Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, September 18, 1834, Image 1

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OEORGIA c. E. & M. BARTLETT, Editors. MJICON, Georgia, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1834. Volume IX....i\uMBi-:a SESBaaAPK : roBLisusn svsav tiiursdat, At MACON, Ga. by MYRON JiARTLETl': Printing OJfict on Second Street—next door to Hiubn's Hotel. TERMS*—Turku Dollars a. year, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars, if not paid before the cm! of the year. S ubscribers living at a distance will be required in all cases to pay in advance. Paper discontinued, but at tho discre tion of the publisher, until all arrearages ar** j i a | CASH STOKE. 6l WOOD. Next door to the Post OJjicc. -g-ur \VE received and arc now opening a B ^ very extensive assortment of fresh. Seasonable and Fahionablc Dry Goods, which will be sold at unusually low prices. Purchasers.will find it to their advantage* to • |Ve us a call- Onr.Stock consists in part of 000 pieces Calico, from 10 to 37c ts. 100 do furniture prints p auc h do Turkey Red do 50 do Circasasians all^colors, printed do H qr. do French Chaffy, 50 100 50 100 do Grade Swiss, Nap Berlin Sinchaw Sarsnct and Levantine Silks col’d Lining •• Poult dc Sole -col'd Cambric plain Pope striped, &. pla’ul Cambric book, plain and figM Swiss, jaconet, Nausook, and mull Muslins Linen Cambric, ius’g do, bishop Lawn, cor ded Robes, Laces and Edgings, insertings SO doz silk, gauze, herannis, & crape fancy Shawls, Thibet Wool do 100 doz pongco and spittnlficld silk lldkfs 100 do cotton flag, turkey red, and head lldkfs 100 doz tucking Combs J00 do side do Shell tuci.iug .t side do pressing anil ivory do 150 plain and fancy Braid Bonnets Elegant sett Ribbons, Taffeta Rib’ns every color 25 doz elegant Belts, fig’d blk and co’d velv’t Bolts Plain blk velvet do, silk velvet tabby do 100 ib z "’bite, raiulou, blk and slate cotton and woollen Hosiery Kid. llorscskiu and beaver Gloves 50 “ woollcu do <J bales 3-4 4-4 G-4 checked Homespuns 25 ps Irish Linens every quality, jUO doz spool Thread 50 do Blk. and assort’d colo’d Irish sewing Taread. blk. and colored sewing Silk 50 pieces blue, mixed, striped, ami drab Sat- iuetts 10 do blue, black, mixed, Broad Cloths Striped and drab Cassitnere, Erminrtt 25 prices white, red, yellow & green Flannels from 31 to 75cts. 25 bales 3-4 and 4-4 Homespun from 10 to 14c. 5 do cotton- and licmp Osnaburgs 5 do striped negro Blaukcts 8 and 9-4 50 pieces Roco do 50 do heavy Fustians and woolen Cloths ifer negroes 5 bales 3-4 4-4 G-4 Plaids and Stripes Furniture Plaids Hangup Cord. Ticklcnburg, Russia Duck, Crash Diaper, Heavy twirled Loud Cottons 5 Bales Tickings from 12$ to 37<| cts. If 0 Cotton Sz Silk Umbrellas, gentlemens Cloaks 12 cases Beaver and nap’t lints, G eases wool do a large assortment ot heavy Shoes, gentlemen at d ladies Shoes of every kind good-assortment Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Glass w ire, Groceries &.c. &c. Expected by first Boats a large assortment of Gioccrics, Iron Salt Steel, Bagging, Fish, Nails. & See. ___ DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. T HE subscriber is now receiving his fresh supplies, and in addition to an exteusive assortment of mS SIS BEUCrS, Medicines and Chemicals, Offers for sale a quantity of DYE STUFFS, Viz.: Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam and Brazil Woods, .Spanish Plot. Guatemala and country Imligo, Madder, Copperas, Blue Stone, Alum autl Anuatto. PAINTS. W hito Load, dry and ground in oil V endian Red do do dc Spanish Brown do- do Yellow Ochre do do Verdigris do do Ptussiau BIhc, Rose, Pink, Drop, Lake, Vermill ion, Crotne Green, Crome Yellow, Tera, Derien- •«R, Stone Ochre, Litharge^ Turkey Umber Hake White, Lamp and Ivorv Blacks. PERFUMERY. Otto of Roso, Milk of I lose, cosmetic, cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples shaving Soap, cream Soap, Cologne and Roso Water, Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar and Antique oil, Hose and Pearl Powder, &c. BRUSHES. Clothes, Hair Tooth, Plastct, Shoe, and Horse Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, 'Peavl Ash, Soap, Pipes Tobacco. Ground anil Race Ginger, Spices, <fcc. &c. For salo by WM. G. BROWN, nov 21 8 do do do do ALEXANDER W. SNEED, H Attorney at Law, VYING located in Talbollon, Ga. tenders bis professional services to his friends and the public. He will attend the several Courts of tlie Chattahoochee Circuit. The Federal Union will give the above a •ew insertions and forward their account, „ JR'io 26 18'M-l • For Sale or Re nt, T HA E extensive and convenient TA\ URN in the'eity of Macon, lately occupied by Mr. L. A. Eriein. It is well furnished and con veniently fittnl for a public house, with' exten sive stables &.<•, Asitiswoll known a partieu- ** r description of ihe establishment is deemed unnecessary. Persons wishing to purchase will pleaso call ami examine the premises for thorn- S( 'lves. An accommodating purchase ran lie *f**d®on lime, and warranted titles given. For further particulars apply to J. Cowles, Esq. •aeronaut of M icon, or ;o the subscriber of this 1‘**ce! JOHN NISBET. -Vib.>iis nng 30 12 4t NEW GOODS. WM. H. BURD.SALL, AS Just received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, READ3? 9SADS CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, Sfc. " * le is ofleriug for sale at reduced prices Por Cash Only. KIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OP T1IK FOLLOWING: Super Saxony, Blue, Black arid Fancy Colored Broad Cloths llitie. Black, Mixed and Fancy colored'Satinetts English Mcrin'oes Dufilo, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson, Green ami White Flannels Printed Safsl ury * ’ do Canton and Saxony and Gauze da Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye and Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Bombazettcs ■ do do do Circassians Negro Cloths I.insoys Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustirng do Gros de Swiss do do Naples do Jo Berlin ■ da Siuchcws and Sarsnnets Colored Gros do Naples Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes Mcriuo Mantles and Square Shawls Common, Thibet wool. Valenti a, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls * Ucrnaui, Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros do Na ples Dress lldkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Liucns ami Lawns Cotton Cassimers Beaver Fustians Euglish Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids arid Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Raize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia SheetiugBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Oznaburghs Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Ilosiory Black and colored Cambrics Satin.uud Gauze Garnitures Bik and eol’d Lustring Ribbons Dark and light col’d Prints and Ginghams Luce and Gauze Veils Fig’dand plain Bobiuct Thread Laces CainL-ric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Book Muslins Linen Cambric lldkfs Pongco, Indian Flag and Spittleficld lldkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and. Silk Gloves Bead Reticules Just Received and for Sale, ! B ROWN and loaf Sugar, Rico Northern Rum, Gin and Whiskey Old apple nud peach Brandy Champaign anil coguac do Madeira, icue rifle, aud sicily Wines—ohi'port, ; muscatel and claret do—-champaign do— ' malaga anti foutiuac do Cherry Bounce, French cordial, Newark cider I Dunbar’s best London Porter, bar Lead, Shot Best cavendish chewing and smoking Tobacco ! Best pickled mess Beef and Pork, Bacon, Coffee! Pepper and spice. Pickled salmon ami mackerel : Sperm and tallow candles. Lemon syrup Bcstbuucii Raisins in whole ami half boxes .Martinique cordials, Jamaica and st croix Rum Bar and shaving soap, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder and hyson Tea Milk,.soda, sugar, butter arid water Crackers Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace Real Spanish Scgars, Pipes, maeeaboy Snuff Best Cana] and Western Flour. ALSO, A General Assortment of Crockery Glass, Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Amongst which are : Trace arid Halter chains, Weeding Docs, Shovels and spades. Sad Irons, Axes. Handsaws, Gimblets, Augers arid Chisels, Stock and Padlocks, Butts and Screws And various other articles which will be sold low for cash only. muy 23 J. BENNETT. COOKS &. COWLES, 4 IlE opening a general Stock of Goods at their New Store. They would bo pleas ed to receive a call from their friends, nov 21 tf 8 KXBBSS & WOOD, Next door to the Post Office, H AVE just received and have on hand a fresh assortment of Groceries, which are offered for cash at very reduced prices, viz. 50 barrels N. Rum 2 hhds. Jamaica di» za urns rye am 25 do do Whiskey • 5 hhds. Baltimoro do 30 barrels Apple Brandy 5 hhds superior old A. Brandy 10 bbls Malaga Wine 3 do Tcneriffo do ] pipe Sicily Madeira do 2 do cogniac Brandy 1 do Holland Gin G bids Peach Brandy G do Ciiler - 4 hhds Vinegar 10 boxes Soap 10 do Raisins G do Prunes 5 do Starch 4 do Lf Sugar 25 bags Coffeo 20 bbls Prime Sugars 2 hags Spice, 2 tierces Rice 2 do Pepper Ground and race Ginger Tens,Chocolate, Sperm-Caudles 25 51 Cigars 10 kegs Powder 20 bags Shot 200 bars Lead, &c. &e. ALSO A fresh stock of Dry Goods. Hardware. Cutle ry, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Hats, Bo'ots, Shoes, &c. &c. J000 Franklin Saws 200, Long handle Spades 50 Short do do 50 kegs Nails and Brads June 12 1834-37 Lime! Lime-! Lime! C.W 4k 4 k bbls superior Lime for sulc at low prices. Apply to july 10 . REA & COTTON. Iron Frame -Travelling Trunks, JPOR salo by NEW BOOK STORE. THOMAS Ft^BSE. RESPECTFULLY" in forms tho public that he has taken the -store in Ellis, Shotwell it Co’s, row, two doors above the Post Office, where ho is now receiving and- opening a very general assortment of Books and Stationary, Among nis works, he has a general assort ment, and will be constantly receiving tho new publications on Theology, Medicine, Law, His tory, ami Miscellaneous subjects, together with such other articles as are usually kept in a Book Store. BLANK BOOKS, A largo assortment of all kinds and sizes. Fools .Cap, Letter, and Note Paper of the best quality, both English and American, plain and embossed, water and feint lined, pink, .yellow ne and white. n , blanks. Biank Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ware house Receipts, Bills of Lading. Writs of all kinds. Justices.Summons, do Executions, Cleiks do Tax Collectors do. Subpoenas for Witnesses. Deeds, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’ Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Ca. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Marriago License,- Bail Writ and Bond, Inter. Com- Directions for Interrogatories. Bills of Indictment, Bench Warrants, Bail Bonds,.Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Adtniuistra- iaa. TVmnnrarv Letters of AdnuKkanteBi T Dm porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec. Dec 21 24 EXCHANGE OFFICE. J D. BEERS. J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened nn office in Macon, in the Counting Room receutly occupied by Messrs. Hamilton Sf Ilays, (opposite Huson’s Tavern) and aro prepared to trausact the Exchange Bu siness in all its branches. CHECKS, . At sight, or on time, on N. York. Philadelphia, Fayetteville, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta, Milledgeville, - Columbus, Mobile, New-Orleans. (C/ 5 ’ United States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cotton either to hold or to ship to Savannah, Charleston or New York. Macon, Nov. 28 TO A FRESH SUPPLY OJ NEW GOODS. C COMPRISING a general assortment of >- Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, also fine ’Bad; and Drab beaver Hats, Boots and Shoes, Saddles. Bridles, saddle Bags and whips, Hard ware, Castings, Crockery, window Glass, sets of blacksmiths Touts complete, Whiteuiores gen uine C oitou Cards, cotton Yarns by the bench or bah', 1 oolseap, letter and wrapping Paper, (■olliiij,’ cast steel Axes, buck, squirrel and bird Shot, Du Pouts ant! Roger-.’ Powder, sperm caudles. Soap, Raisins, Chocolate, Spices, I Spanish Cigars, fresh Teas of every variety, j loaf, lump ami white Hayauna Sugar, patent ! Medicines, sein, gill nett and hogging Twine, shoe I bread, boxes elarct and champaigns W lues, Madeira, Tonneriffe. .Muscatel and Mal- a f>a Wines in casks, Newark Ciiler. pure cider Vinegar, &e. &c. Also iu store and for sale on accommodating terms. 55 hhds superior Molasses ~5 do St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars -GO bags prime green Coffee 20 bbls do do do 200 ps. Dundee and American Bagging 1100 ready made cotton Bags 32000 lbs Swede Iron assorted. Planters merchants and all others having to purchase such articles, arc respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. THOS T. NAPIER. Macon. Gth Aug. 1831 7 HAMILTON & HAYS « - factors AND COMMISSION merchants, Macon, Georgia, AY E removed to the large-rind convenient Ware-House formerly occupied by .Messrs BLAN TON & SMITH, where they will trausact a general Factorage, Ware-House aud Commission business. They, avail themselves of this opportunity to return to their friends aud patrons, their grateful acknowledgements, and to assure them, of a renewed solicitude for the pro motion of the interest of all who may favor them w ith their business, cither directly or by their frieuds. Liberal advances made on Cotton, and other Merchandize in store. July, 1834. 3m 7 W ARE-HOUSE april 1 27 WM. II. BURDSALL. FOR SALE A GENERAL assortment of Goods suited to the Market, among which are the follow ing articles : 50,000 lbs Bacon 100 bbls Pork and Mackerel 20 hhds Sugar 50 bags Coffee 20,000 lbs Iron 10 hhds table Salt 850 bbls Wines nud Spirits 15 bids Loaf Sugat My Ware House-will be in older for the re ception of cotton the ensuing season. Those of my cotlntry customers who may think fit to store can do so free of any charge. aug 14-8t-8 D. RALSTON. N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery. C OLOGNE, Rose, Lavender, Florida, and Orange Flower Water; Cosmetic cold Cream; Cosmetic Tablet; Naples compouud Shaving Soap ; Macassar, Bear’s and Antique )il • Goulaiiil’s Lotion, just received from the manufactory of .V. Smith Prentiss, Per- C/doridc of Lime and Soda. 1 C ASK Chloride Lime, solution Chlorid Soda, just received and for sale by May 29-35 WM. G. BROWN sale bv 3G WM. G. BROWN. finner, and for juno 1 DE. 3FB.A~JK5.SXtf, HAVING located in Macon, res pectfully offers his services to the ci tizens of that place, and its vicinity He will attend to the duties of all tie branches connected with his profeas ion—as Surgery, Midwifery, &c. Dr. F. will be fouud in his office at all times. unless professionally engaged, nov 14 7 Spring and Summer Clothing’. W2K. II. BURDSALL H AS just received, aud is offering for sale, for Cash an extensivo Assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, consisting in part of the following : - Blue, black, green, fcadelaide summer cloth frock Coats, dress Coats and Coatees Black and fancy colored English merino dress Coats aud Coatees Rowan o«?stffle. r « frock Coats and Coatees Black lasting and black Circassian Coatees Blue, green, black, adelaide and drab summer .cloth, green and drab Napoleon cord, black lasting, black Circassian, erminet, Mexican mixed, Angola cassimcre, Rowan VMsimere. English merino, white arid brown linen drill ing, white and brown linen, white satin, blue Florentine, and duck pantaloons Brown and white linen, rowan cassimere and bombazettc, blue Florentine aud white satin Roundabouts \ r csts of all descriptions Boys’ frock Coats, Coatees, Jackets, pants and Vests, &c. &c. april 3 REMOVAL. R USSELL &, DICKINSON have remov ed to the store formerly occupied by N. B. W illiams, successor to 11. Blair & co., where all kinds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. cau be had for cash only and at the lowest market prices. Just Received Bbls. and half bbls. all numbers Mackerel ;‘bbls. and half bbls. family canal Flour; Pickled Pork, Tobacco, Bagging, Twine, Iron, &c. See. july 23-5 JYew Spring and Summer GOODS. T HE subscriber has just received an exten sive assortment of Fancy aud Staple Goods suitable for ihe season. april 1G WM. 1 II. BURDSALL. _ PIECES heavj hemp Bnggiug G<*0 ready made CoUou Bags weighing ) | to U per yard—which will be sold on good terms. REA So COTTON, iuly 18 1834-5 I N inv absence from Macou, I leave HOR ACE FITCH as my rgeut, who is.duty authorised to’receive all money duo . me, aud attend to my business during my. absence from the State. LEWIS FlTCIl. Macon, 4th June, 1834. 38 AND co^sxzsszosr business. CITY OF MACON. 1 WILL commence the above business by the first of September next, and will occupy LAMAR'S LOWER WARE-HOUSE, immediately on the river above the bridge, hav ing a good wharf attached thereto and safe from fire, fiqr the convenience of my friends residing above Macou—I have taken iho'Scalo House on Cotton Avenue, from whence cotton w ill be token tothcsvhnrf free of charges. 1 have been inbusiuess for tho last twenty vears within thirty »r Mtninq tiuj fin U,v .!■■>. „f pub lic confidence and liberal patronage received, I take this occasion to return my grateful thanks. From my commercial experience both foreigu aud domestic, I feel confident that i tvill bo able to give general satis^ctiou, for the accomplish ment of which. 1 tender my unrcinitted attention, time, talents aud means, to forward tho views and interests of those who may favor me with their business and confidence. Liberal advances will be made on Produce, Meichandisc aud other property confided to my care, aud strict atten tion given to tho filling of orders, receiving and forwarding of goods Sic. Insurance iu the best offices can be effected at the usual rates, when desired. L. L. GRIFFIN. Macon, June 12, 1834. 6m7 J. GODDARD & Co. o ; *m ware ’Souse & C»oni- mission 2tt£crchants, Zilacon, ; W ILIj contiuuJ io transact the above bn*messat I the Ware House occupied by them during the part season. This Ware House is as secure f from the dangers of fire as any in the city. They take this opportunity of retn. ninft'thcir j grateful acknowledgments for til? liberal patron - ‘ age heretofore bestowed by their friends aud tiu i public. And by a strict attention, to business I committed to their pare, and the facilities winch ! they will be able to reader their customers, they ! hope to merit a continuance of the patronage of j their friends and the public in general. They | aro prepared to make liberal advances at all | rimes on (Jetton stored or shipped by them. Cotton stored at their Ware House will be insured at the lowest rates!, if requested. 51 icou sept, 1, 1834- Gni V’SJIO'fZ AS&BSLSl?. Upson county, Ga. 24th December, 18:13. E. the Trustees and Patrons of this In stitution, feel great pleasure in rccommen- _ this school to the favorable notice of the pub lic. llaviug gone into operations'll January last uuder tho Kectorehip ol the Rev, Peter McIntyre its success has far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. We therefore feel much assured that those who wilLfayor this rising institution with their patronage, will, generally be much pleased with the result; that the course aud method ofin- struction, will, in due time, ensure a thorough pre paration for Collegiate admission, as well as-a rea dy capacity for the various employments of life. Rates of tuition not exceeding what is customary. The regular quarterly entries are on the first Mon day in January and July ; the last Monday in March aud September. Board, Washing, amf Lodging can be obtained in private families, pru dent aud respectable, and at convenient distanc es, from $15 to $2^ ~ — rr "‘~ tho climate of th bio ; and its freed p&tion, no less fav youth and to their literary psoficicncy Robert Jackson. ar. David Kendall, Shepherd B. Saunders, Joseph Baldwin, Mark Jackson, senr. Reuben While, 13 9m D. Allen dins IMPORTANT to 3 t. PEI Kits has reutieed tho prii < of i:is patent vegetable. Ml.iilill.N.h .S'! O.MA- | ClsfC.-E kt 11 Li’.ATiCgE, for the cure of !hjs- I p-psia. Liver Complaints, and enlargements of the ■ rfl’LEEN, to FOUR DOLLARS. ; It is the opinion of Professor Jackson,'of PhH- j adelphia, arid of inany emim-nt physicians, both 1 iu America an i Europe, who have hud exteus- ■ ivo opportunities of wi’aessing the operations id* ! that most to he dreaded scourge to mankind, tho j Et‘ide\ ic Cholera, that it is those auu chose on ly r hose aigcntivo functions ar. in a debilitated condition, who are subject to its attack. How important then it is, ::t this period, when ;!.e fell. | destroyer of our race is actually on the borders of ■ our state, that those whoso mgcsiive organs aro j in a vitiated condition, have immodiate recourse I tii the most potent means within their reach to : shield themselves from its infleruce. ] Among the symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver j CoiLij l::iiits, are II itulcucy, sourness or burning in the stomach, melancholy, irritability, disagree- | able taste in the mouth, great irregularity n p. potitc, which is sometimes voracious aud st oth er limes greatly deficient; tbirsi, fetid, breath, nausea, weakness of the stomach, acid eructa tions, palpitation, drowsiness, irregularity of tho bowels, pressure ou the stomach after meals,, pain iu the head, dizziness or vertigo, confusion of mind attended with loss of memory, a gnaw ing in the stomach when empty, chilliness, affec- _tion of sight and hearing, pain and weakness in the back, languor, disturbed sleep, cold feet and bauds, tremor, uneasiness iu the throat, cough, pain in ;Iie side or breast, &c. Wilkinson Co., Ga. May 1834. This is to certify, that my wife labored uuder- an enlargement of the Spi.ken for ten years; ttu- ritig which, she, at short intervals, suffered ex tremely', and, at all times, was in a feeble l :to oflic.ihh. About fifteen mouths since, she rcur* ■nenccd taking Dr. Peiors’ Mcdicinm Storuacbi- WARE HOUSE A3KD COM3IISS1 ON BUSINESS. THE subscriber continues to transact the above business in its various branches, and in addition to tho Ware House at present oc cupied by him, (which will be continued.) he has taken the new Ware House-on R. McCall’s lot, together with the Wharf. This ware Itottso is considered the most secure from fire of any in tho city. Ho will be prepared to make advances on Cotton and Produce in store, aud on Ship ments to Savannah, Charleston, Now York, Liv erpool, Havre, &c. A. C. COLD WELL. Macon Aug 21 1834-1G F. F. LEWIS; MERCHANT TAILOR, W OULD inform his friends and tiie public, that he is now carrying on tho Tailoring business iu all its branches, at the old staud of Lewis Fitch, whore he will remain until the first uf October. He has on hand a small assortment ° f SUPERFINE CLOTHS, of various colors. Also a variety of Vestings of fashionable and approved patterns, CassimcrcJ, Tailors’ Trimmings, arid hopes by strict atten tion to bis business to merit a share of the public patronage. N. B. The latest New Y’ork Fashiousregular- ly received. Cutting done at tho shortest uotice. Macon Aug 13 1834-10 ON CONSIGNMENT. M 4k Boxes (Chateau manufactured) Claret 10 do St. Julian Medoc 77 do Soap No. 2 34,000 Segars, (best brand). Will be sold low by aug 2510 REA & COTTON. FISHERY FOR SALE: A GOOD FISIIER\ r on the Qcmulgce riv er, with about 61 acres of land attached, is offered for sale. It lies 3 or 4 miles below Ma con, and is known as Fractions Nos. 117 and.119 Macou Reserve, west side of the Ocmulgoe^i generally known as Crawford’s Fishery. For" particulars apply iu East Macon to jun» 12-37 P. FLANDERS. BO r i?rv2,3 COZISSS. M GROSS velvet bottle Corks, just jL'-Jfc w received and for sale by juno 1 36 WM. G. BROWN. BOAT FOR SALE. T HE i-ubacriber otters iorsaio ms poio nuai Caswell. She is a stanchgood Boat, & of the smaller class, was built last fall and has ma’de but two trips; burthen aboui three bun dred bales cotton, is of ea c .y draft, and is wellsui ted for the Oconee or Ogeechee waters. Terms of sale made easy. J- R- BUTTS. Macou, juno 22 1834-1 STAGE NOTICE. T HE public are informed that the Line of Stages leading from Macon to For- syth will hereafter be extend ed through to tlie Indian Springs, leaving Macon Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays at 5_o’clock A. M. and arrive at the Springs same days : re turning, leave the Springs on Tuesdays, Thurs days and-Saturdays and- arrive in Macon same days. ' THE PROPRIETORS, j u tic 19-33,-' RAN AW AY, • FROM the subscriber living in Twiggs county a negro fellow about 37 years old, about G feot high, thin face' small boned, has an upper tooth out before, inclined to be bald beaded, lias a thin voice, very fond of drink, and effects the company of white people, is civil when spoken to and obedient. He goes by the uame Joe, though bo sometimes calls himself Tom, and says he was free in Maryland, when lie was brought to this State. When lie left was dressed in homespun though it is probable he may change liis clothes. A reward of25 dollars will be given to any one who will appre hend said negro, and return him to me, or lodge him in auv jail where I may get him. THOMAS JONES. Tiviggs cc: Sept. H, 1834. 12-3w-p 05=” WILLIAM B. JORDAN, will be a Can didate for Receiver of Tax Returns at the next J auu ary election. sep^ 1J A Bars square Iron )■ assorted sizes, will 0W M 34 bare round do.) be sold low, if ap nlied for soou in 20 k- COTTON Wilkes Co. Jan. 20. 1834. ••The undersigued can bear testimony to tho superior efficacy, of Dr. Peters’.Wedici/irf- Stnma- chica it. IlepatirrE in ilib cure of Dyspepsia ami Liver complaints from personal experience. WILLIAM G: JOHNSON. The above Medicines are put up in parcels, with full directions for. use. A parcel will lust a-- bout twenty five days.. Persons wishing to see Dr. Peters, aro requested to make inquiry for him at tho Eagle Hotel, kept bv AJr. Rebeit Me Comb, Miiiedgevillc, where he boards. The above Medicines may bo had in Georgia, either of Dr. Peters or Pryor Wright, at the Mil- lcdgevilie Sircct lottery office: ofTbomas Rich ards, Augusta; of Win. G. Brown. Druggist, Macon; ofthe Postmaster, Athens: of the Postmas ter,. Hawkinsvitle; of- the Postmaster, Indian Springs; of. the Postmaster, Newnan; of ilie Postmaster, Buck Eye; of the Postmaster, Fort. Gains; of Samuel Cone, Decatur; ofJ. Chew, Grccuesboreugh; of Messrs. Hicks 8z Maddox, T.dbottou; of E. S. Norton, at the Columbus Bookstore, Columbus; of rife Postmaster' Bird- ville. Burke co.; of tho Postmaster, Buckersville, Elbert co.; of the Postmaster. Marietta, Cobb co. of .i—o—.—v~... In.Smith Caroli na, of W.S. Bong &• co., Charleston; ol A. Fitch, Druggist, Columbia;, of tlie Postmaster, Hancockvilic. Union district; ofthe Postmaster, Abbeville/ Iu North Carolina, of the Postmas ter,’ Charlotte; of the Posiutaster, Lexington. In Alabama, of Maddox & Pollard, Montgome ry. In Florida, of Dr. E. B. Perkins, Tallahas see; of Holmes & Williams, Marianna. From the Downing Gazette. THE BIBLE. • Go fling the gaudy robe aside, Unbind the jewels from thy hair, Aud casting thoughts of earth away, O ! maiden, bend thy heart in prayer, And turn thee to the page of truth. There seek the guiding" love of heaven, Councils that well may guard thy youth, Aud teach the love to mortals given. Let man with haughty spirit dare, The sacred word of God to scorn, And scoffing hopes and comforts there, From all its blessed precepts turn. But ne'er-should woman, weak aud frail, Dare cast her guiding charge aside ; When earthly hopes so often fail, Where shall she turn on earth beside ? -O, when tlie heart is sad, and louey And wearily the spirit droops, And blessings, perish ouo by one, As pass away oar youthful hopes— Where should ihe drooping spirit turn. But to that page of sacred ttuth, Whore wisdom may true kuoivledge learir. And age know brighter hopes than youth f DORCAS BROWN. RUSSELL DICKINSON H AVE now Oil hand 210 bbL domestic Li quors; 14 pipes, hf pipes aud hhds Bran dy. Gin, and Jamaica Rum; 45 qr casks ass. Wines; 6 bbl? ass. Co: dial; 40 bids and hf bbls Mackerel; 40 hf bbls Crackers; 30 boxes bar soap;- 200 pieces heavy hugging; 1000 cotton bags; Sugar, Coffee, Iron, Salt, Molasses, and almost every article relative to a grocery estab lishment, together with a very complete assort ment of Dry Goods. Hats, Shoes, Hardware. A c. all of which will be sold at the lowest prices and only for cash. Also will constantly receive fresh supplies from all the northern markets and lien-after offer unparalleled inducements. Macou aug 191834-9 Mr. A. R. M'Laughlin, W ILL attend to our business during our ab sence from the state. \ july 10 REA &. COTTON For Sale SEVERAL houses and lots iu Vinc- ville. together \iith house and lot oc cupied by Maj. Hayirio. Apply to 1 A. SHOTWELL If absent, to WASHINGTON 1*GE juno 24 1834-1 ((^“We arc requested to announce ABSO- LEM JOURDAN, as a candidate for Tax Col lector of Bibb county, January uext. at the ensuing election in sept. 4 Henry’s Magnesia, W ARRANTED genuine, just received mid for sale by WM. G. BROWN june 5 36 . Sugar 6p Coffee. 8 IIHDS. Prime St Croix Sugar, auJ 100 Bags Prime Laguira Coffee, For sale by REA & COTTON, in a v 7 1834 31 Notice. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing be- tiiocn tlie undersigned, muter the name and style of Duncan Chastain & co. has been dis solved by mutual consent. The debts of tho firm will be paid by Duucau A. Dean, who will con tinue the business. GEO. M. DUNCAN JAMES DEAN JOHN M. CHASTAIN. Perry, sept. 4. 4t • . JY ont the Gr.ncscc Farmer. BLASTING ROCKS. As many lives arc yearly lost by the untime ly explosion of the power used for blasting rocks, humanity prompts me to give a process as we heard it described a few days since, by a person who had been injured it; a. mine where many accidents of the kind bad happened which led them to try other methods of charg ing the rocks than those commonly practiced and which he said ended in the discovery of a safe and expeditious manner of blasting. As these accidents haduniformlyliapponcd,in wiiat he denominated the “tampling” or the driving j down thG brick and other substance in tilling above the powder, they lor all experiment, substituted plaster of Parts, which had been heated, as for preparing cement, which they mixed with .water in the same manner, and poured the cement into the hole upon the pow der, having first introduced the.quill oc luxe ;■ she cement immediately set or hardened ■ritefi i he blast was ready for '4irin£. "We MM he never knew a blast managed «• ftia.way *» fail of doing well, and never knew an accident to happen; that H was quicker done and. wa« more economical in every reaped. IF this should prove correct4t should l»e generally in troduced. The English papers state that Earl Grey re tired from office, without a dollar c( public rns- uey cither in the pockets of himselt or my mem her of his family. A Gay old man is as rare as a fly-mg winter