Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, December 25, 1834, Image 1

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ESOKCUA C. E. & 31. I5AUTLE IT, Editors, MACON, Georgia, TltURS*. GY, DEC E MBEsi 25. (8 M Volume IX....Number 27 PUnUtMEI* l.VKUY TML'IISDAI , Ga. by \H HON IIA IIT LETT. Sir. iis . >ii xiei’Mvc HI MLS&BAPH LISUKH I .4/ M i COS printing Ojfiet on Stcond^trect—next dour to TKBMS -Thrkk Dollars a year, if paid it i or t’oua Dotting if not * ) „fthe year. Su1>m rftrrrs liviug at a distance !»* required id all easts t» pay in advance. ' Y^ t Vn Paperdit>eontinite$l« but at the <)is< re- ,f (he publisher, unjif all arrearages are v 1uf § mm— ^/itrcrsr/WrcDrciNEs, rKlIir. jiilMcijber is noif receiving T G ,iipplies, au.l ill addition tu nn j.<irtmcut of rar.s^i Bairns, Medicines And Chmicals, Of.-rs for sal*' n quantify of , DYE STUFFS, Viz.: Lagwifod. Red Sanders, Cam and Brazil \Vt)odsJfop*oM> Flat. Guatemala aud’country Indigo/ Madder, Copperas, Blue Stone, Alum nid Ynnaiio. PAINTS \VIm< I. 'd, dry. and ground in oil rmienmi Red do do do Spanish I’rimii do . do do Yellow Ochre do do do Verdigris do do do Pnnini Blue, Rose, Pink. Drop. Luke, Verniill j o! i. Crime Green. Crotnc Yellow, Tern. D.-. ien Hioue Ochre, l.itluyge, Turkey Uinher IT.ko White. I.amp and Irorv Blacks. PHKFUUEKY. (Inn of Rose, Milk of Rose, cosmetic cold <’rcani, cosmetic Tablet, conip. Naples shaving 4,,an. cream .Soap, Cologne and Rose Water V ;i , t rdc Kongo. Boar's, Macassar and Antique oil. !;«e and Pearl Powder, *fcc. BRUSHES. Cindies, Hair Toolh, Plwlei, Shoe, and llorso Also Sureh, Saltpetre* IVavl Ash, Soap, Pine T.iliac o, Ground and Race Ginger, .-j>iees r .Vc iic. For sale t»y WM. G. BROW*" iwrSI 8 NEW GOODS. WM. H. BUKDSALL, H AS Just received a new and extensive as- •orimoht »f DRY GOODS. 2l^.A3>^ m ade cioramc, it ITS. SHOES, be. which he is offering for sale at reduced prices / 'or Cash Only. ms stock Ciis-nn, 1.1 put, of the following: up I' Saxony. Blue, Black and Fancy Colored I Br Blue, !’ ttigllsl Dhffle, Sr ark l lViutt.1 Canton a H ath ask li, is *0y< 'lei <1 and V’ancy colored Salmctts Crii Sals Blau •u aui Drapers Russia ilo kets ' While Flannels do uze do ami i doufed Bonihazcttcs do Circassians NEW ROOK STORE. THOMAS PURSE. KKriPECTFtiJ.Y :u forms the public that he has taken the store ii Ellis. Shot well b. Co’s row. two doors above the Post Office, where he is now receiving and opening a very general assortment of Boo'rs and Stationary. Amoug uis works, ho Ins a general assort' meei, and will be constantly receiving the new publications on Theology, Medicine.-Law, Ilis- mry. and .Miscellaneous subjects, together with •ut'h other nr tides ns aro usually kept in a Book Store. SKAVK BOOKS, A large assortment oi all kinds and sizes. Fools Cap. Letter, and Note Paper of the host quality, both English and American, plain and embossed, water and feint lined, pink, yellow ne aud white. miss. Checks. Notary Public Betters. Ware house Receipts, Bills of lmding. W ri'v of all kinds. Justices .Summons, Jo Executions, Clerks do Tax Collectors do. Suhpamas for Witnesses. Meeds, Sheriffs’ do. .Sheriffs’ Bills of Sale, Gar nishments, Cn. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Marriage License. Bail Writ and Bond, Inter. Com. Directions for interrogatories. Kills of Indictment. Bench Warrants, Bail Hoads, Attachment?, Iiuer. Judgements. Letters Testamentary, Letters of Adiniuistra- ion. Temporary Letters of Administration, Tem porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Ronds. Tax Cidlcctors deeds, Gamuts, Sub. Dec.Tec Dec 21 -24 1>;2 AC03XT SAECDLEZVST HARE HOUSE. Blu (III do Negro Cloths Lingers Blenched and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings liamilton Jeans Black Italian Luslirog do Gros dc Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin do Sinchews and Sarsauets .Coloretl Gros do Naples Black aud colored Florences " do Itnliau Crapes Merino .Mantles and Square Shawls Common. Thibet wool. Valentia, Silk Damask mid twisted Silk ShnwJs Ucruaui, .Muslin, ("rape, Gauze and Gros do Na ples Dress Mdkfs Ladies aud Misses Bonnets lri>lt Linen> and J.awns Cotton Cassimers Beaver Fustians English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks Domes)ic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks FioorCloih Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Russia ShectingBear Duck Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Oznaburghs Hangup Cord Cottoi Yarn Colton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery Black aud colored ('ambries Satin and Gauze Garnitures Blk and coi’d Lustring Ribbons D >rk mil light cdt’d Prints and Giughums I. ici; aud Gauze Veils Fig’dand plain Bohiuct Laco TtiYead Laces ( unbric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Book Muslins I men Cambric lltikfs Pongee, Indian Flngaud Spittlcficld lldkfs Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk-Gloves Bead Reticules 'Ready-made Clothing. Superfine blue, blank, invisible green, Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown aud green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, aud blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinot Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Bine, black and fancy colored Sattinct Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth and satlinct Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Florimine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white Marseilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattiuet Vests Camlet Cloaks anil Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patcrsham Box Coats, Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, &c. Negro Clothing. .Men’s & Youth’s Fur Hats, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, Seal & Hair Caps, •’ine Boots & Shoes—Negro Shoes, &c. &c. Oct. 15. 17 EXCHANGE OFFICE. D. BEERS, J. R. ST. JOHN &. CO. • have opened an office in Macon, in the Counting Room recently occupied by Messrs. Hamilton b Hays, (opposite Husou’s Tavern) and are prepared to transact the Exchange Bu siness in all its branches. CHECKS, At sight, or ou time, oil I y. O’CALIA^H^H H AS just received from New lork, and i.< n ■ opening at his old stand, a very extensive .a. j well selected stock of I And fall and Winter Goods, \ VV liicb he will sell \ cry low for cash—his stock consist | m part of the following articles:— ■ oP hhds. .St. Croix and Porto Kico Sugars, I 25 do. New Orleans do. 25 boxes Loat'do. 250 bags Cuba aud Rio Coffee, 150 do. Java do. IP che-ls Tea. IP hlids. Baltimore Whiskey, ■ >p hid-, do. 15 hhds. N. II. R:uii. 51) hills, do. 75 bb|s. Northern Gin. 4 pipes llollaud do. G pipes Cogniac Braudy, 2 hhds. Jamaica Rum." •10 qr. casks .Malaga Wine, 10 do. Madeira do. 50 casks Champaigne, ^0 boxes Claret do. 20 boxes la moil Syrup, 20 bliL. Cordial, 20 hhds. Molasses, 10,000 Ills. Baltimore Hauls. 4,000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 50,000 ll> '. SwiMds Iron, j 2,()00 l!»s. Mistered and German Steel, |f00 pieces Bagging. 500 lbs. Twine, •-’00 coil of bid’ and well Rope, 50 boxes Sperm ami Tallow Candles, 50 do. Raisins. 100 bids. Canal Flour, 20 crates Crockery Ware Also an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS. 10 bales Duff Blankets, 2 do. Rose do. 200 pieces Calicoes, 50 pieces Ginghams, 50 pieces Irish Linen, 20 bales bleached and brown Homespun, 30 pieces Sattinetts. 30 pieces Flaiiuells, Bandanna and Cotton Iidkfs. Thibet and fancy Shawls, Silks, Hosiery Gloves, Circassians, Bombazines and Bombazcts, Bead Bags, and a great variety of fancy articles: also, a well select ed lot of fashionable and REASY MADE CLOTHING ALSO A large assortment of Negro Shoes, Kip Brogans, women’s aud hoys leather Shoes, Ladies Prnnell Boots aud Slippers, Gentlemen’s Boon and Shoes, 10 doz. Fashionable Bonnets, 40 cases of fir lints, 30 doz. Wool do. Ladies and Gentlemen’s Saddles, Bridles, Martingals, Wagon Whips, Ilorse Collars, Trace and linker Chains, Hardware and Cutlery. In addition to his former stock, will arrive in a few days, ten close Carriages, ten Chariotees, and ten Ba rottches of the newest pattern and best quality. Mnron. September 4. 1RW. 17 '• l Received and for Sale, hi Loaf Sugar, Gin, Scgars, Sfc. ~M dk BBLS.N. O. Loaf Sugar of superior quality ■ w * 10 boxes do do 2 pipes Holland Gin i pipe coguiac Brandy M casks l’ort Wine 20 boxes Claret G boxes Axes 30 If. Spnni-Ii Segars (superior) 50 boxes Soap Rogers’ Orange Gunpowder in kegs and cannisters For sale by REA & COTTON. sept 23-14 ENTLEMEN’S Steel mixed Cloth Surtouts, xJPT “ Drab “ do. ' “ Brown “ do. “ Blue “ Coats,. “ Black Camlet do. just received and for sale by W.M. H, BURDSALL. Oct 14 17 F. F. LEAVIS, MERCHANT TAILOR, H AS taken the stand a lew doors above the Clo thing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mulberry street where he continues to cany on the Tailoring business. He assures all those who may favor hint with tlieir custom, that their work will be done at the shortest notice, and in the best manner. He bason hand a supply of the best materials in bis line, consisting of CLOTHS Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, 'Green, &c. CASSIMERES,—A good assortment. VESTmGS, A good variety of the best quality. Petersham, anil a compfete assortment of TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS. lie respectfully solicits a share of the public pat ronage. Macon. Oct 30 1834—54v £) northern Rnm.iGiu ■ ■! Whiskey. ( J Id Mpplo and peach Brandy | Ch.uopai^n and cognac do Madeira, teimriffe, and sicilv Wines—old port, si inns' 'tel and, claret do—champaign .do— | puii u t and foutiiinc do ( lurry lL'iince, French cordial, Newark cider Dunbar's best London I’ortor. bar Lead, Shot Best cavendish chewing and smoking Tobacco lies' pickled in. ss Beef and Fork, Bacon, Coffee Copper aud spice, Pickled salmon and mackerel Sperm ami tallow candles. Lemon syrup Bestbfiuch Raisins in whole aud half boxes ■ .Martinique cordials, Jamaica and si croix Rum ; Bar and .-littving soap, Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder and hyson Tea i Milk, six!:;, sugar, butter and water Crackers : Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace I Ileal Spanish Segars, Pipes, uiaccaboy Suuft" i Best Canal amj Western Flour. ALSO, \ A Gr: ' tfl Assortment of Crockery Glass, 'tardwai’e, Ontlery, &c« ■ Amongst ’xlticfi are : Trdce anil Halter chains, j Weening Foes! Shovels and spades. Sad Irons, Axe-.. 11 ii *. ■ - iu-. Gii nidi n. Xiic.-vs and Chi-els. j Stoi i . •’,, ii.ri.p. Butts auil Screws Wd •. other articles which will he sold low for cdsli oulv. i-ay 22 ' j. BENNETT. ■ ESTABLISHItSSMT, W ATC1I MAKE US And JEWELLERS. fSlH- undersigned would inform their friends and JL tl:e public that they have commenced btuineas in tho above line, and offer for sale cheap for cask, at tk ir store opposite the Central Hotel, Patent Lever, Co: ! md Silver, Duplex Lepine, English and French Watch- (. ;ood quality, Jewelry, Silver Spoons of the ' ost quality, made to order; Ever pointed Pencils, Sh' i Pens, Gold aud Silver Guard, Chains and Keys, Gold, Silver, aud Steel Spectacles, Pistols, Razors, Knives, Scissor.-. Thimbles, Bead Bags. Purses and Pocket Books, together with a variety of other articles usually kept in th -ir lino. Flcasi i all and examine. N. B. Particntar.attention will be paid to repairing ! waiches of all descriptions, aud warranted. Spoons aud other articles engraved. J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN. Macon, nov 18-tfi-22 ] c A FRESH supply of neav GOODS, OJIPRISING a general assortment of iS.’ rpie and Fancy Dry Goods, also, fine Black aud Drab hearer Ilats, Bools and Shoes, Saddles. Bridles, saddle Bags and whips, Hard j ware. Castings, Crockery, window Glass, setsj of blacksmiths Tools complete, Whitemoresgen- j •mi' ' nit-in ( birds, cotton -Yarns by the bench orl Pork, Flour, Baggim 6) BARRELS Prime Foik 25 bids Canal Flour 100 pieces Bagging 31 bags vpflfoe 10 casks Mulas.i Wine 10 do .Mor- Llcs M ; j 3 hhds A. O - I- Recfeived tins’da) by !)«> • *»y Dec 10—•-• tne southern,and Ta Eot'.i'l dnj '.latoilj Their services, however. »•.;• oi o arrangement in any ni iii;; emirs of i do-s i.ut rontki-t w. previous I.tig- .!■ office is now over ilie L- irieu i; i.ik. moved after the 1st December next to building, at the comer of Cjierry and A. P. Patrick «f Co’s store. Macon. Nov. 25, 1?34;- - - ' The Georgia Journal, Augusta vahnah Republican, will give tlte abovi and forward '• ' ; a;.m . Sa/e oi 'P H) i. jtllti the first Tuesday in January NEW CLOTHING, Hats, Shoes, arid Fancy Articles. ]\TOW opening at the MACON CLOTHING X™ STORE a largo assortment of Coats, Frock CoaN, Over CoaN, Coattees, Pantaloons of most all kinds & qualities; Cloth. Velvet, Valencia, Einb’d Velvet, Woollen Velvet, Marseilles, Florentine Vests; Gentle men’s and Ladies’ Cloaks; Drawers; Fine Linen and Cotton ShirN; .Stripe do; Short Jackets; Pea Jackets; Monkey JackeN; Negro Clothing, &c. which has been manufactured bv myself the past summer, and in the best manner. Also, a Ir.indsome assortment of Stocks and Suspenders of the best quality; Flag. Bandanna, Spitnlfield, India and Linen Cambrirk Hdkfs; White, Blk, Buckskin, Silk, and Berlin >GIoves; Silk. Cotton, Latnhswool, and Vigona half hose; Cravats; Net Shirts, Drawers; Silk and Colton Umbrellas; Linen Collars, Bosoms; Linen Cambric!; do, and most every article in the Gentleinau’s line. Fine Blk, Blue, Royal Purple, Mixed, Green, Brown Cloths; Buff Cassimers; Vesting, Shirting, Velvets, iV a few Tailors’ Trimmings, Military Ball Buttons, Eagle do, Epaulettes; Lace braid, (a Fine Gilt Sword and Belt.) BATS. A good assortment of fin? Ilats, made expressly for this market; common do; Wool do; and will be sold as cheap as can bo found in the up country. Cloth and Seal Fur Caps; Fine Boots and Shoes; Calf sewed Brogans; Pegged do; Kip do; rif Jackson David Crockett . . Calf. Morocco. Buckskin, and Listing Pumps; Chil-j Just 2S,CCClVed dren’s Shoes; Over Shoes; GOO pair Negro Shoes, &c, | Kbls. aud half bids, all numbers Mackerel; bb; old in the tom- of Jackson, Butt-: conim the highest bidder, all the unsold lots, tin or . — , • — »,gni.. m ii.-i half in hand end ih■• oii. ( - | “ !i »! ( oo!,ca P- letter and wrapping Papyr.} ]1!0 ,:ii - iheieaffcr, •. -mail ■ t i ,r..J apurldlN (.ollius cast sieel Axes, buck, squirrel and bird.! curity, tides mide on the day ofiale, one 2d (i Shot, Du Pouts and Rogers* Powder, sperm llmndsomely situated for building a condbrteble dwel candles, S 0 ^p, Raisins, Chocolate, Spices, ing. Spanish Cigars, fresh Teas of every variety, The above was doue by an order of the .-.imerh loaf, lump and white Havnnnn Sugar, pnient court. 1 • ’ -l - joiin GOODMAN, C!k. ... .Medicines, seiu, gill nett and baggiug Twine, shoe Thread, boxes claret and champaigao Wiues, Madeira, TennerifTe. Muscatel and Mal aga Wines in casks, Newark Cider, pure cider Vinegar, &.c. Sic. Also iu store and for sale on accomniodating terms. . . 55 hlnls superior Molasses 25 do St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars GO bags prime green Cofieo 20 bids do do do 201) ps. Dundee and American Bagging 1100 ready made cotton Bags 32000 lbs Swede Iron assorted. Planters merchants and all others having to purcliaso such articles, are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. THOS T. NAPIER. Macon. 6th Aue. 1834 7 Nov 10 1834—22 JYOTIi E. A LL persons indebted to the firm of G. W. Per sons & Co., are hereby uolilied that il'they al low the present season of payment to pass, will most assuredly find tlieir notes and accounts in the hands of officers for collection, ns we have taken this season to close our business in this place. Macon. Nov 12, 1634—21—2in . REMOVAL. US SELL & DICKINSON have remov ed to the store formerly occupied by N. B. Williams, successor to H. Blair & co., where all kiuds of Groceries, Dry Goods, &e. can be had for cash only and at the lowest market prices. 1 } 3 J? &c. I would invito my frieuds and the public to give me a call at my old stand, where they shall have an opp' tunity to judge for themselves. ’ oct22-18 LEWIS FITCH. Y OUTH’S Over Coats, just received and for sale by WM. II. BURDSALL. Oct 18 19 MAGON STE A M BOAT Company. N. York, Fayetteville, Charleston, Millcdgcviile, Mobile, Philadelphia, Savannah, .Augusta, Columbus, New- Orleans. n'caao.iA'fc- St 31 ART. (Steen l Strut, at tln ir Nt,c Uriek Store adjoining Coohr. b Coules.) R | ESPECTFULLY tender their thanks to their Customers for ihe past year, and would inform th:in that they have just received a large stock, com- pruiug every article in their line, and are constantly IXToticS to Barents &L GuardiaUSa r;c,:ivmg from their manufactory fresh stock, so dial (17* United Stntes Bank Notes for sale. Advances will be made on Cotton, either to hold or to ship to Savannah, Charleston or New York. Macon, Nov. 28 10 their asiurtiuent may always bn found complete, Among tlieir goods are Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and SA DOLES, of a great variety of patterns. Among them Spanish, Fancy Quitted, Shattered, Plain and Overlaid, large and extra large Saddles. Coach, Gig and Dearborn I I A R N E S S F. S, of every description ; an elegant assortment of Bits. Stirrups, and Spurs of the latest and most ap proved pattern". Bridles, Martingales, and Bridle Fillings of every description. Saddle Bag*. Carpet Bags, and Valiccs. Folio hard leather Trunks. Coach, Gig, Tandem, Drovers and Sportsmen’s Whip*. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s English and American Twig Whips of a superior quality. Coach Trimming, Springs, Laces, Bands, Handles, Ac. Patent Leather. Morocco, Sheep, Hog. and Deer Skin*. Straining, Serge, Worsted, Linen, Cotton and rein Webbs, Ilames; Collars, Saddle Trees, Vanish. CutTaeks, Trunk Locks. Buckles, horse Brnsbe THE HILL ACADEMY. THE Trustees to the above Institution take pleasure in an' noiincing to the Citizens of Monroe, and the adjacent counties, that they have ceeded iu engaging the profes sional services of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, present Rec tor and Redress of the male and female department of the Cullodensville Academy, for the ensuing year. The Hill Academy will open for the reception of students on the 2d Monday, in January next, in which u ,11 l.e -nr. , ->i'ii11 \ taught ill*.- mixed and solid Brandi es of an English and Classic Education ; and as we have limited ibis Institution to a definite number of stu dents, parents anil guardians will do well to avail them selves of an early opportunity in entering tlieir Chil dren and Wards. Mr. Mrs. Cleveland bring with them a well earned reputation, combining moral worth, indefatigable in- ilu-tiy, superior discipline, and unquestionable ability,' with every requisite calculated to inspire ns witliacon- fidence, that tno Seminary must succeed even under ordinary Circumstances. But when we reflect that this institution is pleasantly situated in tho midst of a Curry Combs, Girths, Surcingles, Stirrup Leathers, dense population, one mile from the road leading from Ac.—Also : Macon to Forsyth, 17 miles from the former, and 7 UlTIi’l? V 1 O Illllit'S I from the lain r place, in a neighborhood distinguished 1 * 11 ' 1 1-4 ’ I for health and tine water, and wbooe moral character!* £‘or £>alc y QRH GALLONS old peach Brandy, beside Sugar, Coffee,Molasses, Bacon, Rice, Flour, and Mackerel, Salt, DRY GOODS of rarious descriptions, too numerous to mention—all of which will be sold low for Cash, at the Corner Store, next to the Bridge. oct 23-18 THOMAS TOOMEY. _ Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Just received and for sale by WM. II. BURDSALL. Oct 15 17 M Cvjs*' . T HE above company take this method of inform ing the public that they have purchased two Steam Boats, the . MACON, AND 2XCEL; which boats are to run regularly between Darien and Macon, leaving Darien once every week, with tow boats. The steamboats wi II draw only 2(1 i uchos of water, with 2 good engines iu each. The company have been to a great expense to place this Line of steam boats on the Ocnntlgee mul Altumulia rivers, and would respectful ly solicit the vatronage of the public. This line will be a great facility for merchants who wishrto ship their ! goods by tho way of Savannah or Darien to Hawkins- villa and Macon, or in shipping cutton to Savannah.— Arrangements have been made to forward cotton or goods without detention between Savannah and Dari en. No exertion or expense will be spared to give the greatest despatch to goods or cotton shipped by this liue. Agents for the chore Boats : J. GODDARD & CO. Macon. L Baldwin & Co. Savannah. Mitchell & Collins, Darien. Matthews & Roberts Hawkiusvillc. nov 10-6ni-21 WARE HOUSE AND COMMI3SZON BUSINESS. . ^ The subscriber continues the above f ^ business at his old stand, (head ofClier- ?yst.& Cotton avenue,) where he offers all the usual facilities in business. His Ware Houses & Close Storages are in prime order, and as much exempted from the ilanger of fire as any in the place. JAMES C. MORGAN. Macon, sept 171334-13 anil half bbls. family canal Flour; Pickled Pork, SITY OF GEOR G1 T i!iir!‘3-5 RaS&il,S ’ TWiDe ’ lr ° U ’ &C * &C * I nr^IE next Term of this Institution, wall c WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscriber conduites to -31 transact tho above business iu its various branches, and iu additiou to the Ware Ilouso'at present oc cupicd by him, (xvhich will be continued,) be has taken the new Ware House on R. McCalFe lot together with the Wharf. This ware house is considered the most secure front fire of any in tho city. He will bo prepared to make advances on Cotton and Produce iu store, aud on Ship ments to Savannah, Charleston, New York, Liv erpool, Havre, &c. A. C. COI.DWELL, Macon Aug 21 1834-10 NEW YORK & DARIEN Line of Packets. B rig Amelia Strong, J. Chaco, .Master, Premium, Sherman, “ Schr. D. B. Crane, - A. Bilibins, “ a new Brig (on the stocks) E. P. Buckley, “ all good and substantial copper fastened vessels. Tlieir cmniiianders experienced in the trade- It is intended that one of the vessels shall always be at each end of die line taking in freight, and will sail regularly about once in ten days. Shippers may rely upon the vessels being regularly despatched, and every facility given that goods and produce may go forward at the least possible expense. IIAWES & MITCHELL. ? P. It. VONGE & SONS. 5 -' GLNTS - Darien. Dec 10 1834—2i>—ly J, NSWSAXI, f ’{ AT die long Brick Building, one T-J door above the Book Store, offers for sale, per wholesale, the following gJk. Goods on the lowest terms, for cash or short city acceptances. 100 pieces red Flannels 150 pair Whitney Blankets 2 bales mixed Kersey 1100 yds. stout blue Cassinetts 35 doz. good Woollen Socks 210 boxes of Shoes, viz. 3600 men’s thick Brogans GOO do do Russet do 1200 do kip do 200 boy's calf Boots 260 do thick Brogan- 380 do lined end bound Shoes 760 youth's russet do do 240 ’ do thick do 10 boxes gentlemen’s Boots, first qua!, calf sewed do “ “ nailed do “ “ pegged do “ thick Boots 1450 pair women’s walking Shoes 6 boxes do leather Bootees 100 pr. gent’s motrocco Downing Pumps 100 pr. do leather do - 1 case men’s Rubber Shoes 1 “ ladies’ do do 5 “ women’s and misses’ assorted 1 “ ladies’ morocco Sandals ffy Planters and Merchants are respectfully invited to rail. Macon, Nov 20 1834-22 Bank of 3K&WIlim8V%Z<Z,Zi* Hawkinstdle, A or. 15, 1834. O NE instalment of twelve and a half per cent, on tlie Capital Stock of this Bank, is required to he paid by the Stock nolders on or before the loth day of January next. By order of the Board. . D. CLAYTON. CajjliUr. 4 TEACHER WANTED, T O take charge of the Male DepartiJPftoftbe Ma con Academy. Unquestionable testimonials of moral and intellectual qualifications will bo required. CHARLES-J. M-’tnv \ I < THOMAS W. BAXTER, JLjfTOtACY, "NR.MUNROE, * AMBROSE BABER, Macon nov 13-21 A. T UIE next Term of this Institution, will com mence on the 16th day of January. Student who wish to connect themselves with it. can at that time join any class for which they may bn prepared.- For adnission into the Freshman Class at that turn . .. student must have a correct knowledge o: English Grammar, Geography,*'Arithmetic, Cicero'.' Oroticiv. Virgil, Greek Testament, Graca Minora, of Jure!. Greek Render, 1st book Livy, 1st vol. oi Grace ■ jora. For admission into the Sophomore Class, ir addition to the above studies, a student must have read Horace, 2d vol. Grtrca Majors, Day’s Algebra, and the 1st auJ 2d book of Euclid. ASBURY hull, A Scc'y of the Board of Trustees. Nov 14 1834—-24sintl6Jan For Sale or Rent. The dwelling house at present nccu pied by the subscriber. Possession given 1st January. Also for sale) several vscim' lets con tiguous to the above property. December 3, 1834. M. BARTLETT. S.U-SSELB & DICKIES SOXti' U AVE now on hand 210 bbls domestic Li quors; 14 pipes, bf pipes and hhds Bran dy. Gin, and Jamaica Rum; 45 qr casks ass. Wines; Shblsass. Cordial; 40 bbls and hf bids Mackerel; 40 hf bbls Crackers; 30 boxes bar soap; 200 pieces heavy baggiug; 1000 cotton bags; Sugar. Coffee, Iron, Salt, Molasses, and almost every article relative to a grocery estab lishment, together with a very complete assort ment of Dry Goods. Ilats, Shoes, Hardware, &c. all of which will he sold at the lowest prices and only for cash. Also will constantly receive fresh supplies from all the northern markets and hereafter offer iiuparalleled inducements. Macon aug 191834-9 PIONEER STEAM » BOAT For Sale. A NEGRO WOMAN, about 28 yt XaL able house servant. Inquire at this Of December 3, 1834.—24 Insurance Bank of Cohnnhus, XormLcr 11 1634. yin he ?t ockholders of this Bonk-aie rt qhir. *! to pay JJL Ten Dollars per share oil the capital stock, on Monday, loth January, 16:15. By order of the Board. 23 B. HRPB1 RN. Cash:-*-. For Sa/e SEVERAL houses and lutsin Vine ville, together with lu-nsb a*.-.: lot oc- Siiiwlfr cupied bv Uni. Haynie tpplv Mdgfg ' A. SHOT WELL If absent, to WASHING1 ON i 1 ' " : june 241KM-I BEAB. 9Llvr® S cm! °l up quality, by tne bate or -ingle ; nil of which 'rare pnreh.i»ed in New York on th* best term will fi.. . il l loiGalers and others low foreash. (p* tiring tfi* Manufacturing’ don* at short notice. ALSO FOR SALE One and two Ho re BAROUCHES. A utpply will be constantly kf|)t on l and. Nov. «, 18211. 21—4m irpa - al by none, remote from all the vices and inunor- alities common to towns and villages, together with the I past season and convenience of Boarding with respectable families ■ :ar the Academy. We flatter ourselves the Hill A- c lemy " ill vie with any institution of tlie kind in the Southern Country. N. B. Terms of tuition tlte same as with other re spectable Academies. M. W. McCRAW, ) H JEPHTHAII BRANTLY, ) 3 WM. B. HILL, ) ? JOHN T. POPE, J ? Monr »• onmitv, Oct 2!).I’ J 34—19—3m OOOSB V XE opening a general Stock of Goods at; arc requested to announce ABSO- tlteir New Store. Tlic> would bo picas- j LEM JOURDAN, as a candidate forTaxCol- cd to receivo a call from their friends. lector of Bibb county, at the ensuing election in nov 21 tf 8 {January noxt. Bept* 4 J. GODDARD & Co. Ware House & Com mission Merchants* Macon* WILL continue to transact the above business at the Ware House occupied by them during the This Ware House is as secure from the dangers of fire as any in the city. They take this opportunity of returning their grateful acknowledgments for the liberal patron age heretofore bestowed by their frieuds and the public. And by a strict attention to business committed to their care, aud the facilities which they will be able to render their customers, they hope to merit a continuance of tho patronage of their friends aud tho putilic in general. They are prepared to make liberal advances at all times on Cetton stored or shipped by them. Cotton stored at their Ware House will be insured at the lowest ratest, if requested. Macou sept. 1,1834. 6m A TEACHER WANTED, T O take charge of the Forsyth Male Academy, for the year 1835. Testimonials of Scholarship _ _ . and good moral character will ho required. The undi-) culled “David Crockett with two powerful Engines, LINE I NOR transportation to and from Macon, is now in ’complete order. A superior new Steam Boat] vided attention of Mr. B. B. Hopkins will bo directed to the Female Academy of Forsyth, in which both the solid and ornamental branches of a well regulated Fe male Education will he taught: Lessons in Music and Fainting will be given as heretofore by Mrs. Warner, well known foriber success in teaching these branches. The schools will commence their first term for 1835 on the first Monday in January next. All letters direc ted to the Trustees, Forsyth Georgia, or to Benj. II. Rutherford, Forsyth Georgia, will meet with prompt attention. HENRY LONG, ) *-3 JOSEE DUNN, A. M. D. KING, HARVEY GORDON. BENJ. H. RUTHERFORD, J Dec 16 1834—2d—4t I 53 •3 Notice to Cotton Shippers. A FTER the 20th instant, no Cotton for shipment will be received except at the Wharf, where the Boat or Box may he loading. ROGER McCALL, J. GODDARD & CO., CHARLES CAMPBELL, P. R. YONGE & SONS, J. R. BUTTS ALEX. E. PATTON. Macon, Dec 15 26 M ORTON’S Cough Syrup, just received aud lor safe by doc II WM. a BROWN and several first rate freight boats have been built since the close of the last season and placed on the line. iSteam Dcat Pioneer, Capt. Goodwin, “ w David Crocked, “ IT Cm mu !:, will ply regularly between Darien and Macon, one of; them leaving Darien about ouce a week with freight j boats in tow. Steam Boat CHARLESTON, Capt. Bonnell, will ran constantly between Darien and Savannah,, and afford the greatest despatch to Colton. The subscriber’s whole attention is devoted to facili- fating transportation between Macon and the Sea Porls. lie has invested a large sum to put bis line in the mo-t complete order, and believes that hi; arrange- J ments for giving despatch to freight and keeping it in good order, while iu hi? care, will make it the inlerest of Co::on Shippers aud Merchants ordering goods,' to continue tlieir favors. At I larien he ha; secure and convenient Warehouses for reception of Goods, and his Wharves there are covered with sheds, which enables him to keep all Cotton shipped o:i his Boats under shelter and protected from the weather, while landed for reshipment. JAMES R. BUTTS. Agents. Holcombe, Peck & C’o., Charleston, E. P. Butts, Savannah, J. T. Rowland, Iioirieii D. B. Halstead, Hawkiusvillc. Macon, Nov. 18.-1634.—22 Fashionable Se Splendid WATCHES JEW3SL2&T.. {£/=’.-1/ thr lowest Prices. C. G. St. JOHN, R espectfully informs the citizens of Ma< oi> and its vicinity that he Isis opened, and will continue to receive Fashionable and lipendid Jewelry, consisting of Gold, Anchor Escapement, & Patent Lever Watches, Silver do do do do do Gold Link and Curb Guard Chains. Seals, Keys. Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Lings, &c. Ac. vSlC. DZU Watches repaired in the best manner and v. rt- ranted. C. G. St. JOHN. Dec 13 1834—2G TO KENT. g. a THE Store that is now occupied ly A. Wood & Co. as a shoe store, also the (iiiipijij Dwelling that is attached; tlie;, will fc: JJilAitH-; rented together or separatelv. Apply to A. WOOD & CO. Dec 17—26—3t " ~~AT AUCTION. W ILL he sold on the premises, on Saturday the 27th inst. at 11 o’clock A. M., tlie two acre lot No. 7, Southern range, with the improvements thereon, now in the occupation of F. If. Haynie, ■ eq. Terms cash. REA & COTTON, Auct’rs. Macon, Dec 17—26 Dry Hides. fun HE highest Drices will begiwen'for Dry HIDES Jfi in any quantity, by LIPPITT & IH* at Auction & Conmiiss dec 17—26-3t il GINS, ion Store. FMIHE subscriber offers for sale bis lam i lying about M 2 miles from Macon, on the Alaba ma road con- tabling 100 acres, eight or ten acres cleare d, a comfort- able dwelling house, and some other out b .hidings, for further particulars apply to thesubscribei • in Monroe county or M. Pitman near Macon. JOHN 1 ’IT MAN. Dec 15 1831—26—3t G l ENTLEMEN’S Fashionable Beaver Hats, T just received aud tor sale bv WM. H. BUliDSA^K JUS Oct 18 19