Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, July 16, 1835, Image 3

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<ft r o v g < .t C 11 t s * a inocraiir principles l><- sosnrined mid may ihi sin miners thereof always - nl i>n ;i sea of glory, or rule snfelv at anchor in the port of victory. Peter N. (’hninc Here’' to the indites, may all ibcir hope# of carrying their present schemes into Mention bo blasted before the 4th of July next. fHicba^l Madden: The United States of Amer ica the most glonout free and independent of all republics. Nmh in F. Hooker: The Union Democratic Republican* of the Doited States—partisans cou- tri'diug for principles not for tnen. James Jowmvhi of Sumpter: Tiic votaries ol aallifk-atinn, uievciless as the angel of death,'heir undivided aim- have been to level in crumblin ruins the cnctvcling ramparts of union. I heir efforts have failed, their hopes destroyed, ard they alette a' <• lef to shed the tear of unavailing regret over the me xtrieahle ruin and disgrace into w Inch tni'l am n'lion has pi tinged thorn. C. F. Hemingway: Our fellow citizen Je mi'h Dupree, a venerable iehc of times that tried men's souls he now receives our esteem and res pect, when no more among us. his memory will he revered by the lovers of the good and virtuntts. Prewry A. Miner: Nullification under the dis trict: of State Rights: like the African Boa Coo* strirtor coiled ill his lurking place each couched to destroy, fly them as from tho pestilence that wasteth at noonday. A. M. Russell F.sq, Profession vs Practice: Thev who profess to be friends of Union and de mocracy and yet in practice sustain the princi ples of nullification by supporting Judge White are political renegades and not worthy of confi dence. Ry the Companyt Hemingway, Kelly* Fu- grain and Duncan, on the first Monday in Octo ber the Union men will come to the polls all roa- ilv to sacrifice men for tho snretss of principles By the Company: Thanks to our host Mr. Robert llcnrv. he has this day furnished an abun dant and sumptuous dinner, worthy of the man and worth v of the occasion. i n ce. >te our candid The Prop!**** Right*. AT a celebration held in the sixth .li-irirt Crawford county, Georgia, at E. Joyuet’s Esq. on thc-lih <lny of July ins', the ladies of the riis trict wero invited to the celebration, the flag was raised between daybreak and sunrise, &• thirteen round of musketry fired. At 11 o’clock a prayer was made by John '''tripling, a sketch >f the De claration of Independence was read by Mr. H ebb after which au oration Was delivered by James \. Nolen in very splendid style. At 12 oVI< ck the ladies were invited to dinner, after which the gen tlemen also dined. flood order was observed by all. ns it was resolved hv the managers that no spirits should he drunk until 12 o’rlnck, also un der penalty thcro should hr no insults by any per- ion. A* the dinner was given by the neighbor, bond, all were pnitirtilar to keep good order.— f’apt. Thomas Thames, President, and Elisha P. Turner. Vire President of the dny. Managers: Willis Tnylor, Joseph Tucker. Harvey Ray. Shared Whittington, Jonh Brooks. After dinner the foil -wing toasts were rend by the President and Vice President, viz. 1. The tlay wo celebrate brings joy and con«o lation tothe tree-bora sons of Afr.e ien. 13 cheer* 2. The people of tho United States: free and independent, excelled by none, respected by mil. 13 cheers. 3. A republican government can only be pre- «erved by just and equal laws enforced without party prejudice. 13 cheers. 4. The memory of the great Ameriean Chief George Washington whose me. cry neverwill he forgotten by the sons of America. Drank in mourning. 5. Lafayette, a ft tend of Washington. In mour ttiog. (1 The. President; Jackson, chief {ploughman of the United fftates: he has laid off straight fur rows, and never looked back: mav his successors in office never deviate from the example he has laid. (i cheers. 7. His F.xrel'ency Governor I.UTpkin. he has performed his duties in the Executive chair in cl c;a:it stele; his term of service will soon expire, may he be promoted loan office higher. 3 cheers. H. The Indies of the sixth district, who have honored our day’s celebration with their comp* ut; may they over happy ho, in time and in otor- uitv. cheering. 9. May the tree of Liberty flourish around the gbibc, and every human being partake of its frilir. 3ch*ers. 10. Heroes of the revolution in the turmoil for frrednm: their splendid works are registered in history as a guide to posterity, rh-ering. H Pence and friendship with all nniinns, en tangling nllianrcs with none. 6 cheers. 12. The fair rex: their heautv and intelligence adorn civil society every where, cheering. 13. May the union ticket be elected in Craw ford county and throughout 'he State of Georgia and the United St ntes. 6 cheers. Toasts hy private individuals. K. Joyner Esq Andrew Jackson, the hero •fNrw Orleans, the first Governor of Florida, ihi' President of the United Stales, the steady m of our government: ho has ever been to our uniuii denr, his breast is our shield and his arm i< | *t «nrar. — Mitchell Worsh am Andrew Jackson: a tor- Ito ninr to the British ami present plague to the lai.lifiers, may he live to sc- this damnable lu-re- 1*1 put down, likewise Clay mnl Calhoun and 1 ‘‘adlf. .iml peace and harmony leign through Nad, William L Hunt. The President of tho 17. 3. T EL EGRAPH. MACOW. Ga. THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1835. : Gen. Santa Anna had sent a detachment of sol- friends in their support, and had the p e-.-u, diers to arrest the Governor aud members of the see our joint efforts crowned w ith tlx- ma-t j Legislature of Texas, w hom he suspected of dis- I nal success. Now mark the reward ! I affection to his Administration, and who were mined for my services ! A Loot two mouth ; supposed to have been arrested at the time of our I thought proper to place my name hefi | informant's departure from Texas This infor-! party and the (iconic of ibis county. ;,s a J matron was obtained from the representative for j ate for the office of sheriff, at the’ensuing Jmiu i the department ol Trinity. ID- further states ary "lection. It has I believe been privntdy in I that the Representative Tor Trinity District (Mr. j siutiated that I w as induced to cotne otK . tSirou Dust) had, on the first intimation of Santa An-, the persuasion of a certain individual,'w ho ha. nil’s intentions, hastily left the seat of Govern- sinister motives in view. The accusation i ment. ami returned home with all speed, hut fea- i entirely groundless, and certainly made with :h< red that the other members had been intercepted : most malicious intentions. I positive!* "-sen :It together with the Governor. We are also iufor- J J was not influenced by that individti I. or any rued that the Indian tribes of TefcOs aie prepa- I other.liut by the simple fact a one that the TO 11Y Ftii.LOU CITIZENS. NOTICE. I i.m sorry to he again compelled to contradict T „ Mf hham j, SaffM £ ;br r. t*i w In ,i lias been maliciously c-rculated W^OU recollect some years past yon and Col. Mor- »!i:i-ugh 'bc> -tc. particularly in the low coun-i can Brown were chosen bv Joh.-i Wicker and i 11 * tha: I am mi md-lato. Many of my friends ! myselfto make a settlement between said AA ickcr and •"Vo s. lir if.-il a,. o|)i.,>r'ti.iity of voting forme for] myself on account of notes AA bud jnucl.ased of the office of Governor, which opportunity 1 have i mine given to different people and some to himself, j -i.iiiis a! to grant them-—add I cannot be driven or bribed Horn the field. ?r ATioars Of the Union* Party of Georgia. FOB PRESIDENT OF THE 11. S. Martin Van Btiren. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, Richard M. Johnson. FOR GOVERNOR, William Schley. FOB CONGRESS, Tabcz Jackson. Jesse F. Cleveland. Bibb County. For the Senate—A MB ROSE BABER. For Representatives—1 EWI> LAWSHE, SAMUEL B. HUNTER* Crawford County. For the Senate—HENRY CROWELL For Representatives, J. M D. KING. WILLIAM COLBERT. ring for an Indian war among themselves, the smaller tribes were holding a council at Col. Bone’s prairie to proceed against the great tribe of the Camaiichcs. who have driven them from their booting grounds; it issopposed that the war will commence in the course of the summer or fall. Our informer was a passenger in the sbhoo was within the gift of the people and one which I thought I had a right to ask for at the hands of j my friends and the public, at large- Subsequent ly to the annunciation of my name ns a candid- i ate for the nhove-ineiitioiicd office, there was a | meetiug of the union party culled for certain spe cified purposes, such as nominating delegates to j tier Columbia, which xvas captured on the 11th ) tlie late union convention tit Milledgevillc and May, together with the schr. .Martha, by thb Mex- j candidates Torthe Legislature and bounty "Hires, ican cruizer, nr cutler, the Montezuma, and was. This meeting met according to appointment at with the other passengers, treated with much in- ■ Mr. Tracy’s Office in Macon—aud there nomin- I dignity, but finally released by the Mexicans, ated delegates to the Convention, but proceeded! who had placed a guard over them for two or no further iii the nomination of candidates than | three hours. Several passengers of the Martha, the appointment of a general Committee cou.sist- ( however, were carried off as prisoners to Vera i ing of six persons from tite eitv. :< n< f two from j Cruz, as were both the sebrs. Columbia and I eachcaptainsdistrict io tho counlrv, who were - to j Martha, with their crews and cargoes, together! meet at a time appointed and m'ke the immin- ! with pari of the baggage of the passengers. * | atious. They did meet at this time in Judge Me I Wo shall probably learn by the next arrival j Donald’s office and made all the nominations, », I from Texas wbetirarihe rumored movements of j I was informed, hut that of tit? sheriffs place, many Santa Anna against Texas were well founded or ; thinking that nsl was already before the people, uot. An Indian war on the borders of Texas, j and they being as willing til all should have it as will not exert au unfavorable influence amongst i anv one' else, that it best remain as then stood the whites. Aud we somewhat doubt xvhether; It was however, known that Mr. Howard, ft- Very respectfully, SOLOMON GROCE: 1 Bihb ro. June -‘IO, 1835. EDITORS CONVENTION- 7’o tlie Fraternity of Editors and Printers. tormsrhout the Xtote of Georgia. Ilclu vmg 'he general interests of ihe Craft, and the public good may he greatly promoted »y a better limit rstaitriing ofour relations t>, each oilier ond to the public, i Convention of all tlie Editors, Printers ajiri Publishers, itt the State, is proposed at Milleiigevitle, on the second ' outlay in August next, there to deliberate upon siictl matters th„m. time and dates and to what aiuount disremenibered, blit as well us I recollect the amount then was between ■ 12 and thirteen hundred dollars. As you was on my j part the lioty were put in your hands to make ihe sei- tleinenl and it was done, a n* them notes among other j papers you kept. As I hate punctually paid so Wick- I er tlie full atuount of them agreeable to yours A Brow n’s i settlement between M and myself, I wish yon to return them Jo me tis ynu have no t ight to them only ns above, and that being done long ago, 1 wain you to do as above. Therefore as fife is uncertain, and 1 am unable to go to Mr. SelVold. I forewarn all persons from trading for any not, s oT mine that ever were in ; the hands o! Wicker or SafloJd, as 1 justly made lull , payment of the same. Jnlv ]1, 1835-2-11 JAM. FRIZZLE. and things as may come M. BARTLETT, S. ROSE. & Co. PRINCE & RAGLAND, W. S. ROCKWELL, JOHN A CUT![BERT, P. L. ROBINSON, GRIEVE & OR ME. June 30 1835. A' SO ...DO I.L A RS 1! i:\VA li 1>. Beware of the Thief I! any measures of the Mexican Government can much disturb tho general tranquillity of Texas.— A’. O. Bulletin of the 22nd ull. Nominations of the State Rights Party of Georgia FOR PRKSIDKNT, HUGH LAIVSON IVHITE. FOR GOVERNOR. rHtRLES DOUGHERTY Both Hands Full —On Thursday afternoon the people in north Third street, above Callowhill were alarmed by the approach of a large horse sired to he ran fur the office and that he had | friends who were anxious that his claims j should not he overlooked. For this reason tl ere | was a sub-committee unpointed Ivy the general \ committee, to see iMr. Howard and myself u£_ endeavor if pos&lhle to bring about a compro mise, they did not do so, why not, I atit unable coming down tho street at a furious rate with the | to s.ty. But this same suh-conimittce proc^e led remnant of a sttlkey pendant to his heels, swiug- ing to the right aud left nud threatuiug destruc tion to every tiling in their way.—Near Ciillo- liill street, a drayman named Michael without any authority, as I learn, to nominate Mr. Howard, to the exclusion of myself for the office; in this mannerl have been set aside, anti in | robbed of the sanction of the party’s name, in the The proceedings of a Poli'irnl- Meetiu Campbell’s store, Houston couutv. have been re ceived. Wo have not room for them at present. the employment of .Messrs. Knons A; Co. rushed j ensn’og canvass for sheriff, hy persons who had at J out seized the horse by the reins, and succeeded j no authority to act in the mattei'. i will further in checking his speed. While Michael was hold-1 state, to show my friends dial I was inclined to j ing on to itis troublesome customer who sedined , act fairly, that I authorized one of the suhcommit- MR. LIVINGSTON. Previous to ills leaving Paris, Mr Livingston addressed a letter to the French Minister in rela- ! held hy the left hand, nud dowu came the other tion to the expected apology from our covertt- I horse, rejoicing in h clear coast and a well girted .... . • . ... I saddle, hut just as lie reached his predecessor, ment- m which lu: points out the unreasonable- r , willing to take another heat, au alarm was given tee to say to his fellows, that I had no dejection that another horse startled at the noise nod speed of the arrested animal was coming down in a sim ilar style. The street was accordingly cleared of all except Michael and his prisoner whom he ness of tlie expectation, and the impossibility of its liciog complied with. The letter will be fnnml in our columns, and will repay a careful perusal. It i« a manly exposition of the princi ples of our government, qpd reflects the highest credit upon the wisdom and patriotism of Mr L. In concurring in th" ndminations made by the Union Convention, the Augusta Chronicle thinks that we “ whip the Devil round the stump!”— Very like ! wc always give the Devil a lick, wherever we find him. If he skulks behind a stump, as some of itis followers do. he must ex pect a whipping when caught ! The Chronicle community, to that statiou it already occupies in Michael stretched fort 1- Ills right hand, seized tlie second Bucephalus hy Itis curb rein, aud brought him to a dead stand, after a few royish jumps aud rurrctiings. in this situation, the wortltv drayman, fortified with a prize on each side look ed not unlike the Couslitutioti afteritsbuttle with the (’vane and Levant.—Phil. U. S.Caz. Bagging Corn, Corn Meal. Flour, northern. Brcou, do Hams, Bale Rope I ron Mackerel Coffee, J 5 n gar, Molasses, Brandy, peach, do- Cogniac, Rum, N. E. Gin. I Inlland, do Northern Lead .'•hot Salt T/.IJ3 E2&R per yd per bushel do do per Ih. do per Ih. per ll>. per Mil, peril), do per gal. do do do do do per II). per hag per bush. STS. cis. 35 cts. .75 S 1 10 13 15 70 54 9 14 10 do cts. do cts. Cts. Ai V cts. do 37A a 100 a II 1-4 0 124 LL persons are cautioned nsaittsi trading fora Conditiotml note given hy myself to George Lhan- rffcrlate of Harris county, for loti Dollars, dated about the - 'd day o. June and due "Jot 1 December next, ns l am determined never to pnv i - . Said no/e was eive 11 in part payment for a negro boy whom I purchased from said Chandler, a: the |itice of viea hundred dol lars, paying him two hundred and fifty dollars in cash and executing said note" for die residue auu which ne- ■_ > ha- lecu since proven to my satisfaction to have been Holm by raid Chancier ill the city of Charles lull and sold to me. Chandler is about twenty years of aae light complected, light hair, blue < v< >. teeth irreg ular, rather spam made, and .somewhat intdar the com- I mou statura. The above reward will he given for the I recovery of the $230 dollars whit h he has swindled rue ) out of, and auv information so :is to lead to the convic- ' tion of the villain will be most thankfully received. JOHN GOODMAN. Jatkson, Butts county, July 9 3 2t j [E? Tho Columbus liuquirer will giv e the above 2 i insertions. J. G. " jo. I Administrator &. Criumlian’s Sale. do Cts $ cts. cts- $ a 50 14 a 3 a 5G li 50 lh 58 a G2iJ ! belief t oi 8 a 10 ceased. 2.4 1 I July 9 Seasoned lumber, to being interested equally ivlth Mr. H. ellher'is high sheriff or deiiutv in the office, if there Wo- , ,, r r , r - n .. B - . , 1 , STvOR sale on rood terms, if applied lor soon,— the none on Ins part, hut if there wasofcourse 1 Cumin | sn |,; cl . iber inlcnil , improving the Lot at present not thrust myself upon him, or tint both of us , a , :r Lumber Ya d. His Lumber Yard will in iiow and then finds himself whip! up a stump No doubt the Chronicle is stumpt at the course vvr have seen proper to purslte. It and iheNul- lifiers had calculated hugely on dissensions in the Union parly. They had no idea that men could consistently maintain their principles, and at the _ . _ , -a \ time’,,, .gnani nine their preju- Tothe Union Party of Bibb Co. dices and their partialities' for the common weal, j T *» ■*■«. ™y friends, that there is geue- 1 . | JL tally very strong prejudices prevailing a- supporting Mr A an Btiren, the old Clark men , j. a j 1)S [ th„ sei w ho are so uufor'unate as to bo re have -faovvn !i disinterestedness, a devotion to I doced to the absolute uecessity of arraying tliem- their country seldom witnessed. The iove of j selves in opposition to what at first sight might FOR THE TKLEGRAFH. Mr. Editors—Permit me to call tlie attention of the public to a subject attracting the notice of many of our citizens; and which, if considered with reference either to the solidity of the princi ples on which it is founded ortlie usefulnessdf its practical application, is one of great importance. Our worthy citizen Mr. Olcott. takes hold of the subject with a master’s talent, aud gives fair pro mise to raise the science of Phrenology ij our many of our sister cities. Itis to be hoped that one so well calculated to give a cheering impulse to so useful a science, as Mr. Olcott undoubtedly is, will permit uotbitig to discourage him iu its prosccutiou. MACON. country lias triumphed with titem over private fvling. They come forward inn body tothe support of their principles* and apply their shoul der to the same wheel with the tried Republicans of Virginia ant! other States. There ,v ill he in dissension in nur ranks: the Union party of Ge orgia will, as it has heretofore done, act as-one n. The qppisiti.m arc stumpt. seem to he the will of a majority of their parly— ye, I am Dot now prepared to admit that those prejtfrficf ■ ;, s often displayed, are always sub- staotially grounded on the principles of justice. Indeed,'oftcPlimes a real and serious cause of complaint, answers no other purpose, when ur ged, than that ofioatiiug th* petitioner with re- prnach and ridicule: ami 2his, not from a disposi tion In the party to slight the-Eaims ofany mem ber, but from the predominates influence of a few, who are zealously labouring for their own ai!vanceinelit. My purpose in editing before you at titis time, is simply to call your Utentiou to a few facts, which I doubt not will sufficient ly explain thogrouuds of my Dresent conduct. show you that your old friend and co laborer in ! the good cause, has uot had that justice, which he had a.right to expect, measured our to him.— It is uot now iny object, nor ever will it be, to should withdraw entirely our claims, and enter Warmly into tho support of whoever the party should nominate, limit these propositions were rejected at least unheeded, and .Mr. Howard no minated hy this small unauthorized comrai'tee. Thus have I, fellow members of the tin 011 par ty, endeavored to lay lie'"ore you the grounds of my coinpla-nt in a plain &$iinpte manner. That I have been injured is obvious, if the farts he is above stated, aud of that I have not the Ipast doubt, for I had them from lnetnhcrs’nfthe com mittee. I have not been able as yet togci at the minutes ol the meeting, but have no doubt ’hey will testify to the truth of this history. My object is not to stir up strifes among friends, to engender angry feelings, or to injure any man’s repot liion, but I must he permitted tojnsistoq i«y rights. N: protect mvself from injuries so directly brought to hear upon me. I believe that it is because Ihave heretofore Willingly withdrawn my interest when in opposition to mr brethren for the sake of peace and the good of our cause, that ,ny ene mies think t will again retire before their hulior. I desire to come to a decision with them at once; aud I now appeal to the people, and calmly n- wait the judgment they shall pronounce between us. Actuated hy the warmest feelings of friend ship forthe party, yet I am well aware of the im perative necessity of protecting myself from :!t<? machinations of my foes, I non hid my feliov county meu adieu for thepreseut. GEO. WOOD. future be in the rear lot lately the .property of (he es tate of B. Flnker deceased, where he will keep con stantly on hand a general assortment; jnlv 16 3 I). RALSTON. NOTICK. T UI; firm of Kverctt & Whitfield of this place was dissolved in February last. -Mr. AY. S. Whitfield '3 authorised it) settle nil the business of said j firm. A li persons having claims against the firm are 1—..nested to call on him for settlement, and those in- | dehted to the firm are required to make immediate pay- j stock of ment to him. Indulgence can in no case he granted 1 wants 0 W. S. WHITFIELD, j is very { The last Messenger, in speaking of the celcbra- tinn of the Fourth in this place, gives to tho Union party the folic wing side wipe: •• The Union party had an Oration hy Dr B. F. Franklin, at the Presbyterian church, and a bar becue at Griffin’s ware-house, which had been j got up within a very few days previous. We tin- j make a vain-glorious boast of my useluiness aud dersfnnd that ardent spirits were introduced at j devotion to our party, or even to be the songster J this celebration, and the discordantsounds of par- J that warbles forth my own praises to you, but I tv feeling were belched forth in their full hitter-1 think it cannot he denied, that siuce I have been ness Except this, we believe there was nothing connected with you, no one individual in our ranks that marred the celebration ns a holy day—a ju- ; ha* been more active, and more disposed to hilre. worthy of :he blessings that have flowed to ! >ervc the general good of the party according 10 ! ns from he event it celebrate*.” j his ability than I have, aud that too at the im- I . . J mineut risk and expense of husiucss almost i„ the affections of the people, his correct! ° ,h V lhe ,1, ' rC ' " ct,on ' n . (inseparable to my support. Our triumph last •’-■‘atimts. his sound constitutional principles. & wdrot spirit* (howdVer much to b etleptored.) is year over our foes is hardly yet forgotten, and *■**! firmness will insure him n triumph over ihitigj of rare occurrence at a 4th of Juiycele- J 1 hope, fellow members of tlie Union parly, mv ^triple alliance of federalism, tn.lhficmion. a fld hjation certainly it is not ill this place—though ) serv ‘ ces . hard and well fought battle, is ink nrw7iw>r;.pc . . . 1 ( uot entirely eradicated from the tablelof your Davi.l Avc'rai’.sq. Andrew Jackson. Prcsid- wn should rejoice to sec it so. a * ‘ 0 ,s *j memories;' although uot Itemg rbsolutely neces- t of the United States; a gi^'eatstatesiimu. a he- .commit sounds of party feehng were belched lortn , siir y to your success, yet you cannot deny but « New Orleans, may he never he forgotten hy . in thetr full bitterness,” is news to those present that the magnitude of our victory was owiug * American p-oplc. ‘ ’ 1 ori that occasion—unless a love for the Union* | in f om ;; i s,na ![ degree at least to my feeble efforts. Terrel Brooks May the odious and contimp- , pnrm i_ ATnw«i> r l nnv lie eallada nartv feclinc It will easily be remembered by you. that af- ■•'■e doctrine of nullification sink into ohliviuu ‘ • ' , ' . . „ • 7 pr ,n y name had been giveu to the people as one ••belched ^ or *h.’ li any “discordant sounds of those who were candidates for seals in the leg- werc heard* they must have proceeded from oth- j islaure hy a regular nomination of the party ers (not invited.) than the Union party. With ! . ,,lat 1 oimdrew from the contest, merely to grat- , • i ,ir ify the personal enmitv aud revenge of some de- them a I was concord, union and harmony. \v e . , , -. . « , . ' * .signing individuals who professed lobe Union *t*» P « rsevere and 'ry to plain a hickory sprout; saw no,h,n 6 of “ l* 1 «‘‘«''.ess,, but what was dc-. . Ilen< bnt had not „ reatness of soul ecough !o „ *7 h* inquire what nullifii Htion is about, let him picted in the countenances of the Nulltfiers, at j verrome little private prejudices so lat as to givt a sprout of the tho prospect before them. We had hoped that ! (heir support cordially to their personal eneiny Messrs. Editors: P ERMIT me through the columns ofyonrpapor to suggest to the City Council the propriety of enforcing tlie Dog laws: as there has been one ca <e of hydrophobia in that of a Ttrritr, by whom 1 vj- at tacked last week in passing by the Mcs-engcr office, with such desperation that was well calculated lint for the imbecility of the beast to have thrown one for a mo- inenl oirofhis equilibrium. Perhaps it is owing othe advancement of Dog days, aud if so l would also sug gest tlie propriety of having them postponed too :nom healthful season of the year iiy a special net of uuhifi- cation. Should the City Council not take tho nccossa- rv steps to enforce the laws, 1 would suggest the pro priety of compensating Mr Rose the e litoi for the in- j latest lie has taken in training Dogs or Tt > rites to hark —and hark—and hark. Hereafter, should it becom ( necessary for the safety of the city, I vviii describe :>i - tgrrier. J- BENNFTT. | JILL be rold on the first Tuesday in OCTO- BEP. next, at Drayton, Dooly county, the in- terest of John AL D. Tailor deceased, also the interest of Noah W. Taylor a minor, in Lot No. Lw in the \k- fh ilisjrici of oiiginally -Lee now Dooly cottnlv/sold bv order of the court of ordinary of Bulls county for the ■aid minor and the distributees of said de- CHARI.ES liAILEY. Adm'r of Jt ’ n M. D. Taylor dteersed. and Guiriiian for Xva’i li. Taylor. WASIS HOVSE AND com mission nusirs ess. MYRICK, NAPILR & r’REE- q -.j] At AN. will be thankful for all favors Nfs in the above line of Business, liiatul'.',-- fed either in shipment- of Merchan dise hy ilicir friends .V acquaintances, consignments of Cotton fi oni the plaint r or cotton dea ler, or orders Io sell or buy cotton in this maikei.— Their Ware House is convetfienllv situated to the bu siness part of the city. Liberal advance.- will be made upon the produce of pur country; They are now offering a largo assortin' tit of season able On Goods, of lic-ivesl siyle end fashion. Their Hardware is extensive, and well adapted to the country. Their assortment of Groceries >ad. among'vvltich will he found, Choice .Madeira, Port, Claret, Muscat, and Cltaita- paigne Wines Rea! Londo.i Porter Garden Lemon and Raspberry Syrup Butler, Soda, and Wine Biscuit Rea’ Sperm Candles Baldwin’s Talloiv do Loaf and Lump Sugars White Havanna do Superior Spanish and American Sonars A large supply of Sugar, Coffee, .Molasses, Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, Twine. &c. Ac Macon, July 2 7835 ”ni 2 JAMES A. EVERETT, i _tTnrk,Mstitle, Juno20 7S35 3 -U 5S30 SLeward. \ Free Mulatto man, calling liimself THOMAS ROOT, came to inv hou-e in A)ivil la-t. said he had no home, ami I employed him. On th»28th ulL lie left my emplcymenti ta king with him my horse.sad- dlo i id o/dle, worth .'Ji 1 !o. aud also robbing me of S I in cash. Said fellow will probably make for Green ville. Wprriwethcr county. Any person delivering said fellow and mv horse to ine in Putnam county, near Eatontou. sliall receive the above reward, or for the horse alone $25. illy ft! 3t LEMON XV. TART. \VAHE HOI'SE TTnivcvsi iy of Georgia. wwc-TrTtcc A A Atuexs. July7,1335. £S£i " y t\!H'\'C Mi NT.—'I’ii - Ex- reisas nfthe Com- ^ 'I’ll i. subscriber begs leave to iu- 'nanceuieiit week will take place in tlie following or- f q form bis friends and the public, that be der: fca'Vvsn,'.,, J continues the above business in all its On Monday, July 27. the Board of Viators will con» branches, at bis old stand, (head of vene and the examination of die several classes Avill ■ Cherry street and Cotton Avenue,) ocfcnpv the week: and tint of candidates for admission I where In offers all the usnal facilities in business, by into College, will take place on Saturday the 1st of making liberal advances on produce siored with him, August. or on shipments to his (rietuls in Savannah. Charles- t'n Sunday the Sd, the Commencement Sermon i lon > a, td New York. The sititaiibh of bis Ware Hem- will be preached’in the College Chapel. | ses and close storage, as to convenience and safety, ire On Monday, the Board ofTrnstees trill convene. j not surpassed by any in tho city. Should addi- On Tne dav the Speeches of the Junior Orators will ! tionui security lie required, insurance Can be effected at be succeed'd bv an Oration from Yl’m. C. Datvinn, I a very low rate. The subscriber’s undivided attention E*q. Tiefiire the Alomni; and will be devoted to the above business; lie therefore On Wednesday tj'c 5th August, is the Annual Com- hopes to receive a portion of public patronage. mentemcal. The Excci-es will be closed on Thursday, by an Oration from Daniel Chandler, Esq. before the Demo- j -‘li' tiiati and Phi Kappa Societies. ASBURY HULL, S&rttdn. i Macon, June, 1835-1 JAS. C. MORGAN. While Lead. KEGS Lewis’s pure Ground White Lead, MAY VO UK yV DAMIEN IJ nr ol Packets. % 60 do do No. I, do (Jo 50 do do A, do (i(» 50 do do B. do do Just received and for s; rile !>v AV.M. G. BROWN. CAUTION. I HEREBY positively forbid all persons from either employing in any way or selling any article to any ofmy negroes without mv written order, jnue 21 53 ’ D. RALSTON. 50 BRIG Amelia Strong, .J- Chace, Alaster, IVilDtium, Air. Sherman, “ ] new “ Darien, A. Bibbins", “ J *• “ Macon, C P.'Buckley, “ ] Schr. D. ft. Crane. T. Baker, “ | . MI '.-no'! aud substantial vessels, well calculated for the 1 . . tra je, with good accommodations for passengers, and ' 1 experienced commanders. One of the vessels will al- j wav s be at each end of the Line to receive freight and , . „ , „ , . , , will -iii regularly once a week. Shippers by this line ■ J ". st rc «“^, d l’ er ° io'Avv v l r- i .in (s i’ - I i^urnncc nt five eighths per cent, and they I _ ullie >HO T\\ I*ROW i\ & Co. ■ a ;l . - .«*- icon ,h ; v. ss -Is being regularly despatched. | JOHN S. COOMBS, i i • '.ih'icr.l)er>at * u: uts lor >e\eral bteimbo . la |T\ v I\<J established himself in Savannah as Fac- mn r-MtHrlVdi.rnig die boating season between j |_J| loraml Commission Merchant. Will ckvo.c his WHITE LEAD. KEGS Lewis’ No. 1 White Lead 40 do *4 4 do do pure do 30 do “ B do I) rien. Hawkinirv i: beltev th tt they fan s gootls dtslined for ihe HAW Darien, 1 -t July, 1 ' . icon, and are inifneed to :r • facilities in forwarding e-jor ofllio State. ,& MITCHELL. Agents. 3 ' the union democratic republican doctrine he f 'ftttcd on the ruins thereof. Barker of Houston. T iis the is tear o 4 ’ that has done wrong do so no more, our Pres- *f*t’* election is drawing near, may every repu “ n| on man lie, and say he is ;t spiout 1 pickery tree. I the AI, ''nut Taylor. Wilson Lumpkin the Chief ?''tratc of our State: an enlightened states r’k * tried patriot, a -d wortht citizen. j [ Mlliitm Hood. i’he government of ;lie 1 "i- 1 ‘ >r **te9: form ed by the host patriots the world i '*»w. who would niar its benutv or destroy I 'harmony bv ineule.ttiug the <1 mumble here \ /“"lllfiiaiicm. I 11,1 Brooks. To Washington ti'eJutninary of | I ' '*7 oid J ickson the glory of the west, >h ■ F" "f (»t orgm, mav they sail on a sea of glory, i G ''J' the gales of prosperity, and always en- 1 ■j 1 '"' !’ ' of victory. • "i 1 ' 1 Tucker. Gentlemen, we have met to i: '' the day in which uur independence was ‘ *'1'. we will drink wine C hoio- in remcin- '’ of the blood that was shed by our forrf.i the liberties we now ,-njoy: and may i ■ i"!!" !4r !‘ °l , l" ,s '''l to a coutiuuance of a un 1 le United States, may they he quieklj prospect_ W enger in its new discovered zeal would i whe . u , he '' a . s » he party’s candidate. Now I con tend that 1 had a perfect right to continue mj name before tho people, aud that those of the f Union party who were personally unfrieudly tc The Hon. Isaac Hill. Senator in Congress, has ! hound to resigu whatever prejudict oease to hear false witness. accepted ‘lx nomination of the Democratic Con vention of New Hampshire, as candidate lor the office of Governor. The President of the U. S. left Washington Ci ty on the 6tli inst. in the steamboat Columbus for the Rip Raps, where he expects to stay several ii eeks. Hon. Geo. R. Gilmer has declined the State Rights nomination for Congress. seated on n porcupine saddle, wi'h I, 1 »Ion pair ofirmvsers, a rough trotting hor-e, k journey uever to re' urn to the shores ’"erica. We are inlc'nied •>* u gentleman just arrived from Texas, that political affairs in that quarter, are in a very unsettled state. It was rumored that the Mexicaii'Congress had passed several very obnoxious lav s. annulling the arts of the State L gid Hire of Texas, respecting the sale and grants of laud—and declaring that all slaves sh ill ho free according to their eons.ittinon.— _ Our informant further state* that it wa*> believed of the way, that I heartily co-operated with cu they had conceived towards mo as a private in dividual, and to look alone to the relation that i theu sustained towards them, to wit. that of out of the regular nominated Union candidates. an< as such they wero hound to carry into effect thi will of the majority of the Union friends, by sup porting me. But foreseeing that the prosperity of our muse might he advanced hy a resiguatiot ofmy interest. 1 hesitated not to yield up to tb< party, the right they had vested iu me to slam np before the people, with the authority of thei name as a candidate for the last legislature, eould not have hail any other motive id this, sav, that of peace, and the good of our cause. It will also be remembered that when anothe nomination was made of other of our wortbi friends for the same post, and that nominatioi too, at ihe instance of those who were the mos virulent, and the most active iu elbowing me ou 'Administrator Sf Guardian's Sale. W iLL he sold Oil tho first Tuesday in OCTO- BER ii"xt, at McDonough Henry county, the in.’ero-i of’Jo. n M. D. Tayloedeceased, also the inter est of No d) \V. Taylor a minor, in Lot No. IJ7 in the 7ih d: l-ict of Beurv county, sold by orderof the court of ordinary of P.utts county for the benefit of said mi nor and the distributees of said deceased.. July 9 CHARLES BAILEY, Ailm’r uf John Af. D. Taylor deceased^ and Guardian for Xoah IV. Taylor. Guardian s Sale. A G REE ABLE to an order of the honorable inferi- . w or court of Henry county w hen sitting for ordina- rv p irposes, will he sold on Friday the 2?th day ofAu- cust u.‘x;, it the late residence of John Barr deceased, |nrt of the perishable property belonging to David iud_ lolin Barr minor orphans of said deceased, consis- iii" of horses, rattle, hogs, corn, oats, wheat, bacon, household and kitchen furniture, together with sundry otoer ales too tedious to mention, terms of sale made known on the dav of sale. ELISHA M. K. AI. CUTCI1F.X, guardian. July 9 1835 Executor's Sale. W iLL be sold in the town of McDonough on the first Tuesday in October next, within the usu al hours of sa’e. a square 50 acres of Land situate in the southwest corner of Lot No. 227 in the 3d district of Henri county, -old agreeable to the last will and tes tament of John Barr deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, terms made known on the dav of sale. ELISHA M. K. M. CUTCHEN, ex’r. •uly 9 7835 attention to tlie interest of his friends. References. Messrs. Holcombe. Peck &. Go. Charleston. Messrs. J. \Y. A J. T. Heard, Augusta. J. K. Kilburn «!L Co. do Stovall «Jt Simmons, do G. B. Lamur Esq. Savannah. David Ralston, Macon. A. R. Ralston, do F OR SALE BY feb 19 35 LI Mu I.IPPJTT A HIGGINf 8 CRATES CROCKERY, assorted, for sale by june 10-51 REA A. COTTON J. H. & W. S. EUIS, H AA E just received a fresh supply ot Drugs and Medicines, among which are tite following arti cles : Morphine, Strychnine, Emetine Piperine, Veratrine, Croton Oil -- Blue Mass, Henry’s Magnesia. Sulpli. Quinine A Yard’s Hair Oil, Eng. Rose AA’ater Pearl Powder, Jujube Paste, Bay Rum Notary AVafers, AVhite scented Soaps, Tooth \Y r ash, &c. —ALSO— Thompsonian Medicine, among Which are, GnI Myrrh, (best) Boneset or Thorbughwort, Bayberry Pow'd, Golden Thread, American Valerian or Ladies’ Slipper, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, African Cayenne Pepper. —ALSO— Gm Lancets, Evans Lancets, Dentists’ Files, Sea^ ton Needles, Spring Lancet Blades, &c. Sec. iune lfi 52 DISSOLUTION. T HE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of J. Goddard «fc Co. is this day by mutual consent dissolved. AH those having demands against the subscribers are requested to present them for pay ment ; those indebted to the late firm to make prompt payment to either of the subscribers. J. GODDARD, jun« 2363-4W ' A- E. CHICKLRING.