Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, September 25, 1834, Image 1

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(i \<] t & 31. BARTLETT, Editors. MA CO A', Georgia, THURSDAY, SEP'I EMBER 25, 1§34. Volume IX:...Number 11. arrearages nr- 50 100 50 - lO»■*. ill a W ... BUSHED EVERT THURSDAY, nMjrox c*>- b v Mynos bartletj 03ce on Stcond Street—ne?l door lc - ” Hutton's Hotel. TERMS-—Three Dollars a year, if paid .i. trance, or Four Dollars, if not paid before tin I f tile year. Subscribers living at a distance * n .|, ”, e required iu all cases to pay in advance. JSo Paper discontinued, but at the disen tinu of the publisher, uutil all ->r paid. CASH STORE XZBSfiB & WOOD, Next door to the Host Office. H \VE received nud are now opening . very extensive assortment of Entirely r -seasonable and Fahionabie Dry Goods K*'}, "ill be sold at unusually low prices * Purchasers will fiud it to their advantage to „» a tall- <>ur 'lock consists in part of Lj pieces Calico, from 10 to 37cte. ,iui do furuiture priuts Kunch . .. Tu r ke y Re <» «*•, do Circasasians all colors, printed do 6 e% do French Chally, 1(K) do Grade Swiss, Gro de Nap Berlin Sincbaw Sennet aud Levantine Silks col’d J.ining “ Poult de Soie col’d Cambric „ plain Pope striped, &' plaid Canibri b*t>k. plain and fig'd Swiss, jacou* Nausook. and mull Muslins Linen Cambric, ms’g do, bishop Lawn, c«- detl Robes, Laces and Edgings, insertings 20 doz silk, gauze, hernaiiis, & crape fau< "shawls, Thibet Wool do • lOil <U>z pongee and spittaliield silk lldkfs 100 <io cotton flag, turkey red, and head Ildk. 100 doz tucking Combs 100 do side do Shell tucking &- side do Dressing ami ivory do 130 plain and faucy Braid Bonnets Elegant sett Ribbons, Taffeta U.b’ns every to! 25dozelcgaut Belts, fig'd blk ami co’d velv’t Bcti Plain blk velvet do, silk velvet tabby do 100 doz white, randou, blk aud slate cotton at. woollen Hosiery Kid, llorseskiu and beaver Gloves 50 “ woollen do 6 bales 3-4 4-4 6-4 chocked Homespuns 25 ps Irish Linens every quality 100 doz spool Thread 50 «!o Blk. and assort’d colo’d Irish sewii- Th-ead, hlk.'and colored sewing Silk 50 pieces blue, mixed, stuped, aud drab S inet!s 10 do bine, black, mixed, Broad Cloths Striped and drab Cassimere, Erminrtt £5 peices white, red, yellow &. green Flaunt, from 31 to 75cts. 25 bales 3-4 and 4-4 Homespun from 10 to 14. 5 do cottou and hemp Osnuhurgs 5 do striped negro Blankets 8 and 9-4 50 pieces Rose do 50 do heavy Fustians aud woolen Clots for negroes 5 bales 3-4 4-4 6-4 Plaids and Stripes Eurnitoiv Plaids Hangup Cord, Tickleuburg, Russia Duck, Cra.- Diaper, Heavy twilled Lowel Cottons 5 Rales Tickings from 12 A to 3?j cts. l! 0 Cotton & Silk Umbrellas, gentlemen Cloaks 12 cases Reaverand nap’t Hats. 6casos wool • a large assortment of heavy Shoes, gemleint - aid ladies Shoes of every kiud good assorting • II trdw.ire aud Cutlery, Crockery and Gia w ire. Groceries &c. &c- Expected by first Boats a large assortment e Groceries, Irou Salt Steel, Haggiug, Fish, Nails ii . kc. DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. milE subscriber is uow receiving his fires Js_ supplies, aud iu addition to au extensiv assortment of mss DRUGS, Medicines and Chemicals, Offers lor sale » quantity of DYE STUFF*, Viz.: Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam and Braz Woods, Spanish Flot, Guatemala and count! ' Indigo. Madder, Copperas, Blue Stone, Alun and Anuatlo. PAINTS. White Lead, dry and grouud in oil Ven-' tiun Red do do do Sp -n-sh Brown do do do Yellow Ochre" do do do Verdigris do do do Pruvdau Blue, Rose, Pink, Drop, Lake, Vcrmil! iou, Crome Greeu, C'rotne Yellow, Tera, Dt ii-n- on. Stone Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umber I'Jake White, Lamp and Ivorv Blacks. PERFUMERY. Otto of Rose, Milk of Rose, cosmetic co! Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples sbaviu 8»ap, cream Soap, Cologne and Rose Watt*. Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar and Antique oil, Rose and Pearl Pow der, &c. BRUSHES. Clothes, Hair Tooth, Plaster, Shoe, and Ilor*. Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Pearl Ash, Soap, Pipe Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, &c. For sale by WM. G. BROWN, uov 21 8 ALEXANDER W. SNEED, Attorney at law. WING located in Talbotton, Ga. tender II QL his professional services to his frieuds au tho public. He will attend the several Courts oi die t'h'ittnhoochue Circuit. C?* The Federal Union will give tho above n few insertions aud forward their account, _ inne 261814-1 For Sale or Rmt, T HATextensivo and convenient TAVER> in the city of .Marou, lately occupied by,. A - Ertcin. It is well furnished and con v _euiently fitted for a public house, with exteu »>ve stables &c. Asitiswcll known a particu lar description of the establishment is dccmei* unnecessary. Persous wishing to purchase will please call aud examine the premises for them selves. An accommodating purchases can be made on time, end warranted titles given. For further particulars apply to J. Cowles, Esq. njeichaut of Macon, or to the subscriber of this PW JOHN NISBET. Adieus aug 30 12 4t NEW GOODS. _ WM. H. BURDSALL. JJAS Just received a new and extensive as- 3L M. sortment of DRY GOODS, A2ADY BEADS cioT;2in&, HATS, SHOES, S,c. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OF THE FOLLOWIKQ : •'uper Saxony, Blue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths ;hie, Black. Mixed and Faucy colored Salinctts luglish Meriuoes luffle. Point and Roso Blankets 'carlet, Crimson, Green and White Flannels Printed Saisbury do ; -autou and Saxony and Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye and Russia do Scotch 1 *, do Vlurk, Blue aud coloured Bombazcttes do do do ' Circassians Vegro Cloths inseys ' 'cached and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings lamihou Jeans lack Italian Lustirng do Grosde Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin _ do. Siuchews and Sarsanets olored Gros de Naples lack and colored Florences do Italian Crapes ieriuo Maudes and Square Shawls wimnou. Thibet wool. Valeutia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls erunui, Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros de Na ples Dress lldkfs - dies and Misses Bonnets ish Linens and Lawns ‘dtoii Cassimers Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks • ones tic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks b'or Cloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth uruituro Dimity Russia SheetingBear Duck mii'ric do Bleached Dowlass Oznaburghs mgup Cord Cotton Yarn Oitou, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery • ack and colored Cambrics nia and Gauze Garnitures * ik aud col’d Lustring Ribbons > rk and light col’d Prints and Ginghams •ite and Gauze Veils ig’dand plain Bobiuet Lace •'Oread Laces ambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook anil Book Muslins men Cambric lldkfs angee, Indian Flag aud SpitllefieldHdkfs 'vrved and plain Shell Combs _ L-utleinens English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves ....dies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves lead Reticules Just Received and for Sale, B ROWN and loaf Sugar, Rico Northern Rum, Giu and Whiskey Old apple and peach Briimly Champaign and cognac do •Madeira, teueriffe, aud sicify Wines—old port, muscatel anil claret do—champaign do— malaga and feutinne do Cherry Bounce, French cordial. Newark cider Dunbar’s best London Porter, bar Lead, Shot Best cavendish chewing and smoking Tobacco Best pickled mess Beef aud Pork, Bacon, Coffee Pepper and spice, Pickled salmon and. mackerel Sperm and tallow candles. Lemon svrup Best hunch Raisins in whole and half boxes Martinique cordials. Jamaica and st croix Rum Bar and shaving soap, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder aud hyson Tea -Milk, soda, sugar, butter anil water Crackers Ginger, Ciuuatnon, Nutmegs aud Mace Real Spanish Segars, Pipes, maccabuy Snuff Best Cana! and Western Flour. • ALSO, A Gcnci'al Assortment of Crockery 'Erlass, Hardware, Cutlery, 6tc« Amongst which are : Trace and Haller chnius, Weeding Does, Shovels aud spades. Sad Irons, Axes. Handsaws, Gimblets, Augers aud Chisels, Stock and Padlocks, Butts aud Screws And various other articles which will be sold low for cash only. may 22 J. BENNETT. COOES &. COmSS, A RE opening a general Stoek of Goods at ■jL their New Store. They would bo pleas ed to receive a call from their frieuds. nov 21 tf 8 HZBS3E & WOOD, Next door tQ the Post Office, STAVE just received aud have ou hand a 1-S. iresh a.suflracut of Groceries, which are .tied for cash at very reduced price*, viz. «» barrels N. Ruin , * i hhds. Jamaica do -5 t.bls rye Gin i do do Whiskey 5 hhds. Baltimore do 6 barrels Apple Brandy i hhds superior old A. Brandy ■O hbls Malaga Wiao do Teneriffe do 1 pipe Sicily Madeira do *2 do cogniac Braudy t do Hollaud Gin 6 bbls Peach Braudy 6 do Cider . I hhds Viuegar '0 boxes Soap > do Raisins 6 do Prunes 5 do Starch 4 do Lf Sugar -» bags Coffee ,0 bids Prime Sugars 2 bags Spice, 2 tierces Rico '2 do Pepper irouiid aud raco Ginger Peas, Chocolate, Sperm Candles .T» M Cigars ^ U) kegs Powder ■J bags Shot OU bars Lead. & c. &c. ALSO \ fresh stork ofDry Goods, Hardware, Cutle ry, Crockery, ami Glass Ware, Hats, Boots. ^hoe», &.c. See. 1000 Franklin Saws 200 Loug handle Spades 50 Short do do 50 kegs Nails and Brads June 12 1834217 Lime ! Lime ! Lime! hbls superior Litne for sale at low _ _ _ prices. Apply to jUly 10 REA & 1'OTTQN- fron Frame Travelling Trunks, *lt sale by V epril 1 »7 WM. II. BURDSALL. Chloride of Lime and Soda. 1 CASK Chloride Lime, solution Chlorid Soda, just received and for sale by May 29-^5 WM/O. BROWN FOR SALE A GENERAL' assortm. ni of Goods suited 1 to the Market, among which are the follow ing articles : 50,000 lbs Bacon 100 hbls Pork and Mackerel 20 hhds Sugar 50 bags Coffee 20,000 lbs iron 10 hhds table Salt 850 bbls Wiues and Spirits 15 bbls Loaf Sugat My Ware House will be in older for the re- • eption of cotton the ensuing season. Those of „y country customers who may think fit to store ••au do so free ofauy charge. •mg 14-8t-8 D, R ALSTON’ N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery. C OLOGNE, Rose, Lavender. Florida, and Orange Flower Water; Cosmetic'cold ream; Cosmetic Tablet; Naples compound Shaving Soap ; Macassar, Bear’s an-J Antique »il ; Gotland's Lotion. &c. &c. just received from tho manufactory of N- Smith Prentiss, Per fumer, and for sale by WM. G. BROWN, june 1 86 DR. FRANSKIN, HAVING located in Macon, res pectfully offers his services to the ci tizens of that place, and its vicifiilv Iio will attend to the duties of all the branches connected with his jjrofess ion—as Surgery, Midwifery, &c. Dr. F. will bo found in his office at all times, unless professionally engaged. BOV li 7 NEW BOOK STORE. T23LOm&& 2PST313E. RESPECTFULLY in forms the public that he has taken the store in Ellis. Shotweil & Co’s, row. two doors above the Post Office, where he is uow receiving aud openiug a very geueral assortment of SqoLcs and Stationary, Among nis works, he has a geueral assort ment, and will be constantly receiving tho new publications on Theology, Medicine, Law, Ilis- Tory, and Miscellaneous subjects, together with such other articles as are us*ually kept in a Book Store. 8LASVB800Q$, ’ A large assortment ot all kinds and sizes. Fools Cap, Letter, and Note Paper of tho best quality, both English and American, plain and embossed, water and feint lined, pink, yellow ne and white. B.auk Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ware house Receipts, Bills of Lading. Writs of all kinds. Justices Summons,’do Executions, Clerks do Tax Collectors do. Subpoenas for Wituesses. Deeds, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Ca. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Marriage License, Bail Writ and Bond, Inter. Com. Directions for Interrogatories Bills of Indictment, Bench Warrauts, Bail Bonds, Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Administra- ion. Temporary Letters of Administration, Tem porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Bonds. Tax Collectors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dee. Tec. Dec 21 24 NEW A FRESH SUPPLY O. GOODS. ^"'4 OMPRlSING a g. ueral assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, also fine Black and Drab beaver Hats, Boots aud Shoes, Saddles, Bridles, saddle Bags and whips, Hard "are, Castings. Crockery, window Glass, sets of blacksmiths Tools complete, White mores gen uine Cotton Cards, cottou Yarns by the bench or bale. Foolscap, letter aud wrapping Paper, Colhas’ cast-stcel Axes, buck, squirrel and bini Shot,' Du Pouts and Rogers’ Powder, sperm candles, Soap, Raisius, Chocolate, Spices, Spanish Cigars, fresh Teas of every variety, l°*f» lump and white Havniiua Sugar, parent Medicines, seiu, gill nett and baggiug -Twine, sho? Thread, boxes claret and champaigne Wines, Madeira, TeuneriflV, Muscatel knd Mai aga Wiues in casks, Newark Cider, pure cider Viuegar, &c. &c. Also iu store aud for sale on aceommodatiug terms. 55 hhds superior Molasses 25 do et. Croix and Rico Sugars 60 bags prime greeu Coffee 20 bbls do do do 200 ps. Dundee and American Bagging 1100 ready made cotton Bags 32000 lbs Swede Iron assorted. - Planters merchants aud all others having to purchase such articles, are respectfully invited to call and examine for ihemselves. THOS T. NAPIER. Macon. 6th Aug. 1834 7 HAMILTON &. HAYS FACTORS AND COMMISSION MS&CH&Sraa, Macon, Georgia, WE removed to the large and conveni ni Ware-House formerly occupied by Messrs BLANTON &SMIT1I, where they will transact a general Factorage, Ware-House aud Commission business. They avail themselves of this opportunity to return to their friends and patrons, their grateful acknowledgements, and to assure tht-in of a reuewed solicitude for the pro motion of the interest of all who m:!y favor them w ith their busiuess. either directly or by their frieuds. Liberal advances made on Cottou, aud other Merchandize iu store. July, 1834. 3in 7 WAREHOUSE J. GODDARD & Co. Ware Kousc ci Coia- mission Merchants, ■■M 1'SaCQDi W ILL contiuue tb transact the ahoye business at i the Ware House occupied by them during the past season. This Ware Houso is as secure from the dangers^of fire as any in the city. They take this opportunity of returuing their grateful acknowledgments for the liberal patron age heretofore bestowed by their friends and the public. Aud by a strict attentiou to business committed to their care, aud the facilities which they will be able to render their customers, they hope to merit a couliuuance of the patrouage of their frieuds and tho public in geueral. They are prepared to make liberal. advances at all times ou Cattou stored or shipped by them. Cotton stored at their Ware Hoose will be insured at the lowest ratest, if requested. Macon sept. 1,1834. 6m vssiom AaJADBSSS?. Upson county, Ca. 24th December, 1833. W E. the Trustees aud Patrons of this In stitution, feel great pleasure in recommen ding this school to the favorable notice of the pub lic. llaviug gone into operationfiu January las' under the Rectorship of the Rev, Peter McIntyre its success has far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. We therefore feel much assured that those who will favor this rising institution with their patronage, will, generally be much pleased with the result; that the course and method ofia- structiou. will, in due time, ensure a thorough pre paration for collegiate admission, as well as a rea dy capacity for the various employments of life. Rates of tuition not exceeding what is customary. The regular quarterly entries are on the firstMoo- day in January and July ; the last Monday in March and September. Board, Washing, aud Lodging can be obtained in.prfvate families, pru dent and respectable;add at convenient distanc es’, front SI5 to $20 j>«r qr. The salubrity of the climate of the. neighborhood is unquestiona ble ; aud its freedom from inducements to dissi pation, tto less favorable to the good morals • of youth and to their Ijterftry psoficiency. Robert Jackson, sr. David Kendall, Shepherd B. Saunders, Joseph Baldwin, Mark Jackson, senr. Reuben fYhife, 13 9m * D. Allen WARE HOUSE AND ooimtasjEOH Etrsiissss. The subscriber continues the above ? business at his old stand, (bead ofdher- 7 rvst.& Cotton avenue,) where he offe.** ( all theltsual facilities in business. III.-, Ware Houses Jfc Close Storages are in. prune order, aud at. much exempted from the danger of fire as any in the place. JAMES C. MORGAN. Macon, sept 17 1834-13 GREAT BARGAIN Xs C^ered. k ACRES of swamp land, about 200 of w which is first rate river laud, which is now cleared and in cultivation; also but. : of up land whereon the subscriber lives, about K( cleared. The above land lies about 9 miles be-lev iu> Old Agency on Flint river, and can be had very low if applied for shortly. Also Com. Fodder, Hop.-, and Cattle can be had on the premises if required, i'og particulars apply to Reuben Kaigler ou the premises. MAUGARyT KAIGLER. Marion county, sept 14 lP3 l-4t-13 FISHERY FOR SALE JS'OfllE. E^HE Plantation on which I live 8 milt s a B. hove Macon, on the Forsyth road. «ou taitiiugsix hundred acres, four bundled rnprov ed, with a good dwelling and till other uccessary cut bouses, the laud is fresh aud well-adapted In the culture of cunt and cottou, is now offered for sale on acconitnodatiug terms, persous wish ing to purchase would do yvell to call and see as a bnrgniu will be given. JAMES ALSTON. sept 15 1834 13tf Notice. T HE Plantationott which I live 8 miles a- bove" Macon, coutaiuiug one thousand and fifty acres, three hundred and Jifty acres in cultivation, with a Saw anti Gristmill conven iently situated to timber, with a ;Qod tltvci'ifig house aud all uecessary out lunges, also, si.v hundred and twelve acres, in the 11th district of originally T*x>up now Mvriwolher county; on the Big Yellow Jacket creek. The laptl iv2tl qual ity Oak and lljckory, well adapted to the cult ure of corn and cotton, 25 acres improved with a saw anti grist ynili newly built, and so remote from other tniils as to render them always profi table, persous wishing to purthuse would Uo well to call in time as" a bargain will be given, for particulars apply to Drew \V. Alston or my self 8 miles above 'tacou. JAMES \V. ALSTON. «.nt 15 1834 C’tf EXCHANGE OFFICE. J D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened an office iu Macou, in the Counting Room recently occupied by Messrs. Hamilton tf Hays, (opposite Husou’s Tavern) aud are prepared to transact the Exchange Bu siness in all its branches. At sight, or on time, ou N. York. Philadelphia, Fayetteville, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta, Miiledgeviiic, Columbus, Mobile, New-Orleans. United States Bauk Notes for sale. Advances_ will be made on Cotton, either to hold or to ship to Savanuab, Charleston or New York. Macon, Nov. £8 10 Sprit Spring and Summer Clothing. WM. 2Z. 88888ASZ," ’ffB’ AS just received, atnl is ottering tor sale, Jl fi. for Cash an extensive Assortment of ing and Summer Clothing, consisting in part of the following : Blue, black, green, & Adelaide summer cloth frock Coats, dress Coats and Coatees Black and faucy colored English merino drost Coats aud Coatees Rowan cassimere frock Coats and Coatees Black lasting and black circassiau Coatees Blue, green, black, adelaide and drub summer cloth, greeu aud drab Napolcou cord, black’’ lasting, black circassiau. ermiuet, Mexican mixed. Angola cassimere, Rowan cassimere, English‘merino, white and brown linen drill ing, white and brown liuen, white satin, blue Florentine, and duck pantaloous - Brown aud while linen, rowan cassimere and hotnbazette, blue Florentine and whito satin Roundabouts Vests of all descriptions Boys’ frock Coats, Coatees, Jackets, pants and Vests, &c. &c. april 3 AND COXftMZSSXOCT 33U3SsftSGs*. CITY’ UP MACON. WILL commence the above business by the M first of September next, aud w ill. occupy LAMAR'S LOVER H ARE HOUSE, immediately on the river above the bridge, hav ing a good wharf attached thereto and safe from fire, for the couveuieuce of my friends residihg above Macon—1 have taken the .Scale House ou Cotton Aveuue. from whence cotton will be taken to ike wharf free of charges. I have been ihbusiness for the last twenty years within thirty miles of Macon, aud for the large share of pub lic confidence and liberal patronage received, I take this occasion to return my grateful thanks. Front my commercial experience both foreigu aud domestic, I feel confident that 1 will be able to give general satisfaction, for the accomplish ment of which 1 teuder my unreinitted attention, time, talents and means, to forward the views and interests of those wh>» may favor me with their busiuess and confidence. Liberal advances will be made.on Produce, Metchaudise aud other property confided to my care, and strict .atten tiou given to the filliug of orders, receiving and forwarding of goods &c. Insurance iu the best offices can be effected at the usual rates, when desired. L. L. GRIFFIN. Macon. June 12, 1834. 6m7 REMOVAL. USSELL & DICKINSON have remov- Jt%/ ed to the store formerly occupied by N. B. Williams, successor to II. Blair & co., where all kiuds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. can be h^l for cash only aud at the lowest market prices. Just Received Bbls. and half bbls. all uutnbers .Mackerel; bbls. and half bbls. family canal Flour; Pickled Pork, Tobacco, Bagging, Twine, Iron, &c. &c. july23-5 JYeio Spring and Summer GOODS. T HE subscriber has just received an exten sive assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods suitable for tho season. april 16 WM. H. BURDSALL. I N my absence from Macon, I leave HOR ACE FITCH as my agent, who is duly authorised to receive all money due mo, and attend to my busiuess during- my absence from the State. LEWIS FITCH. Macon, 4th Juno 1834. 36 BMCL>a. Q A A PIECES heavy hemp Bagging Ov V 600 ready made Cotton Bags weighing If to l£ per yard—which will be sold on good terms. JRE A tc C OTTON- july 18 1834-5 WARE HOUSE AMD COM 311 SSI ON BUSINESS. THE subscriber continues to transact the above busiuess iu its various brunches, and In addition, to the Ware House at present oc cupied by him, (which will be continued,) he has taken the new Ware House on R. McCall’s lot, together with the Wharf. This ware house :s considered the‘most secure from fire of auy iu the city. He will be prepared to make advances on Cotton and Produce iu store, and ou Ship ments to Savannah, Charleston, New York, Liv erpool. Havre, &c. A. C. COLDW ELL. Macon Attg 21 1834 10 F. P. LEWIS, W OULD inform his frieuds aud the public, that he is no” - carrying ou ihe Tailoring busiuess iu all its brauches, at the old stand of Lewis Fitch, where he will remuiu uutil the first, of October. He has ou hand a small assortment SUPERFINE CLOTHS, of various colors. Also a variety of Vestings of; fasbionabie aud approved patterns, Cassimcres, Tailors’ Trimmings, aud hopes by strict atten tiou to his business to merit a share of the public patrouage. N. B. The latest New York Fashions regular ly received. Cutting done at the shortest notice. Macou Aug 13 1834-10 GOOD FISHERY on the Ocmulgee riv er, with about 61 acres of laud attached, is ottered for sale. It lies 3 or 4 miles below Ma- con. and is known as Fractions Nos. 117 and 119 Macon Reserve, west side of the Ocmulgee—is generally known as Crawford’s Fishery. For particulars aoply in East Macon to june 12-37 D. FLANDERS. BOTTXS coaks. GROSS velvet Bottle Corks, just received aud for sale bv 3t; WM. G. BROWN. BOAT FOR SALE. HE subscriber offers for sale his pole Boat J5L Caswell. She is a staiichgood Boat, & of the smaller class, was built last fall and has made but two trips; burthen about three hun dred bales cottou, is of easy draft, aud is well sui ted for the Ocouee or Ogeechee waters. Terms of sale made easy. J* R. BUTTS, Macou, june 22 1834-i S37AGD SIOTIGS. "2_ F?T^ HE public are informed *• .H. that the Liue of Stages ► leading from Macon to For- •’syth will hereafter be extend ed through -to the Iudian Springs, leaving Macon Mondays, Wcduesdays aud Fridays at 5 o’clock A. M. and arrive at the Springs same days : re turuing. leave the Sprittgs on Tuesdays, Thurs days aud Saturdays and arrive in Macon same days. ' THE PROPRIETORS, june 19-38 ’ ~ ftANAWAY, FROM the subscriber living in Twiggs county a negro fellow about 37 years old, about 6 feet high, thiu face small boned, has an upper tooth out before, inclined to be bald headed, has a thin voice, very fond of drink, aud effects the company of white people, is civil when spoken to aud obedient. lie goes by the name Joe, though he sometimes calls himself Tom, and says he was free in Maryland, when he was bro.wght to this State. When ho left was dressed in homespun though it is probable he may (hinge his clothes. A reward of25 dollars Will be given to any one who will appre hend said negro, and return him to me, or lodge hita in any jail where I may get him. THOMAS JONES. Twiggs co. Sept. 11, 1834. ’ 12-3w-p ON CONSIGNMENT. M XK Bt.xes (Chateau manufactured) Claret 10 do St. Julian Medoc 77 do Soap No. 2 34,200 Segars, (best brand) . Will be sold low by attg 25-10 REA & COTTON. ■■«*... i .so a TAVE now un haid 210 bbls domestic Li- 8 J quurs; 14 pipes, bf pipes and hhds Bran dy, Gin, and Jamaica Rum; 45 qr casks ,i SS . Wiues: 6 bbls ass. Cordial; 40 bids and hi bbls Mackerel; 40 hf bbls Crackers; 30. boxes bar soap; 200 piects heavy bagging; 1000 cottou hags; Sugar. Coffoe, Iron, Salt, Molasses, and ' llraost every article relative to a grocery estab lishment, together with a very complete assort ment of Dry Goods. Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Scc. all of w hich will be sold at the lowest prices and ouly for cash. Also will constantly receive fresh supplies from all the northern markets and ” hereafter offer unpar illelnd iii;luccirien!». Macon aug t91^3! 9 i 31 r. A. RAHLaughltn, W ILL attend to our busiuess during our ab-> seuco from tho state.' - july 10 REA & COTTON iiYiBOii IaaT TO ' . R. PE 1 EKS has reduced the priic of his patent vegetable MEDIt’JN.'E fe'IOMA- CHICjE et HEPATICiE, for the cure of Dys pepsia, Liver Complaints, and enlargements ol tho SPLEEN, to FOUR DOLLARS. It is thn opinion of Professor Jackson, of Phil adelphia, aud of many eminent physidaus, buifa iu America aud Europe, who have had extens ive opportunities of witnessing the operations ol that most to be dreaded scourge to mankind, tho Epidemic Choleba, that it is those and those on ly whose digestive functions are iu a debilitated couditiou, who are subject to its attack. How important then it is, at this period, whcii the ltd destroyer of our race is actually cu the- borders ol our state, that those whose digestive organs me in a vitiated condition, have immediate recoutso to the most potent means within ibeir reach to shield ihemselves from its iuflueucc. Among the symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints, are flatulency, sourness or buruiug in the stomach, melancholy, irritability, disagree able taste in the mouth, great irregularity of ap petite, which is sometimes voracious aud a: oth er times greatly deffeieut ; thirst, fetid breath, nausea, weakness of tho stomach, acid eructa tions, palpitation, drowsiuess, irregularity of tho bowels, pressure on the stomach after meals, pain in the head, dizziuess or vertigo, confusion of mind attended with loss of memory, a gnaw ing in the stomach when empty, chilliness, affec tion of sight aud hearing, pain aud weakness in the hack, lauguor, disturbed sleep, cold feet aud hatidu, tremor, uneasiness m the throat, cough, pain iu the side or breast, &.c. Wilkinson Co., Ga. May 1834. This is to certify, that my wife labored under an enlargement of'the Spleen for ten years; du ring which, she, at shoYt intervals, i uttered ex tremely, aud,at all times, was in a feeble state of health. About fffieeu months since, she com menced taking Dr. Peters’ Medicints dtoniacbi- cse et Hepatictc, and, after using tw o parcels, her health was restored, and she dec lined its further use. I will only add, that, for the last twelve mouths, she has oujoyed cxcelleut'hcahh. ABNER HICKS. Wilkes Co. Jan. 20, 1834. ‘‘The undersigned can bear testimony to tho superior efficacy of Dr. Peters’ Mcdictna Stoma- chieee et in tht cure of Dyspepsia and Liver complaints from personal experience. WILLIAM G. JOHNSON. The above Medicines Tire put up iu parcels, with full directions for use. A parcel will last a- bout twenty five days. Persous wishing to see Dr,Peters, are ’requested to make inquiry for him at tho Eagle Hotel, kept by Mr. Hcber-t Me Comb, Milledgcville, where he boards'. The above Medicines may be had iu Georgia, either of I)r. Peters or Pryor Wright, at ihe Mil- ledgeville Street lottery office; of Thomas Rich ards, Augusta; of Wm. G. Brown, Druggist, Macon; of the Postmaster, Athens: ol the Pisunak- ter,. flaw kins viile; of the Postmaster, Indian Springs; of the Posim^ster, Newuan. of ihe Postmaster, Buck Eve; of the Postoiaster, Fort Gains; of Samuel <5one, Decatur; of J. Chew, Greeuesborougb; of Messrs. Hicks & Maddox, Talbotton; of E. S. Norton, at the ColumtThs Bookstore, Columbus; of the Vfistmaster Bird- ville, Burke co.; of the Postmaster, lfuckersville, Elbert co.; of the Postmaster. Marietta, Cobb co. of tho Postmaster, New Erhotc. In South Caroli- — - ~ j -- TT.- t«a, cf V.. S. B<><*i£ & co., Charleston; of A. lector of i.tbb county, at tho ensuing election in; Droggist, Columbia;* of the Postniast*, “U w.y ttexi. ; 1-* 1 .' 2 Hiuicockville. Union district; of the Postmaster, .Abbeville, In North Carolina, of the Postmas ter, Charlotte; of the Postmaster, Lexington. Iu Alabama, of Maddox & Pollsrd, Montgome ry. In Florida, of Dr. E- B. Pefjvids, ‘1 aliahas- si e: of Holmes & Williams, Marianna. ff/** WILLIAM B. JORDAN, will be a Can didate for R eceiver of Tax Returns at the next 11 January election. sep ' ~j| Bars square Iron £ assorted sizes, will .!..■•' I'-ir soon bars round do. J be sold low, if ap-. m 20 P «'• 4 > COTTON For Sale SEVERAL houses and lots in Vine- ville; together with house and lot oe- Jiy % b! "VJSoWtfffi ” If absent, to WASHINGTON POE june 24 1834-1 0C/?We are requested to aunounpe ABSO- LEM JOURDAN, as a caudidate for Tax Col- SCeiiry’s Magnesia* W \ RR ANTED gcuutne, just received and for sale by WM. G. BROWN juue 5 36 Sugar <§* Co fee. 8 TIHDS. Prime St. Croix Sugar, aud lUd Bags Prime Laguira Coffee, ’ For sale by REA & COTTON. ir»a* 7 31 * Notice yll HE Copartnership heretofore existing bc- tween the undersigned, tinker the name and siyle of Duncan "Chastain & «'o. has been dis- sutvi <1 h\ mutual consent. The debts of tho firm will be p-oA h.y Duncan &.Dcun, who will con tinue the business. Perry, scpl. -J, GEO. M. DUNCAN JAMES-DEAN JOHN M. CHASTAIN. *:■ HEBICAI 0 0 2. ■? .* G 21 Of the Stale of South Carolina. 5JIIE Lectures in litis Institution, will brgin on the second Saturday iu November ncfW ^aud closft on tho first Monday of March follow ing. Anatomy—J. Edw*ari>s HoLtmootr, 5!- D: Surgery—John "agnef, M. D. Institute.-, and Practice of Medicine—S. Ii^xnp Dickson, M. D. Chemistry—Edmund Ravenel, M. D.‘ Materia Sltdica—Henry R. Frost, M.D (■bstetrics—Thomas G., M. D Physiology—James Moultrie, Jr. 11L.11. JAMES MOULTRIE.’ July 2-eVtv6f-4