Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, September 17, 1835, Image 3

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<3r o r a ( a I r & t* a jj ij The P«H>plc*» Riyliu. TELEGRAPH. MACON, Oa. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, I&35. nominations Of the Union Party of Georgia. for president of the ij. s. Martin Van Buren. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, Richard M, Johnson. FOR GOVERNOR, William Schley. FOR CONGRESS, Jabez Jackson. Jesse r. Cleveland. Thomas Glasscock, Hopkins Holsey* polled t«j coutradict, as he does iu ibe following words : '‘Justice, however, required me to state, that although Judge Brhley was a Federalist, and so far as I know and believe, at that time, ap proved their principles; vet when the “blue lights" were throw u up as signals for the enemy and ether violent proceedings at the North took place, to obstruct.the operations of the govern ment against the enemy; that he condemned their acts and declared that he was not a Feder alist of that stamp or character—that although he lied* been opposed to the v ar, and believed it was unnecessary, impolitic, die, die., yet inas much as it had been declared by the competent authority, the government should not be ol^MBVsit- ed in its operations, hut on-the contrary, have the aid of all its citizens to suppoj successful termination, or words to tha The little truth that Mr. Gamble reluctantly compelled to acknowt hies the reader to place a due estimate upon the motives which governed and gave coloring to | Who Wm N Harman is, is more than we know; but from his professed friendship for Judge Schley, and the disposition he shows, by castiug iu bis mite to injure him all in his power, aud EDMUND KUSSELL Of the Late Firm oj Russ-ll Sf Dickinson. 01» CORKER OF THIRD ASD MULBERRY STREETS. Schley did not illuminate his bouse on oue ncca sion, wbeu the “Rogues march was with dlffi culty prevented from being played dec-,’* we learn enough to know that we are not to believe all he says. Taking all these letters together, whal infer ence is to he drawti from them 1 If one part of them is to be credited, so is the other: and on the coulrary, if oue part is uot to be belie v ed, neither is the other. If they prove anything, they prove that Judge Schley uever was a vio lent traitorous federalist, as the scrambling coa lition candidates have slated—that he did uot ‘en deavor to obstruct,the operations of govern ment tmdei the administrations of Jefferson and Madison hut iu carrying out the war, patrioti cally assisted iu supporting the constituted au thorities—that as a patriot and as a man, his h;. j r P .-, - .. charact-r Is uuquestioualde—-that the rogues his whole production. Thu is the proof too, marc h. the drum and brickbat .lories, are sheer bis carelessness of truth when it clashes with his IffAS Just received from New-York and Boston, object, as appears from his statement that “Judge and is now opeuiug a very large and general as- JBibb County. For the Senate—AMBROSE BABER. For flrvnttnlatives—i EWIS LAWSHE, SAMUELB HUNTER. which the Messenger cnlls out io support of his charges that Judge Schley was a Violent and ttai- torous Federalist! Mr Gamble further states i “He has been opposed to what I considered every republican administration of both the Gen eral and State governments, since' l have taken opening a very large and general as sortment of, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Shoes, &c. &c. All of which will be sold at very reduced prices.— HIS STOCK IN PART CONSISTS OF, Blankets—Rose Duffle add Point, Various sizes and qualities. Flannels—Red, White, Green, and Yellow, Also, Green Baize, and Drugget. Satinets—A Complete assortment of Various qual ities and colours. Bombazines—Bombazetts and Circassians. Prints—French, English, and American (latest pat ents.). Muslins—French, striped, plaid and plain Cambric, and Jackonett Muslins. do Swiss, Figured, and plain. Ginghams—Small and large plaid and stripe, Varie ty of patents. -Silks—Italian, Gro de Swiss, Gro de Nap, Poei de Souis. do Lustrings, senshews, sarsanets, and Florences, Also, a few patents ofFigured, (new style.) Ghallys—Black, and Figured. Linens—4-4ths Irish a fine selection (and cheap.) do 5-lths Sheeting. do . 6 & 8-4ths Table, do Covers. w AUCTION. ILL be sold without reserve at Public Auction at tlie Court Hoti.-e in the City of Macon, on the firstTucsi! - v in October next, and unquestionable titles given: The following valuable property if sot sold at private sale before, to say: Lot No. 4 square 03 situated on the corner of Cherry and Third streets PLATA/ 10.Y AISD MILLS FOR SAIL. T UI. Subscriber having determined to move, fers for sale, his possessions where he how lives, lying in Monroe county, seventeen miles from Macon on the Zebulou Road, and ten miles below Forsyth, whereon is a frame dwelling: a large and commodious ^ no ' v » Chapman s Mills, containing thirteen hurt* Brick Store and Dwelling-Live* Stables &c. Puv- j dred ? cres , °‘ mg an annual rent of seventeen hundred dolIara-Al.-o. I lomdrednow ...cultivation and in good repair There - Ar- - t.)... ' .... v w on tne premises a tirst rate dwelling House three part o! Lots Nos5 & om square 42 whereon i* u two . ,., r . . , . N otnrv . . ,n stories hifili,'(one of brick and two oi wood. Mill coni- story IS nek Dwelling with a basement storv. a small! , . ft • . 4 r » » , . • . . Rrmir t\ ir _ i * rv ii ...„! plete, with eight fire p aces. Also, two crist mills ana Brick one storv Pwelhnir, a one storv Loir Dwelling 1 ’ ... L, . r , . • , ■ . • „ , i .’i.. *.i * * ■ . ** n a saw mill, on the lobesolka creek, whichisane- weatnerboardea with necessary oat houses renting A of-* r ... .. „ . . fered$600 a year; also, lot No4 square 4 upon which ver fading s ream, with all necessary out houses, say is a framed dwelling with all the necessary out houses, 1 ” ood ' St0! t ' 6,n,,h 1 Garden Arc. whereupon J. D. Massny now lives offer ed rent $000, Also, one Lot No 1 square 03 situate on .ar 'out h(fuses* i ”°°d Store House. Smith shop. Wood shop, and wa» s.\r\ on » >■ a. Jer gj n and threshing machine, and if I find a purchas es will also sell between thirty and for- Cherry street adjoining R. B. Washington, whereon is a small framed dwelling with the necessary out hous- esrents for $loO year, also, two unimproved lots in the lower part of town Nos not recollected. Sales nos- ltive, terms made known the day of sale for (farther particulars enquire of Chas. J. McDonald or McDon ald &. Martin. sept 9th 1835 11 FOR SALE F ive well improved Lots in Macon having good Dwellings With all other necessary out build- Handkerehiefs—A fine selections of Ladies Fancy, i Consisting of Challv Thibet. Mosaic Gause. Herman. ’ concern:,; u h. ess in -f eed tI,e F-v piesent administrations are republican; tfso, my u, r j . , p 3 . . ... . . r • heretofore conferred upon him high honors, position is changed without having changed my CMOS DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN TICKET—HOUSTON COUNTY. For Senate—WILSON IIEM MINGWA Y. For Reprcstnlatices—JAMES M. KEL' Y, EDWARD E.VGRAM, JAMESE DUNC\N “Jonathan ’ is among the manuscripts which we have not hadjirac to examine. The call upon the slanderers of Judge Schley, for proof of their uufouudvd cha-ges, has produ ced a general shaking among the dry hones of their party, and they have searched every nook w « ^ my j principles.” Here tire discovered Mr. Gamble’s ideas of , federalism aud republicanism. Further com- ! mo... ;• — ^^^^-itrance. (to say do- esstito have the truth | come before ihe peopl/asit il.) issuflicient to de bar him from giving festimmiy iu the case. He | would seem to be igntrnut/hat tie himself with ! his brother tiulliliers, ilii/ &c., are in die ranks j of the ohl.lilue light Fetreralists. and that tho ad ministration of the Illustrious Juckson, is a repub lican administration. If be is sincere iu this ex pression of his ideas offedcralisra, he is probably honest iu sayijg that Judge Schloy has been op posed to what he considered every republican administration. To be the antipodes of such politici .us as the party to which Roger L. Gam- falsehoods—that there was a carousing set, per ambulating the streets of Louisville late in the uight, some time or other, but that there was none of them sober enough to give the date or history. Notwithstanding the federalism which the op position candidates have charged upon Judge have | ucuucmc v u aud tlefield Baiidanna an'd'Flag.' JC,,UC * ,1Cll!> * ““6'-“’ "4“'' the Hill Tract; nil on tends which will be profitable their confidence has not been abused. Roger L. Hosiery—Ladies plain 'and Clocked Cotton, plain t0 a _P» rc hnsgr. D. RALSTON. Gamble will find bis defeat, notwithstanding the and Ribbed, Worsted, plaid aud Ribbed, White und ; MACON new accession of calumuies he has brought to Black silk—Also, Gentlemens'Lamb’s Wool. Cotton operate against the Republican ticket, as great and "^“V 3 l l n £ * n .' xed - as it w as on a former occaisori. ' Black White and ColoredTaffetus, Gause j ant * Garnetine. mgs, ALSO, Two hundred acres well timbered Pine Laud with in one and a half miles of the City. Consisting of Chally Thibet, Mosaic Gause, Herman, ' a „ ALSO, 6'atin, Bagdad and Black Love,—Also, Ladies Linen!, Saw and and Gnst mills situated seven miles Cambric, and Long Lawn, Gentlemens Pongee, Spit- town, several tracts of Land and the timber on COMMUNICATED. Mr- Editor:—The Union Demdcratic Repuh- Edging” Worsted dm licaus ofBntts, have at length agreed io lay aside & sacrifice ou the altar of their country’s good all former personal prejudices & have the pleasure of presenting to their opponents an undivided front, on the first Monday in October next they will unanimously rally, in the support of JOHN H. M’DONALD. for Senate. ROB’T. W. HARKNESS, ) „ DAVID J. BAILEY. $ P “United we sluml divided we fall.” I Laces—Wide Boinet Footing, Cambric Inserting and Edging, Thread Inserting and Edging, Blonds -Jr £sr (• cr for the prenus ty Negroes. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to call and view the premises as the payments will be made to suit the purchaser, sept. 15 10 AMBROSE CHAPMAN. FORT, HAMILTON & CO. A UK now Opening a general assortment ol season* Nk. able Goods at the Store recently occupied by Baxter. Fort & Wiley, on the corner nt Mulberry and Second streets and Cotton Avenue, opposite the Wa shiugton Ilall. They respectfully invite the custom ers of the late firm of Baxter, Fort & \\ iley and the public generally, to call and look through their stock. Macon. AorilOl 1835 44 ,>E\V BOOKS OICOTT & h.&ZS AVE received a number of Mew Works, ii varie ty of Fancy articles, Instruments of Music. &c. &c. ang8 tf 7 O LCt'TT & F.LI.S have received 140 copies Missourie Harmony—also Globes &c. aug Ot H Bonnets—Tuscan Gimp, Straw and Silk. Marseilles Quilts—Superior article and cheap. Domestic’s—Bleached and twbleachedshirtings. * o z ».bu,S"“ s ‘ OARRi G-S WAOSXZOVSS. do :i-4th and 7-8ths Plaid Ginghams. ! FB! Hsubscrit7e7T»>«jiig made arrangements with ( do Furniture, S soma of tii^wMMymcnsivc Carriage Manufac- Tickings—Delaware, Hudson. Dorchester, and tonw die Mtnheni mrIbYvUI have on hand, and be Amoskeag, together with a large assortment tjf Ladies constantly receiving, the cc|iiiiig season, a’ extensive and Gentlemans Claoks Umbrellas. Parasols, Hats, assortment “ * " - m UROUCHES, New Orleans, Aug. 5. More Horrors—A letter from Vicksburg descri- aiul turn betwecu ibis, find llio last century, for hie belongs, is republicanism enough for the peo- bes tho following scene: “A Mr. Sharkey, cou- soinctliiug to relieve them from the unenviable > pie of Georgia, .vhich they will manifest by giv- 1 siu o r tlto Chief Justice of our State, and highly position iu which they have placed themselves mg to Judge Schley t before the public. After tins fruitless search for j sought to be robb’d vuuchers. the vile fabricators themselves, who J slauders of bis onom seem determined, eilher by fair menus or foul, M r . Gamble nee oa the success of the ticket on which thei- names are placed, tiro driven to the mortifying necessity of standing by themselves alone us accusers, counsel and witnesses, in their own case. We are aware that for several reasons these slanders should not l>e noticed; oue uf which is. that they were partly iuteuded to draw attention support, ol which ho is respectihlo, incurred the ylispleasure of Mndisuu be foul aud low lived as a he had I I the discharge ofsome suspeceiNtqeu, in thecus today of a guard frtun Madison. The next night [ uehetnl being sus- [ the same guard, being reinforced, camo dowu to ! position in poliiics; take Sharkey. He prepared himselffor them and „_i- . , fought so well as to kill one. wound another, aud reality, since be was , , , -. ... kill aud wound two horses of the assailiu: I Shoes, &c. i Jlho a large stock of Groceries, viz: BAGS Coffee Portorico Java Lnguira Hir "Jr and St Domingo. 50 HDDS. Sugar St. Croize Portorico aud New Orleans. 6 Boxes Lump do. 8 Brown and White Havanna. do. 18 Hbds New Orleans Molasses. 100 Bbls N. E. Rum. 75 do. Whiskey. 100 do Gin. do Pipes Cog Brandy, Jamacai and St. Croise Rum, and Holland Gin. do Bbls Scicily Madeira, Port, Lisbon, .Marseilles Muscat and Sweet Wines Salmon Fish, No. 1 Mackerel, do. 3 Herring, do. (in Boxes), sept 10 13 THE UNDERSIGNED AVE this day entered into copartnership in the Drug Business, and will conduct die same un der the firm of Sh3twcll, B owr.£ Co, (at die old stand of Ellis, iibotiVell >k Co.) am! intend keeping a constant supply of . nigs. Medicines, Paints, Oils. Glass, Shop Furniture, Ac. Ac. Orders coming to tho house will meet with prompt attention. JACOB 8I OTW LL, HARVLY SHOTWELL, WM. G. BROWN. Macon, jitnel 1835 51 ons, which will be of the terials, and which will be an be purchased in any city Also, an extensive ussort- WARE HOUSE And -—C3P pccteil iif li-iviug eli lit probably always. j- -- kill nutl wound two horses of the assailing party any thing, what ho is now. an opposer of the jj e escaped that night, and the next morning Democratic Republican party throwing bisjaun- gave himself up io a party of his frieutls, who car- diced eye of jealousy and envy, on the actions of ried hint to Clinton. I was in the room where he its friends, ami the longing gaze uf ambition tie-; fought fiom. and tlife casement of the window, verm he gratified, on the emoluments of office,' the bed clothes, were entirely riddled. A charge au.i though he should he brayed in a mortar, be of buckshot rent thepidow on which the head of from the lame set oi canoiuaics ou mo uumuco | will probably ever remain the same. his child wa-placed. His wife, before the attack ticket, aud to occupy that time iu proving them j Here follows the conclusion of this medley of commenced, ran into another room, leaving her 1 false wbidi michl bo more justly employed in I mcon-istelicini miking op the letter of Roger L. child asleep iu the arms of her husband. He fought J / ’. . b . , V ; Gamble, and were it uot that every crew thinks like a hero, until he discharged all his weapons. ‘ bringing the true charges of federu ' | its own young the whitest, !‘e would bewail for- and had his right hand cut off y a shot. H e 1 OOMI3MEISSIO orisui against tha nullifying candidates. Another j eVc ,. f tbe'luckless moment, inwhicb he became would fire, and then throw clothes and pillows o- FWAHK undersigned begs leave to inform hi-friends & reasou is, that the character of Judge t^cblcy is j tb» father ofsiich an offspring. ver bis babe. When the asailants retreat“d. he ! -M- too well known and appreciated by the people of 1 ‘Hu relatiou to his illuminating tluriug the war l h p n dud himself. The Madison county folk: Georgia Io need any defence against attacks, front such a source, aud that it would be no in sult to their understandings to suppose, so Joug as bis patriotism and integrity for a quarter of a • ceutury past, is uuquesiHmed even t»y bli mo*t, Leftist public generally, that he will continue the above business in all its various branches at the old stand for- ODLEKY. HARNESS. . and every other article appertaining to onr line ofbnsi- j ness. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to ; give as a call. W3IGI,"'Y A 1! \RT. Opposite corner from WasUngtou Ilall. Sept 2 6m 11 NEW GOODS. T HE Subscriber is now opening a large aud ele gant Assortment of Staple A Fnncy"*Dry Goods, ; Hardware. Hats, Shoes Ac. among which art many • i:av. r and desirable Goods which will be .-old at Lis usual low prices. EDMUND RUS-i.-LL. Macon Sept. 3, 1835. 10 Jcull SaoaIs Madufac . g MYRICK, NAPIER & FR ...MAN M AVE received a anpplv of Cloths and Van: from the above ManoMctory, of -uperior fab- riek which they oiler to Merchants and Planters at the Factory prices. .Macon Sep 3 1835. 10 Brushes. 4 Supply of Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Shoe, Nu 1 Iearth. Flesh. Scrub, Hatters, Paint, Horse, Fur- ir.vetcrate enemies, that they would suffer cir cumstances before that time, resting solely for | s i r ,. e t in which the father of.fudge Sehlev resided their support on such discrepant testimony as aud in whose house he at the same time resided, tbit of Roger L. Gamble and Wni N Harman, hr Might up at this late day, to o)Krale agaiust him. When il it is understood that some of these charges first appeared iu a paper published iu this place, cnRcd the Messenger, edited by Robt. A. Beall, and that Robt. A. Beall is a candidate of die state rights pnrty for congress, and that Roger I. Gamble is likewise ou the unllifiers’ ticket as a candidate for cougress, the extreme delicary and inudesty of these gentlemen, as well A PROCLA3IA l lON sSiEO&S t ‘ By WILS >N LUMPKIN Gorerncr anil Cowman- dcr-iti-Chief of the Army and Navy of this Stair end the Militia thereof. tho .on. i^is iccsof th" In ferior ( our ' of th resp ctiv j Counties of tils £ta e. W HEREAS the Hon. James M. Wayne. W il iam Schley, James C. Terrell, am! John Y.\ A. Sauford, elected, outlie first Monday, in Ecu her 1834, Representatives front this State, in the Ho;.teoi' Representatives of the Congress of the Tinted States, for two years, from afed after the 3d (lay ol March 1835, have resigned -aid appointments—i-ow in order that said vacancies may be filled, and in pursuance of law, l have thought proper to issue this iny writ of e- lection, hereby requiring you. the said Justices as a- foresaid, to cause an. election to be held oil Monday, the 5th day of October next, at the several places of h >lding erections in your said counties, giving dee no tide thereof, for four representatives to fill said vacan cies. And I do further require von to make a return of said election to the Executive Department, within the time prescribed by law. Given under my hand ana the seal of the Executive Department at the State House in Milledgevillty this 25th August. 1835. Bv the Governor. WILSON LUMPKIN. \V. J. \V. Wellbors, S. E. D. 10 3t iug it nil dark whilst ethers were illuminated, some (die called out, "Rogue's march" tvhich —' hailed the company, und threatened to break ed on and uothiug further was done or attempt ed iu the case. That Judge Schley may have ■Ilumiua'ed aud joined ill rejoicing with the oth er citizens, upon some other occasions, is very probable. I have heard,ho did; and although i never, to my rccollecitou witnessed it, vut I as the talent aud skill displayed in their attempts have no reason to dispute the word of those who . j. _:it k. J n t. on i tell me that he did so. Judge Schley’s course to put down the opposi e > p j u 9 Federalist was so open and uttdisgnised du- preriated. Such desperate set ambling tor office 1 r j U g t ^ e W ar, and indeed for some considerable as is exhibited bv these state rights candidates, time afterwards, ttmt he became so unpopular Bagging per yd cts. 30 35 Corn. per bushel cts. 75 Corn Meal, do do 75 Klouiv northern. do do 10 a 11 Bacon. per Hi. cts. 10 a 15 do Hams. do do 15 a 16 Bale' Rope per lb. cts. 12 a 14 Iron per lb. cts. 5\ a 6 Mackerel per hhl. $ 9 h 124 Coffee- peril). els. 14 a 16 Sugar, do do 10i a 134 Molasses, per gal; do 45 a 50 Braudy, peach. Jo 9 H dor CV>v n iac, do do 1| a 2 Rum, N. E. do cts 50 a 56 Gin, Holland,. do $ ii 2 do Northern do cts. 58 a 624 Lead per lh. cts* 8 a 10 Shot per bag S 21 i Salt per bush. “ 1 ! The undersigned will give bis whole attention‘to the ^anuorship under the firm of ^ , above business and hopes to receive a portion of pub- ’ < VV A A AA1t1.Ui X QC I UAJ 1 iVAii j Be patronage^ A General assortment of Groceries .for the transaction of a general Commission Business, ' j will he constantly kept on hand and sold at the lowest at MOBILE, ALABAMA, to be commenced in the • prices.- sept.!) 17 H.K. carter: GROCERIES WARE HOUSE •And COMMISSION BUSINESS. month of'Ictober next. They tender their services to their friends and the public generally, and will endea vor to give satisfaction to all who may intrust their in terests to them. Richmond, Va. 31st Julv, 1835. iilp i!k; EKK.vcES.——Richmond, Messrs. Rogers, Harrison iv. Gray, U. & T. Gwatluney; Norfolk, Mr. Samuel D. Iioilins ; Petersburg. Messrs. Mordecai & Osborne ; Halifax (N. C.), Mr. F. S. Marshall; Eden- j ton IN. f!.), Messrs. Haughtin & Booth, Joseph B. Skinner Ksq.. Joseph II. Skinner. Dr. James Norceni; Plymouth (N. C.), Messrs. J. & W. II. Norcern, g 1 eorge-Jewett Aco. respectfully inform their Tarborough (N. C), Messrs. R & S. 1). Cotton; '(Jf friends and the public generally, that they have Murfreesborough (N. C.), Messrs. Southall A: John- added the Ware House and Commission Business to son; Weldon (N. C.), Messrs. Miatt & Smith; that heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware Charleston (S. <?.jy Mr: Bcnjauru R. Smith; Savan- I loose is conveniently situated on second street, near- nah (Ga.). William Gaston Esq, JosephCumming I so; i Auction ! Auction !! ders to sell or’ buy in this market, will be promptly y ol Georgia, and must »nk tb«nso,Ww; mp0t j. «ha eoimttlbat was known to b? sup- 5000 lbs OHIO BACON £ sestimation of the people th-it Ihnr election norteil hv cn i ■ s ■ I _ .i.._ i ..r«i i ni ls proper for me to remark, wc torv the estimation of the people that their election p orle( ] by him would be impossible, even should they succeed iu ’ in conclusio putting down the opposite lickct. Of the rem- ) - r . j ® . 1 . , , - , ver been polit amder of this junto who nave comimieti to I !lor ,| 0 ( pretXd/io impugn or rail in question rB^HE subscribers offer for sale the following goods their war into office at all hazards, whose names I jji* patriotism as a politician, or his integrity us -X °. n accommodating terms viz. nulliterf (irk«, W. m, r h„, I n Ji.." - 1 “‘jT* (Ef P «o 5S "’ “cession to speak, aDer some of the anonymous ! If Mr Gamble bad/eeit^juclined to do justice 50 do tow ditto. Shoulders &hams. wn the opposite ticket. Of the rem- j that although Ahgf Schley and myself have e- Tems cash. RF.A & COTTON, Au«t’s. * 1 ■ "■■ 1 >“»!*ii«yopi>osed, yet 11 is not for mo storage house country; ill receive INDIA A SPRING HOTEL, JpOJX SiAawij. T HE subscriber h ving (fetermined to dispose of the Indian Spring Hotel, will offer it for sale 011 Sept. IT, 18-15. a particular share of their attention. Liberal advan- the first Tuesday in October next, at public outcry un- ces will be made on cotton stored, or on shipments to less disposed of at private sale b -fore that time. l’i 4nv market, when desired. They also have on hand, aud expect shortly 1 to re ceive a large and general assortment of sons wishing to purchase this valuable establishment, are desired to call and examine for themselves, oni ascertain its condition, and satisfy themselves of its ta lcum which have l-.tely appeared in the Meuse..- j *> Jwfc* Schley, whjftd nit say that the charge 00 “ c r . j c i.i 1 of his brother candidal* iu Ihe Messenger, “that 40 Rer, standering the character of Judge hchley, . ,j ru|ns gj C were prXuijaT for the purpose of shall appear over their true signatures. j beating the rogues maMy around his house ^*c.” The Messenger had slated that Judge Sehlrv 1 was false, thatthey were procured for another »*« * riolmt Fedt ralist. and opposed to the last, i.urpose-that t • e house in question, was net , ' , .... . Judge Schley’s that although he was said to re- w»r. that he refused to illuminate h.s bouse when si( ; e ° th ,. re , he might have been sick or absent, or news of peace arrived, aud iu consequence drums .|j at j„, m igligl not have had the coutrol of it, o~ and other im>iruinrn:s wife procured to l*eat the might have been altogether iguorant ol the rab- “Rogue’s, roarth" nroutul his bouse, and insinu- ,j| e which at that late hour of night, had been spewed out of the grog shop and were cutting up hhds. St. Croix sugar, do prime N. O. ditto. r> do l’orto Rico ditto. 260 Bags Coffee. 12 lihds do vety prime. 25 bbls prime pork. 20 Boxes Tobacco, 00 M segars Hernandes, 5 r ' M do. Doz Amigos, a superiof article. 5 Crates assorted Crockery. *ep. 16, 12 REA & COTTON. ated moreover, thatiu conscqueticp of such refu sal h is house was brick batted ; aud, wbeu the Me-iserger was called upon for proof of these charges, forth sleps Roge. L Gamble one of tli e Humber of modest aspirants foraseat iu congress LOOK 4T THIS l 11 their shines in the streets, and calling for their '^^’ANTED IMMEDIATELY,500 Laborersand appropriate tune, the rogues march? After all . Y ^ to work on die (Mlowfy Mr. Gamble can sa V against Judge Schley by £ £ 2'^“,^ nr L , ak ° W,m ! co and st. Joseph’s , c k.i-.fnni xMhnwl in imnnm Kail Hoad, (H est r londa) near the mouth of Apula- 1 way of innuendo, he cannot preteud to mpugu c!)icoIa river , 30nulesfrom the town ofApalachicola: ! or call 111 question, 'us patriotism as a politician. am j on tlie T a u a j lassee and st Marks 'jian Roadj GROCERIES, DRYGOODS lue, both as a stand fora tavern and watering plnce.— O £ It is situated on one of the most public road- in the fyC. fyC. State. The main building contains two large and ai- Suchas. St. Croix and Portorico& Havanna sugars, ry parlors, 1 largo public room and bar; one hundred Cuba. Rio and Java coffee, Liverpool salt, and sixty fe t ol'piazza, twelve feet wide, with a din- Swedes Iron, Nails, Brads, cast, German and blister ing room ou tlie back part, eighty six feet in length. steel, In the upper story, there arc eighteen bed rooms, and Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack- apiazza of the same extent as below. Also adjoinin a building one story high, two hundred feet in length, containing twenty four bed rooms, with a piazza the entire length of the building; with extensive Kitchen, Cellars, and the necessary outbuildings for such an O^naburglis, Negroes cloths, shoes, hats, caps, claoks, Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles, Sets Blacksmith tools, castings, Hardware, Calicoes. Muslins, Blankets, Wax Calf skins, &c. establishment. Terms mad Which they will sell on as good terms as can be had iu this market. Sept 10 II NEW WARE HOUSE. I BEG leave to tender my services to tlie Planters and others in the •Storage & Commission bnsin .-ss. 3Iy Ware House situated 011 the courner of snt. Terms made known by applying to the proprietor at the Indian Springs. Unquestionable ti tles will be given to the purchaser. Also at the same time and place, will be sold all the furniture of every- description belonging to the. establishment. The above is believed to lie the most valunbie estab lishment in the State of tbe kind. mg 27 0 4t L. A. ERWIN. '.i. ii 'ij. of the Perce of liihb county. J ‘O* ‘ - iQj w* .. t- .(lisd el. - ■ I" iV’isli to hire forty negro fellows for the year 1836, A for which liberal wages will lie given, and every ..’entioft-paid to their health and comfort: srfme ofthem ire wanted to work in a britkyprd, and some onhuild- -gs in the City—Those working in the brickyard - ill not he exposed as much as in common brickyards, Fie bricks are all moulded by machinery. I should T.e to make the engagement for the above negroes cefore Christmas next. DAVID F. WILSON. August 6th, 1835. 6 I NOTICE. I TT appears to be reported by some malicious lying i vehicle, that some Mr. Pattersons of Troup Co. -w a dead man at my ho-se some years ago ; for tho -arisfaction of any person interested. I will just say hai 1 am prepared'to convince any live man that the uile story is a malicious fabrication, and palpably a se to all intents and purposes. Pike co. Ga. ang. 08. 1835 6t D. MADDEN. Georgia, Crawford comity 5WTHF.RF,AS Alford McGee applies tome for let-' v Y ters of administration 011 the estate of AVilliam icy late ofM onroe county deceased, These ore therefore to cite and admonish all and j singular the kindred and creditors of sard ! ed to be and appear at mij ofiee within the time | prescribed by law to shew cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted. tiiven uuder my hand at oiiic.- ilo- -_9lh August, 10_ W. 11. BliCOKF. c. c.'o. { m corgift, Houston county. Inferior Court in Chambers July Ii J -35. F !! F.SFNT thcir honor" Joseph Culpepper, Rob ert L. Duncan, and John Chain, justices of the Inferior Court af said county. ORD F.REI^/that the inferior court of the fourth Monday in /August ensuing, be adjourned over unto the secon d Monday in October next, and this order be in the Macon Telegraph and Macon Mes senger, &C. A true extract from the minutes of the inferiorcourt of said county. By the Court. 5 JOSHUA PATTISI1ALL. c. 1. c. 4 T r T tb< Sheriff court house in the i-/ fiiOi town ofZelml ke comity wiil be sold on the first Tues- Jav in October next, within the usual hours of silo, the following property, viz: One Lot of Laud No. 13 in tho second district for merly Monroe now Pike county—levied on as the [ ro- perty of William T. Rcnean to satisfy a fi fa it: favor of Uriah Ascue, lew made and returned to me by a constable. ' TIIO' THORNTON, sh'ff. Also trill be. sold as a bore. „. his integrity as :t mail. Theu he would (Middle Florida) from tho city of Tallahassee to the ! cherr > - a,ld TI,ird sl - is now in good order fortherecep 1 -WUSTIC.'.S ofth iVace will take notice that t. lid says \vhui|? Why in the first place be put" I11UC |, better have said nothiHg; for he shows n Port of st. Marks. | tion of Cotton. The usual accommodation of advan- 9 § und rsigned, lias been appointed Trustee of tin st pitiable inclination to do so, while his iua- Any portion of the above named number of hands ccs °' r Colt °f ‘*1 store will be made. Orders for the fund of Bibb county, a- d that it has In en and bungliugly conducted httempt to hide 1 lie fnnliro rankling in his heart against Judge Schley nnder the professions of friendship for the object hit hatred. lie then proceeds to state: “That Judge Schlev has always been a Fed c ralislsince I have known any thing of political nutters, neither himself nor Ids friends, to in' knowledge have ever pretended to deny—in fact I kiio w that he was opposed to the ailniin 'stratum of Jefferson aud Madison especially •he war ” Und Mr Gamble been drawn into this rom- 'uuitieaiioD as reluctinitiy, and been as ready to do justice to judge Schley ns lie pretends, he ' n 'ghl have said, that in the proper acceptation uf the Word, as opposed to riisiiuioiiist, he had always understood Judge Schley to be a Feder- “hsi; that he was amongst those who thought •heIkni interests of the country did- not call for • he drciaratioii of war: and uot have said that he was opposed to Madison’s and Jefferson'* Ad* 'ninutration, which he would so soon he com* hypocrisy to the blush, by his wcaklv conceived ino)i iih>« hchiuikukuu —, -- -— -— -— — -.s »»><> u«iau uiukuki ui — - , r ... , ? , ... . . bifitr and what liltl ttuth has escaped I im. will find employment on either of tlie above-named .purchase ol cotton will be strictly attended t-. / made thc;r -D act ofth j i-cgtslatur* passed 111 le.i ve hinisel'f and friends in a more unfavorable Roads, at the following rates, namely: wages, for la- strict amlpersonal atten.ionwillbe paidto the exceu- tho year 1-0to prod,,.-., and make out. list of: li«ln than bafore lhev had made the trial. ; borers, from 20 to $05 per month;'for Carpenters, tioti of orders for goods or the1 sale of produce.Jiaun r , > | children in t!ie:r respective districts, together with hit than before they had made 11 from 35 to $50 per month, and found. } K ? d ten yeareexperience .tithe business ofthis place, j , !leir na nies ages and sexes, whose extreme indigene. 1 IK' ■* ext "ttness brought fon*wJ■«» "r., T he above-named lines of Rail Road pass through t hope to he able to gire general satisfaction to tho, He shows conclusively, how reluctantly dry and healthy sections of country, connecting the who may entrust their business to my " r ’' LSTnv Molt. Hi . . . Mr. Oamldd must have been driven into this com- se : lboard with "the interior, where no danger is “to be munienlirm, by the indefatigability with which lie apprehended of fevers, &c. must have laboured, with the assistance of his All those who wish constant employment, and lib-1 manuscript, tc bring circumstances into the recol- eral wages, will do well to bend their course this way; X lection of Mr. Holt, which had been “effaced” 1 and apply to tbe subscribers, or to ourAgcuts,onei- :J -*- for about n quarter of a century. Htatements Ire ' dter of the above-named Rail lloads. savs, have gone before the public with a version i n J. D. &W. GRAY. „ „-h«, Pnl OnmMn ,-ns (CTThe Comnibus -Messenger, and Macon Tele net ex.» 1 1 J .. ' • 'grajih; will please publish this once a week, until the he does not hesitate to tesufy—that indignities j ] st ST ovembrtr next. The Savannah Georgian, and were offered to somebody, he is sure, but to Charleston Fourier, will insert the above three time.* whom, he conuot tel!! I erhaps Col. Cam ole a week, until the 1st November, and forward tJieir ac- might have made him more particular had lie counts for payment, to our ollice in Tallahassee, Flor- thougbt that testimony from such a source, ida. would have been of any account. Next comes aleitcr amounting to pretty much the same, over the name of Benjamin Goheri; hut as the name is not accompanied by Mr. Go- bert's mark, wo do not know whether .Mr. Gam ble was authorised by him to use the cununuui-. cation or not. i Last comes die letter of W nt N Dayman,— school sejiteniber 5, 1835. ■ 12 F OUR Jlonths after date application wi to the Honorable Inferior Court of I’ik when sitting for ordinary purposes for leav Negroes belonging to the I slate of An: lale ofsaid county deceased MARY GRIFFJtiT Am Sap. 16. JOHNR.JKE #1 WATTS AND RIPPON. SPLFNDID edition of Watts & Rippons Hymns, also Watts, Village and Methodist 11 ymn Books, with 11 collection of Miscellaneous works just received by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS, sept 10 11 ^ H ENRY G. ROSS Esq. will attend to the duties of my Office durinc my absence from this State, ang 19 8 EDW. C. BULKLEY. D AVID B. BUTLER ESQ. is mv professional agent at all times when I am absent from Macon. Mr? Bader will be found at the M. & F. Ins. Bank, april l-Jy-41 EDW. D. TRAC \ TO LET. A STORE or office in Third street It will be fitted up for either asmav be required. SHOTWELL, BROWN &’Cp. sept 16th 1835. 12 T -tititles them to a participation in the poor fund, and report them in writing to the Trustee. Without a compliance with this act, the Trustee cannot make an equal and fair distribution of the fund, sep It) Ot II WASHINGTON POi . Tin Ware Manufacturer. MDLBXKKT, NEAR T’tllU) STREET. Ill', subscriber continues to manufacture FIN WARE in every variety, and has n0tv 011 band a general assortment, tvhich he will sell wholesale or retail at the Savannah or Augus ta prices. He has also just received an assortment of Ja lined Tin \\ are. consisting of Trunks, -ug:" Waiters, Bread pans. Canisters, fug-s w is. Milk cups. Tumblers. Pepper boxes, Or: Toy cups. Rattles, candle-ticks, .'.-imps, - pi X! s. sand Boxes. Pocket Lanterns, &.c. &c. Mso. patent Bakers, Foot stoves, hlocktin’I c . Plates, Basins, Tumblers, &c. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice, jan 2 WILLIAM S. ELLIS. One Lot of Land No. 'IT in t be 2d district formerly Monroe now ’ike countv—lev ied on as the 1 roperty of William T. Uene.nn to satis!' • a fi fa in fi.vo of Du- gar & Battel. cvy made and 1 turned to me 1* ;i con- stable, mitr 04 JOSEPH II. SHIV! US, d. iff- '■' rr ?!+ i U\» ■ tJ» If WAV F. iu ■t received a fres i supply of !)ri is and WW Medicines, among which are tbe following arti- cles : Morphine, Strychnine, Emetine f*iperine, V eratrine. C roton Oil Blue Ma« , Henry's Jlagne si i.’tSulpIi. QuiniiW Ward’s Hair Oil. Eng. Rose Water Pearl Powder, Jujube I’- ste, Bay Rum Notary Wafers, White scented Soaps, Tooth Wash, Ac. —ALSO— Thompsonian Medicine, among which are, Gi* iyrrh, (best) Boneset or Thorough wort. Bavberry ow'd. Golden Thread. American Valerian or Ladies’ dipper. Lemon Bulm, Peppermint, African Cavenno •epper. —ALSO— Gin Lancets. Evans Lancets, Dentists’ Files, Sea- 1 Needles, Spring Lancet Blades, Ac. &c. I?/-3?^ i’ received , r salt' H ■ 1 BROWN \ CO SW\IMS PS \ A CL A 'UST received and for sale by 7 SHOTU 1: LL BROWN & CO.