Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 09, 1834, Image 1

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c. E. & M. BARiLE I T, Editors. :■.* •• r r-CifflKStf i^v r s .#3 ,- '*?:-.gsa; MJICOjY, Georgia,, OC : 03ER V ';-3- CiiOHOSA difiL..*, L-_ 2A,/kP : w rtBUsnicn every Thursday, it MACON, Cu- Ly M1RO.A BARTLETT. Printin' Officc on Second Street—next door Husnu's Hotel. •5 100 50 100 .50 TERMS-—Turkic Dollars a year, if paid in Ivauce* or Tour Dollars, if not paid before the d of tho year. Subscribers living at a distance will l»e required in all cases to pay in advance. ' \ 0 Paper discontinued, but at i he iliscrc- lioiiof tho publisher, until all arrearages are = LJ_ (’as11 srmtE:" 25:S3BS3 & WOOB. Hext doer to the Post Office. \YK received nud aro now opening n [ very extensive assortment of Entirely f stl Reasonable nud Fiibionable Dry Goods, ■which will be sold ut unusually low prices I’urrbnsers will Cud it to their advantage to -We us a call. Our Stock consists in part of (ioo pieces Calico, front 10 to -i7cts. 100 do furniture prints Punch do 1 urkey Red do -.(i do Circasasiaus all colors, printed do „ r , do French (.'bally, do Grodo Swiss, Gro do Nap Berlin Siucbaw garsnet and Levantine Silks col’d Lining “ Poult dc Soio col’d Cambric plaiu Pope striped, &. plaid Cambric book, plain ami fig’d Swiss, jncouet, Nattsook. and mull ’Muslins Linen Cambric, ins’g do, bishop Lawn, cor tied Robes, Luces and Edgings, inset-lings op do* silk, gauze, beruauis, &. crape fancy Shawls, Thibet Wool do 100 doz pongee and spittnlfield silk Ifdkfs ](KI do cotton dag, turkey red, aud head Ildkfs 10.1 doz tucking Combs 100 do side do Shell tucking & side do Dressing aud ivory <lo 150 pintti aud fancy Braid Bonnets Elegnut sett Ribbons, Taffeta Bib’us every color 2a doz clegaut Belts, fig’d blk and eo’d velv’t Belts Plain blk velvet-do. silk velvet tabby do 100 doz white, rapdou, blk aud slate cotton and woolleu Hosiery Kid, llorscskin and benver Gloves 50 “ woollen do I! Imles :l-l -1-4 G-l cltecked Homespuns >1 ps Irish i.inens every quality II.HJ doz spool Thread 50 i!u Blk. and assort’d coin’d Irish sewing Thread, blk. and colored sewing Silk 50 pieces blue, mixed, stuped, and drab Sat- inetts 10 do blue, black, mixed, Broad Cloths -Striped aud drab Cassitnerc, F.rmin* tt 25 peicCS white, red, yellow 6c greeu Flaimels from 31 <o 75cts. 25 bales 3-4 and 4-4 Homespun from 10 to 14c. 5 do cottou and hemp Osuabiirgs 5 do striped negro Blankets 8 and 9-4 50 pieces Rose do 50 do heavy Fustians and woolen Cloths for negroes 5 bales 3 4 4-4 G-4 Plaids and Stripes Furniture Plaids Hangup Cord, Ticklritburg, Russia Duck, Crash Diaper, Heavy twilied l.owcl Cottons 5 Bales Tickings from J2£ to 37j cts. H 0 Cotton &. Silk UuibrcIIas, gentlemens Cloaks 12 eases Benver and nap’t llats.Gcasos wool do a large assortment ol heavy Shoes, gentlemen at d Indies Shoes of every kind eootl assortment Hardware aud Cutlery, Crockery and Glass w ire, Groceries fee. &c. Expected by first Boats a large assortment of Giocerics, iron Soil Steel, Bagging. Fish, Nails & -. &c. DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. T HE subscriber is now receiving his fresh supplies, aud in addition to an extensive assortment of £.7?. -j LsivJ, Medicines and Chemicals, Offers for sale a quantity of DYE STUFFS, Viz.: Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam aud Brazil Woods, Spanish Flot. Guatemala anil country Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Bluo Stone, Alum aud Anuatto. PAINTS. White Lead, dry a Venetian Rtfl do Spauish Brown do Yellow Ochre do Verdigris do Prussian Rise, Rose, Pink, Drop, Lake, Vermill ion, Crome Green, (’route Yellow, Tera, D<„ icu- na. Stone Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umber Flake White, Lnnijl and Ivorv Blacks. PERFUMERY. Otto of Rose, .Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples sliav Soap, cream Soap, Cologne and Rose Wat Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar aud Antique oil, Rose and Pearl Powder, Sic. BRUSHES. Clothes, Hair Tooth, Piaster, Shoe, and Horse Brushes, Also -starch. Saltpetre, Pearl Ash, Soap, l’ioos Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, ice. &c. For sale by WM. G. BROWN, nov 21 8 ground in oil do do do do do do do do NEW GOODS. WM. If. BURDSALL, AS Just received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, READY READS ClOTaZ2V6. HATS, SHOES, S>-c. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. Ills STOCK CONSISTS, IS PART, OK TIIE SDLLOW1SO : Super Saxony, Blue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black. .Mixed and Fancy colored Satiuctts English Merinues Duffle, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson, GreennfZ: While Flannels Printed Salsbttry do Canton and Saxony cud Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye aud Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Oombnzcttcs do do - do Circassians Negro Cloths Linseys Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Joans Black Italian Lustirug do Gros dc Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin da Siuchews and Snrsnnets Colored Gros do Naples Black aud colored Florences do Italiau Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common, Thibet wool. Valentin, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls (Icruani, Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros do Na ples Dress Ildkfs Ladies and Misses Bnuncts Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cass inters Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia ShecungBenr Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Oziiaburghs Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black a ltd colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk and col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark mid light col’d Prints aud Ginghams Late ami Gauze Veils Fig’dand plain Bobiuct Lace Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Null, Nausook and Book Muslins I ineu Cambric I ldkfs Pongee, Indian Flag aud Spittlefield Ildkfs Carved aud plain Shell Combs Gentlemens Euglish Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules port, do—. Just Received and for Sale, ItOWN aud loaf Sugar, Rico Norlheru Rum, Gin nud hiskoy Old apple aud peach Brandy Champaign and cognac <lo Madeira, nuciifie, and sicily Wiucs—ol muscatel and claret do—champnigi innlnga and fenitinac do Cherry Bounce, French cordial, Newark cider Dunbar’s best Loudon Porter, bar Lead, Shot ilcst cavendish chewing and smoking Tobacco | Fills ol the Hour, wliitli will til alt* Best pickled mess Beef nud Pork. Bacon, Coffee i nev Cake or -is Wafflas Pepper aud spice, Pickled salmon and mackerel Sperm and tallow candles. Lemon syrup Best bunch Raisins in whole aud half boxes Martinique cordials. Jamaica ai.d st croix Rain Bar and shaving soap, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder and hyson Tea •Milk, soda, sugar, batter and w ater Crackers Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace Real spauish Segars, Pipes, maccaboy Snuff Best Canal and Western Flour. ALSO, l of rice soft, and add a pint of leaven, the: i three quarts of the flour, put i; to rise i;i a Ii- j or earth it vessel, unt’i it lias risen snllicient- | ly, divide it into three,parts, then bake it u: other bread, and you will ' hive three lurg* I loaves. | To make Journey or Johnny (Jake.—To | three spoonfuls of soft boiled-rice, add a small I two spponfujs of brand | tea-cup of water or milk, tlimi add six spoon- or Dinmeg and lemon A Rich Rlc • i *h of ricc-in-wat . • der, drain it dry', i 1 whites of four-eggs, cream,with tw'o ortn it, lour ounces of be sprea J, three quartet ’di Is situation I To make llice Cakes.—Take a pint of soft boiled rice, a half pint of milk or water* -0 which add twelve spoonfuls of the—divide it into small cakes, and hake them in a brick oven. C** l >:,t,1 « I , one of ) ;el, when : e, leiuoi: o of jf 4 •II id. the dish; citron, if p it a paste round slices ofcMtltcd -approved. Bake in a moderate Savory llice.—Wash and pick some rice, stew it very gently in a small quantity of’, or rich mutton broth, with tin onion, it blade of mace,’pepper ;, nd sally when swelled, it ha; large Jour- p it a paste round the edge,- and fill the disii; j country point side of tile river, where the soil is s the opposite side where it is light; sides tiie opposite pract ce of suffer -to extend itself a considerable d succeeded. I hlivp now .vines in To make TVufcrs.—Take a pint of warm 1 not boiled to mash, dry it on the shallow end j (the site of which is not like that c water, a tea-spoonful of salt, add n pint qf the j of a sieve before the fire; aud either serve it dry, yard) filled with grapes : or 30 ir 41 ! flour, and it w ill give you two dozen AVafcrs. j or put it in the middle of a dish, and. pour tilt-! this is also the. case on the oppos'd To make Rice Pujfs.—To ;i pint of the gravy round, liaving l j Kentucky. In relation to the bes A General Assortment of Crockery dour add a.tea-spoo»ftil of salt, a pint ol’ boil- ; B -sides tlic above, it is a good food forcltil- ! vineyard, l answer; that I belt, v- Glass* Hardware* Cailory* &C« Wg water—beat Up four eggs, stir them well] droii; and it inay also ho used for tlio ^hick- maybe madu^to flojirishe.xtrem.elv Amongst w-liicb are : Trace and Haller chains, together, put from two to thren.. spoonfuls of cnihg soups, custard, pics, *N c. I almost any of oiir Vr I grap; Ullbl: low for cash only. J. BENNETT. Jd & Y$ VV Cr .‘J , Next door to the Post Office, ^IjrAVK just received and have on band a IS ML fresh assortment of Groceries, which aro ottered fur cash at very reduced prices, viz. 50 barrels N. Rum 2 lihds. Jamaica do 25 bbls rye Gin 25 do do Whiskey 5. hints. Baltimore do 3G barrels Apple Brandy 5 lihds superior old A. Brandy 10 bbls Malaga Wiuo 3 do Tenefiffc do 1 pipe Sicily Madeira do 2 do coguiac Brandy 1 do Hullaiid Giu 0 bbls Peach Brandy t* do Cider 4 lihds Vinegar 10 boxes Soap 10 do Raisins 0 do Prunes 5 do Starch 4 do Lf Sugar 25 hags Coffee 20 bbls Prime Sugars 2 bags Spice, 2 tierces Rico 2 do Pepper .round aud race Ginger Teas, Chocolate, Sperm Caudles M Cigars 10 kegs Powder 20 bags Shot !00 bars Lead, &c. See. ALSO A fresh stork of Dry Goods, Hardware. Cutle ry, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Hats, Boots. Shoes, Szc.. See. 1000 Franklin Saws 200 Long handle Spades 50 Short do do 50 kegs Nails anil Brads June 12 LS34-37 Spring and Summer Clothing*. tyr.Z, 23. BVESSAIli ~W"W~ AS just received, aud is offering for sale, -5..R. for Cash an extensive Assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, consisting in part of the following : Blue, black, green, & Adelaide summer doth frock 'Coats, dress Coats and Coatees Blaek and fancy colored English merino tires* Coats aud Coatees Rowan cassimcrc frock Coats aud Coatees Black lasting aud black Circassian Coatees Blue, green, blaek, adelaide nud drab summer cloth, grteu and drab Napoleon cord, black lasting, blaek Circassian, eriuiiiet, Mexican mixed, Angola cassimorc, Rownu cassimi-re, English incriuo, white and brOw-n linen drill ing, white and brown linen, wbito satin, blue Florcutinc, and dnek pantaloons Brown aud white liuru, rowan cassimgrc aud bombazette, blue Florentine aud white satin Roundabouts Vests of all descriptions Boys’ frock Coats, Coatees, Jackets, pants and Vests. &c. &c. april 3 tito suns, mere-i doubt, however, that so mV: of the varieties answer some soils kvUur than others, there is no opinion better cstablislu'.: -by i that) that a very slight .change in ihe -soi situation makes -a -material quality of the vine; This i> of chatnpaigno wine ;'and it h the difference in some of this considerable in tluv same- vrc-Itiif aspects which the vineyards phis id --precis ihe-stui-aed rente in the .0 be the case rtsscited that •iuc. is very i’, when the- -oij-^ao;! the- similar. Loaf Sugar, Gin, Segars, lye. ■g BBLS. N. O. Loaf Sugar of superior quality _B. 10 boxes do do 2 pipes Hollaud Giu 4 pipe coguiac Brandy 2 casks Port Wiue 20 boxes Claret C boxes Axes 50 M. Spanish Segars (superior) 50 boxes Soap Rogers’Orange Gunpowder in kegs andjannisters For sale by REA &, COTTON, sept 2tt-J 1 Iron Frame Travelling Trunk; ity the defect may be r im died by' ,co!r. & the'proper .ipplica t ion -.of <ujd substances teaditig to ciuyecf its d t •cts ,b the understratum sliourJ be tenagrMjs, - r o municates to the water whiclr it tourni;:., ( of -which the vines 'consume soiaigo a.q4u l Ik* £; ) b-- L’ O R sale l>y april 1 27 WM. H. BURD3ALL. Chloride of Lime and Soda. L C ASK -Chloride Lime, solution Clilorid Soda, just received and for sale hv Slav 29-:t5 WM. G. BROWN HJJSSSiS, Ll X>IOKX.^SSO.-m M AVE now on ha 1,1210 bbls domestic Li quors; I t pipi-,, bf pipes and hints Bran dy. Gin, and Jamaica Rum; 45 qr casks ass. V\ Ki. .. > bills ass. I'ori'il: III bills :■■■ ■ I ill bills Mackcrol; 40 hf bbls Grnckersj -‘i0 boxes bar sonp; 200 pieci s heavy bagging: 1000 cottnu | bags; Sugar, Coffoo, Irou, Salt, .Molasses, and ; almost every article relative to a grocery cstab- I lislnneui. together with a v< ry complete assort ment of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, &c. all of which w ill be -old at the lowest prices and only for cash. Also will constantly receive trcsli supplies from all the northern markets and hereafter offer unparalleled inducements. Macon aug 19 1P3-1-D FOR SALE GENERAL assortment of Goods suited , to the .Market, among which aro the follow- ater, | i„g nrticles : 50,000 lbs Bacon IU0 bbls Pork and .Mackerel 20 lihds Sugar 50 bags Coffeo 20,000 lbs iron 10 lihds table Salt 850 bids Wines and Sfflrits 15 bids Loaf Sugat ,My Wore House will bo iu older for the re ception uf coitmi the ensuing season. Those of mv country customers who may think fittostorc can do so free of any charge, aug l-l-St-3 THE SOUTHERN PLANTER and Horticultural Lyceum. Published at Macon Ga. by iM. Bank It. CON TENTS OF No. 3 , Vol. 3. Pine Apples; Turnip Fly; Custom of the E- gyptians : Commencing Business too Early: Corn; To restore Tainted Beef; To destroy .Moles in Gardens; Balm Blossoms; Sugar Crops in Mississippi and Louisiana; Grab or Cut Worm; Worms and Crows, & their operations ou Corn; Cultivation of Strawberries; Jell)' from Apples; Shoe Blacking; Dairy Husbandry of Holland; How to examine a Horse’s eye; .Molasses from Potatoes; Good Advice; To preserve Pumpkins through the winter and spring; Cottou Seed Oil; Mysterious; Jacob Hays; Piracy; Grubs oi Dots in Horses, or Colic; Planting Fruit Tress; Ne cessity of being well informed; Disease iu the Feet of Sheep: Des'ructive Storm: Comet; Snake Story; Composition for Coloring; Sin gular Oversight: Tin-Markets: Autumn. D. RALSTON. N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery. C OLOGNE, Rose, Lavender, Florida, and Ornitg'- Flower Water; Cosmetic cold Cream; (’osmotic Tablet: Naples compound Shaving Soap Macassar, Bear’s and Antique til; Gonlaud’a Lotion, &o. Arc. just received from the manufactory of N. Smith Prentiss, Ptr- fumrr, -tml for sale by WM. G. BROWN. ; line 1 3G From the Host on Evening Gazette. AN ARTICLE OF LUXURY. South Boston- Steam Rice Mill. Anion" the many improvements which ‘are being’ introduced for the pleasure and comfort of our ‘peculiarly favored’ citizens, we know of none so full of promise to (lie epicure, as the establishment of the Steam Rice Mill, at South Boston, by John Prince, Esq. This gentle man put in operation (a few months since) the patent rice machines of Messrs, Strong and Moody, of. Northampton, with the exclusive privilege of using them in Boston. He like wise commenced importing rice from the South in its rough state, or with its outer hull on, for the purpose of preparing it for the use of fam ilies, by his extensive and ingenious machines, rin- advantages accruing from this procedmei will be apparent to all who are familiar with j the process of putting up rice ill the Southern j Rates; tain its primitive Ires'll ness twenty years ; but when in tli- state it is sent to ns, it is subject, particularly in warm weather, to weevil and other insects. The mode of cleaning, adopted by Mr. Prince, is entirely different from that in common use. The grain is kept quite With the outer hull on it, it will rc J Full, putting at the bottom some randi-d or citron. Baku three quarters ol an - hour in a slow oven. Serve the moment before to bo eaten, with sweet since. Plain Rice Pudding.—Wash and pick some rice; throw-among it some allspice finely powdered, hut not much; tic the rice in a i| - . i cloth, and leave plenty of room for it to sr II. whole, another advantage of no small account, „ r ■ :.c »h»n i„-nL-,.„ ;. i I. Boil it in a quantity ol water for an hour or ! From the Charleston Mcrcinry. j® TREATMENT OF CHOLERA, quart of' Having been requested by many of the Platft- miJk, add r. pint 'of,(lie flour, boil 'them to a pap, | ters, to give them, in a concise manner, the beat up six eggs, to vyiiich add six spoonfuls of i precautions nud treatment which; prot^d most IlavanTia sugar, and a spoonful of bolter, which,! successful in the disease of Cholera* during a when well beaten together, add them- to the] residence in one of the Cholera Hospitals in milk and flour—grease tin- pan it is to be made I Phil idelpluR, in 1832, the writer feels it a du- in, grate nutmeg over the mixture, aud ‘ hake ty lie owes to his fellow citizens, to endeavor ir. to draw up iu the most simple .manner*, the appearances Another.—Boil one pint of milk, mix two la- followiiig'inadu of treatment, which has been i t cannot help thinking, lion bh-spoonfuls of rich flour with* a little cold j acknowledged by some of the most -eminent I which I shall presently give, that 'upon e.x.uni- milk, stir it in while the milk is boiling, after- | Physicians both of Europe and America, to ] nation it would be found that although ihw waials add a small piece of butter, five eggs, have-proved most efficacious, after having-tried ! surface of die gr/mud upon these spots produ- one nutmeg, uiio glass of wine, tire juice and various other modes of practice. I cing difleietit qualities ot wHm (t-ere alike, the petd of one lemon, and sugar to vour taste. In the first place, ho would recommend that f sub-stratum wajuiti, ho found to he very lifittrent Rice Flour Sponge Cake.—Made like otli- the following articles of medicine be procured, JI believe,, n.d. -d, ih^t flie n-hire «jf ; :h?' sutl er SpottgH, Cuke, 'except that you use three,I viz: Peppermint, Caster Oil, best Mustard,'| stUnceoJ’ rite sub-sutitp ii is of ; uiore i porfiutcb quarters of a pound of rice Hoar, thirteen j Prep -ierl Cl:alk, Gum Arabic, Parigoric, jin the cultiv<iti6n of the vino, lit in- iit u ofriio eggs, leaving out four wititUs, aiul add a little j Blister Piaister, Cayenne Popper,- Ci:itW»mon I surface. If the fitter is n-t oi t!ui salt. • Water, Sugar of Lead, Tincture of Catechu. Rice Flour Blanc- JIangc.—Boil one quart Great card should be taken as regards c!o- ofmiik, season it to your taste with sugar, thing and diet; flannel ‘Should be Worn next rose or peach water. Take four table-spoons to tlte skin, especially over the ahdomea and heaping full of,rice flour, mix it very smooth loins; ovoid overloading the stomach either With cold milk, add this to the otiier milk while j with food or drink ; vegetables and fruit should boiling, stirring it well. Let aii boil together be abstained front; suppers very injurious", as I ty) any bad qutility, the vine c-ui about teq minutes' stirring occasionally, then the disease-most generally attacks at night.— {indeed, no delicate fruit. of any pour it into moulds and put it by to cool.— In ease of costiveness, take two grains of Blue j produced in. such situations. It-.appears the This, is a very favorite, articlefor invalids. PHI and two of Rhubarb. Avoid Salts, Sen- J vine delights in pure ivater, amt wh-r? tue Rice Griddle Cakes.—Boil one large cup na, and all drastic Cathartics, as tho fatal ei-j sab-strata is ofaloosg ti xtorr, it will jKo rthii: its of whole rice quite soft in milk, and while liot fects have often been seen. j roots to an immense .!; :111 in search ol iR stir in a little flour, rice flour, or Indian meal; Treatment of Premonitory Symptoms.—It The vino planted in a soil id that kind will, when cold, add two or three eggs, aud a little is a fortunate circumstance for Mankind that in great measure,-bo independent dfadroltg-a salt. Baku in small thin Cakes on the grid- I we have some premonition in this fatal disease, i or extreme wet. Inn drought, it will obtain die. j In almost every case of Cholera, the attack is j its supplies by pediL'truling downward unlit o. Rice i'akc.—t\Iix ten ounces of ground rice, preceded by diarrhoea, which continues in ! finds a sufficiency ; an ! ou lhe Ajtuer^'tb-: three ounces of flour, eight oz. of powdered su-! most cases from 12 to 24 hours; tiiis is tho ’ ter will pass off freely, aud nut linger idiom - gar; then ^ifl those articles, by degrees into 8 \ golden opportunity for your remedies, wltirh. I roots, which are prone to lake it up in yolks and 6 whites of eggs,-and the grated I if you neglect, or fall into the common error of 1 large quantities. Gut, however irpportant it peel of one lemon. Mix the whole well to- giving a Cathartic, i» 'will'certainly hasten tho ! may be to have a loose soil for: a vin ,-.rrl,a getter in a tin s'cwpau over a very slow- fi. e j victim to tlte grove. The following prepara- i person wlro ltas no other than that of a fliin-r- with a whisk, then put it immediately into the tion was used by the writer of this article,' ent description, can overcome tlte -obstacle at oven in the same-pan* and bake forty tuiu- with great success in this stage of the disease,; no great expense. The process to which 1 utes. * I viz; Prepared Chalk 3 drachms; Cinnamon allude was adopted with success upon tho Another Rice Cake.—Beat 12 yolks and I water G oz: Parigoric 4 oz; Gum Arabic 2 j farm on which 1 was born. It'was the varie-* 6 whites of eggs, with the peels of 2 lemons | drachms; white Sugar-2 drachms—rub these j ty. which iu dus counry is called tlte Madeira grated.—Mix l-pound of rice flour, eight otin- well together in a mortar, and give one wine { grape, and of which the whiti wine of \ . vay ccs of flour, and 1 pound of sifted sugar.— J glass full every A hour, until the diarrhoea cen- [.is made,ihat wassohjected to th.-- t:.xperinjeiir- Then heat it well -with the eggs' by degrees ses—fomentations, by means of panne 1 ! wrung j Tiiis farin. lying -5 miles below Richmond, for an hour, with a spoon. Butter a pan ihor- out of mustard and warm water, must be ap-1 upon the James river, p >ss sses n most t iu.- oughly and pat it in a gentle oven, an hour and plied'to the abdomen. j cious stiffyellov clay soil. Many years before a half will bake it. First stage of the attack.—When purging I I was bom, my father had endeavored to' cul- Rice Caudle.—Soak, some whole rico iu [ and vomiting become violent attended with i tivate the vine extensively for tho -purpose of water an liour, strain it, and put two spoonfuls spasms, and intense thirst, if iu a robust and [ making wine. Not succeeding upon a largo of the rice into a pint and a quarter of milk; strong person, and the pulse will admit, bleed- scale, no doubt from the uiifitncssx'of the soil, <ind simmer, til! it will pulp through a sieve, ing would be advisable ; give an emetic of two { he limited his efforts to a largo square in tha Then put the pulp and milk into a saucepan, table spoonsful of table Salt, a tea spoonful of t gardbn. In this, and at the -proper distance with a bruised clove, and a little white sugar, j Mustard,- to 4 pint warm water, to be taken iu ; for ploughing tit** vines, deep pits were dug, (i Simmer ten minutes; if too thick, add-i spoon-| two doses, in the interval of 15 minutes, to be do not !•> now how deep oi; wide, aud repeated until the patient vomits freely—ap ply cups or leeches oyer tlte whole abdomen, and when removed, apply a large blister.— For the cramps, use a linament of Turpentine' and red Pepper, well rubbed on the parts af fected, with a hard brush—for thirst give small pieces of ice. If tho purging and vomiting have been arrested by tho above treatment, give 20 grains of Calomel, divided into two doses, in the interval of two hours. Second stage.—If; notwithstanding ibis treatment, the patient should appear to be sin king, and the purging and vomiting continues, likewise the pulse become weaker, tho skin : colder-and tho breathing more laborious, in crease ‘Tie strength of the Emetic, and continue ! it until it operates freely—give an injection j of Tincture Catechu 2drachms, Flaxseed Mu- , celago 8 ounces, Camphor 5 grains, given warm—let the whole body be -veil rubbed with ' pint Mustard and red Pepper, and let tha patient drink hot Ginger Tea in small quantities. Thin! stage.—When tho pulse has boa me suriacc was s almost imperceptible, and the surface cold, - same tomiciu especially the extremities, accompanied with bc-twcc i the i profuse, cold sweats, there is little hope—j given'you tht continue the stimulating friction f toe, injections of hot water tut repeated freely. ful or two of milk, und serve with thin toast Rice Milk.—Is made by w siting the whole rice very nicely, and simmering over a slow fire, with a considerable quantity of milk, till very soft; then flavored with lemon, spice and sugar. Ground Rice Milk.—Boil 1 spoonful of ground rice, rubbed down smooth with three half pints of milk, a bit of Icnnm peel, cin namon, and nutmeg. Sweeten when nearly done. Rice Paste.—Boil a quarter of a pound of ground tic*;, in tiic smallest quantity of water; strain from it till the moisture, as .veil as you can; beat It in a mortar, with half an ounce of butter, and one egg, well beaten. It will make an excellent paste for Tarts, &.v. Small Rice Puddings.—Wash two largo spoonfuls ol rice, arid simmer it with half a pint of ntilk till thick; then put with it, the size of an egg of butter, and near half of thick cream, and give it one boil. When cool, mix four yolks, and two whites of eggs well beaten; sweeten to taste andadd ouiiucg, grated lemon peel, and a little powdered ciu- nauion. Butter little cups, ana till three parts filled up -with gravel, sand and brick b its, sufficiency of prOpSr.soil was placed upon foundation, andithe vines planted ill-the c< of each. .1 do not know tin: exact date o experiment: It was before,!- was born, ut before I can remember,- and I am now J wards of GO.- But I-know the.grapes were ways excellent, when I was iu t!;c habit ol j ing them ; arid my nephew, who owns tlio j tato upon which they grow, informed me, ; I st fail, that liu-y were still very’ tiv. experiment, which I have said was in ide Either, of a vineyard on a lar e s •.-, was tqadeonthc same kind of soil with-that el garden above described* but at (hedistanct , 2 miles, upon a creek bolt eat, where .. e.-i dominat' d on the surface. II aware that light soils were .Vs l have before --Mt-.-d, the I 'do not know that I over!) signed ; but 1 have no t do be found, upon exumin ite n at- eat- cs- but ; no (loan best for grape experiment i tile aid the reason a i J j t that it won that although tl •a turn was of tl intervening lane :in-s a Zftruvt ofo Letter from Gen. to the sur- ad 'Vurpetitine my failure in a so ) 2d. fr in the s-ice* j of an artificial su. \l'/u. II. liar- ! I h ive been thu 1, J. REMOVAL. | R USSEl.L DICKINSON have remov ed to die store formerly occupied by N. B. | AN ill iu ms, successor to II. Blair co., i\ ln-rc all kinds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. can bo had for ca»h only and at the lowestmarkot prices. Just Kecoived Bbls. and half bids, all numbers Mackerel; bbls. •uni half bbls. family canal Flour; I’ickled Pork, Tobacco, Bagging, Twine, Iron, See. Sec. j uly 23-5 M ORTON'S Cough Syrup, just roceivcd and for sale by dec JI WM_ G. BROWN EXCHANGE office. D. BEERS. J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. have opened flu office in Macon, in tho Counting Room recently occupied hj Messrs. Hamilton (,• Hays, (opposite liuson’s Tavern) • and are prepared to transact the Exchange iJu- ( sines* iu all its branches. CHECKS, At sight, or ou time, ou N. York. Fayetteville, Charleston, Millodgoville, Mobile, Philadelphia, Savannah, Augu.-ta, Columbus, New- Orleans. (|y* Doited States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cotton, either tc hold or to ship to Savauuali, Charleston or New York. Macon r Nov. 29 10 its when broken-it loses much of its original or natural flavor. Tho bran or under coat of tlio i grain, furnishes excellent food for horses, cows, i hogs, sheep and poultry—and the outer hull,! which is of a yellowish cast, answers well for packing glass, crock' ry, bottles, fruit, and we coincide with Mr. Prince in the Opinion, that, 1 it may prove valuable stock for coarse paper. Wo can, from experience, and do most ear nestly recommend both the plain and ground rice ol this establishment to house-keepers 1 generally. e are persuaded, if once used, it i 1,1 will never be exchanged for that imported, - which is generally broken aud very* cnrelcssh put up in casks, and loses mostofits nutricious qualifies before it is used. U lie following receipts for the various tnetli- two; when done, eat it with butter and su gar, or milk. Put in I: mon peel il sou choose. Rice Padding with Fruit.—Sweii too rice with a very little milk over the fire, then mix fruit of any kind of it,. currants, goos'-herri -s scalded, pared ind quartered apples, rai.fiqs, or black currants, wi a one egg in the rice tu bind it. Boil woli and serve wish bmtei apd sugar, If apples are used, it is better to en close them in the rice, i» with p iste. Tiiis lies i verv delicious pudding. A l)utr/i Rice Pudding.—Soak four oun ces of rice, in warm water alfanhour, drain the water from h. and throw ii into t stewr-pan, with a pint of milk, a stick of cinnamon, and simmer it till tender. When cold, add four ion, mo ti:o ! e; oose under soil 1 of a diffeient descriptio .s w- ich attended the expo stratum. ; particular because 1 tin: rison, President ofilu Agricultural Society | it necessary to be so in relation to ate -grica of Hamilton county, on the. Cultivation ’ toral proces?. if the Vine, | North fiend, 28th .1 :tlt/, 18 54. i From the Halijas Nona Scciian. 1 had, as vou have heard a vineyard of about j Kxtkaoiiuixaby Phcxouun.i.—Vester-.i.i one tmd half acres, tiear’y equally divided be- j evening Mr. John Parker, Mr. John Roger tween the graf the Vt-vav T'rapc ods.ol using rice flour will, wri think,"be appre-; whole eggs well beaten, two oz. of buttci, dated by our fair readers, who are ever wil- - melted in a tea-cupful of cream, 3 oz. of sil ling to gather facts in the peculiar sphere of. gar, a quarter of a nutmeg, and some lemon their duty—domestic economy. j peel. Put a light puff [taste into a mould or To make Loaf Rice Bread.—Boil a pint \ dish, and bake in a quick oven, i-qu which is here called nd the Madeira variety. I’ll.: location was a bad one, being on tlte bank of t’ne Ohio. This situation exposed it to too inn. li moisture, particularly as tlio soil was a stiff one. It flourished very well, how ever, fora few years ; but tlio grapes (after t'-o 1 mrtii vc-ar, I think, from its hearing well) Mr. Archibald Scott, and several other per sons being at the Three Mile House, observed something in J Ho air, which they first tjok .mst or fog, but as the - ventug was very cb-ar, they were induced to take more notice of it. anti by holding the bauds' above the eyes so t exclude the ray sol the Sun, they could distinctly SCO bodies of insects, apparently *)(';* tvav.s grew mouldy at first, and towards the' red or crimson color. Tlu-y were in sheets, hitter part of the-season withered. The Ve- j with trains after them, resentbling that of a vay gr ipe succeeded much better than the .Ala- | comet, each sheet of these indirection from d ira. I made from the former several barrels j West to East, about 25 or 3D feat from the of wine, one of which only was good, but that, j earth, and at least 20 yards in width, follow- being bottled for six or eight months, was ex cellent. In color it resembled the claret. In making it, I have put in four pounds ot Mus covado sugar and half » gallon of high wines to the barrel. I have attributed tho lailure 04 my vineyar#to the character of the soil,- and each other in flocks like the pigeons; tney observed the passage of those insects for more than twenty minutes, tho Sun at the time be ing more than one hour h|gh. A good appetite i? rtle fceft savmpt