until a report he made. The probable course of the route will be up sitoais ol that. river, and thence across the country, through the counties of W ashington, Wilkinson aud Twiggs, giving to those coun ties, tis also to the co.inities of Bulloch, Scriv- Ware-llonso formerly oc» assure them of a renewed solicitude for the pro motion of the in.erest of all who may favor them w ith their business, either directly or hv their friends. Liberal advances made on Cottou, aud other Merchandize in store. July, 1834. 3m 7 WARE- AND EXCHANGE OFFICE. r D. BEERS, J. It. ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened an office in Macon, in the Counting Room recently occupied by Messrs. Hamilton tf Hays, (opposite Huson’s Tavern) and are prepared to transact the Exchange Bu siness iu all its branches. CHECH 5, At sight, or on time, ou N. York. Fayetteville, Charleston, Milledgevilie, Mobile, Philadelphia, Savannah, Augusta, Columbus, New Orleans, LB8. Ohio Bacon of superior quality, for ROGER IUcCALL. SO, sale by july 31-fi trim Frame Travelling Trunks, r OIt sale by aprill 27 United States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cotton, either to hold or to ship to Savannah, Charleston or New. York. 51 aeon, Nov. 28 10 WAREHOUSE AND COlVIZVXISSXOltf SUSISTESS, A. C. Coldwcll, Agent, gP HAS commenced the Ware ^ House and Commission-Business at tho ware-house opposite iMessrs. Cooke & Cowles, aud is prepared to receive merchandise on consignment or sto rage. Liberal advances uiadeonCottuu and other merchandise in store. Macon, Nov. 28. 1033. 10 commission susmsss. CITY OF MACON. I WILL commence the above busiucss by the first of September next, and will occupy LAMAR'S LOWER If ARE-HOUSE, ’ immediately on the river above the bridge, hav ing a gnu.! wh irf attached, thereto and safe from I fire, for rlie (miv. meuco of my frieuds residing above Alacon—I have taken the Scale House ou Culton Avenue, from whence cotton will be taken to the wharf free of charges. I have been inbusiuess for the Inst twenty years within thirty miles of iMacon, aud for the large share of pub lic confidence and liberal patronage received, I take this occasion to return my grateful thanks. From my. commercial experience boih foreign aud domestic, I feel .confident that I will be able to give general satisfaction, for the accomplish ment of which. I tender uiy unremitted attention, time, talents and means, to forward the views and interests of those who may favor me with their business ami confidence. Liberal advances will bo made on Produce, Meichaudise and other property coufidcd to my care, and strict atten tion giveu to the filling of orders, receiving and forwarding of goods &c. Insurance in tho best offices can bo effected at the usual rates, when desired. L. L. GRIFFIN. Macon, June 12, 1834. Gm7 purpose of disseminating-uch information as au independent and colight.oded community re quire for their mental ami social benefit. There fore, should sufficient encouragement be offered, the first Number of the Paper will be issued early in September next, or sooner should our Priming materials be received.—Persons holding Sub- subscrioiion papers, will please use their oxer lions forms iu their neighborhood, and forward them to Clarksville, Habersham County. Geor gia, by the middle of August, to the address of 51. J. KAPPEL. . iX/^Editors of Newspapers iu this State will confer a favor on us hy puniisbiug'the above. Clarksville, July 5lb, 1834. W5f. H. BURDSALL. FOR SALE A GENERAL assortment of Goods suited to the 5Iarket, among which are the follow ing articles : 50,000 lbs Bacoa 100 bbls Pork aud Mackerel 20 hhds Sugar 50 hags Coflce SO,COO lbs Iron 10 hhds table Salt 850 bbls Wines and Spirits 15 bbls Loaf Sugat 5Iy Waro House will be in older for the re ception of cotton the ensuing season. Those of inv country customers w ho inay think fit io store can do so free of any charge. ang l4-8t-8 D. 3 AIN'T' hr apnl J YVM. H. BURD.8ALL. X 1 hloride of Lime and Soda. CASK t'blorid. Line, solution Chloride -Nala, just rccciYod a id for sab- by 20-35 W.U. G. BROWN. N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery C OLOGNE, Bose. Lavender. Florida, nnd Orange Flower Water; (’osmetic cold Cream; Cosmetic Tablet; Naples compound Shaving Snap ; 5Iacassar. Bears an ! Antiqiif- )il; Gouland’s Lotion. & r &*• just received from the manufactory of ,Y- Smith Pnn(i*#. Per fumer, aud for sale by WM» (3. uKOU .\, jnne 1 36 Spriii" and Summer Clothing. W1Y2. H. BTODSAIiL t\S just received, and is offering for sale, for Cash ail extensive Assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, consisting in part of the follow ing : Blue, black, green, &, jdelaide summer cloth frock Coats, dress Coats and Coatees Black and faucy colored English incriuo drese Coats aud Coatees Rowan cassimere frock Coats aud Coatees Black lasting and black Circassian Coatees Blue, green, black, adelaide nnd drab summer cloth, green aud drab Napoleon cord, black lasting, black circassiau. enninet, Mexican mixed. Angola cassimere. Rowan cassimere, English merino, whito and brown liueu drill ing, white and brown linen, white satin, blue Florentine, nnd duck pantaloons Browu and white linen, rowan casgimore and hotnbazette, blue Florentine aud white satin Roundabouts Vests of all descriptions Boys’ frock Coats, Coatees, Jackets, pauts nnd Ve«ts. &c. &c. april 3 For Sale SEVERAL houses and lu’.sin Vine- ville, together with house and lot oc cupied bv 51aj. llayuic. Apply to A. SHOTWELL If absent, to WASHINGTON POE june 24 1834-1 usinrx CAl COXliE'GE Of the State of South Carolina. FBI HE Lectures in 'his Institution, will begin JL on the second Saturday iu November next, anil close ou the first 5Ionday of March follow- ing. Anatomy—J. Edwards 11oi.i-.rook, 51. D. Surgery—John Wagnkr, M. D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine—S. IIemry Dtcksox, 51. D. Chemistry—Edmund Ravened, 5L D. Materia Medicii— Henry R. Frost. M. D. Obstetrics—Thomas G. Priodeac, 51. D. Physiology—.James Moui.trie, Jr. M. D. ’ J AM ES MOULTRIE, jr. Dean. July 2-eow6t-4 SI Bars square Iron ) assorted sizes, will 34 bars round do. £ he sold low, if ap- nlird for soon in 20 P”‘ s COTTON JYcw Spring and Summer abopss. T HE subscriber has just received au exten sive assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods suitable for the season. april 16 \VM. H. BURDSALL. I V iny absence from Macon, I leave HOR ACE FITCH as my • gent, who is duly iarborised lo receive all money due me, and attend to my business durii.g iny absence from the State. LEWIS FITCH. Macon. 4th June. 18:14. 36 Henry’s Magnesia, W ARRANTED genuine, just received and for salo by W5I. G. BROWN june 5 36 R' REMOVAL. USSELL & DICKINSON have remov- ed to the store formerly occupied by N. B. \\ illiams, successor to IL Blair & co., where all kinds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. can ho had for cash only aud at the lowest market prices'. Just Received Bbls. and half bbls. all numbers Mackerel; bbls and half bbls. family canal Flour; Pickled Pork, Tobacco. Bagging, Twine, Iron, &c. &c. july 23-5 For Sitifi. may ~1 108-1 p5 1 \ Mr A■ R> M’Laugfilin, 11.1. attend to our business daring pur ab sence from the state. july io ' REA &. COTTON Sugar fy Coffee. 8 HHDS. Prime St. Croix Sugar, and 100 Bags Pritno Laguira Coffee, For sale by REA <&• COTTON, may 7 1834 31 ' bag Glare. Q Ol/k PIECE8 heavy hemp Ragging Vr xLr 600 ready made Coitoa Lugs w< ichaig lji to lj per yard—which will bo sold ou good terms. REA & COTTON, july 18 1834-5 Notice. J UST received aud for sale, llollihiit Fins, Pickled Dutch aud Scotch Herring, Tongues and Sounds. may 1 1833 31 J. BENNETT. £’RO£71&TUS OF THE SATAN NAJ1 M EI i C UR'Y, a miu Moteuo PAPJ.R, Devoted to Commerce, Agriculture, Politics, Lit erature, and General Intelligence. To be edited and published in the city of Sa- vauuuh Ga. by WILLIAM BALDWIN HARRISON. ¥N presenting to the public the prospectus of the Savannah Mercury, a just regard for the it • liuzs of those.we expect to serve, as w ell as a compliance with a custom which time lias sane lioued, renders it necessary to give a brief sy.iop sis of the priucijilcs which shall govern us in the discharge of our editorial duties: Ue. arc- im pressed with tile belief that in a country like ours the preservation of the liberties of. the people mainly depends upon their virtue, intelligence, and patriotism, aqd the dissemination of. omul political knowledge among them ; and bciu , actuated by a sincere desire to advance the cause of estate ilights and Constitutional liberty, wc shall support the doctrines of the tstate Rights party of Georgia, as set forth iu the Virginia aud Kentucky Resolutions of 1798.and ’99,—and which were so triumphantly maintained hy the .State of Georgia iu J825, ’G, and ’7 ; atu {here by assist in perpetuating the inestimable blessings wo enjoy under our present form of government, and wlio-li are guaranteed unto us so long as each department thereof is kept within its legiti mate sphere of action. We are in favor of a strict construction of the constitution—and op posed to all systems which have for their object the taking of the many for the benefit Of tlie lew, or of laying restrictions upon Commerce or do mestic industry,—and shall resist all encroach ments on the rights of the States aud the liber ties of the people. Bus whilst we thus expi ess our preference tor the principles of the State Rights party of Georgia, we shall support that party ouly so long as they adhere to those princi ples,—our motto being emphatically ‘-Principles not incu,” and our ambition, to do ami sustain right. As we desigu making tho Mercury a ve hicle of general information to all classes of the community, we shall at all times endeavor to present to our patrons, regardless of labor or ex pense, tho late c t commercial aud political intel ligence. both foreign and domestic; with as great a variety of Literary aud Miscellaneous matter, as our limits will permit. Our columns | will remain open to die temperate discussion of any subject connected with tho public good, ex cluding all scurrility and personal spleen. In fine, whatever will be productive of speedilj rendering beneficial the varied natural advanta ges of our State, elevating the commercial char acterof our city, or meliorating the moral, social and political condition of our people, will meet with our ardent and humble support. CONDITIONS. The Savannah 5Iercury will bo published daily throughout thc.year, on a super royal sheet at soven dollars per annum, payable semi-annu ally in advance. The Mercury for the country, will bo publish ed to meet the arrangements of the mails, three times a week, at the office of the Savannah 5>er- cury, and will be sent to all parts of the Union, or delivered in the city, at four dollars per annum, payable in advance, or at five at the expiration of six mouths. It will contain allthein'eliigeuce, commercial, political, literary, and miscellane ous, including advertisements, published in the daily paper. Advertisements will be conspicuously inserted in both papers at 75 cents per square of fourteen lines, for the first insertion, aud thi-ty seven aud a half i ents for each succeeding publication. The first number will appear on the 1st of September, if a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained to justify the undertaking, aud the necessary arrangements made. All communications by m.iil must be Post Paid. .Editors throughout this aud the adjoin ing Status will confer a favor by giving the above a few in erti-ms which will be reciprocated the first opportunity. riety ol reading matter as will prove to be high- the Ogecltt-e A ally to some point near tli ly useful aud interesting to every family, at THREE DOLLARS per annum, payable half in advance, on the receipt of the first No. or $4 at the expiration of the year—and from its rea- suitable terms uc anticipate it will have as gen- h P 'onyoiiicnt «re| a circulation as any other Nuwpaper iu the t‘tt, Lu:a.:ucJ,.Burke,..and Jeffi rson, an iramc- I Stale. We have been kindly promised the as- diate access to a seaport market, not only for (licit cotton, grain, and other produce, hue also for their immense forests of hunger, which are now comparatively valueless.. From this main stem, bra;.cites to connect it wqIi the counties of Baldwin, Hancock, Pulliam,. Greette,.Morgan, aud the coup tis. North,, may be Tun at an inconsiderable expense, ' hiist an extension of rite main stem westward, will ensure to the wealthy counties vf Mon roe, Henry, ■ t id others, the same a vantages of access to tho seaboard. The supposed length of the route from Sa- vanuuh to iMacon, is about 200 tidies,.and the pr- baple cost of the work wiii he 1.500,000 —the interest of this sum at.8 per cent, will L-e $120,000 per annum, or at literate of o per cent, at which money cao’be borrowed, w ill b; $75,000 par annum. The article of cotton alone brought from Macon, at tt rate of trans portage very far lets than is now paid, w ill more titan (iay.tltis interest, and keep ihe road or- canal iti repair, and the freight on other ;irt : - rles wiii, in tne course of a v<-ry lew years, re imburse the capital expended. The freight and. expenses on a bale of cotton from Macon to Savannah, by, the river, is now more than lie. per lb.—F r the si.ipper has to pav freight,.insurance, and interest, on the outiav I during the odious voyage, and ii not nniYe- qiietniy happens that damage is stisarined to a very considerable extent, which i.> not paid by the insurer, aud is - dead loss to the shipper. The consequence .s, that the planter, when he brings liis cotton to Macon, must content to take 74c. for it, when it js actually w orth on the sea board [)c.or, it lie gets more, then the loss falls on the merchant, w ho buy -;, and wTio; if imprudent enough to sustain many such losses, is ruined, and, in his fids, affects the community in which he resides, and the adjacent country. But with such ammo us is now contemplated, the .costyfff transporting cotton, including inatrauce and all charges, cou-d not (it most exceed 4c. per lb., and con sequently enhance the value of cottoq at Ma con, the difference of. one cent the lb„ and, if the amount of cotton sent from Macon, be 100,000 bales per annum,, the saving to the country, to the planter, to the citizen of -Ma con, would be equal to $300,000. per annum,, besides paying to the road such a rate as. would amply meet its expenses. The return freight and other articles, sent down the country would,be also an important item of preftt to the proprietors of the route, and of saving to the country : and coni, wheat &c. which now rot in the hands, of the produ cer, would find a ready market, and the sen board of Georgia, instead of being dependant ou North Carolina and Baltimore for their corn, Bacon, &c., would derive its supplies from its own fellow citizens. Every planter and.evcry citizen is therefore doubly interested in the accomplishment of' the work. He who makes ten bags of cot-, ton per annum will gain every year thirty dollars, in the sale of his cott*m, ami probably- as much mote iu the purchase of his supplies. For, although some few of the lighter articles of dry goods may not be much lowered in. price to Itiin, yet in the articles of coffee, sugar, salt, &c. he will be a gainer exactly in the ra tio of tiie difference of expense in transport ing these articles to Macon, and bis gain con sequently be ten per cent, on his purchases.. The spirit of Internal Improvement is awa kened, and a disposition to connect the interi or with the sea board is manifested. It is im portant that this disposition be so directed, as that our state pride and our personal interests be consulted, and every consideration of Lome,, affection, and general interest, must lead our citizens to prefer Savaimah as die emporium of its trade, and to induce them to foster our own sea port rather than that of a sister state.- 1 trust that the subject will attract the atten- liott of our citizens, and that they w ill not be so engross; d by the politico! abstractions, as, to neglect that which is of so vital interest. A GEORGIAN., Texas.—Tho New York Enquirer says,, “it is supposed by many, that there is a ne- gotiation pending between the United Stu(es Mexico, lor tlx purchase of Tpxas,”— United 8f. tes’ imports from the Mexican R p- t.'ic air >1 «mount to $4,000,000, and exports $3,000,CO*