Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, September 10, 1835, Image 4

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V-"” . * ' V-Vv f- - 'L. -: >«jLw- > ;-:^/ 4£s r o r a i a # SHERIFFS’ SALES. tax Collectors’ sales. Crawford 'rax. Sale. jfkM tlio first Tuesday in A’OtEMBEIl next, will 'AJP lie sold before the court house in Knoxville Crawford county, between the lawful hours of sale, the following property, or ao much thereof as will sat-1 will bo sold the followiu isfv the Tax lor 1834 ami cost*: viz. l A pnrt of two Lots of 1 250 acres. No. 94 I7th dist. Early coiiutv, as the “ pio^o.ty of B. VV. Matthews. JIoO acres No. 411, 4th district Early county, as the j hunt to satisfy sundry ti fie-ftotna justice's com t of property of If. P. Jones. said county in favor of Da\ id Clopton and uljiers x.-. ; 25 acres. No. —, ■-'tli ilistriet Gwinnett county, asthe : said Whi-o-nhupL lev* made and returned to wc by a ! property of Win. Wi-ner. j constable. 21121 sens, No. IS), litli < 1 i trict Crawford county, as ■ Lot No. J do in the 7th district of said countv—tvs the * the property of Stanford Merrett. _ property of Charles Crawford to satisfy h ft iu from a •JO‘IJ acres. No. ISM. 25th district Stewart county, as justice’s court of Coweta county in favor M. T. Kob- tii-i i>. perty Jethrew N. Wood. .erts with other ii fas vs said Crawford,-levy made uml 10 ores, county of Cherokee, as the property of, returned to me by it constable. Cvydai* Hamilton. _ nug*32 * ISAAC E.'COBB. th'jT SHERIFFS’ SALKS. Fayette Sheriff Sale. ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday in October next, before the court house iu P lyutcville, Fayette county, between the usual hours of sale. One Lot of Find No. 120 in the 7th district of Fav- ESTATE SALES. Carroll Sheriff .Sale. j gf Ik \ the first Tue May in October next he-1 mL.V tween tbo lawful hours of sale iu Carroituu | Carroll Comity, before the Court llott'C door, j property to wit: • l.j ud,.viz. -40 adres more or j less of jot No .S3, and 75 ric res of lot No. co, all lying ' ett( , CO uim—lovie Jon as the property of James McCaV m the Oil. district Carrol, as the property of J. W h.sen-j b> . eX( r, :ut ; oua Ssued from justicW court of Chat- j ham county iu favor of Edmond G. Ball ami ethers vs ! :ii;l McC a reel, uiig 15 ALFRED BllOWN, sh'f. Administrator Sy Guardian's Sale. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in OCTO BER next, at McDonough Henry county, the interest ol‘John M. D. Taylor deceased, also the inter est ofNoab W. Tavlor a minor, iu Lot No. 197 in the 7th district of Henry count}', sold by order of the court of ordinary of Butts comity for the benefit of said mi nor and the distributees of said deceased. July 9 CHARLES BAILEY, Adm'r of John if. D. Taylop'deceased, and Guardian for Xoah IE. Taylor. ZEBU LON HOTEL. The Undersigned takes this me thod to inform his friends and the public; that he has taken charge of tlie above Establishment, formerly occupied by John C. Maugham Esq., where ho holds himself pled ged to contribute to the satisfaction of his patrons^ and respectfully solicits a liberal share of patronage. J. B. RKlvY ES. July 22 F Executor's Sale. ILL Ik* sold in the town of ^IcDoiiough on the Tnesday ia October next, vvithiiF the iisti-' OUR mouths after dale"application will be made M hours ofsa'e. a square 50 ane-' of Land situate in w APPLICATIONS. 1SHINGTON HALL. THE Subscribers have taken tiiaicmu- medians a ul well known public hon.-e iu If Uj&jgg the Cjty of Nfacou.—the H'asKingUnt llall. THE INDIAN'S 1 ?°'“ 9**cfu 1 a, Salt Rheum, Ulc-,, 7'I Ervsipolas, Dyspepsia, Liver Cm V ’ er '-i rkies of the Blood, Chronic Infiatuaf '"d'hiat, jy Sore Eyes. Mercurial Diseases, & c 1 °'^ le Kw —CASES OF CURES— Charleston, a,..,. I was seized, about three years since ‘‘fd I sine Klieumatwnj earned by t*kine» miller the intluonee of mercury and r abled me from business nearly’ Qt er '. uc l> fo this period, I have been a patient huhN,' M pita!, in tli is City, upwards offoar nio ll,. . * ...ui«a in mar mom! the same length of time in the Baltimore it ^ tried almost every remedy, withfittlok 7- 16th of Eehmaiy last, ai that move about upon crutches, 11 to. the honorable inferior coiyt of Bibb county j : 1 Hf 5, '■if ll ‘ «. I I ► 1.10. rres No. :Ks*>. 7th district Irwin county, ns the property of E. Crew. dO acres No. 531, 2d district Cherokee county, as ;!,< properly of Arthur Braswell. 2u ’ j acres. No. 148,1st district Crawford county, us tin property ofNedoni Summerlin. One Lot in Knoxville. Cmwford county, os the pro- uertr of Mas ton Sawyer, nug29 \V11 .LIAM CAMPBELL. T, C. Sibb *as PIaIc. the first Toosday in NOVEMBER next, will mJF t*e sold before the court house in iMacpn, Bibb county, between the lawful hours of sale the fitllowiiig property, or so mnch thereof as will satisfy the lax for 1834 mid costs: viz. 40 acre l/)t No 357 11th dist 1st sec CltFrokeo, giv en in by George McGraw; tax doe -17 cents. 40 acre Lot No 25*2, I4ih dist 1st sec Cherokee, gJV- sn in by Isar Joucs, tux 47 cents. ' j 40 i :re Lot No 517,3d dist lth sec Cherokee, given :«h> liobert Peaton. tax 47cents. Su.’.j acres, No*2,>7, -lth dist Bibb, given in by Wuf j tax'74'cnnts. 7 1 160 keros No303,17thdist 1st sec Chorokee, given! in by 'bhnEcgge, tax 67 cent*.' ) A 40 acre Lot in Cjtefolxee, number &c liot-kil'nMi [ given in by Charles Siles. tax IH.cents. j 152 acres partpf Lot No 41 lth «hs: Bibb, given m . , M rik<> comity l ",)} ••am Clemi nts, tax'.(> cuius ! dayin October next, witliin the usual hours of 10 :ro Lot No 17 17th dis 4tlisce Cherokist, given i . ■ . . • in in esse Cozsrt.tox td<-nt*. . I U c /ollowro^proncrty. viz : •’ ,vn , acres “No H^Otfedisl IE,,. !.:u. civen ill bv Ju- “ L i.ul No Id in the —< i.i- I lnerly Monroe now 1’ike county—levied o;ias theprp- i Ctver Also, icill be sold as at.ate. One negro woman hf the name of-Ann about 28 fears of aire, as the property of Clay ton Williams, also Jesse II. Chambers’and Clayton Williams'interest iu lot of Land No. 193 in the sixth district of Carroll comity, to satisfy a fi fa from Carroll superior court in favor of Giles B. Taylor vs Alman Chambers A: Co., property pointed out by Clayton Williams. Lot of Land 207 in the 6th district of said county, as the property of Bunjauiiu Chapman to satisfy two fi fas from the superior court of said county, one in favor of Ambrose-Chapman vs Penjamiu Chapinau. Jiles S. Rouges and James II Rodtvr- and one in favor of Farris Carter vs Benjamin Chapman am! Jiles S. ; Bogges his security on appeal, property pointed out by Beuj.miiu Chapman. Nine negroes, to wit, Penelope mid her 3;children tlie southwest corner of Lot No. 227 in the 3d district when silting for ordinary purposes; for leave to sell «f Henry county, sold agreeable to the lastwill-nd'es- . ^ Lot of Land No. 85 iu the fourth district of Houston - Eiiueutfi! John Barr decease,I s,,1,1 foe the fenefit ol ; ,7 l !" Il , 7,:^ ,, 7 > ! county, now Iviug in the couuty of Bibb, belonging to ! heirs and creditors ol ,-aid qbccascil. terms made i : - - ‘ s -*' a partoftho children of the subscriber, some of whom ' known on the day ol ' are minors, and ofwhom the subscriber is guardian. juneiS 1835 ~ 5*3 JAMES HEARD. F OUR mouths after date application Will be made to tlie court of Ordinary lor Upson couuty. for leave to -,■ 1 i Eruruen.- l-,>. 1'fi, 209. git), and 211 inly 9 1835 'EISHA M. iv. SI. CUT CHEN, Admiti/sirafor's Sale. Tlhl. ho .-old on the first Tuesday in October next, bv order of the inferior court of Houston in the sixteenth district of formerly Houston now Up-1 county when sitting for ordinary purpose^ before the son •couuty; also Lot No. -SI in the 7th district of for-' court i..,;iv doer of ^oriveu county, about 22ft. acres merly Baldwin now Bibb couutv, all belonging to the \ of oak and hickory uW belonging to the estate-of estate of I >. E Milling lEee'ised'. William.-!. Ei'un ■nil deceased, adjoining lam may 4 1835 scurppj^ JBMMOL ^ ,eIv , !»x Mir; M. D.-Hns„i,._ 7%c wiS';ir “li'.’onrSl*? 4 By the liin-emittm;: attention of both »! | omifolv free Iron) pain, and -n, ,, , 1: ' them,'they flatter thems elves tliat their House will oh- j t!l . lt ] considor thyself perfectly we! ’ : ! ; from the Puhi:,-.- , * YE.'d. Tl'CKi'.li' J- - rviees ol a Lacy, i r> *• hose reputation as a manager of a puhlie house, i- inferior to no one ill the State. Their tables will ho furnished with the best the coun try atf’ords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. V*j it Charleston, The undersigned lias been laboiir,, - d Rheumatism for three year, • ! r ?*H ,d hr was an imoale ..i’, 1 c-:. : Os The Stables are atten le, •L, * Having sold i ! by car dul and pxpen 5H7ST1AN «v MO': the Wasliingtmi Hall 4fi t). WALKER, P.r'e in right of his teife. i ids estate of Thomas Telfair deceased, of the William. W: Oliver deceased, and George Pollock, alt lying in said county of Scriven, about seventy acres 1 I •BTIOU-U mouths afterdate application will he made ! von. only mr.-s j i JV to the honorable inferior court of Coweta couutv i r' ? '•" 1£& I when sitting for ordiharv punmse-s, for leave to -c!l ( '\! , <. bo Kf 'Ub"^ knul.adjmmtm muos ■ 1 ) .t, > - wr/*/ t 1 . ^ > i Ol Lxeorne Vollortc e\i \\ i ;;i:n \\. .urxnn. all vnijm to Messrs. Mustian cv 1 Uott. 1 earn -sliy solicit for ihen 1 f s a contuinaiice of the p: troh: go v hicii xvas extended ! ulcs to me. whilst propth n 1 • of ihe 1 iahli'inuent. l lar£ Macon/ fob 5 36 M. D. IIUSON. to J '.;; r g~. '/a v - w si-ifs. a. 23TAES- , liiat ucdotlough. Oct. *27. }$:n Pa. perm,! in- was an ijamute of the Cit. {jJ ' di r die medical treatifinit oftlu 1 • ■ stitution, will mt ohtahiiio- month of December !a>t. ! v. • , 7'. ” ; fkfli.-a’s I'ctiStca, and five bottles r- Wd - • UAL '“O '.ai Ksro.v, . ibev h;ai fur apart* tu-,, .7 covering a stirHv, ’ in Jesse II. ill favor of Jesse j old—as the property of Joseph Cl Chambers to satisfy a mortgage fi fj Lay nc ami others. July 21 DUDLEY AYRES, *//s.Vf. FiZte Sheriff Sale. t T the court house iu tho town of ’/ebulou. j Pike couutv will be sold on the first Titos- ■ t ^lOUll months after date application will bo made to the court of Ordinary of Grawlbrd county for ! leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Alexan dria B. Taylor late of said eounty deceased,' for the be- • uefit i'1'.'i.e hvi. - ind < ivditurs of">aid deeeasi d. \YM. B. FILES. ? ■relit George Pollock it U illiam IV. .Mixon, ill lying in Seriven county, and belonging to the est ate of said deceased. To be sold for the benefit of the heirs arid creditors—Terms on the dav. THOMA.S POI.EOCK. SARAH B R U N S O N, -. 1 dm >-'.c. July 20. 4 «£ ,U r JAMES M. TAYLOR, j may 11 1835 47 udm’rs nitli, ftix 85 cents. .eres'.No 470 2d dUt 1st sec Cherokee, propel ty PCrtf or William T. llen-an .o satisty a f, fa in fovr n Richardson, tax 105 cent*. of , L f*“ AsCiK ’ •**>’ %fg* ™L T ,°AWrAZ ' a ?& acres No 23‘3d dist 4th sec Cherokee,.givenln con ' ' 1 ' e ' ,, ..f! 1 HORN ION, shy. .given !-■/ ■' loh Smith, tax 74-coiit*. 1 ' -res No 204 17t!i dist 3d sec Cherokee, given in y h ibort Sanford, tax 6 cents. _ . ... ii acre* N’o 10.15th dist Troup, giveniu by Tlio- m i- -Genie, taSSyeetftS.. A V) acre.ncre Lptjn Uherokce, given in by James Bridges, tax 47 cents. , . 1 acres. No 205, 2d dist -lth sec pberqkpo * givcit ui h, J4sv-Smith, tax 4iicents. I ■ .'res No I 25ih dist 2d sgc Cherokee, giveii in by Ni il Harkins, tax 18 cents. 202i acres. No 45, 21.«t_di*t Lee, given in by John II Sims, tax HO c. 202.J acres, No66 full dist Rabun, given in by Sea born Jones, tax 10(> c. A House and Lot in East Macon, the property of Susan Bond, tax 83 c. ’ j 202J acrtrW(i 2'8, lfith di-t Pulaski, given iu bv | Robert piiiininghain, tax 207 c. j ItiO t cnA. No 110,'5(hdist 3ft sec Chorokee; given j in by Absalom Abuey. tax 164 cents. i)oo aero lot near Macon giveniu by Abraham lane- j i i-’ii'o. tajCdOO c. A X ■ 12 acres on the -Slaeon Reserve given, iu by- Joseph Wood, tax 64 c. 2. . ■Irtarees No 363, 13th dist.1st sec- Cherokee, given ir !>v William Morgan, tax 48 cents. 169 acres No 2S0, IStli (list—sec Cherokee, given in by Solomon Thomas, tax 93 corns. A IfiQ acre lot in Cherokee, No &c. not known, giv en in by Win (alias Shiney) .Tohnsi u. lax91 c. 1(H) acres No 158 8th dist 2d sec. Chet okee, givejrin by John,.We ekes, tax 94 c. 169 acres No 311 3d dist 4th sea Cherokee,-given iu hy Clmrlos Plninh, tax 107 e. A House and Lot in Macon given in by Marshall Pittm-m, taj .848 I2J c. A Hon«e and Lot in Macon giveniu by LewisrBrotvw tax *279 e 10 acres. No 142, 4th dist 1st sec Cherokee, also"a. House .irul Lot in Macon given in by Henry il Cone Also irilj be sold ns alore, j One Lot of Land No. >17 in the 2d district formerly j Monroo now Pike county—! l it ! on ns the property I of William T. Renean to satisfy- a fi fa in favor of Du- ,gar &.Battel, levy made and icturncd to inc bv a con stable. JOSEPH H. SHIVERS,.d \'A’Jf. ■ nng 24 7, . . . . rfiEeary Sheriff Sale. B EFOIJE'the court hotiso in VlcDommch Henry eounty,' op the first Tuesday in October next, betwcen-tlie usual boars, will be sold One’ negro woman named Tempo—levied on ns the property of Goldman Biille to satisfy a fi fa from the inferior court of Fayette county in tavor-of Elijah P. Allen vs Goldman Billie and Joseph Griffin • enritv on the .stay. STEPHEN MALONE, d. slff. ' a rig 18 ■ Administrator's Sale. Will be Sold T the court house iti Knoxville Crawford county dSL outlie first Tncuditi in Oetoh.-r mvr, the follow - i ing Lots of Land : liy :nul 56 in the 2d'dwtrii t oforigi- "STIOnt months after date application will bo made ! iroustonijim* Crawford county ; one of the ab- J.’ to til*-honorable inferior court of Pike county ° re V°* s ls ^ fljjfeg^&§•“« “ t--omfoitab!p dweb when billing for onlinarv purposes, for leave to null t * in = 1(Hlse «^ c -* M>ltl An tin? beneut of tue heir> and all the real estate of Herod Heesc late of said conmv creditors of Amos Hieks deceased, agrceuhm to an or- decea rod. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. ' °f tl ™ court ot ordt.imy of 'n. w..or.d county. jane 13s52; BEVERLY DANIEL, m/.;i’r._ ■iiiiL--' 3 .. . r _ '-j-lJAH IfICKrw cd m 1 71 OUR mouths after date application will he made . • Id mi HISfi atO) A.lh ’ to thehonorubie inferior^court oC Cranford conn-; E ^ Morder of the Inferior Crum, when sitting for ty for leave to .sell the interest of William J. U’ayn-' iaJ* pritinary purposes for Houston count}—y. ill he man deocased (it being one half) in the Factory known -old before the Court Ilotise door in Perrv on the prm/f [<rL tion. his table shell 1 trv can'ctlordfand his If 3’ifE -iihirrher litis t iiwn thi: well known stand for tsi.: pju-jiosi oftiteepin? a house of Entertmu ment, am! solieits a. .■ hare of puh li^patronage, for xyliidi lib is ii hojifis of giving genera, sati.sfac- ppljgjl with tht» host tin- Qt-uu- uihli s well mended to. !.-'■ VAC HARVEY. is her l-. imt. house non*-]; fcrii r 1 lift-. v.:„ i n. and is :,.i antirvKy and sir not iieaiiv ii year « fide,, a COJlfiju I we - nfili. tfasi.mallv 4t was so severe at he whole of tliat ■l.u, \ M btftn-e teaajr, she fortunately tr:7 j, '• ; y (o slate thatfonr b, , ■' ‘ iasreui:iuiedp erI -. c „ vw ;>. \-.LVAA STRONG, f.'il.wu.r.’srox, July GIJJB: ,1 5 y Z'a V ^ 1 v vcrr.l en with on i of TU •,-. I * A * O.*’ a, OiuCS A:' A 7 ~ 7" : 'f - UK Subscribers (lute jiropvil'to'is of tin -fi. Clinton Ilotti,) 'eiider our tfianks to cm .friends and patrons for past encouttiKi-men!. m: respcctfolly beg IcgCrc- !,i ttniioiiiic-* to the ]iul)iic. tinii We harp ictuovetJ to the eoinmotiiotts ifou-c utown Ta V part of the town. Jackson Butts county, before the court house door, following property, to wit: / One negro woman named Claris without any chil dren healthy and a first rate cook between 30 and 35.years of age known as Leander A. I.Ywin’.s cook, 20 leather beds, SO mattresses, 00 bolsters, 70 pillows," 50 pr siieets. 50 counterpanes, 30 blankets, ; 50 nr . pillow cases, 50 bedsteads, 40, small tables, 40 wadi stands, 1 set large diuiug ronni tables, l'JQcbairs, I fine sofa, 1 fine'centre table, *2 large liue carpets:2 .forte pianos, 8 pr andirons, 80 .window curtains, 30 looking glasses, (small) 2 pr iargo parlor looking glas ses 1 Bureau, I fine toilette glass, > lamps, 1 cooking stove, 1} dor. brass candlesticks, t do'z. do. common, 8 tin covers, 2 doz. table cloths, 3 doz. towels, 2 back- gatninon boards, 1 wajiint sideboard, I birch slab, i do folding'leaf table, 1 set cut-glass ware consisting of deenuters &c„ 5 common castors, 1 Settee, rrockfery and glass ware,-knives and forks, spoons, &cA also all the kitchen utensils, consisting of pots, ovens, &c, I LIarge tnvm.i bell, tubs, buckets, water pails—levied on as the jWporty of leander A. Erwin to satisfy- on; bv .1 a-apti Davidson, tax 93 c. fi fa from Bibb snperior court in favor of HungerforJ •59 acres No 1319 Pth dist 2d sec" Cherokee," given «te Stoddardvs.Iuiaudcr A. Erwin, oneothtr fi fafron /acharish Jordan, tax 63 cents. * , . Bihb i»fpry>r*cdutf the same vilh« rame. and other ll 2024 acres No 253 21st dist Lee, given ihhy-TC /as'v.s : Lcnuder A; Erwin. Cornier, nix 169?. " Levied on as the property of John N. Fail, Lot Xu. 2<)2£ acrcs jn C/nwford comity, given in ns the pro- 65, and 63, all in the uinth district of formerly 11 title petty ofriarnli Hoket. No'&c 110’t known, tax* f>C'c. ry now Butts county; flit? -ame being one square 202J acre’s No 23 lsfydist Carroll, given itiLy \Vill- two fractions, lying ou the waters of Ocrnu iainsoiuGlover, tax 74 cents. and including a vahinhlo■ Kerrv and cnfiiai. as the Fr.uiklin Factory in Up son countv, Ga. ALEXANDER M. K. S)Yil-'T, adm'r. <. JulyC 1835 2 OUR months after date application will be made A to the honorable inferior court of Talbot county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the leal estate of Benjamin Rineliour deceased, for the benefit of (lie heirs and creditors. - GIDEON POWLF.DGE,- a dm* r. J lily 1*J 10 4m iv mouth- after date application will be made ! — Jt t-v tlie honorable inferior court of Bibb county Suits Sheriff Sale. I "hen silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell FILL be sold 011 the first Tuesday in October I Land No. 117 in Bibb county, it being the re- next, between' the usual hoars of sale, at °" !Ul *A ot Martha Bmith a minor. houiedoor, the '■ *rittg-5 < . : faAJIUEl, JE^riOl 1 . gr^rdian. 0^3 OUR months after date application will he made, j .si to tlie Inferior Court of .Monroecouufy, -when j sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell tho ue-1 groes belonging to the orphan children of Alexander j Ldggett, deceased. first Tuesday in November next, J 50 acres ol'hind being "a part of lot of land No.. 55 in the I lth district of Hous ton county, belonging to tho 'estate of Henry Rogers, deceased. To lie sold for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors—Terms made known on the dav. DAVID ADAM'S, Ad. fr. Jn|>- 20 7 5. -1 Administi-ator & Cituirdion’s Sale. '6®TIL'L be roldon the first Tuesday in NOVEM- v ^ BER next, at Drayton, Dooly county, the in terest of John M. I). Tavlor deceased, also the interest of Noah 4V. Taylor a minor, in Lot No. 437 in the 28th district of originally Lee now Dooly county, sold hy order of the court of ordinary of Butts county for the Benefit of said minor and the distributees of -aid de ceased. ■ CHARLES BAILEY, Adm'r of John M. D. Taylor deceaseds and July 9 Guardian for Xoah IT. Taylor. ANDERSON BALDWIN, Guard’n. Angit-il gO. 0 jBl to the Honorable the Interior Court of Fid-;-ki County when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Turner Howell late of said county decoased. BENJAMIN HOWELL, Adm'r. Pulaski co, sep 3. Id IJxVF OF smaEStBF'^E KN 2>Aazs2f Jkmm asLasoir. Three times n trak—ria Perry s Hills, Flournoy's Mills, Jacksemrillc, tlauhinsrillc. Til \\ ELLERS nro iv-s- pectfully informed that tho above Line will start on the loth of Oc tober next, leaving each end ev- ■ Administrators' Sale. A GREEA RLE to an order of the honorable inferior 1BL court of Crawford county when sitting for ordiit- I ary purposes, will bo sold on tiie'/ir-t Tuesday in XO- J VKMBER next, before the court house door 111 the town of Knoxville ofeaid county, all the Land and Nc- ai.o sitnaied in the business foonting the t 'oni-t-House. Having h asei] ibis stain) for sever:; with tlie intention ofrt'ucwitig the lease n chasing the pi operty, n e'cousider ourse! mancnily located, ahu shnii continue to itriprovc our nccoinodriliojis ns the comfort of customers i shall rrfpiin-. j Our House i- now open ior tho reception of TravcHeis or Bbarders. \Vo sioil! at all riine.s- mdeavor to Iceep such a House, ni will ensure , public patroii-ige ; and wc hope to afford such ac- j cotnniodation.s as will prove suii-factory io iliosc who call on us. 'l’he usual great promi-es of good TaBi.KS. ; BAR?, sV'e. we ihink umicces- ir.- to particular- ! ize.—Good I>ots and other conveniences for i)rb- vors, readily furnished. WOOD 2c WEEK17.S. ■January 20, 1S34 = lP if: led lour year.) with at, :icc nat'il with cryrijx-bt ' v • in the leg,7,) j' silt Phvsic-igJis exerted their-7 dntmnent benefit. In Hu.fs Pcnatct madea perfw' ' ■ MARGARET A. Wl-.ST, J2),j; CstAULKstfi:;. Jju,.-., Tins nny certify-that I was afliicte-l '7. on disease for.-*,: is. <lagiviiichr ployed ■■ worul, minent : 1.. .•-• an .• u,i.l ( I'.arleslqii, an:l also tool: *v=ri ' riwaiin’s I’iuutcca. but ail without j, ; ,. , ■ During the last winter I v is taken naif-', . threat, wiiieli - 0:1 I can so sot . | taking siifiiciontfood to sustain iifo. In;*- ; situation -s sveral days, emaciated. ■ and ft 17 absolute arid unavoidahle starvation—aiv : resort. I had recourse, to . The Jkdiw'g /V, j found from it almAst unincdiate relief, r. j rapidly that in four weeks 1 faatid j;r,.c|p•’ : ns I have remained cm-since. , ANDREW COEirfi,:; A colored w.-m-.-.n. ...•..•aslrig toMriAi' -1 < ' ej, , Dll, e. ■ . • r a .1 vjj distressing pain ill her head, awouipanksi if sat I Op in her ausstrils, ap.J acoasi.-mt disekai o'ien ive matter ft-.-m her nose. She r.ii ; cm h-.-ved hy taking two bottles ofjjfc India it's V.• , , . 7' 1 a rxiM. La. Ties may cert:fv-that I Jiavu been-.itiiictrdi liver eotnjjiainl thrsi five v atiW; tliat I lire - 1 tore:! for i: by .-.-veral <»fi ear best iphjrsirian. red hy takhur itii :fusel : r.nn tliat 1 w T ! a I ■ lian's Pun.:,-!, ill’s, directed btabni with some other a- iscb.r, V. JOlJAv J. If.&WS.FU!: v .' .rfydlim fahmr. .Vfl Si'K(rK7Ui iXOTia-; run JR' S’tb'-eribtir I itff. i»n appoint , :. It application of Stagjicr’s I’atetif Trr».. comity 0/ Bibb, lla may b - fit 3Htares(js (when nc? profoseiouallyiengag •<!) n r i,is berry stre o. !‘. rsi as aliec l.withli well to make early appiicnfiou. eiacon. ;:me c l v 51 WJt. P. t mreo t A S takeiL l.E'HS, Sv'S S’.ATi-c: A T this tithe, when the spirit of speculation in land X11 is prevailing to an extent unprecedented iu om Country, allow me to endeavor to direct public ion from objects at a distance—contingent anil doubt- • Land of No. 7 in fl,./second district of said conmv, a!- I fcllSS *° *™f ko ,i;,ve t,,clr “ ,0 *;: l ' iiiiiarfiiiApi.rrfnSi?iwimii- Ten,,, r.,ji. "s 1 '“■■■. a»pf «&! W.M B/FILES > tr.rougu that pari or (jc{irg::i. L»orilor;ion Hint river. cnri 1 T\\tVq \} 'Vvi >adm 9 rs. whou I was induced to impure of the lew stsxtfcred sepl JAMES .M. l .U EOK. ) . j settlers' I ootasiouailv met. respecting the quu.ufie dr ^GUARDIAN’S SALE.' 7 . ' -7. '’ ' A GRFEABLY to mi Order of the Inferior Court of Monroe countv.\vhen sitting for ordinary pur- : 4Vill on rhoTir-t Tuesday in January noxl. ithin the legal hours of sale, he sold before tho Court sure" tlio comfort and comeliieiiee < > f "p a -‘-Viwr rs' fi ■ it- ■ ,lo!lsc door in the Town of Forsvtii Alomo- couutv, | ter themselves that this rout, will be found the’most i ,u ‘ belonging to the Orphans of cry other uay. Xne Coaches are all new, built ex-1 * 11 ,ne Uino &, of the most approved constriio.l l’”' 1 T ’ tion. The proprietors having taken great pains loin-1 K il ilrl 1 a valnablo Ferry convenient and expeditious between tin interior fifties I Leggett deceased. Termsanade knnwri on >t:ile and Darien or New VnrL- said, i * Hand.- aiid • tho pru-ptet of hc-alth:. Being fi> j yorahly impressed with the country, I .spent tinte ] in r.i king a .nersonal examination as 10 die extent of i the rich kinds, the advantages ti.e country pnssess.'tl I in regard to water corn s . s, the chance of erecting mill-. 1 . j ami wliat might he ultimately anticipated from the rift- I 7' * ' turn I advantages wiien tin v should he fairiydevtdnped j ’ f-! ! <iui appreciated, and I leib’t sav, my expectations were ( t u.i\ ol • , uoro tiian fislly n;aliz>-d. I immediately made -ome i husinos. He tissiii-i ; all those: who ii‘a- . wifi; their Ctigtoui; thallheir work wifi K'dt: snortesi notice, find iu the best uiar-iier. He hasou ham! « yiijiply oftho-besttaittstsi line, consisting Jf pLOTH|, Blue, Black.. rov:il.3ro\vn. Claret, kwr.". Ac. CASSlAlI ANDERSON BALDWIN, Gitard'it. August 20. 9 j purchases in Lea county ou either side the Flint nver, • about four miles above a phee Culled Pindertown.— ! Bbuigconyim—fl Dial this was the most eligible site for j a commerced town, and one that must possess ad- 1 , vantages over any other place on this river. I r lias a •••iilral location to a large bodv of rich land. The site 1 ■ given :dl"o! : the ('■•.•' hits ^ing./dr In fom Spring m"' rve i T/.V PATENT ■ I 'fl Battf cpmfly, atld.OWrsRifle gun .owed Oil as the I I... i { .* -T1..T* T7V Bih ei'i -.t !' !• Erwin to suti-i\ a (i fa from 'i inferior court in favor of Sarah A. W,all:sadmi- iven in by il" n' -tratrix of .Mortimer Wallis dec- ased vs Leander A. I Erwin, property ptflutod out hy the defendant. ; One negro woman by the nanv of Rachel 45 vear- ; of age, one negro boy by flic name of Bub A5 years 1 old. also negro liny George 21 years of ago—all levied on as the properly of Leander A. Enviu to tatisfy a : finortg iie ti fa from the superior court of saidcoiiuty in JOSEPH SUMMKRLtlV, sCJC [ fiiver of Erasmus G. .Marablo y t.'Tl In pfMlftU’M I «u» 3 for F. I, Yonij^'s tax. 424 A Hrifwe and Lot in 'he fTitjr of Macon 'the property of 1} ■. Glomi. tax .820 fif) 160 acres No 18f 17th dist lS| see Cherokc in by Win Il-Browii. tax 67,ceht<J 405 acres No t 12. ?tl: dist Murioti, given iu by M O. Wiflihmsj niv.-s-H !>' r. 202A acres \o, dJ 7th dh! Camp!,.fit. given in bj .1 D M.nin. tax 405 e. • ' w 400 arre-i Vo l l8r9tl. dist Irwin, given in by Tho mas J MeCleskv. tax 257 c; * fj f - “ JTSi A 40 aciretotin (’imrokee No Nc not I,sawn giv en in hy Jonathan yanAViignen. tax 74 c. A Ilonso and Lc.till^lie-grty of Alacon George P.-AJ'-ocrior.- ta^Tfio c. t fiftyreo KoJ&l 1st 4lfi'«cp Cherol by George Grimes, tax 68 c. ’ 3 lets jn TAhol. Nm' A.c. not known, given toy John Carter, t.-ix $16 84. '“■• . y^fPyr -y- wKt A II Ouse and Itol in .Macon given in by Alexander Donald, fax $10 7& 7 lO arres m Chgrokae. NO &c. not known, given in by WillianTBiflnaJ fox 47 c. 2d2J acres No,5,5th Dist io Co.vpta, given in by Jfiigh’tvnox/tax 97«.' 2925 Sirrex Vo 83 mi ”,f icon. Ro»eAp, given in bv fo epfj VV’ashbnrn. t.-.x t?."! 83 e. 45 acres. No 271 3-1 dir t I«t sec Chen bv Drury Thompson, tax 2.89c.- 250 acres No CO Sth.dist J-ariyygrfen Porter, tax 96 e. ,1. of Greene county in favor of JGrant &T Hall against A uvo aore Lot in Vmcville, given in by Win Bone, John Smith, levied on nnd rt-inrned to me bv a constm fax f2 e. • . bje. / 165 acres No 125 19th dist Cireri.Me, given in hy Lot No,C3 in thetenth district of said county—lev- John Moreland, tax -Jr. - icd on by virtue of a fi fa isstvng from a justice’s 292i acres in Sumter. Vo 44 26th dist given in bv | °onrt of Gwinnct county in favor of Allen Clark o- Martin Sinwrions, tax 691 c. j gainst Alexamler C. Hamilton, levied on and returned 160 aero* Vo 167 9th dist 2d sec Cherokee, given in | Ip nie bv a‘ constable by William Bacon, I ix ]35e. : Lit No. 258 in the thirteenth district of said county A HoriiO and Lot :n the property of Amos’Benton, —levied on by virtue ofa fi fa issuing from a justice's tax 957 c. court of. Campoell in fiivor of Wood A Kolb against A House and Eat in Macon given in by WtHia-ii. ’cr IValace, James llelJ and William Stoker, levied Jarvi«. tax ! - j on and returned to me by. o constaWe. A ft oust- and 1/u in Macon given in 2s tlie property Lot No. 159 in the fifteenth district of said county—- 01*Spk Smith, tax 125. " I lev. d on by virtue of a fi fix issuing from Jones stipe- \ Rouse anil Isit in Macon given in by Williamson i rinrcoiin m la vor ofYv’ad-worth and Langdon indors- Smith, tax 21 J e. | f s again t Anderson Saucrwhite, 40 -.cri V > tit. 3d ilist .'!d sec Chcrolc.e, given in • Twenty acres of^'anding corn on tie- plantation of by 7am?* A McDonald, tax 53r. , I John Killer—levied on by \irtuc ofa fi fa issuing from 2924-acres in Jonas Vo &c not known given in by j Hon^fon superior court Ail favor of Richard Allen i- b-aac Ilnrvoy, tax $2021. ' | gainst Elisha Skinner, property pointed out hy Mr ?63 aero* in Cherokee No &o not known, given m Norwood y between Darien, Hawkiiisvilltyand ilfacnu. [ call left at either place will he promptly arid faithfully smm of which wdl st.-irt two or three times a week : ! abended !o- PORTABLE • nviCOcT lo Houston Sheriff J3ale B jTkN tho first Tuesday in OET014ER next will' Vi/ he sold in thciownofPeriylloustoncouuty beiwecn tho lawful hours of sale ' All that Lot of Land No 25 in the ninth district of ^ Houston county—levied on by virtne of two small ti fas i-sui-ag from’ a justice's court of Burke county iu f favor of iUoses Muihey administrator of g. T. Royal deceased, nv iiust Artefuas Powell and John S. Royal, ;ep, git cn in levied on arid returned trifoie by a constable. Lot No. 19 in the twelfth district of said couuty—lc- i bv John T vied on by virtue ofa li fa issuing from a justice's roan f>R. I. ELLIS ftB’ \S removed his office to the Drug 8 tore of Messrs , .H.0L J. H. ifo 4\". S. Ellison cotton avenue. His . I ^3^*^** Pfy^sion:,] j a bold'l.lutTupon the river. It 'is Immediate!}- uj ] the post road from Align.sUi arid the up eountry U, j j Florida. It will also have a Slate road passing thro’! | it IV,uii to St. Marvs, besides the numerous ■ thoroughfares that will he made :V:u ;ids f.u ; >- to com- j rintnic::!'; with ditlereul parts of the cn>ui.r\. The counties of I." \ Sumter, and B.-fi-ter, are c:i j Flint river, and abound in the most fertile lands that I are best adapted to tho culture of cotton and corn. The ! r, . . - n , , face of the country is.lovc!. the rich lands lying ou or ! M. an examination of the above-named article. It , ; u ;|l(> v5 , :5llU . «,f water courses which arc alntm ant & j l f ,,!l '’couonitcal. expeditious, and e.-isy modcof cxecu- • 11)iV( . r t *- i!inj ,. tho find,er is alternately oak. hi. kovv, mg nil baking and boiling business, and wnolly by ; alu! wh ; !( , the R rsl is ahvavs upon strou- land- ' means of coa , and ot that huta small quantity is requir- „r ,t, n ,„, c in„i..i-,. .. • I p.t icirtRon n nJTvri- A , ntncli o» thopiuf land.also, mil rate, with the be»t m ! “ iOHABOD B.HOXIL, A i : (,’eorgia, in regard to the river, as far as in v knowledge • 1 ,‘oet \ IT s, imtv ‘ extends, itts no; srirp.-isari Tor the pnrpox; of uaviga- ■ -- .1 , I ' '-JLiVr -^t tion by scarce am in thy State with U .-inaH cxifcndl- r r , ... , —.— r: I ins may cortiiv th‘t I uava uppomteu-Mr. Jason . ,* ,* T . , . , , ■ r 7 d" N ’ 'v ■■ Burr 1 .V on!v true and lawful agent, to make A vend 'V V ■" 7 ' '"-' : 7”” ‘ ocknowlel monu to the dic.-daw* namedarti.-le in the counties of Monroe and 'h- u i ...nm m .. ,r,. tm,sisr, 0 „ be efleeJed. Mil.,.,!,! also to sell individual rights. < .Vntlrn.en I A h - e - COjU^mplated tadroatl.for which^om u lio have already subscribed for the article will b • ac coiimuul.uted as soon a s possible at’.Mr. Burr’sestal.'lis.b mem at Macon Ga. I. I). IIOXTE, Agetjt For II. NOTT & Co. and JOSIAHSt. JOHN. Nfacou. April 40 1835 43 E5.—-4 good assortment. A good variefyoi*tin* hogjquah'ty. f iVter.’jJiaui. oiud a coarjJo e ofi 7 7 FL OR'S TRIM. tiJ.V He respectfully soiii it- a si: n ef ;.. cage. Macon, Oct 2d ISjj ~ 7\M1K)&NY ‘ making the pa-rage in t b-ven lioufo. leave .-.Imc. r eve- i BO^SIJS^S, ry other day, conveyance by stage iwice and Steamboat! H V.K I? ( >V IT once a week to St. .Mary’s and East Florida, so that ,. 7 ,, “r , ** CT * travellers arriving in.Darieu can have their choice of { all-'t'.t.ou of tlie public genoraily proceeding iiEeither direction !>v stage or Menni. JOSEPH S. PAGE, Agent for Proprietors Darien, Aug 1 (bfiteow-8 Ft vsrc oi A GOOD a- .run ivL Stair R.iilii . ' ifT.ibic Btrinatm l c Mtieon. M.-:v 25. !fi Sa le Ay gj C-&.7: , 3: so « 'mtosi iv-40 mfrS. may 11 IfttT, , NOTSi'T.-i absence froui die' 1 . i ITC11 w ill act ns »y LEWIS B MACON ACADE^iV. 1 TvTTPr&Fnn 41 cS “ . uiui i«i_> uiujf mu* itiiti i ... tlie public j tj lc „bo.v< named article in the couiiti and to the citizens of Macon, for the patronage they have besto wed on fliis department the pact year, *.Y they pledgo themselves tliat no exertion on their part shell be wanting to make the iustittitioii worthytiie patronnge ol an intolligent comninnity.—r The institurion, with the cabin- Two negro men, to wit, Warrick about 45 years old and .8.1111 about *25 years of age—levied on bv vir tne of a fi fa issuing from Houston superior court is (avor of Charles P. Gordon against John Fletcher ex ecutor of Byrd Ferrell deceased. One negro man named Prince aged about 35 years. Patten in fl ttemion paid to thoir health and comfort: some of them I cnpancyof Tavlor and I^'Snlalso'Slthe rfohntitri r 'r° r VlI a br,ck -'!“/’*• a,, ' , eome onbliild- and interesi of the -aid <,V..i- 1* • n it: -,t ! will noth^,,»n7 Th r ?' wr V ,n R ,nlh '’ brick vnrd | and Dw,.i:i :K - House A,. n.,u ti is iebrfoir! Fr n ^ m rr h ,‘A , 0 V n °" l,t,r k V ""■ .NT*"-to»i. both !. : ; ,V , ;l tll , {ownofi'er- fdJ , 0 *,U 0 X la“ W<!d h -p n, T- 1 ' r > -'»> *> '•"> eounty W . • . „ ,, !, i; „an-ail 1. , - ftrU “ ° "”"««« ! i . c, L°. ,, .^;. virt ’ ,,: of a « fh issuing from the superior V.sil.c property- of Kimberly & Chisholm, fox 4fi7 c. -0 aeros in Clierokeo No Ac not known, given in by W C'listiohn, tax 540 c. *Tt l ABSOLEM JOUR DAN, T. C. I PMTV 3f E»WSS. .vtiie ncgr«) man named rrincc ased about \V'sh to fore forty negro fellows for the year 1836, and nil the right, tit!,' and interest of George ntLo 'v 1,1 a” rfi’ hn * ,von ’ nn,] N' ry I " ,nt Lot n - n<1 Fton Houses thereon now i -uncutton paid to thoir hraltli nnd comfort: some ofthci ire wu uted to work in a brick yard, and some oribnih *0cs iti the City—Those working in the brick vnr r?!l.5 t J^** p0!,< ^ asm ?. c,, " incon,!1 4 0 n brick yiriJ*,) Isaac D. Newton, both Lou being in the town of Per ot of Minerals, Philosophical Apparatus,’ additions'to the Chemical Apparatus, Maps. Ac. recently received, oilers advantages to tho young ladies of this cnumtuni- ty for a thorough education, equal to any in the South ern States. Music and Drawing will receive particular attention. Lectures on the sciences of Chemistry, Botany, Mine ralogy, Geology, nnd Nat. Philosophy, will be given as classes are formed duriugthe year.’ Tennsas here tofore puhlislied.' ,«*• ang 18 0t 8 Valuable Lands for Sale. HE subscriber offers for safe hi, possession of MACON ACADEMY SSAXS 3>BS?ABi*3>a3Eri^ CAJ ARF.NT3 and Guardians arc respectfully inforiu- Jt ed, that this Department, is again opon for the admission of pupil*; and that its operations, during the next twelve months, will tie conducted by-the sub scriber, who, gratefnl forpast favors, rind desirous of locating himself li. re perniaueiitly, rf. -pectfuilv. Miii- citsjii favor of this school a share of public, pat ronage.- . • ' V- ’--- ■’ PJ SI'INTYRE. Angus: 4th, 1835. 6 LANDS i/1 tbs comity of Butts, containing u- iibilt sixteen hundred acros, ivith the Hie of live hun dred aero- of opon land, the most of which may bessjil to he frc-li, ami in to.i.I order for iT.itivatio’n, iving prineipnllv on Tusnhaw creek. 011 the Macon road ie.v ding to Covington by the Indian Springs, al.out ten j liiilos north of. the Springs. On the prdnftse.t are a 1 good saw ami grist mill, and two cotton giii--. which go , hy water. Should a salo he etTeeted witu a view to ) give posses-ion the next year, the sooner it is known | the hotter for both parties. Tho subscriber may be [ found ou the premisr*. GUSTAVUS HENDRICK. July 21 1835 6t 8 | <!ing ;:sq. has a Charier, communicating-.with Flint & : ! Oc.tnulgee rivers, will greatly benefit this section of! codhlh*. It vyill perfect an inland Conuhritdi.ititin } from tli--* Atlantic cities-to those of the Gulf of Mexi. 0 : • a work tnitch ltoedi .1. both from its commercial advan tages and that of go-, erntneut. Tid- l .il road has its I .termination on Flint river, at tho point rilhft^d j ... ^ - : ‘"’u -he. I haveentei d into bonds with Mr. ; y.,T.-f,fT. • 7‘7' Spalding, to that effect, that the town will he, laid opt [eves ami ’and. hair, during the present season, and foe lots often :! for .-ah- . y< < wei king I as announced in advertisement Freiu close observation. I tli: cover, that thc.-c who ■ire temperate in thi ir habits, enjoy as lull a share ot 1 health, as 0 any oilier part of the country i:i tlie same i latitude. The society is gradually improving, end I {think such inducement are hold out, hodi hv prosent 1 ami firtuic prospects as to authorise an investment which will certain!, vi.dd a targe percent. A!. ?! .Y. VN D ER SIIG T W ELL. Lee countv, Jnl\ ID. 1835 LEONJDAf" FlLVNRtflj “ t Attorney at £aw 1\/ ! L;. practice in .the cetirts d if tf e 111 Circuit generally; ir-thet Lee tind .•giiintcE of the .Chattnh>iock« uttd iq iJi.Mj autl Iiunston of the ! iiui- titu-itd strictly to all im-.itiess cWfetrd’ 5 Letters &c. must he directed to hin vi!le. UoTnski county, Georgia- r ' TEA DC-LLiVRffoKEWi! j5 ]6 V.’-.AWAY troui the p':mtatuH(4f L ! ing deceased in Monroo cotiatfy ' o nnitaiKT l,oy. <!}. - am! ind, . for. -11 pposeil (*.•*■ years of a go, ivt-ighing hetv.-ccn 70 any the game ol' 1’RANK or Fli-VNUls- •*"-; brought from Norflt Carol/pr a few }«••-. 5 often thrciiteued »■'; ow up. It is bcik'c s a free white hey: Ifo- ’ ,rt:s fieri e»I. j speculator,,and ! where he - hcnl. . voting to ]j iss off i s easily detected if qu The above re war with irifoncatfon to get him again, ang lS-fpS hep: id f«r! 1 louses for Safe, or Rent, j Miufoiv Oncer two small HOUSES for Sale or I miu inquire at this office. ;w r* 17 TOM .N LOTS FOR SA LIO. 7"ILL be sold at public satpj on die lf>:h T 'eaem- ber ii-'.vt. "25D'!'< > Vv'.Y LOTS, .as particulai iz- ed in preamble sale, to mffihmenru on the premises, .-u Which tim* conditions will lie madekno-i 11 bv AL!EVAN!)ER SHOTVVELL. Jnlv 10 1-25 dsi. c. 3?. fttnrjrosar; H AVING located nt Clinton, for the practice of .Medicine, respectfully tenders hi- riroTe.-sioriul -"i vicc- to tic - it!/.> cf do:.' - and tlie adjacent conn- tie*. . angl7 " S THE SUBSCRrRER -- rig AS removed hi* office to the room over Patrick H E. A-.Martin’s Store, at the corner of Cherry mid Second atracts. feb 23 36, : Charles j. McDonald. threw ea, fen 4 * iWD p - NO'iTFIT TUNG dc irons of settling Mp n!y 0 j,i btwiness, I WMHB ■■ - 1 rosp.'.'tiul.'v r-qnc.) tho.-i- ind'l.iftl to me mi ’ " rt >'• G'Cl-i-H rsiMb T" n form , f Rol„. r! ( lwi V c ir*s c,|J 4V, Fort indorsee against'Hcorge Patten. ' \'J\t P nDfifirv GEORGE M. DUNCAN, eh'ff. ‘ nractmjune 13S» gf " , J U '' I FOR SALE' ^H"Y House and Lot iu the city of Macon, near the xY B river, and fronting on Fourth street. Inniyab- scnce apply to C. B. Colo Esq. jnne 16^' 52 ROBERT COLEMAN. f7)rri;nt, Jj-B-n The Store House recently occupied hv ffffSSk Fat rick A Martin, at he corner of See- ji M1 fo/yt ond and Ci'.crry Streets. Tho Store is JliPAyri eon.inodious, and well located for bur-i- . ness. Pos.-e -siou given on (he first of Atigest. Ayply to PATRICK & MARTIN. Macon July 50. tf 5'. - ’ . “FO R SA LE TIIE. two story frame DWELLING HOUSE on Second ,Street, formerly «... *r. jJ T eon s. tt. E. II!, subscribers will m 11 at the sanitiftimc ane pine,., eight VALUABLE PI.AN’I ATIO.YS. I ill situated -mt tar distant from the foregoing doscrioed Lois, tjrie i)f about 2000 acres direellv oppo.-itu. iu which is embraced the fair famed PhiJtpui Lands, t per- I tmim ili.iti hajis the best iu the State.) The remaining nttmhc contain many of the cream lands ol'th" countrv. CODKf N- COWLES. ALEXANDER SHOT-WELL. July 1(1 1535 (’> tf T HE effects of the late firm of Kiuiberly & Chis holm havings been tin ned over to the subscriber, J ,1!r - t ni censeiffieitce of • I10 seanii, a ,!*y ; 12 dr 11 years old. Any iitfonn.-.ta ' crihed aniiual will !»■ thunklidly f rf !:ble ertinpensntron ninth ii r- ’ l :,'-m-a addressed to me at IK r occupied by Mr. Isaac quire at thi.; offiEb. Hamfy. -IS ’ IOM3ERLY. 56 ' 1 J.VCflf 1)01 JxAHS K! B ANA WAV *V«tit Snndav tlieht tli■' ■ ■ African 55 er i” }•’• E '.Vil the same are put into the hands of E. 1). Tracy and if. Wood Esqrs. for adjustment. Tims.- having settle- ' cheek.- each hr. ineilts to malic xvil! lUen tore cal] on those gcntleineii j have been stole] for the.purjiose. as no Oilier person has ;,:>•/ right to j for his give discharges or receive balances. " - ANSON Macon, May 27, 1 -55 cla t. am! The rfo, vc ^ pureliensmi: and coii.m- a \ 1 this State, or for hisrciuro to tic- -> < SO ITH A .'Aw ‘ 3fUtriT>; Ang-Iff n"