Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 30, 1834, Image 1

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c. E. & M. BARTLETT, Editors. MACON, Georgia, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 £834. Volume IX....Nr mbi:h 19. tfSORGIA i/ELDGRAPH: PL'nUSUKn KTUIT THURSDAY, it MACON, Ca. by MVRON BARTLETT. Printing Office on Second Street—next door to Huson's Hotel. TERMS*—Three Dollar* a year, if paid in advance, or Four Doi.lap.s. if not paid before the mil of the year. Subscribers living at a distance will ^ required in nil eases to pay in advance. ' xftio Paper discontinued, h"* "* * u “ l: ” uon of 'ho publisher, until all lit at the iliscre- arrearnges are 50 (i 100 50 100 50 qr. do CASH STORE. aIXBBEE & WOOD. yext door to the Post Office. vV E received and are now opening a very extensive assortment of Entirely frlsX Seasonable nnd Fuhionablc Dry Goods, which will be sold at unusually low prices. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to • ve „„ a call. Our .Stock consists in part of Two pieces Calico, from 10 to 37cts. 100 do furniture prints Fuuch . ‘ lo Turkey Red do do Circasasiaus all colors, printed do do French Chnlly, Grade Swiss, Gro de Nap Berlin Sinchatv Sarsuct nnd Levantine Silks col’d Lining “ Poult de Soic col’d Camhric plain Pope striped, Sc plaid Cambric book, plain and figM Swiss, jaconet, Nansook, and mull Muslins Liuen Cambric, ins’g do, bishop Lawn, cor ded Robes, Laces nnd Edgings, insertings 2(1 dove silk, gauze, hcruauis. Sc crape fancy Shawls, Thibet Wool do 100 do* pongee nud spittalficld silk Ildkfs 100 do cotton flag, turkey red, and head Ildkfs 1(H) do* tucking Combs 100 do side do Shell tucking & sido do Dressing aud ivory do 1511 plain aud fancy Braid Bonnets Elesaut sett Ribbons, Taffeta Rib'us every color 25 do* clegaut Belts, fig’d blk and co’d velv’t Belts Plain blk velvet do, silk velvet tabby do 100 do* white, ramlmf, blk and slate cotton and woollen Hosiery Kid, llorscskiii and heaver Gloves 50* “ woollen do 0 bales 3-4 4-1 G-4 checked Homespuns 25 ps l 'i$!i Linens every quality 100 do* spool Thread 30 do Blk. aud assort’d coin'd Irish sewing Thread, blk. aud colored sewing Silk 50 pieces blue, mixed, stuped, and drab Sat- ioettt 10 do blue, black, mixed, Broad Cloths Sirqicd anil drab Cassimere, Enninett 25 peiccs white, red, yellow & green Flamiels from 31 to 75ets. 25 bales 3-4 and 4-4 Homespun from 10 to 14c. 5 do cotton and hemp Osnalmrgs 5 do striped negro Blankets 8 and 0-4 50 pieces Rose do 50 do heavy Fustians and woolen Cloths for negroes 5 bales 3-4 4-4 6-4 Plaids and Stripes Furniture Plaids Hangup Cord. Ticklenbnrg, Russia Duck, Crash Diaper, Heavy twilled Lovvel CoUous 5 Bales Tickings from 12£ to 37$ cts. K0 Cotton &c Silk Umbrellas, gentlemens Cloaks 12 cases Beaverand uap’t Hats, Gcasos wooldo a large assortment o( heavy Shoes, gentlemen ai d ladies Shoes of every kind good assortment Hardware aud Cutlery, Crockery aud Glass wire, Groceries &c. See. Expected by first Boats a large assortment of Groceries, Iron Salt Steel, Bagging, Fish, Nails. &: . &c. IVEW GOODS. WM. H. BURDSALL,^ H AS Jtisi received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, READY MADE C£OTHZNS, JUTS. SHOES, S,-c. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OK THE FOLLOWING : Super Saxony, Blue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, .Mixed and Fancy colored Satiuclts English Merinocs DulBe, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson. Green and While Flamiels Printed SnUbury ’ do Canton nnd Saxony and Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Bird* Eye and Russia do . Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Bombazcttcs do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Liuseys Bleached and Unbleached Sbirtiugs Sc Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italiau Lustirng do Gros de Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin do Sinciiews nnd Sarsancts Colored Gros do Naples Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes iMcriuo Mantles and Square Shawls Common. Thibet wool. Valentia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Hcriinni, .Muslin. Crape, Gauze nnd Gros do Na ples Dress Ildkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cassimcrs Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia SheetiugBcar Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Ozuaburghs Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cottou, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk and col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark and light col’d Prints and Ginghams Lace and Gauze Veils Fig’dand plain Bobiuct Lace Thread Laces DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. njNHE subscriber is now receiving bis fresh B supplies, and in addition to an extensive assortment of FRESH DRUGS. Medici ties and Chemicals, Offers for sale a quantity of DYE STUFFS, Viz.: Logwood, Red Snnders, Cam and Brazil Wood*, Spanish Plot. Guatemala and country Indigo, Madder, Copperas, Blue Stone, Alum and Annailo. PAINTS. W hite Lend, dry and grouud in oil Vcnctiati Red do do do Spanish Brown do do do Yellow Ochre do do do Verdigris do do do Prussian Blue, Rose, Pink, Drop, Lake, Vermill ion, Croine Green, Croine Yellow, Tern, Desien- ua. Stone Oclirc, Litharge, Turkey Umber I’lakc White. Lamp and Ivory Blacks. PERFUMERY. Otto of. Rose, Miik of Rose, cosmetic cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples shaving Soap, cream Soap, Cologne and Rose Water, Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar and Antique oil, Rose nnd Pearl Powder, Sce. BRUSHES. Clothes, Ilair Toolli, Plastci, Shoe, nnd Horse Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Pearl Ash, Soap, Pines Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, &c. &c. F 01 Mile by WM. G. BROWN, nov 21 8 , w OOOjtiST &COWIES, A RE opening a general Stock of Goods at ™ their New Store. They would be pleas ed to receive a call from their friends, nov 21 rf 8 Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Book Muslius l inen Cambric Ildkfs Pongee, Indian Flagnud SpittlcficldIldkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver aud Goat skiu Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules Ready-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adcluid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Suttinct Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, • and green Cloth Pantaloons, Ohio, black nnd fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s clolb and sritlinct Dress and Frock Coats, do. do do Pantaloons, Black and bine Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Plorintinc, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Vnleutia, English Silk, colored and white Merscilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth Sc Patcrsham Box Coats,* Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, &c. JV egro Clothing. Men’s & Youth’s For Hats, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, Seal Sc Hair Caps, Fine Boots A Shoes—Negro Shoes, &c. &c. Oct. 15. i7 r. o’cailagban H AS just received from New York, and is now opening at his old stand, a very extensive aud well selected stock of And fall and Whiter Goods, Which he will sell very low for cash—his stock consists in part of the following articles:— 50 lilids. St. Croix and Porto ilico Sugars, 25 do. New Orleans do. , 2.5 boxes Loaf do. 250 bags Cuba and Rio Coffee, 30 do. Java do. In < I.T.-.i, j ) !ii, I-. Baltimore Whi-k. v, 50 bbls. do. 15 hlids. .V K. Klim, 59 bills, do. 75 bbls. Northern Gin. 4 pipes Holland do. 6 pipes Cogniac Brandy, 2 iibds. Jamaica Rum. 40 qr. casks Malaga Wine, 10 do. Madeira do. 50 casks Champaign*, 20 boxes Claret do. 20 boxes Lemon Syrup, 20 bbls. Cordial, 30 hlids. Molasses, 10,000 lbs. Baltimore Hums, 4,000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 50,000 lbs. Sweeds Iron, 2,000 lbs. blistered and German Steel, 500 pieces Bagging: 500 lbs. Twine, 200 coil of bale aud well llope, 50 boxes Sperm aud Tallow Caudles, 50 do. Raisins. 100 bids. Canal Flour, 20 crates Crockery Ware Also an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS. 10 bales Dull* Blankets, 2 do. Rose do. 2U0 pieces Calicoes, 50 pieces Ginghams, 50 pieces Irish Linen, 20 bales bleached and brown Homespun, 30 pieces Saltinetts. 30 pieces Flanuclls, Bandanna and Cotton Ildkfs. Thibet nnd fancy Shawls, Silks, Hosiery Gloves, Circassians, Bombazines and Bouibazets, Bead Bags, and a great variety of fancy articles: also, a well select ed lot of fashionable aud R3SADY MAD£ CLOTHLKTG. ALSO A large assortment of Negro Shoes, Kip Brogans, women's and boys leather Shoes, Ladies Prune!! Boots and Slippers, Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes, 10 duz. Fashionable Bonnets, 40 cases of fir Hats, 30 doz. Wool do. Ladies and Gentlemen’s Saddles, Bridles, Alariingals, Wagon Whips, Horse Collars, Trace and Halter Chains, Hardware and Cutlery. In addition to bis former stock, will arrive in a few days, ten close Carriages, ten Chnriotees, and ten Ba rouches of the newest pattern and best quality. Macon. SonisniVr 4. IWt. 17 THE SUBSCRIBER fans forme, an association in iiis Factorage Sf Com mission Business, and in future it will b. conducted under the firm of KOLCOM&2. PU2K, &. CO, and he solicits for the t'.nc firm a continuance of the r. ry liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. Tin undivided exertions ofthe parties will be devoted to the interest of their consigning friends. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE. Charleston. S. C. Sept. 11, 1834. References in Moron—Hamilton A Hayes, Cooke So Tor iLl,t)\8 Sale, : old peach Brandy, be Sugar. Co fee, .Molasses, Bacon, *. Flour, and M;:< kerel, S. It. V GOODS of rariviis description: for < asli et 23-18 to mentioi:- :it the Corni -all nt' wlo. r Store, u. ' THOM A' rill be i th Bridge Mill’. REMOVAL; T HE subscribers have removed then-stock ble <Vc. to the south side of Broad street Cowles Baxter Fort & Wiley, J. D. Beers I. R. St. I diateiv below the New Mark t, adjoining M John & eo. j Randle’s Brick Ware Hon By whom libera! advances will lie made to planters and merchants who may wish to have tha advantage of sales of cotton (in Charleston) made bv us. 3ml3 HOI.Ct KM BE. PECK .fc CO RICE WINE. Mr. Editor i —I observe in * ol tho old travellers in India, r: Rice wine—a fermented liquor, that grain, arid an infusion of spoken of ns wholesome vei Of course it cannot be An an, f« dilation. Can anv ofvour corr 4 QUANTITY of superior 1 Northern Cheese, just received bv ' COOKF. Sc COWLES. Oct. 15. 17 G nil lenten's Fine Bools, Just received and for sale bv WM. H. BURDSALL. Oct 15 17 >f inar- inuiie- sou Sc —where they maim fact n re Monuments, ’Tomb Stones, Head Stones, Chimney Pieces, and Stone Work generally. They have on baud -MARBLE of various descriptions, and will exe cute orders for any articles in the above line in the best manner and at the shortest notice. They will also ex ecute carving of every description. GARRET LAWRENCE A- CO. net 13-15-4tCon’sto. form your readers of the preparing this wine ? It i know every mode of using tion of our country. mu* accounts mion made ol id mined from mires. I: is f pleasant.— i that is adis- spondents iu- iiu! used for importance to tuple produc- A. Loaf Sugar, Gin, Segars, tyc. TH 4 k BBLS. N. O. Loaf Sugar of superior quality A10 boxes do do 2 pipes Holland Gin A pipe cogniac Brandy 2 casks Port Wine 20 boxes Claret G boxes Axes 30 M. Spanish Segars (superior) 50 boxes Soap Rogers’Orange Gunpowder in kegs and cannisters For sale by REA & COTTON, sept 23-14 Rouund's Tonic Mixture. W ARRANTED a certain cure for the Fever and Ague also the genuine Hygcan medicines. For sale only by COOKE & COWLES. Macon, Oct. 8. 16 Authorized Agents. T HE Rev. James Sterlv and John Ross are expec t’d to preach, by the Divine permission, tt ibe following Baptist Churches, oil the days mentioned, at 11 o’clock. •Mount Paran, Crawford, Monday, Nov. 3d. Macon, Bibb, Tuesday, “ 4ili Flat Shoal, Jones, Wednesday, “ 5th Fi.-liing creek, Baldwin, Thursday, “ Gtli Island creek, Hancock, Friday, “ 7th Mount Olives, Baldwin, Saturday, “ 8th (O" Tile Milledgeville papers are respectfully reques ted to publish these appointments. oct 1G 1834-17 CHOPPED FOOD. A writer in ilie New-ring 1 mi Farmer, or: die subject of chopping food for stock, whose stock consists of eight horses, six » xeii, tliiriv- five cows, and two yearlings, states ids saviuj. by chopping his food, to he two dollars and eighty-six cents. He status the expense of feeding his stock, in the usual w..\, at ten dollars and twenty-live cents a dsv, the ex pense of feeding with choppid food, seven dollars and thirty-nine cents, leaving the ba lance above stated in favour of chopped food. G* ENTLEMEN’S Steel mixed Cloth Surtouts ‘ Drab “ do. 1 Brown “ do. * Blue “ Coats, ‘ Black Camlet do. just reoeived and for sale by WM. H, BURDSALL. Oct 14 17 RUSSELL 6l DICKinSOUT U \ VE now on hand 210 bbls domestic Li quors; 14 pipes, lif pipes and hlitis Bran- dy. Gin, ami Jamaica Ruin; 45 qr casks ass. 'Vines; 8 bbls ass. Cordial; 40 bbls and hf bbls Mackerel; 40 hf bbls Crackers; 30 boxes bar M * ip; 200 pieces heavy bagging; 1000 cotton hags; Sugar. Coffee, Iron, Salt, Molasses, and Umost every article relative to a grocery estab lishment, together with a very complete assort ment of Dry Goods. lints, Shoes, Hardware, «t. all of which will bo sold at the lowest prices And only for cash. Also will constantly receive fit'll supplies from all the northern markets and hereafter oiler unparalleled inducements. _ Macon nog |91834-9 _ (t?*\Ve are requested to announce ABSO- •L'I KU RBA N, as a candidate for Tax Col- Pl,, r <>f Bibb county, at the ensuing election in *" ot i>< xi sepf. 4 KZSBEE 6l WOOD, Next door to the Post Office } H AVE just received and have on hand a fresh assortment of Groceries, whicli arc offered for casii at very reduced prices, viz. 50 barrels N. Bum 2 hlids. Jamaica do 25 bbls rye Gin 25 do do Whiskey 5 hlids. Baltimore do t 3G barrels Apple Brandy 5 lihds superior old A. Brandy 10 bbls Malaga Win* 3 do Toneriffc do 1 pipe 8icily Madeira do 2 do cogniac Brandy 1 (lo Holland Gin 0 bids Peach Braudy G do Cider 4 hlids Vinegar 10 boxes Soap 10 do Kuisins G do Prunes 5 do Starch 4 do LfSugar 25 bags Coffee 20 bbls Prime Sugars 2 hags Spice, 2 tierces Rico 2 do Pepper Ground and race Ginger Teas, Chocolate, Sperm Candles 25 M Cigars 10 kegs Powder 20 hags Shot 300 bars Lead. &c. See. ALSO A fresh slock ofDry Goods, Hardware. Cutle ry, Crockery, and Glass Ware, 'ilats, Boots, Shoes. See. See. 1000 Franklin Saws 200 Long handle Spades 50 Short do do 50 kegs Nails and Brads June 121834-37 EXCHANGE OFFICE. J D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened an oflico in Macon, iu the Counting Room recently occupied by Messrs. Hamilton tf Hays, (opposite Huson’s Tavern) and are prepared to transact tbe Exchange Bu siness iu nil its branches. CHECKS, At sight, or on time, on WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. The subscriber continues theaboxc business at bis old stand, (head ofCber- rvst.& Cotton avenue,) where he offers ail tiie usual facilities in business. His Ware Houses Sc Close Storages are in prime order, and as much exempted from the danger of fire as any in the place. JAMES C. MORGAN. 3Iacon, sept 171834-13 WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscriber continues to NEW CLOTHING, Hats, Shoes, and Fancy Articles. WTOW opening at the MACON CLOTHING jL n STORE a large assortment of Coats, Frock Coats, Over Coats, Coattees, Pantaloons of most all kinds Sc qualities; Cloth. Velvet, Valencia, I'.nib’d Velvet, Woollen Velvet, Merscilles, Florentine Vests; Gentle men’s and Ladies’ Cloaks; Drawers; Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts; Stripe do; Short Jackets; J’ea Jackets; Monkey Jackets; Negro Clothing, Ac. which lias been manufactured by myself the past summer, and in tho best manner. Also, a handsome assortment of Stocks and Suspenders of the best quality; Flag, Bandanna, Spitalfield, India and Linen Cainbrirk^pdkfs; White, Blk, Buckskin, Silk, and Berlin Gloves; Silk, Cotton, Lambswool, and Vigona half hose; Cravats; Net Shirts, Drawers; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas; Linen Collars, Bosoms; Linen Cambrick do, and most every article in the Gentleman’s line. Fine Blk, Blue, Royal Purple, Mixed, Green, Brown Cloths; Buff Cassimers; Vesting, Shirting, Velvets, & a few Tailors’ Trimmings, Military Ball Buttons, Eagio do, Epaulettes; Lace braid, (a Fine Gilt Sword and Belt.) XSAKS. A good assortment of fii * Ilats, made expressly for this market; common do; Wool do; and will be sold ns cheap as can be found iu the up country. Cloth and Seal Fur Caps; Fine Boots and Shoes; Calf sewed Brogans; Pegged do; Kip do; “ JacS*--on “ David Crockett Calf, Morocco, Buckskin, and Lasting Pumps; Chil dren’s Shoes; Oter Shoes; G00 pair Negro Shoes, Ac, Ac. I would invito my friends and tbe public to give me a call at my old stand, where they shall have an oppor tunity to judge for themselves NOTICE. GIVE notice again to all that have not paid np their notes aud accounts for the last year, that 1 am now at home and ready to receive the game, not in old prom ises, for they won’t meet my just debts. I hope this will be a sufficient notice to some that have paid me in promisesforsome time. LEWIS F1TCII. act 22-18 I ENGLISH & CLASSICAL f'H 1 HE subscriber being solicited to return and open .0. a Shoolin the city of Macon, lie takes tiii- op portunity of announcing to his friends and the citizens 1 . «... generally, that he has purchased a house and lot for , " e purpose o burning the lidiotis, tnosses, and that purpose, most beautifully situated with respect to dead leaves on the app! tree. Without plier- retircineut, salubrity and convenience at the corner of! ing an opinion on tin* merits oi any mode for Plum and Fourth streets, a short distance above the WITHERED LEAVES ON TREES. J. D. in the Gardener’s .Magazine, observe; “It is stated that in Normandy, children a about with lighted torches of rve straw, lb Presbyterian Church. The School will go into opera tion on Monday 3d November next. He respectfully solicits public patronage. Parents and Guardians may rest assured that the strictest attention will be paid to the morals and manners as well as to the literary im provement of the students committed to his care. Terms of tuition per quarter Spelling and Reading $4.00, Writing and Arithmetic 5,(10, English Grammar, Geography, His tory, Ac. ’- - - - G.00, Greek and Latin - -- -- -- - 8.00. JOHN O’KEIFFE. IFF References. The Hon. C. B. Strong, Dr. A. Clopton, Alexander 'Shotwcll, Jacob Shotwell. David Ralston, John Carter. J. O’K. Oct. 15. 1844-17-41 Overseer Wanted. A YOUNG man, with no famil r, capable of taking charge of a small farm, and a few hands, is want ed immediately. To one of a moral, industrious char acter, good wages will be given. None* others need apply* Inquire at this office. o,;t 23-3t removing the persisting dead h ;ves, it mav he safely remarked, that lo remove them is most judicious and desirable. When leaves, which should fail in autumn, remain, though dead, through the winter on fi;ui and. other trees, such dead leaves, on (■xamination, will commonly bo found to he Inti the envelopes of as many clusters of eggs, oi pupa of insects, which the sunshine of spring will xci i to life and voracity just it the time that tli expand ing leaves of the trees have In-come i ligib’e food for their sustenance.”—jVc« England Fanner. NEW oct 22-18 LEWIS FITCH. Just Received and for Sale, B ROWN and loaf Sugar, Rice Northern Rum, Gin and Whiskey- Old apple aud peach Brandy Champaign and cognac do Madeira, teueriffe, aud sicily Wines—old port, muscatel nnd claret do—champaign do— mnlnga and fentinac do Cherry Bounce, French cordial, Newark cider Dunbar’s best London Porter, bar Lead. Shot Best cavendish chewing and smoking Tobacco Best pickled mess Beef and Pork. Baton, Coffee Pepper and spice. Pickled salmon and mackerel Sperm and tallow candles. Lemon syrup Best hunch Raisins in whole nud half boxes Martinique cordials. Jamaica and st croix Rum Bar aud shaving soup, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder aud hyson Tea Milk, soda, sugar, butter and water Crackers Giuger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs aud Mace Real Spanish Segars, Pipes, maccaboy Snuff Best Canal and Western Flour. ALSO, A General Assortment of Crockery Glass, Hardware, Cutlery, <8cc 4> transact the above business in its various branches, ai.d in addition to the Ware House at present oc- Ammgst which are : Trace and Halter chains, cupicd by him, (which will be continued.) he has Weediug Does, Shovels and spades. Sad Irons, taken the now Ware House on R, McCall’s lot, together with the Wharf. This ware house is considered the most secure from fire of any in the city. He will bo prepared to make advances on Cottou and Produce in store, and on Ship ments to Savanuah, Charleston, New York, Liv erpool, Havre, &c. A. C. COLDWELL. Macon Aug 21 1834-10 W Henrc’a ItfUenc&ia, \ RK \ \ I'I'D . • .lUiiii'. ji»st r for sale by juno 5 ;Ki NJ Ifoik, Fayetteville, Charleston, Milledgeville, Mobile, (Lp* United State- Philadelphia, Savanuah, Augusta, Columbus, New Orleans. Bank N’o'is for HAMILTON & HAYS FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Macon, Georgia, n AVE removed to the large and convenient W are-House formerly occupied by Messrs BLANTON &SMITH, where they will transact a general Factorage, Ware-House and Commission business. They avail themselves of this opportunity to return to their friends and patrons, their grateful acknowledgements, aud to assure them of a renewed solicitude for the pro motion of the interest of all who may favor them u ith their business, either directly or by their friends. Liberal advances made on Cotton, and other Merchandize in store. July, 1834. 3m 7 Axes. Handsaws. Giinblets, Augers and Chisels, Stock and Padlocks, Butts and Screws And various other articles which will he sold low for cash only. may 22 J. BENNETT. A FRESH SUPPLY O. GOODS, € COMPRISING a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, also flue Black and Drab beaver Hats, Boots and Shoes, Saddles. Bridles, saddle Bags and whips, Hard ware, Castings, Crockery, window Glass, sets of blacksmiths Tools complete, Whitentores gen uine Cotton Cards, cottou Yarns by the buuch'or hale. Foolscap, letter and wrapping Paper, Collins’ cast s.eel Axes, buck, squirrel and bird Shot, Dn Pouts and Rogers’ Powder, sperm candles, Soap, Raisins, Chocolate, Spices, Spanish Cigars, fresh Teas of every variety, loaf, lump and white Havanna Sugar, patent Medicines, sein, gill nett and bagging Twine, shoe Thread, boxes claret and chanipaigne Wines, Madeira, Teuneriffe. Muscatel and Mal aga Wines in casks, Newark Cider, pure cider Vinegar, &c. See. Also iu store aud for sale on' accommodating terms. 55 hlids superior Molasses 25 do St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars GO hags prime grccu Coffee 20 bbls do do do 200 ps. Dundee and American Bagging 1100 ready made cotton Bags 32000 lbs Swede Iron assorted. , Planters merchants and all others haviii^ purchase such articles, are respectfully invited j indignation to call and examine for themselves. THOS T. NAPIER. Murom6th Aug. TS34 7 INANIMATE ELOCUTION. We have received another interesting article on tho neglect of the* power (.(' expression among us, hut must defer it to our next tiom- her. The following remarks from the Geneva Gazette, on the public exhibition *.t'11 se college in that place, furnish a striking illustration of tiie defect to which our correspondent alludes. We wisli this were a solitary example ; hut we believe almost the same remarks may he made concerning a large proportion of similar exhi bitions in our country. ‘The compositions ranked above the ordi nary character of such productions : end when examined in a purely intellectual j oiut of \ iow, it most he acknow edged that thev iwr-* dis tinguished as developing r.nndsu, iidisciplined, careful in research, disciimica.:n_ in judgnu.-nt, refined in taste, deeply iir.Lucd wi ll iis-ic lore, and possessing highly cultivated ima ginations. We are sorry, I.-mvi-vt . , that v. e cannot award equal commendation to tin- deli very of those con positions. Alt tough the subjects were admirably designed for the most splendid domonstrations yet there was a cqUlne: that ran counter to the e! emotions which such piec culated to awakcu. The laliou, and too great moi Wf> I Ja SL N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery. OLOGNE, Rose, Lavender. Florida, and REMOVAL. USSELL Sc DICKINSON have remov ed to the store formerly occupied by N. B. Williams, successor to II. Blair & co., where all kiuds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. can be had for cash only aud at the lowest market prices. Just Received Bbls. and half bbls. all numbers Mackerel; bbls. and half bbls. family canal Flour; Pickled Pork, Tobacco, Bagging, Twine, Iron, dice. &e. ju!v23-5 F. F. LEWIS, M^RCHA^-T TAILOR, tic cold j 'ViT’OULD inform his friends aud the public, Tiponnd I *» that lie is now carrying on the Tailoring Shaving Soap ; Macassar, Bear’s and Antique business iu all its branches, at the old stand of Orange Flower Water; Cosmetic cold Cream; Cosmetic Tablet; Naples co )il; Gouland’s Lotion, Sec. See. just received from the manufactory of N. Smith Prentiss, Per fumer, and for sale by ( WM. G. BROWN, junc 1 3G WARE-HOUSE (meH AND WM. J and G. BROWN iate. ires ill be mad-- on Cotton either t; hold or :o ship to Savaunah, Charleston o* New York. Macon, Nov. 28 10 J. GODDARD & Co. Ware House A Com mission Merchants, Macon, WILL continue to transact the above business at the Ware House occupied by them during the past season. This Ware House is as secure from the dangers of fire as any in the city. They take this opportunity of returning their grateful acknowledgments for the liberal patron age heretofore bestowed by their friends and the public. And by a strict attention to business committed to their care, and the facilities which they will he able to render their customers, they hope to merit a comiuuance of the patronage of their friends and the public in general. They are prepared to make liberal advances at ail times ou Cotton stored or shipped by them. Cotton stored at their Ware House will be iusiired at the lowest latest, if requested. Mae.)it septi I, 1834. Gin VV1LI I'M B. JORDAN, will he a Can- -iio tte for Receiver of Tax Returns at tbe next January election. cep 11 COMMISSION SUSXi&lSSS. CITY OF MACON. I WILL commence the above business by tiie first of September next, and will occnpv LAMAR’S LOWER WARE-HOUSE, ' immediately on the river above the bridge, hav ing a good wharf attached thereto and safe from fire, for the convenience of my friends residing above Macon—1 have taken the Scale House on Cottou Avenue, from whence cotton will he taken to the wharf free of charges. I have been inbusiiiess for the last twenty years within thirty miles of Macon, and for the large share of pub lic confidence and liberal patronage received, I take this occasion to return my grateful thanks. From my commercial experience boih foreign and domestic, ! feel confident that I will he able to give general satisfitetion, for the accomplish ment of which 1 tender my uoretnitted attention, time, talents aud means, to forward the views and interests of those who may favor me with their business and confidence. Liberal advances will be made ou Produce, Metchaudise and other property confided to my care, and striet atten tion given to tho filling of orders, receiving and forwarding of goods See. Insurance in the best offices can be effected at the usual rates, when desired. L. L. GRIFFIN. Macon, Juno 12, 1634. Gm7 Br TTLS CORKS. A tAf GR >SS velvet Bottle Corks, just # ec led and for sale by juue 1 3t> WM. G. BROWN. Lewis Fitch, where he will remain until the first of October. lie has on hand a small assortment of SUPERFINE CL O THS, 'of various colors. Also a variety of Vestings of fashionable and approved patterns, Cassimeres, Tailors’ Trimmings, and liopos by strict atten tion to his busiuess to merit a share of the public patronage. N. B. The latest New York Fashions regular ly received. Cutting done at the shortest notice. Macon Aug 13 1834-10 NEW Spring Goods and Clothing. ‘BUST received at tho Macon Clothing Store, a i ( i .tortcal power, : • it r recitation ■ a tod . id i 1 ill it ing s • re so well cal- itt c o.-stie,;- tony oi voire. \\’,- I could discover no revelation of intense passion to : and spontaneous feeling id the speaker; no at the cruelty of the tyrant ; no admiration at the victory of flic patriot. The brow was calm and unclouded ; the lips scarce told there was utterance then ; the eye, the soul of eloquence, cxibited no concentrated expression, no mental illumination. There was some gesture, but it was neither free, nor hold, nor energetic. There were i;o outpour ings of passion ; none ol the nisriesti of intel lectual achievement ; none ofthe tran>c; nden- cy of impassioned eloquence bur*tiny forth with native and original fire ; no signs indi cating that the speaker felt iA subject There was too much ofthe formality oft e ball-room —too much of the chilling indifference of tin* stoic. More attention to this subject would bg Qf infinite advantage to the great m.ijprity of speakeis.’ We would merely add the question—Of what avail are arguments or persuasions which proceed from one who seems neither to feel, nor to believe what lie is saying ?—Si vis :nr, Jlcrc, &,c.—Annals of Ed in dun. 99 good assortment of Goods and Clothing the spring and summer, cheap for cash, april LEWIS FITCH for TO.TIIE PUBLIC. A SERVANT girl of mine, who had for se veral years labored under a DYSPEPTIC aud LI VEIt-AFFECTION, nnd whose life I had despaired of, lifter the trial of several physi cians to relievo her, w as succcessfully treated by Dr. Peters, of this place, whom 1 consider pre- cmineBtly skilled in those complaints. It. A. GREENE. Milledgeville. June. 1834-2 Chloride of Lime and Soda. 1 CASK < hloride Lime, solution Chloriil Soda, just received aud for sale by May 29-35 W M. G. BROWN New Spring and Summer GOODS. T HE subscriber lias just received an exten sive assortment of Faucy and Staple Goods suitable for the season. april 1G WM. 11. BURDSALL. BLANKS. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE HAVE YOU PLANTED A VINE! If von have planted one that produces good fruit, tak care of it and propagate it by cut ting and layers, and its fruit will richly repay your labour, lfyou have not, buy or beg one, and plant in the present spring, lfyou buy, it will costyou two 6r three shillings ; it you beg one, I don’t know how much it will cost to requite the favour. The second year after planting it will produce yon fruit which will even year incrctiN ■ as the plant enlarges. '1 he fruit will he found to lie wholesome and grate ful, and you will realize the pleasure ot sitting under your own vine during the inleifsc* heat of summer ; and you ’fill wonder that you w;;i have lived so long without enjoying this plea sure. The native kinds most worthy oi '*ul- tivation. are the Isabella,\\ inneaud Catawba, all hardy, thrifty and ahunennr hearers, and th**»r fruit ripening in the order in which limy are named. Ii you want foreign fruit, the street water, cliassolas, black ciusti r, other early kinds are to he preferred. These e'e- mand more rare than I lie native kinds, and ~ < ' ibe vines will require a slight covering of earth during the winter. A little experience will make you familiar with their management, and convert the labour required for their care. int*. a recreation.— Cultivator. PLANTS. The number ol plants which have been as cribed, are 50,000, .and plants of the \ egerahi, species on the surface of the earth, ar ni*' estimated under lGOj^OO.—Quar.Jour. Agr. .