Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, November 27, 1834, Image 1

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C. K. & M. BARTEETT, Editors. MACON, Georgia, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, IS34- OLi'.ni -,y j 8. UEJ£JQC5 , 2&jM6 dA ■ I I>uiiUMiki>' *:vEj:r tiiimsdav. At M'.i COS. Ga. by \J YRON Jj ART LETT.' Printing Office on Second Street—next door to ffuson’s Hofei. TERMS-—Turkic DoLnOtlja year, if paid in advance, or Four Uoi.lam, if. ndt paid before the «.„d of din year. Subscribers living at a distance w j.| I»e required in all cases to pay in advanee. Paper discoutiiiuedl but at <h<i discre- ii n of the publisher, until all arrearages are .id. CASH STORK. 2EIS3J:x!2G &L H W1S received and arc uow opening a yerr extensive assortment of Entirely fnsii.r*t«Min-ilde nud Fnbi-iuahlc Dry Goods, 'which will be s**W .<1 tiu usually Ion prices Purchasers will' litid it to their advantage to „j V( . a , ;t iJ Our .-lock consists iu parr of two i in Fltil .,<) II Jdtt II) 1 pieces Calico, from Jt* to 37cts. ,l„ furniture prints ..t, do Turkey Red do do Ctfcasasians all colors. printed do d<> French Chalfy, J n do St' iss. (Jr., de Nap IJerliu Sin. h.r*- Har-on* »nd iusvarrine Silks Lit :ng “ j o'i!t de "'oie cut it ( • intiMc wi.nn Popfi striped 'a , p r nin anil \ Linen Uoi»(- •Jed Robes 20 J ill': IV t It plaid Cambric I riwiss, jaconet, •ok. j»*s I .noil Muslins. do. W«hop Lawn, cor- s and Edgings, itiseitings r ,i,k, hernauis. Sc crape f.tiic, iIs Tliibot’Yv'ool-<u» t. ponges »ud spittnHield silk JMkfi* , . ii ig- torks-y red. :uji head Hdkl ig X <1.1 i .!c; • 1 fan ' ?"raid Punnets lltb'coo; Taffeta Kib'u- >ot Hells, iig'd blk and co’.i •very color <c.V’; Bel PI-,in Lii. velvet do, .'ilk velvet tabby do KM do* white, random blk and slate cotton and woollen Hosiery Ivin, lloreeskiti aud heaver Gloves .Ml •• woollen. do ij bales :i-1 1-4 6-4 cheeked Homespuns ».i InAi Linens every quality I.i.i do/. spool Thread .ill no Lift, aud assort’d colo’d Irish sewing Tlt.-'d, b}k. aid colosed sewing r*ilk ;.d pieces blue, mixed, stuped, and drab rial incus ID do bine, black, mixed, I’road Cloths stinped and drab Oassimere, F.rmiiV tt *23'prices white, red, yellow &. green Fiaouels iron. HI to “acts. o.i hales 3-4 and 1-1 Homespun from 10 to l ie. ,i do eottou aud hemp Osiial.urgs 5 do striped uegro Ulaukets 8 and 9-4 du pieces Rose do it) <!o heavy Fustians and woolen Cloth lor negroes .1 bales & { 4-4 t* 4 Plaids and Stripes b iirnitiirv Plaids Hangup Cord. Ticklehhnrg, Russia Duck. Crash Diaper, Heavy twilled i.owcl L-ottoii* ,3 Rales Tickings from 12 j to 3/ j cts. i .1 Cotton «t Si'x g. ut-oiu is • ’(Oak'S !•’.IScaverani uap’t IJats. lie ises wool do ■ issi’ilniept ot heavy 3 litres, gentlemen ■ . indies rjhocs of every kind good assortment lljrdw.nv and Cutlery, Crockery and Glass w :"c, Groceries &c. &c- Fxnecied by first Boat* a large assortment of .cries. Iron Salt riteei, Ragging. Fish, Nails. A . iu. IIUIIGS, MEDICINES, &c. vatiiL subscriber is now receiving bis fresh xL supplies, aud iu addition to an extensive assorltiieui of _ IT^BS DRUGS, _ )/<•</;, tut •• itntf Chemicals, ’ iir.-rt for sab-1« ou mlity of DVK STDFFS, Viz ; J . >d. Red Guilders . Cam anti 1 AV... .id c ii.ii Pint. Guati -mala and c« iudi Mil.!.! er. Copperas, Blue stoue, uud 'At illilltO. PALM’S White Lead, < .try and groiiud iu oil V * n Cti: .11 Red do do do Sp. 1 IJrow n do do do Yell I.IW (ichre do do do Ver. iitrrui do do do IME>\ GOODS. WJU. ii. JMJED.SALL, M \e> Jus: received a new aud extensive as sorimeut of DRY GOODS; ZUBAD7 mams HATS, SHOES, f>-c. which lie isoll'ering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, OF THIS FOLLOWING : Muper tiaxony, Blue, Jilack aud Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Bluo, Black, .Mixed aud Fancy colored Satiuetts Euglish Meriuocs Duffle, Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson. Green and While Flatiucls* Printed rialsbtiry do Canrou aud. Saxony and Gauze • do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye and Russia do Scotch do « Black, Blue and coloured Boiiibazettcs do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Linseys Bicached and Uuhleacbed .Shirtings Sc Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustirug do Gros-de Swiss do do Naples do do Bcrliu do Miiiehews and Sarsanets Colored Gros de Naples Black and colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common, Thibet wool. Volcutiu, Silk Damask . and twisted Silk Shawls ilernnni, .Muslin. Crape, Gauze and Gros de Na pies Dress lidkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns ottcii t assiuicrs Beaver Fustians Lugiisl) Moleskin Apron aud Furniture Checks Dopiesuc Plaids and Siripes Bed 'l icks Floor (Both Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Duniiy Russia ShrctiugBear Duck •tmbric do Bleached Dow lass O/.nutiurgli I .liugup Cord Cotton Yarn Cottou, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Fa tin aud Gauze Garnitures tllk and eol’tPLusiriug Ribbons Dark and light col’d IViuts aud Ginghams : .ace ami Gauze Veils f'ig’duiid plain Bobiuet Lace Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Book Muslins * inOu Cambric lidkfs Pongee, Indian Flag aud Spittlefield Hdkfs Carved and plaiu Shell Combs Geiiileineus 'English Buck, Beaver aud Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules Clotki’ g. rfujierfine blue, black, invisible green. Adelaid, brown aud green Broadcloth Dress Coats, »uperfmu blue, black, brown aud green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored rsattinet Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black aud fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, i otnh’s cloth aud satlitiet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Floriutinc, black iioinlaizine. dark aud light colored V aientia, English Silk, colored and white Merseilles Toilinet, Swansduwn and sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth At Patersham Box Coats, Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, Ate JYcgro Clothing. Meu’s & Youth's l-'ur Hats, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, Seal & Hair Caps, Fine Boots A. Shoes—Negro Shoes, Ate. Ate. Oct. 13. 17 oliv I’n.ssi in Ilia.-, Rose, Pink, Drop. Lake, Vermill ion, Crmiie Green, t'romc Yellow, Ton. ILcieu- na, Sione Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umber Flake White. Lamp nud Ivorv Blacks. PERFUMERY. Otio of Hose, Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold (’re:ii,!. < usn.-ttic Tablet, comp. Naples shaving fi 'ap, treatn Soap, Cologne and ICose Water, Vegetable Rouge, Bear’s, Macassar nud Antique oil, Ru e and Fear! Powder, Sec. BRUSHES s'lothes. Hair 't ooth, I’lnstei, Shoe, and Horso Brushes, Also Star.-h, Saltpetre, Pond Ash, Soa|», Pines 'I’tib-i.-c,.. Grcuud and Race Ginger, Spices, Ate. •2c.-. Foi sale by \VM. G. BROWN, nov 81 _ 8 • v300;iE & GOeJ r iE3, i, IK opening a general Stock of Goods at ■at. their N« w Siore. The> would lie pleas ed to receive a call front their friends, unv *J| »f 8 & iDZc&Xft&ortf U lVE now on hand ill0 hhls domestic Li quors; 14 pipes, bf pipes and lihds Bran- '!>• Cm, and Jamaica Rum; 45 qr casks ass. L ines: 8 Mil* au. Ctirdial; 40 hhis aud hf bhls Mackerel; 40 hf bhls Crackers: 30 boxes liar sotip: !MH |dens heavy hogging; 1000 cotrou hags; Sugar, Coffee, Iron. Salt, Molasses, and •'hiiost every 'article relative to a grocery estnb- hdnuent, togeilicr with a very complete assort- •neni of Dry Goods. Hals. Shoes, Hardware, allof wbirh will be sold at the lowest prices ^utl only for cash. Also will constantly receive uisli supplies from all the northern markets and hereafter offer unparalleled inducements. Macon aug 19.1834-9 -.■3.XM&EE ik WOOD. •j jF V \'E just received aud have ou hand a ■ fresh assortment of Groceries, wnich are offered for cash at very reduced prices, viz. 50 barrels N. Rum £ hhds. Jamaica do 25 bhls rye Gin 25 do do Whiskey 5 hhds. Baltimore do 30 barrels Apple Brandy ' 5 lihds superior obi A. Brandy 10 hbls Malaga Wino 3 do 'lVueriffe do 1 pipe Sicily Madeira do 2 do cogniac Brandy 1 do Holland Gin 6 bills Poach Brandy 0 do Cider 4 hhds Vinegar 10 boxes Soap 10 do Raisins 0 do Prunes 5 do Starch r 4 do I.f Sugar ' 25 bags Coffee 20 hbls Prime Sugars 2 bags Spice, 2 tierces Rice 2 do Pepper Grouud and race Ginger Teas, Chocolate, Sperm Candles ' 25 M Cigars JO kegs Powder 20 hags Shot 300 bars Lead. &c. &c. ALSO A fresh stock of Dry Goods, Hardware. Cutle ry, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Hats, Boots. Shoes, See. &c. 1000 Franklin Saws 200 Long haudle Spades 50 Short do do 50 kegs Nails aud Brads June 12 1834-37 EXCHANGE OFFICE, r D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. ’ • have opened an office in Macon, in the Counting Room receully occupied by Mesan. Hamilton tf Hays, (qpposito Huson's Tavern) and are prepared to transact the Exchange Bu siness iu all its branches. CH2CKS, At sight, or on time, ou ‘N. Smith Prentiss’ Perfumery. M.OtJNK, Rose. Lavender, Florida, and Or.iugu Flower Water; Cosmetic cold •fe.uiCosmetic Tablet; Naples compound ohstving Snap ; Macassar, Bear’s nud Antique hi; Gjulaod’s Lotion, Se<-. Ace. just received •"•m the manufactory of .V. Smith Prentiss, Per- r. and for sale by \VM. G. BROWN. June 1 36 N. York, Fayottcville, Charleston, .Millcdgevilie, * Mobile, Philadelphia, Savannah, Augusta, Columbus, New-Orleans. QJ* United States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cotton either to hold or to ship to Savannah, Charleston or New York. Mneon, Nov. 28 10 • Jit TON’S Cough Syrup, just received nud for sale by dec 11 WM. G. BROWN M P. . . Itff AS just received from New York, und is now JlJL opening at his old stand, a very extensive and j iveii selected stock of 1 And fall and inter Goods, Wliicli he will sell very low for cash—his stock cons: iu part of die following articles:— 50 lihds. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, 25 do. New Orleans do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 250 bags Cuba and Rio Coffee, 30 do. Java do. 10 chests Tea, 10 idids. Baltimore Whiskey, 50 bbls. do. J5 lihds. N, K. Ruin, 59 bbts. do. 75 bbls. Northern Gin. 4 pipes Holland «Io. t> pipes Cogniac Brandy, 2 hhds. Jamaica Rum, 40 qr. casks Malaga Wine, 10 do. Madeira do. 50 casks Champaigne, 20 boxes Claret do. 20 boxes Lemon Syrup, 20 bbls. Cordial, 30 Idids. Molasses, 10,000 lbs. Baltimore Hams, , 4,000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 50,000 lbs. Sweeds Iron, 2,000 ll»s. blistered and German 'Steel, 500 pieces Bagging. 500 lbs. Twine, 200 coil of bale and well Rope. 50 boxes Sperm and Tallow Candles, 50. do. Raisins. 101) bbls. Canal Flour, 20 crates Crockery Ware Abo an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS. JO bales Duff Blankets, 2 do. Ruse do: 200 pieces Calicoes, 50 pieces Gingiuuns, 50 pieces Dish Linen, 20 bales bleached aud brown Homespun, 30 pieces Sattiuetts. 30 pieces Flanuells, Bandanna and Cotton Hdlds. Thibet and liuicy Shawls, Silks, Hosiery Gloves, Circassians, Bombazines and Uouibazcts, Bead Bags, and a great variety of fancy articles: also, a well select ed lot of fashionable and B24s)Y aiAPS ALSO A large assortment of Negro Shoes, Kip Brogans, women's aud boys leather Shoes, Indies Prune!! Boots and Slippers, Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes, 10 doz. Fashionable Bonnets, 40 cases of fir Hats, 3U doz. Wool do. Indies and Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Maningals. Wagon Whips, Horse Collars, Trace and Halter Chains, Hardware and Cutlery. In addition to his former stock, will arrive in a few days, ten close Carriages, ten Chariotees, aud ten Ba rouches of the newest pattern aud best quality. Macon. Sc.' --b‘>r t. 1S‘»4. 17 Loo/ *b«; ur, Gin, Segam, fyc. -0 Xk BBLS. N. O. Loaf Sug ar of superior quality M. V 10 boxes do do 2 pipes Holland .Gin 4 pipe cogniac Brandy 2 casks Port Wine 20 boxes Claret G boxes Axes 30 M. Spanish Segars (superior) 50 boxes Soap Rogers’ Orange Gunpowder in kegs anil cannistors For sale by REA & COTTON, sept 23-14 * RoiiamPn Tonic Mixture. ■STSTAURANTED a certain cure for the Fever and T w Ague also the genuine Hygean medicines. Tor sale otfiy by i COOKE & COWLF.S. Macon. Ort. R 1G Authorized Agents. G enteeseesST Steel tnixt-d Cloth Snrtouts, “ Drab " do. Brown “ do. Blue “ Coats, Black Camlet do. Just Received anti for Sale, IffP U<) \\ X aud loaf Sugar, Rice Niirtbenl Kmn, Gin and Whiskey Old apple and peach Brandy Champaign and cognac «lo •Madeira, leneriffe, and sicily M ines—old put' muscatel and claret do—champaign tk- malaga aud IViutinac do Cherry Bouuce. French cordial. Newark cider Dunbar’s best Loudon Porter, bar Lead. .Shot Best cavendish rhewiug and smoking Tobacco Rest pickled utess Beef and Pork, Bacon, .CoBL Pepper and spice. Pickled salmon and tnaekerei sperm and tallow caudles. Lemon syrup Best bunch Raisins in whole and half boxes .Martinique cordials. Jamaica at.d st croix Rum Bar and shaving soap, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder and hyson Tea Milk, 6oda, sugar, butter ami wnter Crackers ; Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Maco j Real Spanish Began, Pipes, rnaceaboy Snuff j Best Canal and Western Flour. ALSO, A General Assortment of Crockery Glass, Hardware, Cvllor.y, Sic. Amongst which are : Trace and Haller chain- Weedfng JMTes, Shovels "and spades. Sad Irons Axes. Handsaws, Gimlilets, Augers and Chist-L Stock and Padlocks, Butts and Screws Aud various other articles which will he sob low for cash only. may 22 s J. BENNETT. JVEVV CLOTHING, Hats, Shoes, and Fancy Articles. WOW opening at the MACON CLOTHING J.M STORE a large assortment of Coats, Frock Coats, Over Coats, Coattees, Pantaloons of most nil kinds qualities; Cloth. Velvet, Valencia, Ended Velvet, Woollen Velvet, Morse ides, Florentine Vests; Gentle men's and Ladies’ Cloaks: Drawers; Fine Linen aud Cotton Shirts; Stripe do; Short Jackots; Tea Jackets; Monkey Jackets; Negro Clothing, Ac. which has been manufactured by myself the past summer, and in the J Spanish Cigars, fresh T. as of every best manner. Also, a handsome assortment of Stocks I ).u»f. Jump ;,ud white !! and Suspendewof the_hcst quality; Flag, Bandanna. I We, sein. «ll neti AV ITCH .Vi. And iv LIS 1 w ® 1* I STEAIS. F rjnih: undeftugned wou:;irui sfi dr irtends ae.d ■ J. the public dun they have .•4»m.i!i-nr.;a business I .h :i,e above line, and dfler for sale cheap fel casii ai. cheir store opposite the Central Hotel, i’acm 1 * vet Gold and Silver.-Duplex I-epiiH*, EngiisJ- ana J'fieqca Watches,-ofgqfod .juaiiiy, Svyeeiry, Save. Spool> uf tlie best quality, made to order , ^ver poliAeJ J’eeeils, ' Steel I'etis, Gold and Silver Guard, 'Chain: and Ley-*, ; Gold, Silter, and Steel Spectacles, Pistols*,' Razors, Knives; Scissors, Thimbles, Bead Raps, Purses and ! _ “ .’octet Books, together Will, a variety of other articles : will ply reg Nsuully kept in their line. Please inland examine. them le.ivm S. B Particulur attention will be paid to ! boats »** »«*'• watehCa of all descriptions, and wanamteal ‘Spoons: fi Ji; od otlierarticiuseneraved. J. A. ie S. S. VIRGIN. '■r.eoii, nov l.<tj-22 i: s i:r £-aIei GALLONS old peucl. Brandy, r Coffee, Molasses, Bacon, Rice, Flour, and Mac kero l. Salt, DRY GOODS of Mn«u descriptions, W-aac: • ■ vo’OtKH.— < • v acii vr II be sold t 't Cash, at the Corner Store, next to tin? Bridge. .f{-18 THOMAS TOOMi.V. wf-s./r ■< JLi )R transport c comjjioie orcer cdiiwl . rocki atnl stive;*: rui; rate fi the p> iho-lAsi o. Strum Hpai l i’ii 'wit!run eon and atio.d :: The subsc, taring .'rsuf-; Ports. H ■ tire most coai meots for v.v eat 12 It ) lC.\, one *.t ot; 4 FRESH SUPPLY O NEW GOODS, C OMPRISING a general -assortmc St-:pie. and Fancy D y Goods, 'also fro. ..tek n. Drai. ' b-aver 11;. is, Bools Skv... pltliea. Bridies, saddle Bags and w hip.-, I - ■ d • are, Castings, Crockery, win.lory (Jias- -• i r.f blacksmiths Tools complete, fcitemoi . • •. titue Cotton Cards, cotton Yarns by the ht nri. , bale. Foolscap, latter and wrapping P,.p< ’ollius’ cast steel Axes, buck, squirrel ant* bin' rfhot. Du Pouts, and Rogers’ Powder, sp. rm caudles, .Soap, Raisins, Chocolate, Spices. variety, huh Sug'.r, pa.edt | C i. , ... —/ ■■ . I 'ledieiues, sein, gill nett and bagging Twine, ftp.Udfield, India__a n dLmenCambnck Hdkfs; VVh.te,f , hoe - Thr-atL ( „, xes < . lare , an(1 of C. conti At: for re • U their fa res w. t R-.'TS. H01.COMB]'.. ! P. Bcrr. J. T. Rowm D. n. u. , Aiacou, Nqv. ! . Bik, Buckskin, Silk, »nd Berlin Gloves; Silk, Cotton Lambswool, snd Vigona half hose; Cravats; Net Shirts, Drawers; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas; Linen Collars, Bosoms; Linen Cambrick do, and most every article in die Gentleman’s line. Fine Blk, Blue,'Royal Purple, Blixed, Green, Brown Cloths; Buff Cassimers; Vesting, Shirting. Velvets, &- a few Tailors’Trimmings. Military Ball Buttons. Eagle do, Epaulettes; Lace braid, (a Fine Gilt Sword and Belt.) HATS. A good assortment of fine Hats, mado expressly for tin's market; common do; Wool do; and will be sold as cheap as can be fonnd in the up country. Cloth aud Seal Fur Caps; Fine Boots and Shoes; Calf sewed Brogans; Pegged do; Kip do; Jackson David Crockett Calf. Morocco, Buckskin, and Lasting Pumps; Chil dren’s Shoes-, Over Shoes; COO pair Negro Shoes, &c, &c. I would invite my frieuds and the public to give me a call at my old stall'd, where they shall have an oppor tunity to judge for themselves. oct 22-18 . LEWIS FITCH. Y OUTH’S Over Coats, jnst received and for sale by Oct 18 19 boxes claret and champaign.- '•Nines, .Madeira, Teuueriffe. Vlu».-atel toil ,\!:.l- •u i Wines in casks, Newark Cider, pure rider Vinegar. &c. See. Also in store aud fur sale- 011 a.-coimnodaiiug terms. ■35 hhds superior Molasses 25 do St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars GO bags prune green Coffee 20 b.bls do do do 20tl ps. Dundee aud American Bagging 1100 ready made cotton Bags 32000 lbs Swede Iron assorted. Planters merchants ud all others having to purchase su.-li an cles, ire respectfully inviu-d to t- ill and examine ionhemoelves. T O* T \NP»ER gffer- rn a I - ^ door ... v- jbj Ac, - i.>ds WM. H. BUKDSALL. just rcaeived and for sale b; Oct 14 17 Tvm.h, BURDSALL. T HE subscriber having taken die store lately occu pied by Rowe A- Smith, No. 351, Broad street, offers for sale, ou accommodating terras, the following articles, viz: Cognac and Peach Brandy, Holland aud Northern Gin, Jamaica and Nortii.-ru Rum, Monongaheia and Rye Whiskey, . 15 hhds. Bte. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, 100 bags Prime Green Coffee, 20 boxes Cheese, 75 barrels Canal Flour, 50 kegs Cut Nail*: Iron assorted, Waggon boxes, assorted, Castings of ail sorts, A good supply of Negro and other Shoes. Also, a good assortment of Blankets mid Calicoes, just opening and received by GRIFFIN EDMONSON. Augusta. Oct. *21.—4t.—19. THE SUBSCRIBER has formed an association, in his Factorage 8? Com mission Business, and in future it will be conducted tinder the firm of 3rO£COStt»J5, TTC 2E, & r,©, aul he solicits for She new firm a continuance of the ee ry liberal palronat’c heretofore extended to hint. The undivided exertions of the parties will be devoted to the interest of their consigning friends. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE. Charleston, S. C. Sept. 11,1834. Krfercncts in Macon—Hamilton & Hayes, Cooke & Cowles Baxter Fort <t Wiloy, J. D„ Beers I. R. St John & co. By whom liberal advances will be made to planters and merchants who may wish to have the advantage of sales of cotton (in Charleston! made bv us. 3m-13 HOLCOMBE. PECK At P? 1 MACON STEAM BOAT Company. WAKE HOUSE AND oar 3V3Z3rE*5. .-p The subscriber continues the above f business at his old stand, (head ofChcr- f -f-gxjjjff ryst. A Cotton avenue,) wherehcoffers all the usual facilities in bnsiness. His Ware Houses A: Close Storages are in prime order, nud as much exempted from the danger of fire as any in the place. JAMES C. MORGAN. Macon, sept 171834-13 . WAREHOUSE A2VX> COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscriber continues to 3 transact the above business in its various branches, aud in addition to tho Ware House at present oc copied by him, (which will be continued.) be has taken the now Ware House on It. McCall’s lot, together with tho Wharf. This ware house is considered tho most secure from fire of any in the city. Ho will be prepared to make advances on Cotton aud Produce in store, and on Ship ments to Savannah, Charleston, New York, Liv erpool, Havre, See. A. C. COLD WELL. Macon Aug 21 1834-10 J. GODDARD & Co. Ware House & Com mission Merchants, irlacon, WILL continue to transact the above business at the Ware House occupied by them during the past season. This Ware House is as secure from the dangers of lire as any in the city. They take this opportunity of returning their grateful acknowledgmentsfor the liberal patron age heretofore bestowed by their frieuds and the ublic. Aud by a strict attention to business committed to their care, and the facilities which they will be able to render their customers, they hope to merit a continuance of tho patronage of their frieuds and the public iu general. They are prepared to make liberal advances at all limes on Cetton stored or shipped by them. Cotton stored at their Ware House will be insured at the lowest ratest, if requested. Macon 'ept. 1,1834. Cm . NOTICE.' LL persons indebted to the (inn of G. W. Per- sons & Co., nru hereby noinicd that if tliey al low the present season of payment to pass, will most assuredly find Uieir notes and accounts in the hands of officers for collection, as we have taken this season to close our business in this place. Macon; Nov 12> 1834—21—2m • ■ Jzcmr ' T HE above company take this method of inform ing the public that tliey have purchased two Steam Boats, the MACO», AKT2> SSCSS; which boats are to run regularly between Darien and .Macon, leaving Darienonce every week, with tow boats. The steamboats will draw only 26 inches of water, with 2 good engines in each. The company have been to a great expense to place tills Line of steam boats on the Ocinulgee and Altumaha rivers, and would respectful ly solicit the vatronage of the public. This line'will be a'great facility for merchants who wish to ship their goods by the way of Savannah or Darien to Hawkins- ville and Macon, or in shipping cotton to Savannah.— Arrangements have been made to forward cotton or goods without detention between Savannah and Dari en. No exertion or expense will be spared to give the greatest despatch to goods or cotton shipped by this line. Agents for the abort Boats : J. GODDARD & CO. Macon. L. Baldwin & Co. Savannah. .Mitchell & Collins, Darien. Matthews & Roberts Hawkmsville. nov KWiin-21 Jt'i i* J .'.Vi A • V it. SSELL & DICKINSON h .v. rerunv- ed to the store formerly occupied by V K. -Williams, successor to If. Blair Sr co , where all kinds of Oroceries, Dry (, can be had for cash only anil at the lowest market prices'. -Tost Rec ived Bhls. and half bbls. 3II numbers Ma. kerol; bhls. aud half bbls. family canal Flour . Pickled Pork, Tobacco. Ur. ging. Twine, Iron, See. &c. julv 23 5' A QUANTITY of superior Northern Cheese, A jnst received bv COOK" & COWLES. Oct. 15. 17 or short city ju.eepurn.,' 100 pieces red . .31 15(i pair Wliitt.- . 2 Balfc m \ d aw 11C0 vus. stunt bln 35 doz. ."tio.i (' j 210 boxes of i-hoe* 3500 men’s thie. 600 do do fi a: 1200 dr. kip 200 boy’s cal: Cro‘.* 200 do thici. .‘fesb do lined and bo 7(>b youth’s ru-.-u' d 240 do tbi. i. 10 box>*s gentieti: -ri fir“l etiai. caij - m? do - nli do “ i .. es do - O.ick Bo- > ' 1450 pair ’- v. -Ik"in- Suae* 0 boxes do :•ji- .- L '■ ; geai's nr.nrr.eJo ’ T .*s lir.n 100 pr. do leather 1 case men’s Rubber Shoes 1 il ladies’- do do 5 “ wo.qen - i.u \ misses' a.-- -or 1 *• ' laJK.-’ «;•<•*»•*—• - ;ed;i. IT Planters arid lien bur.' ■ art- res- •• td.cail. - Macon. Nov 2C 1834—*22 Sale oj T t> . ]. ‘ C N •• die Ere Tuesday i; ■ v sold in, the town of Ja-.. .1 ttie highest bidder, ail the uu oi. 16, t! die above side to be half in -arc a in', months tnertaiier, w’tti smai: noi .s aud curity. titles' made 011 rhe day ; f sal--, oix handsomely situared for bedding a mni. r ing. 7 he above was. done bs an order o" court. JOHN CO;",' Nov 10 (834—22 BXS&OSUV&ZC' tprofessional rooarti-.f-rf.i ’i . ■ between Poe A iuthirfiTi., vie,; pired by its own Hmiovion. Their •. i v.-i’t be given to 1! untini died hus. <, WM. II. BURDSALL. j mitiafipo. Settlements o:a.!s with ;-:tla Oct 14 17 j fiiC former firm be biu.’in; . he"Insurance Bank of Columbus will insure j JOHN^' *’ Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Just received and for sale hv WM. H. BURDSALL. Oct 15 17 Keurv’s 5^agncsK>« \ RR \NTED getiunie. just received and. for sale liv. WM. «. I ROW jS A N assertmeni ol'Coio.ed .ai. 1 ,.- “1 hi PA. just received and for sale by T HE Insurance Bank o! uotnmDus will insure Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks against Fire in this city. Apply to ROBERT COLLINS. Macon, Oct. 27, 18347 19 G' WARE-IIOUSE AND COBS3HXSSXOIV CITY OF MACO A. I WILL commence the above bqriuess by the first of September next, and will occupy LAMAR'S LOPER IPARE-HOUSE, immediately ou the river above the bridge, hav ing a good wharf attached thereto and safe from fire, for the convenience uf my friends residing above Madon—I have taken the Scale Houst on Cotton Avenue, from whence cotton will be takeu to the wharf free of charges. J have been inbusincss for the last twenty years within thirty miles of Macon, aud for the largo share «'t pub lic confidence aud liberal patronage received, I take this occasion to teturn my grateful ihuuks. From my commercial experience both foreign and domestic, I feel confident that I will he able to givi; gcueral sa;is r action, for the accomplish ment of which I tender inv uuremitted attention, time, talents aud means, to forward the views and interests of those who may favor me with their business and confidence. Liberal advances - will be inado on Produce, Mel chan disc and other property confided to my care, aud strict atten tion given to tho filling of orders, receiving and forwarding of goods See. Insurance in the best offices can be effected at the usual rates, when desired. L. L. GRIFFIN. Macon, June 12, 1834 . 6m7 ENTLEMEN’S Fashionable Beaver Hats, iust received and for sale by WM. H. BURDSALL. Oct 18 J9 !_ New Spring and Summer GOODS. T HE subscriber has just received an exten sive assortment of Fancy and Staple (roods suitable for the season. a pril Hi WM H. BURPS A LI.. Salt and Cotton Bagging '■NOR sale by 1? nov 4 1834-20 REA & COTTON. T HE undersigned has removed to Montgomery, Alabama, and will punctually attend to any bu siness in his profession that may be forwarded to him JOHN W. A. PETTIT. Oct. 27, 1834.—20. € Nov 13,1834—21 RL Nov. 12. 1834—22-1. i 8 yTLl M S’.' i isF-or.-ai.'c . ver liais, iust row iveii ttiiff ’ WM. H. Nov 20, 1834—22 3!- AL Skin Tr -ni.-. for Nov 20 22 Floor M tHing, f U8T received and lor sale by _ WM. H, Bl'RD.SALL. Oct 13 19 N - iDSALL. ib- bv BURDSALL. IOLASSEi fi\i sHfc HH08 prime Cuba Mi>!.-i .9 nov 12-21 C \ COTTON. SOLD; TANAL Flour, in barrels and half barrels, ew i.jcc, Mackerel, For sale by . V. RALSTON. Take Notice. (OAT hands wanted. Apply to nov 13-4t-21 J. GODDARD & CO. VALUABLE JUUS find PLANTA TION FOR S VLE. fjn If. -subscriber offers his Mills and Plantation for j jL sale, siniate on the Tobesofka creek, about eight j miles (roni-Macon, and three quarters of a mile below the old Federal Road leading from Macon to Knoxville, consisting of about 1480 acres of swamp, creek, and dp i.inda, With nbout 200acres cleared and iiuder good fence : the balance principally pine timber land, with the exception ofiaUuc 2>;W 3tM) acres of swamp lands whicli snnpjBt-iii to be first quality land for cultiva tion. Tia !'■ . ncVjJ 8aw Mill running two saws, that will'cut firm «. j ' XI feet of Lumber per annum, and<t Grist •IT!. Mi in good repair. There is a frame .Dwelling uj»3 fo: -i- jd. with four rooms below and two above; :ti-.<i all n - i e-ary outbuildings, also in good WILL BE O N 'tl.o "first Tuesday in December n .-.\’ ton. Jones county, two negro rhen i-. Jordan and ft sorgo, about 26 years old, bring good boat n* Jordan to be sold"ax the proper.- of i. ins. and George as the property of He: terms cash. EDMUND H HENRY M. Nov 20 1=34—2? o,l B J. N hi .V S POSTTONEME PHI HE sale of proper - ad\-rli>"-- i- . _R the 18th insl. lias b.- -n | > j- the inclement weather, to the first i — her next J- B -or ?<> ’ff M-2? T NE\Y YORK LINE P.JCKETS. OF repair. I will also sell with the above-described premise*. 9 baud of Mule*. 8 or 10 lieaa ITflnrV 15 or 20 head of Slock. 1 Cattle, a quantity u! IL ts, road i\ agons, log Wheels, mill and plantation Tows*, &c. The above can be purchased at,a fair price and on accommodating terms if the salt is made before the first ofJauuary next, otherwise i shall not sell. Those wi shing to purchase, are requested to call and examine the premises. For the satisfaction of those wishing to purchase. 1 will -late that the net income oi’th* above property far been from twenty two to the last fitree years, ha twenty five hundred dollars per annum. Macon, nov ll-4t-21 RUFUS K. EVANS. TiTFi following Ves.-:cl« 'he above ls„c oi Packets viz. Brig Amelia-Strong, ’ 7- ..-y -’huso. Master. frig Pro- in Sber- oiau, .M ster, ■ iiug Coral, Buikley, Master, '■jclir D B- Crane. Robbins, Master. They are all snbstantinl copper fast, m-fi se!s, anti tomraantie.; by experienced and > ,n deni 1 .ten. and arc- now miming regularly. V; rates of freight tvif at all limes b. su,h render riie txjjinsc- nf transportation between New York mhI Darien, consider?bly lesi thtt t via Savaaonh. aud as the Vessel ,v.‘:' nines be in either plaUe, ready to take in frei/ .t, iha line will >• inbi.i. the ^dvmt-.ges >o the shij-.u-., of expedition to., cheapness. JOHN T. ROW • \ND, . ^ Darien, >ept. I, 1834 1~