Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 23, 1834, Image 1

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c & M. BARTLETT, Editors. M.1COA', Georgia, THURSDAY, OClOBER i834. A ol i: .11 j : IX.... 3\ t m ij i IS. r ORCUA TEI££&APB ! **'“* PI’BbiallKl* KVKItV THL-RSPAr, lt MACVX Ca: by MY BOX BARTLETT. „ . „ />*« on Second Street—next Jour to pr,nU« 0 J 1 Huton't Hotel. TFRM5-—Tumck Dollars a year, if paid in , * nr Four Dollars, if not paid before the JygUCC,«• j . .. .Subscribers living at a distance aJvsnce i, 4) f die y<5**i* # * . c rt .nuircd in all cases to pay in advance. w, !U»<y 0 Paper discontinued. but at the iliscre- li'iii of the publisher, until all arrearages arc i :iil. CAM! STORE. SSSBE223 <51 'Oi/O 023. Xrxt doer to the Post Office. ■Kt \VE received nud are turn- opening a EJ very extetuivo assortment of Entirely r ! Srasuuable and Fahionable Dry Goods, J'v-,h will bo sold at unusually low prices Pure (risers will find it to their advantage to . ...all. Our Stock musists in part of jjJJ Ilic-ccs Calico, from 10 to 37ets. j0 o do furniture |»nuU p J’lincli ;><» o 100 so ]«) 50 do 'J’urkey Red do ,ln Circnsasiiuis all colors, printed do ' ,u, French, Gro tie Swiss, Gro de Nap Berlin Siuchmv Sarsiict and Levantiue Silks rul'd l.tuiug^ “ Poult de Soic rul’d Cambric pl.iiu Pope striped, & plaid Cambric iMiuk, plain and fig’d Swiss,' jaconet Xansiiok. and mull .Muslins I inrn Cambric. im'g do, bishop T.nwn, cor- ■ .j c ,j,{nut's, I.accs and Etlgiugs, iiuerlmgs ",'l dost silk, gauze. hernanis, & crape fancy rdi iwls. Thibet Wool do pongee nud spirialfieltl silk lldkfs mu .In cotton flag, turkey fed, an if behd lltlkfs ItMi doz tacking Combs 100 do side n<> tucking side 00 Prosing and ivory do I.'iil plain and fancy Braid Bonnets M ii Ribbon*. Ti.fieta Rib’us every color *•5doxelegant Nells, fig’d blk aud co’d velvT Belts Plain blk velvet do, silk velvet tabby do (Oil dnz while, raudou, blk and slate cotton aud woollcu Hosiery Kid, llnrscskiu mid beaver Gloves ,T0 •• woollcu do | i:l lcs 3-4 4~! 6-1 clacked Homespuns ps Irish Liuens every quality lim tiuz spool Thread 50 do Blk. and assort’d coin’d Irish sewing Thread, blk. and colored sewing Silk oO pieces blue, mixed, stuped, and drab Sat inet is 10 do blue, black, mixed, Rroad Cloths Striped and drab Cassimcrc, Ermine tl «5 pcicc* white, rod, yellow &. green Flannel.-, from ID «o 7jets. -Si bales -’1-4 and 4-4 Homespun from 10 to 14c. j do cotton and hemp Osnaburgs f> do striped uegro Ul.uikets 8 amt 9-4 51) pieces Rose do jtl do heavy Fustians aud woolen Cloths for negroes 5 bates 3-4 4-4 6-4 Plaids and Stripes Furniture Plaids Hangup Cord. Ticklonburg. Russia Duck, Crash Diaper. Heavy twilled bowel Cottons j Rales Tickings front I2£ to 37j cts. jr o Cotton Silk Umbrellas, geutlemctis Cloaks 12 cases Beaver nud nap’t Hats, 6 cases wool do a large assortment of heavy Shoes, gentlemen ai d ladies Shoes of every kind stood assortment Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Gias w ire, Groceries See. tee. Expected by first Boats a large assortment of Groceries, iron Salt Steel, Bagging, Fish, Nails. & •. &c. . DRUGS, MEDICI I\ES, &c. HE subscriber is now receiving his fresh T supplies, and ill additinu to au extensive assortment of S’ZaESSS SEJJGS, Medicines and Chemicals, Oilers for sale a quantity of DYE STUFFS, Viz.: I.ogwood. Red Sanders, Cam aud Brazil Woods, Spanish Flot. Guatemala aud country Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Biue Stoue, Alum ami Aimullo. PAINTS. White l.ead, dry nud ground ill oil Veaetiaii Red do do do Spanish Brown do do do Yellow Ochre do ' do do Verdigris do do do 1’ Bine. Rose, Pink, Drop, l.ake, Vermill ion, Croute Green, Croine \ellow, 'l’era, Dt^ien- iih, Stone Ochre, Litharge, Turkey limher Flake White. I.ainp ami Ivory Blacks. PEUFUMERY. ■Otto of Rose, .Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples shaving Soap, cream Soap, Cologne nud Rose Water, Vegetable Rouge, Boar’s, Macassar aud Antique oil, Ruse and Pearl Powder, &c. BRUSHES. Clothes, Hair Tooth, Plastci, Shoe, aud Ilorsc Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Pearl Ash, Soap. Pines Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, See. Sic. For sale by W.M. G. BROWN, nov 21 8 RYJSSSlii Ol OICSXa’SO^ B ■ \\ E now on hand 210 bids domestic Li- AJL quors; 1-1 pipes, bf pipes and hhds Bran dy. Gin, nud Jamaica Rum; -15 qr casks ass. Wines; Sliblsuss. Cordial; 40 bbis and bf bbls Mackerel; 40 hf l.bls Crackers; 30 boxes bar sonp; 200 piecis heavy bagging; 1000 cotton bags; Sugar. Codec, Iron. Salt. Molasses, and almost every article relative to a grocery estab lishment, together with a very complete assort ment of Dry Goods. Hats. Shoes, Hardware, Ate. all of which will be sold at the lowest prices and only for cash. Also will constantly receive fresh supplies from all the northern markets and hereafter otTer unparalleled inducements. Macon ting |9 H34,9 NEW GOODS. WM. H. BIRDSALL, AS Just received a new and extensive as sortment of dry goods, READYMADE CLOTKirtfC, hats, shoes, which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OK THK FOLLOW ISO: siuper Saxony, Blue, Black aud Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue,'Black. Mixed and Faucy colored Satinctts English Meriuous Duffle, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson. Green and While Flannels Printed Salshury • do Gauton and Saxony and Gauze do Damask Tabic Diapers Birds Eye ami Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue aud coloured Bomhazettcs do do do Circassians Negro Cloths I.iuscys Bleached and Uubleached Shil lings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian I.ustirng do Gros de Swiss tlo do Naples do do Berlin do Siiichcws and Sarsanets Colored Gros de Naples . Black and colored Florences do Italiau Crapes Merino Maudes aud Square Shawls Common, Thibet- wool. Valentin, Silk Dainask aud twisted Silk Shawls Ilernani, Muslin. Crape, Gauze and Gros de Na ples Dress lldkfs I.ndics aud Misses BounCts Irish (.incus ami Lawns Cotton Cassinicrs Leaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks FluorCloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia ShcctiugBcur Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass O/.naburghs Hangup Cord Cottoii Yurn Coitou, Worsted aud Lambs wool Hosiery Black aud colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk mid col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark and light col’d Prints and Ginghams Lace and Gauze Veils Fig’dand plain Bobiuct Lace Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Xansook and Book Muslins I .iuenCambric lldkfs Pongee, ludiau Flag and SpittleficldHdkfs Curved aud plain Shell Coiubs Geutleineus English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skia and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules Ready-made Clothing. Superfine bine, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown und green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, aud blue, steel mix’d and lancy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sutlinet Pantaloons, xautb’s doth and sutlinet Dress and I-’rock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Fluriutine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Yaicntiu, English 8i!k, colored and while Merscilles Tuilinet, Swausdorvu and Sattinet Vests Caiuiet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Putersliam Box Coats, Lyon 8kin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shins, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, Ac. JYcgro Clothing. Men's &■ Tooth's Fur Hats, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, Seal A-Hair Caps, Fine Boots & Shoes—Negro Shoes, «!tc. «fcc. Oct 15. 17 2\ O’CASZAGEAir . H AS just received from New }ork, and is now opening'at bis old stand, a very extensive and Well selected stock of And fall and iVinicr Goods, Which he will sell very low fox yash—his stock consists in part of the following articles:— 50 hhds. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, 25 do. New Orleans do. ’Si boxes l.oaf do. 250 bags Cuba und Rio Coffee, 1!0 do. Java do. 10 chests Tea, 10 hhds. Baltimore Whiskey, 50 hhls. do. 15 hhds. X. F. Rum, 59 bbls*. do. 75 hhls. Northern Gin. 4 pipes Holland do. C pipes Cognise Brandy, THE SUBSCRIBER has formed anas- dciabon ip hi$ ratinrags h Com mission lin.-iiu .ss. and i:i future it will be concluded Under the firm’of BOXCOBKS^ 2?2! ;K» & CO, and he solicits for the n,u firm a continuance of the ce- factory, and as n the summer, prevented my attendin'* to the business auv futlher tind I learnefl upon an in quiry in the fall, that “it seemed : weevil in some degree.” This w n in i Ik- lu nik 2^SiS2s2E 6b WOOS, Xtit door to the Tost Office, AYE jnst received und have on hand a fresh assortment of Groceries, which are ottered for cash at very reduced prices, viz. 50 barrels N. Ruin 2 ldids. Jamaica do 25 hbls rye Gin 25 do do V, hiskey 5 hhds. Baltimore do 36 barrels Apple Brandy 5 lihds superior old A. Brandy 10 bbls Malaga Wine 3 do Teuerifle do 1 pipe Sicily Madeira do 2 do cogniac Brandy 1 do Holland Gin 6 bids Peach Brandy 0 do Cider 4 hhds Viuegar 10 boxes Soup 10 do Raisins 6 do Prunes 5 do Starch 4 do LfSugar 25 bags Coffee 20 bids Prime Sugars 2 bags Spico, 2 tierces Rice 2 do Pepper Ground aud race Ginger Teas. Chocolate, Sperm Caudles 25 M Cigars 10 kegs Powder 20 bags Shot 200 bars Lead. &c. &c. ALSO A fresh stock of Dir Goods, Hardware. Cutlo- rv. Crockery, aud Glass Ware, Hats, Boots, shoes, &ic. 6ic. ’ 1000 Franklin Saws 200 Long handle Spades 50 Short do do 50 kegs Nails and Brads June 12 1834-37 2 lihfj'. Jamaica Rum, 40 qr. casks .Malaga Wine, 10 do. Madeira do. 50 casks Cfi.-iuipaigue, 20 boxes Claret do. 20 boxes Lemon Syrup, 20 bbls. Cordial, 30 hhds. Molasses, • 10.000 lbs. Baltimore Hants, 4,000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 50,000 lbs. Sweeds iron, 2.000 lbs. blistered and German Steel, 50fl piece* Bagging. 500 lbs. Twine, 200 coil of bale and well ltopc, 50 boxes Sperm and Tallow Candles, f>0 do. Raisins. 100 bbls. Canal Flour, 20 crates Crockery Ware Also an extensive assortment of * DRY GOODS. 10 bales Dud’Blankets, 2 do. Rose do. 200 pieces Cali'-ocs, 50 pieces Ginghams, 50 pieces Irish Linen, 20 bales bleached and brown Homespun, 30 pieces Sattinetta. 50 pieces Flannel!*, Bandanna and Cotton Hdkts. Thibet and fancy Shawls, Silks, Hosiery Gloves, Circassians, Bombazines and Uombazeis, Bead Bag; , and a great variety of faucy articles: also, a well select ed lot of Cishiomible and READY MAPS C£OTHXXV4 ALSO A large assortment of Negro Shoes, Kip Brogans, women’s aud boys leather Shoes, Ladies Prunell Boots aud Slippers, Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes, 10 doz. Fashionable Bonnets, 40 cases of fir Hats, 30 doz. Wool do. Ladies and Gentlemen’s Saddles, Bridles, Mortingals, Wagon Whips, Horse Collars, Trace and Halter Chains, Hardware and Cutlery. In addition to his former stock, will arrive in a few days, ten close Carriages, ten Chariotees, and ten Ba rouches of the newest pattern and best quality. Macon. September 4. 1KU. V din^ttHho' kind of grape. We lifivo now cmiu'erateti tire foijr es-cpitinl check the' ingredients requisite l'ur the forfttaiiou of wine, not saris- 1 when union; has not presented them um was a:ii!;i- I < :i due proportions, in any fruit from which v.m id, I iliu rmiu- tiiay wish to make wine, most add ;hl*m- air trio!. The ourselves. , ivept, and wash- ; Temperature iiifiuci.ccs fenpcutntipn very' r was then coy- i much. At 5U deg. very little feniieiitatiou corn about a .will .commence, at 60 deg. the fenijematioit and then a. lav-1 gradually takes place but about 70 deg. is tho- By whom liberal advances will he made lo planters i of mvrtle, and ’his management continued y.i tonipCratiiro •**«•<* Musi, or tiiejuice- and merchants who may wish to huve the advantage ol i throiighmit the whole harvest observing to cov- 1,1 tire grape is plnccu to leriuent. sales'Of cotton (in Charleston', mado by us. j ertlto top of the corn bed with these little bush- j Having stated the above facts let m* fottsid- ‘‘ ni 1 -M! . . • ■ cl A r (» s# . During the winter T several titnt's exam- er ;.:e best wav oi applying tlietii (o praetjee so A. protracted Meeun- wi.l cc;.. ' jned the corn, m ar the door and saw no wee- as to make vjnc from liie native u: nj lilnral patronage heretofore extended to him. The undivided exertions ciftiie parties will be devoted to die interest of their consigning friends. JOHN C. IICLCOMBC. Charleston, S. C. SapL 11, 1834. Jtrfcmces in Macuu—Hamilton A Hayes, Cooke & Cowles. Baxter Fort & Wiley, J. D. Beers I. R. St. John &co. rcbtly more thau tisualiv ed to give the experiment ; corn house was emptied, am ed with boiling water; the- 1 ered with myrtle: a layer foot deep was then brought in °“ J hnrs, !?i’ in f* at i viL vet was fearful, that in the both' of tire Tito native grape (as fir as 1 ffKS the i'resbytenan Church in this place, I . v \ . * - * ; to which all friendly ta the Ciuise of, kouse, ttm mischief might still he. going ou. P' . iurmsuwl with Religion are most cordially invited to i Lute in tire spring we began to uso tire corn j quisites Jo; the formatia;; The-lev. .Messrs. DatCamels, Howard, &. freely, and stiil found no weevil, the crop I gar is in to a small a CWftnrify to produce Al- was eventually consumed, and was to the j culibl suflicteht to make a good wine, or one last, entirely free from insects of all and every ; that will ke.jpwilFxn bi-ina apt m iiminto tire kind. ’ f Acbtods fcrme'ntatjon'. The «• i ri;m-'c.-r This was to me satisfactory, and the rulet *>1 the red grape, and the ferment are ia abuia!- has been uniformly observed bf strewing the l ancc. house with myrtle, and no weevil Itavq since I. should.therefore e; :.I »y the following ju o- been seen. My corn liouse is divided into two j portions, taking care to use weight and mens- bins, and an entry; and this year I had plant-] ore, and to note the temperature, and different .-d a small field alone, and desired that it miiriit 1 steps of the process accurately, »o as to form a g attend. others are expected to be present <>-» the occasion. Macon Oct 14 1834-17. “; ^KBSS3 « A QUANTITY of superior Northern Cheese, just received by COOKE & COWLES. Oct. 15. 17, Gt nil emeu's Fine Boots, Just received' amir for raj bv WM.* II. BURDSALL. Oct 15 17 ill essential no, hut tire Loaf Sugar, Gin, Segars, Sfc. ■jg BBLS. N. O. Loaf Sugar of superior quality B v* 10 boxes do ~ do 2 pipes Holland Gin £ pipe cogniac Brandy 2 casks Pou Wine 20 boxes Claret 0 boxes Axes 50 M- Spanish Segars (superior) 50 boxes Soap Rogers’Orange Gunpowder in kegs and canaisters For sale by REA & COTTON, sept 23-14 Holland's Tonic Mixture. ARRANTED a certain cure for the Fever and Ague also the genuine Hygean medicines. For side only by COOKE & COWLES. Macon, Oct 8. 16 Authorized Agents. N assortment of Colored Silks of the latest style, just received and for sale by WM. II. /BURDSALL. OctU. 17 A T HE llev. James 8terlv ..mi John lioss are expec ted to preach, by tiic'Diyine p ir.nit .on, at die following Baptist Churches,' on the days mentioned, at 11 o’clock. Mount Paran, Crawford, Monday, Nov. 3d. Macon, • Bibb, Tuesday, “ 4th Flat Shoal, Jones, Wednesday, “ 5th Fishing creek, Baldwin,, “ 6th Island creek, Hancock, Friday, “ 7lh Mount Olives, Baldwin, Saturday, " 8th HIT The Milledgeviile papers are respectfully reques ted to publish these appointments. oct 161834-17 ORTON’S GuugU Syrup, just received and l or sale by lec If WM. G. BROWN 05 s * WILLI AM B. JORDAN, will be a Can didate for Receiver of Tax Returns at the next January election. s«p 1) For Sale or Rent. A comfortable and convenient DWEL LING HOUSE near tbe head of Cotton Avenue, for a small family, with Kitch en, Smoke House. A c. For particulars inquire at this Office. Oct. 15. 17 G‘ ENTLEMEN’S Steel mixed Cloth Surtouts, * Drab “ do. ‘ Brown “ do. 1 Blue “ Coats, ‘ Black Camlet do. just reoeived and for sale bv WM. II, BURDSALL. Oct 14 17 THE SOUTHMU\ PLAMTER and J! ticultural l.-grum. Published a'. Macen Ga. by M. Bartlett. CONTEX TS Ol 'NoA , Vol. 3. Plaster of Baris—Red cla>, bv it. R. Harden: Cutcli- ing tent.; Courage; Hint* to Farmers, Gama Grass lu-roasiug Chmc-a Mulberry; Fnea oaahle Flattery; Household Adlers Bain Yard; Wheat uuickly prepar ed l'>i Market; Tetescop- - an ordcle of Luxury; jTreiit- nmnt of Cholcra; To increase the strensth and tin-u . -s | of Thread and .Cotton Cloth; Draft Horaoa; Improve-1 ni-ii: of aoi); Cultivation of lire Vine; lHiilo«ophical I Hoax; Cure for sore lacks of hone s; : xiraorUinary , *j' 1 l’hanomina; Remarkable habit of the Americas l.o-l^ 0 "' EXCHANGE OFFICE. D. BEERS. J. II- ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened nu office in Macou. in the Counting Room recently occupied iiy Messrs, lluuiilloo k* Hays, (opposite Husori’s Tavern) • ud .ire prepared to trausact the Exchange Bu siness in all its branches. CSSCES, At sight, or ou time, ou N. Tori Fayetteville, Cbarhstoi:, Millcdgcviile, Mobile, (C/** BuifCi \ Ivrmces t nr to si York. Philadelphia, Savanna!), * Augusta, Columbus, New Or'eaus. tales Bank Notes for * lie made ou Cotton, /re. cither to vust$; Beantiful Extract; Poetrv. 51 aeon, Nov. 2 i[> to Savauuab* Charleston or 10 A FRESH SUPPLY O. NEW GOO D C OMPRISING a geueral assortment of . Stuple and Fancy Dry Goods, also flue Black aud Drali beaver lints, Boots aud Shoes, Saddles, Bridles, saddle Bags and whips, Hard ware, Castings. Crockery, window Glass, sets of blacksmiths Tools complete, White mo ref gen uine Cotton Cards, cottou Yarns by the bt licit or bale, Foolscap, fetter and wrapping Paper, Collins’ cast steel Axes, buck, squirrel aud Bird Shot, Du Pouts and Rogers’ Powder, sperm candles. Soap, Raisins, Chocolate, Spices, Spanish Cigars, fresh Tens of every variety, loaf, lump and white Havanua Sugar, parent Medicines, sein, gill nett and bagging Twiuc, shoe Thread, boxes claret and champaiguc Wines. Madeira, Tcnneriffe. .Muscatel and Mal aga Wines in casks, Newark Cider, pure cider Viuegar. (cc. &c. Also iu store aud for sale on accommodating terms. 55 hhds superior Molasses 25 do St. Croix aud Porto Uico Sugars 60 bags prime green Coffee 30 bids do do do 200 ps. Dundee and American Bagging 1100 ready inadu cotton Bags 32000 IJts Swede Iron assorted. Planters merchants and all others having to purchase such articles, are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. THOS T. NAPIER. Macon. 6th Aug. 1834 7 Just Received mid for Sate, ROWN and loaf p-ugar, Rice Northern Rum, Gin and Whiskey Old apple and peach-Brandy Champaign aud cdguac do Madeira, teuerifT-, and sicily Wines—old port, muscatel and claret do—champaign do— moUigu and fsaiiasc do Cherry Bounce, P'rench’conlial, Newark cider Dunbar’s best Loudon Porter, bar Lead, Shot Best cavendish chewing and smoking Tobacco Best pickled mess Beef and Pork. Bacon, Coffee Pcpperand spice, Pickled salmon and mackerel Sperm aud tallow caudles. Lemon syrup Bcstbuuch Raisins in whole aud half boxes Martinique cordials, Jamaica and st croix Rum Bar aud shaving soap, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder and-hyson Tea Milk, soda, sugar, butter and water Crackers Ginger, Ciuuamoii, Nutmegs and Mace Real Spanish Segars, Pipes, maccaboy SuufF Best Canal and Western Flour. ALSO, A General Assortment of Crockery Crlasa, Sardware* Cutlery, <Sic. Amongst which are : Trace and Haller chains, Wcediug Docs, Shovels and spades. Sad Irons, Axes. Ilaudsaws, Gimblets, Augers ami Chisels, Stock and Padlocks, Butts aud Screws And various other articles which will be sold low for cash only. may 22 J. BENNETT. he kept separate. Into this entry ileus thrown, sure guide for repe and no myrtle was put with it, but the two ; :hs J future time. !<>r were as usual well supplied. Upon my ex- , which the cxperimei: auiining the corn house, I found the corn infeessnry. the entry filled with weevil, while that in the j Jffeasure any quantity ot nuole grapes, put bins was totally free from all insects. The J them into a tub, and add to them as much Wa com was immediately removed, and though fil- * as is eqaal to half their bulk; (note the led with insects \vas divided between the! measure) masb all together to form the must, & two bins; and myrtle pfcatifallv strewed {let them ferment gradually, (note the tempera 1 - oi tho top of each. I am now rating *he j litre of the air and of the fermenting must) un corn, and the weevil are no Where to he found. This last accidental experiment ismorc con vincing than either of the others; here the two bins were free front weevil, and the corn which was separated from then only by a loose board partition was filled, and I have little doubt would have been rendered unfit for use before tiie summer was over. Perhaps, Mr. Editor, in giving you and your readers die information detailed in this paper, I have been “carrying coals to Newcastle;’ if so light your spirit lamp with it, and I shall be satisfied as my only ob ject is to do good and not to see my name in print. With my best wishes for vonr restora tion to health, and success in your pursuits, I remain your friend.—Louisiana Register. til the coloring matter of the husk is given out i sufficiently to the fluid, (note the time requi red) then strain off the liquor from the dregs through a hair scive and to‘every gallon of li quor add three pounds of tolerably white sugar, and carry on the fermentation in a cask at a- bout 70 deg. until from the taste you find the- sugar sufficiently converted intq^Vlcohol, (noto the time required) reduce the temparnture and let the wine remain in the cask to become- cleared. If the wine continues thickish, rack off into a clean dry cask, and bung up, and when fine, botrle for use, employing good corks or it will not keep. Note—reserve some of the wine to fill the cask up with during ferim i - tation. N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery. C OLOGNE, Rose. Lavender. Florida, aud Orange Flower Water; Cosmetic cold Greatu; Cosmetic Tablet; Naples compound Shaving Soap ; Macassar. Bear’s aud Antique )il; G on la lid's Lotion, See., (cc. just received from the manufactory of N. Smith Prentiss, Per fumer, aud for sale by WM. G. BROWN, june 1 36 ES7G-X.ZSM &t CLASSICAL SQSQQ&e T HE subscriber being solicited to return and open ui a Shod in die city of Macon, he takes this op- f. portunity of announcing to his friends and the citizens generally, diat lie lias purchased a house and lot for that purpose, most beautifully situated with respect to retirement, salubrity and convenience at tho corner of l’lum and Fourth streets, a short distance above the Presbyterian Church. The School will go into opera tion on Monday 3d November next. He respectfully solicits public patronage. Parents and Guardians may rest assured that the strictest attention will be paid to the moral* and manners as well as to die literary im provement of the students committed to his care. Terms of tuition per quarter Spelliug and Reading - « - - ■* - $4.00, Writing and Aridtmetic ----- 5,00, English Grammar, Geography, His- torv, Ac. 6.00, Greek and Iradn - -- -- -- - 8,00. JOHN O’KEIFFE. iCP l’.rfirmces. The Hon. C. B. Strong. Dr. A. Clopton, Alexander Shotwell, Jacob Shotwell, David Ralston, John Carter. - J. O’K. Oct. 15, 1844-17-lt REMOVAL. jn US^F.LL &. DICKINSON have remov ed to ihe store formerly occupied by X. B. Williams, successors If. Blair A. co., where all kinds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. can bo had for cash only and at tho lowest market prices. Just Slecyived Bbls. and half hhls. all uumbers Mn< ker.-i: bb! • and half bbls. family e411 at Fiour; PieiJtm Port Tobacco, Bagging, Twine, Iron, See. See. jul\;23-5 | an effect was visiule. JVIy removal to town t WILD OR CANDLEBERRY MYRTLE, -4 remedy against the depredations occa sioned by the weevil. April 7th, 1S34. Dear Sin,—Information on alt and any subject, connected with all agricultural pursuits will, I presume, find admittance into your pe riodical, and although tho notice may be of apparently small matters, yet to ono of your readers, it tn.y appear new and let me add, valuable. I am induced to make these remarks from the inconvenience, I snlltred for many years, from the destruction 01 tny corn by weevil, and the total absence of them now, in consequence of the application of a very simple remedy. The land which I plant in corn is low, and requires almost as much drain ing as the river lauds, hut is productive, and yields abundant crops. Whether it is owing to the location of the land, or other, (to me) unknown causes, I am unable to say, but tbe fart is, that the corr. is often taken from tire field with a great many weevils in it. No in jury see ued to result from their residence in it, while in the field, or during the coid weather, but as soon as tire summer’s sun has shed his genial wurmtb upon us, these intruders gave notice of tlreir existence, by commencing tho work of destruction. Upon several occasions my provisions were materially injured, and much complaiued of by tho consumers-—I tried a variety of remedies, without effect.— Late planting was both suggested aud tried; the la nd was ail broken updeep m tho winter, with a plough: the seed was coated with tar and soot, and finally was brought iroui one of tho sea-ishmds at a distance and planted.— Tbe crops I think, were improved by each of the remedies in quantity, but the enemy still retained his position, removed, aud appan in ly immovable. 1 was one nay maiiti 'nine the circumstance to a friend who told m - that he understood tirai the wild juirtUY( Myrica rcri-: feru) was a sovereign reined. tor;‘iissei in ing- 1 ly incurable disease, at this lim. t!u d struc- 1 tiou had commeiK d and the in-.ects wi rc to be seen in every direction: a quantity ?: myrtle was p. • ou". .1 ai. 1 pread w riiie top of tin- c rn, a .irecre is Fiven 10 lot! w it u >, if GA3IA GRASS. We were visited by a gentleman from New Orleans, the other day, who came to our office to make some inquiry about gania grass—he had heard much said about it of late, and wish ed to get some of the seed. On being shown a stalk of this grass hanging in tho office, be v as much surprised to find it an old and fumil- acquaintance. It formed his chief dependence for pasture and iiay, on one of his plantations below the city. lie spoke highly of its quali ties for hay,- when cut young, and said that cat tle fattened well ou it In a green state, when a foot or cigteen inches high. The only difficul ty with it is to keep it down ; lie says, that when grown from five to nine feet high, and when old, it is not relished by stock. The cattle then go among it to protect themselves from musketoos. At this season of the year, or later, tbey/now it off, btirn it, in any way they can, and for the rest of the fall, it makes the most delightful pasture imaginable. He was unacquainted with tho fact that it would grow ou high land; it being confined in his neighborhood to low and wet grounds. When we consider that this grass will grow in our climate, and on dry as well as wet soil, it must become a very desirable object with our farmers to obtain it. If the low lands in our neck, and along the banks of rivers and creeks, and on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, instead of being covered with putrefaction, From the New England Farmer. Tho Farmers of New England iii general,, are too apt to contend with each other in tho law; and to refer, even the most trifling con troversies between them, to the decisions of Courts of Justice. But they ought to guard a- gainst this ruinous practice, as they would u- gaiust disappointments and misfortunes. For if they will attend to the fiuits of this unhappy passion, they will see that but few if any, have been benefitted, wlrle multitudes have been, utterly ruined by it. So great are the una voidable expenses of time, counsel, witnesss, attendance, fees of officers, and so many the vexations of mind, that in general, a man had better compound with his neighbor in a quiet and peaceable manner, and give bis coal, al though lie had previously taken away his cloak, than submit to tbe manifold ovils which may possibly arise from a process in law. But you will say Ire will gain tire cause, and then —to which it may be replied, Ire may lose it and then.—Farther you may observe that there re certain characters, with which you are ob liged to be connected occasionally, who are so given to contention that it is next to impossible to keep up au amicable correspondence with them. They will encroach, deceive, oppress, and pay no conscientious regard to tiieir con duct and engagements. Doubtless there may be such characters: but if you know them, it must be your own fault, in some measure if difficulties arise between you ana them. It is imprudent to have any great intimacy, or : much to do with a man of a dishonest, contcu- producingdiseaso, and depopulating our coun trv,—we say, if these situarions were well set tious spirit. Aud yet it must ho acknowLdp- with this grass, and clothed with a verdure of flowing green the year round, and producing fine droves of flabby short horns, jn place of miastata and death,—we think it would he an improvement in agriculture. And why can this not be done ? The gania grass on tho ex perimental farm attachcd-to this estyblishment, flourishes away finely this dry seesen.—La. Register. From-ihe Lowell Journal. Native wine. Some time since we published the fact that a most excellent wine’could he made from our native grape, aud stated our intcution of pro curing directions for tire manufacture. The following rules were prepared by Dr. Duesbu- ry, ono of the most thoroughly scientific and practical chemist in tho country; and wo have great pleasure in laying them before our readers, just, as tho grape is ripening, lit for use. JOINTS TOWARDS MAKING WINE FROM TilE NATIVE GRAPE. ’ It appears that tire following are the princi pal circumstances attending ibo. formation of wino from of tire grape. ed, that it may sometimes be a duly which y, owe to the i.ublic, as well as to yourself, to op pose his base and dishonest attempts. As where a man challenges the title you have to your lands when he might as well claim tho lands and tenements of any otirer neighbor —to oppose, and il’ possible, suitably punish such a character, so avaricious and wicked, ev- j ery man ought always lo be ready atid willing.. Such uicn in neighborhoods and iu such-tv, are like foxes and wolves, in a llijtk of sheep: aed we have to lament the lot of that man wire is obliged to to come forward aud to expose them at his own expense. But to avoid tire vexatious and expense which unavoidably foK ,low from suits in law, “study to he quiet and to do your own business—keep _\ our shop and your shop will keep you.” Avoid taverns, lmrso races,shooting matches and gaming ta bles. Pay ail your little, as well as your grea ter debts punctually. Give y our laborers their hard earned wages daily, or at least, weekly ; aud clue all your recounts with every man, at the closo of every year. Use tho creatures and goods of your neighbor, when hired or bor rowed, as carefully, oj more carefully, than you would if they were your uuu—hi- truija charitable, and look upon all men as your 1st. Tlu^fflcohol or Spirit is derived from .brethren., Apcqstom yourselves to do ti.tlo the sugar contained in the grape—tho Musca dine grape, for instance, contains about thirty per cent, of a peculiar species of sugar, and when the juice oftbo grape is thoroughly fi.-r- mecited it. produces a strong wine, on tire con trary grapes containing little sugar, or which are gathered before they are ripe- (and the su gar therefore) not fully' developed) produce thin wines which aro apt to run into tire Acet ous fermentations or to form Vinegar. 2d. The Coloring matter resides in tha _ husk ol the grape—white grapes produciu' r J and appetites- An white wine, und red ones red wine. j ho followed by your r.ei 3d. T 'he ferment (a substance which per- ! it would put an c ;.d to contorts) forms the office of Yeast as ire.-d in making 1 and savd you fi^m the expem. Beer) resides or is lodged in the membranes | of lire- ia-.v: which, though n..,- that separate the cells of the fruit. ! ih itself, may prove iL most pi Th. Water is held in a large quantity in ail | of distress, to these w ire rusi grapes, but of course varies iu quantity accor- engage in it. your neigbbors^aild ■ ithout any ex pectations. of reward, from them.. ■'Occriook. things said and dono-by them, «lien.they WCfC- angry, mistaken; or (rented with liquor,. Ne~» ver atte inpt to take thei advantage of thtm r however they may exfiose themscH-PS; lmt throw the mantle of charity over their weak ness. Remember that you also arc ;t malts and that lien-^olcnc<iis tk-.- lav ot your nature. Above all things, make it yot deavar to rcgulats. and■ cxitn 111 pie tidy yoiti thA and 1 ns of . and aid, tnav it siiouid, v- XJtttous uu.i _ood