Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, December 04, 1834, Image 1

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c. E. A M. BARTLETT, Editors. MACON, Georgia, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1834. Volume iUMBE” i. a-iO&aiA TSESifiOiXAE-K : PUlU,IS!li’.I* EVJCItT TB8MDAV, . 41 MACON. Va. b J MY It OS BARTLETT. Printing OJJicc on Second Street—next door to ° Husun't Hotel. TERMS.—Tbbs* Dou,aks a year, if paid iu J va „ ei ., or Foim Dollars, if not paid before the „ I of the year. Subscriber* living at a distance ff |i| he required in all eases to pay in advance. Piipcr discontinued, but at the discrc- non of tk« publi«hor, until all arrearages arc tii’i'l. DRUGS, MEDICINES, &1 rr^HE subscriber is now receiving his fresh jjj supplies, end in additiou to nu extensive assortment oi rafiSB BRT7GS, Medicines and Chemicals, offers for sale a quantity of DYE STUFFS, Vir..: Logwood, Red Sanders, Cam aud Woods, Spanish Flut. Guatemala aud country Indigo. Madder, Copperas, Rlue Stone, Alum a " , ‘ * ,U,a,tH ‘ PAINTS White Lead, dry and ground iu oil Venetian Red do do do .Spanish llrown do do do Yellow Ochre do do do Verdigris do do do PrusMii:: Blue, Rose, I'ink. Drop, Lake, Vermill ion. Crouse Grceu, Crime Yellow, Tern, Detien- na. sione Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umber Flake White. Lamp and lvorv Blacks. PERFUMERY. Otto of Rose, Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold Cream, cosmetic Tablet, comp. Naples shaving, (.ream Soap, Cologne and Rose Water, Vegetapb Rouge, Rear’s, .Macassar and Antique oil. Rose and Pearl Powder, &c. BRUSHES. Clothes, Hair Tooth, Plastei, Shoe, and Horse Brushes, Also Starch, Saltpetre, lVatl Ash, Soap. Pines Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, &c. iVr. For sale by WM. G. BROWN, nnv til 8 NEW BOOK STORE. a-jKossAS puaxsE. RESPECTFULLY in forms the public that lie lias taken the store in Ellis. Shotwell fc Co’s, low. two doors above the Post Office, where ho is now receiving and openiug a very general assortment of Hooks and Stationary. Among .ns works, he lias a general axsort- niciti, and will he constantly receiving iho new publications on Theology, Medicine. Law, His tory, and Miscellaneous subjects, together with such other articles as arc usually kept iu a Rook Store. S£A^BG02£S, A largo assortment of all kinds mid sizes. Fools Cap. Letter, mid Note Paper of the best quality, both English and American, plain aud embossed, water and feint lined, pink, yellow lie and white. 8&ACT2KS. Biank Checks, Notary Public Letters, Ward' house Receipts, Pills of Lading. Writs of all kiuds. Justices Summons, do Executions, Clerks do Tax Collectors do. Subpoenas for Witnesses. Deeds, Sheriffs’ do. Sheriffs’ Rills of Sale, Gar nishments, Ca. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Marriage License, Rail Writ and Bond, Inter Com. Directions for Interrogatories. Bills of [uiliclinent. Bench Warrants, Bail Ronds, Attachments, Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Admiuistra inn. Temporary Letters of Administration, Tein yorary letters of Administration, Guardians Ronds. Tax Collectors deeds. Gamuts, Sub. Dec. Tec Dec 21 24 NEW GOODS. WM. H. BUKDKAIjXj. H AS Jus; received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, READ? MADE CIOTZIXa, HATS, Jo HOES, S,x. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. HIS STOCK CONSISTS, IN PAItT, OK THE FOLLOWING I Super Saxony, Blue, Black aud Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Bine, Black, .Mixed and Fancy colored Saliuctts English Mcrinocs . Duffle, Point and Bose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson. Creeu aud White Flannels Priutcd Salshury do Canton and Saxony and Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Eye aud Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Rotnhazettcs do do do Circassians Negro Cloths Liuseys Blenched nud Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustirug do Gros de Swiss do do Naples s do do Berliu do Sinchcws and Sarsaucls Colored Gros de Naples Black aud colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common. Thibet wool. Valentia, Silk Damask mid twisted Silk Shawls Ilcrunoi, Muslin, Crnpo, Gauze and Gros de Na ples Dress Hdkfs Ladies aud Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cassitners Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron nud Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids ami Stripes Bed Ticks FloorCloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia SheetiugBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Ozuahurghs Bangup Cord Cotton Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black aud colored Cambrics Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk and col’d Lustring Ribbons Dark and light col’d Prints aud Ginghams Lace nud Gauze Veils Fig’dxnd plain Bobiuet Laco Thread Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Book .Muslius i .inen Cambric Hdkfs Pongee, Indian Flag aud Spitilcficld Hdkfs Carved aud plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver aud Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules Ready-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Cuats, F. O’CAIIAGHAN | H AS just received from New York, and is now) openiug at his old stand, a very extensive and | opening well selected stock of And full and Winter Goods, Which he will sell very low for cash—his stock consists in part of the following articles:— 50 ldids. St Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, -5 do. New Orleans do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 250 bags Cuba aud Rio Coffee, 30 do. Java do. 10 chests Tea, 10 lilids. Baltimore Whiskey, 50 bbls. do. 15 hbds. N. E. Rum, 59 bids. do. 75 bbls. Northern Gin. 4 pipes Holland do. 6 pipes Cogniac Brandy, 2 lilids. Jamaica Rum. 40 qr. casks Malaga Wine, 10 do. Madeira do. 50 casks Cliampaigne, 20 boxes Claret do. 20 boxes Leinon Syrup, 20 bids. Cordial, 30 lilids. Molasses, 10,000 lbs. Baltimore Hams, 4,000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 50,000 lbs. Sweeds Iron, 2,000 lbs. blistered end German Steel, 500 pieces Bagging. 500 lbs. Twine, 200 coil of bale and well Rope, 50 boxes Sperm jind Tallow Candles, 50 do. Raisins. 100 bbls. Canal Flour, 20 crates Crockery Ware Also an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS. 10 boles Duff Blaukets, 2 do. Rosa do. 200 pieces Calicoes, 50 pieces Ginghams, 50 pieces Irish Linen, 20 bales bleached and brown Homespun, 30 pieces Sattiuetts. 30 pieces Flanuells, Bandanna and Cotton Hdkfs. Thibet and fancy Shawls, Silks, Hosiery Gloves, Circassians, Bombazines and Bomhazeta, Bead Bags, and a great variety of fancy articles: also, a well select ed lot of fashionable and READY MADE VZOTKIEfftt. ALSO •A large assortment of Negro Shoes, Kip Brogans, women’s and boys leather Shoes, Ladies Brunei! Boots cud Slippers, Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes, 10 doz. Fashionable Bonnets, 40 cases of fir Hats, 30 doz. Wool do. , Ladies and Gentlemen’s Saddles. Bridles, Martingals, Wagon Whips, Horse Collars, Just Received and for Sale, RO WN and loaf .Sugar, Rice Northern Rum, Gin and Whiskey Old apple aud peach Brandy Champaign and cugunc do Madeira, tfueriffc. aud sicily Wines—old port, muscatel and claret do—champaign do— tnnlaga nud fentinne do Cherry Bounce, French cordial, Newark cider Dunbar’s best London Porter, bar Lead. Shot Best cavendish chewing and smoking Tobacco Res* pickled iness Beef aud Pork, Rncou, Coffee Pepper aud spice. Pickled salmou and mackerel Sperm and tallow caudles, Leinou syrup Best bunch Raisins in whole and half boxes Martinique cordials. Jamaica and st croix Rum Bar aud shaving soap, Chocolate. Imperial, gunpowder and hysou Tea .Milk, soda, sugar, butter aud water Crackers Gingqr, Cinnamon, Nutmegs aud Mace Kent Spanish Sugars. Pipes, uiaccaboy Snuff Best Chual and Western Flour. ALSO, A General Assortment of Crockery &lass f Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Amongst which are : Trace and Halter chains, Weeding Hoes, Shovels and spades. Sad Irons, Axes. Handsaws, Giinhlcts, Augers aud Chisels, Stock aud Padlocks, Butts and Screws And various other articles which will -be sold low for cajih only. may 22 * J. BENNETT. T Dividend No. 33. Bank State ok Georgia, ^ Savannah, 24th Oct. 1634. > HE Board of Directors having this day declared dividend, a: die rata of S per cent per annum, j or fol’u dollar? per share on the capital stock of this Bank for die -ix months ending the 4th instant, the Mime will Ik- paid to dn- r.-q.eetN e .*-’:o<-kiio:d. i> d.i-roi-f. or to their order, on and alter Wednesday next, tlic 29di instant. By order of the Board, I. K. TEFFT, Acting Cashier. Nov. 3, 1S34.—20. A2& j Trace and Ilalter Chains, Hardware and Cutlery. In addition to his former stock, will arrive in a few days, ten close Carriages, ten Chariotees, and ten Ba rouches of the newest pattern a nil boat quality. Mneon. Sim*«mW 4. 1834. 17 olive Drab Brown ‘ Blue 1 Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, I just reaeived and for sale by nn>I Llttn .-tA/il •iSiv , /l *ili/l fa i/»» n a!/» rn I ? Sottmnt I \\^^VT JJ g ^ Loaf Sugar, Gin, Scgars, <!yc. ih BBLS. N. O. Loaf Sugar of superior quality A V 10 boxes do do 2 pipes Holland Gin 4 pipe Cogniac Brandy 2 casks Port Wins 20 boxes Claret , 6 boxes Axes 30 M. Spanish Segars (superior) 50 boxes Soap Rogers’ Orange Gunpowder in kegs and cannisters For sale by REA &. COTTON. sept 23-14 ENTLEMEN'S Steel mixed Cloth Surtouts, do. do. Coats, do. G MACO.V SADD&2R? WARE HOU8H. HiV* TO ICUS? Ot HART,. (Second Strut, at ihtir New lirick Store adjoining Cooke A* CoirUs.) TJI ESPECTFULLY tender their thanks to their JLfc, Customers for the past year, aud would inform them that they have just received a large stock, com prising every nrticle iu their line, and are constantly receiving from their manufactory fresh stock, so that their assortment may always be found complete. Among their goods arc Ladies’, Gentlemen's and Boy’s SA DOLES, of a great variety of patten)-'. Among them Spanish, Fancy limited, Shattered, Plain and Overlaid, large nud extra large Saddles. Coach, Gig and Dearborn HARNESSES, of every description ; an elegant assortment of Biu , Stirrups, and Spurs of die latest and most ap proved patterns. Bridles, Martingales, and Bridle Fillings of every inscription. Saddle Bags, Carpet Bags, and Valices. Folio hard leather Tranks. Coach, Gig, Tandem, Drovers and Sportsmen’s Whips. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s English and American Twig Whips of a superior qtinlity. Coach Trimming, Springs, Laces, Bands, Handles, -&c. Patent Leather. Morocco, Sheep, Hog, and Deer Skins. Straining, Serge, Worsted, Liuen, Cotton and rein Webbs. Haines, Collars, Saddle Trees, Varnish. Cu: Tacks. Trank Locks, Buckles, horse Brushes, Onrty Coiubs, Girths, Surcingles, Stirrup Leathers, " buffalo robes, BSAR Area SEAL SK7WS, •of super.,ir quality, by the bale or single ; all of which were purchased in New York on die best terms, aud will be sold to dealers and others low for cash. , Qjr* Repairing 6t Manufacturing done at short notice ALSO FOR SALE One and two Homo BAROUCHES. A supply will be constantly kept on hand. Nov. (i, ;834. 21—w» and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, dr&b, brows, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth's doth and satlinet Dress aud Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimcre, black and colored ^Velvet, black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white Merscilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patershaoi Box Coats, Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, &c. Negro Clothing. Men’s & Youth's Fur Hats, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, Seal & Hair Caps, Fine Boots & Shoes—Negro Shoos, &c. &c. Oct. 15. if EXCHANGE OFFICE. J D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened an office in Macon, in the Counting Room recently occupied by Messrs. Oct 14 17 WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. The subscriber continues the above ^ £ business at his old stand, (head ofCher- ry st. &. Cotton avenue,) where he offers all the usual facilities in business. His Ware Houses A: Close Storages are in prime order, and as much exempted from the danger of fire as any in the place. JAMES C. MORGAN. Macon, sept 171834-13 W A R E~H OUSE AND C0M3IISS10N BUSINESS. THE subscriber coutinuos to <§. jF transact the above business in its glSWif '' v® various branches, and in addition to the Ware House at present oc cupied by him, (which will be continued.) be lias taken the new Ware House on R. McCnil’s lot, together with the Wharf. This ware house is NEW CLOTHING, Hats, Shoes, and Fancy Articles. WOW opening at the MACON CLOTHING -L w STORE a large assortment of Coats. Frock Chats, Over Coats, Coattees, Pantaloons of most all kinds & qualities; Cloth. Velvet, Valencia, Enib’d Velvet, Woollen Velvet. Merscilles, Florentine Vests; Gentle men's and Ladies’ Cloaks: Drawers; Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts; Stripe do; Short Jackets; Pea Jackets; Monkey Jackets; Negro Clothing, Arc. which has been manufactured by inyself the past summer, and in the best manner. Also, a handsome assortment of Stocks and Suspenders of the best quality; Flag, Bandanna, Spitalfield, India and Linen Canibrirk Hdkfs; White, Blk, Buckskin, Silk, and Berlin Gloves; Silk, Cotton, Larnbswool. and Vigona half hose; Cravats; Net Shirts, Drawors; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas; Linen Collars, Bosoms; Linen Caiubrick do, and most every article in the Gentleman's line. Fine Blk. Blue, Royal Purple, Mixed, Green, Brown Cloths; Buff Cassimers; Vesting, Shirting, Velvets, & a few Tailors’ Trimmings. Military Ball Buttons, Faglo do. Epaulettes; Lace braid, (a Fine Gilt Sword and Belt) HATS. A good assortment of fine Hats, made expressly for this market; common do; Wool do; and will be sold as cheap as can be found in the up country. Cloth and Seal Fur Caps;' Fine Boots and Shoes; Calf sewed Brogans; Pegged do; Kip do; “ Jackson (“ David Crockett Calf. Morocco, Buckskin, and Lasting Pumps; ttkjj- dren’s Shoes; Over Shoes; COO pair Negro Shoes, Ate, Arc. I would invite my friends and the public to give me a call nt my old still'd, where they shall have an oppor tunity to judge for themselves. oct 22-18 LEWIS FITCH. Y OUTH’S Over Coats, just received and for sale bv WM. H. BURDSALL. t 18 19 THE SUBSCRIBER has formed an association in his Factorage Sf Com mission Business, and in future it will be conducted under the firm of HOBGOMBD. TECK, & SO, and he solicits for the neic firm a continuance of the ve ry liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. The undivided exertions ofthe parties will be devoted to the interest of their consigning friends. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE. Charleston, 9. C. Sept. 11, 1834. llcferences in Macon—Hamilton & Hayes, Cooke & Cowles Baxter Fort At Wiley, J. D. Beers I. R. St. John & co. By whom liberal advances will be made to plantors and merchants who may wish to have the advantage of sales of cotton (in Charleston) made by us. 3m-13 HOLCOMBE. PECK A C WATCH MAKERS And mEWELLERS. HP he under.-igned would inform their friends and A the public that they have commenced business in the above line, and offer for sale cheap for cash, ac their store opposite the Central Hotel, 1’atent Lever, Gold and Silver, Duplex Lepine, English and French Watches, of good quality. Jewelry, Silver Spoons of the best quality, made to order; Ever pointed Pencils, Steel Pens, Gold and Silver Guard. Chains and Keys, Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, Pistols, Razors, Knives, Scissors, Thimbles, Bead Bags, Purses and Pocket Books, together with a variety of other articles usually kept in their line. Please call and examine. N. B. Particular attention will be paid to repairing watches of all descriptions, and warranted. * Spoons and other articles engraved. J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN. Macon, nov 18-tf-22 Tor Sals, •> /V GALLONS old peach Brandy, beside OUr Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bacon, Rice. Flour, and Mackerel, Salt, DRY GOODS of carious descriptions, too numerous to mention—all of which will be sold low for Cash, at the Comer Store, next to the Bridge, oct 23-18 THOMAS TOOMEY. AFRESH SUPPLY OF NEW GOODS, C OMPRISING a general assortment of _Sta)ih and Fancy Dry Goods, also fun Black and Drab beaver Hats, Boots and Shoes. Saddles. Bridles, saddle Bags and whips. Hard ware. Castings, Crockery, window Glass, sets of blacksmiths Tools complete, Whiteuiores gen nine Cotton Cards, cottou Yarns by the bunch or bale. Foolscap, letter ami wrapping Paper, Collins’ cast steel Axes, buck, squirrel and bin! Shot, Du Pouts and Rogers’ Powder, sperm caudles, Soap. Raisius, Chocolate. Spice** Spanish Cigars, fresh Teas of every variety loaf, lump and white Ilavanna Sugar, pu.eui Medicines, sein, gill nett and bagging Twine, shoe Thread, boxes claret and chaippaigtic Wines, Madeira, Tennerific, Muscatel aud Mai aga Wines iu casks, Newark Cider, pure cider Viuegar. &c. &c. Also iu store and for sale on accommodating terms. 55 bhds superior Molasses 25 do St. Croix aud Porto Rico Sugars GO bags prime green Coffee - 20 bbls do do do 200 ps. Dundee and American Bagging 1100 ready made cottou Bags 32000 lbs Swede Iron assorted. Planters merchants aud all others having to purchase such articles, are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. THOS T. NAPIER. ti- r.|, i., ~ f TlOR transpor .on :■> and from sen, i- now ;r. , complete or-Jcr. \ suj-- i io: );• -. - lean- Beat called “Diiud Crockett” with two i.ewerfid Engines, and’several first ra.e freight boat- law :;<-i i> b»iir the close ol the last season and pieced on tbo.line. Steam Boat Pioneer, t'apt. C'oorltnin, “ “ David ('rorlceti, *• Jj'Gonnitl, will ply regularly between Dark i. aim Mccon, one them leaving Darien about once a week v -th irc-i-. t * boats in lov . £>teaii- Ecat C5; S: ii' LS-& 1. C Co jit. win-run constantly between Diriwi and fea.i and artiird the greatest despatch to Coi'on. The subscriber’;- whole attchtion is devotf-p o- fa-r.. : - tating transportation between Macon nod :h“ Forts. He lias invested a inrge snui to prd Id , i-o’ t; the most complete order, and believes tital his at ra; mem.- forgiving despatch to (rei,:lil an;* kcepine . :. good order, while m hi- care, will make it the hi. rest of Cotton. Shippers aud 31c rchnuts onieriiig gout;t coiitiuae tlieir favors. At J h-irien he has seenre and convenient Wurehou-^t for reception of Goods, and bis Wharves there aro covered: with sheds* which enables him to keep all Lotion shipped on • Boats under shelter and protected flow the went! while landed for reshipmem. JAMES R. ST TTS Agents. Hoi.combe, Peck & Co-, Cliarlcstoc ft. P. Butts, Savannah, J. T. Rowland, Darien D..B. HaL-tead, Havvkiissvilie. Macon, Nov. 18.A834.—-22 n ar. 3IACON STEAM BOAT Company. Hamiltou Allays, (opposite llusou’s Tavern) cousideredtho most secure from fire ofany in and are prepared to transact the Exchange Bn- I *!»«** He W ‘JJ 1)0 prepared to make advances siucss iu all its branches. CHECSS, At sight, or ou time, on N. York, Philadelphia, Fayetteville, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta, Milledgevillc, Columbus, Mobile, New-Orleans, United States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will he made on Cotton, cither to hold on Cotton aud Produce in store, and on Ship ments to Savannah, Charleston. New York, Liv erpool. Havre, &c. A. C. COLDWELL. Macon Aug 21 1834-10 J. GODDARD & Co. R 1 lUiiiAi OVAL. USSELL & DICKINSON have remov ed to the store formerly occupied by N. B. Williams, successor to II. Blair &• co., where all kiuds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. can he had for cash only and at the lowest market prices. Just Received Bbls. and half bbls. all numbers Mackerel; libl-i. aud half bbls. family canal Flour; Pickled Pork, Tobacco, Bagging, Twine, Iron, &c. &c. jnly23-5 Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Just received and for sale by WM. II. BURDSALL. Oct 15 17 AT the long Brick Building _ ■ - i door above (lit- Book Ster . . -r »&**>• • ---^*8 for sale, per wl-oh-imic , *.i:i ‘..’Iia- »»:» Goods on the htweat te:ms. or short city acceptances. 100 pieces red Flannels 150 pair Whitney Blankets 2 bales mixed Kersey 1100 yds. stout blue Cassinetis 35 doz. good Woollen Socks 210 boxes of Shoes, viz. 3000 ir-cu’s thick Brogans 000 do do Russet do 1200 do hip do 200 boy’s calf Boots 200 douhick Brogans 380 do lined and bound Shoes 700 youth's russet do do 240 do thick do 10 boxes gentlemen’s Boots, . first qual. calf sewed do “ “ nailed do “ “ pegged do “ thick Boots 1-100 pair women’s walking Shoes 6 boxes do leather Bootees 100 pr. gent’s motrocco Downing 100 pr. do leather do 1 cast; men’s Rubber Shoes 1 “ ladies’ do do 5 “ women’s and misses’ assorted 1 “ ladies’ morocco Sandals 1CF Planters and Merchants are respectfully invited to call. Macon, Nov 20 1834—22 Henry’s Magnesia, ARBANTED genuine, just received aud w for salo by juiie 5 WM. G. BROWN Ware House & Com mission Merchants, Macon, WILL continue to transact the above business at or to ship to Savauuah, Charleston or I the Ware House occupied by them during the New York. Macon, Nov. 28 10 past season. This Ware House is as secure from the dangers of fire as any in the city. They take this opportunity of returning their grateful acknowledgments for the liberal patron age heretofore bestowed by their friends aud the public. Aud by a strict attention to business MAC OCT ACADEMY. Aor. 12,1834. B Y recent arrangement of die Trustees, the Male and female Departments ofdiis Institution have I I ,u, ’ ,,c : f 1 ““ u been separated. The Female Department will be, af- commit ted to their care, and the facilities which ter the first of December, entirely under the control of I they will be able to render their customers, they Mr. and .Mrs. Darby, whose constant attention will be hope to merit a eoutinuauce of the patronage of directed to die advancement of the young ladies entrus- their friends and the public in general. They ted to their care. _ are prepared to make liberal advances at all The year is divided into two sessions of study, of five I times on Cotton stored or shipped by them, months each. The Fall session in.future, to commence Cotton stored at tlieir Ware House will bo the middle of September and end die middle of 1-ebru- inMrad at tbc lowest ratest jf requested, ary. The Spring session to commence in die middle | Macon sept 1 1834 ~ 6m of Februan- and end die middle of July. Vacation from die middle of July to the middle of September.— The sessions will be subdivided into two terms of elev en weeks each. The government as far as practicable, will be moral and preventive. Arrangements wifi be made for supplying die pupils with books and station-1 j gj^HE subscriber offers his Mills and Plantation for ary at the lowest prices. Tuition in qll cases, widiout j sale, situa exception, to be paid in advance. T HE above company take this method of inform ing die public that they have purchased two Steam Boats, the MACON, AND EXCEL; which boats are to run regularly between Darien and Macon, leaving Darien once every week, widi tow boats. The steamboats will draw only 20 inches of water, with 2 good engines in each. The company have been to a great expense to place this Line of steam boats on the Ocmalgee and Altanmha rivers, and would respectful ly solicit die yatronage of the public. This line will be a'great facility for merchants who wish to ship tlieir goods by die way of Savannah or Darien to Hawkins- ville and Macon, or in shipping cotton to Savannah.— Arrangements Irnve been made to forward cotton or goods without detention between Savannah and Dari en. No exertion or expense will be spared to give the greatest despatch to goods or cotton shipped by diis line. Agents for the aborc Boats : J. GODDARD & CO. Macon. L. Baldwin & Co. Savannah. Mitchell Collins, Darien. Matthews & Roberts Hawkinsvillc. nov 10-6m-21 j. WAREHOUSE A N assortment of Colored Silks of die latest style, just received and for sale by WM. li. BURDSALL. Oct 14 17 rjpi HE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks against Fire in thiscity. Apply to ROBERT COLLIN" Macon. Oc;. 27. 1834, 19 SURGICAL NOTICE. A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE HERNIA, (or RUPTURE,) VALUABLE MILLS And PLANTATION FOR SALE. COOSU 'A COIVISS, 4 RE iqiMiing a general Stock of Goods at their Now Store. Thc> would be pleas ed to receive a call from their friends, nov 21 -tf 0 TERMS. Ortliog. Reading and Writing, Eng. Gram., Criticism, Elocution, Comp., IUiet., die study of the Eng. Classics, Geo.,Arith.,Nat. Plii!os’y,Anc. & Mod. History, ..... Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Intel). Philos’y, Logir, Astron. with die use of globes, ...... Music, (extra) ... - . Drawing and Painting. - - - Lectures in Chemistry will begiven through each term, - - - - - Lectures in Botany in the spring session, on which Classes may be formed, A cabinet of Minerals is expected soon, when Lectures in Mineralogy nnd Geol ogy will be given, situate on die Tobesofka creek, aboutcight miles from Macon, and three quarters of a mile below the old Federal Road leading from .Macon to Knoxville, consisting of about 1480 acres of swamp, creek, and up lands, widi about 200 acres cleared and under good fence; the balance principally pine timber land, with die exception of some 200 or 300 acres of swamp lands 7 00 J which is supposed to be first quality land for cultiva tion. There is a uew Saw .Mill running two saws, that will cut from 0 to 800,000 feet of Lumber per annum, and a Grist Mill, all in good repair. There is a frame Dwelling neatly finished, with four pjonis below and two above; and all necessary outbuildings, also in good repair. I will also sell widi the above-described premises. 9 head of Mules, 8 or 10 head of Oxen, 15 or 20 head of Stock Catde, a quantity of Hogs, road Wagons, log Wheels, mill and plantation Tools, &c. The above can be purchased at a fair price and on accommodating terms if die sale is made before die first 5 00 9 00 J2 50 7 50 5 00 j 5 OOi 5 00 For the present small scholars of both sexes will be 0 f January next, otherwise I shall not sell. Those wi- reccivod by Mr. and Mrs. Darby, nov 12-21 CT** WILLIAM B. JORDAN, will be a Can didato for Receiver of Tax Returns at the next sep 11 ' January election. 0?“\Ve are requested to announce ABSQ- LEM JOUR DAN* a* a candidate for Tax Col lector of Bibb county, at tho ensuing election in i JanuarynexK WpG 4 ihing to purchase, are requested to call and examine the premises. For the satisfaction of those wishing to purchase, I will state that the net income of the above property for die last three years, has been from twenty two to twenty five hundred dollars per annum. Macon, nov !My?1 RUFUS K. EVANS. j^JORTON’ri Gough riyrup, just received and for sale by dec II WM. G. BROWN AND COMMISSION! B1TSICTS2SS. CITY OF MACON. I WILL commence the above business by the first of {September uext. and will occupy LAMAR'S LOWER WARE HOUSE, ' immediately on the river above the bridge, hav ing a good wharf attached thereto and safe from fire, for the convenience of tny friends residiug above Macon—-I have taken the Scale House on Cotton Avenue, from whence cottou will be takeu to the wharf free ofchnrges. I have been iubusincss for the last twenty years within thirty miles of Macon, and for the large share of pub lic confidence and liberal patronage received, I take this occasion to return my grateful thanks. From my commercial experience both foreign aud domestic, 1 feel confident that I will be able to give geueral satisfaction, for the accomplish ment of which 1 tender my unreinitted attention, time, talents and means, to forward the views and interests of those who may favor me with their business and confidence. Liberal advances will he made on Produce, Meiehaudise and other property confided to my care, and strict atten tion given to the filling of orders, receiving and forwarding of goods &c. Insurance iu the best offices can be effected at the usual rates, wheu desired. L. GRIFFIN, EFFECTED BY THE XPPIJCATION OF DR. STAGNEJVS FATE NT TRUSS. UA M. PENDLETON respectfully tenders his JCi • services to the citizens of Baldwin, Twiggs, Bibb, Crawford, and Houston Counties, who arc sub jects of the above disease, and proffers to cure them cer tainly widiin the period of two or four months. In case however, of failure, no remuneration shall be expected, so certain is he of the remedy applied. In fact, had not multiplied cures have been already exhi bited before the publia view, the means used would appear so fully adapted to the nature ofthe disease, and the human system while laboring under it, as to elicit the confidence of all who becomes acquainted with it. To those who may have any doubt of its efficacy, cer tificates can be produced from some of the nio.-t res pectable citizens of Warren county, as well as Physi cians where the late Dr. J. M. Spragens practised.— Among whom are Henry Lockhart, M. D.. J. T. Per sons. M. D., Wm. P. Butt. 51. D.. Geo. K. Holloway, M. D., and Messrs. James Adams, Bithon Ivy. Tho?-. Raley, John Persons, and Samuel Smith, some of whom were the subjects of a cure. E. M. Pendleton may be seen and consulted, at Brown’s Hotel, Milledgevillc, from the ~th Dec. till the clo-ie of the session; then in Macon, at Httson’s Hotel, till the 9th of January; in Knoxville, from the 9 th to the 14th ; iu Perry, from the 14th t-.-1' l--th ; in Marion, fimn the 18th to the'24th ; then to Milled- gevillc again, and until altered he will expect to con tinue the same round, during the ensuing winter and j spring months, and attend regularly at the time and i place. 21 ts nov. 1834.—t. f.—23. CHRISTOPHER B. STRONG & SAMUELT, _g BAILEY have formed a copartnership in the practice ofthe law," under the firm of Strong & Hailey. They will regularly attend die Superior Courts of the Flint, Joues ofthe Ocmulgee, Twiggs aud Pulaski cf the Soudiern, and Talbot of die Chattahoochie circuits.. Tlieir services, however, may be obtained by special arrangement ill any ofthe courts ofthe Siam where •• does not conflict with previous engagements. Their office is now over the Darien Bint , but will !>e re moved aftei the 1st December next tc d:e new building, at the corner of Cherry and 2d street, over A. I*. Patrick &■ Co's store. Macon, Nov. 25, 1834.—11.-23 The Georgia Journal, Augusta Sentinel, and Sa vannah Republican, will give the above four insertions nnd forward their accounts for payment. Cs-£IOA<«£A. Crsefttd <-aunty. IB PERSONALLY camo before mo, Nan. McKor, Jl who' after being duly sworn, deposetk and midi that lie was possessed of five notes of lined, o; >•. the foregoing arc copies in substance, and -i;a: he has lost die same, so that thev cannot be fouub. NEIL McKOY. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this J9th May 1834, P. M. CALHOUN. J. P. Crmrfbrd Inferior Court, May Tbm, 1834. lU'LE TO IS rABl.lSH LOST 1'im.v It appearing to the Court upon the Oath of Ned McKoy, that lie was in poseessiouof five notes of hand, of which copies in substance are filed in office, and which said notes have been lost so that ihoy.cannot he J found, ordered by die Court that die maker.* appear at the next term of this Court, and shew can.-e. it tny, why said copies should not be established in lieu o:' the lo-t originals—and that a copy of ibis rule be served by publication in one ofthe public Gazettes of tins Circuit, at least three months before the nest term. ( Copy notes.) One day after date I promise to pay Hearv Roberts, or bearer, the snm of eight dollars, for vaius received. 1828. “ JOSftPH ALLEN. One day after dste 1 promise to pay Robert Cur.: , or bearer, twenty-live dollars, tor value rac’d'.-—It®? HIPILITUS P. KING. One dov after date to pay Robert Curtis, or bearer, thirty dollars, for value received.—1828. HIPILITUS P. KING. One day after date I promise to pay Robert Curtis, or bearer, ten dollars, for value received. HIPILITUS P. KING. One day after date I promise-to pay Neil McKoy, or bearer, eleven dollars, for value received—1631. K’.VARD EVANS. Received ontbe above, four dollars. A true ext fact from the. minutes. WILLIAM McGEE, C. I. C, la’ August, 1834.—19. 11 Macorrp Jiltrt) 12? 163& 6bj7 N. Smith Prentiss* Perfumery. C OLOGNE, Ro.->e. Lavender, Florida, and Orange Flower Water; Cosmetic cold Cream: Cosmetic Tablet: Naples compound Shaving Soap , Macassar. Bear’s and Antique )il: Gouland’s Lotion. &c. &c. just received from the manufaelorv of N- Smith Prentiss, Per umer, and for sale h'v WM. G. BROWN, join- 1 36 Safe of Toicn Lois. O N the first Tuesday in January next, wifi be- sold in the town of Jackson. Butts county, to the highest bidder. *’l the nmo'c ir.ts. tin: conditions of the above sale to L half in hand and th- o: r 12 month.- thereafter, Y>:th small notes ami approved se curity, titles mad? on the day of sale, one i acre lot handsomely • .mated for building a ecKfbrtabic dwell ing. The above was done by au order ofthe nper.or court. JOHN GOODS -W C!k. Nor 10 1634—22 NOTE ^ LL persons inaebte thi r.s & Co. are i/crehy low the present season of payment to ] assuredly find *h-.-ir note.- and account • : fin, of G. IV. Tev- sotilied ;ha* if tiit-y a.'- s. will ino-t the hand- of a for collection, as we have takeu this season to ■or business in thi= place Nov :• 1634 81—2m 4 TEACHER WANTED, j T O lake charge of die Male Department of the Ma- j con Academy. Unquestionable testimonial* of w moral and inteilectnai qualifications will be required. chari.ks j. McDonald, i THOMAS IV. BAXTER, I ^ E. D. TRACY, > I N. C. M UN ROE, g AMBROSE BABERr ) • Msttm mTr I3-?I ink of EAtH7KIHSmiE, Uaiekrnsrille. Aor. 15, 1634. ft iueta'mcnt of twelve end a half per cent, on the Capnal Stock of this Hank, is required to be paid by the Stock udders on or before the 15th day oi January next. By order of the Board, v - D. CLAYTON Cashr BS.£,rci£S FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICE