Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, September 17, 1835, Image 4

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, _ r , : . 4m X y?*3r>tT?rWi r ~ Vtisixs o c* r? f #• 3,® |^riST^» $ T" .-» t- - ■ i ■■ I ■ I i in TT—MWW^Wra>rW—f®fff^"*‘* , ** W ** > *^ 1 ' m r< * 1 1 I WI1»W.J Tax collectors’ sa~e&. . U w a 0\';“ ■; -?, »■ tile *U? ttvwn I.) • Carroil County, will In- sold the to : u:*d<ty tf. Uo .i Iwhii hmtrJ df satoTn Carre elore the Court liotise (i Mowing property to wit: tiie lOOl Crawford Tax Sale. • :ir-4 Tit • lay in NOVEMBER nest, will 801,1 ; !0 ?° conrt hoiM« in Knoxville j A part of two Lots of Land, visi. 40 acres 'more of ' *?_*“*■* hoar8 •>!*>'*' I less nflo: No. 65.and 75 acrc< dfUk No.; *6, all yin o: us will sal- j j a t ; ;e ; t ;,arict Carroll as the property ofj. WHpielc' haul to ali-ly'sundry ti fas fro.u jn nices cd!lfl'.<" rty coniity, as the roniityin'fkvor of ; toavid CliKtotii and others \- , said Yv'hisenhnnt, lew made and returned to uic livh.' .arty county, as the j COIWta |,j # • •; . . much: • o.mty. oil iic x «i ■ ,i a-ual Hour-. will. ■ ■ >no ne :ro woman named Ttf •."j.iTiy of Goldman Bifflo to 'i.ertor court of finretto cuuiuv iHeiiV* Goldman Bidle Suit'.! i . (ou”V ESTATE SALIvS. ali-f.- a? the Bill la from tli t lJjali I’. till Griffin security stav. STEPHEN 18*’ "■ - - • •] t i4*J O. —, 8th district C jivV' 1LL he sold lielbfe '.he L'oart i louse 1 flofir, tii i 7 tii ‘‘town ol'McOoribtibJij'.n’bnry County, on Lot No. 125 in the 7th district of-aid county—as tin , ,: iP first Tuesday in. October tiyeen the lawful iportv of Chariea Cniwford to satirfy sr li j ti<fiiiis!6fs4|p: • u ■ ■ • ;:.i.,-au. Ie\i our: of Gowetn countyin favor .Vt. T. Iti.h- on as the property of.iaues r stvinnett county, as the . ■ • | justjeAs if, nr; of Coweta county in ict Crawiord county, as : er£< w ;jfi ,,f| 'r fi f n « Vs said Crawford, leVy utudp am Qt /' I returned to rue by n constable, itnct fttewancounty.a-., ISAAC El COBB, sh’ff ■i.intinislratar (jltuirdiun's Sale. r S'lffitL be sold on the first Tuesday in OCTOr l%vied ,-on as jpe I y y BERrtie'xt, at McDonough Henry county, the . interest (ifJoiin .11. i). Taj lor deceased, also tiie inti r- e— ufNriah,W. Taylor, a minor. in Lot No 107 in the i Vtli district of Henry county, sold by orderof the court • piordinary iif Butts pounty .for, too benetit of said mi nor aiid the'distributee^ ofsaid.deceased. July If ’CHARLES BAELr-V; Adm'r of John M. D. 7 ’iiiilor deceased, and Guardian for Xoah If. T«r;lor. ,f- JL___ ZEBU LON- HOTEL l'ho nil! ji ■’ jkes this mac. tiw(l,to inliiriu no iiiuudsand palilict limt tie has .s»ken chKrgft*. N ■ r i ” ' J tin* t.l.ove I'sublishjnent. forjiieAv ■'I ka h % a h:^l_oi'-. ('. .Mttn^tal ’ ■ 1 -fids liiinsel! pl#d. gwa tDcbniri to ;!n>satisl.ictinu of his patrol .lid respectfully -elicits a liberal share of patronage. July'dil 5 • ■•I't iii.ii;: J. II.- R!i:. ViyS- C ,30; e, ns ilia property ofj. q u years Also, trill he sold as n'erec,' > itcep'o woman by the name of Ami about 2-' •jfar*. as the property’ of Clavtnn Williams,olst> II. Canmlmrs' and Clayton \V’illianis‘ interest in property oftfa'ini-s Ucu.-.y t Q ^nisfy ai fifu is-.j n il fi«m the Superior Cottrr of liehfy' cooidy in fill vor of Alexander Urfan vs. Jutiics lietuy. Midju m-| f \ l 1 - ; v .., coUmV/itou lying in hie c.onnty o( Bmb, beloujiug to. a part of tiie children of the -nhscriber. .some of whom ** 7ti dwtrict Irwin county, «, the j j 0 „ fi iL Cndnlmr* and Clayton prnptriy ol I.. Crow. J . Li . {lot of Land No. J3! in the sixth district ol Carrol , a< ;* t i j. ’*‘v/. rtC .. ,'' 1 ‘ cruiae im'itty. as j rolln tv, to satisfy a it fa from Carroll superior court in t ' ,<5 «'l , Ti* 158r *- V st 7 il'a . rasl f" a • ... . , favor ofGiles B. Taylor vs Alman Chambers & Co., ”, - ' r ' ’ ‘'"iJ, , ,l district < rtvnord eon 1 ; •• pj-openv pointed out by Clayton M’iiiiatns. as the property ot M -. .;a Mimmerlm. j ‘ Lot of Land 207 in the fith dis'rict of sajd county. .. ,-ome o, »»..o '. ' A. • : “ ' '•' rm ’ r,,u count . v - ti,e I ,ro * j as the property of Benjamin Chapman to satisfy two I are rairiors. and of whom the subscriber is guardian, periv oIMpMon I'twvi r. fi fas from the snperhir court tif said eotyity, one in j pine 12-1685 52 JAMES HEARD, aug.-f UrtLLt.l I C W • n,.l..,. I. C. ■ favor of Ambrose Chapmen vs Tetijatatp Chapiuau. ' —j—i > r ■ — :— .niejiS. Boggc9 and Jame« If Iwdt e’rs and one in favor • . :C I'-'tl j of Farris Carter vs Banjamin Clianmah r.hd Jiles S.' 0 -1 iha first Tuesday i t XOVEVTJ .17 next, wili i Rogges bis security on appeal, property pointed ont by sold before ti»c' cimrt ho’H.- in Macon. Bibb! by Beniamin Chapman, tjouflty, between the lawful hours of sale the following ! Nine negroes, to wit. Penelope and her S children, property, or not ntrtch thereof as will stuisfy the tax .or I Betsy a girl 5 years old. Henry a boy :? years oid.Scth! 18:H'and costs: vis. ' a hoy 10 months old.’ Dave a bay 0 years old, Atuiidi a 40 acre Lit No 057 lltii dist 1st sec Cherokee, giv- > woman about 22 years old. Andjr a boy n ycars old. ca in by George McGrow, tax dim 17 cents. ‘ i Rachel a girl 7 years old. Bob a man about j:; years ''Cxecutor*s„ Side. TILL behold ip. the, town of .McDonough on the first Tuesday in October next, within iric i'.-;!- al hours otlsaV, a sijiiare oil acres of Land si the sniijbwest corner of Lot No. 227 in tin- 2d 4 r> y j j ■ / i -p-,, y,i ofdleiiry cotin:>\ -old agreettble toth • last will at ■ * * ' “*•' A i . t » S .V t-iineii* of John I’.iir ih*<—ased. sold for the bt-til F OUR oM -Ifi-r ,t:7l.- a;.. •„ , b-»‘.'irs and < r-dit.ys of -aid decuased^t.irms i to t!i -liomirabie inferior (onn'of Bibb oontt^ k dowii on the day.ul-ate.- Cl*TPIT r "X cr’r when: silling for ordinary jnttpi,-, f,,r leave to sell I , ' . A.' jI. CLTOIU.N, cxn Lot of Laud No. 95 in the fourth district of Houston • l u, J’’ ' ill. WA Hi AC TON iL if, f 4 : a (i Til! ' ; :t!,..-I t ,f,\. -i ok,: ,- ' ''■ ' s moifious atul w i ciowii piUihc hoto ,7t. ihe ; Citytnf Mai ala.—tiie Ho... -e-L-V 7 ^ !»: -i by Jlr.-M. .■.,---.i.— : h V I !l • U. "I’l.-ill ' Utielltioll !■! ” !)Otll them, tliey fiatter tbppjsejjje: that tiiin for them a _ .. a; ; v Irotn tiie • .ihlic.—; They hive secured the'valuably ser.v4ce.s 0l' a Lady, kvh'c-e repiitafioh ns a ma’niigerdf a pubiio 'house. i« Inferior *0 110 onp in tjie ritate. Tiieir tables will brltiwbet) with the best tbe.c v try atfords, and their bar with the choicest |epiors. The,.Stnblcsare attended l»- careful.and e.\;-eri -nerd. .M i'b’I I W f. MOTT. 1635 36 o.U lev Titles Bure C l.;., . . 1 at iii LliaiAi'i o i ^fOit .'-CKh-ttlUii /at.., IM.CWI1,;., i'-ta. N , ' ' m CL - .tlodd, Chi.,.u<- lliuuu,- , M:i - ■ i.tes, MeTtfbVtttr Liratiist* " ; - . . f—L.iBi.ti o oin line* 1.. • - ^u-e„h/u!;:^" f ■■ of me Ci-n ' '' ■' fN n , U -s.itli!- ‘ UIH.-7 1U -ns i ' 3 that iiree 2T t> ipouci"^ lc,n,. lll ^A U '- «trz irtitier thr ipied 1 ■ I tid r> nod. i 4 |P“at. ill'Vu- ci\ J iiatbl'of move a 7b . ita/ rliifiy last? their Ho-K-.«frtil r-H--*** UJiWui ‘>' Mw li0Ul • ' l-A COU^iUtl Pi >1 tl J.I J t WV1I. A<lm hi istrit for\i* Safe. ‘VVTTfcL be sold oii tin; firs; Tuesday in October | Ostlers^ V it next, by orderofthe inferiorcourt oi'Houston j I eh 5 county when sitting for ordinary purposes, before the ' . court bouse door of Scrireb county,'about 220 acres IC? Having sold my interest in the Washington Hall of oak and hickory Land belonging to the e late of. l ° Messrs. & Mott, Iearne-ll solicit for them 'WM.'VllCK.ihu., A,V> V. • VU \ (>HArLEhiL' \ •theiWerojgnedSi.asbee,, 3 i.a !; wiummatiMn t V r iluee .year- ,N. U ^-V,„ ■]ier.i1<: l.y Wu - imna e’ol flirf p, 1 j ’ ,l dt bj'ifiaig^,. months after date application will be made to the conn of Ordinary of Crawford countv for — r - - , . ... . leave to soil the land bclougiiig-to the estate ofAIc'xan- i William S. Brunson deceased, adjoining lands of the 11 coii.inn.aiiee of the patronage winch was i- dria R. Taylor late of said county deceased, for the be-1 estate of Thomas Telfair deceased, of the estate tf!"®*i whilst proprietor of the est; Mi vmein. nefit pftuc heirsund creditors of said deceased. I Wiliiant W. Oliver deceased, and George Pollock, all ; -Macoin feb ;> :>(> .M, J>. IJU?ON. WM-. B., !• ILK8. ) ... ‘ lying in said county of Scriven, about seventy acres t , until rs of said latiil cleared. Also, at the same time aiid'plare *£ & £1 - SW» W.Sito. .»>« The subscriber had for ne:.,h Uvu ’ "^ JS nicer upon U.e Uneu,,• large as her hand. It >, may 11 1835 "JJJT OU It monthit after JAMES M. TAYLOR, S A7 I u ill bo sold about 50 acres of pine land, adjoining lands j Mncdonouirh■ Oct. 27. 18.'i f 40 acre Lot No 252. J4ih dist 1st sec Cherokee. ?iv- i old—as tire property of Joseph Chambers A Jesse II. j to tiie Jionorobie 1 in bv ! nr Jones, tax 47 corns. Chambers to satisfy a mortgage li fit in favor of Jesse w,i?n sitting fur ordini 40 nera Lot No 517.3d dist 4th see Cherokee, given 1 Laytte and others. ‘ ' ( ail real estate of Hcrtwl ita.-se late of said eounty July 21 DUDLKV AYRES, dep sh'ff. j decetused, for the beuefit of the lieirs and creditors. jmie ]:W*2 BI'V'l.iU.Y ¥)-\Nff- L. adm'r. in tty Robert Peafon. tax 47 cents. 2il2j acr»:<, \o 'J!j7, 4th dist Bibb, given in by Wn Peaton, tax 7-1 cents. „ 100 acres No '103,17th dist 1st sec Cherokee, given in by John 3e«'g>. lax t>7 cents. A" 40 acr.< Lit in Citerokaw, tnmbcr &c not known given in by Charles 6i!es. tax 48 cents. 152 acres par: of Lat No 11 4t!i dist Bilih, given in by William Ckiments, tax 76 cents 40 acre Lot No J7'17th dis 4th sec Cherokee, given it, by Jesse Cozarf. tax 48 cenN. 202} acres No 110 0th dist Unit ton. given in bvJo- aiali Smith, tax 85 cents. 40 acres No 470 2d dist 1st «cc Ciie-' i-c.-. property oif Win Ricliardson. tax 105fceni 3Pike SheriiF Saicn i 4 T the court house in the town of Zebuiiiit. 1 j- ; 1 S'Jfl mouths after date application will be muue . Pike county will ho sold on the first Tuns ! ii? «* ‘tins houor<t!)it-‘ inferior court of Crawford conn- •lay :i Octohe" next, within the usual hours of j *> for leave 1c sell Un; imernst or YV illiain J. Wayn- silc. :ire following property, viz: «>::•• Lot of Lfind No. 13 in the second district for creditors—Terms on tbs (lav. THOMAS d’OLLOCK. Adm'r. SARAH BRUNSON, Admr'x. July 20. 4 mm lly 160 acres No 23 :>d dist 4t!i son Cherokee,giren in '■ M iliium T. iRnean r Caleb Smith, tax 74 cents. ' - nr A' llattei, lewf mm! Administrators Sale. TILl. b'- sold in front of tiie Court House in | , , . . , . , „ . .Macon, ou tne first Tuesday in November man uai'eascd (itu.inp one nai:in die Inctory known j J)ext ;| || the personal property of John XV. Rhodes: as Jig graiiidm t at.ory in I pi oncoiiuty. La. ^ J deceased, consisting of household and kitchen liirni- * 1 . c . .. i: '*’ *' a " T ' : tore, a quantity of carper t'‘-s tools, anda very supe- J«ly b lsJj ~ .. .. ! rior rifle patent broncht'din brass, for the betiefiit of of Uriah Ascne, levy made amj returned to me l*v.a 77 >UR months after date application will be made . die lieirs and creditors ofsaid deceased.—Terms cash, constable. flOS TtlORNTO-N’, stiff A j :o the honorable inferior court of Talbot county j AIdf^jtUt4^dd •/.< nImn . ~ wiier. sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all • ’ne Lot of Load 1m 1 ITitHlje 2d district formerly the real estate of Benjamin lfitiehonr deceased, for the , now Pile eoiinlv—levred-qp as tho property J beuetit of the heirs and creditors. mcriy Monroa now Pike countv—levied on as the pro. j pet ty of William T. Bcncnu to satisfy a it la in favor | incut, and solicits a share of pnh £- lie patronage, for which he : - !/i hopes of giving general satisfac- ji be sujii lied with lit.- lie-: the 1 «»•>::- his staliios well attended In. ISAAC HARVEY.. me ni.'Teu. n> uuatrm 01 tin .-titotioii-. wifi '. , nioiu.1 o. |Je0f-iu!, 1 iajt, i „ as B h,l W ■' 1 •'»-] ilVe liotllcs Con,.a? , 0:> ‘ 1 aid. ' . ‘‘“l-ttf-n i t . (1 .* ? U;i-.C! 1 «• , 1, 11 .\, The subscrihcr bad for nctun ™’.!^ 1 JSJ. ‘ xtont, a Uc,T, ‘it; ■ nr many remedies' 111 vvtnr.-.suif}‘l)p gelling 1. lief, vvl, -a -I - r.-r ' ' • Panacea, and is happy to s.ak-.ii 0 ‘ t "t it entirely. a;hl su^i^rgu^,,, “ - - tupfr,-iie;u;lv a v.ear. • ,j -iv/:r‘U . .. : OunuisTox , ,- A ... • I vvoinmictet! fonr year- \m:|, a , ,," 'g occasionally aecompaiaied wjtti cn> i.crV* 4 " ina'tioii auii exc< siive paiiliu the le»(i> , 6e\ - rai eminent I'hy.-xir>»ls exerted tT. fcir V' lint will,out pennant nt benefit. In this, of 77/c tndi: lac Indian's panacea nijitlc a r«-w , ' .MARGAkLT IV. «';'.8T."Uy^ Ch.U11.KS7i 10 teres No 204 17i!t dist 3d sac Cherokee, grveiri 111 by Robert Sanford, tax6 cents. 202} acres No 10.15th dist Tronp. giypniu by Tito-; Sfitble. rig 24 mas Sacra-, rax 83 cents. A 4D acre acre l/>t in Cherokoe. given in by Jame- Bridges, tax 47 cants. 1(50 acres. No 206, 2d dist Itlt sec Cherokee, given in by Jesse Smith, fas 46cents. 40 acres No 1 25th dist 2d see Cherokee.given in by Nail Harkins, tax 48 cent*. 201} acres. No 45, 21st dist Lee, given in by’John II Suns, tax U0 c. 202} acres, .\000 5th dist Rabun, given in bv*8ca ll on 1 Jones, tax 100 c. A House and Lot in East .Macon, the property of Susan Bond, tax 83 c. 202} acres No 2S3, 16th dist Pulaski, given in by ' Robert Cunningham, tax 207 c Julv 12 GIDEON POWLF.DGE, adm’r. 10 4m sep 4,1635. 11 GEORGE A. SMITH, Adm’r. Adxninislrotor's Sale. Will be Sold A T the court house iu Knoxville Crawford county on the first Tuesday in October next, the follows S*ayeti W il.L he suliT^^uthe first TtJ^lny October next, be^TlvtwLt^Mfvt bouse in Foyrttevjlle, Fayette county, between the usual hours "sale.. One Lot of Land No. 120 in the 7th district of Fay-- i-tie eon r,iy—levied 0:1 as the property of James McCor-, cel by executions issued from justices’court of Chat- lioms'ouniy in favor of Edmond G. Ball and others vs said McOarcel. ALFRED BROWN, sh'ff nugl5 TIOUR inontlie nfter date application will be made : ing l^t» of Land s 65 and 56 in the 2d district of origi- situated in the business part of the trtwtn- atul ati's nnnv«»."«b e .sinrvai.oo— w i, clli)ljJ , : to the honorable inferior court of Bibb county i Houston now Crawford c.onnty ; one ofthe all- fronting the Court-Mouse. rsFviv tififf " ,■ I’f'Wa.i lien sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to seil j p. v,! Iy ots tswdl improved,.having 11 com for table dwel- Having leased this stand fur several year,-, .-.nan/.?',!? mVnur a?. 1 i :,b r 'i 1 ^5 0Vtr 8 ...4* 1 iv n 117 Miiii. lw.;».rr 1111 if house &c.. so M for the Lonofit of I*.oirK nnrH r • i • v *. ■ rapjdh in iom wpoL> I . numf iuvsdfitnif.v • GLOBE TAVERN, Oiintdb/S’ ones ©onaty, . PTTNHl'i Sttnkfrihers (late .'propridlors of tin- Tons disease for severa! years, c/tiriirv ... , . JeL Clinton Hotel,) 'euder our thanks to *uir ■ pio.veiU-several eminent physicians bbta in Ma a, 4 ' t|«i Utbol ai;. a,, j r; This may certify that i v.a- a known as the globe tavern, j tailing suiHeieiil food to shstaiti lilt-: I n-m: t,.;',f situation several days.'emacitited; ni.tlil,!, . wl.en sitting iiir ordinary nurpo-ev. for leave to seil i ove Lots is well improved, having a comfortable dwel- uk icowu mis -10110 n.r sevoroa yo,;r... _ tn ai,. Lot of Land No. J17 tfl iiibb county • it being the re- j bug house &c. t sohl for the benefit of the heirs and , VItfl tiu . i nte i.tion ofrenewing tiie lease or ofptir-‘ I ' ' at estate of Martha Smith a minor. . creditors or Amos Hicks deceased, agreeable to an or- ■ • -■ . ‘ , ail*- 5 7 .Sl.MUIL J’ H60P, "uardian. der ofthe court of ordinary of Crawford county. • r ELIJAH HICKS, ad’m >u it m-inths alter data appucution will he made, ju. to :!ie Ittferlor Court of .Monroe county,, when silting tor ordinary purposes for ieavo to sell the i-e- groes belonging to tue orphan children of Alexander Leggett, deceased. ANDERSON BALDWIN, Cuartrn. August 20- 3 .AAdministrator Sale. t jlk order of the Inferior Court, when sitting for JP ordinary purposes for Houston connly—will be sold before the Court House door in Perry on th'e 3a its SheriLt' Lalo. ^7in,Lbesoid on the first Tuesday in ttetober next; between Ike usual hours of sale, at j 160 acres. No 110, 5th dis: 3d sec Chorokee,given Jackson Butts conuty, before the court house door, the | county deceased. BENJAMIN II 1 t by Almlosn -\bpey. tax 164 cents. following property, to wit: j ''rtia-ki co. <ep 3, In yUeon « 5ven in l, y Abraham I aw- One negro woman named Maria wnliout any cbil- j TTV-i^K AtotilUi offer, <futeVp7fici first Tuesday in November next, 150 acres ofland being a part oflotoflaud No. 55 in the 11th district of Hotts- PTTIOUE moiiths after dote, nppiicitiou will be made [ to,,co,3, * t . v 7 belonging10 the estate of Henry Rogers, it? to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Pulaski To be sold for the uenefitof the heirs and Coa;i;v when silting foi ordinary purposes, for leave i cret “ t0iS ' Terms made known on the day. h^il the real estate.of ITnwier • itowell late of said I T an , DA5 TD ADAMS, Adm.r. HOWELL, Adm'r. J ' : ivj0j«3.». ,_4,; chasing the property, we consider ourselves pdr' 1 inauetuly loeii our accomotl shall require Our Hot; Travellers endeavor t' public pati'(7 in I Administrator & BjiiardiarTs Sale. application w 21 be niiii.c * «7ILL Im sold on the first Tuesday in NOVEM- to t..- Honorable the iuler.or-Court of Bibb j y ft BF.R next, at Drayton; Doolv Conntv, the iu- Ciniut, when -ittidg for ordinary parpascs, for leave | tere; t of John 31. D. Tavlor deceased, also the interest in the 28th district of originally Lee now Dooly county, sold hv ib'en healthy and a first rate cook between 30 aud ! Ul 17 years of age known a- i.e.uidar A. .- min'd 1 -. 1 feather oeds, rifl mafir-sse^ lAi r *i j to sell the real estate of .John 3V. Rhodes deceased, I of Noah W. Taylor a minor, in Lot No. 137 2 P ,!l0 2J’ 50 P r sheo H- 50co.interpane« JWdat.kets, j poiMkt i n?ofone tract 0 n :llld S o. lf.2, 3d district Lee county. Sept. 4. l fc 35. GEORGE A. SMITH, Adm’r. I) order ofthe court of ordinary of Butts county for the benefit of said minor and the distributees of said de- reiU'C. tax 200 c. . 12 acres on flic .Macon Rcserv Wood, tax 6-1 c 40 acres No 3(>3, 13th dist 1st sec Cheroko? iu by William Morgan, tax -H cents. .,ij pr pillow cases, 50 bedsteads. 40 -mail tables, 40 loO aeros No 280,18th dUt — -re 'aero ■ ivcii wa-ji stands, 1 set large diningroom tables, ItiOchairs, in by Solomon Thomas, tax 03 cents. ! line sofa, 1 fine centre table. 2 large fiue carpets 2 — ————-rrr ■ . cHiniva mnrv • A 160 acre lot in Cherokee, No .Vc no; ki-nv-i. forte pianos;8 pr andirons, 80 -.viadow curtains,'.10 CaCOrjtIII 1 /' lltilotl Gomtltli, (.e.i.-.s . , ■ ,/ n A m , ■ J>Al i.i. r, ou, in bv \V nt (alias Sbin.-y') .lolni-' n. inx.T c. iooking glasses, (sinalll 2 pr large-parlor looking glas- VtlJ/'H. A: AS Leary Stanley allies to me for let- j,,] v 9 ' r 1 ° Q u Ndiad forXbak'lP^'raiJitr. fit) acres No los--t.i dist-J sc,; C.i - o., 1; 1 ( 1 Bureau, 1 fine toilette glass, -• lamps, i cooking j (cs ai Aduiiui-uatioii on tJie e-tate of Edward -— , , v—rrv—-“ -- ' -r-E— : — by Joba Weakos, tax 94 c. -f ive. I} doz. brass candlesticks, ■ dux. do. common, J u u;-.s deceased.: A,f/?WIJY/tflJTS Sale. KiO acres No 311 :kl dist 4th soc. Cherokee, trivn ; - ibicovers, 2 doz. table cloths, 3 doz. towels, z Hack- lUcses arederefartlo rite aau admomtk'all m>i,singu<. j A , Gl^EKABLE -to ?n. order of tliehonorable inferior I mnb, tox]0< c. : . - .biiaoiibonrds, 1 wulmu sideboard, l brciiskih, 1 do larfiie k\ndred atul creditors aj taul ' he niul: court, of CraivfoA'damiiplyiwhenrittingfor.QPiiii- -* Hou-o am Lot in alucun given in by Marsuall tiiiding leaf tslile, 1 set cut glass ware-eottsisung of appear at ri.p ojjie.t tcithia dtctiu.e.;eee-.rrif>o.i h)/ lair, to : arv pribinws, wii] be -old ou thc first Tuesday iinNO- i it|<!nn, lax ^4.' I2.3c« ^ 5 coiujiion CjUttofs, i wltw?, crockery h/hjic cause if antitficy luzcr, trktj s*ihf itilths xhiJuidiwt j>c.i -tjW rrub door jii lh« -\ lioijficaucJ Latin Macou givoninby f^ewI^Browii j and gjanj w^rc, J.nives and fork^. epoogp^c.'; i irruuUJ^ ♦ • m • ' ' to\pj of I^^9XY { ^J , “ tax270 c , . ; ;t!l the kitchen uten-ils, consisting of pm-r ovens, Ac. Given under tny hand atiOfilce Sept -S' 40 acres, No-142, 4 th dist 1st sec Cherokee, also a I iaTge tavern bell, tiilis, buckets, water pails—levied] ji CHARi.£64I. t.'iCU, C. C.iO. >1 as I baye riimaimsl c\- i -mfc, ■ ANBlu.trcfr-MHiig. ami shrill cotitinne to improve A '• cbWrsd"w'bnuiiiJ ; Wkmgh;•*;«f Jf r .'A4 a >-’f.- is as the comfort of customer- -Ci uEe-ion,. lfpi-;-.:iect. d,liir.tq distressing pajn in Itpr head ’ ' ,1 distressing pjiin ill Iipr bead, aecmw.srfi,,/ njt'n %uv open for the receriiloti oj f Li'tioi} in hoi hrfstrils. and acc.;-i.oa Hi-V-Li-rp.--. ,tillers. Wo shall :;t :tli liuics j dftedfcve matter tnnfi her iii.nti itch a House. ind we hoj commodations aV*ivill prove satisfactory' lo who call on us. . The usual great promises of gooil TABLES. B ARS. &.c. we think unnecessary to jlafifieufm'' ize.—Good Lots nut! other couvenicticdk for Dr— vers, readily furnished lM! , WOOD & IVEEKES.,, January 20, 1834 10 tf ~ A,! 1 M ' ; — H -tiTHti xa ^ T this- time, when the spirit ofspecjiiation jp la^d . nse. ns vyiiL 'ch4rt*e‘ *BNfll** P*m >o to affcvtl simb.arr.c 1 fctv liver mnt| far. (hear £c/r jroacf ; Tint;! |-a>r: ,< tpn-.^fiir sov era! of our !ig-t plirotirti-* oflecT: aminrat l xvas cured by takinlr O'-’o 1 fndieni'S'Panitdfn. wit\\ snmon:!;-1 fi; ■ pi'Is. fjjrvptpd4ff>'|Oi)rtloctor. P.Jtti •- .. ' Ml! “SURmu: /ii ■ mii7J]cat;\v) 7 ; i(v: UTyi HI. sitbscriber fill’s Seen itppoiritcif ajes:I lat •sijq^ttcatlP# , oJ' Stigiter’i' ■Patent Tri-.. is prevailing to an exteitt unm'ccedejuefi’in our cbnittry, allow me to endeavor to. direct public otiin- -^V ! }u-J 1,1 vd'b. Bje may b.- at a!| tui->( : ion From objects at a distance—-7P" , ‘f 1 g*‘ , *l ! "**f jhtWYj , a ;l ' '' " v,;: ' fit! in result,ko those |;‘ U: ■ , ken, v. 1.a : • -.1 'E f -• r-(iri- an.- -- ii ■ facility of information atford-aifeuKiViecs, mat 31 itiasv, ’ ' ’ " possess some advantages to those wbuliave thiur mon ey to expend in adventures, tliatof ckh,tajxtv. I will say nothing ill relation to patriotic cqztstdefnlio!i.’ \v?iicn should at least, l-o far injjuence on.{ fjjtiijytis aiMo'iii a. court of Crowfnrd ssmatsiwhen .sitting for ordm- t !’ lcc the ! n ,10t *? t,es< ' r£ few 01 #®“f-jj‘W‘ "fa* ■< ptrtqioSes, vvi'd bpsqldon the first ’riicsdav iiiiNO- »«“• uuIess . advantages oi.'a siipOnor cejirimvcr be . ^ i T!i s- t held hut tn :hein; but, I will address inv.SulfTd tlieii to;vi! y of Kup.Wjil'9 jcr|aid W|iitvMlj the Lund and 7?e- «fraftsi>c4onfinf »![i^ - A!t»xandr. B. Savior £t\&Of STAGE^RETWEEJN- f one; Nogro woman by the name late of Mid co'nntt deceased, ns follows: Tffl-J adres bf Land of'No. 7 in ilid sgcond district of said comity, nl- ett JOl^Micres of Land No. 26 in second district of said county, one Negro man by.the name of Johii about 'Mi of Siljer.tuid in by Zaclittriah Jordan, bix 63 cents. _ j- Levied on as the property of JohuN. Fall, Lot No. •202}.acres No 253 21st dist 4<ee, given in by 6’ C j 6*',65, and 63,a!lhi the ninth district of fo'rhie'rlv Cminer, tax ICO c. _ j ry now Butts county, the saute being one square 2')2j acres in Crawford county, given in as the pro- j two fraction i. lying on die Waters of (Jcmiilgee party ,of Sarah Hake:, No Ac not known, tax 66 c. I aud including a valuable Fcrnr and containing four j . 1 .‘2>2J acres No 23 1st dist- Carroll, given in by Will- I hundred amfseventy seven and one half acros-k vi-d ; m other toy. i t.fc coarues^ro Ml -»sw; biw Ijtmiba Glover, tux 74 cents. i on'by virtue ofa fi la front the superior court of Buns j 110 “y? "iTroved co ^(puc- 20?} acres in Pike, No &c not known, givcu in by county in fnvor of Wiiiiain Wright, • dwin Van Ant- ''WH. ptbpnefcm Lav:tig l iken -reat^m - }o Jacob .S.Vpwoll, tax 136 c. werp and Andrew G. Butt vs John N. Fall, property A brick building in .Macon given in by Ellis. Shot- j pointed tint by the defendant, well & co. tax $132 Me. | ang‘22 JOSEPIIriUMMERUb,*/*’/- A loitir. the city of Macon given in as the property I ~ POSTPONED riAt.E. . of Joint Murphy, tax 866c. ' ’ 1 Also trill be sold ns etitort, A House and I/it in the city of Macon given in as ! One cart and oxen, also Lot No. .Vicontainlpg 22 a- the property of E L Young &■ co. tax $33 Ol c. Also j cres improved. No. 2!) containing 2 acres, "' n. 32 con- for E L Vqiijqg’s tax, 424 c. ' I tnining 2 acres, one imlfor Lot No. 43ca<t half 2 acres, \ Hau-s and Lot in the. city of Maoon given iuas| all of tho above lots beingof tiie Indian Spring reserve Tb*- [-re: r of i"drgo Glenn, tax $20 CO. < in Butts comity, and one Rifle gnu—levied on its tiie IT) i -r - No 181 17t!i dist 1st see Cherokee, given property of Leambir A. iirwin to rau-ly n li fa front in bv MLn <? Brown. tarfiTcents. ililih inferior c.burt in favor bf Sarah A. W allis admi nistratrix of Mortimer Waliisjdeccascd v- i.eander A. Erwin, property* pointed out by tho defi nilant. _ One negro woman by the name of Kiicl* 4". year- of age. one negro hoy by die mune of Bob 35 year-: old. al.-onogro boy George 21 years ol'ngc—all levied on as the property of I^eander A. .Irwin to atisfy a mortgage fi fa from the superior court of said county in f n or of Erasmus G. Marable vs L.A. iirwin. propu. ty ■minted out in mortgage fi fa. angtt JOSEPH SUMMERLIN’,sh’J. 405 aar >s No 112. 7th dist Marion, given iu by 51. D. Williams, tax ;8fll !)7 c. 202} acres No 32 7th dist Catni>bell, given iu bv J D- Mann, tax 46o e. 403 acres No 116, 9th dist Irwin, given (it by Tho- nvts J MnClesky, tax 2.57 c. , A 40 iten Lot in Chsrokeo No Ac not known, giv en in bv Jonathan Van Wayiisn, tax 74 c. A House and Lot in the city of Macon, given in by George P. 'Vagitnr, tax-735 c. lucres No 551 1st dist 4th sec Chcrokeoi given in i by George Grimes, tax 68 c. . 3 lots in Tiilbot. Nos Ao not knnvn, piveq in bv John Carter, tax ilftfi 81. ■ I A House and Lot in Macon given in by Alexander I Koustoa Shj-riiS* :>alc. r'^ftyN 1 the drstTuesdity in <J I'flliEit him uilt sLP bcsoldiu the town ol Perry liousitnVcuui.ty telwecn tho lawful hours 'of sale All that Lot of Land No 25 in the ninth district ol oimiy—levied on by virtue of two -man Ji -urn die comfort and ctvtveuiepce of ----ii: fla;- ti.-r ;hi;nMY>es tliatxhis i Mile-wiil he i-mnd tin- uio# convnnieii) nod ct^elhlmcs frbrtt eon tii® iptenor tif tins Stute and Darien or Kc4 Yt^k. : To- oogicect ibis hitfi u'iiu Uie nOitli, tiicre are" two rospilar l.inbs- of Psicketi 1 dMiwceil Darien luui New iofk tfl lSaJf ealh eiid otif e eVery vveei; or ol t.-ner, (bo»itles;mtrt«itmt ve.-selsVsb‘\h^r\vidf fair ayiitds the pitssage froin New York to Jlacori rniiy be made iusix or eight'dbys. • ’• ’ ' ’ ■; Tli-re W iil also lie fit least erglit Steamboat- m run reguiariv Imtweeo Darien. Haivkiusvilhvand Mncon. ' -ome'of whlcfi >vdl tftarr tavA or throe tinies a week ; n«i excellent-Inge runs three times a weitk (with the nbobabitreV ofit- rtinniim every day aftertho 1st of Oc tober,} between Dnrieu A- Sav.-ninnl’. and Slteauiboate tnsking , » , ip »»ti-va«e in <-lev 4 b'.honrs, leave tiltuost eve ry other dry. con vevattca by stage twice mid f 8to;uufiont owed-n'vrentr tii-StJ Mary’s anti East Florida, so ftiat traveller- arriving iu D.aVian can have tb^if’choice'’'of proceeding 'tiv^iVipydirertMi'i bv s'ta-- o:-.steam. xi j JOSEPH 8. PAGE. ' * A * \ ' Agent for Proprietors. ,'larieti. Antr 1f)-6;row-8 • Donald, tax $10 76. lOacnsi-- Charoitee. Noitc. noi known, given in ] jj oll ., tml by Wdlium.Bivins, tax 47 e. . ; j fas issuing from a justice’s court of Burke couiuy iu 2i)2} xrtei No 5.4it!l,Pist in Ciyvota. given rt >> | f UVO r of Most-- Mnlkey administrator ol S. T. Uina. Hugh Knox, tax 97c.. ! deceased, aL' aint Artcmas l’oweli and Joint n. Jioral. 252} acres Np 8.) on. M.veon leper?*}, given m . i,. v i P( io,i and returned to uie by a constable. loviph Washbunt. tax §34 83 c- . .. .. x .Ll nir.M. No >71 3d.dist Ist.seqCh .. 2eft c. list Early, given in bv John T iven iu by Win Bone. _ given m by Drury 'rhomilspn, tax *2,50 acres No CD 5th di Porter, tax 96 c. A two acre L'*t in Vtnevillg, wx 42 k. 16ft acres No 1*25 di"t Cherokee, given in by John Moreland, tax 82c. 202} acres in -unit -r. No 14 2Cth dist given in by Martin Simmons, tax -31 c. 150 arras Vo 167 9ih dist 2*1 see Cherokee, given in by William Bacon, tax 13«>e< A Ho :isx and Lo; as t’’e property of.Sums Banlon. c. 25 > acres in!v cn iuty, al-o a house and lot in ’.facon nraparty of Aaiiiu d Moore, tax 963 >•. \ Ho'isa an 1 I/»t in Macon giv.-n in by Wiliiaui Jarvis, tax 425 c. A Mousoan I Lot in Macon given in as the property J Macon givonin bv Williamson ■ahec, given in I of Sol. Smith.'tax 43S 4 llgi«9 md !,ot it Smith, tax 248 c. 43 acres No 453. 3d dist 3d sec Oil by James A McDonald, tos! 53c. 202} acre* in,Jonas No.Jite no; known Isa a* I-Iarvev, tax 8i202l. 160 aerga iq Ch ;rok'*o No &e not known, given as tho prppOftV of Kimb *rly Si Chisiiolin, tax 467 c. -0 acres in Chorakec No &c not known, given it ?! Chisholm, tax 643 c. Lot Ity. 19 iu Ute twi-lfth di-trict of said couny—le vied on by virtue of a fi fit issuing from a justice .- < ou-t of Greene countr in .favor of Grant «k link ag . ns. John Smith, levied utt and returned to.iuv by a consta ble. Lot No. 9) in the tenth district of said county—lev ied on by virtue of a li f.t i/strug from a , tsticeV court of Uwinnct county in iitvor of Alien Clink a- gainst Alexander C. Hamilton, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Lot No. 253 iu die thirteenth district of said county —levied on by virtue ofa fi fa issuing from a justice's court of Campbell iu favor of Wood tc Kolb against Peter Walnce, James Bell and William 8taker, levied on and returned to me h v a constable-. Lot No. 159 in the fifteenth district of said county— levied on hv virtnfc ofa fi fit issuing from Jones supe rior court tit favor of Wadsworth and Langdon indors ees against Anderson S.itierwhite.' Twenty acres of stanJiug corn on the plantation of kiuncr, property pointed out by Mr. rent 1 A360LF.M JOURDAN, T. C. John Killer—levied on by virtue ofa fi fa issuing from | Houston superior court iu favor of Richard Allen a ; gainst Elisha Skit Norwood. • • l I Two negro men, to wit, Warrick about 43 years ‘ • I old anil Sam about 25 years of ace—levied oil by vir- I tiie ofa fi fa issuing from Houston superior court in I favor of Charles P. Gordon - . — . I ccutor of Byrd Ferrell d-ce; One negro in in inmod i’ j and all tha right, |ith* and in AIM O.N ACADE.M V, 32 -0»e negiv wo- phbti Dorcas apd tier two children Aafoti nipl cXaples, . .. all to Ke soldfor llie benefit of the heirs ainl creditors of nn<l the said Alexander B. Tavlor deceased. Teyins cash. ‘ ' 1VM. P,. T ILES. ’ > , , (JAMES M. TAYLOR. rs ’ l feep-1 GUARDIAN’S SALE. held out to interest alone. It is now two'years .-uicl' I- jis.-'-ed ti'ulktiuiiKila earh - application. •E ■-ni, ji,11q ej, , . )y. WJLlli BAU-J tomsgr. «hmA F. J*. » . aeBSrijiiA i : i- ‘j. .&jic n. IT"H A.> i...- -' in.i I,., , H-. 1 -M ® thinr? Utore ol JIr. J„ i'.uh, on MsisJ ltfcOTniune-'fj carry -nu um T. I - at Hn - v.i.O i ■ f an thin -nv; * u'l. : ; I 'l.-iucs.-- J 1. through that part of Georgia, borderiug Aii’Tiitjt 1'jVer,,j with fy'jf Ctist/nif. thauiK u .v. ork »vi,i,,^' ooae ;. when I wps induced to mqiiirc'of tlic' 1 she - no 1h---.ii; ma-r. settlers ( occasionally met, respecting ti;*’ qnaRm- of IK- ha on tiar.d a -dipplj of lira be-i lAifiSiiakit funds and the prospect ol' health. .ft voraidy.impressed with the country, I sclent.-oiuetm;-; in m king a personal examination as to '%,e-\-tPnr'ul' the jSa iaaaMriiMtawMiMi * - -—- turn I advaiitages^v.'hen they shook! be talH_v'llevr!6peil and appreciated, anil I most -ay, uiy oxp'ectntlo'js wi ve liiofu tiian fully realized. I immediately Made soaie. purchases iu Lee county on either side :!ie-FliiiV river, .uho'it. four miles above a place called J1ii(Jqilttfin 4 'IREEABLY loan <)rderof.the InfeiiorCourt iJL flf.M'.uroe county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses: U’ilj qn the First Tuesday jtt January next,, within the legal hours of sale, he sold before the .Court House door in the Town of Forsyth Monroe county, tht* nfigfVtcs belonging to thfe Orphans.of Alexander Leggett deceased; ; Terms made known on the day of Svilc* ANDF.RSON BALDWIN; duartPk. August 20. 9 : iWIEMT tmTliTITs M AS removed hi* office to thoDrutr Sftre of Messrs J*Hj & jWi ft) T 1 , c?- 1 } 01 ' BV enue.. His heiidentA* lent tiie lipn^r dull of-itii street, rirofessionnl call h-ft'.ajleijjy>r ; p)nco.wiiklio promptly and faitlifullv ■SOS 1 3 Jjno.. ctmsisiin CL(> r i US, , Blue, Bjlack. rin aJ Blown, .Clar-t, lim w, fecj l^eiggyoiiv iuced fiiat this was tiie mo: u commercial town, and one that must pa.- ?-s :;i‘- vantages over any other place oil tliis livir. ifMki'k ! central location to a large biidy of rich land Tim ssttxi selecteil, is a beautiful emitiencb of jiine land, aiuliias j i bold bldff tip6n't!ie liver. It-is inmibtlia'teiy upon r the post road from Augusta nnil' tlitr up couitlrV to' 1 Florida’. It ;vili also hare a-titate roial jia'ssing ilirtf, it frogi. Columbus to fit. Marys, besides tntf nmi ron- uc. CASSDIERES,—A gooit rs-or:uicut. A.gpod variety o'.'tlic iie-i qualitv. I’et'-r-liani, and ;i gonipjctu assmtuif-nt of T. ; /LONS. s.\ eligiblesitc-tir-r ! T ;>nare. S< ' !:t!L< “ >b ' " " ! M;^:oii, Op it horn i.ioiumhtis to fft. diorys, besides thtf oumeroiis I .fij . t>-,jjm, ti-iiiWig in'* so a’roo; thoroughfares that will be.'.unde tin-.leery; to cdhi- oriw/P 6 f nfi'ai ;.f V (-avcTTmuio-t hinds. 5.: ’ 63-1—2-1 v M'HOGANY .Leir yfa/r Inf '.jr* 'l\ me X'' C 2 ? « - C< Gil a.-> ; uns at of J.V. f-lsiii scoii aw* •] __ . 4k%e*l The Priiicipids tender their ncfc’irRvhi.jgijie'hti tq the puhhe aiidtoftjc'cifizenso’fMacon, for he ft:,' -roniirc tfibv have be-to- ..fa - -"d t)r. this dcp:ir;nic’ l t ti.e past . • r ^ ‘ !,r " A. they plcdgcthouis-clvos 'is. <«t no exertion on their part -/G’ydov.l' jeW i*il be w.lut:ug to AnkMM Vx3L.iR!^ --titnafin worthy Hm patronage ”U."• V ' :S ~dL~0~ l,! 6n i’»Mibig*iu community,— - The bf <ld oh, with the cabin et of Minerals, I'bilosoplncal fiypirntn*, ndllittmis to the Chunncai Apparatus, .Maps. Sfcc. rncently received, utters advantages b« tiie young ladies of this etttninuni- ,y for a Borough educat o::. equal to any in tho riouth- eru States. , Masiu and Drawing will receive particular attention. THY TA TENT TOR TA BL E BA R i: OfENS. T IIE attenriou of the pnhlic generally is invited to an examination of the above-named article, ft .. p i- an economical; expeditious, and easy mode of exoco -' ( * in B f’l- ha ting all linking ati.l boiling bu-dtn-ss. and wholly In mean* of cos , and of thm hut a small •inntitv is requir ed. ICHABOD B. HOXIE. Agent For H. Nt-TT & ”o. ami J08IAH St. JOHN. This may certify that I havo appointed Mr. Jason Burr iay only true and lawfnl agem. to make ct vend the nhovf named nrticle in the counties of Monroe and l}il>b. and also to sell individual rights. 'Gentlemen who have already subscribed for tbe article will he ne coramodated Bssootf as possible at Jlr. Barr’s establish mem at Macon Gn. I. B. HOXIE. Agent For II. NOTT & Co. and JOSIAFI St. JOHN. .Macon. April 10 1835 43 V'finable Lands far Sale. , . - ,, . • i» . !1 E sn'i-criiier offers for sale his pmsemion bP •.ecturcs onllm sciences ol Chenn.-try. IJornny. Mine- JL. LANDS in the com-.iv oT Butts Mntainilufb- ralogy. Geology, aud Nat I’lulu-ophv. \viit he given bout sixteen hundred acres, with the rise of five lum as cla-es are formed during the year. Term-as here-1 dredneres of open land, tile most of which may be-aid as tofore published, mg 18 8t Macon academy 3*5 ’A3:,23 ITSPA**l TtiiT, 'LSI?. nip }JIENT6 and liiiardianaarercspcctfiiliy inlbrni ! frr-li, and in good order for cultivation, lying cipally on Tu-aliaw creek, on the Maeon road len to be fre-l ding to Covinglnn liy tiie Indian Springs, about ten miles north ol the Springs. On the premises are a cood saw and grist mill, and two cotton gins, which go by Water. Should a sale lie effected witli a view to niunicule with dilli.-reut parts of tiie country. The counties of Lee. Sumter, and Baker, are on Flint river, and abound in the most fertile i.-mds tha! aro- best adapted to tho culture bf cotton and corn. The fate (iflhi Country is IcuM^iie rich lands ly ing on on l in the vicinity of wiilcrMBis which are a) Audiuii | never failing ; the tinilMr iAultemately oak, hfehofV,]' i and pine, wliilo the fir-1 is aVvays upon strong I a no— It— iiiucit bf the pine laud wso, mvifi rate with the be.-1 m j •ieorgia, in regard to as my knowledge I xtend*, it is luit stirpa--,7Wor the. purj»o-e of unviga- tion by scarce anAit tltc State with a small exnyudi- - >; turo to removeiMB temporary obstacles, which thro’’ w tiie wisdom ofmnr tVgislatnre, must soon be olfected. J “ fl’he conlenfiliiteOTaiiroad.tbr which Tiiotnas 6pal chaffer, couiiimniea'.iug with Flint ik Icumlgee rivc%j. \«ll greatly benefit this section'of 'country. It vv%) Jrrfee irom the. Atlantitroffics to those oftlic Gulf of Jlexu o a work tritich needed, both front its commercial ndvan- Maeon. J-iiV 06, W ^2 r; ‘ NOTJ-. E.-LO nf.sepce from tl; * btate. H0t l'JTCII m, . ill Hi'. ■- LEW Is HTrtl t.i .i iiS i FittANRLI-X inpHiei: IL tiigcs and tliaV of gbyernriplnt. This rail roitd has its termination on Flint river, at the point before aliuceti to fora town site. I have entered into bonds with Mr. Spalding, to that effect, that the town will he lam out tiu ring the preaentseu-on, and the lots offered for-a <- as aiinnuucgd iu advertisement ^’rom close observation, I discover, that those who are temperate iu their halms, enjoy ns full a share of health, ns in any other part ofthe country in the same latitude The society is gradually .improving, ami 1 think such inducements are held out, no'h by presejit and future prospects as to authorise an in’vestmeiif which will ccrtainlv yield a largo percent. ALENANL*ER 81IOTWELL Leo countv, Julv 10,1335 £H u-SiVJt ie idUrtk <•! uiC SI citt tin-nil jvi'cralN : in the f md tr 1 it 1*1 it r ol ti.'g. \ liatt;iln-ocl.ce D" 1 - ^ J-and in Bibl) and iloi-.siou cl the 1 im.- I| f **1 attcjid, strictly to all husiiiess cninistfilick'J' Loiters &e. nitj'st led: cctlUf io link an inland communication vi le. I’ula-ki comuv. (.'coigia. apre- TLA DDL I Ali!S i \N M ! | XAM .\ V .-"tii. eyes veiir oi Jiny^-agt. a u: and sandy hai ; ofa.'.e; vveisla: Uie liana hroagli: froin X. : -peculator, aid! !,; when 1..: Miotihi vorilig in pas.- pli a frei easily delected if qucstio:: The above reward will with informaiiou to tiu get him again. ■tie I '6-tf-S 7i. tht plSnluHib ol J**** 1 n Mm ii,c i may ; uiatto boy., quilt-1 , .,.la v y r, Mippo-i (i to te kU«: -• •' ii'g b- :\v( ■ ft JI 1 aJ/ri H J ty K.or t uX-vCi*. Jl -. Carol.n:. a Jew years p*< i n tl.ri i.aiitd d’t 1 '* 1 - 1 " btht-vtd ft-* 1 hot; butU"^ V- paid for In- 3 Pl' r . p ti"'' 11 ‘‘ her m- • JOHN !1. -MI)-?' ", ExrtfJt£ TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. 7"ILL be sold at public sale, on the loth*Dcce her next. 250 TOWN LOTS, us parficulai ed in preamble sale, to commence on the premises, which time condition- will be made kim > ;i in- ALEXANDER S1IOTWELL. July 10 183,5 Stolen from her’ lot. near U'wUDavis’t*®^^ on the nupi I John Fletcher ex- ged FOR REN .iTuesn Jnte alt. nil that Lot and 6t ' j citpancy of Tay lo ! and interest of the occupied by I and Dwelling lion rner of Sec- Isaac D. Newton. Store is j ry in *nid county • •' for busi- iod on by virtue o : iifj court of Hou*ton c \V. Fort indorsee a o Jf m m I Ca t years, Patten iu iu the oc r right, title >at I.ot >:b ! .(*. • b- ■< ipaucyofDr. ie town of Per- diown—all lev in the -upi-iior »vor of Robert ou. Department, is again open fur the give posscs.-i m the next vear. tht . i .a a. n\i ,,, I - • ..,,1 »!...• it.-. . I . ■ ..' .... . I I L . #• * * m • — onner ir is known he iu favor of this school a liberal share of public pat ronage. P. M’I\ i’i'RI Ait rust 4th. 1836. 6 • J6 . Houses for Safe or Rent. I)ne or two small HOTJS ES for Sale or bun. Inquire at this oflire. ang 17 !&?'>» T. C. £«• <J s?.-' -A ' N ITAVI'Vti Ipcated at Clinton, for tho practice of i I7f)R O t T Tp id d M -diciue. respectfully Under' hi# profi •-ionul -x?ar'- it,, , . * ,* .? J * . ■;-r\ices to the citizens of Jones and the ad'accat couu- jV« ..- mid LoJ in the cilvol I: 17 •* . J..7H. rwer. and fronting on Fourth streo ' I settee imply to C. '5. Cole F.sq. F. iNJiS FO R S. / L E. I fTTHE .subscribers will sell ,-t the -mile time a: OL place, eight VAL ! 'A I5LT PLANTATION | all situated not far distant f rom the foregoing de^erio, Lot*. One of about 2000 acres..directly opposite, ! which is embracod the fiir famed Philitnii Lands.(pi imp* die bc-t in the State.) The remaining' numb I cot,tain many ofthe crcaln lands ofthe count!v. COOKE A COWLES. ALEX W DER SIIOT5VELL. , Julv 10 163.5 (i tf • read leadia? mi’s Terry to Macon, 0,1 : ' : tho, 1 itbtu-si.Mlia i IIA\ A!A:« ■ ib> « hich i-'. a- well as can he recollected,as v. as a: if e : me taki u in tobr !■ - Maze in her forehead, blind in l;cr rtgI - ii o-;lv iu riding, lunps n her right Inti;' !l ‘' in cens. lire of • -paviu. ai .1 i- : ' '3 or 13 y ( yr» old. Am int'ci'"!' 'imi erilied timimd \vijl be thankfully received 5?. ^.; , JACOB* [iOLLARS K f NN~‘\ ANA WAY from tit 1 *. near tiie In my ab- TIIK subscriber retnov- d Ids olfico to the room ov- i Ch sop GEORGE M. DUNCAN, shff. i rfW AS re SJ S A Martin’s Store, 1ft thoicorner of Second -treets. (Hr24 36 ciiables j. McDonald ROBERT COLEMAN. d Hydropic Medicine for sale J. lb & XV. 3. ELLIS. flST HE effects ofthe late firm of Kimberly &. Chi ll holm having be n turned over to the subscriber, ■ the same are put into the bands of E. D. Tracy and G. Wood Ksqrs. for adjustment. Those having sottlc- mentsto make will therefore call on those gentlemen for the purpose, as no other person has any right to - give discharges nr receive balances. ANSON KIMBERLY. Mactrn, MATT^l-’b 6trip 50 hi i ID year*, gro is about 4 feet t> 1 small eyerv .way in pi -I - n: ii: :lit o ch -hen « Icr. j cs 1 '-; in The oh' ■. aril aiuwu m 1 ' ike -id - -OPiMA AiNN Ei v ‘