Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, November 13, 1834, Image 1

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GEORGIA C. E. & M. BARTLETT, Editors. MACON, Georgia, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1831. Volume !X.~.Number 21. j JORUIA ££2iiEGRArH : pOaUSHKP EVERY THURSDAY, At MACON. Go. by MYRON BARTLETT. Printing Office on Second Street—next door to Huson’s Hotel. TERMS.—Three Dollars a year, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars, if not paid before the •nd of tho year. Subscribers living at a distance 'ill be required in all casos to pay in advance. (fi*N'o Paper discontinued, but at the discre* non of «l>e publisher, until all arrearages are i. ■ i i 1 1 * mt , 50 G 100 50 100 50 qr. do CASH STORE. KXB23E & WOOD. Next doer to the Post Office. H IT WE received and are now opening very extensivo assortment of Entirely fresh Seasonable and Fahionablc Dry Goods, which "will bo sold at unusually low prices. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to civc us a call- Our Stock consists iu part of WW nieces Cnlico, from 10 to 37cts. 100 do furniture prints Funch do lurkey Red do do Circasnsians all colors, printed do do French Chally, Grode Swiss, Gro de Nap Berlin Siuchaw Sarsnct and Lcvantiue Silks col’d Lining “ Poult do Soie col’d Cambric plain Pope striped, & plaid Cambric book, plain aud fig’d Swiss, jacouet, Nausook. aud mull Muslius Ijnen Cambric, ius’g do, bishop Lawn, cor ded Robes, Laces and Edgings, inserlings 20 dox silk, gauze, hernauis, & crape fancy "shawls, Thibet Wool do 100 duz pongee and spittalfield silk Hdkfs ]00 do cotton flag, turkey red, aud head Ildkfs HKI do* tucking Combs 100 do side do Shell tucking & side do Dressing and ivory do 150 plain aud faucy Itraid Bonnets Elegnit sett Ribbons, Taffeta Rib’ns every color 25 do* elegant Belts, fig’d blk aud co’d velv’t Belts Plain blk velvet do, silk velvet tabby do 100 doz white, randou, blk aud slate cotton and woollen Hosiery Kid, Ilorseskin aud beaver Gloves 50 “ woollen do (i bales 3-4 4-4 G-4 checked Ilomespuus J5 ps lri>h Linens every quality HKI tioz spool Thread 50 do Itik. and assort’d colo’d Irish sewing Thread, blk. aud colored sewing Silk 50 pieces blue, mixed, striped, and drab Sat- i lie Us 10 do blue, black, mixed, Broad Cloths Striped aud drab Cassimere, Ermiuett 25 pcices white, red. yellow & greeu Flannels from 31 io 75ets. 25 bales 3-4 aud 4-4 Homespun from 10 to 14c. 5 do cotton and hemp Osnabnrgs 5 do striped negro Blaukets 8 and 0-4 50 pieces lloso * do 50 do heavy Fustians and woolen Cloths fur negroes 5 bales 3-4 4-4 G-4 Plaids and Stripes V urmnire Plaids Hangup Cord, Ticklcuburg, Russia Duck, Crash I)i:iper, Heavy twilled Lowel Cottons 5 Hales Tickings from 12j to 37$ cts. 1 o Cotton & Silk Umbrellas, gentlemens Cloaks 12 rases Beaver aud nap’t Hats, 6 casos wool do a large assortment of heavy Shoes, gcutlcmcn ai d ladies Shoes of every kind good assortment Hardware aud Cutlery, Crockery and Glass n ire, Groceries &c. &c. Expected by first Boats a largo assortment of Gioeeries, Iron Salt Steel, Bagging, Fish, Nails. &-. &c. rpi DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. I HE subscriber is now receiving his fresh supplies, aud in addition to au extensive assortment of FRESH DRUGS. Medicines and Chemicals, Offers for sale a quantity of DYE STUFFS, Viz.: Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam and Brazil Woods, Spanish Flot. Guatemala and country ludigo. Madder, Copperas, Bluo Stouc, Alum and Auuatto. PAINTS. White Lead, dry and ground in oil Yeu- iiiin Red do do dc Spiuish Brown do Yellow Ochre do Verdigris do Prussian Blue, Rose, Pink. Drop, Lake, Vermill ion, Cronie Green, GTome Yellow, Tera, Desien- a». Stone Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umber Hake \\ iiite, Lamp and Ivory Blacks, PERFUMERY. Otto of Rose, Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold f ream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples shaving Soap, cream Soap, Cologne and Rose Water, •egeuble Rouge, Bear’s, .Macassar and Antique ®il. Ruse and Pearl Powder, &c. BRUSHES. Jjhdhes, Hair Tooth, Plastet, Shoe, aud Horse "nishw, Also Starch, Saltpetre, Pearl Ash, Soap, Pipes Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, tec. «• For sale by YVM. G. BROWN, oov 21 8 NEW GOODS. WM. H. BURDSALL. H AS Just received a new- aud extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, READYMADE CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, Sfc. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS', IS PART, OK TIIK FOLLOWING i Super Saxony, Blue, Black aud Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Saliuetts English Mcriuocs Duffle, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson. Green aud White Flannels Printed Salsbury do a Canton ami Saxony-and Gauze do Damask Tabic Diapers Birds Eye aud Russia do Scotch . do Black, Bluo and coloured Bombazcttcs do do do Circassiaus Negro Cloths Kinseys Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustirng do Gros de Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin do Sinchews and Sarsancts Colored Gros do Naples Black and colored Florences do Italiau Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common, Thibet wool. Valeutia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Ilcrnnui, Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros do Na ples Dress Ildkfs Ladies aud Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cassitners Beaver Fustiaus English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids nud Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia SheetiugBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Oznaburghs Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted aud Lninbs wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk aud col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark aud light col’d Prints ami Ginghams I,ace aud Gauze Veils Fig’dand plain Bobiuct Lace Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nausook and Book Muslius Linen Cambric Ildkfs Pongee, Indian Flag aud Spittlefield Hdkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver aud Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules Ready-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive bro\yn and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinct Coattees and Frock Coats, •Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and faucy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth and sailinct Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black aud blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Floriutine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valcnlia, English Silk, colored and white Merseilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patcrsham Box Coats, Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, &c. Negro Clothing. Men’s & Youth’s Fur Hats, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, Seal &■ Hair Cqps, Fine Boots & Shoes—Negro Shoes, &c. &c. Oct. 15. 17 F. O CALLAGIIaN H AS jnst received from New York, and is now opening at his old stand, a very extensive and well selected stock of And fall and Winter Goods, Which he will sell very low for cash—his stock consists in part of the following articles:— 50 lihds. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, 25 do. New Orleans do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 250 bags Cuba and Rio Coffee, 30 do. Java do. 10 chests Tea, 10 hhds. Baltimore Whiskey, 50 bbls. do. 15 lihds. N. F.. Rum, 59 bbls. do. 75 bbls. Northern Gin. 4 pipes Holland do. 6 pipes Cogniac Brandy, 2 hhds. Jamaica Rum, 40 qr. casks Malaga Wine, 10 do. Madeira do. 50 casks Chntnpaigne, 20 boxes Claret do. 20 boxes Lemon Syrup, 20 bids. Cordial, 30 hhds. Molasses, 10,000 lbs. Baltimore Hams, 4,000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 50,000 Hjs. Sweeds Iron, 2,000 lbs. blistered and German Steel, 500 pieces Bagging. 500 lbs. Twine, 200 coil of bale and well Rope. 50 boxes Sperm and Tallow Candles, 50 do. Raisins. 100 bbls. Canal Flour, 20 crates Crockery Ware Also an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS. 10 hales DufT Blaukets, 2 do. Rose do. 200 pieces Calicoes, 50 pieces Ginghams, 50 pieces Irish Linen, 20 bales bleached and brown Homespnn, 30 pieces Sattiuetts. 30 pieces Flauuells, Bandanna and Cotton Ildkis. Thibet and fancy Shawls, Silks, Hosiery Gloves, Circassians, Bombazines and Bombazets, Bead Bags, and a great variety of fancy articles: also, a well select ed lot of fashionable and READY MADE CLOTHIN G. ALSO A large assortment of Negro Shoes, Kip Brogans, women’s and boys leather Shoes, Ladies Prime!! Boots and Slippers, Gentlemen’s Boots and Slues, 10 doz. Fashionable Bonnets, 40 cases of fir Hats, 30 doz. Wool do. Ladies and Geutlemen’s Saddles, Bridles, Martingals, Wagon Whips, Horse Collars, Trace and Halter Chains, Hardware and Cutlery. In addition to his former stock, will arrive in a few days, ten close Carriages, ten Chariotees, and ten Ba rouches of the newest pattern and best quality. Maron. t. t-'*' ' 17 TILE SUBSCRIBER has formed an association in bis Factorage If Com mission It u si in ss, and in future it will be inducted under the firm of HO&iJOMjBE, PECK, & CO, and he solicits for the new firm a continuance of Use re- E’or Sale, GALL* INS old peach Brandy, beside Sugar. < 'oil'. ::, Molus.- es, Bacon, Rice, Flour, and Mackerel, Salt. DRY GOODS of rtail ms dest rtptions, too mrmerons to- mention—all of which will l>e sold ry liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. The low for (.’ash, at the Corner Store, uext to the Bridge.; undivided exertions ofthe parties will be devoted to the oct 23-18 THOMAS. TOOMEY. j interest of their consigning friends. JOHN C. IIOLCOMBE. Charleston, S. C. Sept. 11, 1834. References in Macon—Hamilton & Hayes, Cooke»& Cowles. Baxter Fort & Wiley, J. D. Beers I. R. St. John & co. - By whom liberal advances will lie made to planters and merchants who may wish to have the advantage of sales of cotton (in Charleston) made bv us. 3m-13 HOLCOMBE. PF.CK A CO A QUANTITY of superior Northern Cheese, jnst received by COOKE & COWLES. Oct. 15. 17 " Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Just received and for stile by WM. IT. BURDSALL. Opt 15 17 NEW CLOTHING, Hats, Shoes, and Fancy Articles. at the MACON CLOTHING Loaf Sugar, 'Gin, Segars, iyc. fife BBLS. N. O. Loaf Sugar of superior quality IL Iff 10 boxes do do 2 pipes Holland Gin & pipe cogniac Brandy 2 casks Port Wine 20 boxes Claret 0 boxes Axes • 30 31. Spanish Segars (superior) 50 boxes Soap Rogers' Orange Gunpowder in kegs and cannisters For sale by REA COTTON. • sept 23-14 Holland's Tonic Mixture. W ARRANTED a certain cure for the Fever and Ague ako tire genuine Hygean medicines. For sale only by COOKE & COWLES. Macon, Oct. 8. lfi Authorized Agents. G ENTLEMEN’S Steel mixed Cloth Surtonts, “ Drab “ , do. WUIV opening J.™ STORE a large assortment of Coats, Frock Coats, Over Coats. Coattees, Pantaloons of most all kinds & qualities; Cloth. Velvet, Valencia. Kmb’d Velvet, Woollen Y'elvet, Merseilles, Florentine Vests; Gentle men’s and Ladies' Cloaks Drawers; Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts; Stripe do; Short Jackets; Pea Jackets; Monkey Jackets; Negro Clothing, &.c. which has been manufactured by myself the past summer, and in the | best manner. Also, a handsome assortment of Stocks | and Suspenders of the best quality; Flag. Bandanna, j Spitnlfield, India and Linen Cambrick Hdkfs; White, ‘ Blk, Buckskin, Silk, and Berlin Gloves; Silk, Cotton, Latnbswool, and Vigonalialf hose; Cravats; Net Shirts, Drawers; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas; Linen Collars, Bosoms; Linen Cambrick do, and most every article in the Gentleman's line. Fine Blk, Bine, Royal Purple, Mixed, Green, Brown Cloths; Buff Cassitners; Vesting, Shirting, Velvets, & a few Tailors’ Trimmings, Military Ball Buttons, Eagle do. Epaulettes; Lace braid, (a Fine Gilt Sword and Belt.) HATS. A good .assortment of fine Hats, made expressly for this market; common do; Wool do; aud will be sold as cheap as can be found in the up country. Cloth and Seal Fur Caps; Fine Boots and Shoes; Calf sewed Brogans; Pegged do; Kip do; “ Jackson “ David Crockett Calf, Morocco, Buckskin, and Lasting Pumps; Chil- dren’s Shoes; Over Shoes; 600 pair Negro Shoes, &c, Ac. I would invite my friends and the public to give me a call at my old stand, where they shall have an oppor tunity to judge for themselves. oct 22-18 LEWIS FITCH. JSEIY YORK LINE OF PACKETS. TI1F following Vessels cnmjtrise the above line of Packets, viz. Brig Ytmdia, Strong, Chase, Master. Brig Prewitt os, Sher man, Master, Brig Coral, Bulkley, Master, «chr-D. B. Crane, Hobbius, Master. - They are all substantial copper fastened ves sels. and commanded t>y experienced on dent incu, anti are now ruuqpS regultplv; fmight will at all times be a> to REMOVAL. T HE subscribers have removed their stock of mar- ble &c. to the south side of Broad strfeet, imm>- j diately below the New Market, adjoining M:.-on <fc j Randle’s Briek Ware House—where they mannfuctnrc j Monuments, Tomb Stones, Head Stones, Chimney | Pieces, and Stone Work generally. They hare on hand MARBLE of various descriptions, and will exe- i cute orders for any articles in the above line in the best: rates of manner and at the shortest notice. They will also ex-I reiuler the expense ot' transportation lw." ecu New York aud Darien.; considerably ht:ss ««an pru- Tho ecute carving of every description GARRET LAWRENCE & CO. oct 13-13-ilCon’sto. the Vessel will at all times' ; io take in freight, ihe Y OUTH’S Over Coats, just received and for sale by WN. II. BURDSALL. Oct 18 19 do do «io do do do do do . COORD 6l COWLES, IRE opening a general Stock of Goods at *. their Now Store. They would ho pleas to receive a call from their friends. JV»v 2| - t f 8 H assell & dickxnson YYE now on hand 210 bbls domestic Li- ( ' quura; 14 pines, hf pipes aud hhds Bran- < * ,u \ aM ^ Jamaica Rum; 45 qr casks ass. t'lj*!: Shhls ass. Cordial; 40 bbls and hf bbls »o >fk 7 eI; 40 hf bb> * Crackers; 30 boxes bar i 'l‘ : ‘400 piects heavy bagging; 1000 cotton ^ u S i,r * Coffee, Iron, Salt, Molasses, and |j? a ** every article relative to a grocery esiali- ’ ’neni, together with u very complete assort- U! if ! ,r >‘ Goods. Hats, Shoes, Hardware, ’ “I °f which will be sold at the lowest prices e.° ul y for cash. Also will constantly receive ^ ^Pplics from all the northern markets and ,'i**r offer unparalleled inducements. -i!2!£nang 191834-9 XLXBBEE &. WOOD, Next door to the Post Office, H AVE just received and have on hand fresh assortment of Groceries, which arc offered for cash at very reduced prices, viz. 50 barrels N. Rum 3 hhds. Jamaica do 35 bbls rye Gin 35 do do Whiskey 5 lihds. Baltimore do 3G barrels Apple Brandy 5 hhds superior old A. Brandy 10 bbls Malaga Wine 3 do Tcueriffe do 1 pipe Sicily Madeira do 3 do cogniac Brandy 1 do Holland Gin 6 bbls Peach Brandy G do Cider 4 hhds Vinegar , 10 boxes Soap 10 do Raisins 6 do Prunes 5 do Starch 4 do LfSugar 35 bags Coffeo 30 bbls Prime Sugars 3 bags Spice, 3 tierces Rico 2 do Pepper Ground and race Ginger Teas, Chocolate, Sperm Candles 35 M Cigars 10 kegs Powder 30 bags Shot 300 bars Lead, &c. &c. ALSO A fresh stock of Dry Goods, Hardware. Cutle ry, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Hats, Boots. Shoes, .fee. &c. 1000 Franklin Saws 300 Long handle Spades 50 Short do do 50 kegs Nails and Brads Juno 13 1834-37 flint i C **y Lots to Lease. ly loarad, on Saturday tho 15th instant, on “ DB , . premise*, at 10 o'clock a. m., agreeable to it, a f “'‘‘'O'H of die ordinance, eleven fractional lots i vh„'\ j * s 'des of Cotton Avenue, for a term of fftrh ®«*<j and ninety-nine years, from the tenth of h., ! I l 'l- Also, one half acre lot, forfeited at the ■‘i toe risk of the former pnreliaser. Wit. G. MACON, C. C. * 0n » 3d Nov., 1834—20. EXCHANGE OFFICE. J D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened an office in Macou, in the Counting Room recently occupied by Messrs. Hamilton If Hays, (opposite Hnson’s Tavern) and aro prepared to transact the Exchauge Bu siness in all its branches. CHECKS, At sight, or on time, on N. Y T ork, Philadelphia, Fayetteville, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta, Milledgcvilie, Columbus, Mobile, New-Orleans. {£/* United States Bauk Notes for sale. Advauccs will he made on Cotton, either to hold or to ship to Savannah, Charleston or New York. Maconl Nov. 38 10 just reaeived and for sale by \\ Brown “ Bine “ Black Camlet do. Coats, do. Oct 14 17 VM. H, BURDSALL. T HE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure Cotton on die River, and also take a few risks against Fire in this city. Apply to Macon, Oct. 27, 1834, 19 OBERT COLLINS. GROCERIES. T IIE subscriber having taken the store lately occu pied by Rowe & Smith, No. 351, Broad street, offers for sale, on accomniodanng terms, the following articles, viz: Cognac and Peach Brandy, Holland andN'ordiern Gin, Jamaica and Northern Rtun, Monongaliela and Rye Whiskey, 15 hhds. Ste. Croix and I’orto Rico Sugars, 100 bags Prime Green Coffee, 20 boxes Cheese, 75 barrels Canal Flour, 50 kegs Cut Nails ; Iron assorted, Waggon boxes, assorted, Castings of all sorts, A good supply of Negro and other Shoes. Also, a good assortment of Blankets and Calicoes, just opening and received by GRIFFIN EDMONSON. Augusta, Oct 21.—41.—19. AUCTIONS’ & COMMISSION! BUSINESS. S C. IJPPITTand O. A. IIIGGINS have formed a a connection for die transaction of a general Auction and Commission Business in this City. All descriptions ofmerchandizc willbe received on consign ment, and disposed of as directed. On merchandize consigned to them, or deposited in store under their control, liberal advances will be made. Orders for the purchase of cotton or other produce, will be thankfully received and strictly attended to. Address LIPPITT & HIGGINS Macon, Oet., 1834.—31.—19. WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. The subscriber continues die above ^ iS business at his old stand, (head nft.’licr- ry st. «& Cotton avenue,) where he offers all the usual facilities in business. His Ware Houses &c Close Storages are in prime order, and as much exempted from the danger of tire as any in die place. JAMES C. MORGAN: Macon, sept 171834-13 Just Received and for Sale, ROYVN aud loaf Sugar, Rice Northern Rum, Gin and Whiskey . Old applo and peach Brandy Champaign and coguac do Madeira, teneriffe, and sicily Wines—old port, muscatel and claret do—champaign do— malnga and fentiuac do Cherry Bounce, French cordial, Newark cidtr Dunbar’s best London Porter, bar Lead, Shot Best cavendish chewing and sinokiug Tobacco Best pickled mess Beef and Pork. Bacon, Coffee Pepper aud spice, Pickled salmon and mackerel Sperm aud tallow caudles. Lemon syrup Best hunch Raisins in whole and lialfhoxcs Martinique cordials. Jamaica and st croix Rum Bar and shaving soap, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder and hyson Tea Milk, soda, sugar, butter and water Crackers Ginger, Ciuitnmou, Nutmegs aud Mace . Real Spanish Segars, Pipes, tuaccnhoy Snuff Best Canal and Western Flour. ALSO,' A General Assortment of Crockery Glass. Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Amongst which are : Trace and Halter chains, Weeding Docs, Shovels and spades. Sad Irons, Axes, llaudsaws, Gimhlets, Augers and ChiscL, Stock and Padlocks, Butts and Screws Aud various other articles which will be sold low for cash only. may32 J, BENNETT. WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscriber continues to ^ transact the above business in its SZYWxxsM various branches, aud in addition HHIW to the Ware House at present oc cupied by him, (which will be continued,) he has taken the now Ware House on R. McCall’s lot, together with the Wharf. This ware house is considered the most secure from fire of auy in tho city. He will be prepared to make advauccs oil Cotton and Produce in store, and on Ship ments to Savannah, Charleston, New York, Liv erpool, Havre, &c. A. C. COLDWELL. Macon Aug 31 1834-10 J. GODDARD & Co. Ware House dc Com mission Merchants, Macon, WILL continue to transact the above business at the Ware House occupied by them durum the past season. This Ware House is as secure from the dangers of fire as any in tho city. ■ They take this opportunity of returning their grateful acknowledgments for tli? liberal patron age heretofore bestowed by their friends aud the public. Aud by n strict attention to business committed to their care, and tho facilities which thety will be able to render their customers, they hope to merit a contiuuauco of the patronage of their friends and the public in general. They aro prepared to make liberal advauccs at all times on Cotton stored or shipped by them. Cotton stored at their Ware House will be insured at tho lowest ratest, if requested. Macon sept. 1,1834. 6m N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery. C OLOGNE, Rove. Laveudcr. Florida, aud Orange Flower YY’ater; Cosmetic cold Cream; Cosmetic Tablet: Naples compound Shaving Soap ; Macassar, Bear’s and Auliquc ■Ml; Goulaud’s Lotion, &c. &c. just received from the mauufaetpry of .V. Smith Prentiss, Per fumer, aud for sale by WM. G. BROWN, jttue 1 3G 3. M. WHEATON, r'l .■mf'e.-icSJ £,‘'2.9 T ENDERS his prc£e.--ion:il services to the citizens of Macon ana its vicinity. He will insert from one to . a whole set of natural or artificial teeth,; also cle-.n, plug, file, and extract, as well as regulate chil dren’s teeth. His charges are moderate; and if his services, when rendered, do not prove satisfactory, there will be no charge made, lie may be fonnd at Hnson’s Hotel. As his stay will be short, those who may wishtocon- stilt him will do well *o apply soon. He has in his possession, references from the follow ing gentlemen : Gov. 1). L. Swain, N. C. Judge Win. Gaston, N. C. Gov. M. Stokes, do Judge Badger, do Judge Seaucll, do John D. Echols Esq. of Fayetteville, N. C. YV. T. Strange, do Dr. Dickson, do John Winslow Esq. do Dr Webb, of Hillsboro Dr. J. F. Cassell, of Baltimore Dr. G. Ilostang, of Philadelphia. lS-2tp Oversee? Wanted. A YOUNG man. with no family, capable of taking charge of a small farm, and a few hands, is want ed immediately. To one of a moral, industrious char acter, good wages will be given. None others need apply. Inquire at this office. oct 23-3t via Savannah, be iu either pint e, rea. . line will combine the advantages to the shipper, of evu tiirtoii - ch. • ‘ JOHN T. I’.oYVi AND, Agent Darien u ent. 1 ■ 183 • ' . i'hioride of Ltitue aim Soda.. TF1 CASK Chloride Lime, solution ChlfaKd ■ Soda, just received and for • i a!< by "May £9-35 KU- G.BRtHYN Netc Spring and Summer GOOSS. TjnHE subscriber has just received au exteu- Ja. sive assortment of Fancy and staple Goods suitable for the season. , ltT april 16 WM. 11. lU RD^ALI.. NEW A FRESH SUPPLY O. GOODS, C OMPRISING a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, also fine Black and Drab heaver Hats, Boots and Shoes, Saddles. Bridles, saddle Bags and whips, Hard ware, Castings. Crockery, window Glass, sets of blacksmiths Tools complete, Wbitemores gen uine Cotton Cards, cotton Yarns by tho bench or bale, Foolscap, letter and wrapping Paper, Collins’ cast steel Axes, buck, squirrel' and bird Shot, Du Ponts ami Rogers’ Powder, sperm caudles, Soap, Raisins, Chocolate, Spices, Spanish Cigars, fresh Teas of every variety, loaf, lump and white Havnnnn Sugar, patent Medicines, sciu, gill nett and bagging Twine, shoe -Thread, boxes claret' and champaigue Wines, Madeira, Tenncriffe. Muscatel and Mal aga Wines in casks, Newark Cider, pure cider Vinegar, See. See. Also in store ami for sale on accommodating terms. 55 hhds superior Molasses 25 do St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars 60 bags prime green Coffee 20 bbls do do do 300 ps. Dundee and American Bagging 1100 ready made cotton Bags 32000 lbs Swede Iron assorted. Planters merchants and all others -having to purchase such articles, are respectfully invited to call and examiue for themselves. THOS T. NAPIER. Macon. 6th Aug. TR34 7 Salt and Cotton Bagging (OR sale by P nov 4 1631-20 REA & COTTON. LAW, T HE undersigned has removed to Montgomery, Alabama, and will punctually attend to any mi riness in his profession that may be forwarded to him from Georgia. JOHN W. A. PETTIT. Oct. 27, 1834.—20. dividend 'Ace Bask State of Georgia. ? Savannah. ‘24th Oct. 1834. ) T HE Board or Directors having this day declared dividend, ai the rate of 8 per cent per annum, or four dollars per share oil the capital stock o-. this Batik for the six months ending the 4th instant, the same will be paid to the respective 8 took holders thereof, or to their order, on and after Wednesday next, the 29th instant. By order of the Board, I. K. TEFFT, Acting Cashier. Nov. 3, 1834.—20. ENTLEMEN’S Fashionable Beaver llats, ^LPT iust received and for sale by J WM. H. BURDRAI.L. Oct 18. 19 Floor Matting, VUST received and ferr salebv q% WM. H. BURDSALL. Oct 18 19 BO-SFSLS CORKS. GROSS velvet Bottle Corks, just received aud for sale by junc 1 36 YVM. G- BROUN*. REMOVAL. USSELL & DICKINSON have remov ed to the store formerly occupied by N. R. Williams, succcssorto II.'Blair &co., where all kiuds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. can ho had for cash only and at the lowest market prices. Just Received Bbls. and half bbls. all numbers Mackerel; bbls. and half bbls. family canal Flour; Pickled f’ork, Tobacco, Bagging, Twine, Iron, &c. &-c. july 33-5 l ini* Henrv ? s KEagnesia, ARRANTED genuine, jnst received ami for sale bv YY M. G. BROYVN 5 N au-onment of Colored Silks of the latest just received and for sale by YVM. if. BURDSALL Oct 14 17 A tyle. ORTON’S Cough Syrup, just received aud for sale by doe II YVM. G. BROWN NEW Spring Goods and Clothing'. r U§T received at the Macon Clothing Store, a good assortment of Goods am! Clothing for the spring and summer, cheap for cash april LEWIS FITCH WARE-HOUSE r AND cozannssioRT Birsmsss. CITY OF MACON. I WILL commence the above business by the first of September uext, ami will occupy LAMAR'S LOWER WARE-HOUSE, ’ immediately on the river above the bridge, hav- iug a good wharf attached thereto and safe from fire, for the convenience of-my friends residing above Macou—I have taken the Scale House on Cotton Avenue, from whence cotton will be taken to the wharf free of charges. I have been inbusiness for tho last twenty years within thirty miles of .Macon, aud for the largo share of pub lic coufideuco aud Iil>eral patronage received, I tnko this occasion to. icturu my grateful thanks. From my commercial experience both foreign and domestic, I feci confident that I will bo able to give general sa:is r aetiou, for tho accomplish ment of which 1 tender my uureinilted attention, time, talents and means, to forward the views and interests of those who may favor me with their husiuess and confidence. Liberal advauces will lie made on Produce, Merchandise aud otlu property confided to my care, and strict atten tion giv'-n to tho filliug of orders, receiving and forwarding of goods See. Insurance iu tho best offices can ho effected at the usual rate • when desired. L. L. GRIFFIN Macon, Juue 12, 1631, b'tn? ■ F. F. LEWIS, ZHSRCHAKT TAILOR, . AA^OULD inform his friends and the public, * » that he is uo« r carrying on tho Tailoring business in all its branches, at the old stand of Lewis Fitch, where he will remain until the first of October, lie has on hand a small assortment SUPERFINE CLOTHS, of various colors. Also a variety of Vestings of fashionable aud approved patterns. Cassimeres, Tailors’ Trimmings, and hopes by strict atten tion to his business to merit a share of the public patronage. N. B. The latest New York Fashions regular ly received. Cutting done at the shortest notice. Macon Ang 13 1834-10 GEORGIA. Vr:::rJord County. P ERSONALLY came before me, Neil McKot, who after being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that ho was possessed of live notes of hand, of which the foregoing are copies in substance, and that lie has lost tho same, so that they cannot be found. NEILMcKOY. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 19th Mar 1834, P. -YL CALHOUN, J. P- Crawford Inferior Court, May Term, 1534. RULE TO ESTABLISH LOST PAPERS. It appearing to the Court upon the Oath of Neil McKoy, that lie wasin possessionoffite notes of hand, of which copies in substance are filed in office, aud which said notes have been lost so that they cannot be found, ordered by the Court tfcat the makers appear at the next term ot this Court, and show cause, if any, why raid copies should not bo established in lieu ofthe lost originals—and that a copy of this rule be served by publication in one ofthe public Gazettes of this Circuit, at least three months before the next term. ( Copy notes.) One day after date I promise to pay Henry Roberts, or bearer, the sum of eight dollars, for value received. 1828. JOSEPH ALLEN. One day after date I promise to pay Robert Curtis, or bearer, twenty-five dollars, for value rec’d.—1628. HIHLITUS P. KING. One day altar date I promise to pay Robert Curtis, or bearer, thirty dollars, for value received.—1628. IHPILITUS P.KING. One clay after date I promise to pay Robert Curti; or bcar-r. ten dollars, for value received H11TLITUS P. KING. One d iv • fter d ate I promise to nay 'ceil McKoy or ! earcr, eleven dollars, for value received —I-3i. U'AitDW A:\-6. -teived on the above, four dollars. A ie extract from the roiu - YVILUAM McGEE.. C. I. C. 1st Auf nst,-1634.—19. FflHE co-partnership formerly existing between JL Rufus K. Evans and Ezekiel Smith is dissolved this day by mutual consent. Ali settlements are to be made with R. K. Evans. R. K. EVANS, e: SMITH. Macon, Oct 1st, 3834—r20. jj • £?ity f i?asos. ' T HE subscriber will attend at tho Council Room from 9 to 12 o’clock a. m. each day iu the week (Sundays excepted) until the 1st December next, to receive the City Taxes for 1834, which is now due. YVm. G. MACON, C. C. Macon, 3d Nov., 1834—20. Chemical L cluves. TTjT’l HE patronage of the citizens of Macon and S vicinity is respectfully solicited for a cor.iso ol Chemical Lectures to commence on Thursday even ing, accompanied by experiments, with all apparatus recently purchased by the Trustees of Macon Acade my. The Lectures will be made practical as far as the subjects are applicable to agriculture, manufactures and the arts, and in explaining natural phenomena. The action on the animal system of all the it: tanceh taken up, will be given, and the antidote for such as are poison. The avail of the lectures are to bo expended in appa ratus for illustrating subjects iu Chemistry, Nat. Phi losophy and Nat. History. Two lectures will be given in a week besides review- on Saturday when the pupils belonging to the scr.ool and others if they please will perform the experi ments and lecture on the subject* taken up during the week. The Tickets for one quarter aro $0> each. Macon Academy. Oct 20 tsdl 16 : II tv £> iff B, £ @> OCT. YY M. A. HORTON. J. SINGLE- TON and J. M. aPRAGUES would re spectfully inform the citizens of Georgia that they are now prepared to offer them Stagner's New Patent Ti ass, by the use of which they arc enabled to ci/RE the most obstinate cases of Hernia or Rupture. The principle upon which this j russ acts is radically different from any oilier hi it -rto offered for the patronage of the afflicted. Those i;i use hitherto have been esteemed from tho cirenta- stance of their (generally) preventing au f.ggra- | vatiou of the affiie'iou ; that which we ol! r to j tho public combines wilb this the inestimable au- i vantage of effecting • permanent and radical I cure. Tliev charge nothing for their services should they fail to effect a cure. Mr. Singleton will be at .Macon from the 7th of August until the SUtlt of August; at Clinjfiu from tlie 31st until the 1st of September : Jliid from Clinton back n .Yiaeou, where he will re-', nain until the 5th of September ; at Forsyth from the5th until the 10th of Sept. : at t'u* In dian Spriugs from the lOlii until the 15th of Sept. ; at Forsyth from the 15th until the — Otli of Sept. ; atThoinaston Irom tho StHli until the 25th of Sept.: at Knoxville f om the 25th laitit the,30th of Sept.; and from K-.-oxvil'e to Macou where he will remain until 0 it ot October. Those ..til ted with I . v ho wish to be re- ii veil, would do well t<> call t the time aprom- .1, as il is probable tin \ may not nave aoott er 'iv-.oi-tuiiitv for severaI in th.s. rou lector yf >d*fccoui)ty, at ttte ensufflig'eiw January next. «fif. 4 Yl’SO- ;-x (' 'i Mtaon in