Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, September 10, 1835, Image 1

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INDISTINCT COPY MACO.X, Georgia, TlilRSD.lY, SEPTEMBER !0 : IS:* jn^IA 'YlH £22 &£l APH : runLisiiKii kvkuv TiirnsnAV, ^7' ,1/D G.Y. 6’ I. • Office iin S' c ni 7 Street—m.r/ door , \\fastian A MotC* Hotel. fS.-T« r.i:is DnjuiaARs o yenr. it’paid i or Four. Dbi.i.Atts. If oot paid before th B year. Snl>-cribers living at ;i distune quirM ill all rases to pay in advance, n IMpfirdiscomi m.•.!, Ini* at the di-ere •L GODDA RD, OCJlULGEl STEAM BOAT ; 3&acoxu 6a. Gommission Merchant, rgifii at the Countin'; ltopmTdr- .( G. .V Co. whore lie will ! ndvances oil consignment or shipped to Savannah, MACON STEAM BOAT Company. itA ■ company will be prtjiared to cojtnnonce bu- i --. rally in die next sea-oil—They will have ; f Packets between -Jfpw York. and Darien and j Carols i a forward g.»<;.!■,-from I/arion to Macon ' L«ehtsin N-iv York. Charleston,«a4 Savannah, authorised to contract Tar the delivery of goods •on. at a freight agreed oil without iofcrine.ii- geundth? , u! in Macon will ireeive cotton 1 >!cin Sa\annali,-Chari ston. and Nfu York— ipnuy's vc '-el- mi-1 boats. v. iJl lie of lirsf class jenenci.! conminn.Vrs. ami no expense will be n meet the patronage ofthe puhlic. Bar; U. YQNG1: & sons, Agentsin Darien. ■ut of DRUGS one door below m ill soli at mo ived a large asso 1NES, at the St JkwmIhv, wide l v oecup to hnk < 'otion or New Auralia Stn>n1 Premium, a. . . PAINTS, d, IletLLea.L "Black Lead, litharge. Y«r<b tic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown, lur, Stone Ochre, Umber, V enetion Red, , ItosCpink, Terra do Siouna, Veinrillion, Hue, Chhnni*!! water colaunt. - . : OILS, and Train Gils, and Spts. , yupil, Japan, Coach, Leather, At Fiittre ithilB L. iu gnx.Chrons '.Yellow Ocli J,ampl>Inck, RINi Sehr. I). lJrCnuie, Q Baker, y AH i • \ ! • - ■ i • '■■■•■.. t i the trado.wi:!: gc*r..l aeco.uimodat' ft$ fbVptBitti&gcrs. an.I experienced conn, audtnv. One of tLe'ye-. els x. d! i.1- v.u, - i;-t at e..ei. . tfi Lire !. " civ at!" will sail regularly .hc<j a \v« k. S hipyevsX-y the-line f . lit c! !t ill tJK • it *;■. •• eighths per : id •- m i • rHy njion the vessels itch* ' Th ■ - i rihe> - ..' ■ aha agents f.-r • . -i .1 '•i.eimb. • to i: a r. - daily dnrii ' the be: ’ ■ : between D v..: in-V!’.-*. n:t I mlu< ►-.! p, b< ii. ve th tr th< y <• hi rive ..-rat is. : it:- - • •warding g cods’ destined for ti:-- interior ofthe State. . iriwi'.s & :ifflSc>JELL Agent?. 1 •ic.tttowl dgemeuls fortue libera patronu.-.-tk t ! have received from the merchants ami their friends, &. ; ""ould s,Jicit- u continuance of it, which they hope,to • nyrit by prompt attention to ail cotton or :;notL j shipped hv the Lift*. In addition to the St* .unheal f \- i eel and their tow boats now in use, i ('be Company have now building a new Steamboat, '•"h .. !. new tow boats. n)l of the be.-t materials and e'are-dy adapted to the- navigation of the 1 Icimilrtv | RliJ A! ■ > ' l... i . ers. Thc-se im-raased faculties will t.iitord the Compauyathe ntaarts of giving despatch to ■gomls intcnJeil for the interior, and will duceinents fpr’hierchants west of the Ocmolgee river to ship their goods by; the way of T> u h-’t and M < -on. There arc 5 fiist rate Puckoti miming regularly be- tuyonNeiv York and Darien, which come to Hawes aeon Steamboat iciness aWto.iJnce Dr. \.t as.. ramlidate for tonal brimvn of th for Hihh enmity mivsiu'S. Tlesh,Hair. >1 t • 'ruirtitig, Van::4i,Fnn • l’aiut,-Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sw ting, \ r elvet, Wfitiev. ;,sli, Clut!n>, Horse PERClTMKliY. < i.e. R .Honey, Florida, Lave-'-xk ! jHOWMtvWalSk .'Aromatic* Vinegar, D*a;‘ ’ j Oi!,A:hloiimi Tootl: Wash, C«ay> i ; x>a Shillingfc'caps, WaihAltdle,• Drop t.ako, !'and. Cpdrat, Diirait de Meil t 'lake Powder; GrrigRpot, Milk of Roses. Oils- July 7 rwfil are tiulhori ed in sa ' y will contiiino Jo he a nil the fust Tuesday in Octi Dnrien. 1st July, 181k') ‘d COM31 ISSiOA } s fJSIA ihS$ : Jkt Savi Oct, (1111 under.igned have resumed business a; hove^ ::3u will as heictofura nay prompt •>! tiun to all bu-hf entrusf .1 to tirrirt are. Vv'e heii we have made arrangements that will enable-'i:? ;< time- to fi'rwhrd goods for the ini.trior with the 1 ! po-Mlth* delay, by steamboats when die river will inir. or in extreme low river by bniau flats pr light built rxpr. =slv for that Ini.'-inese. On <rur v rfet are ! >rge Sioiehoitses. on!, nhted foi the stotif.g ot toil at lb-' .1 ; pos.'ihh* extn me. ' :. i our o; portuui to fortvarit cpUoti iiihuul or coastwise, are not exet ed bva.uv ether Douse. IIAWES *'■ -MITCHKL1 D irie?!. Mur chi. ir-15. 10 niinoiince l...\i D LAWalUs, cnndulatc for a seat in th • I loin Reprcscntativ cs of the next l.e; ttu-o.. AND busi w, THE -ahscriher begs. . u.c to in- _■> .3f Ibrin his friends and Ulo puhlic.tha; iio '■ rotitiinl..— •!. V • I II-in- " ill a 1 its . I|. . it i.i •- 1.1 tan i h ad of i In rn sin t am! <bitt-'.u .V.entie,' a* offer ail the usual Ihcilitics in l.o-iness. Iiy liberal advances on produce stored withiiioi, i :ii> *ii' ! • hi. : ■ i;. 1 - in e-.\ Hineii. t'h nles- > iv Ye:i > n V. Ifoit- ; , emneni and saf. :y. are Kissed lev any in thtf city, should addi- itmty he ivijiiircd. in urnnee can he i Keeled at u rale. 'I'iie sul; erihers umlivide.; attention levoted to the above kusinessj he tie.refore receive a portion of public patronage. , u-r i i.u r a v I gAGIt transportation to ami from .lacon. is now in JS? coiliph t. order. A >tije*;\;.r n .v Semm 1 t . idled “David Crockett” with two powerful Engines, and siiver d first rate freight boat i have been built since the elo-e of the last season and placed on the line. Sti itr/i lloat Pioneer, i 'apt. Goodtrin, “ “ Danirl Crockett^ “ AT Comtek, wiU ply ly hi'tWeen Darien and ' Macon, one of j them leaving Darien ahou; once a Week with freight j boat. in iov.. 3oa,l ' and Mitchell, tha agents for the Mi Company. • ' .Agents far the chore ndat. T ' J. GODDA : !!ai.s?.t. Co. S ivaini di. Hawks A: .'IiTcnEi-r.. Darien. Gro. K. tJoanp.Ts. Ifawkinsville, Borer:, !!r,nv A ’lYA -.-rcR, Charle pl ’. 'On. 'ibth June, 18oo 53 , Wo iut‘ nittiir i>t’ say tfuiiSAMU; 1. D- nl'XTI Jjf? a fnr the nepro^f tie\! f lunkm, (tuiitU'O of .\o [br-Bibb coiini.y, have linmi i.itit.N ii. n<m* , .. - te \ i medicines.- j .Veetie. Citric. Oxalic A-’other At.ids, .V-'-uusUe < . j Aleohol, Nitrate of Ammonia. Com i n'ran 1 i*.m for ) Ann.ion'ii, Atkinson'.-. Depitat •:y. Bairn pf Ce'.iu’id ! Patent Barley, lirerstpipcs. lirimslon. . ( a\ .10 ■ 1'i p | per, Spanish SaftVon. Ammoniarcf oft ■ * j •: • > ■ c'-aj Erne lice', (Meats I’hi.-.fet, Ext. Aloes. < *ii C«L ocynthj Llatcrium, Jalap, Kahinca. Nux Yomiea.Rhu- l.arb, Rhatiinia. Lead. Savin. Sars iparilla & Cube!.- Dandelion. Valeria-.). f *pi;t..i di ofht-tv. Pkosphatt ot Iron, Red Oxjdo of Iron. T trtari/'d l*<.n'Ac. t.n i. i Powders. Humtlt&rs lilarr, ut.r^ncsmn At" i. tit; English Calomel, IIotTfuai. - Autidyu:*. 'QiV«t Si] . or Hat CaseJ Iodine, Jujuho I*ast**, Lac i:i .in Ivin- cets, Patent Lint, Lttpnline. Lobelia, Medic: 1 ." j. Aceir.te and Sulphate of Morphia, Mimtaid. Oils of Cutaway, Cbpaixm, Croton Fenm.-i, H iutcrgrc-n, Se- live.i, Denarcolise'l and Powdered Opium. Pho-pho- rus^Piperiiie. Peeki t {r.-i; i-.iuents. Ilydriodap A Oi y-mnfiateof Potr.sii, Poltgr’s Catholieon, Li.jVor ofPo-‘ ta.di, Druftou’s Blood, 'Svatens. Hloughtotvs Elixir, -Sfrych).i«.*, Powdered Valerian, Rhul a.i-..rii;.-, tSah- cino. Sanford’s Bari:. Lav Sulphur, Syr:;) of l.ixer- worr, ()ue St> tho. cope, Swaimus I’anac. -i ;. eicilitx I’cv.-der a Tai.!t..:tnls.- Tiie.'tnrc of Cblghict-.m AY me ofC, ' 'iivuni. Trit cs. Thrbi'i; Root, Whit - Hellehorei Col.'.h um Seeds, A", tale ■ i' Caleb -mn. Aromatic Carbonate nfAmmoni.; an .-la■■•rtiv..of,Patent-Me- dicities, undall oth"r. in . oimnea u.-v, Harden Seeds, ' c are authorised to announce rffcORGP WOOD 6 '-an- didnte/or Shcritl ol'Uibh County at .the ensuing election. ’ q__ MYIUCK, NAPIER dc rUEF.- arfli-■ l f> -M.\N, will bo thankful for ull favors g ea I- in tin: ahov* lint iiusincs.s, mmiifes- ic in i tjra.r - ^ led either i.*i shipments of Merchan- ! di friends & acquaintance.-. ; t J consignments of Cotton from the plunteror cotton dea- .. | ' r, it .inter.' to sell or Im\ cotton in this market,— - to T i: ir ''* r,re 1 '" !| se is conveniently situated to the Bu-' ’ siness part ol Eei city. Liberal advances will he made | upon tiie proditr e ofoW eountiy. 'I si' 'now offering ; large a-sortnient of s asnn- t Dry Goods, of newest style and fashion. Their- ; k of Hardware is extonsivp, and well adapted to its of the country. Their assortment of Groceries erv gdoif. among wliicli will ho found. Choice Madeira, Port, Claret, Muscat, and Cham- paigno IVincs Retd Londo.i I’orter Ga'rdcn Lemon ami Raspberry Syrup Butter. Soda, and Wine Bi-ctiit Rea! Siicnn Candles Baldwin's Tallow do Loaf and Lump Sugars White Ilavanna do Superior Spanish and American Scgnrs urge supply of Sugar. CotTL-e, Molasses, Cotton ging. Bale Ropo, Twin:*, etc. &c icon. Jnlv ■; ! 3m d i AGIiNCY A NI> COMUI^SLOxA /A IJA RIB S T HE undersigned return-; his thanks to ins friends r >: ■■■■• liberal support which he lias heteiofore ,.-.i from them i:i t! -.hove line of business, and olieits a coritir.riiince ofthaii patr n.age. His urrauge- nents for combi-- ov Dm-ineSs, and pane iilarly in ei- ing despatci) in rtceivlHg and fere, iriiinp pioduee A nerchandizeam: protecting .hem v bile fit his charge, re at least equal to the e of any oth. rs it> hisiwie, lie fill spend the in and in the vieinity ol Darien, nd any buriue. addre . ;ed to him will feceive htspe-r orial and prompt attention. •. p arc antlion.'Pt! to anjiouttve JOHN Sl^'L -'H K as a candidate for-lieritr of lii.Jj county attlie onsiung etection. ' j.-; EO'.VAUD C. Bi i:- Kl.ilY is ti cai5diii.itix.ror re-clrfctiou to the oRive of Clerk, of the ItVorior ■ • y ax— m * *' tk&s&M COM M! SION BUSIN ESS. v vn II . iiieiei' .gnod-have eutcrod into ii co-partu r- :■ - : p i >r tii • Ii u: a* ti ; i of ... ii-.i 1 ! M I -■ ii,. mi ne :h.d style of Fort, IfumiJtc-.i A Wiley tin'll w ill be m itiaged and directed by if. V>’. Fort A i,.' II. \Yi!ey. The Ware House & Cominis-ini Be sine.-a under til*! name .ind «yle of Ilatuilfou, Jlayes <S (’■>. and Vfil be man iged and conducted iislntherut by E. Hnituilton an I John- R. -Hayes—'The un.!. !-ire: ,! re- spev’.fnllv ■ elicit for each estahlblimctit n share of pub lic petruli: < r this count)- We are uuthoriseil to iiommncc. JACOB .JOHNSON as a cittld'date fjlt Receiver' of T iv Rb , turus for llihb county at the tn-'.iing oDcitotl.-' . -- -'' - ; j gxy-.U JA I B. JOH AN A a caudidivio for Rocciverof Tn.Yltefttrns Ibs'.Bil* county. • A JOHN T. ROW1.AND. HoJ.IT'iUBK; Peck & Co. E. P. Butts,-,. A. T. Ko-.vl v. n. ’> B H 1-: d. Macon, 'x.vv. IS'1.S34 —2d Charleston, Snvtuinali, Darien llawkiniville. RGBT. IV. FORT E. IIAMILT 1 L. It WILEY. J.Vi. if. DAY: -. NEW iSPRlNil CLOT MIN Hats, Shoes, *S‘C- n O K. A ij S £? I T C IE IT iiio.v oiiening at the Mneon Clotbin'g ' tore, a new .6i. aud iKiiidsome assortment of the above good.- con- si-ting in part of tab following: Thibet cloth Dress Coats, Frock Coats, and Coatees ihi rtish Crape Cainblet jo -do do B.j:Ub.w.iiie do do do Circassian "do do do Brown. A. grass Linen do do do i IunfinxCoat*. white &. brown Linen JacketSDiraisdo Finelilk, brown, £ green Bombazine Pantaloons Kig.Instruujchts iting and Trenhin- Couching, Cuppin. and one second hand ing Irstriimouts. April 20 GOOD WARE HOUSE 3 And j ORANGE VOWDEll. ■J 1 KVM.< David R- _-crsV-ekbra'-.-d Orang. .I M 1’ouder 5 keys do. do in effhist Will he sold cl.ea)) and oti a consignment, by ' v juuo J8:Jo Fd) DRAGS' & ?'ilT?)triN r ES, Paints, Oils, jfrye Stuffs, ? Cotton Avksdk, MiCOIl. ’ W II. d W.‘ S..ELLIS, havui^tiiken the'Dr s Store formerly C' oupied by Dr. WnV. B. B.d and ?,fr.”F. 8.^ Johnson, intend keepin. a aer.i i. . •jrtm-. iit of Drugs. Medicines, Pah;', t Vi;.-. Families’, Physicians, Ttlerchuitts, ana. Plant)-is n dci»endtipon haviltg their orders or presrrip tioit^diiee in the,best manner and ofthe best materials. Partictdar pains-will be.taken to Iiavc on hami med icines ofthe very best quality. Just receiving and on hand Patent medicines, Per fumery,' Surgical Instruments, Paints Oils Window Glass, Garden Seeds, hv r. 0. C. Tun I T*W» — rr. of superior quality, ong credit, to close the, REA & COTTON. ratHE undersigned have associated With themselves 1^-4-^.. ■ '>T,b-,- W ■ P"T». and Laird H. Wiley, and will henceforth conduct said hnsiuessnnderthe name and style of Hamilton, Hayes xfc Co. They will occupy the same extensive and se cure -Ware House, situated near the riverand wilfex- tond to their friends and patrons the same faeilities in business that they have hitherto done, aud promise an equal degree of attention to the interest of those -who may favor them with their business. They respectfully tendor to their former friends and pat rons their grateful thanks- for past favors and solicit for the new concern a continuation of tho same. E. HAMILTON, JNO. R. HAYES.- Jufy 23d, -I 6m Crape Cambist ' . do Whita and brown Linen do Wilite and brown Drilling do Pongee' aud Lasting do ', Priuces-Cord aud Silk Drill do Thibi-1 Cloth and Crajib Drill do Mamo Cassimerc and. Nankin *. do Ruoian Cusimere and Satin • do Diagonal Drill d° Cloth and C.issiinere , do Saiiuetl and Cord do Linen and CV'ton Shirts ol every variety and -quality { III) STOCK CONSISTS, IN PART, Of TUB rpI.f.OWING t • Super Snxouy, Blue, Black ami Fancy "Coloicd Broad Cloths lliiio, ltlaek. Mixed and Fancy colored SalinctLs tluglish iMoriuoea Duflle, Point and!Roso Blankets _ ’ v’ •Hcsrlcl, 'Crimson, Grccii and V; bile Flannels Printed Salshuiy ‘*°- Catuoii ami Siix«iuy end Gauzo do ’ IJitmnsk. Table -Diaper*. Y Minis F.yo nml.Russia do" Scotch ’ do Black. Blue and coloured Bomhnzettcs do do do Circassians Wgrp f’lollis 1,inset.s . . . . i Bfcacin d and Lubleachcit Sliti tings & bheettugs 'H.vniltou Jeans - i 151t;t«k Italian l.ustirng do pros dt- .'■tvisS <lo t! • No t des do do Jlciliu dof .Sitiriicivs aii't! Sarsaucts Crockett’s Life J>v hini?elf, " Crockett's Tour jo.-:n East,' . Fiinny Kemble’s Join nal, Memoirs Vhlocq, celebrated Thiof Catcher. The Bashful Iii-hmau, Also, Various Miscellaneous Works, Blank Boo &ci just received and for safe bv may28 4B _ J- H. .v \\ . S. F.I.LIS BACON! ! CJ mi Fla J it. t re- . ittd, l *sP 13 Do. io arrive in 8 nr to .lay-s. 'For on ac: .nuiuodiitin - t.-rnis, July 22<l. I-1 REA A COTTON. I. SURC J V. i L \ OTH E. A CEnTAlS CVP,E FOR THE ; HERNIA, (on RUPTURE,) i KPrECTf.D BY TJI>: APPI.fCAT!«»N Or | DR: RTAGXEJVS PATENT TJici I 1S>OBER» tv. STEW A UT inform.- the ciiiz , Atf pfflTn’dwiii, Twiggs, Bibb, Crawford, and Ho i ton rctm ties, Yvlro are objects nr the above' tk»ev ; he will ,-a • d Ej M. 1: -*i v. !u> i-..,-- • ved to Clmrleston S. C. in t! ippii t.on of 1 via.- j -r - I’a’en; Tn;.i.-. IirjalKa' BACON, BAGGi \ A, 4&c. For Sale Ot/ S. y; ©2-S^E23’-^OW. q 'I’OVlj -extrii s tperior Cineinuiti Hums', se a. lei-tud lA'ati ex.irtlionccd iuit.g -expres.-ly foi f.ioiil)’ U3.». rdeeivod -via Baltimore.' vi . prime Pork IA do Cu ml Family. Flour - :■) Muls JL 75 hbfe N.-O. Molasses (1 .hi pri.’tte P. W- Sugnr ' - , • 1 Coffee s’a.Dnck Pantaloons aud Jackets Fine white Marseilles .Vests ■■ BniF Plaid “ do “ Stripe do 3IORE NEW GOODS, jr. &. & s, si. triRatN’, Watch Makers and .7ewe Hers, Opposite. Central Hotel. BS/OULp inform their friends and the public, that V ft theyjjave just received a fre.-di supply ofWatch- -cs, Jotvelrv, &c , which will be sold cheap for cash.— I Their stock now consists of Patent Lever, Gold aud Silver, Duplex, l.epine, Alarm French and Eug : li-h Watch.iIn- T)"-t-;a-i111y: J.-tvelry. diver Spoon-: I (warranted to be-Silrer,) Ever-pointed Gold and Sil ver Pencils. Gold.and Silver Guurd Foh Chains and I K«y»,' Gold, s; ! S(. ‘Claclev ; l'laie-1 Ta- i bfe ami Tea S|>oo::s. Cnstors,.Candlosticks, Trnvs and i finalbri; Ladies’ Work Boxes, Card'.Cases, Pocket j Boults and Purses, Music Boxes, Flat :s and Fifes, : Knives, Razors. Scissors, Shell Combs. Coral & .. 1 Beads, Pocket pi-lols(ifvarious qualities, among which I i- Ruggles’ Pocket Rifle which can be shot with more j accuracy than anything of the kind ever invented, , Lucifer M-.tches, «Yc. : &c. V. It We hav hand the best Materials foi-re-1 paiiing Watches of all kinds, and S. S. V. by long cx- j ncrience ilatters himself that lie can make and fit new l Wheels and other fiarts of Watches with as much ae-f curacy a-. oi he done in Macon. Spoons and other artl ■! • e:i .raved. Maeon march2 1-10 J. A. & S. S.-.VIRGIN. 1 “ lugnred •• do -r Bull* >\t white Valencia Vests “ Figured ? •' , do •• Bomba ?.H)0 “ do ilSEfliSbit ’Florentine. “ do . . “ Engli-!i ink “ do Velvet plain and figured do ' “ EmJjroidcred Velvet <!o -JT* ,r Gliith do Common Xe*L<. fine Chilli Frock Coats, Dress Coats, and Coatees and Pantaloons, Linen, Cotton, aAd Nett Drawers. Nett Sturts, &c. See. Children’s'Clothes. Gi Fin-blue, blk. green, and roj-al purple Cloths; blk Si!.'; Velvet! buff-Ctnuurtbrai Stocks and Sns])eiiders: Gl-ives, Ihlkfs, Linen (Random) white Cotton, and blk ail I white Silt; half 1 Bosoms. Cullai-, Stiffuers, i.i:u-ii C.imhrii k 1 Idkfs. blk Ildkfs, A c., Silk and Got ti) i UriihfHlay, Military Epaulettes. Lace CordTas.-eLs, S; .rs. Buttons, Beit Plates, Ponipoincs Wink Fresh Ground\ Fiour. -g P* BARRELS Superior Floiu- daily i-x- B liected bv P;e:i*-er Line, is oti'ere.l for -a],-1,\ ill.A .V COTTON, juno 1835 50 ' ( (TitON BAGGiNG. PBCES lu-ayy Hemp Bagging. For sale by REA & COTTON. ■jnnq -1935 -. 0 30 >-*. a'enre is n.)t efi'ected no rotniiu':- ration will be required. The fact, that iuan\ cure having been ofiectcd jrt the county of Warren, from whom certificate.-, have been exhibited, together fr m all the Physicians in the above county, render any tiling further unnecessary io be said at this’ time. -'Robt. \V. Stewart- may ‘ .-;*■•• :i and consulted-at • 'Brown' ,i ■ i M-.. v-.-.iv.:- ■. r in the dth U> tbe"l4thj instant.; in Macon, at Dr. ikili’s o/Iige, (ill 21st ii: • : in Knoxville, Crawford county,- til! 2uth instant: in Ferry. Ifoustou coiiuty, till 3!st in .taut: th :rin 31a- , non, Twiggs county, til! 5th March ensuing, then to | .'filleugeviiic again. lit. expects to continue the same i round during the winter and spring month.;, and at- ] tend regularly at the same time and place : any altera- i -.inn in thfi above will ! ■' pdBlie. tin'prime gra-.-u 7 boxes Tobacco . „ 3!■) piecA hbaw 12 i". ?•2::.* M tnlas Iros'i 1 F n up U.igf ing'l MECJ.S Ceil'ii Ba.- tuig, 153 Coils Bale Hope. IjifK) |!»s Bagging.T t-urnsfibers lit th 'ir Stor BLtSA €OTTOI. (t |'ti r ! tr sc/e /• it ecemttviodalittg ! r " ON'S Bar Iron, Well assorted Round and sipigre do She"t and Hooji do .Mill Iron - tjoininuu, Thibet wool. Valentin, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls fi'-rnaui. ‘.Ittslin, Crepe, G.tuzeitiid f»n>s do Na- I Ladies trial Misses Domic-ts Irish Litiehr and Lawns Cotton Ciissinicrs Beaver Fustians lliiglifc-1) Moleskin Apron and l-'druhorg Chocks iJ.>mc-stir Plaids ami Stripes Bed ricks Floor Ciotii Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture Dimity RWui SheetiligBear Duck ' ainl-i ie do * RU'ecbed Dotvlriss Ozntibttrgh- B aagup ord .(Nitloi Yarn Cutton. Worsted and .ainhs woe! Hosiery 11. ck and eolnrcd Cnmb.'.cs Smie .aid tlnu/.o Oarijitures Bit tid'd Luslriii)? Rihhoiis D M'k to ! E. col'll Prints aild '• *'in;;h inis Lace md G tu,:.- Veils ^ i • tiu : Lace j Mar oti, May l!». V N A u V. iciuml.Books. A- Paper, Uuills. s ELLIS. /or. .Irrmic. RODKS Hinges -hook W eye’ Box.". Claret Wine L C.i'-k Porter ‘piuts 22 quarts’ Grindstones Bag* Pimento 5(.) kegs Tobacco 19 Boxes Segars ‘good quality' 5') Barrels iirime Pork an ibiiBrlfiy SWALViS PANACEA IJST received an<| for - do by * sT r.H-oix eil'atid J! lamp Oii, Linseqd Oil, Train OU - very superior qua Skin Trunks,' f. r sale bi , WM. ii- BUKDSALL NEW SPRING GOODS. r.-.-elved ;m.l is .ilV'iiej for sale, a general assortmentofritapleaml Fancy l)iy ti od.ssuit.i- ble for me present and npi)roacliiu<r season, by april 15-1;: W.M. II. BUltPaALL. insurance. 'glii;; Insuranco Bank of Cnhimbus, will insure Si C >tto itm the River, and also take a few ri !;s against Pure In tliUcitv. .Apply to ROBERT COLLINS. Macon, Oct. 27, 19 . ■ £1*2 Cl-, Hals, Shoes, fyc. taken the Clothing Store of Lewis I nch r. for sale a good assortment °f ready mad. its, Shot -'. Boots, with almost every arti- ntlcmau’s line, and am prepared to sell a -h is anv other estidilishmcnt in the up HORACE FITCH. .ladr., -'V Hkv- ..7; J 9s '10NFTANTLY for Sale, at tie: Tt.ltgraph Cffikci _J a general assortment of Blanks,—among wideii ATTORN i'Y’S BIAMv3 Deciaiaiioaa—Assumjivit, f ‘ Case, 41 Debt. CtrnnuUi.ton for IuierrOgt tot i#*»y Attorney’s LipeJUo. SOLICITOR GENERAL’^ fit A Indictment for As-ardt :.i;J Battery; Bbncli Wcrv--- Cf.ERIC’S UIiANlxf-." Executions, Do foT Ck.-;, &•: pCLr.e* for .v it.' ^ dsf Licet.' _• for Re;Eiiu 0 ,' Marriage License j SHERIFF'S BLANKS. Deeds forlftmvlr Bills of 8»li for NVqroe^, Grand Jury B'utnmjJV, Feti; Jury SiiinnKrtu. . j- t > R D IN ARY B .AdmitiSjswr ti Letters anil BqjtC Gv.auiiart*K d(f ('.■mporaT)' I.etfeVs arj,5LjBbal, Warrant of Lets.-'..-* Tc7statii.'ntavv. abac’s rC\ Itou rt.'fs Tanh ,.Sr \RRANTED S CBtigtt t ' 7 Aatui also th gi ni 1 : F it sale only by ■' c r > o Af ie m. f) v. 8. i.T i; ; ; ,- & xosxi£C£i»s;s \i L"oT roceived uml for sale by tP J. H. ob W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Amine. r»lTtnan’s Anodyne LiquorBalsam Capivi, . -ailive Electuary, Do Canada, ion orvd Roses, Eoda Powders, ipiitm, . Saratoga do iulphnii* Cininmo, Seidlitz do iini.boi, Lemon Syrnp, tailor Oil - s fresh and supe-Best Starch, rior.) Indigo, ' " Madder, . .. Blue 8toue, Anniitta, Logwood. Camwood, Glue, Aqua Fortis, Nitric Acid, Pt arlash, Ar.iVc. country. OLIVE OIL ; Sf PE. RIO It art;, b- IV-r table u- just, received j niul for sale by 12 7 BROWN SIIOTWI.f.1,2- Ct>. < Stotzia-1 a and t ajcoor usiius Ildkfs Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Just received and for sale by WM. H. BURDSALL. Oct 15 17 > .end Spittleliel.1 Ildkfs ioll Coinl.s h Buck, Eo.tvcr and ' Oii fk tvllilx A •> UilE groaitil (rihgiy (in do Ciiiiiani-n: HX B. PETERS’ patent vcgetuldo Mcdicin: B W chictc et Hepatica; for the cure of Dyspepsi; layer complaint-., also, Dr. Peters Antibilious pill: hist received, and for sale by, J. H. & W. S. ELLI3. Cotton Avenue Macon. 6 _ ...c *Lx;id£is r&oww Sl go. A R K this day receiving a FRESPI supply ol iJL DRUGS M 5 DICINESand CHEMICALS, togetlirir with a lot on the River. They will be ena bled to otfe-r iii -rv complete and extenrivo Assort ment of all articles in hue, which will be ctfered on very inotfet . - ..-r:---. Aug 12. * 1 . 7 merpe (lyat skin and -Silk Gloves PAINTING. H OUSE Painting, plain ami ornamental, either in the city or country. Chairs repainted-auu ornamonted. Lookingglass or picture frames gilded or bronzed. Signs painted, and Fancy painting of various des criptions will be done hv applying to ' J. II: & VV. S. ELLIS. Cotton Arenuc. Mixed Paints of every color on hand, jail -’-29 axly-in^dc CJiothin 1 : I.I,. ......... l.t, . un isible green, Adel.uil, o ito oadcioth Dress Coats, |, ro wp and green Cloth Froek nil!.- blue. tiiiin Arabic Epsom Salt 4 , Brimstone; Calomel, Tart Emetic, Morphine, Black ! )rop, Oil Canlharndis, Paints, Japan Varnish. Copal do Varnishes, Jyc. Yellow Oclire, Chrome Yell-jiv, Verdegris. Chrome Green Spirit- Tnrpemnn Fru-sian Blue. .non. r —ij,e removal of aid eruptions, tor .-al - o 1 IE r, y N" iiseentious. Do fee - Do fn: dnatmasses, Beil WarrwJ Bail B-oV.fli, Spanish Brown, Medical II, rl/s I’oplar Bark, Gum G African Pepper,* Foxgfie Mayberry Bark, Elder F Lobe!!; intlara, Skunk Uvu IJrsi, Gonuai iu Linen Sh'ris. (Joltas. - ,\'t jro VI • n V A* Youth's I’ltr Hats, do. Wool do. [o' do. CJi'th. -Sea i • Boots 2c Shoes-—Negro BOOKS . . • I j w i 1'S h avy DuudooBagging | vP 100 coil- Bale Rope 500 lbs Bagg ine Twine j . 2'>e;.-••• . 7 iu Sac -in? I For -a!., on accommodating tennai bv j EDM E ND RUSSELL. ( Macon august 1* J#2d 7 l eoiiig the ae tnry ;.a.l p - .an. to t tic 1 lea ill -a. irv. 1>V J." 11. '&• W. S. EI.LIS, Colton Actaue. Moron. Lobelia Seed, Serpeufarin,- Gnm MyTrh, .Macon, l'eb 11 FEW Table and Piano Covers of fine quality just received and for sale by ■if23 is - WM. H. BUIiDSAffl- Boneset. i Hats uf-fine quality a re.. d .m-l for ,-ab- hv W.M. Ii. BURDSALL WHI LE LI KEGS Lewis' No. 1 W 19 ilo “ d .17-, do pure ‘3d do “ B Ju-t received p'ei Steamboat Exce inn.* -25-53 SID)TWEM . SAD; Siitc Lec;d do do do [ f for ^ale by BROWN A Co. LI.UG WTFiR SALE BY ST f.-i. iti •{.-> i.ippn T A liTGGINS. j! .ui*l u*r ^* 1 ‘• Q10 ilains, Shotildef> wda.-*- Lrr.t —ALSO— 5,( 50 lbs. Lard, new and good. fell 19—:>5-tl' T. L. SMITH.