Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, July 30, 1835, Image 4

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SHERIFFS’ SALKS. Houston Sheriff Sale. O N' the first Tuesday in At GUST next will besold in tlictownofPcrry Houston county between the lawful hours of sale Clin; J,ot of Laud No. 40 in the 12th district of Hou-'.on—levied on as the property of John MeSwain to sly a li fa issued front a justice’scotirt of JUorpin «■ ■ uty jn favor of Asa MeSwain, property pointed out by l’homas C. Wood. One half acre Lot in the town of Perry No. not known, with the improvements thereon, (except the woodshop ami a few feet of reserved ground owned by L I’ Stuckey.) where Robert Lasher now lives— levied on as the property of said Lasher to satisfy sun dry li fas from a justice’s court of Houston county in favor of John Chain Ar. Co. property pointed out by the defendant, levy made and returned to me by a con- One Lot of land No. 106 in lltli district of said county—levied on as the properly of Matthew Burke security on the stay of an execution in favor of Win. Taylor vs Basel Shepherd and John Wallace to .satis fy sundry li fas issued from a justice’s court of Burke •county, levy made and returned to me by a constable. june :t-i ' george ji. duxcax, »*•/. Pike Sheriff Sale. 4 T the court house in the town ofZehulou, l’ike county wiil he sold on the first Tues day in September next, within the usual hours of sale, the foil owing properly, viz : One Lot of Land No. 227 in the second district of formerly Mourtenow Pike county—levied on as the property t.f Moses Pit'- virtue of a Mortgage fi la in I'aior of Arthur T C mip vs said l’iitmau. prop erty pointed out in mortgayi h fa. june30 THOMaS THORNTON, sh’ff. Butts Sheriff Sale. LL be sold on the first Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours of sale, nt Jackson Butts county, before the court house door, the following property, to wit: Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa from the su perior court of Butts county, two negroes, to wit: Bob a fellow about 33 years of age, and Rachel a woman a- botlt 45 years of age, to satisfy a mortgage li fa in favor of Erasmus G Marablevs Leander A. Erwin, proper ty pointed out by pllFand in Mortgage fi fa. j ' june24 JOSEI’ll SI M.M ! .< LIN, sh'ff. I w F OUR mouths afterdate application will he made J to the bourn able inferior court of Coweta county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Levi While deceased, for the benefit of ttie heirs and creditors of said deceased. TURNER PERSONS, adm’r. Coweta county. May 4 1635 47 _____ NOUR months after date application will be made F when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Wright Fermenter deceased, for the ben efit of the heirs ami creditors ol said estate. M A RIAL' PERM i NT F, R. adm’x. ma reh 25 41 I N •l it months after date application will lie made . to the honorable he Infcrit r court of Pike coun ty when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for an order to sell ah the real estate of Aiulem n Griffin, late of said county, deceased. 14th April, 1835. M ARY P. GRIFFIN, adm'x. 41) JOHN R. KINIrRICK, adm'r. ESTATE SALES. Campbell Sheriff Sale. "ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday in August ; next, before the court house in Camp- ! hellion, Campbell county, between the usual hours of sale, Elijah Hammons lease for fburyenrs on Lot of Land No. ;tl in the 2:1 district of originally Carroll now Campbell county, with one saw mill,one grist mill, «.V a distillery, all in complete operation, with sundry oth er buildings thereon—to satisfy one fi fa from the stt- periorconrt of said county in favor of John Forsyth, Governor, &c. Bank of Geor gia vs'Josia B Bell and Elijah Hammons, property pointed out by Hugh A. Harrclson Esq. One lot of Land No. 30 situated and being in tile ninth district of originally Coweta now Campbell coun ty, containing 202A irres more or less—LVicd on ns the - the property of Richard M. Hartnett and. Andrew Clark to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Michal Ponticrgrast against the said Hartnett & Clark, and two other ti fas one in favor of Barker & Morgan and the other in favor of Spear and Patten against the said Harnett & Clark, all issued from Cauiphell superior court and 2 other fi fas in favor of the officers of the inferior court of Campbell county against the said Hartnett & Clark, june 30 WESLEY CAMP, sh'ff. Also on the first Tuesday in September next, Lot of Land No. 6!)5 containing ICO acres more or less in the first district 3d section of originally Chero kee bat now Campbell county, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Campbell superior court in favor of David Clinton vs Wm Kimbro, property pointed out in said mortgage ft fa. Lot of Land No. not known in the 9th district of o- riginally Coweta but now Campbell county containing 202$ acres more or less, levied on as the property of Henry Brock to satisfy one fi fa from the superior conrt of said county in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia vs John Gilbert, Heniy Brock, and Henderson Smith i'-lorsers. Lot cf Land No. 123 in the first district of originally Carroll but now Campbell county, levied on as the property of Heniy Duncan to satisfy one fi fa from the superior court of Baldwin comity, Wiley, Parish Co. vs said Henry Duncan, property pointed out by J’ryor Wright. Fraction No. 93 in the 3d district of originally Car- roll bnt now Campbell county, and one rone horse— levied on ns the. property of William B. Lovelace to satisfy one fi fa from the sir-ic-rior court of Campbell county in favor of John Gaddis vs Wm. B. Lovelace and Allen Lovelace. inly If. WESLEY CAMP, sh'ff Crawford Sheriff Sale. ’ffi ( ttTILL be sold o:i the first Tuesday in August Vv next, at tbo court houso iu the town of Knoxville, Crawford couiity,.between the usual hours of sale: Two negroes. Patker a man about 50 years of age. Rebecca about 45—levied on as the property of Will- ion Newsom to satisfy twelve small fi fas issued from a justice's court From W.-trran county in favor of the ads of T. S. Reese deceased vs the .-aid William New- : ?om principal, and William lL Hundley security, pro perty pointed out by said security,"and levied on and returned to mu by A. Horn, constable. • pine 29 JOHN WHITTINGTON, d. sh'ff Guardian's Sale. O N the first Tuesday in August next, before the court house in Grecneville, Meriwether county, will be sold Lot of Laud No. 244 in the tenth district of formerly Troup now Meriwether comity, sold as the property of Ridley Ann McWilliams, minor, may 28 ASA McWlLLIAMS, guardian. Executors' Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, nt the conrt house of Gilmer comity, one Lot of Land No. 6 in the 12th district of the 2d section: ilso one Gold Lot at the same time, lying in the conn P OUR month.- after date application will he made to the court of Oidinaiy of Crawford county for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Alexan dria B. Taylor late of said comity deceased, for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WM. B. FILES, ) . . JAMES M. TAYLOR, ] aitm T may II 18% 47 WASHINGTON HALL. a THE Subscribers have taken that com modious and well known public house iu the City of Macon,—the Washington Hall. lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Huson.— By the unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob tain for them a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN & MOTT. Feb 5 1835 36 [Lr Having sold my interest in the Washington Hall to Messrs. Mustian A. Mott, I earnestly solicit for them a continuance of the patronage which was extended to tne, whilst proprietor oftlie establishment Macon, feb 5 36 M. D. IIUSON. JEFFERSON HALL. Mucdonough, Oct. 27, 1834 THE subscriber has taken this well known stand for the purpose of keeping a house of Entertain ment, and solicits a share of pub lic patronage, for which hp is in hopes of giving general satisfac- THE INDIAN’S PANACEA, j NEW DRUG &TOKE F OR Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Fever Sores, M. EC. LOOMl« Erysipelas, Dyspepsia, Liver Complain , q - 1; -w just received a large assortment ( ,r rities of the Blood, Chronic Iiiflamatwn ot the Kidneys, | & MEDICINES, at the Store oi . f i Sore Eyes. Mercurial Diseases &c ; W. B. Johnston’s Jkwki.rv, which he will “s’ ^ —CAsl.S OI CLKIS I derate prices ; among which are 4t Ho Charleston, March27, IS.(2. | 1 PAINTS I was seized, about three years since, with a distres- J W hite Lead> ,j ed Lea(J ‘ Biack j c . ld , sing Rheumatism, caused by taking a severe cold while aj-i s . Chromic Green. Chromic Yellow Sni 'u, er ^ under the influence of mercury, and which has dis- Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber abled me from business nearly ever since. During L a m„l>l ac k. Bosepink; Terra de Sienn- v' 3 ' 1 this period, I have been a patient in the Marine Hos- p nlssian Bine, Osborn’s water colour* * pital, in this city, upwards oi four months, and nearly j OILS, the same length of time in, the Baltimore Hospital, and Linseed, Sperm, Whale, and Train oa, tried almost every remedy, with little benelit. On the , Turpentine, Copal, Julian, Coach 1 eailir, ®pts. Kith of February last, at that time scarcely able to y an ,i s / ics . 1 move about upon crutches, I commenced the use of BRUSHES The Indian's Panacea. In one month I found myself F ] esh 1Iair Hat, Graining, Varnish Furnit, ». entirely free lrom pain, and am now happy to state p a im, Nail, Comb, Shoe, Scrubbing s Ul !„ re,T °oth, I 13 M „ ket .„. V«lv«. Whitewash, Cl*, A*, SRJ» Charleston, May 10, 1831. PERFUMERY The undersigned has been labouring under Mercu- rtolnime Rose. Honey' Florida I j,, F OUR months after date application will be made _ , to the Ninoiable inferior court of Tike county j >“S table shall be supplied with the best the coun- when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell nil the real es tate of Herod Rei se late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. # june 13-52 BEVERLY DANIEL, adm'r. OUR months afterdate application will he made o the honorable inferior court of Crawford coun ty for leave to sell the interest of W illiam J. AVnyn- inan deceased (it being one half) in the Factory known try can afford, and his stables well attended to. 19 ISAAC HARVEY. F' «u>u uiir; ' niui j/u ui .tie muuc uuiu, »»»**£, *-*'“*• . . r-» • tt ^ tv of Paulding, No. 771 in the 16th district and third ; < h e FranWinFacto^m Upson connn.Ga. section, sold ns the property of Rachel Magbee decea- j ^ HI, adm r. Ci>f] forme mn/lo Itnmvn nn thft HaV. , — ^ . * JCoO M sed, terms made known on the day E. W. LANE, ? rvy, LABAN MAGBEE. ( M june 1 1635 t lOUR montlis after dr.te application will hemude to tbs honorable inferior court of Talbot county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the leal estate of Beniamin Kienour deceased, for die benelit of the heirs and creditors. GIDEON POWLFDGE, adm'r. • Jnlv 12 4t 4 CITATIONS. Administrator's Sale. Will be sold, A T the late residence of William Sanders deccas-1 xSL ed, in the 14th district of Houston county, on j Saturday die 6th day of August next, the personal pro-1 perty of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle, J Hogs, Corn and Fodder. Household Furniture, Farm- GeOT ,T i(l (Jl’ll IDlOI’d COWIltU ing Utensils and many other articles too numerous to i?EREAS Thomas Garrett apples to me for spec,fy for the benefit of the heira. terms made known ^ , dismissoty from the guardianship of on the day of sale. , J; ' 1; , ()ri Hmuekf ' 6 1 * JAtllho \ V • CAISItUiN. (lu/It Tm rpi ,1 P . •. ., *1 1 I If innn 161835 ! I hese are therefore to cite the said Jaclcson Ham- — —!— —— ! mack to be at iny office iu the time prescribed by law Guardian’S Sale. j to shew cause if any he have why said letters should GREEABLE to an order of. the honorable inferi- not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 9th March 1835. 36 WM. H. BROOKS, c. c. n. GLOBE TAVERN, Glinton, Jones County, Ga. T HE Subscribers' (late proprietors of the Clinton Hotel,) tender our thanks to our frieuds and patrons for past encouragement, and respectfully beg leave to aunouuce to the public, that we have removed to the commodious House kuowu as the GLOBE TAVERN, L. WARREN. Charleston, Dec. 20, 1631. The subs.'fiber had for nearly two years a scrofulous ulcer upon .lie knee, covering a surface at times as large as her hand. It was so severe as to confine her to the house nearly the whole of that time. She used many remedies in vain, and began to despair of ever getting relief, when she fortunately tried The Indian’s Panacea, and is happy to state that four bottles healed it entirely, and she hits remained perfectly well to this time, nearly a year. ELIZA STRONG, Gcorge-st. Charleston, July 12, 1831. I was afflicted four years with an ulcer in the leg, occasionally accompanied with erysipelatous inllatn- j mation and excessive pain in the leg and ancle joint. | Several eminent Physicians exerted their skill upon it, Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion. Pearl Powder, p ( Powder Puffs, Preston c-alts, Fink Saucer.- 1 als, Tonquin Beans, Vin de Rouge, Yt■ & Macassar Oil. = ““’fi" DYE STUFFS. Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic. Gaik R, Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, TuruVrir Ground Logwood. 1 5! - MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids. Acoustic i Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated 1 in Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Coh’- ■ Patent Barley, Breastpipes, Brimstone. Cayemiljj,' per, Spanish Saffron, Amnioniaret of Copper V Emetine, Cicnta Plaster, Ext. Aloes. Cincloni (w ocynth, Elaterium, Jalap, Kahincu, Nux Ywi 'u i ‘ or court of Hemy county when sitting for ordina ry purposes, will lie sold on Friday the 27th day ofAn- gusl next, at die late residence of John Barr deceased, a part of tho perishable property belonging to David and John Barr minor orphans of said deceased, consis ting of horses, cattle, hogs, coni, oats, wheat, bacon. Georgia, Crawford county. ~/Hl REAS James S. Jones guardian of Caro line E. Jones, applies for letters of dismission household and kitchen furniture, together with sundry j from bis said guardianship, other articles too tedious to mention, terms of sale made i These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- known on die day of sale. gnlar the kindred &creditorsof said Caroline E. Jones, ELISIIA H. K. M. CUTCHEN, guardian. to he and appearat my office within the time prescrib- Jnly 91835 ' | ed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 12th May, 1835. 45 IV. H. BROOKS, c. c. o. Administrator's Sale. O N the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, will! within the legal hours be sold before the court | bouse door in the town of Hartford Pulaski county, j Lot of Land No. 187 iti the 12th district originally Houston now Pnla-ki county, aa the properly of Carl-, ton Greer late of Marion county deceased, for the ben- efit of the heirs and creditors, lerms made known on the clay ofsale. ROBERT GREER, adm'r. june 24 1635 Executor's Sale. B Y order from the court of Ordinary of Wilkes county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, at the court house iu Hamilton, Harris county, Lot of Land belonging to the estate of Peter Currcy late of Wilkes county deceased, No. 154 in the 19th district of formerly Muscogee now Harris county, sold for the benefit of the heirs, terms made known on the day of sale. une 11 ' WILLIS CURRF.Y. tx r. Fayette Sheriff Sale. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday iu September next, hoforo the court house in Fayetteville, Fayette county, between the usual Hours of sale, 101 j acres being half of Lot No. 139, and 75 acres being part of Lot 150 both in the 4 th district of origin ally Henry n.r.v Fayette county—levied on as the pro- j c ® 8 * ei t perty of Seaborn Pate by an execution in favor of Manson Glass, Elisha Hill, and Asa Hulsey, cointnis- iioners. against Hamlcn I). Matty principal, a jorn rate an*I W m. Pate m ecuritv. 19 acres bein'* Fraction I \’o. 63" 19 do tin “ 47 2024 do Lot “ 33 41J do Fraction « 32 16-4 do do 41 30 2024 do Lot « 43 202-1 do do « 42 202-4 do do •< 29 202.1 do do “ 34 all in the 0th of Fayette county, and 141 acres being traction X\o. 160. 4 acres being fraction 161 both in the 7th district of Fayette county, together with the mills on said Lots —all levied on as the proporty of Alexande r Ware by an execution from the superior court ofJackson coun ty in favor of Wilie \V. Webb vs Green R. Duke, George Shaw, Horatio Webb, Sylvanns Ripley, John Appleby, and Alexander Ware, and Allen Matthews security on the stay of execution, property pointed out bv Giles Mitchell attorney for plaintiff. June 25 ALFRED BROWN, sh'ff. Also. irill he sold as a’loer, One Lot of Land No. 52 in the 4th district ot origin ally Henry now Fayette county—levied on as the pro perty of John Ward by execution in favor of John llutirel) and others, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Virgin Nichols’ and Joseph Rogers’ interest in Lot of Land No. 132 in the 4th di-lrict of originally Henry now Fayette county, by ovoculion from a justices court oi’ Coweta county in favor of Jacob L&-AD Abrams, levied and returned tome hv a constable. June 25 ANDREW McERIDE, d sh'ff Administrator & Guardian’s Sale W ILL he rold on tire first Tuesday in OCTO BER next, at Drayton, Dooly county, the in terest ofJohn H. D. Taylor deceased, also the interest of Noah W. Taylor a minor, in Lot No. 137 in ihe2?th district of originally Lee now Dooly county, sold by order of the court of ordinary of Butts county for the benefit of said minor and the distributees of said de- CIIARLES BAILEY, Adm'r of .John M. D. Taylor deceased, ar.d July 9 Guardian for Noah IF. Taylor. Administrator *S’ Guardian's Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in OCTO BER next, at McDonough Henry county, the interest of John M. D. Taylor deceased, also the inter est of Noah W. Taylor a minor, in Lot No 197 in the 7th district of Henry county, sold by order of the conrt of ordinary of Butts county for tho benefit of said mi nor and the distributees of said deceased. July 9 CHARLES BAILEY, Adm'r of John M. D. Taylor deceased, and Guardian for Xoah IF. Taylor. Executor's Sale. %4t7'ILL be sold in the town of McDonough on the IT first Tuesday in October next, within tht al hours of sa'e, n square 50 acres of Laud situate in the southwest corner of Lot No. 227 in the fid district of Henry comity, sold agreeable to the last will ar tament of John Barr deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, terms mad known on the day ofsale. ELISHA M. K. M. CUTCHEN, tx'r. jnly 9 1835. Georgia, Crawford county. IIEREAS Jones Hicks adm’r and Gracy Hicks adm’x of the estate of Daniel Hicks deceased, late of said county, apply to me for letters of dismission from said estate. These are therefore lo cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said ed to be and appear at my office within the{time prescribed by law to shew cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 17th March 1835 39 ' W. H. BROOKS, c. c. o. fronting the Court-House. Having leased this stand for several years, with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur chasing the property, we rousider ourselves per- maueutly located, and shall continue to improve our accomodatious as tho comfort of customers shall require. Our House is now open for the reception of I which soon became so severe as to prevent my ers. Wo shall at all times taking sufficient food to sustain life. I 1 ron q- Magnesian At?,;-:. . • , . _ , , . bnt without permanent benefit. In this state, five bot- j ii an !i. 1 |; ( v.-deri;m ’ Oniiim * ml./-r< sttuatec. in tho business part of the tr.wu, and j t le 3 0 f The Indian’s Panacea made a perfect cure. j j ron o xvde 0 f i ro „ Tarturiz'd i MARGARET A. WEST, 121, Meetingdst. f Powders, Hamilton’s Elixir, Charleston, Jan. 20, l efiv. English Calomel, Hoffman's Anodyne, Oil’d < This may certify that I was afflicted with a scrofu-1 Hat Cage . iodine, Jujube Paste, jjacturariMn ]■ ions disease forseyeral years, during which time em- cets> Patent Lintj Lupu | inc . Lobelia, Medical T, f ’ ployed several eminent physicians both mPhiladelphia.] Acetateand Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oi j Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Winter^nei and Charleston, and also took several bottles of Stvaim’s Panacea, but all without permanent benefit. During the last winter I was taken with an ulcerated Travellers or Boarders endeavor to keep such a House, as will ensure public patronage; and we hope to afford such ac commodations as will prove satisfactory to those who call on us. Tho usual great promises of good TABLES, BARS, &c. we think unnecessary to particular ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro vers, readily furnished. WOOD & WEEKES. January 20, 1834 19 * tf D AVID B. BUTLER ESQ. is my profession agent at all times when I am absent from Macon Mr. Butler will be found at the M. & F. Ins. Bank, april l-ly-41 EDW. D. TRACY THE SUBSCRIBER H AS removed his office to the room over Patrick & Martin’s Store, at the corner of Cherry and Second streets. feb 23 . 36 Charles j. McDonald «k^HEREAS Bryant Bateman applies to me for If letters dismissoty from the administration of Jesse Mills deceased, These are therefore, to cite and admonish all I and singular, ihc kindred and creditors of said de ceased, lo be and upper, at my office within the time jin scribed by laic, to shew cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 9th March 1835.' • WM. H. BROOKS, c. c. o. Georgia,— Coweta County. W HEREAS Column H. Ballad Administrator on the estate of William Bewen deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said estate. Hiesc are. therefore to cite and admunish all and singu lar the fdndred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office vi hin the time jtrcscribed by laic, to show cause ij any they have, why said Utters should nut lie grit ‘it'll. Given under n:v hand and seal at office this 6th March, 1635. 36 DAVID M06ELY, c.c. o. Henry Sheriff Sale. B EFORE the court house iu McDonough Henry county, on the lir.-t Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours, will he sold Lot of Land No. >1 in the I2th district of Henry county—levied on as the property of Nicholas E. Pyle to satisfy two li fits from a Justice’s court of Ilcnry county," one founded on in attachment in favor of James aivl Lovick P. Allen against Nicholas E. Pyle, the other in favor of Janies A Lovick P. Allen against Nicholas E Pyle and James B Pyle garnishee, proper ty pointed out by plaintiff, levy made and returned to me hv Nathaniel C. Adamson, a cou-table. Lot No. 243 in the 12th district of Henry county containing 202$ acres more or lo levied on as the property of Lemuel Wilkorson to satisfy sundry fi fa- issued from a justieo’s court in Campbell county in fa vor of A. Spencer A: Co. vs the .-.nd Lemuel Wilkerson, le . v made and returned to me by a con-ta ble. ' JAMES LOVE,sh'ff. jnlv 1 ls;;r, O Carroll Sheriff Sale. the first Tuesday in AUGU.ST next lic- Mteen the lawful lionrti-of -ale in Canolton Carroll County,-before tho Court House door, will be sold tiie following property to wit: On-; hay horse ami Saddle—a. th- property of Sam uel Ifarcrow to satisfv two ii fas from the superior court of -aid county in favor of the. officers of said court o said Ilarcrow, property pointed out by John Long. may 21 DUDLEY AYRES, D. sh’ff. Also on the first Tuesday in September nest. Lot of Laud No. 154 in the 6tit district Carroll aslhe properly of Valentine Itowull to satisfy a li fit from a justice s court of Monroe county iu favor of John 1). Chappelfor the use of Simeon Taylor v-said Burnett, fery made and returned to me by a constable, june 27 ISA AC’ E. COBB, sh'ff. Administrator's Sale. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in October next, by order ofthe inferior court of Houston county when sitting for ordinary purposes, before the court house door of Scriven county, about 220 acres of oak and hickory Land belonging to the estate of William S. Branson deceased, adjoining lands of the estate qf Thomas Telfair deceased, of the estate o 1 ' William W. Oliver deceased, and George Pollock, all lying in said county of Scriven, about seventy acres of said land cleared. Also, at the same time and pln< e will be -old about oOacrcsofpine land.adjoining lund- of George Pollock &. William W. Mixon, all lying iu Scriven county, and belonging to the estate of said deceased. To he sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors—-Terms on the day. THOMAS POLLOCK. Adm'r. SARAH BRUNSON, Admr'x. July 20. 4 Administrator Sale. H fc Y order of the Inferior Coart, when sitting for 9 9 ordinary purposes for Houston county—will be sold before the Coart House door in Perry on th. first Tuesday inNovembernext, 150acres oflandbeing a part of lotof land No. 55 in the 11 th district of Hons* ton county, belonging to the estate of Henry Rogers, deceased. To I.-' sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors—Terms made known 0 „ ||, P day. DAVID ADAMS, Adm'r. Jin y 20 1835. 1 Georgia, Pike county. W HEREAS Wiley M. Brooks guardian of Elbert .J. and Eliza Brooks, orphans of Samuel M. Brooks deceased, applies to me for dismission, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the persons concerned, to be at my office within the time prescribed bv law to shew cause if any they have why the said \Viley M. Brooks shall not be dis missed from said guardianship. Given under mv hand at office this 1st ApnlJSB- 42 ' II. G. JOHNSON, c. c. o. Georgia Houston County. W HEREAS Shadrack Dennard applies for tet ters of administration on the estate of John Dennard, deceased. These are therefore to cite and aduionUh all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased and all other persons concerned, to be and app« ar at inv office within the tim ? prr-crilied by law, and shew cause if any they have; why the said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand the 20tli day of July, 1835. CHARLES H. KICK, C. C. O. LEONIDAS FRANKLIN, Attorney at law, W ILL practice in the courts of the South ern Circuit generally; in the counties of Lee and Sumter of the Chattahoochee Circuit, and in Bibb and Houston of the Flint. lie will attend strictly to all business entrusted to his care, letters &c. must be directed to him atHawkins- ville, Pulaski county, Georgia. ' april 2-41 PRIVATE BOARDING. Eight or ten Gentle men will bo accommodated as day- boarders, by applying to Mrs. Ann Wyche, immediately over the Store of T. T. Wyche & Co. april 2 41 fainting/ House and Sign Painting, GILDING, GLAZING, IMITATIONS OF WOOD AND MARBLE, &c. &c. T HE above business in all its branches will be conducted under the superintendance of Mr. JOHN BATTON by the subscriber, who having se veral superior workmen, will execute work on very- reasonable terms and in a style and neatness surpassed by none in the State. "Orders for work will receive prompt attention upon application either to Mr. Batton or myself. Wm. G. BROWN. Macon, feh 8 1835 34 remained in this situation several days, emaciated, and threatened with absolute anil unavoidable starvation—when,'as a last resort, I had recourse to The Indian's Panacea, anil found from it almost immediate relief, recovering so rapidly that in four weeks I found myself quite well, as I have remained ever since. ANDREW COZIER, King-st. A colored woman, belonging to Mr. Adam Tunno, Charleston, was affected for nearly two years with a distressing pain in her head, accompanied with ulce ration in her nostrils, and a constant discharge of very offensive matter from her nose. She was entirely re lieved by taking two bottles of The Indian’s Panacea. Putnam Co. Ga., 1834. This may certify that I have been afflicted with the liver complaint these five years ; that I have been doc tored for it by several of jur best physicians without effect; and that I was cured by taking nine bottles of The Indian's Panacea, with some other little mercurial pills, directed by our doctor. P. JOHNSON. For sale by J. II. & W. S. ELLIS, feh 23 35 Cotton Avenue. Macon. Sl RURAL NOTICE. T HE subscriber has been appointed agent for the application of Stagner’s Patent Truss, in the county of Bibb. He may be at al! times consulted j (when net professionally engaged) at his office on Mul berry street. Persons affected with Hernia would do well to make early application. 1 Macon, june 8 ly 51 WM. B. BALL PAINTING. H OUSE Painting, plain ami ornamental, cither in tile city or country. Chairs repainted and ornamented. Lookingglass or picture frames gilded or bronzed. Signs painted, and Fancy painting of various des criptions will be done bv applying to " J. H. & W. S. ELLIS. Cotton Avenue. Mixed Paints of every color on hand, jan 8-29 w po APPLICATIONS. II K months after date application will he made to the honorable inferior conrt of Bibb count- when silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to scl; Lot ot Land No. 95 in the fourth district of llousi- u county, now. lying in the county of Bibb, belonging a part of the children ofthe subscriber, some of w horn are minors, and of whom the subscriber is guardian. nine 12 1635 52 JAMES HEARD. I jTOl’ft inoiiihs after dale application will he made to the court of Ordinary for I’psoii county, for leave to sell Fractions Nos. 165, 186,209,210. and 211 in the sixteenth district of formerly Houston now Up son county; also Imt No. SI in the 7 th district of lor* ineriy Baldwin now Bibb county, all belonging to the estate of I). F. Millin_ may 4 1835 46 dcce-i D. WALKER. Kir in right of his wife. Georgia Houstyn County. T’HBEEAS Thomas Pollock and Jane Wiley, pplii- - for letters of adminittration, on the es- ■ 'te of William ‘.Viley, deceased. i'htse are therefore to rile nn,l admonish all c.ntl :-in.'til u llu kindied and creditors of said deceas ed lo be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to shew ceruse ifeny they have why saidItltersthould not he granted. Given under mv hand at office. July 20th 1835. j: 11A H. It ICE, C. C. (J. Georgia, Coiccta county. HERE AS A. B. Calhoun ppplies for ters >f :ulministration on the estate of Wm. 6eott late of said county deceased, These arc therefore to cilt and admonish all and n.gular tin kindred arid creditors of saiddecias- ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, 1 iiven and u uv band at office, ibis 12th j4ly, 1635. 1 " WM. NIMMONS, n. c. c. o. w A NOTICE. LL person having . iaitiis against the late firm of Kimberly md Chisholm w ill hereafter present • in lor p meal :i> Mr. Anson Kimberly, who accor- •i ng to a decree of a special jury of the last superior ■ has been compelled 'o receive the assets and be line individually respousdde fob all the demands due v s. -il roneerr. 31. CHISHOLM. .Macon. June 1 1835 12t 51 *'#'1II Copartnership heretofore existing under the 3 firm of Russell Ot Dickinson was |,v agreement ■i-solved on the 16tlt mst. The business will hereafter be conducted by Edmund Russell as usual, to whom ill notes and accounts due the late concern can he paid n all claims will I e settled as they mav ma- ■ ml by whom i Macon, April 22d. THE UNDERSIGNED H AVE this day entered into copartnership in the Drug Business, and will conduct the name un der the firm of Shotwell, Brown A Co. (at the old stand of Ellis, Shotwell & Co.) and intend keeping a constant supply of Drugs, Jledicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Shop Furniture, Sec. &c. Orders coming to the house will meet with prompt attention. JACOB SHOTWELL, HARVEY SHOTWELL, WM. G. BROWN. Macon, jane 11835 51 NOTICE. Stolen from the subscri ber’s lot, near Lewis Davis' in this coun ty, on the upper road leading from Cal houn’s Ferry to Macon, on the night of the 14th inst. a small BAY MARE, the description of which is, as well as can he recollected, as follows: she was at the time taken in tolerable order, having a blaze in her forehead, blind in her right eye, paces mostly in riding, limps in he-right hind leg onstarting in consequence of the spavin, and is supposed to be 12 or 14 years old. Any information of the above-des cribed animal will be thankfully received and reasona ble compensation made if required. Written inteMi- gence addressed to me at Hopewell, will come to hand immediately. june 20 1 JACOB MOFFIT. FOR SALE, M Y House and Lot in tiie city of Macon, near the river, and fronting on Fourth street, sence apply to C. B. Colo Esq jnno 16 52 In my ab- ROBERT COLEMAN. Notice. M R. GEORGE B. CARIJART will act as mva- gent during my absence from the State, june24-10w-53 J. GODDARD. NOTICE. B EING desirous of settling up mv old business, I respectfully request those indebted to me on last year’s account, to call and settle the same. WM. G. BROWN. 51 EDMUND RUSSELL, SAM’L F. DICKINHON, 44 niacon june 11835 T HE effects ofthe late firm of Kimberly & Chis holm having been turned over to the subscriber, the same are put into the hands of E. D. Tracy and (i. Wood Esqrs. for adjustment. Those having settle ments to make will therefore call on those gentlemen for the purpose, as no other person has any right to givo discharges or receive balances. ANSON KIMBERLY. . Macon. May 27,1835 6mn 5.0 SURGICAL NOTICE. A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE HERNIA, (or RUPTURE,) EFFECTED BV THE APPLICATION^OF DR. STAGNER'S PATENT TRu» R OBERT W. STEW ART informs the citizens of Baldwin, Twiggs, Bibb, Crawford, and Hous ton counties, who are subjects of the above disease, that he will succeed E. M. Pendleton, who has remo ved to Charleston, S. C., in the application of Dr. Stagner’s Patent Truss. In all cases when a cure is not effected no remune ration will be required. The fact, that many cures having been effected in the county of Warren) from whom certificates have been exhibited, together from all the Physicians in the above county, render any thing further unnecessary to be said at this time. ltobt. W. Stewart may be seen and consulted at Brown’s Hotel, Jlilledgeville, from the Gth to the 14th instant; in Macon, at Dr. Ball’s office, till 21st inst.; in Knoxville, Crawford county, till 26th instant; in Perry, Houston county, till 31st instant; then in Ma rion, Twiggs county, till 5th March ensuing, then to Milledgevule again. He expects to continue the same round during the winter and spring months, and at tend regularly at tiie same time and place ; any- altera tion in the above will he made public. feh 12 4835 36 WM. G. BROWN H AS just received,— 20lbs. Gum Myrrh No. 1, superior, 10 do Lobelia Iuflata, 1 do Boneset, do Bayberry pulv. do Goldey Seal, Anil will keep a constant supply of Herbs. &c., ge nerally used in the Howard and Thompsonian prac tice.—jan 32-tf DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Cottos Avenue, Macox. II. & W. S. ELLIS, having taken the Drug Store formerly occupied by Dr. Win. B. Bail and Mr. F. S. Johnson, intend keeping a general as sortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Ac. Families, Physicians, -Merchants, and Planters may | depend upon having their orders or prescriptions filled in the best manner and ofthe host materials. Particular pains will he taken to have on hand med icines ofthe very best quality. Just receiving and an hand Patent medicines, Per fumery. Surgical Instruments, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Garden Seeds, &c. &<:. Jan 1 1635—28 J. F. F. LEWIS, MSRCHAHT TAZLOR, H AS token the .stand a few doors above the Clo- thiug Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mulberry- street where he continues to carry on the Tailoring business. He assures all those who may favor him with their custom, that their work will "be done at tin shortest notice, and in the best manner. He hason hand a supply of the best materials in his line, consisting of CLOTHS, Bl ue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green, &c. CASSI.MERES,—A good assortment. _ VBS'TXWGS, A good variety of the best quality. Petersham, and a complete assortment of TAIL O R' S TRIMMINGS. He respectfully solicits a share of the public pat ronage. Macon, Oct 30 1834—24y neca. Denarcotised and Powdered Opium. rus, Piperine, Pocket Instruments. Hydriodue d j y-muriate of Potash, Potter’s Catholicon, Liqnoroff tash, Dragon’s Blood. Seatons, Stooghtun’i F). Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rhnbarbarir.e. 6 cine, Sanford’s Piarlc, Luc Sulphur,- Syrup .if wort, One Stethoscope, Swann’s Panacea, ."’tV— Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colefdcnro V.'j. ofColchicum, Trusses, Turbith Root, While HeHcboti Co'.chicum Seeds, Acetate <T Colchicum. Arcimi* Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent 'i t . dicines. and all others in common use, Garden Scah and Shop Furniture, for Physicians.— ALSO, Couching, Cupping, and small Sealing In?inuri n', and one second hand set of Amputating ami Ti< i i, -. ing Instruments. April 29 45. EXCHANGE OFFICeT" J D. BRERS, J. R. ST. JOHN & CO. • have opened an office in Marou.iitl Countiug Room recently occupied by Mran. Hamilton $,• liars, (opposite Huson’s Taven and aro prepare- to transact the Exchange Bt siness in all its branches. CHECKS, A t sight, or on time, on N. York, Philadelphia, Fayetteville, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta, Milledgeville, Columbus, Mobile, New-Orleans. United States Bank Notes for i Advances will lie made on Cotton after to nolil or to ship to Savannah, Citailrsion ir New York. Macon. Nov. 2b 10 B&ABTks.” C MONSTANTLY for bale, at the Telegraph C; J a general assortment of Blanks,—amung ATTORNEY’S BLANKS. Declarations—Assumpsit, “ ■ Case, “ Debt, Commission for Interrogatories, Attorney’s License. SOLICITOR GENERAL’S BLANKS. Indictment fur Assault and Battery, Bench Warrants. CI+ERK’S BLANKS. Executions, L’o for Cost, Subpoenas for Witnesses, License for Retailing, Marriage License. SHERIFF’S BLANKS. Deeds for Land, Bills of Sale /'or Negroes, Grand Jury Summons, Petit Jury Summons. . ORDINARY BLANKS. Administrator’s Letters and Bond, Guardian's do do Temporary Letters and Bond. Warrant of Appraisement, Letters Testamentary. JUSTICE’S & CONSTABLE’ Executions, Do for Cost, Do for Military fines, Summonses. Bail Warrants, Bail Bonds, Garnishments, Attachments. MISCELLANEOUS BLANKS. Deeds, Powers of Attorney, Notes. Gamuts, Boat Receipts, Deeds for Justice’s Inferior Court. &c. kc feb 26 1855 36 blanks FOR SALE THE two story frame D" L IIOL’SE on .Second Street, '°r« occupied hv Air. Isaac Harvey- quire at this office. 48 MAHOGANY For Sale by WOOD & CAMP, A GOOD assortment of 1J, 2,24 inch Plank for Stair Railing, Balusters, also a good assortment of Table Stuff and Veneers of most kinds. Macon, Mav ‘J5>. 1835-49 NO TICE.—In my absence from the State, HORACE FITCH will act as toy ageni. LEWIS FITCH. mav 11 1835 45 -—-, We are authoris'd j - ' announce l)r. A31BR061- b 'J' as a candidate for a seat in tl* *; eXtlAe*’* Julv 7 fork'd branch ofthe lie: for Bihh county h(H s July 7 Mr. Editor : T HROUGH the many solicitations I tort* become a candidate for the ii'-xt I-*’? 1 ' have consented to have mv name announced a-' didate to represent this county in the Senatorial > ofthe next Legislature. WM. B- ’ - june 17 1835 52 We aro authorised^ announce LEWIS LAW * .{ candidate for a seat ill the J _ . Representatives of the next ture. —'' We are authoris^ 1 say that SAMUEL 1$ 1 ILiV ' be a candidate for the f!ep rr branch in the next Legis!atin^_-^' * ~ KiYP flOfl**' initiations lor Bibb countj . * nated HARMON H. HOWARD candidate for Sheriff- .— We are nuthori-‘ e ^ announce GEORGE W® ’’ « d didate for Sjierift’of Bibb the ensuing election- The Committee!