Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, January 08, 1835, Image 1

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MAC.Ojy, Georgia, THURSDAY, JANUARY A ife. wm .v a ^ f x I* a c. zi axapec PUBLISHED EV'KKT THUItSDAT, MACON, Ga. by MYRON BARTLETT. Printing Office on Second Street—next door to Husnn's Hotel. TERMS.—Three Dolum a year, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars, if not paid before the rn 1 of the yenr. Subscribers living at a distance iviil bn required in all cases to pay in ndvnncc fp* No Paper discontinued, but at tlio discre- ti n of the publisher, until all arrearages are I, lid. DRUGS, WED ICINGS, &c. f«lllE subscriber.!* now receiving his fresh il. supplies, a lid in addition to un exteosive assortment of H133SH DRiraS, M.tlirines and CIu •»tirals, ■Offer* for sale a qu unity «>f DV15 STUFFS Viz.: Logwood, Rod Sanders. Cam ami Brazil Woods, Spanish F!ot. Guatemala ami country indigo. Madder, Copperas, Blue Stone, Alum and Aiuiatto. PAINTS White Lead, dry and ground in nil Venetian Red do do do t>|iani«h Brown do do do Yellow Oelirc do do do • Verdigris do do do Pui'dan Blae, Rose, Pink, Drop, Lake, Vermill ion, Crome Green, ('route Yellow, Tern. Pe ien- ns, Sione Ochre, Litharge, Turkey Umber Flake White. Lamp.and Ivorv Blacks. PERFUMERY. Otto of Iln-ic, Milk of Rase, cosmetic cold Cream, cosuietitf Tablet, comp. Naples shaving S nip. z.ream Soap.* Cologtio and lidso Witter*, Vegetable Rouge. Bear’s, Macassar and Antique oil, l! <se and Pearl Powder, tec.'' BRUSHES. Clothes, riqir Tooth, Plastei, Shoe, and Hobo Brushes, A/so Standi, Saltpetre. Pearl Ash, Soap", Pines Tobacco. Ground and Race Ginger, Spices, (fee. fc.-r Foi sale by WM. G. BROWN. noc 21 8 . iM'AV BOOK STORK. THOSE &£ PITHS*!. RESPECTFULLY in forms the public that he has taken the storo in Ellis. Shoufell t *c Go’s, row, two doors above the Post OlTice, where he is now receiving and opening a very general assortment of +Zooks aud Stationary, Among iiis works, lie' has n general assort ment, and will lie constantly receiving the new piiblientions on Theology, Medicine. Law', His tory, and .Miscellaneous subjects, together with sucli other articles as are usually kept iu a Book Store. . BiAISK B002F.3, . A large assortment •>! ail kinds and sizes. Fools Cap. f.ettcr, ami Note Paper of the best quality, both Euglish and American, plain and embossed, water ami feint lined, piuk, yellow nc abd white. . SfcA^KS. B.^nk Cheeks. Notary Public Letters, Ware- but:?- Receipts, Bills of Lading. Writ* of all kinds. Justices Summons, do Executions, Clciks do T ix Collectors do. Sttbptctias for Witnesses. Deeds, Sheriffs’ do Sheriffs’ Bills of Sale, Gar iiishments, Cu. Sa. Jurors’ Summonses. Marriage License, Bail Writ and Bond, Inter. Com. Directions for Interrogatories. Bills of indictment. Bench Warrants, Bail Ruuds, Attachments. Inter. Judgements. Letters Testamentary. Letters of Administra ting Temporary lad tors of Administration, Tem porary Letters of Administration, Guardians Bonds. Tux Collectors deed#, Gamuts, Huh. Dee.Tcc Doe 21 24 NEW GOODS. WM. H. BUR.DSAL.Li, AS Just received a new and extensive as- sorimrnt of DRY GOODS, READY 2ML&DS diOTiiSi JG, HATS. SHOES, 4'c. which he is offering for .sale at reduced prices For Cash Only. ins STOCK CONSISTS, IN PAUT, OF THE FOLLOWING 5 Super Saxony, Blue, Black aud Fancy Colored Broad Cloths , . Bine, Jtlnck, .Mixed and *” , 'iney colored Satiuetts English Merinoes Duflle, Point and Bose Blankets .Scarlet, Crimson, Green and Wlmc.Flannels Printed Snlsliury do Canton ami Saxony and Gauze do Damask Table Diapers Bird* Eye and Russia do Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Bomhnzcttcs do <lo do Circassians Negro Cloths Linsoys Bleached and Uuhleache*’ Shirtings & Sheetings IL’tiiiiitou Jeans , Black Italian Lustirng ... do Gees de Swiss do .’do Naples do do Berlin d.) Sincheivs ami Sarsauets Colored Gros do Naples Black-and colored Florences tfo Itnli an Crapes i Merino Mantles and'Square Shawls Common. Thibet wool, Vuleutia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls Gernaui, Muslin. Crape, Gauze and Gros de Na ples Dress ildkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Linens ami Lawns Cotton Cnssimers Beaver Fustians English .Moleskin Apron ami Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks FloorClolh Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity Kussia SheetingBear Duck "CjMgbrTc -. do * Bleached'Dowlass Ozuaburghs Hangup Cord Cottoi Yarn Cotton, Worsted and ’.amirs wool Hosiery Uiacknud colored Cambrics Saii t i aud Gauze Garnitures Blk and col’d Lustring Ribbons JJ-.-rk and light’col’d’Priuts aud Ginghams Laco ami Gauze Veils Fig’daml plain Bohinct Luce ’ „ Tlirt nil Laces Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Book .Muslins i inen Cambric ildkfs Pongee, Indian Flngand Spittle-field Ildkfs Carved ami plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules P. 0’CMA.A^lUiN 4 MACS just received from New York, and is now JL*. opening at his old stand, weU selected stock of very extensive and ZgACOar 34»D£ XIZ WARE HOLS ■-made Clothing. Superfine Wile, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive browu and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, blaek, brown and green Cloth .Frock Coal*, • Superfine blue,olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattces, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet Coattces and Frock Coats, Super, blue, blaek, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth aud satlinct Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimcre, black and colored Velvet, black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentin, Fngliidi Silk, colored and wliite .Marseilles Toilinct, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks aud Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersliam Box Coats, Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine 1 alien Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, &c. Negro Clothing. Men’s & Youth’s Fur Ilats, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, Seal &. Hair Caps, Fine Boots &. Shoes—Negro Shoes, &c. &c. Oct. 15. 17 \ . . . And fall and Winter Good , Which lie will sell very Imv for cash—his stock consists in part of the following articles:— iiO hhds. St. Croix and Porto Rico . Sugars, 25 do. New Orleans do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 250 bags Cuba ami Rio Coffee, 30 do. Java do. 10 chests Tea, 10 hhds. Baltimore Whiskey, 50 bids. do. ’-15 Mid*. N: E. Rum, 59 bids. do. 75 bids. Northern Gin. 4 pipes Holland do. 6 pipes Cogniac Brandy, 2 hhds. Jamaica Rum. 40 qr. casks Malaga Wine, 10 do. Madeira do. 50 casks Champa igne, 2ft boxes Claret do. 20 boxes Lemon Syrup, 20 bbls. Cordial, 30 hhds. Molasses, , 10,000 lbs. Baltimore Ham#, 4,000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 50,000 lbs. Sweeds Iron, 2,000 lbs. blistered and German Steel, 500 pieces Bagging. 500 lbs. Twine, 200 coil of hole and-well Rope, 50 boxes Sperm aud Tallow Candles, 50- do. Raisins. 100 bbls. Canal Flour, 20 crates Crockery Ware Also an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS. 10 hales Duff Blankets, 2 do. Rose do. 200 pieces Calicoes, 50 pieces Ginghams, 50 pieces Irish Liueu, 20 bales bleached and brown Homespun, 30 pieces Sattinetts. 30 pieces Flaunells, Bandanna and Cotton ildkfs. Thibet and fancy Shawls, Silks, Hosiery Gloves, Circassians, Bombazines and Uombazets, Bead Bags, and a great variety of fancy articles: also, a well select ed lot of fashionable and SXADir rn C£OTBZKO. ALSO A large assortment of Negro Shoes, Kip Brogans, women's and boys leather Shoes, Undies Prime!! Boots and Slippers, Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes, 10 doz. Fashionable Bonnets, 40 eases of fir Hats, 30 doz. Wool do. Ladies and Gentlemen’s Saddles, Bridles, Martingals, Wagon Whips, Horse Collars, Trace and Halter Chains, Hardware and Cutlery. In addition to his former stock, will arrive in a few days, ten close Carriages, taiiChariotees, and ten Ba rouches of llie .newest pattern and best quality. • Mif in. -oher 4. JS3L . >7, Loaf Sugar, Gin, Sugars, tyc. 13 BBLS. N. O. Loaf Sugar of superior quality JL 10-boxes do do 2 pipes Holland Gjn 1 pipe cogniac Brandy 2 casks Port Wine 20 fioxes Claret - -* ’ 6 boxes Axes 30 M. Spanish Segars (superior) 50 boxes Soap Rogers’ Orange Gunpowder in kegs and cannisters For sale by REA & COTTON, sept 23-14 ' . ENTLKMEN’S Steel mixed Clotii Surtouts, G‘ just reaeived and for sale b; Oct 14 17 Drah Brown “ Bins' “ Black Camlet do. do. Coats, do. Just Rer.rived and for Sale, B ROWN nnd loaf Sugar, Rice Northern Rum, Gin and Whiskey ,OM apple and peach Brmufy Champaign and cognac do Madeira, terieriffo, aud srcily Wines—old port, muscatel and claret do—champaign do— mnlagn and foutiuac do . Cherry Bounce, French cordial, Newark cider Dunbar’s best London Porter, bar Lead, Shot Best cavendish cliewiug.and smoking Tobacco Best pickled mess Reef ami Pork, Bacon, Coffee Pepper and spice, Pickled salmon anil mackerel Sperm ami tallow caudles, j'einoji syrup Best bunch Raisins in whole aud half boxes •Martinique cordials, Jamaica and st eroix Rum Bar and shaving soap, .Chocolate Imperial, gunpowder and hyson Tea Milk, soda, sugar, butter and water Crackers Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace Real Spanish Scgars, Pipes, maccaboy Snuff Best (.'anal and Western Flour. ALSO, A. General Assortment of Crockery (Blass, £&rdwar<e, Cutlery* dfec Amongst which are : Trace tuid Halter chains, Weeding f Lies, Shovels ami spades. Sad Irons. Axes. Hauilsaivs, Giinhlcts, Augers and Chisels, Stock aud Padlocks, Butts aud Sereiys And various other articles which will ho sold low for casli only. may 22 J. BENNETT. shew vab£zsh3«bkt. i WATCH MAKERS And J E WE li Li E M S. ! npHl undersigned would inform tiu-ir fri -nds and _ JL the public that they have commenced business] in the above line, and offer for sale cheap for cash, at their store opposite the Central Hotel, Patent Lever, Gold and Silver, Duplex Lepine. English and French Watches, of good quality, Jewelry, Silver Spoons of the best quality,- made to order; liver noinlod Pencils, Steel Pons, Gold and Stiver Guard, Chains and Keyi», Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles, Pistols, Razors, FI Knives, Scissors, Thimbles, Bead-Bags, Purses and Pocket Books', together with a variety of other articles nsuallv kept in their line. * Please call and examine. N. ft. Particular attention will be paid’to repairing watches of all description?, and warranted. Spoons and other articles engraved. J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN, Macon, nov I c-tf-22 - ■ MACON JOCKEY ( yx. NEW CLOTHING, I fats, Shoes, and Raney Artie WOW opening at the MACON CLOTH STORE a large assortment ofCoats, Frock Coats, Over Coats. Coattces, Pantaloons of most all kinds <1 qualities; Cloth. -Velvet, Valencia, Emb’d' Velvet, W oolleu Velvet, Merseilles, Florentine Vests; Gentle men's and Ladies’ Cloaks; Drawers; Fine Linqp aud Cotton Shirts; Stripe do; Short Jackets; Pea Jackets; Monkey Jackets; Negro Clothing. &c. which has been manufactured by myself the past summer, and in the best manlier.- Also, a haudsomo assortment of Stocks and'Suspenders of the best quality; Flag, Bandanna, SpitaificJd, India and Linen Cambriek Ildkfs;. White, Blk, Buckskiu, Silk,-and Berlin Gloves; Silk, Cotton, Laihbswool. and Vigona half hose; Cravats; Net Shirts, Drawers; yilk and Cotton Umbrella?; Linen Collars, Bosoms; Liken Cambric!; do, and most every article in rite Gentleman’s line. Fine Blk, Bine, Royal Pnrple, Mixed, Green, Brown Cloths; Buff Cassimers; Vesting, Shirting, Velvets. &. a few Tailors’ Trimmings, Military Ball Button?, Eagle do. Epaulettes; Lace braid, (a Fine Gilt Sword and Belt.) HATS. A good assortment of fine Hats, made expressly for this market; common do; Wool do; and will he sold as cheap as can be found in the up country. Cloth and Seal Fur Caps; Fine Boots and Shoes; Calfsewed Brogans; Pegged du; Kip do; , “ . Jackson “ David Crockett Calf. Morocco, Buckskin, and Lasting Pumps; Chil dren’s Shoes; Over Shoes; 600 pair Negro Shoes, &c, «V-c. I would invite my frieuds and the public to give me a call at my old stand, where they shall have an oppor tunity to judge for themselves. oct22-l f5 LEWIS FITCH. REMOVAL. ffi.llSSELl, & DICKINSON have remov- ^ %/ ed to i lie store formerly occupied hy N. li. tinanis. successorto If. Blair & co., where all inis of Groceries. Dry Goods, &.c. can be had ‘ <i cash °nh aud at the lowest market prices- .Tast Received Bbls. and half bbls.-nil number* Mackerel; bbls. and half bbls. family canal Flour; Pickled Pork. Tobac Bagging. Twine, lrou, &c. &c. jnlv OUTH'S Over Coats, just received and.for WM. H. BURDSALL. ¥ ' sale bv Oct 18 19 H, BURDSALL. EXCHANGE OFFICE. J D. BEERS. J. R. ST. JOHN & GO. • have opened an oliico in Macon, in rbc Counting Room recently occupied by Messrs. Hamilton Sf Hays, (opposite liuson’s Tavern) and are prepared to transact the Exchange Ru- si ness in all its branches. At sight, or on time, on F. F. LEWIS, aZZSRCBASVV TAISOS, -' H AS taken the stand a few doors above the Clo thing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mulberry street where lie continues , to carry oil the Tailoring business. He assures all those who may favor him with their custom, that their work will be done at the shortest notice, and in the best manner. He ha? on hand a supply of the best materials in his line, consisting-of CLOTII Bine, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green, &e. CASSIMERES,—A good assortment. TEsvzsras, A good variety of the best quality. Petersham, aiid a complete assortment of TAILOR S TRIMMINGS. He respectfully solicit? a shire of the public pat ronage. Macon-. Oct 30 1*3-1—24v y\ CON STEAM BOAT Company.. N, York, Fayetteville, Charleston, Miliedgeville, Mobile, Philadelphia, Savannah, Augusta, Columbus, New-Orleans. (£/* United States Bank Notes for sale. Advances will be matlo on Cotton, cither to hold or to ship to Savannah, Charleston or New York. Macon,’.Nov. 28 10 , _ oiummatiiiiiSTroni 300 •it i GALLONS old peach Brandy, besides Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bacon, Rice, Flour, and Mackerel, Salt, DRY GOODS of carious descriptions, too numerous to mention—all of which will lie sold low for Cash, at tho Corner Store, next to the Bridge, oct 23-18 THOMAS TOOMLY. Gentlemen's Fine Boots, WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION ivsmsss. - T— — ^ The subscriber continues the above ^ JH business at his old stand, (head ofChcr- OIJ8 F. larKy,-.—e S W try st. & Cotton nvenue,) where he offers in the t >’dl llie usual facilities in business. His ornamented. Ware Houses & Close Storages arejn or bronzed me order, and as innch exempted from the danger of Signs painto- as any in tho place. JAMES C. MORGAN. «24UMWVW 9> (Second Street, at their .\>ic lirirJc Store adjoining Ctohe if Courtes.) R ESPECTFULLY tender their thanks to tliuir Customers for the past year, and would inform them tliat tliev have just received a large stock. com- _ ’’ lirisiiig every nri’wlo in their line, and are constantly#*,’ ,u, i : - ...... t rereiviug from their mannfactory fresh stock, so th| * ’ fraqueut, and so noamlngu >us, t\i. \, their assortment may always be found complete. •tl'iuit dicil in tho lull assurstuce of until \mong their good* are Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and isai in and* pretences.’ Perhaps few Boy’s " on the eoiitiiient rould boast of more SADD L E S, - mini.iry. „r,„or„ .l„,s.., s l. c.a of a great variaty of patterns. Am-mg them Spanish, persevering belie vers, I i.m eou Fancy tuilted, Shttltejed, Plain and Overlaid, large Jlvw-ss of otic of the most nareiaceii. an.l extra large Saddles, Coach. Gig and 'Dearborn oW- dangerous it is to expgcl new H V t{ \ ESSES visions, and revelations fr<un Heaven, of every description; an elegant assortment of ra [* L> ' x 'j eel -' 1 ' 011 i^hn^i'ilrirna'tum of Bit-.'Stirrups, and Spun, ofthe latest and most „p. Wfi can be fixed a. (ho ultimatum of proved patterns. 1 I uCidness to winch men ami women Bri.ll ’s. Martingale*, and Bridle Fillings of cvervdnveu. . «mvnnr» description. ' HARBINGER. Saddle Bags, Carpet Bags, and Valiccs. snT^Etrsssi Folio hard leather Trunks. jAB , ri . .... Coach, Gig, Tandem, Drovers and Sportsmen’*/? Sovnnnah Georgian of December, .JU . Whip?. ftkt Sloop Crateford and Cargo —Wc Just received and for sale bv WM. H. BURDSALL. Oct 15 17 Mixed Painl ian 8-29 w T ME. the fir- cnnscut .this dr y t RE . : USE A j- OJIMISS10 USIJYESS. t THE stileii-riher continue# to transact the altove business in its various branches, and in addition to the Ware House at preseu: oc FMl HE above company take this metliod of inform- 8 irig the public tliat they have purchased two Steam Boat*, the MACON, EXCEL; which boat? are to run regularly between Darien and Macon, leavuig Darien once every week, with low boats. Tlie steam boats will draw only 26 i nches of water, with 2 good engines in each. The company have been to a great expense to place this Line of steam boats on the Ocmulgee and Aitamaha rivers, and would respectful ly solicit the oatronage of the public. This line will be a great facili ty for mercliants who wish to ship their good- by the way. of Savannah or Darien to Iiawkins- ville aii"d Macon', or in. shipping cotton to Savannah.— Arrangements have been made to forward cotton or goods without detention between Savannah aud Dari en. No exertion or expense will be spared to give the greatest despatch to goods or cotton shipped by this line. Agrntsfor the abort Boats : J. GODDARD & CO. Macon. J,. Baldwin & Co. Savannah. Mitchell & Collins, Darien. 9 Matthew* & Roberts Hnwkinsville. • K. & J. B. Delano, Charleston. . nnv 10-6m-2t AT the long Brick Building, one door above the Book Store, offers for sale, per wholesale, the following Goods oil the lowest terms, for cash or short city acceptances. 100 pieces red Flannels 150 pair Whitney Blankets 2 bales mixed Kersey • \ 1100 yds. stout blue Cassinetts 35 doz. good VVcoUen Socks 210 boxes of Shoes, viz. 3600 men’s thick Brogans - 600' do do Russet do 1200 do kip * do 200 boy’s calfJBoots- 260 do thick Brogans .‘180 do lined and bound Shoes 760 youth’s Yusset- do do ^ 240 Do thick do 10 boxes genflemca’s Bools, first qual. calf sewed do “ “ nailed ,, do “ “ pegged do “ thick Boots 1450 pair women’s walking Shoes G boxes do- leather Bootees 100 pr. gent’s morrocco Downing Pumps 100 prT do . leather do 1 case men’s Rubber Shoes 1 “ ladies’ .do do 5 “ women’s and misses’ assorted 1 “ ladies’ morocco Sandals (CT Planters and Merchants are respectfully invited to call. Macon, Nov 20 1834—22 NEW YORK & DARIEN Line of Packets. B RIG Amelia Strong, X. Chaco,' Master, Premium, Sherman, “ .Schr. D. B. Crane, A. Bihbins. “ a new Brig (on the stocks) E. P. Bucklev, “ all good and substantial copper fastened vessels. Their commanders experienced in the trade. It is intended thnt one ofthe vessels shall always be at ooch end of the Hue hiking in freight, and will sail regularly about once in ten day*. Shippers may rely upon the vessels being regularly despatched, and every facility- given that goods and produce may go forward at the least possible expense. HAWES & MITCHELL, ? P. R. YONGF. A SONS. J A E TS ' Darien. Dec 10 1834—26—ly flUSSj£££. A 9XC8Z£380^ VVE now on ha td 210 bids domestic Li quors: 14 pipes, bf pipes and hhds Bran dy, Cip, -and-. Jamaica Rum; 45 qr casks ass. Wines: 8 bbls ass. Cordial; 40 bbls and hf hhls Mackerel; 40 hf Mils Crackers; .30 boxes bar soap; 200 piece s heavy bagging; 1000 cotton hags; Sugar. Coffee, Iron, Salt, Molasses, and almost every article relative to a grocery estab lishment, together with a very complete assort ment of Dry Goods. Hats, Shoes, Hardware, j &■ c. all of which will lie sold at thd lowest prices i and only for cash. Also will constantly receive ■ fresh supplies from all the northern markets and i hereafter offer unparalleled inducements. Mat-oil aug l9 1834-9 F OR publishing a Miscellaneous Paper to be enti tled KffiS -To be devoted to Poetry, Literature, Science, and THE MARVELLOUS!!! To contain original and select Tales, Poetry, anec dotes, Biographical, and Historical sketches, Notices of all new inventions in the art.? and a relation of all that is wonderful, rare, and curious, in the history of the day. a list of deaths, marriages, murders, rob beries, arsons,' shocking accidents by flood and field, hairbreadth escapes, all important criminal trial# in full, which will be carefully culled from the newspa pers of the new and old world. . It icill tn variably exclude «_£)) all political, religions, or professional discussions, and stick to useful and entertaining matter only.. Tlie Alchymist will be published weekly in a quar to form on a super royal sheet, at Columbus Ga., by Charles F. Sherburne, at Three Dollars per year, one half in advance, the other at the end of six montlis. Er The Editor will be assisted by gentlemen of es tablished literary reputation, and the publication will commence by the first of February 1835. Dec 22 1834 \ I HE annual Race- ovoi Let JH. commence on Mon 1835—when, the follow in : n, - free for any nag in tlie world. First Day—Mon<i..y , Jockey-Club Pnrse—One mill Jt af.j Second Day—Tuesday. Jockey Club Purse—two mile"heats, 3t.. Third Day—Wednesday. Jocky Club Purse—three mile heats Fourth Day—Thursday-. Jockey Club Purse—four mile heats, JIM Fifth Day—Friday. Jockey Chib Parse—mile heats best 3 in 5, Purse supposed to bo worth . Dec 23 1834—27—4w THE HERMITAGE Feiaal Semirarv, A T SCOTTSBOROUGH, will be opened again JsL on tlie first Monday in January next, under; com petent instructors in flie* several branches of Female Education. A scientific Professor of Music will be v employed for that -Department. Maternal attention will be paid to the improvement of the morals and manners, as "Well as the minds of the Pupi:--. i-card can be obtained in the (amily of the Principal i.y such as make timely application; end by others in pnvo.e families of respectability in the village, ivhic.-i nas be come noted for its health and good society. CATHERINE FITZGERALD. Dec 11 1834-27-4t ■ U’ The Columbus Enquirer, and Macon Telegraph are requested to give the abovo 4 insertions aud trans mit tlieir account# for payment to C. Fitzgerald, Scotts- I lairoitgh. s - _. Pork, Flour, Bagging, fyc. S BARRELS Prime Pork , 25 bbls Canal Flour 100 pieces Bagging 31 bags Codec 10 casks Malaga Wine 10 do Merseifles Madeira do 3 hlids N. O. Sugar. Received tills day bv Boat- Telfair and for sale by . RI A & COTTON. Dec 10—25 Sale of Town Lots N the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold in the town of Jackson. Batts cou nty, to tlie highest.bidder,-all the unsold lots, the conditions of tho above sale to h half in hand and the other 12 months thereafter, v-.ith small note: and approved se curity-, titles made on the day of stile, one 20 acre lot_ handsomely situated for building a comfortable dwell ing. The above was done hy an order of the superior court. JOHN GOODMAN, Clk. • Nov 10 1834—22 NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the firm of G. W. Per sons & Co.; are hereby notified that if they al low the present season of payment to pass, will most assuredly find their notes and account* in the hands of officers for collection, as wc have liken this seaton to close otir business in this place. Macon. Nov 12. 1831—21—2m Bank of , HntrhinsnlU, Nov. 15, IK-4.- O NE instalment of twelve and a half per cent, on the Capital Stock of this Bank, is required !o be paid by the Stock noldcrs on or before the 15th day of January next. By order of the Board, * D. CLAYTON, Cashier. For Sale or Rent. Tlie dwelling house at present occu •Tirf-jj? pied by the subscriber. Possession given. I! ? I feA immediately. t■oAsifZl'L Also for sale, several vacant lots con tiguous to the above property. , O ,iiiod hy Him, (which wifi he continued.) lie bus Macon, * <i pn n#w Ware House on R. McCall’s lot, W Patent Leather. Morocco, Sheep, Hog, and Deer Skins. Straining, Serge, Worsted, Linen, Cotton and rein he .—olejether with the Wharf. This ware house is and .Wibsidered the most secure from fire of any in lie prepared to make advances Produce in store, and ou Sbip- Charleston, New York, Liv- n cargo of about 309 hales of Cotton, only - ool. Havre! (cc. A. C. COLD WELL. I Meveral' persons ill this city. wa»l D*-e. 27th dacon Aug 21 1834 10 5 _ *—• qgtb 2 —- Whip?. ftkt Sloop Crateford anil Cargo—mid .W usidered the most Lsdie#’ nnd Gentlemen’* English and Americanoib [Capt. Burden, of tho Steamboat j continue the bcity. He will lie Twig Whip* of a superior quality. OBf t ],-t the Sloop Crawford. Captain j pfo4 by theiii.Cotfoti and Prod Coach Trimming, Springs, Laces. Bands, Handies, froBJ i) ar ien, bound for Savannah,, la- j w ill be offetetqts to Savannah,' - . of olinn f ill)lf!<l of CoilOH* ^ It nnlv / .ml llnvi’f. \*.p. Himes. Collars, Saddle Trees, Varnish. the liUt- uUt at s eply " atcr’s edge on Friday last, anchor off Doby’s Sound. About | f re saved. The whole amount, _ Cat Tick#, Trunk Lock*. Buckle#, lmrse iSrn^im.^^Hiihtiicil. Tlie cause of the acci Carry C-vn is, Girths, Surcingles, Stirrup Leather, iitkbomt. <kc.-AI#o • BUFF \LO IIOB 'S. TON.-ftSinc* stir review of the27th ttlt. Wt, \ ID I *3 nes- don' in Cotton has been very hmit sliori notice M.SO FOR SALE One and two ’Inric BAROUCHES A supply will be constintly kept on hnnd Nnv. q, 1834. 21—tm a*. IC4, aud 22 at 17 ccntsi urdlay It t wo received Liverpool aliviee* jfelv showing an odvnmc© in thaf TJiese advices caused hut 24th of firooi A «« , . . vn aftemi v in our market yesterday son* aficked ny the asking price* of hol- !5l OOTIDS lid tbtro ply sale* that have €PI, ^‘ 4 t'tieuing a general Slock of <i.uj,I« ctlg»,■ were n few small lots nt <>4. / »’ -heir W Smr,. Th«> would W- omit our quotation? to, day, as e<t 10 receive a call from their friends. ' nov 21 tf (j J. GODDARD Co. _ ^ , .sfWare "louse & CJojn- lfo’ci^vXo. d mission BSerchants, 20 t V «***■■*» ->-acoiz, jan 6 1835 LL continue to transact the above burine?? at Ware House Occupied by them duriug the ISbU* K#capin. This*Ware House is a?'secure 15 do N; • 0 dangers of fire-as any'iu the city. A|^(s0jYney take tl'is opportunity of .returning ihcir T * IIF. Tnc- 'cful ackuotvlodgoteutsfor the liberal patrou- ptiblir tt horctofor** bestowed by theft friends and the. of tho Rev. Pei lie. And bv-'a strict attention to business, highly recoinnicpjitetl to their care, and the facilities which tlie next paperifwill be able to render their enstomers. they •will commence’;,, to r>u-rjt a continuance of the patronage of jan 7 )8:l5-!t- r f r j e ud 3 and the public in general. Thcv •'pared to make liberal advances at «'l -0 f u (’niton stored or shipped by them l Zp. g otton stored at tlieir Ware House will bt cuwrt ** - -- * . -j mn „ 1 3R red at. the lowest r.-it-st. if requested ‘ opofsihla to give them correctly, aud mere- l 30 ‘ , ept . |>1834 . Gia A TEACHER WANTED, T O take charge of the Forsyth Hale Academy, for the year 1835. Testimonials of 8r.hohr.diip and good moral character will be required. The undi vided attention of Mr. B. B. Hopkins will be directed to the Female Academy of Forsyth, in which both the solid and ornamental branches of a well regulated 1 e- inalc Education will be taught: Aiffssovis in tyiusic and Painting will he given ns heretofore by .'Ire. Warner, well known for her soccers in Teaching thc-e branches. The school* will commence their first term for 1335 on the first Monday in January next. All letters direc ted to tlie Trustees. Forsyth Georgia, or to Benj. H. Rutherford. Forsyth Georgia, will meet with prompt attention. HENRY LONG, 5 Jri JOSEF. DUNN. I e - A. M. D. KING, > “ HARVEY GORDON, £ BENJ. H. RUTHERFORD, j ? Dec 16 1834—26—4t - ■ ' Notice to Cotton Sh ppers. a FTFR the 20th instant, no Cotton for shipment will bo received except at the IFhaif, where the Boat or Bos may bo loading 3 ROGER McCALL. J. GODDARD & CO., CHARLES CAMPBELL P. R. YONGF. & SONS. J. R. BUTTS ALEX. E. PATTON. 26 SL BARTLETT! January 1, 1835. PIONEER STEAM soa; \ TEACHER WANTED. T O take charge of tlie Male Department ofthe Ma con Academy. Unquestionable testimonials ol moral and intellectual qualifications will be required. ciiarlks j. McDonald. ) THOMAS YV. BAXTER, E. D. TRACY’. N. C. MUNROE, • AMBROSE BABER, Macon nov 13-21 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. HE next Term of this Institution, will com mence on the 16th dny of January. Student# T' who wish to connect themselves with it, can at that- trine join any class for-which they may be prepared. Fdr adnisrioq into the Freshman CJasf at that time, a student must have a correct knowledge of English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, Cicero’s Orations, Virgil, Greek Testament, Gratca Minoru, of Jacob’s Greek Reader, 1st book Livy, 1st voi. of Grtcea Ma- jorn. For admission into 61c Sophomore Class, in addition to the above studies, a student must har e read Horace, 2d vol. Gneca Majors, Day’s Algebra, and the 1st and 2d book of Euclid. ASBURY HULL, Sec'y of the Board of Trustees. Nov 14 1834—24smt16Jnn Insurance Bank of Columbus, November 14, 1834. ygn 1IE stockholders of this Bank are required to pay B_ Ten Dollars per share ou the capital slock, on Monday, 13th January. 1835. B> order of the Board. 23 B. HEPBURN. Cashier. Ij 111 -JU JC^OR transport uon to and from Macon, is now in For Sale p n SEVER A', houses audlooin Yine- ville, tog. thvr with house and lotoc- HVJm Citpied by Muj. Havnie. Apply to ' A.SIIOTYVELL If absent, to WASHINGTON i’OL j ti no 24 1834-1 » complete order. A superior new Steam Boat called ‘-David Crockett” with two powerful Engines, and several first rate freight boats have been built since the close ofthe last season and placed on tho line. ■Steam Boat Pioneer, Capt. Goodwin, “ “ David Crockett, “ SV Carmick, j will ply rezularly between Darien and Macon, one of j them leaving Darien about once a week with freight 1 boats in low. •! S a ’-i Boat O X^StSSSTOET, . consisting of „ ,, . Copt. Bonne H, ^Anchor Is-; men,. . ^ ^ will run constantly between Darien nnd Savannah, | ^ Q ] ( j j nn ,i Curb Guard Chains, and afford the greatest despatch >0 Cotton. The subscriber’s.whole attention is devoted to facili tating (YaImportation fietwecn Macon and the Sea Port#. He )ias invested a large sum to put his line in Fashionable Sf Splendid WATCHES &JEVi ■ 3 Ki '. (Tw= At the lowest Trices. C. G. St. JOHN, TfTk E8PECTFULLx r inform# tlie citizen ' • 5© *ad its vicinity that he ha* opened, are : eoiithme tn receive Fashionable and SpegdidJt v I■" J Ear Ring#. Fit Macon,-Dec 15 tRTON’S V fl. a >nl for *alc hy dec II Cough Syrup, just received W.M. G. BROWN tception uFaiti’' the most complete order, and believes that his arrange- m -.its fur giving A #patch td freight and keeping it in good order, while in hi# care, will make it the. inter.’#! of Cotton Shipper# and Merchant* ordering goods, to continue their favors. At Darien lie ha# secure aud convenient arehouseB for recepUon of Good.#, and his ( b there arc e ve-ed I with sheds, which enables him to keep all Cotton shipped on his Boat# under shelter and protected from Uic weather; while landed for reshipment. JAMES R- BUTTS 'Holcombs, Peck & Co., Charleston, 5 P Bvttp. .Savanmn. j".' T.’ Rowi.anp. Darien O. B. Halstead, Hawkinfviiler Nov. 18,- 1864—22 1#. Keys, Crea#t Pin ,tc. Arc. &c. Watches repaired in the hew manner aaa vrtt- rae.tcd. _ _ „ C. G- St. JOHN. fh'C 13 1^:14—26 - ■ Black Sana.Rap ver Hats, ju.- n-- -'r -a 1 " bv U M. H. ■' .'.'LL. \ ov JO. 1834—22 SEAL Skin T:t.n v 8' WM H. BURDSALL. G NjpA 7 S PO 3;i l '■ HH D S prime Cub<1 31 o**« .* nov 12-01 OT> Floor MUST received and for sal Oct 18 t*» A- COTTON Maitins', by v» HT